Kotervin is a drug for the prevention and treatment of urinary tract diseases in cats (3 bottles of 10 ml each)

Diseases of the urinary system are very common in cats. Older and neutered pets are most susceptible to such pathologies. To overcome such a serious disease, you should use a proven effective remedy. One of these drugs is Kotervin. It has performed well in trials as it is capable of treating various urological abnormalities. In this article, we will tell you in detail how to use the drug to treat furry fur.

Instructions for use

Medicine can be given to your pet in different ways, so there are several main methods of administration. Now we will tell you about them in more detail.

1 way

  1. Carefully use a knife to pry the protective foil off the bottle, after which you can tear it off with your hands.
  2. Remove the rubber stopper from the bottle, and then put on the special pipette cap that comes with Cotervin.
  3. Wrap your pet in a towel, wrapping only the paws and leaving the muzzle free.
  4. Place the cat on your lap, its head should be higher than body level.
  5. With one hand, open the fluffy's mouth, then turn the pipette upside down and press the lid three times. At the same time, try to get the medicine to the base of the tongue.

2 way

  1. Unseal the bottle and remove the rubber seal from it.
  2. Draw 2-3 ml of medicine into a 5 ml syringe without a needle.
  3. Fill the rest of the syringe with milk at room temperature.
  4. This mixture should be carefully injected into the cat's mouth. Try not to rush; a portion of the medicine with milk can be divided into 2-3 injections.

3 way

  1. Prepare a small portion of cat food; minced meat or canned cat food is perfect.
  2. Using an insulin syringe, draw up 2 ml of medication and then inject it into the food.
  3. Mix the food thoroughly and then give the food to your pet.
  4. After he eats everything, you need to wash the bowl with detergent. This should be done without fail, since leaving any remaining medication in a bowl for a long time can cause indigestion.

Composition and storage conditions

Feedback from cat owners

Kotervin was prescribed by a veterinarian when the cat began to pee with blood. We drank it for two weeks, everything went away. The effect was not immediate, but after a couple of days it was clear that the cat became more active and calmer, ran less to the toilet, and stopped marking. The doctor told me to drink it for two weeks to get the full effect, and that’s what they did. A month has passed and the disease has not returned. I don’t know the taste, but my Sonya didn’t mind it too much, which means it’s not disgusting. It is more convenient to give from a syringe (2g), the dropper cap is not very convenient, and it is not possible to dose it more precisely. The medicine is good and relatively inexpensive.



The veterinarian diagnoses “idiopathic cystitis,” that is, the cat developed all this due to nervousness. We were advised to take a course of Kotervin, eat a strictly special food for a month - Hills Urinary Stress, 3 days of papaverine injections in the withers to relieve spasms and pain, and the antibiotic Amoxiclav. I couldn’t give them - imagine a cat who sees me for the second time in his life and the powder that needs to be poured into his mouth. Since the inflammation is minor, I decided to use Kotervin. And in fact, from the moment I started feeding it, there was no more blood. Papaverine relieved the pain, and Kotervin cured it.

Asya Kosynkina



The drug is prescribed by veterinarians for:

  • Difficulty urinating.
  • Glomerulonephritis.
  • Kidney stones (except oxalates).
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Treatment of urolithiasis.
  • Inflammations in the genitourinary system.
  • Inflammation in the genital area.
  • Pain while visiting the cat litter box.
  • Cystitis.
  • As a diuretic for coronavirus

Urolithiasis disease

Cost of KotErwin

The veterinary drug, which has a pronounced saluretic, as well as diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, is recommended to be purchased strictly in stores specializing in the sale of medicines. The drug "CotErvin" must be supplied with official instructions for use.

Today, the average cost of a veterinary medicinal infusion for oral use, packaged in bottles with a total volume of 10 ml, can vary between 145-155 rubles (for one package containing three bottles).

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The drug is used to treat pathologies of the urinary system. It is given to cats exclusively orally.

To prevent diseases, pets are given 3-4 ml of the drug 2 times a day. This preventative course lasts no more than a week.

Treatment of urological syndrome is the same; the cat needs to be given 3-4 ml twice a day for 7 days. In some cases, treatment may take up to a month, since it is important to be monitored by a veterinarian.

If cats have spontaneous urine discharge, then the cat is given 10 ml 2 times a day. In this case, part of the medicine should be injected into the bladder. This procedure should not be performed independently; it is performed only in a veterinary clinic by experienced specialists.

The introduction of Cotervin into the bladder must be carried out by a veterinarian, otherwise you will harm your pet.

Description of the drug Kotervin

Kotervin for cats and kittens is a solution for internal use. The liquid is light or dark brown in color, with some sediment allowed. Available in 10 ml or 16 ml volumes. The package contains 2 or 3 transparent vials, a dispenser and instructions for use.

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The effect of taking Kotervin is achieved through a combination of herbal components. The composition includes infusions of medicinal herbs:

  1. Knotweed herb. Enriched with vitamins and tannins. Promotes the removal of urine, the advancement of stones, strengthens blood vessels.
  2. Horsetail. Stops inflammatory processes and has hemostatic properties.
  3. Field steelroot. Rich in silicic acid and flavonoids. Has a beneficial effect on muscles: relaxes, suppresses pain, relieves spasms.
  4. Highlander. Dissolves stones, suppresses inflammation, stimulates kidney function.

