The smell of cat litter: how to remove this aroma from the apartment?

Cats are capable of bringing a lot of positive emotions to their owners with their cozy purring, devotion and good disposition, but there is one “but” - they are neutralized by the animal’s instinct to mark its territory, leaving stinking puddles on the fluffy parquet carpet, on clothes and shoes. The smell of cat “marks” is extremely difficult to get rid of. The fact is that it is impossible to get rid of it with ordinary detergents, even the most expensive and advertised ones; you need heavy artillery - a mix of folk recipes and chemicals. When used correctly, they give excellent results, especially if they are supplemented with psychotherapy sessions for the pet - strict scaring with weaning, as well as castration and sterilization. Drastic methods will rid your home of stinking puddles and marks, but they are only suitable for those who are satisfied with an docile and calm companion, into whom your tailed bully will turn after the operation.

What should you absolutely not do?

Cat marks are a serious problem, faced by many owners of domestic uncastrated cats and unsterilized cats, whose desire to mark their territory is inherent in nature itself. If you catch your pet at the “crime scene,” it is strictly not recommended to poke its muzzle into the puddle you just made, and even more so, you should not beat the animal. This will cause unnecessary aggression and fear in the cat, but will not help solve the existing problem.

There is no need to try to mask the smell remaining after the cat’s “mark” with deodorants or air fresheners, since it will return later. To eliminate the unpleasant “aroma” of acid from a cat’s urine, it is necessary to break down the uric acid crystals, which can only be done with the help of special means. They do not dissolve in water and alcohol.

It is strictly not recommended to use bleach and chlorine-containing preparations to remove cat marks. They will not help neutralize the smell, and can seriously harm your pet’s sense of smell.

Products that remove cat urine odor

Before cleaning up traces of the “crime,” you need to understand the reason for the persistent smell.

Chemical composition of urine:

  • Uric (uric) acid is the main “enemy”. The substance dries quickly, crystallizes, and is not soluble in water, so it is difficult to get rid of. Only solutions with an acidic environment help: for example, acetic, citric acid.
  • Urochrome is a substance that is responsible for the persistent yellow color. It washes well with natural soap - laundry or glycerin.
  • Urea - adds stickiness, can be easily removed with plain water.

The unpleasant odor of uric acid can be masked with aromatic fragrances. But as soon as moisture gets on the acid crystals, it will begin to smell fragrant with renewed vigor.

Five options for effective folk remedies

People have been keeping cats since time immemorial and therefore have long been taught to deal with the unpleasant odor that pets leave when marking their territory. Traces of this will help eliminate:

  • Solution with laundry soap. To prepare it, pre-cut soap must be poured with boiling water. Simply foam it up, apply it to the smelly stain and wait about an hour, then rinse thoroughly.
  • Acetic acid. Blot the mark with dry wipes, apply a mixture of vinegar and water to the remaining mark, leave for 30-40 minutes and rinse.
  • Lemon. Cats do not like the natural citrus aroma, so lemon will be a sure way to deal with the tricks of your pets. Wash the smelly stain with a solution of laundry soap, and then squeeze out the juice from the lemon, dilute it with water and apply to the mark.
  • Iodine solution. To prepare it, add 20 drops of iodine to a liter of water and soak the resulting solution on traces of cat tricks, the unpleasant odor will be eliminated.
  • Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. This home remedy removes stink marks quickly and efficiently. Fill the detected stain with dry soda and let it dry, while in the meantime prepare a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide at a ratio of 1:1, add 2-3 drops of dishwashing detergent to it, stir thoroughly, pour on top of the soda, wait 20 minutes and wash it off.

The above folk remedies will help you eliminate the smell of cat marks and puddles from expensive carpets, rugs and other surfaces that your pet has used for its “criminal” purposes.

The right litter box and cat psychology

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For the most part, those people who live in the same house with cats get so used to the pungent musky smell that they even stop feeling it completely, but those who enter the apartment for the first time have to wrinkle their noses in displeasure. However, there is no need to think that it is better to completely abandon such a pet, since cats can be extremely careful when they are happy with everything. Then you won’t have to think about how to get rid of cat smell. If the animal is well brought up, fed on time, healthy, and has an excellent relationship with its owner, then no problems should arise, but when this does not work out, you should first find the reason, what the animal is protesting against or what it is hinting at.

