Review of the best hotels for animals in Rostov-on-Don in 2022

Pets have long become full members of families. They have their own corner, toys, daily routine and even food preferences. The idyll can be destroyed if the owner urgently needs to leave home for several days. It is not always possible to take a pet with you, so a dilemma arises: where to place the animal? Should you ask your neighbor or best friend to feed and walk the animal?

A pet may not accept a stranger, especially if that person has little experience communicating with animals. There is a chance that your pet will need medical attention. To play it safe, it is best to place the animal in a special hotel. The main thing is to choose the establishment wisely, and not resort to the services of the first pet hotel you come across. In Rostov-on-Don there are both budget and VIP hotels that satisfy the needs of the most demanding owners.

Option #1: Leave the cat under the supervision of neighbors, friends or relatives

The winner of the competition for the right to visit your furry friend is the most honest, reliable and responsible neighbor, and he was given the keys to your apartment. Perhaps he will even take your cat to his home.

Take the time to write a note with care instructions, the phone number of a veterinary clinic or doctor, the name of food and litter, leave recommendations for feeding, cleaning trays and some money just in case.
If Donut is left alone, then ask a friend to look after him at least every other day, or better yet, more often. V Free
V Cat in a familiar environment with people you trust

X Unforeseen circumstances (the neighbor left urgently, the cat got sick, etc.)

X We need to strain our acquaintances

Option #2: Leave the cat alone

It is very sad. Do not do it this way. You don’t want your cat to freak out after a week of being locked up and start taking revenge on the sofas, wallpaper and turtle.

You should not leave a cat in splendid isolation for more than two days. You decide. But no matter how long you leave, an apartment for the animal must be prepared.

Only dry food is suitable for feeding a cat in the absence of its owners. You need to pour it 2-3 times more than usual, based on the number of days of departure. It's better to fill several bowls with food and drink. We double the number of trays. In hot weather, it would be a good idea to place basins of water around the apartment.

Make sure that the doors to the food and tray do not close, fix their position with improvised objects. It is better to remove fragile items from shelves. The windows need to be closed, leaving a crack for air, but not completely curtained. For the most sentimental: put a couple of worn things with the smell of the owners in places where the cat usually sleeps. You can leave the radio on - a human voice will help the cat not feel lonely.

V Free

V No need to strain your friends

X The cat is stressed, his contempt cannot be redeemed even by “Sheba” from the advertisement

X The turtle and your favorite sofa can no longer be returned

Shelter for homeless and domestic cats

A cat shelter is a place, cage, enclosure or room where many homeless animals are kept. The goal of the shelter is to cure, release and find new owners for animals. The following rules apply to the placement of animals:

  • keep sick individuals separate from healthy ones;
  • keep kittens separately from adults;
  • keep females and males in different cages;
  • nursing cats and kittens, as well as pregnant women, should be placed separately from other animals;
  • isolate aggressive animals to another room.

An animal entering the shelter is first registered: the breed, gender, approximate age and condition of the animal are recorded. Before placing a new stray cat in a room with healthy individuals in cages, it is necessary to show it to a veterinarian. Get appropriate vaccinations, sterilization or castration, and dehyllitisation. Only after all these procedures and a two-week quarantine can the animal be placed in the common room.

Premises and rooms for cats must have fences. Each cage or enclosure should not be less than 0.8 sq.m. Where the animal is located, you need bedding, a bowl of clean water and food, and a tray with filler.

Walking stray animals is not necessary, but highly desirable. You can equip the place of stay in such a way that from one part of the room the animals go directly to the street. It is best to limit the space for walking and cover it with a net. The same goes for the ceiling: it needs to be covered with a net so that cats don’t run away during a walk.

All rooms in the shelter can be divided into several types:

  • quarantine zone - the cat is placed in it for two weeks from the moment of arrival at the shelter;
  • hospital area – multi-level cages for keeping animals after quarantine;
  • treatment room – designed for medical tests, injections and IVs. And also for washing and grooming pets;
  • for various needs - pantry - designed for storing food, litter, napkins, etc.

Also, the shelter usually has several vehicles on its property for transporting homeless animals. Vehicles usually include the name of the shelter and a contact phone number. Each machine contains the following special equipment:

  • metal cages;
  • carrying;
  • ladder;
  • leash or harness;
  • cat traps (safe);
  • equipment – ​​axe, shovel, various tools;
  • first aid kit.

