Cat love: how cats and cats show it

Rules for safe hugs

Don't avoid cats completely. They are able to bring warmth and joy to the home. The main thing is to adhere to the rules:

  1. It is better not to approach street cats. If you decide to adopt a “stray”, then the first step is to wash the new pet and then show it to the veterinarian.
  2. Get dewormed and take other tests. If necessary, treat the animal
  3. If you avoid biting and scratching, it is better not to disturb your cat while eating and sleeping.
  4. Don't forget to change the filler. After cleaning the tray, disinfect your hands, or better yet use gloves.
  5. Eliminate raw foods from your pet's diet, such as fish, eggs, meat.
  6. When you get home, shine your shoes and tidy up the hallway. After all, you can bring helminths or microbes home with dirt.
  7. After you cuddle with a cat, wash your hands.
  8. Don't forget about general cleaning.
  9. Forbid the animal from touching your face and do not give it food from your utensils.
  10. If possible, do not let your pet outside, and if this happens, it is better to wash the pussy with shampoo with antibacterial properties.

Lucky people in life: what kind of people do cats love?

It is not uncommon to observe a cat’s inexplicable love for a particular person. It’s surprising when one family member regularly feeds and waters the animal, plays with it and devotes a lot of time, but the cat directs all its love to another person: sleeps with him, purrs. Also often, after buying a kitten, it becomes attached to one member of the household and stays next to him. Even when they grow up, such kittens retain their love and do not exchange it for others.

Showing a cat's love for a person

The reason why this happens lies absolutely not in mysticism or in the special arrangement of the stars. Sympathy is most likely caused by the behavior of a particular person. For example, adult animals like balanced people, with a calm character and a moderate timbre of voice. You can make friends with animals if you catch their gaze and blink several times. Staring will be seen as a sign of threat, while blinking will be seen as peaceful and loyal.

Interesting! It is believed that if a person is loved by cats, it means that his soul is not completely black. Animals, as a rule, try to avoid bad people.

Cat people are considered to be sympathetic, good-natured and a little sentimental people. They also have a sense of responsibility, caring for family and loved ones.

Main risks

If we think sensibly, then the very formulation of the question “why can’t you kiss cats?” sounds weird. We are not inclined to enter into close relationships with unfamiliar or sick people. Why don’t we beware of tactile proximity with pets, which can be carriers of a hidden infection?

There are a number of dangerous zoonotic diseases that a pet can reward its loving owner:

disorders caused by ubiquitous bacteria: pasteurella, staphylococcus, E. coli, salmonella; lichen is a common fungal infection that is easily transmitted from cats to humans; being relatively harmless, cat lichen requires treatment that is unpleasant for children - the main target of the parasitic scourge; cat scratch fever, caused by the microbe Bartonella and occurring in an acute form with severe intoxication; toxoplasmosis is a parasitic infection transmitted to people from a sick animal through kissing or careless handling of cat litter or litter.

If a four-legged pet is diagnosed with one of the listed diseases, the question of whether cats can be kissed is clearly inappropriate. Be careful and keep your distance from your pet until it gets better.

Do cats like to cuddle?

Some cats don't like to be hugged and cuddled, but there are also those who are ready to enjoy human affection for hours. These cats are easy to recognize: they constantly try to take a place on a person's arms or lap, and some try to lie on his neck or chest.

Some cats love to cuddle and play with children

My cat rubs against my hands every evening until I start cuddling her. When she gets her way, she begins to purr loudly and closes her eyes. She falls asleep only by burying her nose in my shoulder or burying her head in my hair.

But even if a cat really loves affection from a person, you should not always follow her lead.

How to hug a cat

First, it is important to understand your cat's individual requirements for physical contact.

If he reacts neutrally or tries to break free and run away, do not touch him.

If you have a cat that likes to cuddle with you, wait until she interacts with you first before you cuddle.

Always be gentle, limit the amount of time you cuddle, watch your pet's body language, any signs of anxiety, and always stop if your cat starts to struggle.

Do cats like to cuddle?

Some cats don't like to be hugged and cuddled, but there are also those who are ready to enjoy human affection for hours. These cats are easy to recognize: they constantly try to take a place on a person's arms or lap, and some try to lie on his neck or chest.

Some cats love to cuddle and play with children

My cat rubs against my hands every evening until I start cuddling her. When she gets her way, she begins to purr loudly and closes her eyes. She falls asleep only by burying her nose in my shoulder or burying her head in my hair.

But even if a cat really loves affection from a person, you should not always follow her lead.

Should cats be hugged every day?

