Raising naughty kids: how to punish a cat, regardless of age, correctly

Domestic cats are complex, highly organized creatures, with which problems can often arise due to a person’s lack of understanding of her reactions to various actions. To improve the quality of life not only for cats, but also for humans, you need to understand what conditions are preferable for a pet, their social organization, their habits - how they take food and water, use the toilet. Knowing the habits of an animal will help a person understand how to punish a cat and whether it needs to be done in a given situation. There are several common features that are characteristic of all cats.

A cat by nature is a hunter. Over the course of evolution, cats have developed the physical and behavioral characteristics they need to hunt. The natural rhythms of the animal are adapted to the time of day when its main prey - small animals and birds - are most vulnerable - at dawn and at sunset. At this time, cats are most active, and activity is also higher in spring and summer.

A person needs to understand the habits and habits of a cat

The cat is a territorial animal. The area considered by the cat to be its own is a space in which there are resources necessary for survival and which must be protected. Therefore, many cats do not get along well with other cats, not only in the same house, but sometimes even in neighboring ones. When its boundaries are violated, the animal experiences a strong sense of danger, which can lead to both aggression and, conversely, an attempt to hide. Cats mark their territory in various ways - by rubbing against objects, leaving scratches or markings with urine.

Cats have a developed sense of smell; they are exposed to smells and sounds that are inaccessible to humans. They use scents, along with their keen sense of smell, as a means of communicating with each other, defining territory boundaries, and to keep other cats at a distance. Cats create scent marks that make them feel more confident. When they are calm and do not feel threatened, glands on their faces are used for marking. If the cat is unsure of its safety, then it may begin to use stronger signs by spraying urine.

Cats are very attentive, they have skills that allow them to react to danger with lightning speed, avoid it, noticing the probable source of danger. Cats can be bothered by sounds and smells that are common to humans, mostly new and unexpected ones. An animal can very quickly go on the attack if they are disturbed or unexpectedly frightened by a sudden movement or sound.

Cats react very quickly to danger

Cats generally fit well into human life. However, it happens that an animal cannot adapt well to new conditions, which sometimes causes problems. When under stress for a long time, a cat's behavior may show changes such as refusal of the litter box, fearfulness, or aggression. These reactions are part of their natural behavior, but do not always fit into human expectations from pets.

Methods of punishment

Sometimes there are times when it is a shame to punish a cat, but this is necessary for “pedagogical” purposes. You need to remember one thing: if you can do without punishment, do so. A bad mood and irritation are not a reason to take it out on a cat; it is not to blame for anything. Punishments for a pet can be as follows: a stream of water or air, a loud sound, a menacing tone, boycotting the cat, reluctance to talk to or caress it.


One of the most effective ways to punish a cat is to spray it with water from a spray bottle. Most cats do not like to get wet, and splashes of cold water and a sudden sound from the sprayer will frighten the animal.

Spray your cat's face several times if she scratches furniture or tries to steal food from the table. It will be unpleasant for the pet, but it will not cause harm to health and will not injure the psyche. As a rule, a few repetitions are enough for the cat to learn the cause-and-effect relationship and the necessary rules of behavior.

Spray your cat with water if she does something bad.

Use intonation

Many breeders advise using a reprimanding tone, which should be used to pronounce the words “impossible” and “bad”. But the words must be supported by a certain action, otherwise the cat will not perceive them. Therefore, it is recommended to lightly click the cat on the nose and move your index finger in front of the muzzle, repeating “no.” The effect will be good, since cats do not like being manipulated in front of their eyes.

Another effective punishment would be a threatening tone, supported by the faintest click or light tapping of a finger on the nose or forehead.

Cats are excellent at distinguishing voice notes and understanding the emotions of their owner. Therefore, in most cases, a strict reprimand is enough to explain the rules of behavior to your pet.

A menacing tone needs to be backed up with actions.

Frightening loud sounds

Cats don't like loud noises. But this does not mean that you need to shout at her; screaming will not help.

During a crime, you can clap your hands loudly, slam your hand on the table, or drop a bunch of keys.

Other methods

Ignoring. Immediately after the offense, do not pay attention to the cat for a while, do not even look at it, no matter how much it caresses you. This is a very strong measure of influence. If a cat can associate a change in the owner’s behavior with its own specific action, then it will have a serious motive not to repeat it.

