How to help your cat quickly adapt to its new owner



How to accustom a cat to a new home is of interest to those owners who are getting an adult animal or moving with their pet. You can't just rehome a cat and expect it to cope with the change without stress. Like people, not only adult cats, but even kittens, do not immediately get used to a new place of life; and due to the fact that they cannot understand what caused the resettlement, adaptation is much more difficult. Therefore, we need to help the pet and accustom him to change. Mistakes by the owner at the stage of getting used to a new home can cause the animal to fall into long-term depression, which is dangerous for its physical health. The experience gained by lovers of four-legged pets will help accustom the cat to a new home.

First steps in a new home

If you find a pet you like in Murkosh (or want to adopt a cat somewhere else), you should know how cats react to a change of environment and new people in their lives. For a cat, a new owner and a new home are always stressful. Especially for some shelter cats. After all, many of them have already been betrayed by their owners once, so it is more difficult for them to trust a new person.

So what does it take to make your pet’s first steps in a new home joyful and not scary? Firstly, you should prepare for the cat’s arrival by purchasing in advance all the things he needs: bowls, food, a tray with filler, a bed, a scratching post. If you know your cat has a medical condition, consult with a shelter specialist (if adopting a cat from a shelter) and/or a veterinarian in advance and prepare medications.

Read more: Adaptation of a cat in a new home

Secondly, it will be better to limit the cat’s movement space to one room in the first days after moving. When the animal gets used to it, you can move on to getting to know the entire territory of the apartment. If there are other animals in the house, it is better to quarantine for two weeks. During this time, the cat will get used to foreign odors and will experience less fear when meeting new neighbors.

But the most important thing is, of course, the cat’s contact with the person. It all depends on you. Any pet, even the most fearful and offended by life, is still drawn to a person. If you are information savvy and patient, after some time the cat will give you tons of purring love.

How to adapt a kitten

On the one hand, it is easier to accustom a kitten to a new place of residence than an adult animal, but, on the other hand, it is also more troublesome. First of all, you need to prepare yourself and your family members for the arrival of your baby. It is difficult to answer how long it usually takes a kitten to get used to a new home; the period varies in each specific case, but this process can be accelerated.

Necessary purchases

Before you bring a little purring bundle into your home, you need to stock up on everything he needs for life, food and play:

  • bowls for water and food (preferably heavy ceramic ones so that they cannot be turned over);
  • tray, filler and scoop;
  • toys;
  • a bed or house (kittens love to hide);
  • scratching post;
  • feed;
  • nail clipper;
  • brush for combing wool.

Security measures

The house must be completely safe for the kitten. What needs to be done before the baby arrives:

  1. Get rid of poisonous plants (the kitten can chew them and get poisoned).
  2. Hide all electrical cords.
  3. Place threads, needles, household chemicals, and plastic bags out of reach.
  4. If possible, install door limiters (due to a draft, the door may suddenly slam shut and hit the kitten).

Important! It is necessary to explain to household members that they must always watch their step, do not leave windows open, and close cabinet doors.

What to remember when going for a kitten

It is better if you pick up your pet with a special carrier and put soft bedding in it. It is not safe to carry a kitten in your arms; it can escape, especially if the journey is long. At home, you should place the carrier on the floor, open the door and wait until the baby comes out on his own.

Do not forcefully shake a kitten out of its carrier.

You should definitely ask the breeder what the baby ate. You can ask to put a little litter into the bag, which the cat family has already used. At home, you need to add this litter to the tray, this will make it easier to teach the kitten to go to the toilet, because the smell is a guide for cats.

How to behave with a baby

Most likely, at first the kitten will be very timid, will meow and will not want to communicate, because he is lonely and scared. Separated from his mother, brothers and sisters, among alien smells, sounds and objects, he experiences extreme stress. You should not constantly fiddle with a small animal, since in the first hours, and maybe even days, he is unlikely to want to play.

Important! It is very important to explain to children that a kitten is not a toy and cannot be cuddled if it does not want to.

It is recommended not to invite guests over in the first days; let the house be quiet. If there is such an opportunity, it’s worth taking a short vacation or at least taking the kitten on a weekend to watch the pet and, if necessary, tell you where the toilet is, where you can go, and where you shouldn’t go.

Note! Felinologists recommend first limiting the animal's territory to only one room. When the little researcher has thoroughly studied it, you can add the next room.

