How and with what to wash the eyes of a kitten or adult cat

Maria Alexandrovna Sazhko

veterinary therapist

Veterinarians are often asked to tell us how to wash the eyes of kittens and adult animals, so we decided to prepare a whole article on this topic.

  • How to wash the eyes of kittens and adult cats?
  • How to wash the eyes of an adult cat?
  • How to wash kittens' eyes?
  • Precautions
  • How to care for your pet's eyes
  • Eye wash: the main thing
  • FAQ
  • Normally, a healthy cat or cat follows the rules of hygiene on its own, caring for the hair of the entire body, face and tail. Unfortunately, the animal is not always able to independently remove all contaminants from the eyes, skin and fur around it; in this case, the intervention of the owner is required.

    It is important to always pay attention to the appearance and general condition of the pet and, if necessary, if you notice an unkempt appearance, extensive dirt or pain, immediately seek help from a doctor.

    When is eye rinsing necessary?

    This manipulation is necessary in a number of cases: prevention of secondary infection in case of injury, routine treatment of a contaminated eye in an animal predisposed to contamination, when removing mechanical contaminants and drug residues during treatment of an eye or systemic infection. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

    Eye diseases


    – inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, that is, the conjunctiva, caused by a viral or bacterial infection, allergic reaction, injury, etc. Manifested by swelling of the conjunctiva, redness, active discharge and soreness.


    – an eye disease that affects a cat's eyelids. The eyes look swollen, discharge accumulates around them and dries into crusts, and there is itching and restlessness on the part of the animal.


    – this is a disease that develops as a result of increased intraocular pressure, manifested by damage to the optic nerve and retina. The chronic course of the disease can cause optic nerve atrophy, that is, lifelong blindness. The main manifestations are an increase in the volume of the eyeball, clouding, lacrimation, redness, etc.


    – disease of the cornea of ​​the eye. This pathology can be caused either by injury or be secondary to another eye disease. It manifests itself as swelling, lacrimation, clouding of the cornea, and when complicated by a secondary infection – itching and pain.


    – a rare disease, typical mainly for older animals, which consists of clouding of the lens of the eye. This change can be caused by chronic diseases of the animal - diabetes, trauma, intoxication, metabolic disorders, genetic predisposition, etc. Visually, this condition is noticeable only in the later stages.

    Turn of the century

    - A fairly rare disease in cats. This is a congenital problem or acquired as a result of long-term inflammatory processes, which is manifested by improper placement of the eyelid and eyelash margin. Most often, it turns inward, thereby constantly injuring the surface of the eye. Visually, this pathology manifests itself very characteristically, but the first thing that owners most often pay attention to is redness, increased discharge from the eyes, and anxiety.

    More details about each disease can be found in the article.


    Mechanical damage to the surface of the eye most often occurs in cats that are on their own or live in contact with other animals. Injuries are caused as a result of mutilation by sharp objects, in fights, falls and other unforeseen situations.

    This pathology is manifested by general inflammatory signs - discharge from the eye, swelling, anxiety on the part of the pet, pain. As a result, on the surface of the eye you can see swelling of the corneal tissue - a whitish surface. At the appointment, a doctor who suspects an eye injury conducts a fluorescein staining test. Thus, he details the extent and depth of the lesion - prognosis and further therapy depend on this.

    Each disease is unique in its own way and requires an individual approach and prescription. But one thing remains common in treatment - in case of any inflammation, it is necessary to rinse the cat’s eyes and keep them clean. Before any manipulations, administration of drugs - drops or ointments, the owner must thoroughly treat the eye from mechanical impurities and secondary bacterial infections. In advanced diseases, the cat’s eyes have to be washed even to remove pus.

    Anatomical features

    Some cats have anatomical features of the nasolacrimal duct. For example, narrow, short, folded eye orbits, like exophthalmos, skin folds, occur in short-faced cats - Persians, exotics, Scottish folds. Owners of these cats often experience excessive tearing and tear tracks. Under the eyes of such cats, the secretion of the lacrimal gland often accumulates, in which, over time, harmful bacteria develop, causing a local inflammatory process, alopecia, itching and anxiety on the part of the animal.

