What kind of nose should a healthy cat have and what do the changes indicate?

There is no single standard that defines the health of a cat's nose. Whether it’s color, dryness or moisture, roughness or smoothness, there are no clear signs of pathology or well-being. All representatives of felines have different noses; moreover, the color of the nose of the same cat can change within certain limits several times a day. However, there is a list of general signs that allow you to determine what kind of nose a healthy cat should have.

What kind of nose should a healthy cat have?

Structure of a cat's nose

The cat's nose is not very different in structure from the noses of other mammals. He has:

  • 2 nostrils;
  • two nasal passages called choanae;
  • cavities;
  • labyrinth of lattice shells.

The nose is devoid of fur and has a unique skin pattern, akin to human fingerprints.

The skin pattern on a cat's nose is strictly individual.

The cat's nose has an interesting assistant - Jacobson's organ (vomeronasal organ). It is located in the animal's mouth, on the palate. Consists of two small, liquid-filled sacs. Using the palatal canals, it connects the cat's nasal cavity and mouth.

Jacobson's organ is located on the upper palate behind the front incisors.

When a cat needs a more concentrated amount of odor molecules, it uses this organ. From the outside it seems that the cat is smiling, its mouth is slightly open, its nose is wrinkled, the cat is sucking in a large portion of air. This process is called flehmen (flahmen-smile). Cats often use it during courtship. Cats use it too. But kittens begin to resort to his help at the age of 2 months. Some other mammals also have this organ.

Fleemen is the name of a characteristic movement of the lips in cats associated with the capture of volatile aromatic substances, in particular pheromones, into the area of ​​the receptive organ - the vomeronasal organ.

In humans, the vomeronasal organ is also formed during fetal development, but then undergoes regression. But this does not happen for all people, as military surgeons proved back in the 18th century. Research concerning the Jacobson's organ in humans is still ongoing, scientists are only at the very beginning of the journey.

Functions of a cat's nose

The cat's nose has truly amazing properties.

Table: comparative characteristics of the sensitivity of smell

ViewArea of ​​the olfactory epitheliumNumber of olfactory receptorsSensitivity
Human2–4 cm2~5 millionSample for comparison
Cat20 cm2~200 million20 times better than a human
Dog170 cm2~220 million50–1000 times better than a human

Thus, it is clear that a cat’s nose, although weaker than a dog’s, is much more sensitive than a human’s. A cat is able not only to recognize odors hidden from humans, but also to build a complete picture of the surrounding space. Cats, unlike dogs, do not use their sense of smell to search for prey or stalk. She just doesn't need it. But for orientation in space, when communicating with relatives and people, and determining the suitability of food, it uses it with success.

This is why you should not wash your cat's bowls using chemicals. The pet will smell the substance for a very long time, and accordingly, this can lead to refusal of food. You should also be careful when cleaning your cat's litter box. It is enough to wash it with hot water in a timely manner, since high temperature destroys ammonia molecules, and the smell ceases to exist for humans. But not for a cat.

Many owners have learned to determine the quality of meat products by offering them to their cat. The fact is that the animal, carefully sniffing the food offered, easily determines its suitability for consumption. And the sausage, stuffed with preservatives and other “chemicals”, will remain untouched.

Cats love certain smells. Manufacturers know this and flavor their feed. This is what explains the passion of animals for dry food or canned food. And this is why pets so easily switch to this diet and refuse regular food.

Manufacturers of cheap dry food flavor them to make the product attractive to cats.

But the smell of orange or mothballs disgusts pets. These scents are used as repellents in all sorts of products designed to wean a cat off something.

Cats also do not like the smell of garlic and onions. At home, these finely grated vegetables can be placed in plates where the presence of cats is undesirable.

In addition to olfactory functions, a cat's nose is also intended for:

  • warming and humidifying inhaled air;
  • determining food temperature.

A cat is able to retain molecules of certain aromas in the nasal labyrinth in order to use the smell for its own purposes longer. Kittens use this technique with success. Being blind, they not only find the mother, but also distinguish the cat's nipples.

A newborn kitten finds its mother and her nipples solely by smell

Why is my nose dry and warm?

A warm nose in cats is explained by an increase in body temperature (hyperthermia) and blood pressure. Such changes are not always explained by diseases - they can be the result of physiological processes.


Lack of moisture in kittens is associated with inability to maintain hygiene. Babies who do not know how to lick themselves completely rely on their mother cat. If separated from the mother too early, the owner will have to take care of the nose. Without timely moisturizing, it can crack, causing severe discomfort to the small pet.

If the usual activity and appetite are maintained, the cause of a hot nose in a cat may be:

  1. High activity

    . Increased metabolism, necessary for muscle function, contributes to a rise in temperature and loss of fluid.

  2. Long sleep

    . During rest, all internal processes slow down. The work of the mucous glands is no exception. The usual humidity returns some time after waking up.