Need to know

If you have to find out how to remove cat smell from a house or apartment, this means only one thing - your pet has found real reasons to shit outside the litter box. There can be quite a lot of them, from ordinary household grievances to incorrectly selected litter or an inconvenient location of the cat litter itself. Until you find out and eliminate them, you will have to constantly run around with a rag and it is not at all a fact that you will be able to completely remove the persistent aroma.

But first, you should think about the correct selection of the tray, as well as the filler for it, because this may be the main incentive for the pet to refuse to comply with norms and decency. If you can’t guess with this factor, then you’ll definitely have to think about how to get rid of the cat smell in the apartment. Vivid impressions are guaranteed to you, but no one guarantees that they will be pleasant. So how to choose the right tray itself and what is the secret?

  • The tray should be large and deep enough for the cat to comfortably climb into it completely.
  • There should be a lot of filler in the box; it must be in a thick layer so that the cat can easily dig a hole.
  • Purchasing a tray with a grid will eliminate the problem of animals scattering litter throughout the room, but not all cats agree to such options, because rowing is an instinct, be prepared for scratched walls, rugs and slippers neatly pulled into the cat litter box.
  • In order not to worry regularly about how to get rid of the smell of cat litter, the tray should be washed quite often under running water, and it is quite acceptable to use detergents that do not have a strong aroma, or ordinary bleach. This smell attracts cats, the main thing is to rinse the dish well after cleaning, the pet will unmistakably recognize the aroma.

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It doesn’t hurt to immediately decide on the correct filler so you don’t have to worry about how to remove the cat smell. It is likely that if you guess wrong, your cat will shit in the corners. There are a huge number of options, fortunately, pet stores now sell fillers by weight, so you can try everything before settling on one thing. In order to no longer worry about how to remove cat smell from an apartment, you should choose a substance that absorbs aromas; you really need to take this moment seriously.

Removing urine odor from clothes, shoes and home textiles

Cats can mark not only floors and carpets, but also other household items. Some mustachioed robbers have a special “love” for the clothes and shoes of their masters. If a cat gets into the habit of marking its territory, then smelly tracks can be found anywhere. To completely rid household items of unpleasant odors, use:

  • washing with laundry soap;
  • a mixture of lemon juice, water and acetic acid, which is perfect for removing old stains;
  • a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda for cleaning outerwear;
  • alcohol or vodka diluted with water for cleaning fur coats and other fur products.

As for shoes, in which, for reasons unknown to people, cats like to leave unpleasant puddles, it is recommended to wash old stains from dried cat urine inside with a solution of potassium permanganate, and outside with laundry soap, and then wipe with lemon juice. To remove fresh traces of cat urine, just one laundry soap is enough.

Why do cats start shitting anywhere?

Even the most obedient animal can suddenly start going to the toilet in the wrong place. Cats do not know how to take revenge; the owner simply does not understand the true reasons for bad behavior.

What could be the reasons:

  • Changes in the apartment . Cats are conservative; rearranging or repairing can cause stress and panic in the animal. Joint games and communication will help cope with anxiety.
  • Fight for territory . The appearance of a new family member, another pet, or lack of attention can cause a cat to leave marks. And the more you wash away the urine, the more it marks. Don't scold the beast, let him know that he is loved.
  • I don't like the tray, the filler, the place . Any little thing (different filler, open space, uncomfortable toilet) can lead to a change in behavior on such a delicate issue.
  • Disease . If a clean pet suddenly begins to shit in the wrong place, this may be a request for help. Take the cat to the vet.
  • Instinct of reproduction . In this case, castration will help. If this is not possible, discuss solutions with your veterinarian.