Traps are an indirect deterrent to cats. Their advantage is that the animal does not associate the trap with a person. For example, you can place an unstable tray on the edge of the table, and when the cat jumps on it, the tray will fall with a crash. You can also place light tin cans on a table, window sill or shelf so that when a cat jumps, it will definitely bump into something. Then she will have nowhere to put her paws, or she will drop something, making an unexpected sound.

Audacity second happiness

Unpleasant smells and tastes can be used to stop your cat from damaging furniture, chewing wires and leaves of indoor plants. It is enough to spray these items with a vinegar solution or purchase a special repellent.

Fighting boredom. Often, behavioral disorders are associated with the fact that the cat has nothing to do in the absence of the owner. To prevent your cat from damaging the furniture out of boredom, purchase a scratching post and appropriate toys for it. Communicate more with your cat, take time for games and affection, then she will behave better and be more willing to follow the rules of behavior.

Use intonation

The only thing we could recommend to you in case you need to convey your displeasure to the cat at any cost is a quiet but stern voice. Cats don’t know words, but they perfectly recognize intonation, and if you call him by name, the cat will realize that you are unhappy with him. Whether this will become a serious argument for him is another question.

In order to stop the cat right at the moment when he is about to misbehave, you can also imitate the sounds with which his mother cat reproaches the kitten: clicking the tongue and (in serious situations) hissing. These sounds have been familiar to the cat since childhood, and unlike the above unwanted types of punishment, the cat understands their meaning, so they will not cause the animal either stress or retaliatory aggression, but will trigger instinctive reactions that it developed in childhood.

Crime and Punishment

It is important to know how to properly punish a cat so that it understands why it received the punishment. Punishments against a cat should be applied immediately after committing a “crime” if you managed to catch it red-handed. Otherwise, the animal simply will not understand why he received the beating.

How to punish a cat if she shits

Cats are very clean animals and in most cases there are no problems with toilet training. If a small kitten makes puddles and piles in the corners, you need to act as quickly as possible, since in childhood it is much easier to accustom the animal to the tray.

It is easier to litter train a small kitten than an adult cat.

Before punishing an adult cat for pooping in the wrong place, you need to understand the reasons for this behavior.

If a previously clean cat suddenly begins to go to the toilet past the tray, or its posture changes when urinating or defecating, then this may indicate health problems, in which case it should be taken to a veterinarian for examination.

The cat may be unhappy with the tray and litter. The tray should be cleaned daily and placed in a quiet, calm, easily accessible place. You can try changing the litter; perhaps the cat doesn’t like the smell.

A cat may experience stress caused by noise, sudden changes in surroundings, or strangers. To reduce stress, you need to show more attention to the cat and play with it more.

If there are several animals in the house, there may be a fight for territory. Cats begin to mark their territory when they feel threatened. If a cat has enough food, water and attention, she feels safe and will not have the desire to poop.

It is common for all cats to mark their territory when they reach puberty. There are many reasons why cats start marking: stress, the appearance of a new animal, fear of someone in the family, the desire to attract cats. The only solution for owners in this situation is castration of the cat.

In cases where the reasons for bad behavior are psychological, you need to remember an important feature of cats - they perceive the world through smells. If a cat went to the toilet in a certain place, it will return there and go again because it will be attracted to that place by the smell. Therefore, it is best to wash the places where the cat has pooped with special products that fight off the cat’s odor; you can also use essential oils.

How to punish a cat for aggression

It happens that cats behave aggressively towards other people or animals, this can become a problem and the question arises of how to punish the cat for its aggression. The reasons that cause aggression can be stress, anxiety, health problems, and hormonal changes. First, you need to consult a veterinarian and if the cat is completely healthy, then you should identify irritants that cause aggression.

If a cat is allowed to do whatever she wants, play with her hands, “hunt” for her feet, play aggression may arise. In order to avoid this, you need to prevent aggression during the game, immediately stop it with a slap on the back of the nose. You can also take the cat by the scruff of the neck and shake it slightly.

Don't play with your hands with your cat

Aggression can be caused by pain or fear. Excited, embarrassed or fearful cats should be handled with care. The factor causing their aggression should be eliminated, isolated and left alone for a while.

Some cats are trained to behave aggressively to keep a situation under control, and this can result in directed aggression. For example, having scratched a child or a dog, she understands that in this way she can get rid of their company and henceforth the cat will strive to attack for no apparent reason. Do not allow this type of aggression to occur and stop it at the very beginning. You can spray the cat with water from a spray bottle, or you can take the cat by the scruff of the neck and shake it slightly.