Do cats like to cuddle? Probably not in the way we think, but by showing us physical affection and allowing us to pet and cuddle them, cats are engaging in a social ritual that strengthens the bond with their owner.

However, it is wise to remember that when it comes to any type of physical interaction, it is good practice to wait until the cat wants affection and cuddles without forcing physical contact on them.

Do you have a cat who likes to cuddle with you or, on the contrary, ignores you?

What's the funniest thing she likes to cuddle with?

Tell us in the comments section below!

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Rules for safe hugs

Don't avoid cats completely. They are able to bring warmth and joy to the home. The main thing is to adhere to the rules:

  1. It is better not to approach street cats. If you decide to adopt a “stray”, then the first step is to wash the new pet and then show it to the veterinarian.
  2. Get dewormed and take other tests. If necessary, treat the animal
  3. If you avoid biting and scratching, it is better not to disturb your cat while eating and sleeping.
  4. Don't forget to change the filler. After cleaning the tray, disinfect your hands, or better yet use gloves.
  5. Eliminate raw foods from your pet's diet, such as fish, eggs, meat.
  6. When you get home, shine your shoes and tidy up the hallway. After all, you can bring helminths or microbes home with dirt.
  7. After you cuddle with a cat, wash your hands.
  8. Don't forget about general cleaning.
  9. Forbid the animal from touching your face and do not give it food from your utensils.
  10. If possible, do not let your pet outside, and if this happens, it is better to wash the pussy with shampoo with antibacterial properties.

As you can see, we have successfully and positively dealt with the question – is it possible to hug cats? Remember to be patient with your pet, study him, and take care of his health. Only then will you be able to hug your cat without the risk of getting infected, scratched or rejected.

  • Are cats similar to people?
  • Why cats don't taste sweets
  • How and why cats conquered the Internet

Hugging Tips

You have already figured out whether it is possible to hug cats and kittens, you have found out how to do it correctly, but your pet rejects all possible intimacy. So the first piece of advice is to respect the choice. Pussy can adore you, not get off your lap and wait for hours for stroking, but cannot stand being hugged. So this is not her profile, love her for who she is.

Cats and cats can be taught to hug you if you first give them soft toys, they remind them of their brothers, and they love to cuddle with each other. Ideally, get a second pet.

Cats hugging each other

Cats look like they are hugging when they curl up together. Yes, cats can find themselves in very strange positions to get as close to each other as possible. But in reality, cats huddle together to stay warm and stay warm, even if it's hot in your home.

So, what may look like a cat hug is a random position they've fallen into to keep warm.

It's clear that we humans are very social, we can enjoy physical contact (especially hugging furry, cute animals).

We love our cats and want them to love us and show it in ways we are used to seeing, but we may unintentionally attribute human behavior to them. Of course cats are clearly capable of showing a lot of physical affection, it's just that our interpretation of a hug may be different from theirs, and that's something to keep in mind!

Why and when you can’t hug cats and kittens

Here we come to the serious part of our story, which reveals what harm can be done if you hug a cat. Many people believe that hugging pets is a bad and dangerous activity. And they can be understood, because if you hug a sick animal, you can catch a dangerous disease from it.

Owners in love

And love can be like that too—uncontrollably suffocating! What to do - you have to pay for everything in life, and for the happiness of being loved too. And in general, it is better to die in the arms of passion than to die alone.

A hug can mean a lot. Especially if you're a kitten. Kittens and cats love to cuddle. Yes, yes, even your eternally frowning Murzik, who does not let you near him under any circumstances. You're just approaching the hugging process wrong! Watch and learn!

(Total 25 photos)

1. An apologetic hug. “I didn’t know that you would be offended if I jumped off the cabinet on you.”

2. A gentle hug. “There is no better blanket for me than you.”

3. The squeezing hug. Just not too much, without fanaticism.

4. “My” hug. “No one would dare take my best friend away from me.”

5. Hug from above. “My chin is your cap and your head is my pillow.”

6. Combo hug. “There is nothing better than hugging and being hugged.”

7. Hug during breaks from the virtual world. “Sometimes after watching the news on the Internet, you just want to hug in the real world.”

8. Wrestling hug. "I won! My hugs!”

9. Stop hug. “If I hug you, will you stop petting me?”

10. Hug “What are you staring at?” in the style of “This photo is hidden by privacy settings.”

11. “Is it normal to think about someone else while we’re hugging?”