Car drivers are trained specialists who know and can provide first aid to injured animals. In emergency cases, the animal is transported to a veterinary clinic immediately.

Depending on its size, a shelter can house several dozen abandoned stray animals. The actions of the shelter are legal and legally confirmed. All remittances, donations and rewards are recorded by the accountant and shown in the weekly and quarterly balance sheet.

Option #3: Hire a petsitter

In Russia, finding a good nanny for a cat is not so easy. Domestic petsitters for the most part specialize in dogs, and cat care services are offered by ad sites - “Avito”, “Iz ruk v ruk”, etc.

Few trust private owners, so it is better to look for a petsitter based on the recommendations of a veterinarian or familiar cat owners. If you still decide to use the services of a nanny based on an advertisement, do not forget to write down her passport details, enter into at least a written agreement with the petsitter, exchange contacts, addresses and agree on regular communication and photo or video reports. Yes, and hand over the memo you prepared for your neighbor, who was unexpectedly going on a business trip to Greenland.

It would be a good idea to install a webcam or DVR in your apartment. Then you can watch your pet and monitor the actions of the cat nanny.

V Your cat is looked after by a professional cat specialist

X Expensive

X Beware, scammers

"Nanny" for a pet

If you do not want to give your pet to a hotel or for foster care in someone else’s home, then you can use the services of a so-called “dog nanny.” Most often, such a nanny is ordered by those who do not have time to walk their dog on time, for example, due to being busy at work or due to illness.

But you can agree that such a person will come to your home during your vacation to feed the pet and walk with it if necessary.

Of course, it is better if you agree on this with good friends whom you trust, but if this is not possible, then you need to choose the right company that will provide this service.

What is most important when choosing? How to avoid troubles upon return, for example, missing valuables?

First of all, carefully study the company’s website (canine training centers most often do this), find out how long it has been in existence, read reviews on the Internet. A website made “in haste” should alert you.

Secondly, demand the conclusion of an agreement, carefully study it before signing. Copy down the passport details of the employee who will come to you.

Put all valuables in a safe, or better yet, give them to your close relatives or friends for safekeeping. As a last resort, you can make an inventory of the most expensive items that will remain in the apartment and ask the visiting employee to sign it, or at least take a photo or video of them. It is better to lock free rooms with a key.

Warn your neighbors that a stranger will be coming to your place, so that, on the one hand, curious grandmothers do not call the police unnecessarily, and on the other hand, keep an eye on the situation just in case.

Option #4: Send the cat to a pet hotel

This is the most acceptable paid option. After concluding a service agreement, the pet hotel bears legal and financial responsibility for the pet. Good hotels discuss everything on the contract pages, from the length of stay to the menu and daily routine of the pet.

What distinguishes a strong player in the animal-hotel services market is the presence of a full-time veterinarian. Also, decent pet owners will agree to provide regular photo and video reports about the pet’s stay or organize communication via webcam.

The price list of hotels usually offers rooms of several categories, for example standard, studio, junior suite, suite. The rooms differ in size, number of rooms, equipment, presence of a window or terrace for walking.

If you have time, it is better to go to the hotel in advance and check the living conditions. When visiting a hotel, you should pay attention to the reliability of the bolts, the cleanliness of the premises, and the presence of cracks and loopholes.

Most likely, the room will provide beds and scratching posts. For about 50 rubles a day, a cat will be fed regular Whiskas or Kiteket, but for elite food you will have to pay 2-3 times more. Therefore, it is better to bring food yourself: the usual delicacy may not be in the hotel’s assortment.

V The cat is under the constant supervision of professionals who are responsible for it

V If necessary, the animal will be examined by a veterinarian

V No need to strain your friends

X Most expensive option

X Adaptation of the cat will take longer than in other options

Types and criteria for choosing pet hotels

A few years ago, pet hotels did not exist as separate establishments. There were only shelters at clubs where only dogs were accepted. Today you can find a pet hotel in which there is room for both four-legged and feathered pets, as well as guinea pigs and hamsters.

