Is Vakderm suitable for the prevention or treatment of cats?

Ringworm in dogs is a dangerous skin disease. It quickly spreads throughout the body, is difficult and takes a long time to treat, is quickly transmitted to other animals and people, and fungal spores persist indoors and on clothing from several months to a couple of years. Therefore, the chance of re-infestation is high.

For the treatment and prevention of lichen, the Vakderm vaccine was developed. Manufacturers claim that just 2-3 injections will relieve the dog of the disease and form a strong immunity to fungal infections.

In this review, we’ll look at: does Vakderm for dogs help get rid of lichen and prevent infection with it, how it is used, what possible side effects, and whether there are better analogues . At the end of the article you will find answers to your questions, reviews from the owners and find out my opinion about vaccinations against fungal pathologies.

Release form and composition

The Vakderm vaccine is produced by Moscow in two forms:

  • dry – porous suspension of light brown color;
  • liquid - a homogeneous solution of yellowish tints.

Regardless of the type, each 1 ml ampoule contains 30-50 million/cm3 of fungal elements. It is made from 3 cultures of dermatophytes:

  • Microsporum canis;
  • Microsporum gypseum;
  • Trichophyton mentagrophytes.

A bottle (one immunizing dose) costs from 100 to 120 rubles. Add a surcharge for veterinary services: the exact price varies by region.

How it works

Vakderm develops immunity against dermatophytoses for 12 months. To do this, the vaccine is administered twice with an interval of 10-14 days.

Vaccination during the incubation period (when infection has already occurred, but there are no clinical signs yet) accelerates the course of the disease: mycotic foci appear on the animal’s body. In this case, vaccinations are given 3-4 times with a break of 1.5-2 weeks.

Sick pets begin to recover 15-20 days after double vaccination. Their itching goes away, wounds heal, scabs fall off and new hair grows on the affected areas.

How the vaccine works

The number of mushrooms in 1 cm3 of solution can reach 80 million; this concentration is harmless to the cat’s body, but it causes the development of immunity to dermatophytes. Resistance to these fungi appears approximately a month after vaccination and persists for a year.

Vakderm-F is a vaccine for immunizing cats against dermatophytosis, which was developed and produced in Russia. The vaccine needs to be used 2 or 3 times, depending on the body’s reaction to the vaccine. It can be used to immunize cats and kittens; contraindications are intolerance to the drug and the weakened condition of the animal.

Cats and other domestic animals are vaccinated for both prevention and therapy. A special feature of such a scourge as ringworm in cats is its long latent period. After you vaccinate your pet, foci of inflammation will begin to appear on the cat’s epithelium, and this contributes to the production of immunoglobulin. The antibodies obtained as a result of vaccination are able to independently resist varieties of mycosis in cats.

We can talk about a complete cure two weeks (less often a month) after the re-vaccination. The formation of immune protection in cats takes about a month after vaccination. The vaccination is valid for one calendar year. Vakderm-F is intended for babies who are four weeks old in order to prevent the possibility of contracting dermatitis.

The product is endowed with powerful healing properties and can prevent and cure dermatophytosis. This is the name given to a fungal disease of the skin in cats and dogs, the causative agent of which is Microsporum canis. Transmission occurs from already sick animals or rodents. This type of bacteria also gets into the soil structure if a sick animal has been on it for a long time.

Veterinarians also prescribe the medicine to treat or protect against diseases such as trichophytosis (commonly known as ringworm) and microsporia.

The drug contains cells of several types of dermatophytes. Fungi are grown on a special nutrient medium. Formalin is also present in the composition - it plays the role of an inactivator or stabilizer.

After double administration of the medicine with a two-week interval, the cat’s body develops a strong immunity against the fungus. It lasts for twelve months, so vaccination is carried out annually for prevention.

Vakderm also has healing properties, so it can prevent the development of dermatophytosis. At the same time, the drug is considered harmless, since it cannot cause the development of infection in an absolutely healthy cat. The need for vaccination is determined by a veterinarian, and he carries it out in compliance with all the rules.

Vakderm F can be used in the treatment of trichophytosis and microsporia identified in cats. But experts recommend using it only in the first stages of the disease. Otherwise, using the medicine will lead to a deterioration in the pet’s health.

If the drug is used for preventive purposes, it is necessary to follow the recommended regimen of use and carry out the procedure regularly. If you do not follow this rule, the effectiveness of the vaccine decreases and immunity weakens. If for some reason it was not possible to get vaccinated, you should go to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

When the medicine is administered in the early stages of the disease, the symptoms become more acute: foci of infection become larger and appear in other places. Despite this, after ten to fourteen days you need to give another injection, since immunity appears only after a double injection. After three to four weeks, the crusts fall off, and the coat gradually recovers.