12. Soothing hug. “I’m sorry you didn’t win the part in the Whiskas commercial, but everything has its time.”

13. Hug with a kiss on the forehead. “Let’s cuddle goodnight?”

15. “Never Grow Up” Hug – “someday you’ll grow up and not want to hug, I’ll pretend it’s okay but it’ll actually break my heart.”

16. Embrace shared sleep. “Do you also dream of sprat in a tomato? This is destiny!"

17. “We forgot we hugged” hug.

18. Hug “I’m sorry those kids hurt you.” In my thoughts: “I’ll find them and write in their sneakers.”

20. “I can’t sleep” hug.

25. “Forever” hug. “I don’t realize it yet, but after many, many years, the memory of this hug will help me overcome a dark streak in life.”

A quick search on the Internet will reveal hundreds of images and videos of cats hugging each other and their kittens, people, as well as dogs, ducks, toys, tree branches and inanimate objects!

But do cats really love cuddles and enjoy cuddling with their owners?

Precautionary measures

It is important to remember and follow a few simple rules for communicating with animals in the future. There is no need to touch a stray cat if you are not going to help it (free it from captivity, feed it, etc.)

d.). If you decide to take the animal home, do it carefully, because the cat is scared. It’s better not to wash your new pet with anti-flea shampoos: firstly, washing is stressful, and secondly, the animal may suffer from lichen, which after washing will spread throughout the body. If there are fleas, use special drops or spray. You need to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible, a specialist will check the animal for diseases and give vaccinations. If necessary, deworming can be carried out

There is no need to touch a stray cat if you are not going to help it (free it from captivity, feed it, etc.). If you decide to take the animal home, do it carefully, because the cat is scared. It’s better not to wash your new pet with anti-flea shampoos: firstly, washing is stressful, and secondly, the animal may suffer from lichen, which after washing will spread throughout the body. If there are fleas, use special drops or spray. You need to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible, a specialist will check the animal for diseases and give vaccinations. If necessary, deworming can be done.

If you adopted an animal from the street, be sure to take it to the veterinarian and get all the necessary vaccinations.

In addition, you need to handle the toilet carefully: change the filler regularly. After changing the filler, you need to wash your hands thoroughly (you can use thick rubber gloves). And each owner also has his own tricks and devices: self-cleaning trays, scoops, bags for excrement, etc.

My cat's litter box originally had a grate. I bought wood filler because it held the odor best and was easy to replace. When the cat grew older, she began to pick at the edge of the mesh with her claws, trying to pull it out of the tray. She also threw sawdust in different directions. The pet store suggested that the cat might be too “small.” I bought a tray for large breeds (the mesh was immediately pulled out). Now I use clay filler, since pebbles made of natural material are heavier than others and fly out less. I used clay for the first time, and then I realized that it stuck to the bottom. Later I adapted to this: I put cling film on the bottom of the tray, wrap the edges under the rim of the tray and secure it with thin tape. When replacing, I simply lift the film, turning its edges inward. All that remains is to rinse the tray.

The next rule: you need to exclude raw animal products from the cat’s menu: meat, fish, eggs, etc. And also the cat should not eat from human dishes and vice versa. There is no need to feed your pet from the mouth (cats may insistently ask if they smell the treat).

Cats love raw meat and fish, but don't indulge them.

In addition, in any situation, you need to follow basic hygiene rules: regular and general cleaning of the house, washing your hands after contact with an animal, etc. It is better not to let a domestic cat outside. And if you do let him out, then after the walk you need to wash your pet with a special antibacterial shampoo. But all these are just general rules. For the most correct treatment of an animal, you need to know the characteristics of your cat. Attentive owners carefully monitor the health of their pet and know for sure whether it is possible to hug and kiss it.

After walking outside, wash your cat with shampoo

There are several types of reasons why cats should not be kissed or hugged - medical, psychological and mystical. Psychological reasons are associated with the character of the cat, mystical ones - with signs and prejudices. The most important are medical reasons - the possibility of contracting various diseases. To prevent tactile communication with a cat from leading to tragic consequences, you need to follow a number of rules and remember to vaccinate your pet on time.

Should you kiss your cats?

Guarded in a dream: why do cats sleep near their owner’s head?

Feeling love for their tailed friends, people treat cats like humans. They allow pets to sleep under a blanket, try food from their own plate, kiss and much more. However, most of this love can have a negative impact on both parties.

