Why does a cat yell day and night - reasons and methods for solving problems

When a long-awaited mewing creature appears in the house, in addition to joy, many worries emerge. One of which is why does the kitten constantly meow? Most owners become concerned when the timbre of the voice changes or if the pet begins to meow at night. Zoologists say that a change in timbre may indicate that the animal is hungry or is bothered by something, or wants to go to the toilet. In our article we will talk about what to do if a cat constantly meows, and how the owner should react to this.

Reasons for frequent meowing in kittens

The reasons why kittens meow are different from why adult cats meow:

  • When a kitten meows, it means that it is stressed, especially if it has just been adopted into the house. In this case, you need to let the animal get used to it and leave it alone.
  • A common reason if a kitten has just been taken into the house is that it feels hungry. The fact is that the animal does not know where the bowl or toilet is; the baby is not yet accustomed to the location.
  • When a kitten meows, it means that you need to play with it, as if in this way it attracts attention.
  • If kittens meow outside the door at night, then you shouldn’t indulge them in this. Otherwise, it may become a habit; he will understand that he is being played with. Then the cat will react in a similar way.
  • The best reason is an expression of love.

The kitten constantly meows: what to do if he doesn’t have enough attention?

Despite the fact that domestic cats are independent creatures, they still need care and attention, and it is very important for them to feel needed.

Small kittens especially urgently need this. Sometimes they feel very lonely and need your attention so much. Therefore, sometimes you can take a break from household chores for a while and pay a little attention to your pet. He needs very little: talk to him, make him a small soft toy with which he will frolic.

You can either purchase fun for your baby at one of the pet stores or children's departments, or make it yourself. So, the toy will occupy the kitten’s entire time, he will stop screaming and completely immerse himself in the fun.

Reasons for frequent meowing in adult cats

Adult animals vocalize for different reasons than small kittens:

  • Common causes are when the pet is in heat, his voice becomes louder and shriller. When there is a cat at home, during sexual activity, he will scream in such a heart-rending voice that if the pet is not used for breeding, then it is better to castrate it.
  • It happens that a spoiled pet will follow you and yell until the food he doesn’t like is replaced. What to do in this situation is up to the owner to decide. Maybe the owner will change the food to something else that is more beloved by the animal, or maybe he will offer to eat what they give.
  • Sometimes the pet screams and walks at night, because cats are predatory animals, and night is hunting time for them. In this case, you can try not letting your pet sleep during the day or try getting another kitten. Maybe they'll have more fun together.
  • When a cat meows a lot, you need to check if she needs help, maybe something hurts? This can be checked by touching the tail, paws, back, and tummy. If he doesn't react to touch, then he's fine.

A few more reasons

Another option is the individuality of each pet, its character and temperament. There are very taciturn and silent cats who are simply not used to showing their emotions. Mostly kittens meow actively and loudly, but over time they stop being active, and almost never use their ears when communicating with each other. Elderly or simply adult cats are more likely to remain silent or show anger in other ways if it comes to a quarrel. All cats begin to meow when they need something from their owner.

How often do we come home in a bad mood, tired and dissatisfied. And so, when we sit down on the sofa, our beloved furry pet jumps on our knees and begins to purr and turns on its “motor”

Do you agree that your soul becomes a little easier at this moment? A cat purrs when she wants to communicate something, attract attention, asks for something, or she just really wants affection

When you notice that your cat seems to be “pushing”, trying to say something, even opening his mouth. However, the salt itself is as follows: at this moment the cat actually utters its own specific sounds that our human ear simply does not catch.

Anxiety in your cat that requires you to see a veterinarian

If your cat is worried when going to the toilet, then there is no need to worry if it has been dewormed. However, all necessary conditions must be met:

  • If a cat meows and scratches its ear at the same time, then you need to go to the veterinarian, he may have a mite or an allergy.
  • If your cat is trembling and meowing, then you should pay attention to whether she is feeling hungry or cold. If not, then you need to visit a veterinarian to check if he has a spinal injury.
  • If an adult animal goes to the toilet and meows, then this is a reason to visit the clinic; it may have urolithiasis.
  • It is necessary to visit a veterinarian if your pet meows, goes to the toilet frequently and refuses to eat.
  • If your pet makes hoarse sounds, as if experiencing interference, then you definitely need the help of a specialist; perhaps he has worms in his heart, or there may be a viral disease.
  • If the cat makes a heart-rending cry, then perhaps he has some kind of injury or pain in the abdomen. If the stomach is hard, like a swollen drum, then you should immediately consult a veterinarian. In a normal position, the tummy should be soft and light pressure should not cause any discomfort to the animal.

Take care of furniture, curtains and carpets

You also need to keep this scenario in mind! A cat will tear curtains and scratch carpets if you keep it indoors and do not let it outside. Whatever one may say, this is a defensive reaction! We warned you that you risk not recognizing your furry friend!