    It is important for such breeds to pay timely attention, treat and wash their eyes, ensure the prevention of bacterial inflammation, clean the skin and fur around them, without waiting for secondary changes.

    Symptoms of suppuration

    Suppuration is visible to the naked eye. Usually the pus dries out and forms a light gray crust. Dried drops form on the fur in the area of ​​the eyes and nose. Too much discharge can even “glue” the eye and it will not open. Kittens will try to remove the formations by washing, but this can only worsen the situation: the infection will spread, and the results will not be the most pleasant.

    Pus may be white, yellow, green, or brown in color

    It is important to pay attention if your pet frequently blinks or squints, rubs its eyes with its paws, or sneezes. Older kittens may hide in secluded places. If the baby was active and playful, but suddenly became apathetic, then this is a clear reason to examine him and see a doctor.

    If the baby was active and playful, but suddenly became apathetic, then this is a clear reason to examine him and see a doctor.

    Symptoms can tell what disease the kitten’s body has been exposed to. Here are the most common:

    Sour eyes, snot, inflamed and red eyelids. The cause is conjunctivitis. It is divided into four groups according to the nature of the disease. Infection occurs against the background of irritation of the mucous membrane (dust, chapping, other external irritants).

    Viral is a symptom of a contagious disease that develops covertly or acutely.

    Chronic occurs when the eyes are dry, the nasolacrimal ducts do not work properly, and ulcers form on the corneas.

    Allergies develop against the background of constant stimulation of the immune system by allergens.

    Purulent eyes, severe runny nose, wet cough, sneezing, upset stomach. The cause is toxoplasmosis, a parasitic disease. Usually occurs in outdoor kittens. Swelling, severe pain, the kitten reacts sharply to any touch in the eye area. The cause is blockage of the tear ducts. Usually occurs in babies up to three weeks of age. Pain and discomfort are caused by the accumulation of pathological exudate in the lacrimal canal. Swollen eyes, sneezing, coughing, purulent discharge. The cause is chlamydia. The infection affects not only the mucous membranes of the eyes, but also the respiratory tract, digestion and genitals. Purulent eyes, cough, rhinitis. The cause is mycoplasmosis. The infection first affects the organs of vision, and then the respiratory system. If treatment is not started in time, the kitten will develop diseases of the genitourinary system, liver and joints. Your eyes hurt, tears flow, your eyelids swell. The owner observes that the animal has inflamed eyes, eyelids stuck together from pus and ichor, bleeding and bruising are possible. Cause: Injury

    It is important to start treatment in a timely manner, otherwise bacteria will penetrate through small wounds.

    How to wash the eyes of kittens and adult cats?

    Folk remedies

    To wash the eyes of a cat or kitten, you can use diluted infusions of tea or herbs. It is important to use solutions at a comfortable temperature that does not injure or burn.

    The following options can be used:

    • Strong tea or tea leaves.

      To do this, you will need to brew strong tea/decoction and let it sit for 10–12 hours, or better yet, a day. It is important to use loose leaf tea or herbs, and not tea bags.

    • Chamomile decoction.

      One brewed bag of chamomile at room temperature is enough. It must be remembered that it can dry out the skin with frequent use.

    • St. John's wort decoction.

      This decoction must be used diluted.

    • Calendula decoction.

      An aqueous decoction made from calendula flowers. It is important to dilute it before using it for eye treatment.

    Pharmacy products

    You can use standard, readily available drugs from a humanitarian pharmacy.

    • Sodium chloride solution 0.9%.

      Standard saline solution used for intravenous administration. When used, it can be drawn up sterilely using a syringe. This way the remaining bottle will remain sterile and suitable for further use.

    • Aqueous solution of chlorhexidine 0.01%.

