Why does a cat bleed from the mouth - 5 main causes of bleeding

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Bleeding from the mouth is a rare occurrence in cats, and while it is not always an emergency, it usually signifies a medical condition that requires some form of treatment. Although in many cases bleeding from the mouth is obvious, there are times when the indicators may be more subtle, such as blood found on the chest as a result of drooling, or streaks of blood deposited on other areas of the coat as a result of grooming.

  • Causes
  • What to do if your cat is bleeding from the mouth
  • Preventing Bleeding from the Mouth

What to do if your cat is bleeding from the mouth?

The cat family is distinguished by its amazing vitality and intelligence, acquired in the process of evolution and centuries of life next to humans. However, a pet's body is also susceptible to destructive effects when the cat bleeds from the mouth.

Today we will talk about this phenomenon with maximum care, consider the causes of its occurrence, treatment and preventive measures.

Causes of increased salivation (hypersalivation, ptyalism or sialorrhea)

The cause of drooling in cats may be a dangerous disease.

Suppose that droplets of saliva suddenly hang on the cat’s antennae for a long time. Or the whole chin constantly began to get wet from liquid foamy discharge from the mouth. Let's consider the causes of such phenomena, selecting them in descending order of severity and urgency for taking action.

  • rabies;
  • stuck foreign body;
  • dental problems;
  • viral diseases;
  • neoplasms;
  • and kidneys;
  • stress;
  • reaction to positive emotions.

Fundamental Concepts

If your pet is bleeding from the mouth, examine him, paying attention to:

  • structure and condition of teeth and gums;
  • possible damage to the lips;
  • the color of the blood and its amount;
  • presence/absence of odor, vomiting;
  • general condition of the body: eating pattern, level of physical activity, muscle tone, thirst or dehydration.

Deviation from the norm in a cat of some indicators indicates the development of an unidentified disease. We strongly recommend that you seek qualified assistance on the same day.

Other reasons

But, nevertheless, you should not relax - other reasons that cause excessive salivation are just as unpleasant. So, why can a cat experience intense salivation:

  • The most common cause is the accumulation of hair in the stomach. Cats are very clean animals, and when licking themselves, they always swallow a small amount of hair. Over time, all this fur collects in a lump, which is often quite large in size, and the animal begins to need to regurgitate it. Without a lot of saliva, this is very difficult to do.
  • Transparent salivation is a manifestation of poisoning. Cats are predatory animals, but sometimes what they “catch” is not entirely useful, and sometimes it is extremely dangerous for their health.
  • A lot of drool can be a sign of an allergy.
  • Another popular cause is a foreign object in the mouth, stomach or digestive system.
  • Problems with teeth, mechanical damage in the mouth - all this also contributes to the abundant production of saliva.
  • Viral and oncological diseases.

Naturally, the worst thing on the list is oncology. Therefore, if you want your pet to live as long as possible, carefully monitor its condition, and at the slightest suspicion, consult a doctor.

Why is this happening

It is quite difficult to discover the causes of an unknown disease, so we will divide the further narrative into several blocks.

Injuries to the oral cavity

Drip bleeding from the mouth occurs when the surface of the head is damaged (due to “showdowns” with competitors), sensitive walls (consumption of malignant products or objects of unknown origin).

If your cat is bleeding from the mouth, pay attention to:

  • Color – shades of red or pink, depending on the degree of dilution.
  • Duration - with minor injuries, blood stops flowing within ten minutes, tooth loss is accompanied by a longer period.
  • The nature of the leak - liquid flowing out in jerks, indicates damage to an important vessel or large capillary of the facial area of ​​​​the head.

To stop bleeding from the mouth, you will need cotton swabs treated with a manganese solution. If first aid does not bring results, contact specialized institutions.

Lung damage

If the respiratory system is affected, periodic foam from the cat's mouth mixed with pink blood is observed. The phenomenon is characterized by a small amount of fluid and no coagulation. If you notice such symptoms, immediately take your cat to a veterinary clinic.

Poisoning with toxic substances

After examining the cat's vomit, we can draw a conclusion about the nature of the ongoing disease. The presence of brown impurities indicates damage to the gastric mucosa. Often occurs due to: eating household chemicals, specialized mixtures.

If the cat has eaten rat bait, additional vitamin K injections and blood transfusions and rinsing by probing will be needed.

It is important to know! Do not induce vomiting if your cat eats toxic substances. A hasty decision can cause damage to the esophagus and respiratory organs from the moving masses.

Blood and liver damage

Problems with blood clotting indicate a destructive effect on the above-mentioned organs of the cat. Often occur during exacerbations of non-contagious diseases, and are not accompanied by the release of foam.

We recommend that you contact a veterinary clinic to submit biochemical analysis materials, a coagulogram and undergo highly targeted treatment.

Bleeding in the stomach

Vomiting blood in a cat is a sign of damage to the sensitive walls of the stomach. The discharge has a brown tint and an unpleasant smell, and the consistency resembles the thick of infused tea.