  • for kittens less than a month old;
  • at high temperature;
  • in the second half of pregnancy;
  • for infectious diseases.

Also, the drug should not be given to weakened animals and cats suffering from chronic pathologies. In such situations, the underlying disease is first treated and then vaccinated.

Sometimes cats become sensitive to the medication. This is signaled by such signs as drowsiness, apathy, and lack of appetite. Lethargy is also possible if the dosage is exceeded. In such cases, no special measures are required, since all symptoms disappear on their own. But if your pet’s health has not changed after two days, you need to go to the veterinarian.

Sometimes lumps appear at the injection site. They should be treated with iodine once. If the formation does not go away, urgent consultation with a specialist is needed, otherwise inflammation and even tissue death may occur.

Instructions for use and dosage

Vakderm is placed from 2 months of age. The injections are given twice, with a break of 10-14 days. The first injection is administered into the left or right thigh, the second into the opposite limb. Before use, the area is treated with alcohol, and the serum is warmed in the hand to room temperature.

Dosages depend on weight:

  • for dogs up to 5 kg – 0.5 ml;
  • for dogs weighing more than 5 kg – 1 ml.

Before administration, check the serum: it is important that the ampoule is not damaged, and that the solution is free of sediment and not cloudy. Store the drug in the refrigerator. After opening the bottle, use the medication within half an hour.


Vakderm contains dermaphyte spores in an inactivated form. It can be either dry or liquid; ampoules are available in 1 milliliter sizes.

When used as a prophylaxis, the dog is found to have an incubation period for dermaphytosis. Mycoses and lesions appear at the location of the bacteria.

Then the Vakderma vaccine is administered twice. After two weeks or more, you can already notice how crusts begin to fall off from the lesions.

In such an area, fur can regrow. Immunity from dermatophytosis can generally last at least a year after vaccination.

Instructions for use

This vaccination is recommended every year. If the type is dry, then you must first dissolve it in a special solvent intended for the vaccine.

Sterile distilled water or physiological solution is also used as a solvent.

As a preventive measure, the vaccine is administered in the following dosages - if the total weight of the pet is less than five kilograms, then 0.5 ml of the vaccine. Over five kilograms one milliliter.

It is recommended to administer intramuscularly into the pet's thighs. Moreover, it must be injected first into one thigh, and after two weeks into the other. The time of year does not affect the vaccine; it can be used when needed.


  • pregnant bitch;
  • the dog is weakened;
  • the pet is sick with any disease;
  • The dog has a high temperature.

Small lumps with painful sensations may form at the vaccine injection sites. It's OK. After a few days everything will go away on its own.

Lumps may occur due to cold vaccine being used. It must be heated before use. Or non-sterile syringes were used.

Some pets notice a lethargic, drowsy state. Don't be alarmed, this is completely natural. Veterinarians also advise freeing your pet from physical activity after using the vaccine.


The price at the time of writing is as follows - Vakderm in a 1 ml ampoule costs 88 rubles per ampoule. Find out the current cost when you need it in city pharmacies.

Contraindications and side effects

The use of the Vakderm vaccine is safe and does not cause serious negative effects. But, like any serum, it cannot be administered to animals:

  • with elevated temperature;
  • suffering from infectious diseases;
  • those recovering, after surgery or with serious pathologies;
  • taking medications that suppress the immune system.

Complications are also possible:

  • painful swelling or abscess at the injection site: usually occurs when cold serum is injected or unsterile needles are used;
  • allergies.

Pets that have side effects are freed from exercise for 3-5 days. In case of an allergic reaction, symptomatic treatment is necessary. If a seal forms, cold or alcohol lotions are applied, and the abscess is lubricated with a 5% iodine solution.

Personal prevention measures

When using the drug Vakderm-F, you must follow the safety regulations that apply when working with veterinary drugs. These include:

  1. Body protection. The person must be dressed in a robe, gloves and a special headdress.
  2. Availability of a first aid kit with medications to provide first aid if necessary.
  3. Immediately wash the skin and mucous membranes with water if the vaccine suddenly gets on them.
  4. Cleaning the floor after a product spill.
  5. Treating the injection site with an alcohol solution (70%) on a person’s skin in case of accidental injection and going to the hospital.

Compliance with these measures will allow you to avoid unpleasant consequences as a result of contact with Vakderm-F.

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