      It is important to pay attention to the concentration of the drug and the absence or presence of alcohol-containing substances in it.

    • Furacillin solution 0.02%.

      Also use low concentration.

    Specialized means

    A cat’s eyes can be washed at home with any of the following means, both as a preventive measure and in combination with medicinal drugs to treat any disease:

    • "Diamond Eyes"

      – a drug with chlorhexidine, taurine and chlorocide C. These cat eye drops are an antiseptic that can be used as a prophylaxis and, as a concomitant remedy, in the treatment of ophthalmic pathology.

    • Eye cleaning lotion from any brand.

      It is important to pay attention to the principle of use of the drug, prescribed in the instructions - usually they cannot be used against “tear paths” and in no case applied to the surface of the eye.

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    Treatment of purulent discharge from the eyes

    Any problems with your pet’s eyes is a reason to immediately consult a specialist. Examination and diagnosis will help determine the cause of purulent discharge in order to prescribe the correct therapy.

    Only after examination and diagnosis can a veterinarian prescribe the correct treatment

    Veterinarian recommendations

    Often, purulent discharge from the eyes of an animal is accompanied by pain. To alleviate the pet's condition, antibiotic therapy is carried out. The drug and dosage are prescribed by a specialist, usually Azithromycin, Gentamicin, Oxytetracycline. In case of severe pain, a novocaine blockade with an antibiotic is done - this measure not only alleviates the pet’s condition, but also eliminates the inflammatory process. To eliminate swelling, solutions of Novocaine and Hydrocortisone are indicated.

    If the cause of the discharge is injury or a foreign body, then Levomycetin or Iris drops are prescribed. For the treatment of discharge from the eyes caused by other reasons, Albucid and Bars drops are used. Before instillation, the eyes must be rinsed; for this you can use the drugs Medkinos and Lacrimin. A good effect is obtained by placing antibiotic ointment, for example, tetracycline, under the lower eyelid.

    Folk remedies

    Therapy for purulent discharge can also be carried out using folk remedies. For washing use:

    1. Chamomile decoction. Flowers of the plant in the amount of 2 tsp. pour 200 ml of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. The room temperature product should be used as often as possible.
    2. Sage tea. You should take 1 tsp. herbs, pour 300 ml of boiling water and let it brew for an hour. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect.
    3. Furacilin solution. A tablet of the product dissolves in 100 ml of water. As a rule, several procedures are enough for a noticeable effect.

    If after several days of using folk remedies there is no improvement, it is better to use medications prescribed by a veterinarian.

    You can wash your cat's eyes with chamomile decoction; the plant has an anti-inflammatory effect.

    How to properly wash your pet's eyes

    To carry out the rinsing procedure, you will need a cotton pad: sticks are not suitable, as they do not absorb well. The disc should be twisted into a rope, dipped in a warm solution and squeezed onto the eyeball. The procedure should be carried out until complete cleansing, each time armed with a new disk. After complete removal of the discharge, Tetracycline ointment should be placed behind the eyelid to relieve inflammation and get rid of bacteria.

    How to apply ointment correctly

    The procedure for applying the ointment will require two people: one must hold the pet in a position on its side

    Another, carefully pulling the eyelid from below, should apply the product with a special spatula and, closing the pet’s eye, evenly distribute the ointment with massage movements. Before the procedure, the tube with the drug should be held in your hands - this will make the ointment easier to distribute over the problem area.

    How to put drops in a cat's eyes

    Treatment of purulent discharge from the eyes of an animal can be carried out using drops. The pet should be secured in the same way as during the procedure of applying the ointment: put it sideways and ensure its complete immobility. Use one hand to hold your eye open, placing one finger on the upper eyelid and the other on the lower eyelid.

    With your other hand, carefully drip the product into the outer corner. When the product flows to the inner corner, you need to carefully move your eyelids to distribute the medicine

    When instilling in the eyes of a cat, it is necessary to ensure complete immobility of the animal.