If there are other animals, you should not let them near the kitten right away; you need to let the newcomer come to his senses. Then, holding the baby in your arms, you can allow them to enter the room where the new tenant lives from time to time. This will allow the animals to get used to each other's smell. Further communication, at least for some time, should take place in the presence of the owner. Only if you are sure that no one will harm the kitten can you give all animals complete freedom.

The dog should not be allowed near the kitten on the first day

It should be remembered that from the very beginning you can only allow your baby what is allowed. This, for example, concerns whether the owner will sleep with his animal, or whether the bed will be prohibited for the cat.

A kitten is a child, which means it needs to be raised and taught, but never with the help of screaming or corporal punishment. With cats, only patience and consistency work.

The adaptation period can last only a day

Adaptation of a cat, be it an adult or a small one, is not an easy task. But it can be turned into a fascinating mutual knowledge of man and animal, which will end in a wonderful long-term friendship and comfortable living together.

Contact with the owner

When taking an animal from a shelter or from its previous owners, be sure to find out about its habits and character, because cats, like people, have their own characteristics. To help the cat get used to its new owner, take with you his old toys or things that the pet is already accustomed to and knows their smell.

In the first days in a new place, the cat may behave suspiciously and distrustfully. Most likely, he will hide under the bed or in some corner of the room, and may release his claws or hiss. In this case, you should not put pressure on the animal or use force. Let him get used to it.

It is not recommended to leave the cat alone at home in the first days - it may become even more confused and cause trouble.

However, there are pets that make contact quite quickly. If this happens, pay more attention to the cat. You can start using toys, try combing her. Find out exactly how she likes to interact with you: sit on your lap, receive strokes, play, etc.

Animal psychologists recommend talking to cats. Japanese researcher Atsuko Seito, who studies the behavior of domestic cats, claims that they distinguish between voices. Thus, over a period of time, the cat will associate the voice of the new owner with warmth and care.

Stages of training

To a new home

In order not to cause hostility towards the new place, you should not bring your pet to a house with unfinished repairs.
Moving a cat to a home with which it is still unfamiliar is, in terms of emotions and sensations, akin to an animal finding itself in a foreign environment, where there are dangers and surprises at every step. Veterinarians do not advise transporting a pet to a room with unfinished repairs or debris, because cats are clean creatures and if they see that their new place of residence is in disarray, this will immediately cause a negative response from them. As a result, an unfamiliar room provokes hostility, which is then more difficult to overcome.

In order for an adult cat to adapt as smoothly as possible when moving, experts advise taking old dishes, a house, and a tray with you to the new home. Familiar things and smells calm the animal and make it possible to more gently cope with stress. As soon as the cat begins to feel comfortable, the items can be safely replaced with new ones.

It is much more difficult for an outdoor cat to get used to it. Animals that are not used to living with their families take a long time to adapt. Some cats never manage to get used to this life, they often run away and return to their previous lifestyle.

To the new owner

Adaptation of a kitten in a new home and in someone else’s family also does not always go smoothly. In the first weeks, the baby will miss his mother a lot, because of this it may seem that the kitten is not very inclined to communicate and get to know the owner and other household members. However, it is important for a person to remember that a small pet is afraid of everything new, he misses his mother’s affection and finds it difficult to calm down. Therefore, during this period you need to treat the kitten with attention, show affection, care, and play more often. Over time, the kitten gets used to the new environment, communicates more willingly with people, and forgets about its previous environment.

An adult street cat has difficulty adapting to life in the house, so it often hides in a quiet place.

But training a wild street cat to live in comfortable conditions with a new owner is more problematic. It is more difficult for such animals to take root because they have already formed habits and views on life. In the first days, the pet should be given the opportunity to look around, sniff, and explore objects of interest. If an animal is scared, it will most likely hide in a secluded place. The owner should not disturb the cat; it is better to leave it alone, placing a tray and bowls of food nearby.

Cats that previously lived outside will not immediately be able to understand what the tray is for. If your pet relieves itself in the wrong place, you need to soak a piece of paper or cloth in urine and place it in the tray. Using this method, it will be possible to attract a one-year-old cat to the toilet, then the animal will figure out what’s what on its own. To adapt a cat to a new home and owner faster, in addition to providing comfortable conditions, it is important to communicate with the pet in a friendly and respectful manner. If the animal understands that it will not be offended or hurt, it will be more willing to make contact.

How to gain a cat's trust

If a cat has not trusted its new owner for quite a long time, there are several ways to establish contact with the pet:

1) Don't insist on communication. Cats are quite capricious animals and do not tolerate unnecessary encroachment on their personal space. Try holding out your hand to your pet first, let him gradually get used to your smell and become interested in you.

