Project “My Kitten’s Habits” project (1st grade) on the topic

How to do a “My Pets” project in a workbook (example)

In the second part of the workbook, on pages 28 and 29, space is left for photographs that need to be pasted into the notebook to complete the project.

These photographs should be provided with captions, and both photographs and captions should express the student’s attitude towards their pets and introduce other students to their pets.

We draw up a project implementation plan. You don’t need to write it down in your workbook, but it will come in handy when preparing a presentation for a project, which is often required by teachers.

A story about a cat rider and geese

Somehow I was interested in a herd of geese rushing back and forth along the road. What are these crazy geese? I came closer to see what was wrong with them. It turned out that everything was fine with the geese. The reason for their abnormal running was different.

I saw a kitten sneaking up on the geese that had calmed down. Then he rushes as fast as he can towards them and jumps on the back of one of the geese. The frightened geese again began to run along the road. And the kitten sits on one of them, wraps its paws around the neck of its “horse” and holds on. So he rode about twenty meters until he “flew out of the saddle.”

So the kitten had fun for half a day. Why not interesting stories about cats are short.


When I come to a friend, he always meets a mer with a rag. One day I asked him directly:

- Are you washing the floors specially for my arrival at home?

“No,” he answered. “Our bell is very loud, and the cat is terribly shy.”

Implementation plan for the “My Pets” project

  1. Select photos for the project
  2. Come up with bright captions for photos

It is enough to paste 2-4 photographs in a workbook; there is simply no room for more. You can use up to 10 photos when making a presentation.

Requirements for photographs.

Photos should show pets in their daily lives. These could be dogs, cats, fish, birds, turtles and other pets. It’s good if your family members are present next to your pets in the photos.

Requirements for captions for photographs.

Captions should be laconic, but emotional, otherwise they will not express the author’s personal attitude.

An example of a photograph and caption:

Caption: My cat is the softest and kindest in the world!!

You should also be prepared to tell from photographs about your pet, its breed, behavioral characteristics, and habits.

The world around us 1st grade

Cat in our house

wild cat

The cat was domesticated after the dog, horse and cattle. But even though she was accustomed, she retained her independent character and independence. In the house, a cat may look like a cute fluffy ottoman, but as soon as it leaves the threshold, it transforms into a clever and ruthless predator.

There are about 300 million domestic cats and about 100 million of their homeless relatives living in the world. Cats are excellent hunters, they destroy an incredible number of rodents. There is evidence that one of these record-breaking hunters caught 28,899 mice during her life.

Siberian cat The Siberian cat is a breed of semi-long-haired cat. The Siberian cat has long, thick and very warm fur. The Siberian cat’s “forest” appearance did not come from wild ancestors, but was formed under the influence of Siberian frosts. However, initially there were no cats in this territory - they were brought from European regions by the Cossacks in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Persian cat The breed of long-haired cats is one of the oldest and most popular in the world. Brought to Europe from the Persian province of Khorasan at the beginning of the 16th century, these cute animals quickly became favorites in the homes of the nobility and titled persons, the most famous of whom were the French Cardinal Richelieu and the British Queen Victoria.
Siamese cat The Siamese cat is native to Siam (present-day Thailand). In this state it was considered sacred and protected by law. Taking these cats out of the country was strictly prohibited. Each representative of the royal dynasty had a Siamese, and even during a ceremony such as coronation, they were allocated a separate carriage for transportation.
British cat Great Britain is considered the birthplace of cats. Hence their name. Short-haired cats. As a rule, these are strong, kind, smart, tough cats. According to legend, they are descendants of the Cheshire cat. The main task of the British for a long time was the extermination of domestic rodent pests. Thanks to good endurance, physical strength and good health, they proved themselves to be excellent hunters. At the same time, cats were unpretentious in food.

Place each cat in its house

If you have a cat, make up a story about it. Ask an adult to write it down.

