How cats show love to their owner - top 18 manifestations of love

Understanding how cats show love to their owner is not easy. If a dog clearly expresses its emotions and it is immediately clear who it is attached to and who its friend is, then the cat is less impulsive. It is necessary to monitor her behavior and habits; even a glance at a person can indicate her attitude towards him.

There is an opinion that from 2 to 4 months cats develop attachment to their owner. Therefore, the more often you are around the animal during this period, the more likely it is that it will love you.

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Favor and acceptance of a certain person does not happen immediately. During introductions, the cat behaves cautiously and constantly hides from people. After getting acquainted with the new house, establishing contact with the owner begins. Don't demand the cat's attention and don't bother him. Depending on the character of the animal, you will hear the first manifestations of love and the first “purr” after several weeks of living together.

This animal loves selectively. Not everyone is allowed to sit on their arms or allow their belly to be rubbed. You should understand this and not be surprised why your affectionate pet ignores other people.

People that cats love

Sometimes cats express love for only one person. The choice is made regardless of who feeds, walks and spends more time with the pet. For people who have many cats, it happens that one of them does not recognize the owner at all.

Most often, cats choose a person who is phlegmatic or even melancholic. Animals feel protection, calm and positive energy. They will be attracted to a calm, balanced family member with a quiet, monotonous voice. Perhaps your pet will like your habits with minimal physical activity. People who like to read, knit, embroider, watch TV for a long time or sit at the computer will be able to enjoy cat company to a greater extent.

Also, the pet will like a person who does not bore you with his attention and does not require constant affection from the cat. Therefore, many avoid communicating with hyperactive children. If you want to make friends with your pet, blink slowly a couple of times while making eye contact. Such a gesture is a small declaration of love.

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Light nipping

If your cat is a chewer, he can express his love with a light nip. It is easy to distinguish a “love” bite from an evil bite - from love, the cat bites very lightly, so much so that there is no pain at all, only a slight tickling. But a vicious bite cannot be confused with anything - it hurts, hurts, annoys and perhaps even draws blood!

Top 18 manifestations of love

There are signs of a cat's love for its owner, which can be seen in the animal's behavior. The pet treats the person well, even if it seems that he is constantly doing dirty tricks: he tears up the wallpaper, marks your shoes and the bed. This behavior may indicate resentment or lack of attention on the part of the owner. For some pets, a full plate and a clean tray are not enough; they also need companionship and your love.

However, the character of the animal must be taken into account. Some cats do not like affection and communication, do not go to hands, do not sleep with people. The person they adopt may occasionally pet and hold the pet . In this case, the main sign of love will be eye contact. Therefore, do not require all of the items listed below from the animal. The top 18 manifestations of cat love are collectively created based on the observations of scientists and pet owners.

Memories of childhood

  • " Milk move ". Pay attention to small kittens that knead their mother while feeding. Such movements improve milk production. If the pet gently tramples them like dough before lying on his lap, he loves and trusts the owner as his own mother cat.
  • Sucking clothes, licking hair . Some cats like to bury themselves in hair or lie on their chest, sucking on their owner's jacket. Perhaps he was separated from his mother early or she abandoned the kitten. Therefore, the pet asks from you for love and attention.
  • Shows and allows you to stroke your belly . If the pet trusts its owner, it can sleep on its back, roll from side to side during play, and expose its tummy. Do not ignore such impulses and stroke them, at this moment cats express love.

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Mother cats lick their kittens with tenderness and persistence, thereby showing their attitude towards them. If a cat decides to lick its owner, then there is no doubt that the animal loves this person until it loses its memory. It is very difficult to receive the honor of being licked by your pet; for this you need to gain the trust of the fluffy for a long time and be a truly excellent owner for him.

Innate reflexes

  • Cat purring . A loud purr in your lap means your cat is comfortable with you. If he makes such sounds while playing, the animal loves you and expresses a feeling of devotion. Do not forget about the painful or death purring, which is accompanied by anxiety and general malaise of the cat.
  • Licking . A peculiar kiss indicates that the pet wants to care for you as one of the members of its family. Therefore, do not throw away or ignore the cat if he decides to lick an open part of the body, ear or neck.
  • Meowing . These sounds are intended only for communication with people; cats howl or purr among themselves. If you hear meowing, but the cat is not hungry, he needs communication and love. Pay attention to the animal, it is lonely at the moment.
  • Marks territory . Some cats may sometimes deliberately not go to the litter box in order to make it clear to other animals that this is his apartment and owner.
  • Removes upholstered furniture . The cat leaves its scent on the furniture, which comes out from under its nails. Most often, the owner's favorite sofa or chair is scratched.
  • Pipe tail . If an animal runs towards you with its tail in the air, it is happy to see its owner. Also pay attention to the tip of the tail. If he twitches nervously, the cat loves his owner.
  • Shares prey or toys . If a cat likes to catch mice or birds, she can share the catch with her beloved owner. A pet that shows such generosity is grateful for your care and concern. Say thank you and throw away the surprise later. Some pets may share their favorite toys, bringing them to the bed or place in the apartment where you are often.
  • Showcasing the tail and hindquarters . The most beloved and protected part of a cat’s body from strangers is the tail. Therefore, the moment he turns his back to you should not embarrass you. A cat loves and accepts whoever it allows to stroke and touch its tail.