Signs of love from pets

It is worth excluding this manifestation of feelings for several reasons:

  • There are many microorganisms on cat fur that you will have to come into contact with. While you can wear a special collar to get rid of fleas and ticks, you can’t get rid of microscopic organisms that way. These can be lichen, staphylococcus, fungi, salmonella and others.
  • Allergic reactions can also develop from close contact with animals.
  • The owner runs the risk of contracting rabies if a cat goes outside without vaccinations and is then greeted with kisses and close hugs.
  • Also, a free-ranging cat can become a carrier of dangerous viruses that are spread by mice, birds and other animals with which they may have come into contact.

Interesting! Kisses themselves are not pleasant for cats. They regard them as a sign of aggression, so they try to avoid such contact by any means.

Cats and love are close concepts for the owners of these pets. For harmonious communication with them, it is important not only to devote time to them and provide them with the necessary care, but also to be able to “read” their habits. Perhaps, at first glance, unusual and strange behavior may indicate a favorable attitude towards the owner.

Don't leave your cat alone!

A very offensive situation for the animal is also your departure, in which you decide to leave the cat in a closed house for a long time. And even if you leave the animal with a sufficient amount of food and water and provide regular cleaning (for example, ask your friends), do not be surprised if upon your return you find your house destroyed! The cat is very upset by your absence, she feels loneliness and fear (it seems to her that you abandoned her), so she will be mischievous in order to somehow vent her negative feelings. However, don't think she's doing it out of spite. It’s simply hard for your animal to be alone at home, and his feelings are similar to those of a small child suddenly left unattended.

It is the fear of loneliness that should be explained by the sudden negative antics of a cat: puddles in your shoes or suitcase when you are about to leave somewhere, or a torn sofa that was attacked in your absence. It seems to you that the cat was being mischievous, but in reality she was... sad! And out of this longing, she found a place that has a strong smell of the owner in order to leave her mark on it!

Another taboo in handling a cat is beating. This action can offend the cat very much, and even if you think that the animal deserved a spanking, in fact it will feel very bad! The cat associates blows not with any of its actions, but only with you personally, and if it receives rudeness from you, it will feel seriously offended and will begin to fear dealing with you. The cat will remember that you can hurt it and will simply be afraid and wary of you. The situation is similar if you yell at a cat. She will perceive this only as an encroachment on her territory or on her right to be the mistress of the house, and she will see you as an enemy, towards whom she will begin to show either fear or aggression. If you really want to wean your cat off something, don’t yell at it! It’s better to start acting gently and gradually, without causing insults or insults to the animal. This way the success of your upbringing will be more obvious!

Is it possible to hug cats and cats in principle?

The answer is simple - of course, you can, because many cats are thrilled by tactile sensations. You may get the feeling that these cute creatures can rub against their owner for hours. These pets always climb onto a person’s lap when a person sits down, they can even hug him in a fit of feline devotion and love.

For such cats, hugs from their owners are one of the most pleasant moments, along with scratching behind the ear and stroking the head or back. Such a pet will not think about whether it is possible to hug cats, but will rather take on this mission.

Almost every person has at least once met such a cute animal, sometimes even too annoying in terms of begging for affection. There are quite a lot of cats like this and this pattern of behavior most often persists with them throughout their lives. Owners of such affectionate pets get used to this peculiarity of the animal and believe that it cannot be any other way.

Do cats need human affection?

Cats love to be affectionate towards their owners. They show this by rubbing their legs, purring, butting their heads, and stomping their paws. But, being very independent animals, they prefer to do it when they want. People may misunderstand these actions, which have very specific meanings:

  • rubbing and butting may signal begging for a treat;
  • “stomp” - the desire to create an atmosphere of security, this comes from childhood, when a kitten kneaded the mother’s breast, stimulating milk production;
  • Purring is an indicator of a cat's relaxed state.

People, on the contrary, at every opportunity, like to pick up an animal in their arms, squeeze it, knead it and, as a final touch, kiss it on the nose.

Of course, there are many examples of cats hugging their owners, loving to cuddle on laps, persistently begging for affection, and vigorously showing their love themselves. But there is a category of pets that avoid such manifestations of feelings. Moreover, they behave aggressively and release their claws.

Some cats obediently endure all demands, especially those of children. You can swaddle them, roll them in a stroller, put them to bed with you, and play with them like living toys. But such “persistence” among cats is still the exception rather than the rule.

Cats appreciate the manifestation of affection on the part of the owner, but only if at the moment the animal itself is disposed towards this. In addition, some pets allow only certain ways of showing affection: stroking the head, scratching behind the ear and on the chin.

The cat does not like to hug - what to do?

