FOSPRENIL drug for the treatment of viral diseases, solution for injection (10 ml)

  • Posted by Zoya Ivanovna Zolotareva
  • Date: November 11, 2018

The functioning of the immune system of cats is now being actively studied by scientists. Unfortunately, neither good animal care nor vaccinations guarantee its 100% protection from viral attacks and the diseases they cause. Many veterinary medications are produced, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the immune system. One of these products is the domestic immunostimulant for cats, Fosprenil. It is designed to help the cat's body resist all kinds of viruses.

  • 2 How the drug works
  • 3 List of indications for use
  • 4 How is Fosprenil used?

    4.1 Video: how to give liquid medicine to a cat

  • 4.2 Features of intramuscular injection administration of Fosprenil to cats

    4.2.1 Video: how to give a cat an injection

  • 5 Information on the treatment of pregnant kittens and cats with Fosprenil
  • 6 Information about contraindications and side effects
  • 7 Information on interactions with other medications
  • 8 How to store Fosprenil at home
  • 9 Information on the cost of veterinary medicine and its analogues

      9.1 Table: list of drugs analogues of Fosprenil

      9.1.1 Photo gallery: Fosprenil analogues

  • 10 Reviews
  • Information about the composition of Fosprenil and its release forms

    Fosprenil (Russian) is a medicine used to increase the defenses of the body of animals, which is produced in the form of a liquid. It is transparent and has a yellowish tint. In the light the liquid glows somewhat. It does not contain mechanical impurities.

    Fosprenil is available in the form of a clear solution, sold in glass bottles of various capacities.

    The active component of this immunostimulant is a substance called disodium salt of polyprenol phosphates. It is extracted from coniferous trees. The medication is additionally enriched with glycerin, ethanol, water, and a stabilizer called “Tween-80”.

    In veterinary pharmacies, the drug is sold in the form of a sterile solution in glass containers containing 10 and 50 milliliters. The bottles are closed with rubber stoppers. Each is secured with a metal cap. The cardboard package contains up to 5 bottles of solution.

    Fosprenil (0.4% solution) is made on the basis of pine needle polyprenols. It is useful for the prevention and treatment of viral infections, increasing the immune response to vaccination and reducing the incidence of post-vaccination complications, to stimulate natural resistance, growth and development.

    Rimma Bystritskaya, veterinarian

    Description of the drug Fosprenil

    Phosprenyl is a veterinary drug used as an immunomodulator with antiviral properties. The international name of Fosprenil is disodium salt of polyprenols phosphate. The developer and manufacturer of this immunomodulating agent is Moscow.

    Fosprenil is produced by a domestic organization

    Historical background: in the 80s of the 20th century, scientists from several pharmaceutical and biological fields united and created an enterprise to promote their progressive developments. In 1992 they registered (closed joint stock company). The products of the domestic manufacturer began to be in demand from the first days, so a few years later special laboratories were created specializing in the processing of woody greenery.

    In 1994, scientists managed to obtain the required solution, which became the basis for many immunomodulators. Fosprenil, which became the first practical result, was studied clinically on dozens of farms and tens of thousands of birds and large animals. Now Micro-Plus is considered one of the most successful Russian business entities in this area.

    Composition of the drug

    The active ingredient of the immunomodulator is disodium salt of polyprenols phosphate (1 ml of Fosprenil contains 4 mg). And excipients:

    • glycerin - 0.03 ml;
    • ethanol - 0.029 ml;
    • Tween-80 (food additive E433 - emulsifier of the group of surfactants);
    • water for injection - up to 1 ml.

    Any packaging of Fosprenil indicates the international nonproprietary name - disodium salt of polyprenol phosphate

    Release form

    Fosprenil is a clear, sterile solution for injection. But it may be a little cloudy (colorless or yellowish in color). The solution is packaged in transparent glass bottles of 10 and 50 ml. Each bottle is sealed with a rubber cap, and it is sealed with an aluminum cap. This allows you to maintain the sterility of the drug.

    The bottles are packed in white cardboard boxes. Inside the box there are instructions for use with a detailed description of indications and contraindications. The manufacturer, volume, active ingredient, batch and expiration date are indicated on the box, as well as on the bottle. Any Fosprenil label must have the manufacturer’s logo. Some boxes have a holographic sticker.

    I asked our veterinary pharmacy for both volumes of Fosprenil. Large bottles were sealed with silver caps, and small bottles with green caps. However, the pharmacist explained to me that small bottles can also have silver caps (it all depends on the batch of goods and the date of manufacture).