  3. Dryness and high indoor temperature

    . Under such conditions, the rate of moisture evaporation exceeds the rate of secretion production. That is why it is recommended to keep animals away from heating appliances. A humidifier can also help solve this problem.

  4. Low fluid intake

    . Make sure your pet drinks its daily intake. Lack of water can lead to dehydration.

  5. Stress

    . An animal's excitement is accompanied by behavioral changes: aggression, unsociability. When under stress, the cat will avoid communication and lick itself frequently. Knowing the cause of his worries, you need to try to eliminate it or use sedatives recommended by the veterinarian.

  6. Estrus

    . This period is easy to recognize by loud songs, excessive affection and a characteristic posture.

Measuring body temperature using the lobe is not always accurate, since the owner is guided by his own feelings. If the pet’s condition does not return to normal, take a measurement with a rectal thermometer.

Dangerous reasons

If none of the physiological reasons are suitable, then a hot nose in a cat may indicate the presence of an illness. It can be identified by accompanying symptoms, but only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Diseases accompanied by hyperthermia include:

  • neoplasms and foreign bodies stuck in the sinuses;
  • injuries that prevent secretion production;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • rhinitis and sinusitis;
  • inflammation and infections;
  • trichobezoars that have clogged the stomach or intestines;
  • helminthiases;
  • poisoning and gastrointestinal disorders associated with overeating;
  • tick infestations.

If you suspect any of the listed pathologies, it is recommended to immediately contact a veterinary clinic. The sooner the cause of the illness is detected, the less likely complications will arise.

What should the nose of healthy cats and kittens look like?

Normally, the nose of a healthy animal has a regular, clear shape. There should be no curvature of the nostrils, the right and left parts should be symmetrical.

Wet or dry

A healthy pet's nose is usually moist. Moisture helps you sense and retain odors better. To better identify them, the cat licks its nose to moisten it more. This technique is also used by other predators.

A cat wets its nose by licking to better distinguish odors.

As a rule, a wet nose occurs in a cat that is awake and in a calm state. An animal that has just woken up will have a dry nose. But this should not cause concern, because during sleep the nose is not particularly needed. But if the nose remains dry within half an hour of being awake, then this is a direct indication that the pet is not feeling well. Of course, you shouldn’t panic right away; you should pay attention to other signs that may confirm fears of poor health: lethargy, digestive disorders, refusal to eat.

Another point worth considering is the breed of the pet. Thus, representatives of the Bengal breed have a dry nose. And this is not considered a disease or deviation from the norm.

Warm or cold

Normally, a wet nose should be cool. This is a natural physiological process. A dry nose will be, accordingly, warm. But again, you should pay attention to what the cat was doing. If the pet has just woken up, the nose is dry and warm. After active physical activity, the nose will be moist, but warm or even hot.

A awake pet's nose should be wet and cold.

Video: hot dry nose - is it dangerous?

Signs of an unhealthy nose

Animals cannot tell their owner that they feel bad. And only an attentive owner will pay attention to changes in the animal’s behavior. At the same time, a pet’s nose can tell a lot.

  • A hot and dry nose is one of the very first signs of the disease. This is how the body signals an increase in the cat’s body temperature. On a hot surface, moisture evaporates intensely, and the nose becomes dry.
  • Any nasal discharge that does not stop for a short period of time is a clear sign of the disease:
  • Clear discharge coupled with sneezing may indicate allergic reactions or viral diseases.
  • Purulent discharge is bacterial in nature.
  • Bleeding can indicate both injuries to the nose itself and more serious injuries to the head.
  • The presence of dried crusts, peeling, and scabby formations indicate various diseases, which only a specialist can diagnose.

But the presence of spots does not always indicate a disease; most likely it is pigmentation, especially in spotted or dark animals. It can be present at birth or appear with age. But black spots on the nose can be a sign of lichen, and even a symptom of cancer. In any case, anything that is suspicious should be shown to a veterinarian to avoid serious problems.

Photo gallery: cat noses with signs of ill health

Purulent nasal discharge is a sign of a bacterial infection

Clear nasal discharge may be a sign of an allergy or viral infection

Crusts on the nose may indicate a fungal infection Black spots on the nose may appear due to lichen infection

Nosebleeds can occur due to damage to the nasal passages, but can also be a sign of a head injury

Action plan

If you find a dry nose in your cat, then the first thing you need to do is be patient and watch it for a day or two.

In this case, you will have the most complete picture possible, both about his behavior and regarding other possible symptoms.

If even with a dry nose, the cat’s general behavior does not change - he is very active, sleeps enough, eats well, then most likely you can dispel your worries about this.

But you must understand that even in a situation where you find a dry nose, which has begun to crack, you should not try to smear it with anything.

Getting rid of the causes of such a problem will in itself begin to return everything to normal - the cracks will heal, and the cat will lick its nose and restore the required level of humidity.

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