    How to treat a kitten

    The treatment of purulent discharge from the eyes in small pets is practically no different from the treatment of this disease in adults. The veterinarian only prescribes those drugs that are approved for use at an early age. You can wash your baby’s eyes with herbal decoctions or Furacilin solution; Anandin can be used as medicinal drops. Tetracycline ointment also has no contraindications at any age.

    Tetracycline ointment relieves inflammation, fights bacteria and can be used for cats of any age

    How to wash the eyes of an adult cat?

    As auxiliary means for eye treatment, you may need:

    • a pipette or syringe without a needle for applying the drug to the surface of the eye;
    • a cotton pad or gauze swab (or sterile rags) - to remove dirt and excess drug;
    • a blanket - as a means of humane fixation if the cat has a negative attitude towards this procedure;
    • treats as positive reinforcement - encouragement.

    The main thing when washing your eyes:

    1. Calm

      It is important to approach this manipulation calmly and carefully. Under no circumstances should you grab a cat and force it to cooperate with a rough fixation - in this way you can scare it forever, and the cat will greet each procedure like a wild animal.

    2. Humane fixation

      It's easy to pick up a calm and loving cat. But what to do with an aggressive or touch-intolerant pet? This is where a blanket with a homely scent will come to the rescue. With caring movements, you need to wrap the cat in a blanket, thereby immobilizing it and giving it a feeling of security.

    3. Speech

      It is important to continue talking to the cat throughout the entire procedure in a calm and quiet voice, even if the cat begins to be indignant. Your speech will make it clear to the tailed one that everything is fine and nothing threatens him.

    4. It is necessary to drop 2-3 drops of the solution we have chosen into each eye and let the animal blink several times. This will remove excess solution through the outer corners of the eyes, as if he were crying.
    5. Using a rag or napkin soaked in the selected solution, you need to remove excess and dirt accumulated around the eyes. Cleanse the coat and skin with gentle massaging movements. Do not injure your eyes under any circumstances. It is important to use a separate tissue for each eye.

    If necessary, the prescribed drops can be dropped into the cat's already cleaned eyes again.

    Methods for treating sour eyes in cats

    If you have a problem with your cat's eyes, you should not treat it yourself. The spread of infection can seriously damage a cat's eyes, leading to the development of blindness. Emergency medications that have a quick healing effect will help cope with the problem. Such drugs include dexamethasone, which must be in the first aid kit for the animal. Crusts formed as a result of discharge from the eyes are removed using a cotton pad soaked in water or furatsilin solution. All medical procedures must be supervised by a veterinarian.

    How to wash kittens' eyes?

    Eye treatment for kittens is very similar to that for adult animals. The basic principle is a humane approach and gentle procedure with the aim of cleansing, but not causing further injury. For comfortable fixation, a blanket and warmth are also used; soft fixation is possible at the skin fold of the withers as an imitation of a mother cat. You should not hold the kitten suspended by the skin fold, thereby causing pain. If an adult kitten is unnerved by this approach, stop immediately.

    It is enough to apply 1 drop of solution to each eye. If the kitten is very small, excess solution and dirt can be removed with a cotton swab.

    After any unpleasant procedure, both an adult cat and a kitten must be rewarded with stroking, praise for good behavior and treats. In this way, we reinforce the animal’s good attitude towards any necessary manipulation - next time everything will go even easier. Doctors are wary of prescribing eye drops to kittens because of their high concentration.

    Now that the question of how and what to wash the eyes of a kitten or cat at home has been discussed to the fullest, let us note what you need to pay special attention to so as not to harm your pet.

    Owner's first aid

    Of course, when a cat has suppuration, a veterinarian’s consultation is necessary. Only after an examination can a veterinarian make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. However, the owner must also be able to provide first aid carried out at home. First of all, rinsing is necessary.

    Eye wash

    How can you wash your eyes?

