Reasons why cats climb on tables and how to stop them from doing so

Cats are naturally very active and curious creatures; they love to hunt, jump and climb trees - this is their true element. And despite the tendency to sleep a lot, a four-legged pet can instantly turn from a lazy couch potato into an agile hunter. This is typical for both yard and city cats.

Photo: for the safety of a cat, protection for windows and balcony doors is necessary. A responsible owner must understand the needs of his pet and adapt his home or apartment to them. Pet supply manufacturers offer a wide range of different products for animals (scratching posts, houses, toys, etc.) and, although comfort and play for a pet are important, its safety is even more significant. Therefore, a well-prepared (for an animal) apartment is, first of all, a safe apartment.

What flowers don't cats like?

What plants do cats not like:

  • Schisandra.
  • Lavender.
  • Coleus canine.
  • Garlic.
  • Pipe tobacco.
  • Onion.
  • Patchouli.
  • Thyme is strong-smelling (lemon).

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How to wean a cat off flowers on the windowsill

Many cat breeders are faced with a typical problem - pets constantly climb into flower pots and dig in the ground. It’s even worse when animals relieve themselves there. What should owners who love their pets, but still want to continue caring for their plants, do in these cases? Let's find solutions to this problem together.

There may be several reasons why an animal often climbs into a flower pot: If a cat constantly rummages in it, looks for green shoots, chews leaves, then it primarily lacks certain vitamins. If a cat relieves himself in a flower pot, it means he confuses it with his litter box. Due to lack, lack of attention from the owners to play with flowers. How to stop a cat from climbing into flower pots?

It is necessary to wean a kitten or cat based on the above reasons. In the first case, it is better for the cat to allocate its own pot and plant special greens for cats in it. This way, you will please both yourself and your pet. Moreover, his diet will be replenished with healthy greens, rich in vitamins and microelements. If your pet confuses a flower pot with its toilet, then change the tray, wash it more thoroughly, and change the filler more often. Remember that all members of the cat family love cleanliness. In the third case, the answer suggests itself - pay attention to your animal, at least occasionally play with it.

Many who have already encountered this problem advise other effective ways: put the flower pot in another place; insert toothpicks into the ground to make it difficult for the animal to reach the flower and dig the soil in the pot; use the smells of garlic, citrus fruits, and onions that are unpleasant for the cat - place, for example, garlic cloves, onions, lemon peel, tangerine peel, etc. in a pot and change them periodically; Place rustling bags around the pot; Cover the top of the pot with tape - once it sticks, the cat will wean itself from going to it; use a special spray that has an unpleasant odor for a cat, but is practically imperceptible for humans; Cover the soil in the pot with stones, which will prevent the cat from climbing into it.

The animal must not be beaten under any circumstances. Having caught him at the scene of a “crime,” the owner can also pour water on him or use a spray bottle, thereby making it clear to him that this cannot be done. Dangerous flowers for cats Before purchasing a houseplant, you should find out about it, whether it is poisonous. If you grow flowers in pots at home and you have a cat, then you should definitely know about poisonous plants to protect your pet.

There are times when a cat needs to be weaned from climbing into flower pots, as they contain plants that are poisonous to cats. Otherwise, you risk losing your pet. Protect your cat from plants such as: azalea; Dieffenbachia; Schefflera; cyclamen; ivy; chrysanthemum; caladium; philodendron. Azalea is a dangerous plant for cats! Owners should understand that this is not a complete list of life-threatening gut plants. Many ordinary flowers can cause various diseases, poisoning, both mild and severe, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, etc. Flower poisoning If your cat is poisoned by flowers in a pot, then she should be immediately taken to a veterinarian if the plant It was from the poisonous class. To help the animal yourself, it is necessary to induce vomiting as soon as possible.