During petting from a person, a cat will experience conflicting feelings - growing excitement often turns into irritation, and the cat bites the person stroking it, so-called “irritable aggression” occurs. Don't unexpectedly touch a sleeping cat, make sure she's awake first. Don't allow yourself to pet or caress your cat for too long.

In uncastrated and unsterilized cats, a hormonal surge may occur, the animal begins to rage and become angry. The solution to the problem may be castration and sterilization, but this must be done before the first year of life.

Unneutered cats experience hormonal changes that can cause aggression

Aggression can also occur in cats that have become mothers. Their instinct to protect their offspring awakens. In this case, the cat cannot be punished and it is worth providing comfortable living conditions for it and the kittens.

How to stop a cat from chewing wires

Most often, small kittens chew wires, but adult cats can also sin with this act. They are driven by curiosity, problems with teeth and gums, lack of vitamins and minerals, lack of toys and outdoor activities. Cats play with wires hanging from the table with the same pleasure as with strings and ribbons.

The question arises - how to punish and wean a cat or kitten from gnawing wires. The first thing you need to remember is to never scream, much less hit an animal. If a kitten or adult cat shows interest in the wires, say “no” in a stern voice, pick it up and carry it away from the object of interest.

Many cats love to chew on wires.

To prevent your cat from being tempted to chew the wires, you need to take the following measures:

  • Remove wires as much as possible into boxes and other special devices. If you cannot remove it, you need to secure the wires so that they are motionless.
  • Turn wires into an unattractive object. Traditional methods can help with this - wrap the wires in foil, wipe with a vinegar solution or spread with mustard. But the right decision would be to use special products that are sold in veterinary pharmacies.
  • Pay attention to the animal's nutrition. Consult your veterinarian and supplement your diet with essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Keep your pet busy with play. Build or buy a play complex, give them more toys.

The cat will be delighted with the play complex

Basic Skills

Below you can familiarize yourself with the features of teaching cats basic skills.

Command “Come to me!” - a simple way to force a four-legged friend to come to the owner at the first call. To train him to this command, you will need to use your pet’s favorite treats. When inviting your cat to its favorite food, you need to remain calm

It is very important to pronounce the pet’s nickname (for example, “Come to me, Barsik”). In the first days, the kitten is unlikely to come on its own

He will need to be brought to the bowl of treats, saying the command “Come to me!” Soon the pet will be able to associate the command with receiving its favorite treat and will independently come when called. From now on, you can call the kitten to you in any other circumstances, without forgetting to reward the animal with tasty food or a piece of meat. It is also important to praise your pet and stroke it affectionately. The Bengals and the British learn this command fairly quickly. Command "Stop!" - a very important skill that can save a four-legged friend in situations where he is in danger. At the beginning of the exercises, the bent arm will serve as a barrier for the cat. As soon as the kitten begins to move on its own initiative, you need to bend your arm, blocking its path, and say “Stop, Barsik!” In case of obedience, the animal should be rewarded with its favorite treat. If the cat runs further, it is recommended to start the exercise over again. In order for the furry purr to master the “Stop!” command, it will take a lot of hard training. It is especially important to study the command when the cat is about to visit the street. The command “Sit!” allows you to limit your pet’s physical activity for a short period of time. During training, the team must position themselves at the same level as the animal (on the floor). At the moment when the kitten begins to sit down, you should give the command “Sit!” As soon as the animal sits down, you need to reward it with your favorite treat. If the furry purr does not want to sit down, you can lightly press on the rump and hold it in a sitting position until you receive a treat.

Note! Representatives of the Abyssinian and Bengal breeds, with appropriate training, can fetch light objects

Correcting bad behavior

Changing the behavior of a cat is like taming a tiger: you need to work on it day after day, slowly and gradually, changing the natural behavior of the animal in a way that suits both the cat and the person.

Analyzing the reasons for bad behavior

In most cases, behavioral disturbances in cats are natural responses to environmental stimuli and do not mean that the cat is aggressive or vindictive. For example, one of the common problems is that a cat shits in the wrong litter box, this problem is caused by a lot of reasons, but not revenge - it is not typical for cats. A cat may refuse to go to the usual litter box just because it is simply dirty, due to stress after a change of environment, or due to inflammation of the urinary tract.