    10 ml bottles can have either silver or green caps

    Storage conditions

    The instructions for use of Fosprenil indicate storage conditions:

    • the drug must be stored in the original box;
    • the storage location should be away from food and animal feed;
    • Fosprenil should be stored in a dry place protected from the sun;
    • children, animals and unauthorized persons should not have access to the first aid kit;
    • optimal storage temperature is from 4 °C to 25 °C;
    • The shelf life of the drug is 2 years from the date of manufacture;
    • After the expiration date, the drug cannot be used;
    • Damaged or expired products must be disposed of in accordance with general rules.

    How the drug works

    Fosprenil is an antiviral agent with immunomodulatory effects. It tends to regulate the animal’s immunity factors. We are talking about the number of antibodies, the activity of phagocytes and others. It provides an increase in the strength of the immune response to vaccination. Helps increase the effectiveness of complex therapy for numerous cat ailments.

    This medication tends to improve the process of cellular metabolism. It is effective against paramyxoviruses, orthomyxoviruses, togaviruses, herpesviruses, coronaviruses and representatives of other genera. Fosprenil belongs to a number of low-hazard substances.


    Fosprenil stimulates the main parameters of the cat’s body that regulate body homeostasis:

    • Increasing the body's natural resistance
    • bactericidal activity of blood serum and phagocytosis
    • Strengthening the humoral immune response in cats to vaccines, thereby increasing the body's specific resistance to infections
    • Reduces the incidence of disease in kittens
    • Activates metabolic processes in cells, tissues and organs
    • Has minor antiviral activity against herpesviruses, orthomyxoviruses, paramyxoviruses, togaviruses, feline coronaviruses
    • Minor hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, and antioxidant properties have been described

    List of indications for use

    Veterinarians prescribe the use of Fosprenil for diseases and painful conditions diagnosed in an animal:

    • panleukopenia;
    • rhinotracheitis;
    • alcivirosis;
    • cases of cat flu;
    • herpes infections;
    • colitis and enteritis of an infectious nature;
    • peritonitis;
    • cases of food poisoning;
    • ailments of unknown etiology affecting the gastrointestinal tract.

    Fosprenil is prescribed to an animal by a veterinarian if he is diagnosed with certain diseases such as panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, cat flu and others.

    Pregnant, lactating and kittens

    The main contraindication to the use of Fosprenil is individual intolerance to the active substance and other components of the drug. In the absence of this factor, the drug can be used at any age for representatives of different breeds.

    In addition, Fosprenil is not contraindicated in pregnant and lactating cats, as well as kittens. However, when polyprenols are administered during pregnancy, the pet must be monitored by a veterinarian. Identical control is needed when treating kittens with the drug.

    How is Fosprenil used?

    Timely treatment with Fosprenil ensures good results. The sooner the owner of a sick cat contacts a veterinarian and begins treatment for his pet, the better.

    For the treatment of diseases of viral etiology, a five-day (sometimes seven-day) course is prescribed, involving daily use of the medication. For preventive purposes, it is used once every 3 days.

    The veterinarian prescribes a course of Fosprenil therapy for the animal and the dosage of the drug, taking into account the severity of the disease.

    The maximum daily dose is:

    • for a kitten from 0.9 to 1.2 ml per 1 kg of body weight;
    • for an adult cat from 0.6 to 0.8 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

    The size of a single dose for adults is 0.2 milliliters, for kittens - 0.3 milliliters.

    In exceptional cases, characterized by severe disease in a cat, the veterinarian may prescribe a larger daily dose. Fosprenil therapy is discontinued once the animal has recovered.

    The use of Fosprenil involves several ways of administering the medication to a cat. It happens:

    • injection intramuscular;
    • injection intravenous;
    • injection subcutaneous;
    • oral;
    • drop, used to wash the animal's eyes and nose.

    At home, the oral method of administering Fosprenil is more often used. It allows for a twofold increase in the dose of veterinary medication administered to the animal (if necessary). For cats that cannot be given medicine into their mouths, the injection method is preferable. A consultation with a veterinarian is required. He will advise what type of injections should be given (intramuscular or subcutaneous). Only a specialist can inject the drug intravenously.