The zoo hotel comes in the following types:

  • private, which is opened by people associated with animals at work, or breeders of certain breeds. A dogsitter may also turn out to be a random person who simply loves to tinker with pets;
  • at veterinary clinics where animals are kept in postoperative rooms. This kind of foster care is more suitable for an emergency, since proper conditions have not been created for long-term stay of pets;
  • specialized with a walking area, houses and other amenities. Pet owners enter into a formal contract that outlines the responsibilities and rights of both parties.

When choosing a place to temporarily stay for a pet, you should familiarize yourself with several options in advance. If this is a dogsitter, it is better to choose a professional who has extensive experience. Because he knows what to expect and is ready for difficulties. Ideally, the dog sitter is a breeder of a specific breed of dog or cat. He knows all the characteristics and habits of the animal and will be able to take proper care of it.

When choosing a private foster care facility, it is important to clarify where exactly the pets will be kept. Typically, dog sitters take pets into their home, so several dogs and cats end up together in a small area. For an animal experiencing stress from separation from its owner, this is not the best place.

Therefore, when giving your dog to a dog sitter, it is recommended to choose a specialist who will have no more than 3 pets under his care. Then each of them will have proper care and enough time for walks. Do not forget that due to a change of place of residence, the pet may begin to chew furniture or ignore the tray. There is a high probability that, in order to avoid trouble, the animal will be placed in a cage, which not every owner will like. Such nuances need to be discussed in advance.

What owners need to know

Some hotels only accept cats or dogs of a specific breed, while there are mixed hotels that cater to all animals. Once you have decided what type of establishment your pet will feel comfortable in, you should visit it.

When choosing overexposure, you should contact the hotel status. It should work all the time, and not just in the summer or during the New Year holidays. People offering dog sitter services during the holiday season often have no legal status and are not held accountable for their actions. There is a high probability that an animal left in the care of a random person will return to its owner sick and/or emaciated. Therefore, it is recommended to check the availability of a Certificate of Registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. This will reduce the risk of running into scammers or people hoping for easy money.

When looking for a hotel for animals, it is important to pay attention to the premises. It must be heated, have running water, be dry and clean. If dogs are kept in enclosures, then the wooden elements must be varnished or painted, and the floors must be covered with removable flooring. At the same time, no one canceled walking for dogs, and enclosures for cats should be spacious.

If the pet hotel values ​​its reputation, it will never accept an animal without a veterinary passport and marks of annual preventive vaccination. It is ideal when there is a veterinarian on staff who is constantly with the animals.

Some hotels have their own transport, on which the animal will be brought to the hotel and delivered back home. Pet taxi is one of the services that increases the popularity of the establishment.

You should be wary if the organization’s employees try in every possible way to dissuade you from inspecting the nursery and becoming familiar with the conditions of detention. Most likely, the management has something to hide, unsanitary conditions, for example. Pet hotels that are too inexpensive usually skimp on food or staff.

When inspecting the hotel, you should talk to the staff and observe the pets already living there. It would be good to find and talk to animal owners who have already stayed at the hotel. If they are regular customers or have been to the hotel more than once, then this is a good sign.

You should discuss your pet’s diet in advance. Typically, in standard pet hotels, animals are fed prepared (dry) food. If the list of services includes feeding food from natural products, then the establishment must have its own kitchen. In this case, you should familiarize yourself with the menu and agree on making changes if the animal needs special nutrition or something is strictly prohibited. Some hotels accept animals with food that they are used to.

When choosing a hotel based on price, you should avoid going too low. For 100 rubles a day, no one will give an animal super-class food! To get an idea of ​​how much an overexposure costs on average, you need to compare the prices of several hotels. The high price is justified if the animal is cared for conscientiously and around the clock.

Some pet hotels practice a “guest day” - when a pet can be brought for a few hours or a day. During this time, the animal gets to know the people who will take care of it, the other guests, and the environment. Thanks to a “guest day,” the pet will experience less stress due to separation from its owner, because it will know that they will come back for it.

Living rodents in pet hotels is somewhat different from keeping dogs and cats. Guinea pigs, hamsters, rats and rabbits also need to be healthy and clean. They are usually delivered to the hotel in their cages or, at the request of the owners, the cage can be rented for an additional fee. You must bring the following items with your pets:

  • feed;
  • feeder and sawdust;
  • sawdust and its substitute;
  • toys, hammock.

Large birds are kept under the same conditions. Usually the payment for accommodation includes the day of arrival and departure. The cost of fostering small animals, such as chinchillas and rats, costs from 100 rubles per day. Ferrets cost a little more - from 150 rubles. in a day.