The next most common complaint from owners is the cat's aggressive behavior. It is necessary to distinguish between the types of aggression in cats, to prevent the causes of their occurrence and to stop them from an early age. In severe and advanced cases, you should consult a veterinarian and undergo drug therapy. Since all forms of aggression in cats can have dangerous consequences, in some cases, for example, if the aggression is associated with brain diseases or congenital malformations, it is necessary to decide to euthanize the animal.

The reasons for bad behavior can be stress, lack of socialization, boredom or negative life experiences. Therefore, before dealing with behavior that does not suit the owner, you should establish the reason that led to the consolidation of the bad habit. It is worth taking a close look at your cat’s behavior to find out and understand when and in what situations it commits inappropriate acts.

Before punishing, you need to identify the reasons for bad behavior

Rules for punishing cats

When punishing a cat, you need to follow certain rules:

  • Never punish a cat with your hands. It is better to take a newspaper or a towel and swing at the animal, pretend that you want to hit, but not hit. Something pleasant should be associated with a cat's hands.
  • Punishment must be timely and follow immediately after the offense.
  • The punishment must be sincere. Sometimes, when a cat is caught in the act of a crime or behaves badly, but very funny, the owner is touched and “reprimands” her through laughter. The animal feels human emotions very subtly and will perceive punishment as praise rather than as a prohibition, and in the future it will be very difficult to wean it from a bad habit.
  • Punishment must be inevitable. The inevitability of punishment must be observed by all family members. If, for example, the father scolds the cat for stealing, and the mother feels sorry for her and acts in her own way, then in the absence of family members, the cat will continue to steal from the table.
  • The principle of minimum punishment. If the cat understands shouting or clapping your hands, limit yourself to this.

Punish your pet correctly to avoid psychological problems

There should be as few prohibitions in the house as possible, but they should be very strict. Owners need to understand what is required from a cat and build the educational process on this. For example, many people do not like it when a cat is in the bedroom and gets into the bed, while others enjoy this behavior. Some people throw pieces from the plate to the cat during lunch, while others feed them only by the hour and in a specially designated place.

There are a lot of norms of behavior and they all depend on the person.

Raising kittens

When a kitten appears in the house, the first thing you need to do is give it time to get used to its new environment.
Like any small child, the animal will be mischievous. The owner's goal is not to punish for mischief, but to educate. Pets do not understand the reasons why they are punished. The generally accepted rules by which people live are impossible for them to understand

That is why it is important to immediately accustom the kitten to the tray, scratching post and show the place where the food is.

Breeders recommend adopting kittens at the age of 2-3 months. During this period, the baby, following the example of the mother cat, learns the rules of communication with people and behavior in the house.

To prevent peeling of wallpaper, you should buy a scratching post. And show by your own example how to use it.

For every correct action, pet and praise the kitten. Having remembered the praise, the animal will definitely want to repeat it. As a rule, the process of raising kittens goes quickly.

For every correct action, pet and praise the kitten

The worst thing for a cat is to fly into the air

You think it's funny to throw and catch a cat. However, his instinct of self-preservation makes him think about danger and at this moment he experiences real stress. If you don't want revenge from the cat, don't throw it up.

A cat’s paw performs various functions: from washing to protection, and it is also placed on another, showing dominance. The cat treats you as an equal, and if you don’t want to be scratched, don’t touch the cat’s paws again.

Neither a dog nor a cat can tell you what scares and irritates them. And your responsibility, as the owner, is to respond promptly and correctly to the signs that your pet gives you. Respect your pet, and he will only make you happy.


Another reason why hitting a cat is absolutely forbidden is its vulnerability. Namely

Cats are small and their bodies are fragile; if we do not calculate our strength, we can injure them.

Under no circumstances should you hit a cat on the head - this will cause a concussion with all the attendant negative consequences. You also need to be careful with the area where the spine meets the tail. For a cat, this is a very sensitive area, similar to our solar plexus - there are many nerve endings located there

Hitting this place means causing very severe pain. Take care of your pet's mental health - if a cat is frightened and beaten, it will get used to living in constant fear. This will cause many problems that are very similar to human ones. Scientists have proven that animals can also experience post-traumatic disorders, they can suffer from depression or panic attacks. But, unlike people, cats have no one to help them cope.

How to properly punish a kitten

Animal psychologists distinguish several types of aggression. Understanding a cat's behavior strategy will help you understand how to properly punish and educate it. There are 3 varieties:

  • Defensive. If you want to take away a toy, offer a treat in return.
  • Maternal. The kitten, a girl, copies the behavior of an adult cat: creates a “nest” and protects the “offspring.”
  • Aggressive. The owner himself often encourages an attack in the game, then the cat asserts itself.