    • Decoction of chamomile flowers.
    • Boric acid solution (2 teaspoons of medicine per half liter of warm boiled water).
    • 0.02% solution of furatsilin.

    How to wash?

    The basic rule: the solution must be warm, you cannot use it hot so that the animal does not get burned. A cotton pad, previously twisted into a tourniquet, is dipped into the medicine, which is then squeezed onto the cat’s diseased organ. You need to wash until all the pus is removed. After each wash, the cotton pads should be changed; it is best if the tourniquet is disposable.

    You cannot use dry cotton wool, as it can further injure the eye. You should not replace a cotton pad with cotton swabs. Of course, they are more convenient to use, but the sticks pick up a small amount of solution. After you have finished rinsing, you need to put 1% Tetracycline ointment behind the eyelid.

    We use ointment

    How to properly apply revive ointment?

    Before applying the ointment, it must be warmed in your hands; there is no need to make investments with a cold composition:

    • One person holds the cat tightly, lying on his side.
    • The other, meanwhile, carefully pulls back the animal's lower eyelid.
    • Use a special spatula to apply ointment to the lower eyelid.
    • Then you need to close the eye and distribute the ointment with light massaging movements.

    We use drops

    What drops can be used to bury a cat?

    In order to treat a cat, you can use different drops, for example, Levomycetin, Sodium Sulfacyl, Diamond Eyes drops.

    This is interesting: Do cats have distemper and its symptoms?

    How to carry out the procedure correctly?

    • The cat needs to be laid on its side, and in such a way that the eyeball is directed upward.
    • In order to administer the drops, you need to hold your pet firmly so that it does not get injured.
    • Drop the medicine, after which the cat will blink vigorously, and the medicine will be distributed in the eyeball.
    • Then blot the area with a napkin.


    1. Under no circumstances should alcohol solutions, antiseptics, or concentrates be injected into the eyes. This can cause a chemical burn to the surface of the eye.
    2. You cannot use plain water as a treatment - it disrupts the composition of the microflora of the eye and can dry out its surface.
    3. Do not use hot decoctions due to possible thermal burns.
    4. You should not use cotton wool or fibrous rags - the lint may get on the surface of the eye and may be difficult to remove.
    5. Do not use the same swab/cotton pad on both eyes. This way we can spread the infection from one eye to the other.
    6. Under no circumstances should treatment prescribed by a doctor be stopped without his knowledge and before the prescribed date.

    Warm up the medicine

    The medicine with the solution is heated to body temperature and instilled with a pipette; you should try to get the drop into the corners of the eyes or wipe with a moistened cotton pad until they are completely free of pus. After each wipe, such a disk must be replaced with a clean one. To maintain hygiene, it is forbidden to wipe both eyes using liquid from the same mug. It is more correct to prepare two saucers at once and pour the medicinal medicine into them.

    If you don’t have a pipette at hand, you can roll a clean piece of cotton wool into the tightest possible bundle (so that its fibers do not get knocked out in any way) or a cotton pad and use it to instill eye drops. The pipette should be kept at a distance of three centimeters from the kitten’s head, so as not to accidentally damage the eyes.

    How to care for your pet's eyes

    It is necessary to monitor your cat's eyes starting from early childhood. The kitten opens its eyes starting from two to three weeks of age. If they do not open for a long time, you need to start treating them with gentle movements of an ear stick or a napkin moistened with one of the above solutions. It is important to remove all crusts and discharge immediately during the period of opening the eyes, which usually lasts for 2–3 days.

    Normally, adult cats take care of their hygiene on their own - by licking their fur and washing their faces. It is important to pay attention to the condition of the cat’s coat - a healthy cat will always be clean, while a sick cat, on the contrary, will have a dirty, unkempt appearance. In this case, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian in a timely manner.

    Prevention is important and is needed as needed - that is, in case of contamination. If the eyes and the skin around them are clean, no treatment is required.


