"FortiFlora" for cats: method of application and dosage

In veterinary medicine, the food additive “FortiFlora” for cats is used when it is necessary to normalize the functioning of the digestive system, disturbances of which are caused by infectious agents, stressful situations, taking antibacterial drugs and other factors. This probiotic (not to be confused with a prebiotic) is in great demand among animal breeders, because it has a completely natural structure, due to which it is well tolerated and has low toxicity. But, despite this, before giving your pet FortiFlora, you must consult a veterinarian and read the instructions for use.

About the drug

Forti Flora is a probiotic food supplement prescribed by veterinarians to restore the intestinal microflora of cats. The causes of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract are:

  • stress;
  • changes in the animal's diet;
  • past infectious diseases;
  • helminthiasis;
  • taking antibiotics.

Manufacturer: Purina Nestle. This drug is part of the manufacturer’s line of medicinal feeds and is produced in the form of a powder with live bacteria in capsules, ensuring their vital functions.

When purchasing a product, it is important to check the expiration dates and clarify the storage conditions of the drug . Storage of Fortiflora at temperatures above 25C0, as well as in conditions of high humidity, is not allowed.

When deciding how to give fortiflora to cats in powder (by sprinkling it into food or voluntarily and forcibly pouring it into the mouth), you should take into account that an open sachet should not be stored for more than a day.

It has a pleasant taste and smell for animals.

The drug is packaged in 1 g sachet. Can be sold in packs of 30 pieces or individually. Before use, be sure to read the instructions printed on the back of the package and on the separate insert sheet.

The composition of the drug includes:

  • live bacteria (Enterococcus faecium strain);
  • meat and offal;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • yeast;
  • taurine

Storage conditions

The quality of the dietary supplement depends on compliance with storage conditions. Dry and dark places with a temperature no higher than 25 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 50% are suitable for this purpose. Otherwise, the contents of the package may be damaged. The manufacturer strongly advises paying attention to the production date of Fortiflora. The maximum shelf life is 3 years. Keep the packaging away from children.

Fortiflora for cats reviews from owners and veterinarians confirm the effectiveness of the dietary supplement. This is the best assistant for restoring gastrointestinal functions in a pet.

Probiotics for Cats - english

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Benefits of Fortiflora for cats

The advantages of the drug are:

  • No addiction.
  • The drug can be used for a long period.
  • Efficiency.
  • Safety. Does not contain harmful components and toxins, which allows the drug to be prescribed to small kittens.
  • Convenient packaging. As a general rule, 1 sachet is intended for 1 dose.
  • Presence of meat components. The drug is attractive to the animal and cats usually take it with pleasure.
  • Ease of use. The drug does not need to be diluted with water, observing the proportions. The powder is added to the feed and mixed with it.
  • Speed ​​of action. The first results are noticeable already 2-3 days after taking the drug.

How does Fortiflora work?

When they enter the animal's gastrointestinal tract, bifidobacteria are released from the capsules and begin to displace pathogenic bacteria , restoring intestinal function. Then, after about a month, they leave the animal's body. This time is enough for your own bifidobacteria and lactobacilli to be activated.

Fortiflora has the following effects:

  • the animal’s body’s resistance to pathogenic microorganisms increases;
  • metabolism improves;
  • the appetite of a weakened animal increases;
  • the process of food digestion improves;
  • stool is normalized;
  • the absorption of nutrients by the intestine improves;
  • the manifestation of allergic reactions is reduced;
  • the condition of the animal's fur and skin improves.

Description, composition and release form

The drug "FortiFlora" is a unique nutritional supplement to the daily diet of pets . It has earned credibility among cat and dog breeders thanks to its probiotic components, which maintain resistance to gastric juice and promote the synthesis of antimicrobial substances.

Did you know? Archaeologists during excavations in Cyprus made a sensational discovery that completely erased the centuries-old beliefs of scientists that cats were domesticated by the Egyptians about 5 thousand years ago. It turned out that the oldest domesticated cat is about 9.5 thousand years old. Its fragments were found in one of the graves of the Mediterranean island


With regular consumption of such a substance, the animal’s immunity improves, the alkaline-acid balance is normalized and the risks of intestinal diseases are reduced.