Almost every home has a pet: a hamster, guinea pig, chinchilla, parrot, dog or cat. It is representatives of the cat family, despite their wayward disposition, who are able to respond with love to love

Have you ever noticed how a small kitten or an adult cat purrs and rubs against its legs, trying to attract the attention of its owner? In this way, an animal shows its sympathy and love for a person.

Many novice “cat breeders” are interested in whether cats like it when they start hugging, squeezing and kissing them.

To answer this question, you need to remember how the animal reacts to the affection and attention of the owner: the pet purrs loudly, closes its eyes, puts its head up and nuzzles its nose into the hand

Do not forget to monitor children who show a lot of attention to pets living in the house. Due to his age, a small child does not know how to correctly calculate his own strength; often gentle hugs turn into suffocation

You need to be able to love, only then will both the animal and the person receive true pleasure from each other’s company.

How cats show love to humans

Are there red cats or only cats?

Sometimes it is more difficult to win the affection of a tailed friend than a human. And it is no less difficult to recognize this sympathy, so all owners should know how cats show love for their owner.

How cats show warm feelings towards their owner

He rolls from side to side at your feet

The animal rolls from one side to the other in front of the owner - this is a clear sign of an attempt to attract his attention. Cats only leave their belly open in front of someone they trust and where they feel safe.

Advice! When keeping pets, do not forget about cleanliness and disinfection. The line tool is able to efficiently cope with this task without harming the pets.

Touching your face and hair

It is quite a rare occurrence for a cat to lick the hair or ears of its owner. But those who find such an honor can be confident in the disposition of their animal. Such care is a sign of friendship and the warmest feelings.

Soft objects crush you or crush you

The most common way cats show love and other feelings is by trampling their paws on their owner or the sofa. In fact, there is no exact reason for this behavior, but there are a number of assumptions.

  • This is how the cat shows its rights to the territory or, in fact, to the person. The pads of its paws contain glands that, when in contact with surfaces, leave an odor on them.
  • Such movements calm the animal. A cat can produce them to relieve stress or show its good disposition.
  • Make yourself comfortable. It is generally accepted that wild cats made the bedding in the nest softer with such movements. Households can treat a person very pragmatically, lying on him in search of warmth and comfort.

The cat shows you its furry butt

This behavior of the animal often causes bewilderment among people - why does the pet raise its tail and turn away from its owner. In the language of cats, this is how they show their affection and trust. Cats don’t show love to just anyone like that, which means the person is in good standing with them.

Kisses and licks

If a pet licks a hand or other part of the body, this is not a hint to wash it. This is how cats show love and affection. Their wild ancestors lick every member of their feline pride, while their domestic ones include their owners in their family.

The desire to be close as a way to show love for a person

The desire to be close

Despite the fact that cats have long been assigned independence from humans, many of them simply need to be close to their family members. Accompanying him around the apartment or sitting next to him on the sofa are all ways for a cat to say I love a person, to express a tender and affectionate attitude towards him.

Interesting! It is believed that cats sense approaching death and try in every possible way to leave the house.


This feeling is also characteristic of domestic felines. At the same time, they can be jealous of other animals, guests, visiting friends, and even their phone or tablet. More precisely, to everything that the beloved owner spends his attention on.

Important! The consequence of jealousy can be an overturned flower pot, a broken beautiful vase or a Bohemian set - something that will “switch” a person’s attention.

Caresses and “rough” licks

Licking the owner is the highest cat love, which was instilled from the very birth of the kitten. The mother cat licked her kittens, helping to clean them up. Having matured, the cat can lick the closest and closest family member.

Licking the owner is the highest measure of love

Light nipping

It is quite easy to distinguish between light friendly biting and aggression. Cats rarely use this method. It is also a sign of friendship and sympathy.

Head butting

A cat and cat can express love by slowly butting their owner's head. During this procedure, the animal transmits some of the pheromones, thus expressing the highest stage of trust.

Sleeping on clothes

Many animals prefer to sleep not in their own bed, but on the clothes of one of their family members. This behavior allows them to smell the owner, which calms them down. Therefore, you should not chase your cat away from things, because she is drawn to a feeling of closeness, comfort and safety.

Is it possible to kiss domestic cats?

One of the main sources of concern is the parasites that live in a cat's fur. They are able to jump onto human skin, bite and even carry various diseases, and some of them are quite difficult to get rid of.

Cats are not always delighted with kisses

Note! Of course, if a pet lives exclusively at home and does not go outside at all, then it is quite possible that there will be no pests on its fur. However, even if the cat is a homebody, this fact also does not give a 100% guarantee.