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Tail quivering

By the movement of the tail, you can easily determine what emotions the animal is experiencing at one time or another. For example, when a cat is irritated, the tail nervously twitches from side to side; if it is scared or excited, the tail stands up like a trumpet, fluffs up and twitches slightly, but if the cat slightly twitches the tip of its tail in the presence of the owner, then there is no doubt that he loves it person!

Slow blinking and squinting

Cat eyes can say a lot. So, if a cat honors you with prolonged direct eye-to-eye contact, then he clearly feels sympathy. And if all this is accompanied by slow blinking and a strong squint, then there should be no doubt.

And if you look at the cat the same way in response, then most likely he will understand the return signal. The main thing is that on your part it looks like a sign of love, and not as a sign of aggression, which cats can also express through eye contact.

Cats lick you or chew your clothes

Is your cat licking your skin and hair, chewing or slobbering on your clothes? There is no doubt - she is very attached to you. This way the pet not only shows its feelings, but also makes notes that you belong to it.

Cats are always happy to show their love and affection. Give them attention more often, and they will thank you with gentle purrs.

  • “I love” like a dog: how dogs express tender feelings and affection

    Not everyone is capable of loving as devotedly and faithfully as a dog does. But can we always translate the word “love” from a dog’s language into ours?

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Scientists have found that when a cat begins to “knead” something with its paws, it remembers that wonderful time when its mother cat fed him milk. Kittens knead their mother's belly to get milk out faster. And adult cats love to mash something, and if this something is the owner’s stomach, then the animal feels calm in his company. No, the cat is not trying to fluff up your belly like a pillow, he just loves you.

When communicating, the cat often uses its teeth

One not very common sign of a cat's affection is the habit of biting.

Sometimes cats can gently bite those they love. These neat bites are easy to distinguish from real ones (the latter cause pain, while “love” bites are more like tickling). If your pet is using your body as a chew toy, you are his best friend.

Occupation of your computer

Something like this: You receive an important e-mail and are trying to answer it, when suddenly Mr. Cat jumps onto the table and lies right on the keyboard. Cats find your computer a wonderful and quite comfortable place to sleep.

Cats love to be the center of attention, and in our modern world we spend much more time on computers than on our pets. Therefore, by jumping on this warm glowing thing, the cat literally says: “Look, I’m important too!”


Of course, it’s not very pleasant to find a dead mouse or bird on your pillow or on your doorstep early in the morning, but you shouldn’t scold your pet for it. Although cats have been domesticated a long time ago, the hunting instinct still sits deep in their souls. And if a cat brings its prey to its owner’s feet, it means he loves him and wants to please him with a small present.

For the owner, this is not the most pleasant gift, but from the cat’s point of view, it is an ideal present.

Chewing on your limbs

So you're watching TV nicely together. You stretch out your hand to pet the cute fluffy cat nestled on the pillow next to you and suddenly you find your fingers in the teeth of your peacefully dozing cat just 2 seconds ago. So what went wrong?

Chewing or “love nipping” is simply your cat’s way of telling you, “Hey, thanks for that nice rub on my tummy. I like you too".

Never swear when the cat is lying next to you, let him feel loved

If a person lies down to rest during the day, the cat will try to lie down next to him, on his legs or chest. In this case, the animal can turn on its back, placing its most vulnerable place - its tummy - under the hands of a trusted family member.

Safety is very important to felines, and allowing belly rubs means they feel protected and loved.‎

Important! Sleeping on the owners' laps is one of the manifestations of tenderness and trust.

The pursuit

If a cat constantly gets under your feet, rubs against them, jumps into your arms, you just have to sit down, then it means he loves his owner and wants to be as close to him as possible. Even closer. More.

Owners who have lived side by side with a cat for a long time know that the animal can show its affection and love in one way or another. Different cats do this in different ways, because they are all different, with different characters and habits.

A cat massages its owner's body with its paws

After birth, kittens “knead” their mother’s body to stimulate the production of milk; Adults use this technique to make themselves comfortable next to their owner.

“This behavior is based on the habit of being near a source of comfort and relaxation and is perhaps a sign of affection and a close connection with the owner. An animal may behave this way when it sees a person as a mother, an authority figure, or is trying to express its trust,” explains Gail Hickman.

During the massaging process, the scent glands are also activated, allowing the animal to mark the person as personal property.

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