    To prevent such a situation, preventive measures are taken:

    1. The animal is kept in a clean room.
    2. If a kitten gets dirty, it must be washed.
    3. Be sure to wash the tray, since dirt accumulated there can cause various problems.
    4. If an animal is walking outside, it is carefully examined after returning home.
    5. It is recommended to prevent contact with street animals.

    When souring occurs, it is necessary to determine the cause and take appropriate measures. Remember that only a veterinarian can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Don't forget to maintain good ear hygiene.

    Eye wash: the main thing

    1. Treatment and rinsing are the main methods of first aid and prevention of secondary infection for any diseases of the eyes of a cat.
    2. It is important to take care of your cat's eyes, starting from a young age and throughout her life.
    3. There are a large number of available products that can be used to wipe the eyes of both a kitten and an adult animal: decoctions of chamomile, calendula, an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine 0.01%, a solution of furacillin 0.02%, cleaning lotions.
    4. When treating an animal's eyes, it is important to use strictly aqueous and low-concentrated solutions.
    5. A special approach to the cat during the eye washing procedure predetermines its further attitude to any other therapeutic measures. It depends on him whether her attitude will be positive or negative.
    6. There are anatomical features of a cat's eye that predispose it to frequent contamination - it is important to pay attention to this and prevent secondary infections by periodically treating the eyes and skin around them.
    7. A very small kitten can be wiped with a cotton swab; for older animals, you can use cotton pads/gauze swabs.

    Street cats

    The reason for the prevalence of eye diseases among street cats is the lack of normal living conditions. Frequent fights, lack of medication, constant contact with other animals, poor diet, temperature changes and other factors cannot have a beneficial effect on recovery. As a rule, environmental conditions only aggravate the situation and lead to serious consequences.

    Adopting a stray cat is easy. However, one should always be aware of the level of responsibility that a person takes on with such a decision.

    In most cases, street cat diseases are in late stages, so the treatment period can take a long time and cost a lot of money.

    At the same time, homeless animals are the most loyal creatures in the world, unlike many purebred animals. Such a cat will be grateful to its owner and can become his best friend.


    Causes of disease in cats

    A cat's eyes become watery for a variety of reasons. This may be a physiological feature of the body of a purebred animal, morning tears, an age-related, allergic or pathological process.

    The most common causes of pathological lacrimation in domestic cats:

    • colds and viral diseases;
    • parasitic infection of the body;
    • allergic reactions to a specific provocateur;
    • infectious processes in the nasopharynx;
    • developmental abnormalities of the visual organs;
    • ophthalmological diseases;
    • thermal and chemical burns;
    • bacterial, fungal infection.

    To find out exactly the pathological cause of tearing eyes in your pet, you need to contact a veterinary clinic.

    Symptoms of natural tearing

    First of all, it should be noted that slight lacrimation in animals is a physiological norm that does not require therapeutic intervention. This trait is especially relevant for some breeds: Persian, British and Scottish.

    Strongly protruding eyes, a short tear duct and long hair contribute to tearing. Such pets need to be provided with proper hygienic care for their eyes, which includes regular washing with diluted saline solution or decoctions of medicinal herbs.

    Pets of other breeds may also experience non-pathological tearfulness of the eyes, which can be determined by the following symptoms:

    • Don’t worry if your cat’s eye is watering without visible injuries or clouding;
    • there are no painful signs or swelling;
    • no additional purulent discharge;
    • the animal does not experience discomfort, does not rub its eyes, does not squint, etc.;
    • the pupil reacts well to light;
    • healthy shiny color of the cornea.

    You can often notice your pet's tearfulness in the morning. This symptom is not a sign of an inflammatory process, but is a completely natural reaction of the body after waking up.

    Thus, the cat’s eyes self-clean to improve the functioning of the lacrimal glands. A caring owner can wash the cat’s eyes with regular boiled water or a herbal decoction (chamomile or calendula).