The frequency of exacerbation depends on individual characteristics, degree and nature.

An exacerbation is accompanied by sharp pain in the abdominal area, which can be relieved by eating several pieces of ice and applying cold compresses to the affected area.

It is important to know!

Blood flowing out of the mouth in a stream is a clear sign of “holes” in the vessels of the abdominal cavity or stomach . The question arises, what to do? The answer is extremely short - seek help from a veterinary clinic.

Symptoms and treatment

  • The most terrible disease that requires urgent and drastic measures is rabies. Most often, domestic cats become infected with this deadly disease from wild vectors. An animal that is constantly in a city apartment and does not have the opportunity to communicate with guests who come out of the forest from time to time is almost not at risk of rabies. But if a cat’s saliva is secreted for more than 2 hours, and foam predominates in its structure, there is a strong recommendation not to hesitate and isolate the animal, and then, under the strictest quarantine conditions, deliver it to a veterinary clinic, where specialists will deal with it.

It is important to know that rabies can be transmitted from cat to owner and lead to tragic consequences. At the first suspicion, take immediate action!

  • But poisoning is much more common in urban conditions, when a curious animal can eat something from indoor flowers or get to the first aid kit with medicines, or even ingest chemicals (powders, cosmetics). At the same time, the cat’s behavior will also give away this incident: the cat will vomit, it will become lethargic, and the temperature will rise.
  • A foreign body can enter the oral cavity with food, can get stuck in the gums and, which is very dangerous, deeper - in the pharynx, esophagus or even stomach. At the same time, it will not be difficult to notice that he puts his paws into his mouth, trying to get rid of the interfering and irritating object inside. Most likely, she will lose her appetite and begin to refuse food.
  • A diseased or broken tooth will lead to the same problem as a foreign body. The cat will behave nervously and irritably, and lose appetite. It is unlikely to be possible without veterinary help.
  • Viral diseases include upper respiratory tract infections and immune system disorders. Advice - be sure to show it to doctors. Only they will recognize the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.
  • Neoplasms most often affect older cats. Outwardly, everything will be the same, but weakness, lack of appetite, obvious signs of malaise will show you that a veterinarian is required.
  • Liver and kidney diseases these days occupy an increasingly important place among all diseases. If this is the cause of ptyalism, then additional increased salivation will be accompanied by pain during urination and other symptoms. A doctor's intervention can save your pet's life.
  • Psychology, just like for humans, plays a big role in the life of a cat. Cats can suffer from stress, for example, when transported in a car, especially for a long time, they can be frightened by new people, children's games, loud and unusual sounds. If hypersalivation occurs for this reason, then you can try to calm the animal by creating comfortable conditions for it and eliminating sources of stress. In this case, salivation will most likely decrease and return to normal quite quickly.
  • There is also no pathology in the fact that the cat is too emotional and reacts sharply to the sight of appetizing food, to stroking or scratching behind the ear. If this happens constantly and is not accompanied by any alarming symptoms, then there is no need to rush to treat the cat.

Blood from a cat’s mouth - what does this terrible symptom indicate?

Over the years, the cat family has evolved, which has led to the maximum survivability of cats. But even in modern times, animals can be subjected to various negative processes, in which a lot of unpleasant and life-threatening symptoms are observed. One of the severe processes is a condition in which bleeding comes from the cat’s mouth. A caring owner should know why a four-legged friend may bleed and how to prevent serious consequences.


The reasons for salivation can be very diverse. The above lists natural irritants that will not cause any particular inconvenience to the cat and will not affect his health in any way. Otherwise, the release of clear saliva is a sign of improper functioning of the animal’s body, which can have unpleasant consequences.

The only good news is that a large amount of clear saliva is not a sign of rabies. This disease has no cure and is fatal, and if your pet catches it, the saliva will look like foam. The cat will be afraid of the light, become more aggressive or, on the contrary, affectionate and behave unnaturally.

Proper examination of the animal

The first thing the owner of a furry cat should do is to carefully examine the oral cavity of the cat, as well as the entire body of the pet. During the inspection, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. condition and structure of all teeth and gums;
  2. assess the integrity of the tissues of the cheeks and lips, both internally and externally;
  3. the color of the blood and the location of its flow;
  4. determine whether your pet has the urge to vomit;
  5. presence of fetid odor of bloody discharge.

Along with the above points, you should remember what was in the pet’s diet, what food it ate, and whether there were situations where the animal could have been injured. It is also very important to assess for dehydration. If the cat has not drunk for a long time due to the injury, then you should give some water by pouring it through a syringe without a needle. Dehydration of the body is fatal. It should be remembered that cats have metabolic processes much faster than humans, so dehydration is very dangerous. During the examination, the general condition of the animal is also assessed, the presence or absence of muscle spasms and convulsions is determined.

Prevention measures

Salivation in a cat can occur as a result of poisoning or illness.

Keep an eye on your pet. Do not allow chemicals or medications to enter the cat's body. Do not leave chemicals or medications in open areas.