How to deal with the problem? Arm yourself with double-sided tape for carpets. Cats hate sticky surfaces and avoid them at all costs. Having noticed that the cat is “not indifferent” to the curtains, think about how you can save them. Either remove them completely or fasten them - it’s more visible in place. Do not indulge the cat's whims: if you release the animal, you risk never seeing it again! Just a week or two of patience, and life in your (new!) home will flow as usual.

Photo: pets4homes.co.uk

How to calm a screaming cat

What to do if a previously calm and even lazy cat is constantly yelling at home? The owner has only one option - a consultation with a veterinarian. If an animal has any disease, the doctor will cure it and make life easier for the owner.

Perhaps the pet is showing anxiety due to unsatisfied sexual activity. The use of hormonal drugs that reduce cravings in a pet is harmful to its health. There are two options here: either let the cat go for a walk or castrate him.

You can try feeding your pet more nutritiously at night; it will require more energy to process food. Consequently, the cat will sleep peacefully at night.

You need to be careful with drugs such as Kot-Bayun or Feliway. They can only be used in extreme cases, as they are dangerous for the animal; first you need to be sure that the pet does not have any health problems.

An attentive owner will always determine by the timbre of his pet’s voice whether he has any health problems. The necessary attention and care will help to survive this difficult period not only for the cat, but also for the owner.

What should an owner do if his cat yells?

What should an owner do if his cat constantly yells? Is it even possible to deal with the screams of your pet? The owner, tired of such noisy behavior, can do the following:

  • To begin with, it is important to identify the cause of the ora
    . It is necessary to determine whether the animal is eating enough, whether it is cold, or whether it is bored? Is the cat afraid of something? If the problem is hunger, then you need to increase the volume of food portions or revise your diet by adding more protein foods to the menu. If the purr is cold, you need to turn on the heater in the house and cover it with a blanket. If you are bored, then be sure to carve out at least 10-15 minutes to communicate with the animal. If it's all about fear, it is important to calm the pet and, if possible, isolate it from the source of danger;
  • Since many pets scream, begging for food, the owner needs to take into account that one should not follow the lead of the tailed screamers
    . The animal must have a clear eating schedule (usually adult cats are fed twice a day - morning and evening). Treats can be given only as an exception (for example, for good behavior), but not at the first plaintive cry;
  • Sometimes cats are hungry within an hour or two after eating, if parasites - worms - live in their bodies. extremely important to carry out timely prevention or treatment of helminthic infestations
  • It is advisable to teach your pet the “no!” command from an early age.
    . Yes, dogs are usually trained, but cats are also capable of remembering and following simple commands from their owners. Whenever a kitten does something “illegal” (for example, shit outside the tray, bite, steal from the table, scream heart-rendingly, etc.), he needs to strictly and loudly say the word “no” immediately after the trick, and then ignore the bully for a while;
  • Cats should not be beaten for their unreasonable yelling
    , but the owner must show with all his appearance that he is dissatisfied. Looking into the eyes, you can scold the cat by calling out loudly. If you have enough patience, you can ignore the yelling, but you should not give in to the manipulative animal under any circumstances;
  • If a cat yells for no reason, but no amount of persuasion or caresses works, you can lightly spray it with water from a spray bottle
    . But you can do this if you are sure that the animal is definitely making noise not because of illness;
  • If an animal screams due to poor upbringing, it can be frightened by noise
    . You can hit the table with your palm, rustle a crispy bag, blow a whistle, play the harmonica, or squeeze a children's squeaky toy. But again, all this is not worth doing if the cause of the cry lies in the animal’s illness;
  • It is imperative to analyze whether the cat is sick. Any warning symptom is a reason to visit a doctor
    . In general, it is best to visit the veterinarian’s office once or twice a year for preventive purposes, even if the pet appears to be absolutely healthy;
  • If a cat only screams during heat, then the owner will have to make a choice between finding a sexual partner for his pet and sterilization
    . Restraining natural instincts with the help of hormonal drugs is quite dangerous, because such drugs often provoke the development of cancer;
  • Sedatives for cats
    (infusion and tablets of Kot Bayun, Catnip spray, Fitex drops, Stop Stress drops and tablets, etc.) can cope with stress or excessive anxiety and yelling
  • Some cats scream at night, preventing both the owner and neighbors from sleeping. To correct the situation, it is important not to allow the animal to get enough sleep during the daytime and in the evening
    . For interesting leisure time for your cat, you can buy a variety of toys (for example, teasers, scratching posts, interactive toys, wind-up mice, laser pointers, stuffed figurines with catnip, etc.). In addition, you can make toys yourself (the Internet is full of instructions on how to make a toy for a cat). Some cats enjoy playing on their own, while others need to be involved in the game. The most important thing is to teach the animal to stay awake during the daytime and evening hours, leaving the night for sleep and rest.

Why does a cat have no voice?

The reasons why an animal lost its voice can be divided into three main groups:

  • infectious diseases,
  • non-communicable diseases,
  • associated environmental factors.