    Treatment with Fosprenil is possible by oral administration of the medication

    From my own experience, I know that giving an injection to a cat at home is not an easy task. This will require dexterity and a certain dexterity. When my beloved cat Boniface got sick, the doctor prescribed him an injection of the immunomodulatory drug Fosprenil. I did not have the opportunity to often travel with my pet to the veterinary clinic for this procedure. So I learned to give injections myself. To do this, I found information on the Internet and read a lot of specialized literature. You can also consult your veterinarian about this. The doctor will tell you in detail how to give an injection to a cat. Personally, it’s easier for me to give the injection subcutaneously. To do this, you need to pull back the cat's skin at the withers and carefully insert the needle. However, this should be done while taking precautions. It is best to carry out the manipulation in special sterile gloves. The needle should enter the cat's skin between the owner's fingers. This is very important so as not to inject yourself during the procedure. Giving intramuscular injections is a little more difficult. In addition, this requires courage. As for intravenous injections, I personally am convinced that without a medical education, you cannot give them to your pet. It is better to entrust this matter to a specialist from a veterinary clinic.

    Video: how to give liquid medicine to a cat

    Features of intramuscular injection administration of Fosprenil to cats

    The injection method of using Fosprenil ensures the rapidity of the therapeutic effect obtained. Subcutaneous injections are characterized by a weaker effect than intravenous and intramuscular injections. The owners of a sick animal can independently administer the drug intramuscularly to their pet.

    Intramuscular injection administration of the drug is possible not only in the veterinary clinic, but also at home

    An injection into the thigh area of ​​an animal is carried out following the following sequence of actions:

    1. For manipulation, a sterile syringe is taken. Medicine is being collected. In this case, the standard rules for administering injections are observed.
    2. The cat is placed on a flat and stable surface, preferably hard. It could be a table. The animal is pressed against the table to immobilize it. If your pet behaves nervously and breaks out of your hands, you will need help from loved ones. One person will hold the animal, and the second will give it an injection.
    3. The injection is made into the back of the thigh, which is characterized by the greatest fleshiness. The needle is inserted maintaining an acute angle. Perpendicular placement of the injection (from top to bottom) is prohibited.
    4. The injection is not given into a tense muscle. The intended injection site is pre-massaged. The foot should be bent.
    5. Manipulation is painful for the animal. The moment the needle is inserted into the muscle, the cat may begin to struggle. It is important that the paw is securely fixed and the animal cannot pull it out of the owner’s hands. The procedure is carried out calmly, without haste. It requires clear and precise movements.
    6. The needle is inserted to a depth of no more than 1 centimeter. After which the medication is administered. It is important to avoid hitting the bone.
    7. Upon completion of the injection of the solution, the needle is removed. After which you can release the animal.
    8. When a course of intramuscular injections is prescribed in the thigh area, you should alternate paws. Injections are not given in a row in the same thigh.

    Video: how to give a cat an injection

    Features of the drug use

    1. "Fosprenil" is acceptable for all age groups of cats;
    2. The drug can be combined with symptomatic medications (for example, painkillers) prescribed by a veterinarian;
    3. Once you start treatment with Fosprenil, it is not recommended to deviate from the schedule prescribed by your doctor. Otherwise, the effect of treatment may be reduced;
    4. "Fosprenil" is not recommended to be taken simultaneously with steroid drugs (the effectiveness of "Fosprenil" is reduced);
    5. Sometimes the drug can cause allergies (you should stop taking the medication and consult a veterinarian);
    6. The correct dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the veterinarian. The manufacturer's instructions provide generalized values ​​regarding doses and duration of treatment;
    7. The medication should not be frozen. The shelf life is 12 months.

    Information about contraindications and side effects

    Fosprenil is contraindicated in cases of increased individual sensitivity of the animal to its components.

    The appearance of side effects during treatment with this veterinary drug is possible in the form of:

    • a slight increase in the animal’s body temperature;
    • lethargy and fatigue;
    • general malaise;
    • changes in heart rhythm.

    The appearance of such symptoms is rare. Side effects go away on their own in a short period of time. This can be explained by the fact that the active component of the drug is related to the substances contained in animal cells.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

    The advantages of Fosprenil include several factors:

    • accessibility (the medicine can be bought at almost any veterinary pharmacy);
    • low price (from 140 rubles per 10 ml bottle);
    • no contraindications (except allergies);
    • low risk of side effects;
    • Fosprenil does not contain toxic substances.

    The disadvantage of this immunomodulator is its unproven effectiveness (or its low degree). There is currently no scientific evidence that the drug actually affects the course of treatment, for example, for viral infections. All conclusions about the drug are made only on the basis of the experience and practice of those people who used it. In addition, Fosprenil is most often used in combination with other medications, so even successful treatment may be due to them.