    It is also important to pay attention to tearing eyes in small pets. During the first days of life, the kitten has closed vision organs. During teething, profuse lacrimation is observed, which is a natural process.

    During teething, profuse lacrimation is observed, which is a natural process.

    However, in order to prevent infection and the development of an inflammatory process, it is necessary to regularly wash the animal’s eyes with clean warm water. A hygiene procedure will benefit your fur baby!

    Symptoms of painful tearing

    The kitten's eyes are watering, what should I do? First of all, try to find out the reason. The pathological nature of tearing eyes in an animal can be determined by the following signs:

    • the eye is festered, swollen, red, swelling is noticeable;
    • there is profuse lacrimation;
    • asymmetry of the pupils appeared;
    • the color of the iris has changed;
    • poor pupil reaction to light;
    • injuries, bleeding are noticeable, foreign bodies are present;
    • purulent discharge is noted;
    • a painful crust or cloudy film has formed on the visual organs;
    • specific signs of illness are observed (general deterioration in condition, loss of appetite, restless behavior, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.);
    • increased body temperature;
    • irritated cornea;
    • It hurts the cat to close his eyes; it is clear that he is experiencing painful discomfort.

    All these signs should not be ignored. A visit to an experienced veterinarian will help you find out the exact cause of the disease process. After a visual examination and diagnostic examination, the specialist will select an effective treatment course.

    Allergic reaction

    Cats often suffer from allergies, which causes severe tearing. Other symptoms also occur; the animal suffers from nasal discharge, sneezing, and, less commonly, coughing. The causative agent of the problem can be pollen, chemicals, aerosols, medications and much more. A veterinarian will be able to determine for sure, and he will help you choose an antihistamine.

    Treatment in this case includes caring for the pet’s eyes, using medications and protecting the animal as much as possible from the causative agent of the disease. Suprastin is often recommended for allergies in cats; the dosage is a quarter of a tablet, used once a day. Tavegil, Claritin, Pipolzin, Diphenhydramine are also used. All drugs are used only after prescription by a specialist and individual dosage calculation.

    Common Cat Ailments

    How to treat a cat if she sneezes

    Causes of disease in cats

    A cat's eyes become watery for a variety of reasons. This may be a physiological feature of the body of a purebred animal, morning tears, an age-related, allergic or pathological process.

    The most common causes of pathological lacrimation in domestic cats:

    • colds and viral diseases;
    • parasitic infection of the body;
    • allergic reactions to a specific provocateur;
    • infectious processes in the nasopharynx;
    • developmental abnormalities of the visual organs;
    • ophthalmological diseases;
    • thermal and chemical burns;
    • bacterial, fungal infection.

    To find out exactly the pathological cause of tearing eyes in your pet, you need to contact a veterinary clinic.

    Symptoms of natural tearing

    First of all, it should be noted that slight lacrimation in animals is a physiological norm that does not require therapeutic intervention. This trait is especially relevant for some breeds: Persian, British and Scottish.

    Strongly protruding eyes, a short tear duct and long hair contribute to tearing. Such pets need to be provided with proper hygienic care for their eyes, which includes regular washing with diluted saline solution or decoctions of medicinal herbs.

    Pets of other breeds may also experience non-pathological tearfulness of the eyes, which can be determined by the following symptoms:

    • Don’t worry if your cat’s eye is watering without visible injuries or clouding;
    • there are no painful signs or swelling;
    • no additional purulent discharge;
    • the animal does not experience discomfort, does not rub its eyes, does not squint, etc.;
    • the pupil reacts well to light;
    • healthy shiny color of the cornea.

    You can often notice your pet's tearfulness in the morning. This symptom is not a sign of an inflammatory process, but is a completely natural reaction of the body after waking up.

    Thus, the cat’s eyes self-clean to improve the functioning of the lacrimal glands. A caring owner can wash the cat’s eyes with regular boiled water or a herbal decoction (chamomile or calendula).

