The cat wakes you up early in the morning - 5 reasons for the animal’s unpleasant behavior

Some furry owners complain that their beloved pet has a habit of waking everyone up early in the morning. All this to beg for food or get a dose of affection. As a result, every day in the morning you can hear stomping, creaking doors, and the scratching of claws on door frames in the house. There are also other signs of activity. Early in the morning the animal begins to beg for food, meow almost in the ear, and climb on the bed. The owner has to get up to feed his animal. But this is wrong - the cat should wait until everyone wakes up, pays attention to it and feeds it. How to wean a cat from this behavior?

What to do and how to wean a cat?

Violence and punishment will not help solve the problem, but will only nullify all efforts and aggravate the situation.
To eliminate the problem, you must first find out what worries kittens and adults in the morning, and, if possible, eliminate the influence of this factor. Experts categorically do not recommend putting your pet down forcibly or locking him in another room, since such actions will not correct the situation, but will only worsen its course. An ineffective method of weaning a cat from waking up in the morning is the use of physical or any other punishment. If your pet wants to eat, then you should review the feeding schedule and feed it late in the evening. The problem may be associated with insufficient communication between the cat and the owner. Representatives of the feline family love care and attention, so before going to bed it is recommended to lie down with the cat for a while, pet it and chat.

If, after regular contact with the animal, satisfying hunger and other needs, the cat continues to wake up the owner in the morning, then it is worth taking a closer look at his behavior during the daytime. If your pet behaves restlessly during the day, meows and moves little, then perhaps the problem lies in the disease. In this case, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian, who will identify the pathological process and select the necessary treatment.

How to satisfy a cat during heat?

How to calm a cat during heat?

  1. First of all, remember, NO CONTRA-SEX, SEX BARRIERS, ETC. ...
  2. - Distract your cat
    with games. ...
  3. - Reduce the amount of food. ...
  4. - Classical music. ...
  5. — Try pheromones, for example, Feliway. ...
  6. - Homeopathy. ...
  7. - Sedatives. ...
  8. - Induces ovulation.

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Why are they doing that?

No, not in order to piss off a person and laugh evilly in your dark cat soul.
Cats are nocturnal predators who sleep during the day, saving energy. At night they are alert and ready for adventure. Naturally, during eight hours of wakefulness, the cat will get hungry and will go to the food source - a person. There is a small nuance. If a cat is accustomed to receiving food at will (it will be given as it asks), then it will not care what a person does when it feels hungry. An animal accustomed to receiving food on a schedule will most likely wait until the owner wakes up.

If your cat has never woken you up in the morning before and suddenly insists on attention at four in the morning, listen to your pet. Perhaps something happened in the house or the animal is unwell.

Treatment options

Therapeutic methods for the problem are selected based on the general clinical picture and the final diagnosis.

Know! To do this, you need to visit a number of specialists and pass a list of tests. Self-medication in this case can lead to serious complications.

General approach

If you are sure that the problem was not caused by any serious internal disorders , you can use the following algorithm, which will allow you to get rid of swelling in a short time:

  • take diuretics . It is best to choose natural ingredients, such as lingonberries or bearberry;
  • take antihistamines . An example is suprastin. This measure will help alleviate the condition if the disease was caused by an allergy;
  • Apply a cold compress to your eyes.

If after a series of procedures your condition does not return to normal within 24 hours or, on the contrary, worsens, you should visit a specialist who will determine the exact cause.


Note! Drug treatment is prescribed based on the general diagnosis. These may be the following types of medications:

  • antihistamines;
  • diuretics;
  • drugs to normalize kidney function;
  • hormonal agents;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibiotics.

If you need to get rid of swelling in a short time, you can resort to special ointments .

Despite the fact that the remedies listed below are not intended for such a purpose, they nevertheless have an almost immediate effect.

Symptoms accompanying dry mouth

In the absence of saliva, the body is unprotected, and therefore “attracts” many accompanying symptoms. Dry mouth is accompanied by: Thirst, a person cannot get drunk;

Feeling of “sticking together” of the tongue, gums and palate;

Bad breath;

The appearance of cracks and sores on the lips;

Tooth decay;

Difficulty swallowing food and water. The throat feels closed and hurts;

Irritation on the tongue;

Loss of taste in food;


With a constant lack of saliva, the digestive system begins to suffer, teeth and gums suffer, and problems with the ears and nasopharynx begin. At this time, it is dangerous to move along the street without a mask, as there is a high risk of catching any infection.

If you have dry mouth, the reasons may be natural.

Functions of saliva in the body

Xerostomia is a condition when the salivary glands stop producing enough saliva. This physiological fluid performs certain tasks in the mouth:

  • wetting and softening pieces of food;
  • fight against viruses and bacteria;
  • lubricating the throat for smooth swallowing of food;
  • maintaining the correct biological environment in the mouth;
  • protecting teeth from caries.

Without the protective function of saliva, it is easier for a person to get infectious diseases.


  • Food

In the early morning hours, your home is probably quiet, but your cat's food bowl probably isn't filled with food. The moment your cat comes alive in the morning, she will most likely make her way to her food.

© shutterstock

If you're lucky, he'll wait a few minutes. But if he doesn't eat soon, he will express his opinion on the matter by entering your room and meowing continuously. He may also jump on your bed, pat you with his paw, and generally go out of his way to irritate you into getting you to get up and feed him.

  • Attention

No matter how long you sleep, your cat does not interact unless you have other animals in his sleep pattern. This means that your cat hides around your house all night without being petted, held or talked to.