Do not miss

  • Do not miss

    Reproduction instinct: pros and cons of cat castration, at what age it is done

Chemicals from pet stores

On the shelves of pet stores you will find a large selection of products designed to remove traces of cat dirty tricks. You can buy:

  • the drug "Brovadez-plus", sold in the form of a dry powder, it will help you get rid of even persistent and ingrained odors;
  • Nature's Miracle liquid mixture to remove old traces of cat urine;
  • drug "OdorGon", etc.

Chemical products will help you quickly get rid of traces of cat urine and return your home to cleanliness and freshness.

Lemon juice

The smell of citrus fruits repels animals. The contaminated area must first be cleaned with soap (an alternative is washing powder), then treated with lemon juice.

When cleaning furniture, the juice should be diluted halfway with water. Floor coverings are treated in a similar way.

An important point: lemon juice can lighten the fabrics being treated.

How to prevent the appearance of cat marks?

It is difficult to prevent cat marks if there is a sexually mature cat in the house, but it is possible. To do this, you need to take the advice of professional animal psychologists, who recommend:

  • keep the tray clean, but do not wash it with chlorine-containing products;
  • monitor the cat’s behavior if new furniture has appeared in the house or guests have arrived, since all this can be perceived as hostile to them and provoke bad behavior;
  • do not forget to feed your tailed pet, leave him water, show him attention, pet him and entertain him so that he does not feel lonely;
  • monitor the cat’s health, prevent cystitis and intestinal disorders;
  • during sexual activity of a tailed pet, let it go outside to satisfy its natural instincts, or use special drugs that extinguish the cat’s libido.

To accustom a cat to hygiene, in the places he has chosen to relieve himself, you can place substances that repel him with a strong odor, for example, cinnamon, dried basil, lemon juice, etc., or use special veterinary products.


The product helps create an unpleasant odor for the animal. Vodka contains substances that cats cannot tolerate. Therefore, by using alcohol, you don’t have to worry about your pet causing mischief again.

5 Tips for Keeping Puzzle Mats Clean

Directions for use: treat stains on wooden surfaces, furniture, and carpets with undiluted vodka.

The disadvantage of this method is that the treated area smells of alcohol.

Boric acid

The smell of cat urine can be removed with boric acid or regular carbonated water.

  • Remove excess urine with paper towels. Dilute boric acid with water and treat the stain. Then cover the stain with baking soda. A chemical oxidation reaction will occur and the smell of urine will disappear.

After the stain has dried, remove the remaining soda using a vacuum cleaner and wash the treated surface with water.

The same effect can be achieved by using regular sparkling water. The sequence of actions is similar to the previous method.

General Tips

Cleaning products should be selected depending on the upholstery or flooring material. To avoid deformation, please note the following:

To avoid deformation, do not forget the recommendations. It is better not to clean fluffy and delicate materials yourself. Only a cleaning expert can completely remove odor from silk or velvet. Do not scrub with sponges, rags or brushes with great force. This may cause the stain to deepen. Do not flood the affected areas. Poor drying can not only leave urine particles behind, but can also be the start of mold. When choosing household chemicals, check the effect in advance on inconspicuous areas of the carpet and furniture.

After cleaning, the room should be thoroughly ventilated. Cats do not tend to mark areas with modern scents, so washing will benefit your pet and family members.

How to remove with special compounds?

When cleaning using improvised means does not lead to the desired result, and you need to remove the unpleasant smell of cat urine as quickly as possible (there is no time to re-use traditional methods), professional means will come to the rescue . TOP 3 proven, effective compositions:

Urine Destroyer

A product for removing stubborn stains and neutralizing urine odor is an effective product designed specifically for quickly solving the problem of cat “marks” in the house. Quickly neutralizes rather than masks the “traces” of the animal.

Ideal for all types of surfaces . Safe for use in children's rooms. The average cost is 880 rubles. (750 ml bottle).

Hartz Nodor Litter Spray

A scented product that eliminates the odors of cat waste. A distinctive feature is the ability to encapsulate odor molecules upon contact with urine. The product is absolutely safe for use in residential areas.

Non-toxic, does not cause allergies . The average cost is 550 rubles. (500 ml bottle).