Even after washing the floor with some product, rinse it with clean water to avoid accidental licking by the cat.

Check to see if your cat is biting the leaves of flowers on the windowsills. In this case, you will need to buy her sprouted herbs, distract her from pots with plants or limit access to them, since flowers that are completely harmless to people can be poisonous to your pet.

Be especially careful when switching to another food (it may not suit your cat or cause an allergy), after it has taken deworming medication. In any case, the accumulation of toxins will cause fever, nausea and vomiting, which means veterinary intervention is also necessary, since dehydration can be fatal. A specialist will help recognize the disease and use injections, IVs and other means to prevent an accident.

Quite frequent cases of ptyalism have been recorded when cats are intoxicated after eating certain species of lizards, frogs and toads, as well as bites from wasps, bees and other insects. But this is also more typical for animals that tend to go outside the apartment.

Remember: everything a cat can get its hands on, it will try! Make sure your curious pet's stomach is safe.

Be careful about the toys your cat uses. Check if they are dangerous. Teeth that decay from age and can damage your gums should be thrown away.

And, of course, vaccinate your furry pets against rabies, avoid hypothermia, and slightly warm up the food if it has been stored in the refrigerator. Protect her from negativity and stress and your cat will be cheerful and active, and you won’t have to worry about her health.

This article provides basic general information on this issue, as well as answers to questions that veterinarians in various veterinary clinics constantly face in their practice.

Drooling in cats during sleep: causes and treatment

Excessive drooling even during sleep can be a sign of illness in the animal. Before going to the vet, keep an eye on your pet for a day. If drooling also flows profusely during the daytime, then immediately contact a doctor and explain to him in what situation the cat was drooling, so that the veterinarian can quickly make a diagnosis.

Drooling in a cat in the heat and sudden what is it and how to help

During the heat, cats' bodies overheat and the pet's first defense mechanism is drooling. In this way, their body cools itself, so there is no need to help the cat, at this moment it helps itself.

Drooling in cats from stress, dry food, kidney failure, after anesthesia and surgery, rabies or taking medications

Regarding the animal's mental health, cats salivate profusely during times of stress. Also, during times of nervous tension, they may wash their faces frequently, which also refers to frequent drooling.

During kidney failure in cats, saliva is released suddenly and continues for an hour and a half, which is a sure sign to take your pet to the vet.

Dry food, especially new food, can also cause excessive drooling. Firstly, this is due to the expectation of something tasty. Secondly, dry food is dry because it needs to be thoroughly moistened, which is why more saliva is produced than usual.

If a cat has become infected with rabies, then drool is an eternal companion of this disease. The pet changes in behavior and in some cases the saliva may contain blood. Such an animal is quickly placed in quarantine, as it becomes dangerous to others.

Surgery, injections, medications are always stressful for the animal, so drooling after such manipulations is normal. Your pet is simply experiencing nervous tension, which is why saliva is released.

The kitten has profuse and increased salivation, what should I do?

First of all, you need to figure out why the kitten has increased drooling. This can be either contact with a plant or a foreign object in the oral cavity. If saliva does not stop flowing after an hour and a half, then it is better to consult a doctor, since prolonged drooling is a sign of many diseases, in some cases even fatal.

Why does a cat drool with blood from its mouth, what is wrong with it and how to treat it

There can be a lot of reasons for such a tragedy - from a foreign object getting into the throat to poisoning and viral diseases such as rabies. They are treated only according to a doctor’s indications, since blood from the mouth is a sure sign of a serious illness, unless the cat has damaged its tongue or gums.

Why does a cat drool from his mouth when you pet him or when he purrs?

Healthy animals do not have the habit of drooling, but many drool when petted. It is possible that in this way they show their happiness from such a process.

The cat is drooling and sticking out its tongue, what could it be?

Typically, cats stick out their tongues and drool to cool their bodies. In this case, the only thing to worry about is that the cat could get sunstroke. A cold compress will help your pet feel better.

A cat is drooling after a suprastin injection, how to help

For a cat, an injection means stress, which he experiences by producing copious amounts of saliva.

The cat is drooling while driving in the car, what to do?

Cats not used to riding in a car. They, like many people, get motion sickness, which is the reason for drooling while driving.

In the body of all mammals, salivation is a normal physiological process that accompanies digestion. Our pets, cats, also produce saliva. But often this is not visible.

If the amount of saliva secreted has increased, then cat owners are alarmed. There seems to be something wrong with the animal. Why is a cat drooling? Does this always indicate pathology?


Excessive drooling is a sign of a wide range of disorders in the functioning of the body. If you notice anything, it is best to immediately consult a doctor rather than treat yourself

, after reading “advice” on forums. Only a specialist will be able to assess the situation completely, prescribe a course of treatment and give useful advice and recommendations that will help speed up the recovery process.

All that is required of you is to be a good owner, recognize the presence of problems in time and do what the veterinarian says. During treatment, spend more time on your cat, it is as important and necessary for him as proper care.

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