2) Use your gaze to reassure the cat that you are not a threat to her. Lie down next to your pet when he is in a relaxed state. Look at the cat and when she looks at you

answer, slowly close your eyes and open them again, doing this several times. Wait for the cat to do the same.

3) Pay attention to the animal's body language. If the cat is actively wagging its tail, something is wrong, try stroking it differently. If a cat wrinkles something with its paws, for example your clothes, it means that it is happy and affectionate. As a sign of affection, cats may lick or bite their owner's hand.

Read more about this: Why does a cat lick a person?

4) Many cats like to have their fur brushed. They perceive it as affection, making them feel safe and comfortable.

5) If you are not confident in your abilities or the case with a “non-contact” cat is particularly advanced, you can resort to the services of an animal psychologist. A competent specialist will give individual advice for adapting a cat with character to a new owner.

Read about an animal psychologist: Who is an animal psychologist and why is he needed?

Kitten in a new home

What is the difference between the adaptation of a cat and a kitten? How to help a kitten make friends with its new owner? Murkoshi employees also hear such questions very often.

As a rule, kittens have a much easier time adapting to a new place than an adult cat. The kitten should be given more attention, bought toys and not left alone for a long time.

However, even at an early age, some already experience difficult circumstances that affect the psyche. For example, a kitten could get hit by a car or lose its mother's care early. In this case, contact between the new owner and the kitten will not occur immediately. Pay attention to where the kitten hides when scared, and try to keep access to this place open so that he can safely hide in case of danger.

You need to talk to your baby calmly, without raising your voice, even when you accustom him to the tray and scratching post. You need to get used to using your hands gradually. It is better to start stroking the kitten after feeding, when he is relaxed and ready for contact.

In the first days of adaptation, the kitten may be frightened by music and loud sounds; all family members should be warned about this.

Perhaps the kitten will anxiously stagger and walk around the apartment - he is looking for his mother and mother's milk. Don't shout or disturb him, he should get used to it on his own. It’s also not worth picking up if the little cat doesn’t trust you yet and is stressed. Be patient, and you will still hear a gentle and grateful purr from him!

Why cats don't want to be held

Inexperienced owners believe that if they have established contact with the cat who lives at home, then everything will go like clockwork with the homeless one. But they are wrong.

Every cat, even once domestic, treats humans with caution. When meeting, he usually hides in a far corner and does not let you approach him. There is no need to try to fish him out of a secluded place, since it takes time for him to get used to the surrounding smells in a new home.

It is definitely impossible to answer the question why cats don’t want to sit in your arms. There are several reasons for this, and they can be combined.


The reluctance to communicate closely with humans may be inherent in the character of the animal. Some individuals behave independently. Those with the harshest dispositions avoid contact with humans altogether.

Fearfulness and withdrawal are two other character traits that can cause reluctance to sit on your hands.


But the peculiarity of the British and lop-eared breeds is that they refuse to sit on their hands. Therefore, if you find such a cat on the street (this also happens), there is no need to persist. It is enough to establish a trusting relationship.


The cat refuses the hands of the owner in the following cases:

  • kittens are very active, and their attention is easily distracted by more interesting things;
  • the owner smells of citrus fruits, alcohol, seasonings, hygiene and cosmetic products, and washing powder;
  • grievances experienced in the past - beatings, bullying;
  • fear of loss of balance and heights;
  • non-recognition of other family members other than the one who tamed him;
  • fear of sharp sounds, screaming;
  • if children who do not know how to handle an animal pick it up, they squeeze it and offend it;
  • sudden movements and pinching are made.

The likelihood that a cat will be picked up increases in a calm atmosphere. When teaching a dog to hold hands, the environment in the house should be as calm as possible. A scandal, the sound of a TV on, loud shouts will cause fear and disrupt plans to pacify.

The kitten is positioned with its tail facing itself. Then they take it by the skin on the back of the neck, near the base of the neck and ears. The grip force should be moderate, not very strong. The animal is lifted and placed on the lap. If he allows, then you can stroke him, while talking affectionately and calmly.

You can tame a cat using the combing procedure. This is also a hygiene measure that keeps the coat and skin in good condition.

It happens that a cat is afraid of heights. Then, picking him up, place one palm under the armpits and hold the hind limbs with the other. Thanks to such support, the cat will not feel weightless, and the fear will pass.