The combination of herbal infusions in Kotervin has the following therapeutic effects:

  • stimulates urine output;
  • relieves foci of inflammation;
  • resolves stones;
  • removes salt deposits;
  • relieves spasms;
  • eliminates pain;
  • prevents the development of further relapses of urolithiasis.

Since the medication contains no preservatives, the solution must be kept in the refrigerator. An opened bottle can be stored for one week.

Contraindications and side effects

The manufacturer guarantees that Kotervin has absolutely no contraindications for use. And therefore it can even be used to treat pregnant cats. To treat a pregnant pet, it is better to consult a doctor. After all, only a veterinarian can take into account all the features of a cat’s health, and therefore prescribe the correct dosage.

The drug is completely non-toxic, it is completely processed by the liver, and after that it is completely excreted in the urine.

If you follow the dosage recommendations, there will definitely be no side effects. In rare cases, allergic reactions occur when using Kotervin. But they stop quite easily after taking antihistamines.

Precautionary measures

The herbal veterinary product supplied by a well-established domestic veterinary product does not fall into the category of dangerous drugs. At the same time, manipulations with the drug "CotErvin" require obligatory adherence to the general rules of personal hygiene and standard safety precautions that are provided for when working with such veterinary drugs.

Due to the absence of toxic components and preservatives in the composition, even pet owners with a history of allergic reactions to chemicals or dyes can work with KotErvin.

Comparison with analogues

NameTypeManufacturerPackingActive ingredientsPrice
NephrocatPillsRussia15 tablets of 3 mgExtracts from plants (bird knotweed, cranberry leaves, lingonberry leaves, steelberry root, horsetail, woolly erva, bearberry leaves and others)375 rubles
Uro-ursiCapsulesLatvia14 capsules of 6 mgExtracts (cranberry, bearberry), vitamin C240 rubles
Stop cystitisTablets
Russia15 and 20 tablets of 200 mg
Bottles of 30, 50, 100, 150 ml
Extracts (horsetail, nettle leaves, bird knotweed, licorice leaves, licorice root and others)20 tablets – 220 rubles
30 ml – 260 rubles
Phytoelite healthy kidneysPillsRussia50 tablets of 20 mgPlant extracts (horsetail, licorice, St. John's wort, barberry, dandelion, madder, chamomile, mint, etc.)140 rubles


Pharmacological properties

Kotervin® is a herbal medicine intended for the treatment of urinary tract diseases. It has saluretic (salt-removing), diuretic (diuretic) and anti-inflammatory effects. The medicinal plants included in the drug help dissolve stones (except oxalates).

An aqueous infusion of knotweed (Polygonum aviculare L., knotweed) and knotweed (Polygonum persicaria L.) herbs contains a complex of flavonoids, tannins, vitamins, and silicic acid compounds. An infusion of knotweed has diuretic properties, promotes the passage of stones in urolithiasis, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and improves the condition of capillary walls.

Horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.) contains water-soluble forms of silicic acid (up to 25%) and its complexes with organic compounds, flavonoids, triterpene saponins, which provide diuretic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory effects in diseases of the bladder and urinary tract.

Water-soluble biologically active substances of the root of the field steelweed (Ononis arvensis L.) are isoflavone glycosides, saponins, triterpendiol (onocerol), tannins, organic acids, which normalize the tone of smooth muscles, reduce pain during spasms, and increase diuresis.

In terms of the degree of impact on the body, Kotervin® is classified as a low-hazard substance (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76). The drug does not have cumulative, embryotoxic or teratogenic properties.


  • The drug KotErvin is sold exclusively in glass bottles.
  • The product has a yellowish color with a brown tint.
  • The medicine has a herbal smell.
  • If you do not use the substance for some time, a small sediment will form on the surface, which can be removed by shaking. You need to be careful when doing this, as the bottle is easy to break.
  • The box of the drug KotErvin also contains a dropper cap, with which it is convenient to administer the medicine. There are also instructions inside the package that should be strictly followed.

When purchasing, you need to make sure that the bottle and packaging are labeled. Make sure there is a quality mark there. If the substance does not correspond to the description described above, then under no circumstances should it be used, as it may harm the cat.

If foreign inclusions are observed or the KotErwin has changed color, it should be thrown away immediately. The medicine KotErvin should be stored exclusively in a dark place. Shelf life: twelve months.

General information

If help was not provided in a timely manner and urination is already impaired, and blood appears in the urine, then the situation can be brought to the point where the formed stones begin to block the ducts, which will lead to the death of the animal.

Using Kotervin helps protect your cat from pain, stop the development of inflammation and avoid dangerous pathology. The medicine has a mild diuretic property, promotes the dissolution of stones (except for oxalates - oxalic acid salts) and the removal of salts.

According to research, the product does not cause allergic reactions and is completely eliminated from the body.

Prescribed by a veterinarian when symptoms of the disease are detected. Also used for prevention.

The manufacturer is the Russian company Veda LLC (VEDA).

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