Punishing a cat correctly means stopping in time. As practice shows: first the owner turns a blind eye to the pranks, then in anger he throws or hits the kitten, sometimes damaging the paws and spine.

If you notice incorrect behavior, start training immediately. Otherwise, the “action-punishment” connection is lost, and the kitten begins to fear the owner.

How to explain to a child why you should not hit an animal

Some children at a certain age exhibit some aggressive behavior towards our little brothers. This in no way indicates that the child is depraved or has a bad character. It’s just that a period of personal development has come in his life. He is trying to prove to himself and others that he has some weight in the world. And this proof is most often expressed in tangibly changing something in him through his actions. Throwing cups and plates off the table quickly gets boring, the little man moves on to animate objects.

Subconsciously, the child chooses for his experiments creatures that are weaker and cannot, in his understanding, respond well. So poor cats come across the path of these brats, forced to endure the domination of a person who has just come out of diapers. Parents are required to take some measures and explain to their child why cats should not be hit. After all, this self-affirmation can turn into a habit and, over time, spread to people. And on the other hand, not every cat will tolerate beating. Even well-deserved ones, let alone just like that.

The best lesson for a child, of course, would be some response from the offended animal. But cats, unfortunately, do not know how to lightly spank. If they scratch or bite, it is with all their might. And here the task of parents is to explain why they should not touch animals, not so much for humane reasons as for fear for the well-being of their own children. Probably not all mothers know that cats aim to scratch specifically in the eye. In their opinion, this is the most vulnerable place.

There are several options to influence a child's behavior. Which one to choose depends on each specific case. For some children, it is enough to explain how painful the cat is, that she is crying and offended. That she might die if she thought the child didn't love her. For three-year-old children, who have not yet experienced our cruel world, this option is very effective. They are compassionate and kind by nature.

If the child is too aggressive and sometimes received punishment for mischief, then in this case there is nothing left but to intimidate with the most suitable argument from the parents’ point of view. If a schoolboy beats animals, then talking here is useless. Most likely, he is simulating the behavioral algorithm adopted in his family. And you can’t do it without a child psychologist.

Man by nature is obliged to be humane towards weaker creatures. And the question of why cats should not be beaten is not even worth raising. One popular wisdom says: anyone can offend the weak, but only the weak can want to offend the weak. And we in our world should not be weak. Otherwise, there will always be someone weaker who will offend us.

Solving health problems

Let's say that before your cat always willingly used the tray and litter, and there have been no changes in her life recently.
What then? It is best to take your pet to a doctor. Cats very often communicate their pain to us in this way. Get tested, check your internal organs using an ultrasound. Sometimes urination on upholstered furniture is a consequence of urolithiasis: it hurts the cat to urinate, and he looks for a softer place, in the hope that this will ease his suffering. But only timely treatment can alleviate them, so do not waste time raising the cat, but run to the veterinary clinic.

Another possible reason for bowel movements everywhere is helminthic infestation. Do not neglect regular preventive administration of anthelmintic drugs!

What can't you do?

In order for the pet to understand and assimilate the rules that its owners force it to follow, it is necessary to correctly approach the punishment for cat misconduct:

  • Under no circumstances should you play or pet a kitten immediately after being scolded. The animal will not understand what the owner wants to say with this gesture. If you behave this way, your pet will become afraid and avoid people.
  • There is no point in punishing an animal if the offense was committed a long time ago. That is, a person who noticed a plate broken by a kitten only a week after the incident should not scold his pet. The animal has long forgotten about this incident, so the punishment will be perceived as something undeserved, and the owner will become an enemy.
  • You can't hit cats too hard. Any physical impact will cause physical or psychological harm to the pet. Also, do not spank the kitten on the head, neck and back - there are nerve endings in this area, and a blow will cause severe pain. If your pet does not understand facial expressions, gestures and intonation, then you can lightly pat its face with your finger - this way the cat will understand that it has done something forbidden, and the owner will not cause it pain or injury.
  • There is no need to scold your cat if he tore up the furniture in the place where the claw sharpener used to be. He performs the action intuitively. In this case, you need to return the scratching post to its original place or try to show the animal a new place. Punishment in this case is senseless and cruel.

It is important to remember that a kitten is capable of doing something accidentally or unconsciously. There is no need to try to harm or hurt the animal.