In addition to fleas, cats' fur can also harbor other parasites, such as dust mites. They are practically invisible to the human eye, making them quite difficult to detect. Such pests can cause irritation of the mucous membrane in humans, which, in fact, is the very notorious allergy to cats. That is why owners of cats who are prone to allergies are highly discouraged from letting their pets close to their faces.

If a kitten kisses the owner, then this is not a sign of affection and kindness

Important! Many people do not know that kissing causes discomfort in pets. Even though they don't show joy like dogs, they don't feel anything positive from them.

Cat saliva can also cause problems for the human body. Even if a pet is vaccinated, treated for parasites and is always in the house, this does not mean that its saliva can be safe for humans. The fact is that it contains some proteins characteristic of each species. That is why, when a cat kisses, a small part of the cat’s proteins penetrates the human mouth and mucous membranes. And since the human body perceives foreign protein as a foreign body, it rejects it, activating inflammatory processes.

As a result, a person’s immunity decreases for some time, and there is a risk of various diseases. This is why experts strongly discourage kissing cats on the lips, face and nose.

Cuddling kittens

One of the images I came across while searching for cuddling kittens shows two felines, one standing upright with his front paws wide open and looking at the other kitten across from him, who appears to be sitting nonchalantly.

You might think that a kitten standing upright really wants to hug its furry friend. In fact, a kitten standing on its hind legs is using the other as hunting practice, while a sitting kitten is preparing to defend itself.

While this obviously seems like a joke, it perfectly illustrates the very human perception of cat behavior.

Chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, giardiasis

  • Chlamydia
    is transmitted to humans, including from cats. Humans have no immunity to this type of bacteria. In most people, chlamydia exists, but remains dormant until the immune system is weakened due to some disease, and then they manifest themselves;
  • Giardia
    is difficult to identify in a cat, since its manifestations are inconsistent;
  • Toxoplasmosis
    - a person can become infected by petting a sick cat, and before that she licked her fur after using the toilet. The causative agent of giardiasis is excreted in the feces. Cats become infected with this disease from stray animals and if you give your pet raw meat. Meat should be given boiled or frozen (during the freezing process, the bacteria of this disease will die).
  • Salmonellosis
    – the main cause of infection is eating raw meat and fish. In addition, a cat can become infected from sick mice, sparrows, chickens, etc. Manifestations of the disease are fever, vomiting, excessive salivation and bloody diarrhea. If such signs are detected, immediately call a veterinarian; self-medication is unacceptable.
  • Ringworm
    - children and people with weak immune systems are especially susceptible. Varies:
  • Microsporia
    is difficult to treat, only the lichen disappears in one area as it appears in another;
  • Trichophytosis
    - manifests itself quickly in different places of the cat’s body. The only means of prevention is to vaccinate the animal.

What can you get infected by kissing cats?

Doctors count a considerable number of diseases that can be contracted through the kiss of your feline friend. Among them are not only mild forms of skin diseases, but also fungi or something more serious.

Fungal diseases

Why dogs can’t eat pork: can you feed it or not?

The most common is dermatophytosis. It is very simply and quickly transmitted from animal to person, but often the owner himself is the carrier and infects the animal with his kisses, blaming him for everything.

For your information! Fungi can be picked up on the street and brought into your home or apartment on shoes, clothes or even skin. A cat becomes infected with it simply by walking down the street. Another carrier is a dog living in the same house as a cat.


Not the simplest disease, since its pathogens can live outside the body of an animal or person for five years. Finding out about its appearance is quite simple, since lichen appears in the form of red and flaky spots, which often cause hair loss in humans and hair loss in pets. This is not a fatal disease, and it does not affect specific organs, but it is unpleasant to get sick in any case.


The causative agent of this disease is worms, the name of which is known to everyone - helminths. They get into people not only because of eating with dirty hands or after eating raw foods. Kissing a cat can also infect the owner.

Sick cats need to be treated quickly and without delay.


This disease gets its name from bacteria of the genus Salmonella. The routes of infection are absolutely the same as in the case of helminths. When it enters the body, the stomach is the first to be affected, and only then the intestines and other organs. A sick cat begins to vomit and produce increased saliva.


One of the most dangerous diseases that can be transmitted through the kiss of cats, as it is fatal if timely assistance is not provided. The difficulty of detection is that a virus that has entered the human body may not show itself for about six months.