    It is also important to pay attention to tearing eyes in small pets. During the first days of life, the kitten has closed vision organs. During teething, profuse lacrimation is observed, which is a natural process.

    During teething, profuse lacrimation is observed, which is a natural process.

    During teething, profuse lacrimation is observed, which is a natural process.

    However, in order to prevent infection and the development of an inflammatory process, it is necessary to regularly wash the animal’s eyes with clean warm water. A hygiene procedure will benefit your fur baby!

    Symptoms of painful tearing

    The kitten's eyes are watering, what should I do? First of all, try to find out the reason. The pathological nature of tearing eyes in an animal can be determined by the following signs:

    • the eye is festered, swollen, red, swelling is noticeable;
    • there is profuse lacrimation;
    • asymmetry of the pupils appeared;
    • the color of the iris has changed;
    • poor pupil reaction to light;
    • injuries, bleeding are noticeable, foreign bodies are present;
    • purulent discharge is noted;
    • a painful crust or cloudy film has formed on the visual organs;
    • specific signs of illness are observed (general deterioration in condition, loss of appetite, restless behavior, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.);
    • increased body temperature;
    • irritated cornea;
    • It hurts the cat to close his eyes; it is clear that he is experiencing painful discomfort.

    All these signs should not be ignored. A visit to an experienced veterinarian will help you find out the exact cause of the disease process. After a visual examination and diagnostic examination, the specialist will select an effective treatment course.

    Treatment of conjunctivitis - what to use at home?

    Unlike diseases that are dangerous to a cat’s health, it is quite possible to cope with conjunctivitis on your own, making sure that there are no additional signs of serious illness. A mandatory rule for home treatment is to closely monitor the animal’s condition; if no results are observed, it is better to go to the veterinarian. Usually, drops are used for treatment, which destroy the infection that caused souring. Most often it is recommended to use Levomycetin, which copes with most types of bacteria. The peculiarity of the drug is that it does not penetrate the tissues of the eyeball or skin, acting only on the surface of the mucous membranes. Thanks to this, negative reactions or side effects are quite rare.

    In addition to the use of medications, it is recommended to use home remedies that are no less effective in treating the disease. The only rule is to use home recipes only for allergic or inflammatory types of conjunctivitis. Rosehip decoction is one of the most effective remedies against sour eyes in animals. It's easy to prepare:

    1. Pour boiling water (200 ml) over rose hips (30 g).
    2. Send the container to low heat.
    3. Simmer covered for a quarter of an hour.
    4. Leave for an hour, wrapping the container in a towel.

    Rinse the animal's eyes every 3-5 hours. It is convenient to do this with cotton wool discs, but remember to use a clean sponge every time. The duration of treatment is a week, usually this time is enough to cope with the disease. Sour eyes do not always indicate a serious illness, but it is better not to refuse the help of a veterinarian. Only after a specialist determines that there is no danger to the cat can you resort to home treatment and use simple remedies.

    Other Features

    Why do eyes fester with a runny nose?

    Exudation from the eyes of a kitten in parallel with a runny nose is a serious reason to be wary and immediately consult a doctor. This may be the beginning of the development of viral rhinotracheitis, bronchial asthma or calicivirus - diseases that are very dangerous for a fragile body. Allergies cannot be ruled out either.


    When a kitten's eyes are slightly watery, this indicates the natural process of cleansing them or that dust (dirt) has entered them, and in this case you should not panic, but simply wash them for a while. Don’t be scared in the same way if your baby behaves restlessly and meows - he shows dissatisfaction, this is a completely adequate reaction.

    Why don’t my eyes open and swell and what should I do?

    Swelling of the eyelids is common in almost any disease or injury. To determine the type of infection that has affected the eye, special diagnostics are necessary.

    Red eyes

    The redness of an animal's eyes will also indicate the presence of some fairly serious diseases that require long-term treatment or even surgical intervention (uveitis, keratitis, lens luxation, etc.). Causes also include allergic reactions and injuries, dry eye syndrome.

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