"FortiFlora" contains protein , 15% fat, 9% crude ash, 0.5% fiber, taurine, vitamins C and E, zinc, selenium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, which are essential for healthy development of cats. The main active ingredient of the drug is the probiotic Enterococcus faecium SF 68 (E 1705). Its components adhere to the walls of the digestive tract and absorb pathogenic bacteria. Some time after eating this supplement, peroxide, bacteriocins and organic acids, which have an antimicrobial effect, predominate in the blood of animals.

The peculiarity of the probiotic substance lies in its microencapsulated structure, which doubles the effect on pathogenic microorganisms and promotes the rapid absorption of other beneficial substances.

Did you know? Ancient Egyptian peoples, when their pet cat died, shaved their eyebrows and held a funeral. The ritual included loudly mourning the animal, drinking wine and beating one's chest. After that, the embalmed body was placed in the family crypt, and mummified mice were brought to it.


Manufacturers exclude the possibility of the probiotic being absorbed on the way to the stomach. Its maximum benefit to the animal is guaranteed by a special protective film, which will dissolve only when exposed to gastric juice.

You can purchase the FortiFlora nutritional supplement at any veterinary pharmacy. Often this is a light powder, packaged in 1 gram quantities in sealed bags. There are 30 of them in a cardboard package. When purchasing, be careful and beware of counterfeits. The authentic product belongs to the French.

Indications for use of Fortiflor

The drug is prescribed by veterinarians for the treatment of:

  • gastroenteritis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • diarrhea;
  • other pathologies in which the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.

For the purpose of prevention, Fortiflora is prescribed for:

  • moving;
  • visiting exhibitions and competitions;
  • transportation;

Often, drugs with bifidobacteria are prescribed when treating an animal in combination with antibiotics, anthelmintics and other drugs that can affect the activity of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

When changing food, the animal also has problems with stool, and the administration of bifidobacteria can smooth out this period of restructuring of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fortiflora can be prescribed when changing food

The reason for starting to take the drug may be the rehabilitation period of exhausted and weakened animals . Good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is the key to a speedy recovery for your pet due to good absorption of nutrients and increased immunity.

Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract can be caused by a stressful situation , for example, when kittens are separated from a cat. In this case, Fortiflora for cats is also prescribed.

How to give to kittens and the specifics of using the drug in children should be clarified by the supervising veterinarian. Below are general recommendations from doctors, according to the manufacturer's instructions.


Victoria: When our beautiful Vasilina fell ill, the veterinarian prescribed a course of antibiotics. Fortunately, the cat managed to recover, but the doctor pointed out that the gastrointestinal tract was suffering greatly from antibiotics, so we were prescribed a course of fortiflora. A package of 30 sachets costs more than 1,600 rubles in our city, which is a lot of money. And we only need 14 bags, so we didn’t want to pay for a full package. But my husband was able to find this food additive on the Internet, and the very next day 14 bags of fortiflora were delivered to our home. I would like to note that after 2 weeks of use the cat’s appetite improved, so I am sure that fortiflora helps cats. No adverse reactions were observed. Using the product is extremely simple, since you just need to pour the powder into a portion of food.

Ilya: After the operation, the doctor prescribed my cat a diet consisting only of healthy foods. Such measures had to be taken because the intestinal microflora was greatly damaged by long-term therapy with various drugs. After 3-4 days I had to go to the veterinary clinic again because Musya could not go to the toilet. The veterinarian advised to give the pet an enema, and then start giving Fortiflor powder. It was supposed to not only normalize stupas, but also restore the functioning of the digestive system. A month-long course not only helped restore the cat’s previous appetite and activity, but also had a beneficial effect on the coat. Since now it does not fall out, and has also become thicker. Well, at least it seems so to me. I can recommend Fortiflora to all cat owners, but just remember to consult a specialist before use!

Fortiflora for cats: how to give

Since the manufacturer did not indicate the recommended time for taking the drug, Fortiflora can be given during any feeding period of the animal .