The morning will come, he is bored, and he is probably tired of silence. Cats that want attention rather than food will usually stay close to you when you're awake, rub against your leg, and show little interest in their food bowl.

  • External animals

When the sun rises, so do other animals, including birds and squirrels. Some cats are content to sit on your windowsill and watch the feathered and furry animals running around outside. Others are a little more playful, slapping their paws on the window, meowing and chasing the morning creatures from one side of the window to the other.

© shutterstock

Cat owl - grief in the family

You may have seen a funny cartoon about Simon the cat, which shows all the brightest features of our harmful, but so beloved cats. One of the most popular cartoons depicts the morning scene of owner Simon waking up. Moreover, it all begins with a gentle poke of the cat’s nose, and ends with a blow to the head with a bat.

Of course, the picture is a little exaggerated, but if you analyze the forums of cat owners and their numerous complaints, it becomes a little uncomfortable. Pets go to great lengths to get their owners out of bed... they run their claws on the glass, bite the face, arms and legs, pee on the pillow, and this is not the end of the list. All these strange manipulations are performed with only one purpose - to get the owner out of bed early in the morning or even at night.

Are your child's eyes swollen after sleep?

The causes of swelling of the eyelids in children after sleep are not much different from the causes that cause the problem in adults .

If swelling occurs frequently and can last for several days, it is important to show the child to a specialist.

It is worth noting! The exception is newborn children. Their eyelids may look quite swollen in the first week after birth, but this will normalize over the next month.

The reason for screaming is boredom and loneliness

A pet, accustomed to sleeping in bed next to its adored owner, will experience great disappointment when it finds itself outside its cozy “den.” If the owner decides to accustom the kitten to a personal bed, then this should be done very gradually, first by installing a house, hammock or basket in the bedroom. The process of luring a cat to the bed also contains several secrets, including the use of:

  • treats that guarantee long-lasting chewing pleasure (for example, chewing sticks, a piece of meat with cartilage, or a whole sea fish);
  • favorite toys;
  • catnip.

And only after time has passed, when the pet has learned to sleep alone, the bed can be taken outside the bedroom.

Loneliness. The most striking manifestation of irrepressible screams of a psychological nature is the period when a lonely pet remains locked in an apartment. This happens when the owner:

  • goes to work;
  • goes on a business trip;
  • ends up in the hospital;
  • is delayed in absence for one reason or another.

Separation is especially difficult for small kittens that need constant attention, and affectionate, affectionate animals with a strong emotional connection with the owner.

What to do. To alleviate stress, felinologists recommend purchasing effective entertainment for the mustachioed-striped cat with which he could entertain himself while his owner is away, namely:

  • bouncing balls, auto-winding mice, interactive toys;
  • chewing sticks;
  • automatic feeders that release several tidbits after a certain period of time;
  • cat play complexes;
  • indoor aquarium with live fish or its imitation.

Diseases that cause dry mouth

In some pathologies, severe dry mouth can be a symptom, in others it accompanies the course of the disease.

Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity

With inflammation of the gums or dental diseases, the amount of saliva may decrease due to greater fluid consumption for chewing food. The same situation occurs with a bad prosthesis. The salivary glands simply do not have time to replenish their reserves.


Excess weight is accompanied by metabolic disorders. If you are always thirsty and your throat is “dry”, and trips to the refrigerator are becoming more and more frequent, you should check your blood sugar level and make an appointment with an endocrinologist.

“Dry mouth and thirst are the first signs of diabetes.”

Especially if the above symptoms are accompanied by repeated visits to the toilet at night.


Infectious diseases are often accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea accompanied by fever. Losing a large amount of fluid causes dry mouth, which, usually, in this condition, few people pay attention to. However, this cannot be ignored. With severe intoxication, fluid loss is an additional risk factor, so the patient needs to drink a lot. Water removes toxins from the body and replenishes fluid deficiency.

Endocrine diseases

Some endocrine diseases may be accompanied by a decrease in the amount of saliva produced, for example, thyroid dysfunction. In women, dry mouth may be associated with pregnancy or menopause.

Xerostomia in autoimmune diseases

With autoimmune diseases, a person’s defenses fail and they attack their own body. This damages the entire system. The second name for these diseases is systemic.

As a striking example, consider Sjögren's syndrome. The disease affects the salivary glands, causing dry mouth and difficulty swallowing. The oral mucosa becomes bright pink.

Xerostomia in diseases of the brain and nervous system

During a stroke, partial death of brain cells occurs; it is difficult to predict which functions will be affected. Dryness of the oral mucosa can also occur with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease, pathologies of the trigeminal nerve and circulatory system.

Gastrointestinal tract and dry mouth: what diseases require an appointment with a gastroenterologist

Particularly noteworthy are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Xerostomia is not one of the symptoms of these diseases, but may accompany them:

  • A stomach ulcer, as a result of smoking or drinking alcohol, is necessarily accompanied by dry mouth.
  • Gastritis, acquired through dietary abuse or as a result of stress, also does not exist without this symptom.
  • Acute pancreatitis is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, resulting in dehydration and its symptom – xerostomia.

Gastrointestinal diseases should not be joked about, so you need to visit a gastroenterologist and start treatment.

Acute pathologies requiring hospitalization

Acute pathologies, in addition to severe pain, also cause dry mouth. Appendicitis and intestinal obstruction, as well as perforation of the ulcer, require urgent surgical intervention.

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