Small birds are also accepted into hotels, but temporary foster care for them will have to be sought longer in Rostov-on-Don.

When thinking about how to choose temporary foster care, you should ask your friends or look for information on specialized websites. There they publish reviews and conditions for keeping animals, descriptions of services, and photos of past guests. Popular pet hotels maintain pages on social networks. They take into account the likes and dislikes of pets and try to create ideal conditions for pets, as similar as possible to those to which they are accustomed.

Conclusion of an agreement

An organization or dogsitter that takes its business seriously enters into an agreement with a client. The officially drawn up document indicates not only the details of both parties, but also the following information:

  • things that stay with the animal;
  • accommodations;
  • list of actions in case of pet illness;
  • diet (even the favorite menu is indicated if the animal does not eat regular food).

When moving in, you should make sure that the room has been cleaned and disinfected since the previous occupant. The bowl, toys and bedding provided by the pet hotel must be disposable. It is better to check first whether they are provided at all. If not, then you need to bring everything you need from home. If there are familiar objects with its scent nearby, it will be easier for the pet to endure separation while the owner is on vacation.


A good hotel will always ask for the animal’s veterinary passport with vaccination records and procedures against fleas and ticks. Serious pet hotels do not accept sick or pregnant animals, which is verified during a mandatory veterinary examination upon check-in.

In a hotel, the cat will be more comfortable with things from home: a bowl, tray, toys, favorite blanket and pillow. The main thing is not to overdo it; it’s unlikely that anyone will agree to install a cat’s favorite chair in the enclosure.

The first foster care is always stressful for the animal. If a cat returns home emaciated and unsociable, this does not mean that it was abused and underfed.

Rules that must not be forgotten

When leaving your cat with strangers, be sure to provide him with food, a familiar tray, toys, and a house. Ideally, the place where the animal will be kept should be inspected in advance, paying attention to cleanliness and the presence of screens on the windows.

Provide the person who will look after the cat with all the information about your pet’s health and habits. Try to always be in touch.

So, finding a reliable person to whom you can entrust the care of your cat using the service is simple, safe and fast. The pig loves animals!


TOP 4 pet hotels in Moscow

Cat's Dream Hotel is the largest hotel near Moscow, opened in 2004

A specialized pet hotel is located in the village of Rusavkino-Romanovo near the city of Zheleznodorozhny and accepts only cats for foster care. The hotel is located in three buildings, operates all year round, and has its own heating and water supply system. The air in the rooms is purified every 45 minutes using photocatalytic filters.

Price from 370 rub/day
Transfer There is
Minimum length of stay 7 days
Room decoration tile
Disinfection steam generator

Gankhor or Zoohotel is the first hotel for cats and dogs in Moscow, operating since 1995

A universal hotel for animals with extensive experience, convenient location within the city. The pet hotel appeared on the site of a former kennel for service dogs, far from residential buildings. Of the 40 hotel rooms, only 16 are rented out to cats, while cats and dogs are isolated and can only occasionally observe each other from their enclosures.

Cats have a one-room suite with an area of ​​1 sq.m. and 2 meters high with multi-tiered shelves and scratching posts, or two-room apartments twice as large. All enclosures have an individual lighting and heating system.

Price from 600 rub/day
Transfer There is
Minimum length of stay 5 days
Room decoration plastic panels
Disinfection cleaning + quartzing

ZooKhutor is a specialized hotel for cats in Odintsovo, operating since 2005

The hotel has three categories of rooms for cats: standard, junior suite and suite. Each enclosure has a cat house, scratching post, tray, food bowls and toys. The hotel does not accept unneutered cats over 1 year old, but can accommodate cats with allergies. If necessary, veterinary care will be provided by a doctor from the Asvet veterinary clinic in Odintsovo.

Price from 600 rub/day
Transfer No
Minimum length of stay 5 days
Room decoration lining
Disinfection steam generator + chlorinated solution

Sir Cat is a specialized hotel for cats, operating since 2014

The hotel for animals is located in Moscow in a protected area of ​​the business center, where access control is in effect. There is the possibility of individual video surveillance and communication with the cat nurse via WhatsApp.

Price from 580 rub/day
Transfer There is
Minimum length of stay any
Room decoration glass
Disinfection quartzization
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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