Important! When feeding an animal with natural food, it must be taken into account that at high temperatures, living bacteria die. As a result, the drug will lose effectiveness. The maximum permissible temperature for heating products should not exceed 380C.

The powder has a meaty smell and taste , so animals eat it willingly. If for any reason the cat refuses to take the medicine voluntarily, it can be fed the drug voluntarily and forcibly.

To do this, you can mix the powder with a small amount of water or milk (if you are not lactose intolerant) and pour small portions onto the root of the tongue with a syringe without a needle.

Fortiflora dosage regimen for cats

Fortiflora for cats: how to give to adult cats

According to the instructions, 1 packet of powder is mixed with a portion of soft or dry food. The weight of the animal does not matter. You need to mix the powder with food immediately before feeding.

The duration of treatment is individual and will vary in each specific case.

When treating diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disorders, the drug is used until symptoms disappear completely.

If Fortiflora is prescribed for preventive purposes, for example, when moving or before an exhibition, then the drug should be given 3 days before the expected event and for 3 days after it.

Contraindications for taking Fortiflora

The drug is prescribed to adult cats, during pregnancy and lactation, and to kittens.

A contraindication for taking the drug is individual intolerance to the components.

Probiotics generally do not cause allergic reactions. However, if you notice allergic itching in your pet, skin rashes or increased diarrhea, you need to stop taking the drug and see a veterinarian . In this case, the animal is prescribed symptomatic treatment and the negative effects quickly disappear.

Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FortiFlora NC for Cats and Kittens


Feed supplement for cats and kittens to help maintain microflora balance and intestinal health


  • Gastroenteritis and diarrhea accompanied by dysbacteriosis
  • Diarrhea due to stress, antibiotic therapy or food changes
  • Acute enteritis
  • Poor stool quality in kittens

Contraindications: cats with specific food allergies

A healthy digestive system is one of the most important guarantees of excellent health, well-being and longevity of your four-legged friend, because it ensures the timely supply of nutrients, vitamins and minerals to the body necessary for the normal functioning of all internal organs and systems. Therefore, if you notice that the cat is experiencing obvious difficulties with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, suffering from stomach upsets, bouts of vomiting, constant loose stools and flatulence, immediately take the necessary measures. Firstly, change your usual diet with one designed specifically for delicate digestion, and secondly, introduce medicinal feed additives into the menu that help normalize the digestive process.

One of the best assistants in maintaining the health of the gastrointestinal tract today is Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets FortiFlora NC Feed Supplement for Cats and Kittens. This is a high-quality product developed by Purina veterinarians and nutritionists, taking into account all the physiological features of the predator, it is made only from the most useful and easily digestible ingredients, includes yeast, a complex of vitamins and natural prebiotics - special substances that help restore healthy intestinal microflora after illness or food poisoning. The main component of the supplement is viable bacteria of the unique strain SF68, which have a delicate and gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract, effectively preventing and eliminating digestive disorders. These prebiotics are covered with a special shell, thanks to which they are delivered safely and directly directly to the intestines, where they are used for restoration work. The product is absolutely safe for the health of the body, it can be given to adult pets, small kittens or nursing pets - such a universal drug simply must be in the veterinary medicine cabinet of every caring owner!

Key Benefits of Purina FortiFlora
Guaranteed concentration of viable bacteria of the unique strain SF68 (minimum 5×108 CFU/g)
Reliably normalizes intestinal activity and the balance of intestinal microflora
Significantly improves immune status parameters

Among other things, the supplement is also very easy to feed - it has a pleasant taste and does not cause disgust or negative emotions in the tails. You can give it to your animal with both dry and wet food: just add the contents of the bag to their usual food and invite your pupil to try the improved dish. You'll see that the entire daily portion will be eaten with appetite in a matter of seconds! If you want to take care of the health and longevity of your pet, do not waste a minute and quickly press the “buy” button: you will spend only a few minutes placing an order, and you will soon be able to pick up the goods at the nearest branch of one of the transport companies to you Russia. If you live in Moscow or the Moscow region, you don’t even have to leave your home to receive your purchase: the courier will promptly deliver it right to your doorstep.

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