In this case, use: A catheter with soapy water, which can be mixed with hydrogen peroxide; Catheter with warm water and 1 small tsp. salt; Hot water with mustard. Hot water with mustard will help induce vomiting in a cat if it is poisoned by the plant. These methods can only be used if the animal does not have inflammation in the mouth. To neutralize the poison, use a mixture prepared from egg whites, milk and vegetable oil. You can also do an enema with warm water. The effect of toxic substances will slow down, and you will have time to show the animal to the veterinarian. Conclusions Cats love to sit in flower pots, but this can be very dangerous! Do not risk the health of your pets and protect yourself and them from harm. It is better to install flower pots in places where cats do not go. If this is not possible, then use the proven methods listed above. Also remember about poisonous indoor plants, which it is better not to have if you have a cat at home.

Video on how to protect indoor flowers from cats

A cat on a platter, or rather a kitten

Video of a funny fold-eared cat playing with toys, an active and interesting breed

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Baby Safety limiter comb

This restrictor was created to protect children from windows, but it works for cats too. If a cat can remove a regular restraint with its paw, it is unlikely to cope with this mechanism.

In addition to the limiter, it is better to install anti-cat nets: the human factor has not been canceled.


Side bars for windows

This is a design that is shaped like a gap formed when a window is opened for ventilation. That is, the window is slightly open, but the gap is blocked by a special grille, which the cat cannot get through and which looks more than elegant.

Basically, side bars are made for windows that open upwards, since they are dangerous for cats (read about this at the end of the article).

If you are ready to install a screen, make sure that it fits snugly against the window and that the gap between the bars is small so that the cat cannot squeeze through. For an adult cat, a distance of 3-4 centimeters is optimal, but for kittens it is better to try other protection options.

Determining whether your cat will fit through the bars is simple. If the head gets through, then the whole cat will get through. If not, then no.


Don't open the windows

This method is suitable for those who have air conditioning installed at home. However, it is not always advisable to turn it on, especially in cool weather, when it is enough to simply open the window opening. In addition, ventilation with fresh air from the street is much more beneficial. Therefore, even if you have an air conditioner, you should install additional protection on the windows for your pets.

  • Author: Rada Pakhomova
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Buy a walking net

It will allow your pet to go out onto the windowsill outside the window and enjoy the fresh air, but will not allow the cat to fall out. Externally, this device looks like a small balcony with a mesh on three sides, which is attached to the window opening.

Such a device does not always look good and aesthetically pleasing; everything depends on the external facade of the building, but it is convenient for both the cat and its owners.

The mesh-walk does not require additional holes or mounting for installation; the kit always contains special steel clamps that allow you to independently fix the cat’s balcony on the window.

Why do cats like to sit in the closet?

In the closet

How can you not love dark cabinets?
Cats love
this area because there are at least two strong walls for safety and plenty of soft fabric to nestle in.

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Window ventilation is safe for cats

A slightly open window is also not safe for the animal. In this position, the gap between the sash and the frame at the top of the window is enough (17 cm) for the cat to try to squeeze out through it. As a result, the animal becomes sandwiched between the sash and the frame. Finding itself in a window trap, the cat tries to get out on its own and injures itself (fractures of the spine and paws), and without timely help from the owner, it may die.

Photo: a slightly open window can lead to the death of pets Does this mean that if there is a cat in the house, you should always keep the windows closed and deprive yourself of the flow of fresh air?

Fortunately, no! You just need to secure your windows using special window protection products.

Pet stores have special bars (metal barriers) that are installed on the sides and top of windows. When the window is open, they close the entire gap, preventing cats from jumping through it. Such grilles are effective, but may not always be convenient because they worsen the appearance of the window, complicate its maintenance, reduce the flow of light (darken the room) and limit the ability to install blinds (and also require additional financial costs).

Order a polycarbonate grille

These grilles were originally intended to protect the outside of the home and prevent situations where children or adults could fall out of the window. For cats, polycarbonate grilles can also be useful, only in this case it will be necessary to reduce the distance between the slats to 60 mm.