Important! Often, due to untimely measures taken, a person can die a week after the first symptoms of the virus are detected. This occurs due to damage to the central nervous system

Why cats shouldn't be kissed or hugged

There are various reasons why you shouldn’t show affection to cats. It all depends on whether you are superstitious, whether the cat is vaccinated and healthy, and what its character is. Mystical reasons are based on superstitions, psychological reasons are based on the cat’s character traits, and medical reasons are associated with the risk of contracting certain diseases, for example:

  • staphylococcus, salmonella, bacteria, other microorganisms;
  • deprive;
  • fungal infections;
  • bartonellosis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • various types of fevers.

Mystical reasons

At all times, people believed that cats represent magic, witchcraft and the transmigration of souls. The roots of these beliefs go back to the times of Ancient Egypt; even before our era, the image of a cat was associated with mysticism. The ancient Egyptians believed that this animal sees both worlds and protects the human world from spirits. That is why cats were considered sacred animals. Pharaohs and other rulers could order the execution of anyone who encroached on the life of a cat.

Some still believe in the mystical connection of cats with a parallel world

During the Inquisition, cats were burned at the stake along with their witch owners. Europeans believed that cats helped witches and sorcerers. In addition, people believed that witches themselves could turn (or transmigrate) into cats. At the same time, in Eastern mythology there was a myth that a brownie could inhabit a cat, so that it would later convey some information to the owner.

According to legend, a brownie can send messages to people through cats.

In other countries there were also many different myths associated with cats and otherworldly forces. All this led to the emergence of various superstitions and prejudices that are still alive today.

Remember the sign about the black cat. Many people believe that if a black cat crosses the road, bad luck will surely come. According to the eastern horoscope, one of my talismans is a black cat. If I meet such an animal on the way, I am sincerely happy, hoping that the meeting will bring me good luck. By the way, it worked every time. There was a case when a black stray cat crossed the road for me and several other students. I did well in the exam that day. The rest were not so lucky.

Black cats play a significant negative role in Russian superstitions

There is also a sign that if you kiss a cat on the face, the person will become its slave. After that, he unquestioningly fulfills all the whims of the cat and lives only for her sake. Such people do not have a family (or the family is destroyed). Moreover, in addition to the kissed cat, this person may have other pets.

In every city there are people (usually elderly) who have more than one cat. Avid cat lovers may be left without friends and relatives and face old age alone. An impressionable person, having learned about the fate of this cat lover, may believe in such a superstition.

However, all these signs can be called prejudices or superstitions. No one is obliged to believe in them.

Psychological reasons

A person who adores his mustachioed pet thinks that the cat reciprocates his feelings. He can consider himself its master, breadwinner, owner, guardian, etc. A psychological connection is always formed between an animal and a person. But a cat does not always perceive a person as an owner or friend (even if it is grateful for the care).

Cats are a symbol of home and comfort

A person may misinterpret some of the cat’s actions, for example, the cat’s habit of “massaging” with its front paws using its claws comes from childhood: kittens always “knead” the nurse’s belly when they suck milk. However, the owner may think that the pet is showing aggression and will push the cat away, and this, naturally, will be unpleasant for the cat.

The cat does not compete with humans for food or shelter. This means that he is not perceived by the pet as a fellow cat (this is in contrast to the competitive relationship that arises between two cats). But the cat trusts its human very much.

We can remember any moment when we push a cat away. For example, for massaging with claws or tightening clothes. We may do this thoughtlessly and impulsively. My cat then goes to the floor and sits down. She stops purring and just looks guilty. Perhaps she doesn't understand why she was rejected.

The character of the pet is very important: many cats can adore hugs and affection from a person and beg for it, while others, depending on their temperament, will either meekly tolerate manifestations of your feelings that are unpleasant to them, or show aggression. Also, before pestering your pet with caresses, think about whether you have chosen the right moment: maybe now the cat is hungry or wants to go to the toilet. Your pet will be most likely to cuddle when he is relaxed and well-fed.

Many cats love to cuddle with humans.

In addition, the cat may simply be dissatisfied with the person’s behavior. If a person kisses a four-legged friend against his will, the animal may take revenge. This will be expressed in damaged things, furniture, etc.

Medical reasons

From a medical point of view, there are risks of contracting serious diseases from tactile contact with cats. First of all, helminthiasis. Worm larvae can remain on a pet's fur, and by hugging and kissing a cat, a person can become infected. The risk of getting sick increases if you do not follow basic hygiene rules.

Hugging a cat can lead to health problems

I have a domestic cat, but starting in the spring we go to the dacha with her. She walks a lot, children play with her. The youngest developed worms. The child was cured, but suspicions remained that the worms came from the cat.