Items to improve your relationship with your pet

In order for a cat or kitten to get used to its new owner, you will need to purchase a number of auxiliary things. These could be the pet's old things that he is already accustomed to: a bowl, toys, bedding. This way the mustache will feel safe. When your cat finally explores his new home, you can purchase new things for him. The best ways to help you get closer are:

1) Bed or house. Cats love to have their own things - this will make your pet feel important.

2) New toys that the cat will associate with you. But it’s worth knowing that cats are quite picky in this regard: a cat can appreciate some gifts, but not others. First, try making a candy wrapper on a thread and start playing with your pet.

More about toys: Toys for cats: what are they?

3) A scratching post will allow your pet to relieve stress, and will also relieve you of tattered sofas and armchairs.

4) Comb-brush. As we wrote above, many cats really enjoy brushing with a soft brush. During the process, you can gently stroke her head, also establishing a tactile connection.

All of these items can help in bonding with the new owner, but remember that the main thing is how you communicate and behave with the animal. Rest assured, cats are good at feeling emotions, including apprehension and fear!

The appearance of a kitten

How long it will take for a kitten to get used to a new place largely depends on the new owners. Another important factor is the age of the pet. If you take the animal when it is still very small (up to 1-1.5 months), then it will be difficult for him without his mother. At this time, the kittens are completely defenseless. Most likely, the kitten will constantly call its mother and look for the breast.

Therefore, experts do not recommend taking kittens away from their mother at such an early age. An exception will be made only for those unfortunate abandoned fluffies that you found on the street and decided to take in.

When the kitten has grown up and become a little independent, you can transport it to new owners. But this must be done wisely.

When adopting a kitten, you must understand that it needs care and attention. After all, in his previous family, he played all day long with his mother cat and his brothers and sisters. Here he is completely alone. It will be great if you can take a vacation or arrange your work schedule so that someone is always at home.

When you pick up your pet, ask the former owners for a small piece of the bedding on which he slept. Familiar and familiar smells will remain on it for a long time, and the kitten, smelling them, will know that he is safe.

Another trick is to put a wristwatch in the basket or box where the baby will sleep. Their ticking sounds are similar to the baby's mother's heartbeat. It will have a calming effect on the kitten.

After the baby gets used to it and adapts, the clock can be removed.

Not all owners like their pet to sleep with them. It is necessary to accustom a kitten to a specific place to sleep from the first days. This should become a rule for him. If you decide to take pity on him and allow him to sleep at your feet for the first week, then in the future it will be difficult to rid him of this habit.

To make your pet more willing to go to his basket, put catnip in it.

It can be easily found in specialized stores. This smell will attract the animal, and the kitten will be more willing to sleep in its new nest.

What a cat might not like

First of all, this is a rude attitude and raising the voice, not to mention the method of education with slippers and similar things. In the first days, you should not engage in strict training at all; let the animal feel safe. So, if the cat “made a puddle” upon arrival at its new home, do not scold it; over time, it will get used to the new tray.

Read more: How to train an adult cat to use a litter box?

The cat will also not like excessive attention in the first days. Be patient, because cats are very curious creatures. Within a few days, the mustache will show its interest. If this does not happen, consult a specialist.

You cannot stroke a cat’s belly and tail (unless she herself lies on her back and exposes her tummy - this is an indicator of deep trust) - such actions only irritate the pet and do not bring him joy at all. You should also not iron against the grain.

There is no need to immediately change the animal's diet. Cats have a sensitive digestive system, and stress can already have an adverse effect on their well-being.

Meeting other animals immediately upon arrival will definitely not please either you or your pets. Hissing, aggression and even fighting are possible - if, of course, they are allowed to contact without the supervision of the owner.

Read more about how to introduce pets: How to make friends between cats and cats?; How to make friends between a cat and a dog?

Become a happy owner

Now that you have information about a cat’s adaptation to a new person in its life, you can safely choose your little bundle of joy at the Murkosha shelter. By the way, purebred cats do not always behave more affectionately than animals from shelters. This is just a myth; the risk of difficulties in adapting to a new home always exists.

The advantage of shelters is that you can talk to the cat in advance, come several times, and look at its behavior. It happens that the cat himself chooses the owner! He will reach out to you with his paw and win your heart forever.

Don’t be afraid of difficulties, and if you get a so-called “characteristic” cat, with the right approach to communication and care, it will definitely become your friend. But if such a cat once again experiences the betrayal of its owners and ends up in a shelter or on the street, trust can be lost for a very long time. Therefore, you need to love and care for your cat, regardless of its character!

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