Laina MS Spray

A product from a domestic manufacturer, effective in combating odors and marks of pets in the apartment. Suitable for all types of surfaces. Safe for animals . After use it leaves a pleasant aroma of lavender or fir. The average cost is 360 rubles. (750 ml bottle).

Before using any product, you must carefully study the instructions for use. Do not exceed the time of exposure of the product to the corroded surface, use the product in a larger volume than indicated by the manufacturer.

Causes of odor

The smell emitted by cat urine is unusually persistent. Why does my cat's urine stink? The reason is the specific composition of this liquid:

  • urochrome – coloring matter;
  • urea, which gives a sticky consistency;
  • uric acid, which accelerates the process of crystallization of secretions.

An unpleasant odor appears when urea decomposes with the help of bacteria. Decomposition products (thiols) smell even worse. When you try to use traditional detergents to remove "fragrance", only superficial traces are removed. Urine crystals are insoluble in water, so they remain on the surface and after a while the smell appears again.

Laundry soap

The benefits of laundry soap: helps to wash the contaminated area and break down the chemical elements contained in the cat’s urine. Soap does not mask an unpleasant odor, like many air fresheners or essential oils, it gets rid of the cause of the stench.

The advantage of the method: the absence of harmful components in the composition, compliance with environmental requirements.

To get rid of cat marks, you need to act quickly and follow the recommendations.

Other ways to remove odors from surfaces

  1. Mouthwash

Apply gently to stain to neutralize odor.

  1. Antibacterial preparations for fabrics

A little-known method is to apply an antibacterial agent to fabrics. Thanks to their special formula, they should also cope with the persistent odor of your pet's urine.

Using these methods, you can achieve the complete disappearance of odors and traces of your cat's urine. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about raising your pet in order to avoid repeated incidents on the bed, sofa or floor.

How to get rid of it using purchased products

You should not neglect store-bought drugs; some of them are worthy of attention.


The product is presented in the form of a spray. It can be used in the presence of people and animals - no side effects occur when the drug is inhaled. In most cases, it is sold in half-liter bottles, but in some online stores you can also find it in larger containers at a fairly affordable price tag.

Dezosan has a pleasant, non-pungent aroma and is even suitable for processing bowls. Copes at the molecular level with both liquid animal secretions and fecal traces.


Odorgon is another biological odor control agent. Unlike the previous one, it has a high cost. It can be justified by the fact that the drug does not leave any traces after use. Suitable for all types of surfaces and even for treating shoes made of leather or suede. Therefore, if you don’t know what to do when your cat ruins your shoes, purchase Odorgon with confidence.

In addition, this substance kills allergenic fumes from animals and disinfects the space. In addition to the smell of urine, it copes with others: hair, feces and vomit.

Important: when a kitten shits on things, its urine does not yet smell strongly, but it will get used to permissiveness and, already as an adult, will continue to follow the habit of marking its territory, but with more unpleasant consequences for the owner. It is worth weaning off urinating in the wrong place from the very first day in a new home.


This drug does not contain chlorine, phosphates and fluorine. It is used for daily treatment of the premises in which animals are located.

The product is presented as a liquid, which before use is recommended to be diluted in nine parts of water, which means that the drug is quite economical.

Can also be used for washing vacuum cleaners. In case of critical contamination, the concentrate is applied to the surface in its pure form.

Urine-off Cat & Kitten

Among the means to combat cat odors, this can be distinguished due to one important point - in addition to neutralizing stains, the drug scares away animals from those places where they have adapted to relieve themselves. This factor prevents the appearance of repeated “marks” of furry pets.

Odor kill

Odor Kill, produced in the UK, is considered one of the most popular products for combating unpleasant odors around the world. This drug is an excellent deodorizing agent, the effect of which is carried out according to the following principle: active particles reduce the air humidity coefficient, which prevents the spread of ammonia and other fumes.

Odor can be applied to any tissue, which expands the spectrum of action of the drug. Even if the cat shits in the bag, you can treat the accessory. The advantages also include the extreme efficiency of the substance.

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