The cat must be punished in such a way that it understands both its action and the person’s attitude towards this offense. Otherwise, the pet will be afraid and distrustful of the owner for a very long time.

Most cat owners note that these animals are completely devoid of guilt. They do not know how to adapt to their owners and rather live not with them, but next to them. In this article we will tell you how to properly raise these willful animals and why you should not hit cats.

Why does a cat do something punishable?

An animal that has committed some bad act does not always understand what it has done. Most often, cats play or look for a comfortable place. For example, if a pet climbs onto new furniture, then it seems comfortable to him. In such cases, the cat cannot be punished. It is advisable to buy her a special soft bed or lay a blanket on the sofa so that it remains in its original form longer.

The same can be said about broken dishes, souvenirs, vases - for a pet this is a game. He sees how the fragments fly in different directions, and this arouses interest. Breaking and breaking household items is common for small kittens.

The animal tears wallpaper, furniture and carpets with its claws - a sign that it urgently needs a scratching post. If it is not there, then there is no point in scolding the cat - the owner is to blame. And if there is, then it either does not suit the pet, or he does not understand its purpose. In such cases, it is necessary to show the kitten the place where the claw sharpener is located.

Be sure to encourage the animal if it does everything correctly - pet it, scratch it behind the ear, treat it with delicious food.

Reasons for disobedience in mustaches

Despite the fact that many scientific and behavioral studies have been conducted, people still cannot fully understand the psychological relationship between a pet and a person. Meanwhile, for a comfortable coexistence, it is important to understand the language of your pet and know the reason for his actions. This is easy for some owners, more difficult for others.

Often there are completely reasonable explanations for bad actions. For example, if a furry dog ​​urinates on the carpet, then he is most likely expressing dissatisfaction with the new filler, the arrival of a new family member, or the rearrangement of furniture in the room.

Stealing tasty morsels from the owner's table usually does not contain negativity on the part of the fluffy. This is just a purely physiological desire to eat. Torn furniture upholstery or scratched wallpaper can be a consequence of inattention on the part of a person or family members.

In general, the cause of disobedience can be determined through short-term or long-term observations. No one knows a cat better than the owner - and it is he who sooner or later guesses the reason behind all her actions.

Be consistent

Sometimes a cat's behavior is dictated by banal bad manners. A cat is a beast driven by instincts. By the way, he does not consider the apartment to be people’s territory at all, it belongs to him. You cannot explain to a cat that the owner is the one who brings the money and prepares the food. But sometimes a person himself acts inconsistently in raising a kitten, and then is surprised by its lack of culture.

It’s stupid, for example, to lure a cat today by playing with your hair, and tomorrow to scold him for jumping on your head for no apparent reason. At first they encouraged him! Yes, your mood was different on different days and the circumstances were slightly different, and the cat’s actions were not so aggressive. You can find a lot of differences - they are obvious to you, but not to the cat. For him, everything needs to be clearly sorted out and, if an action is undesirable, it should not be encouraged under any circumstances.

First understand your behavior and reactions, sometimes unconscious, and only then take on your pet.

How to stop a cat from shitting in the wrong place

Owners obviously do not bring cats into the house for the purpose of running around with floor rags and wiping up foul-smelling puddles left anywhere. It is imperative to stop a cat from crapping: the peace of mind in the house and the comfortable coexistence of the family with the furry pet depend on it.

Furry pets can go to the toilet in flower pots, under and on the bed, on the carpet and in new shoes. A little more, and the apartment will become a cat's litter box...

When a cat shits in the wrong place, and does it with enviable consistency, any owner can lose his nerve. But you shouldn’t immediately scold the guilty purr, but take a closer look at the animal’s behavior and understand the reasons for the wet crime.

When it is necessary

If you are still ripe for punishment, you need to clearly define when it will be carried out. The decision depends on the circumstances and whether you are doing what is right for your pet. It is forbidden to “raise” a cat if you do not fulfill the following conditions well:

  • Providing sufficient food;
  • Providing warmth and comfort;
  • Caring for cleanliness and health, timely visits to the veterinarian;
  • Confidence that the cat is safe;
  • Showing love and providing toys so that the cat can play and sharpen its claws enough.

If at least one point is not fully finalized, the cat simply asks for help. But if you do everything correctly, then move on to choosing the so-called punishment. First of all, remember that a cat is not a person, and he needs special ways to prove that he is doing wrong.

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