    After talking with the seller from the nearest veterinary pharmacy, I came to the conclusion that Fosprenil may also have counterfeits. Of course, the pharmacist didn't tell me how to identify them. Only one thing is clear: you need to carefully study the packaging, and it is better to buy 10 ml bottles immediately in a box, and not individually. By the way, if the veterinary pharmacy did not offer you several different packaging options at once, then there is a great chance of buying real Fosprenil.

    One of the disadvantages of Fosprenil is the likelihood of “running into” a fake

    Information on interactions with other medications

    Fosprenil is combined with antibiotic therapy. It can be combined with taking antihistamines, interferon and its inducers.

    The simultaneous use of this medication with glucocorticosteroid drugs (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone and others) should be avoided.

    Fosprenil cannot worsen the animal's condition. We usually prescribe this drug in complex treatment against the background of antibiotic therapy, IV drips, and immunomodulators for viral infections.

    Evgenia Valerievna Galenko, veterinarian, zoo veterinarian

    Personal prevention measures

    According to the instructions, empty drug containers must not be used for household purposes; it must be disposed of with household waste. If the drug accidentally gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it should be washed off immediately with running water and soap. When using Fosprenil, it is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for when working with medicinal products for veterinary use. At the end of the work, you should thoroughly wash your face and hands with soap and rinse your mouth with water.

    People with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug should avoid direct contact with Fosprenil. All work with the drug should be carried out using special clothing and personal protective equipment (rubber gloves, goggles, respirator or protective mask). While working with the drug, do not drink, smoke or eat. If allergic reactions occur and/or if the drug accidentally enters the human body, you should immediately contact a medical facility (bring with you the instructions for use of the drug or the label).

    Information on the cost of veterinary medicine and its analogues

    Fosprenil is available in veterinary pharmacies without a prescription. On average, the cost of packaging 5 bottles of them, with a capacity of 10 milliliters each, is 850 rubles.

    You can buy Fosprenil at any veterinary pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

    Among Fosprenil analogues one can see many veterinary drugs with immunomodulating properties. We are talking about Gamavit, Maksidin, Forvet and others.

    The main role of the immune system is to maintain homeostasis by recognizing foreign antigens. Violations of its functions can be corrected with the help of immunotropic drugs, including immunomodulators. Immunomodulators are most widely used to treat dogs and cats. In livestock farming, immunomodulators are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes to increase natural resistance, stimulate the growth and development of young animals, in pathological conditions accompanied by a decrease in immunoreactivity, including viral and bacterial diseases, to normalize the blood count, prevent and correct stress and its consequences, for detoxification, etc.

    Among herbal preparations, Fosprenil (sodium polyprenyl phosphate, from Siberian fir needles), which has immunomodulatory, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, adjuvant and other pharmacological activities, is widely used in animal husbandry.

    V. Lavrenova, marketer at the publishing house "Agricultural Technologies"

    Table: list of drugs analogues of Fosprenil

    Veterinary medicineManufacturer informationComponentsWho is it shown to?List of contraindicationsInformation about the release formPrice
    Gamavit(Russia Moscow)The active ingredients are presented in the form of denatured emulsified placenta and sodium nucleinate in saline solution, which contains amino acids and vitamins.Prescribed to stimulate growth and development, for the preventive purpose of anemia, rickets and other ailments. Prescribed for stressful situations, exhaustion, dermatitis, hypovitaminosis, toxicosis in pregnant individuals Hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drugInjection solution in a glass bottle of 6, 10 and 100 mlFrom 150 rub. for 10 ml
    Maxidin(Russia Moscow)The main component is germanium bis (pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate) 1.5 mg or 4 mg. Excipients include:
    • water for injection;
    • sodium chloride;
    • monoethanolamine
    For therapy:
    • rhinitis;
    • conjunctivitis;
    • keratoconjunctivitis
    Intolerance to the components of the medicationEye and intranasal drops in 5 ml containers. Injection solution in a 5 ml bottle (5 pcs. in a pack) From 60 rub. for a bottle of eye drops
    Forvet(Russia, Sergiev Posad)The active ingredient is panavira. Auxiliary: sodium chloride and injection water Prescribed in the complex treatment of infectious diseases of the conjunctiva and corneaHypersensitivity to the constituent ingredients of the veterinary drugInjection solution in ampoules of 5 ml or bottles of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 ml. Eye drops 10 ml From 370 rub. per pack (3 bottles)

    Photo gallery: Fosprenil analogues

    The most popular immunostimulating veterinary drug is Gamavit

    Forvet is used in the complex treatment of infectious diseases of the conjunctiva and cornea

    Maxidin is used for the treatment of rhinitis, conjunctivitis in cats

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