One of the reasons for a cat’s loss of voice is infectious diseases of various etiologies: viral rhinotracheitis, infectious laryngitis, calcivirosis, rabies. With viral rhinotracheitis, the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and trachea are affected, which is accompanied by hoarseness or complete loss of voice in the sick animal. The causative agent of the disease is the herpes virus. Timely and proper treatment and dietary nutrition contribute to the rapid restoration of vocal function in a cat.

One of the common reasons why a cat has lost its voice is infectious laryngotracheitis, the causative agent of which belongs to the herpesvirus family. The disease is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract and laryngeal edema. These phenomena lead to hoarseness of the animal, as well as a complete absence of voice.

It hurts the cat to eat, drink water and meow. Infectious laryngotracheitis is often a consequence of advanced influenza, sore throat, colds, and rhinitis.

With viral calcivirus, one of the symptoms of the disease is hoarseness and loss of voice in the animal. This viral disease poses a deadly threat to small kittens and older animals. Symptoms of the disease are respiratory in nature. A sick pet has a hoarse voice and complete loss of voice. Ulcers are observed on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, on the tongue, and on the tip of the nose. In severe cases, pneumonia develops.

Viral calcivirus in a cat: multiple ulcers filled with fluid on the tongue and palate

Silence of an animal can occur as a result of a dangerous disease for humans - rabies. This rare and fatal disease causes the cat to lose his voice due to paralysis of the pharynx and larynx. The animal does not speak, refuses to eat, there is drooling, hydrophobia and photophobia. The most effective prevention of a dangerous disease is timely vaccination of your pet.

One of the non-infectious reasons why a cat is hoarse is otitis media. The inflammatory process that occurs in the animal's middle ear leads to the development of edema of the laryngeal mucosa. In this case, the cat or cat loses its vocal abilities until the voice completely disappears.

The cause of swelling of the larynx and, as a result, hoarseness and loss of voice, may be an allergy. Allergic edema reduces the lumen of the larynx, complicating the animal’s vocal abilities.

Hoarseness of the voice and its complete disappearance are often observed when the pet’s body is dehydrated. Your pet should have free access to water at all times.

It is especially important to fulfill this condition when feeding your cat dry food.

Very often, the reasons why a cat has lost his voice, does not meow, or the animal’s voice is changed are injuries to the larynx, foreign objects in the oral cavity. The most common injury to a cat's larynx occurs with fish bones or inedible sharp objects. As a result of the penetration of a foreign body into the larynx, mechanical damage to the mucous membrane occurs, which is accompanied by swelling, which impedes vocal function.

Factors leading to loss of voice in an animal include:

  • Keeping an animal in a room where there is frequent smoking. Cigarette smoke contains high levels of irritating toxic substances that can cause laryngeal swelling in your pet. In this case, the cat often has a hoarse voice.
  • The dryness of the air in a room or apartment, especially during the heating season, provokes irritation and dryness of the laryngeal mucosa, hoarseness, and sometimes leads to a complete loss of the cat’s voice.
  • Respiratory poisoning of an animal by toxic fumes from paint coatings, organic solvents, and disinfectants. Spraying household aerosols, cosmetics (varnishes, deodorants, etc.) can also cause hoarseness in a cat.
  • After anesthesia, the animal may become hoarse for a short period of time.

Screams of young cats and cats

Young, sexually mature, uncastrated cats begin their calls closer to spring - in February or March, calling for a partner. If you do not plan to get offspring from your animal, the easiest way to stop nocturnal yelling is to castrate your pet.

By doing this, you will only improve the quality of his life, eliminating possible negative consequences (pyometra in cats, territorial markings of cats), and lengthen his life.

Other causes of loud screaming may include:

The desire to attract attention - this is how cats can beg for a treat, demand to open a closed door, demand to play.

Anxious state - cats sense the approach of a natural disaster or weather change within a few days, and can scream to wake up their owners if there is a fire in the house or with neighbors.

The struggle for dominance in a pride - if there are several cats in the house and more than one stud cat, a young cat can find out with an older one “who is boss” even without a fight, just loud screams.

Not everyone reacts to the behavior of their owners; unfortunately, owners treat their pets adequately. If a cat is beaten or shouted at, then in response the cat may begin to show aggression towards the owner (pressed ears, raised fur on the spine, a heart-rending scream coupled with jumping sideways - indicate that the cat perceives the owner as an enemy, which must be driven away).

What to do?

A distraction strategy can stop the night cries of a young animal that are not associated with a spring hormonal surge: keep the cat awake in the evening, amusing him and yourself with active play with running around and simulating hunting; before going to bed, feed him generously, preferably meat (it takes longer to digest).

If this does not help, you can use plant-based drops (Cat Bayun), the Feliway system, or other sedatives.

When getting a pet, you need to remember that it is easier to teach than to retrain. If you don’t want problems with a cat crying at night, teach your baby order from the first day in the house.

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