I always wanted to have a cat. This is my favorite animal. And finally, my dream came true - a Persian cat, Marmalade, appeared at home. He is extraordinarily handsome, he is very fluffy, and you can’t look at his funny little face without being moved. Our marmalade has character. If he is in a good mood, he plays and allows himself to be stroked, but if Marmalade is in a bad mood, he meows menacingly, then it is better not to touch him. I really love watching him play with a small rag ball, catch it, twirl it in his tenacious paws. Marmalade and I also love watching TV. He is a very smart cat. I learned to open the refrigerator and cabinet doors with my paws. We love our cat very much.

And here you can paste a photo of your cat or draw a cat that you like

Example of a speech at a presentation:

Hello! My name is Elena Nikitina and I am in first grade.

I live in a large family, but I consider my cat Marusya to be its most important member. This is an amazing animal, with its own character, its own habits and its own friends. His behavior is sometimes much more reasonable than the behavior of some people.

Marusya does not belong to any special breed, she is a simple domestic cat, but because of this I did not love her any less. After all, for me Marusya is the best and most beautiful in the world! And I will never exchange it for some prestigious breed, because people get cats not because of their breed, but because they want to find a true friend.

Marusya needs constant care and attention. She needs to be fed at least four times a day, but little by little. She needs to be brushed because Marusya's fur is thick, and she sheds twice a year. She needs to be washed, she needs to be cleaned up, and of course she needs to play with the cat a lot.

Marusya is already four years old, but she still behaves like a kitten. She loves to play with a ball, with a toy mouse, and loves to imitate attacks and hunting. After all, any cat remains a predator; it must hunt, even if it’s for fun.

All members of my family are crazy about Marusya, and no one will ever hurt her, even if she starts acting up or scratching the back of her chair. But more often Marusya behaves very intelligently and culturedly. She is very clean and constantly licks herself.

Marusya loves to sleep with me and often purrs right in my ear. It tickles, but very nice. I love my precious grandiose cat Marusya very much!


This project helped me better understand why I love my cat so much, why people keep pets, and why communicating with them makes a person kinder.

Thank you for your attention!

Male solidarity like a cat

I'm returning home after a corporate party. It's a little late, of course. The wife's reaction is predictable. Why is it so late, yes, for what reason, yes, who did you drink with, when will it end? Is this a familiar picture?

At this time our cat entered the room. My wife sits on the sofa and continues to nag me. The cat listens carefully. Then he goes to the sofa, jumps on his wife’s lap and hypnotizes her. She either doesn’t notice him or ignores him. And then the cat hit her in the face with his paw. I burst out laughing. The wife is shocked. And the cat is running out of the room.

This is such male solidarity.


During a scientific experiment conducted in our family, the following was established. A two-week training finally allows two adults, weighing a total of 157 kilograms, to restrain one cat for 20 seconds and pour 2.5 milliliters of medicine into its mouth.

An example of a finished presentation for the “My Pets” project:

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I continue interesting short stories about cats

For breakfast I had baked rabbit. I sit and eat. Then a cat comes into the kitchen and starts rubbing against his legs, begging for a piece for himself. And I don't feel sorry. I choose something drier so that I don’t have to scrub the floor later, and I give it to the cat. I say affectionately:

- Here, eat brother rabbit. He was also gray, just like you.

The cat was blown away by the wind. Did he understand what I told him?..


The wife, fiddling around the stove, launched into a tirade against the cat, whose name is Belka:

“You made me hesitate, horse.” You bark and bark like a pig.

Mommy was busy...

Bandit couple

There was a cat in one family. No, he didn’t just live, he reigned supreme. And then, to his misfortune, the owners took pity on the stray dog ​​and took it into the house. The foundling turned out to be a young Caucasian Shepherd dog - thin, unhappy and tattered. They named her Alma. An impudent Siberian cat named Fluff immediately went on the offensive and drove the poor dog under the closet, where she sat for several days and was afraid to move.