The grilles have an aesthetic appearance, as they are practically invisible and do not stand out much from the outside.

How to create conditions for the safety of your pet?

The window is a favorite place for most cats. They love to sit on the windowsill and watch what is happening on the street; the window is safe for them while it is closed, but becomes dangerous if it is open or slightly opened for ventilation.

Despite the well-known saying that cats always fall on all fours, even the most agile of them are not adapted to falling from great heights. In most cases, this results in serious fractures, injuries to the spine or internal organs, which can lead to death or permanent disability of the animal.

An open window attracts an animal - new smells and sounds, a sunbeam, birds and insects flying nearby - all this arouses the curiosity and instinct of the hunter. On open windows, where there is slippery concrete, metal or glass, there is nothing for a furry hunter to catch his claws on; just jump after a bird or go explore a narrow and slippery cornice and a fatal fall cannot be avoided.

Photo: cats are not adapted to falling from great heights. Therefore, if a window is often opened in a house where a cat lives, it is necessary to ensure that it is properly protected. One common solution is a mosquito net. The effectiveness of such a mesh depends on the quality of materials and assembly. The fastenings of a regular mosquito net are unreliable; they cannot withstand the load from the weight of a pet - the cat can jump on the net and fall out along with it.

Photo: a high-quality window mesh is effective for cat safety. Only high-quality meshes made of strong threads (for example, “anti-cat”) installed in a reinforced Z-shaped profile are effective.

Parallel sliding fittings in windows – for animals

For those who are just planning to install a window, an effective solution would be to use activPilot Comfort PADK fittings .

This is an innovative solution - two in one - comfortable ventilation and safety. Windows with activPilot Comfort PADK fittings, in addition to opening and tilting, have the additional function of parallel displacement of the window sash along the entire perimeter of the frame by 6 mm. This ensures comfortable ventilation of the room and safety for the four-legged pet, eliminating the possibility of not only falling out, but also pinching the animal between the frame and the sash.

Photo: micro-slit ventilation with activPilot Comfort PADK (6 mm gap around the window perimeter) An additional advantage of the activPilot Comfort PADK fittings is that the window is burglar-resistant in the parallel position at the same high level as when the window is closed.

Therefore, you can ventilate your apartment or house even when the owners are away, without worrying about the safety of your home and pet.

Reasons for jumping

Jumping is an integral part of cat behavior. She enjoys being high because she feels safe—that’s how her body is “programmed.” But the owner needs to discern this desire to hide in time. The reason for frequent jumping on high surfaces and the desire to hide in hard-to-reach spaces, such as drawers and the tops of cabinets, may be an attempt to hide the wound. The desire to hide when wounded was passed on to the cat from its ancestors, who had to escape from predators in this way. In the same way, she can hide from another danger if she is frightened by something. It is necessary to understand what could frighten her and remove it from the environment. Gradually, when the cat feels safe, it will return to your “level” and will be more willing to make contact.

Cats are natural jumpers, so don't completely deprive them of their ability to jump. But with a little training, you can wean your pet from jumping where it shouldn’t.

Window sash tilt lock

A more efficient and reliable solution is the MSL multi-stage tilt mechanism. This is an additional element, installed on the fittings and allows the use of 4 additional tilt positions of the sash.

Photo: MSL OS from Winkhaus - window ventilation is safe for cats Thanks to this, you can open the window slightly, fixing a gap in the upper part of the window from 10 to 35 mm between the sash and the frame, so that the cat cannot stick either its head or even its paws into the hole. Additionally, the sash in this position is protected from slamming.

Do not use side restraints

For some cats, side restraints may be good, but for particularly gifted cats this method does not work. They stand on their hind legs, stretch out to their full height and carefully remove them from their hinges . And the worst thing is if this happens when you are not at home!

So only use restraints in conjunction with more reliable methods for added protection.

The cat can remove the side restraint himself


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