Samashkina, owner of a domestic cat

In addition, cats may have fleas or ticks. An insect bite can be treated with brilliant green, but the danger lies elsewhere: some parasitic insects carry life-threatening diseases (ehrlichiosis, encephalitis, bartonellosis - “cat scratch disease”, etc.). The causative agent of the disease enters the human body through abrasions and scratches.

Ticks that cats can carry carry diseases that are dangerous to humans.

Also, people can get lichen (microsporia), which is especially dangerous for children or those whose immunity is weakened. This disease manifests itself in the form of dermatitis: if a cat or person’s hair begins to fall out, forming visible bald spots, then it is lichen. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and also disinfect the living space.

My cat was diagnosed with microsporia, the cat is healthy during treatment, and I have 2 spots on my smooth skin.

Vikky, owner of a cat with microsporia

There are small bald patches on the outer sides of the ears - these are signs of lichen

In addition, there is a danger of contracting toxoplasmosis and chlamydia from a sick animal. After visiting the toilet, the cat licks itself, and such partial washing leads to the fact that the causative agents of these diseases remain on the fur.

If a cat catches mice, then another danger appears - tularemia. Almost all rodents are carriers of this disease; it is caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis, and the cat acts as an intermediary. You can become infected orally (through the mouth) or through the skin. When a person becomes infected, their temperature rises and their lymph nodes become enlarged. The disease can lead to catastrophic consequences (disorders of the lymph nodes, the formation of ulcers, conjunctivitis, gangrene, etc.).

Most often, a person becomes infected due to contact with a kitten. The temptation to cuddle the affectionate little ball is too great, but kittens usually have weak immunity. Therefore, it is necessary to limit tactile communication between children and kittens.

The risk of contracting various diseases increases when in contact with street, stray cats, because they are not vaccinated. In any case, in order to avoid further health problems, you need to take some precautions. Sometimes it is undesirable to approach the animal’s face with your face, even if the animal is healthy: on purpose or accidentally, the cat can hit you with its paw, releasing its claws. Such a display of emotions can result in an eye injury, a scar on the face, etc.

We got a cat this fall, and from the very beginning she constantly had black discharge near her eyes, dirty ears, and blood in her stool. We examined her for a long time at the veterinary clinic near the house, but they reassured us all the time, they said that there was a slight enteritis, we just needed to change the food, they also injected us with immunomodulators, after which the ears cleared up on their own. A couple of days after the cat appeared in the house, my child and I woke up with discharge near the eyes, similar to conjunctivitis.

Marina Ivanova, cat owner

Video: why you can’t kiss a cat

How dangerous contact can be

Worms or helminthiasis. The larvae of these harmful worms can be found on the animal’s fur and, if a person does not follow the rules of hygiene (washing hands), they can become infected. Fleas and ticks. The danger of these parasites is not even in their bites, but in the diseases they carry. It could be:

  • ehrlichiosis;
  • encephalitis;
  • Lyme disease.

Bartonellosis. You can become infected from a sick cat through a scratch or bite. Once in the body, the infection causes inflammation around the damaged skin. Then a blister forms there. After some time, a feverish feeling and headache appear.

Lichen. It is most often transmitted to children and people with weak immune systems.

Toxoplasmosis. You can get infected from just one hug, if you touch the fur that the cat licked after visiting the litter box.

Chlamydia is also transmitted from animals, cats being one of them. Now, I think, everyone already understands why you can’t hug cats and cats, especially those about whom nothing is known (neighbors, strays). And the most annoying thing is that the main carriers of infection are cute kittens. After all, their body does not yet have immunity capable of fighting various diseases.

According to experts in the field of felinology and practicing psychologists, feline therapy, or cat therapy, can help a person get rid of a bad mood, gather strength and perk up, and recover from certain diseases. Every day feline therapy expands the boundaries of its effectiveness and gains more and more fans.

Despite the enormous benefits and incredible pleasure that a person experiences from communicating with a pet, cuddling with a cat can often have harmful consequences. So, let's figure out whether it's possible to kiss a cat.

Let us now tell you why hugging a cat can pose a danger to human health and life.

Not only street cats, but also domestic cats are often carriers of the following diseases:

  • helminthiasis;
  • leptospirosis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • bartonellosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • giardiasis;
  • felinosis;
  • trichophytosis;
  • microsporia;
  • staphylococcus;
  • tuberculosis;
  • rabies.

As for fungal diseases, a family pet can “make its owner happy” with candidiasis, sporotrichosis, blastomycosis, malassezia and ringworm.

At an early stage, most of the above diseases are asymptomatic; a person in close contact with a cat at first does not even suspect that he or she is infected.

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