As time passed, the cat changed his anger to mercy and decided to accept the dog as a friend, graciously bringing Alma a piece of sausage as a sign of reconciliation. The animals became friends, and they became inseparable. The ringleader in this company was, as you might guess, a cat. He imposingly and boldly walked around the yard, showing with all his appearance who was the boss here. And no one objected to this course of events, because they did not want to get involved with the huge shepherd dog that was following Fluffy on his heels.

One day this sweet couple disappeared somewhere and appeared only in the evening. A large piece of beef was dragging in the dog’s teeth, and the cat’s eyes sparkled triumphantly. As it turned out later, the theft took place several blocks from the house. Some cooperators were selling meat on the street - this was in the hungry 90s. Eyewitnesses told how a cat appeared from around the corner, approached the tray and began to hover around the meat. They chased him away, but then a dog ran “into the arena,” grabbed the largest piece, and ran away, accompanied by that same impudent cat. No one had any desire to take away the trophy, looking at the impressive size of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Since then, the gangster couple has become a local celebrity, repeatedly committing predatory raids on market traders.

Thoughtful Terrorist

Courtyard cats, due to their heightened survival instinct, are much more likely to show resourcefulness and ingenuity in communicating with people. Just such a thoughtful “comrade” was Philemon, a big fluffy cat who lived in the entrance of one house. Unlike other homeless animals, weak, thin and defenseless, he had thick, well-fed sides and openly enjoyed life. Such a carefree and well-fed “picture” of life was preceded by a whole series of events, which cannot be called an accident. More like a clearly planned theatrical play.

A dark vestibule served as the stage where all the events unfolded. The light fell there only from the stairs, and when someone went inside, they found themselves in semi-darkness. The cat quickly scurried under his feet, exposing his butt to the blow of the door. From the outside it looked very painful, as evidenced by Philemon’s desperate cries. But in fact, he skillfully dodged, and the door itself barely touched his body. Frightened passers-by, seeing the suffering of the poor animal, tried to compensate for their carelessness with some tasty treat. Over time, the residents of the house saw through the cat’s acting, but this fact did not prevent them from continuing to feed the cunning one and taking him into collective custody.

Detectives with cats

Even the detective genre could not do without cats.

German writer of Turkish origin Akif Pirinci is famous for his “Cat” series, in which human subjects are stylized as animals. The main detective is a cat named Francis.

Lillian Jason Brown's series of detective novels, The Cat Who..., uses autobiographical elements. And it tells the story of the journalist Qwilleran, who picked up two orphaned Siamese pets - the cat Coco and the kitty Yum-Yum. The main character investigates the mysterious disappearances of their former owners. There are more than 30 books in the series, including “The Cat Who Loved Brahms”, “The Cat Who Read from Right to Left” and others.

In Elena Mikhalkova's ironic detective stories, the main characters are also cats. “Cats should not be offended,” “Black Poodle, Red Cat, or a Wedding with Obstacles” and her other books use many of the personal experiences of the author, the owner Stepan, picked up on the street, and the fiery Maine Coon Makar.

Foreign detective "Catnapping" by Carol Nelson Douglas tells the story of Louis the cat, who loves secrets and riddles, who helps in the investigation of a mysterious murder at a book fair.

Detective investigation

The story happened to one young girl. It all started when things started disappearing from her apartment. And not simple ones, but golden ones. Either the chain suddenly disappears from a prominent place, then one earring is missing, or the bracelet disappears into the water. Adding to the strangeness was the fact that Katya lived alone, apart from her cat - her husband went on a long business trip and was supposed to return only in a few months. While discussing the situation with work colleagues, many versions were discussed: from simple forgetfulness and inattention to mysterious thieves and aliens.

The disappearances would have continued if one colleague had not suggested placing a car DVR in the house. No sooner said than done. The necessary equipment was lent by the same savvy colleague. Imagine the surprise when the recording finally caught the malicious attacker at the crime scene. It turned out to be a cat, who very professionally opened a jewelry box, pulled out another interesting thing (in her opinion) and disappeared from the viewing area with the prey. Subsequently, all the missing jewelry was found under the cat's bedding, and the whole team laughed for a long time at the antics of the tailed thief.

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