Mealfeel cat food: quality reviews from veterinarians

A new product has appeared on the pet food market that has aroused great interest among veterinarians and breeders. Mealfeel is a cat food, reviews of which are still rare, but the meager information allows one to draw a conclusion about the quality of the product and its unique characteristics. The product has strengths that attract the average consumer, and negative aspects that are not hidden from the eyes of specialists. To understand and form your own opinion about a product, you need to carefully study it.

A few words about the manufacturer

Mealfeel is a cat food produced by the Russian company. However, the brand's production lines are located abroad. Today, this practice is quite common in the production of pet products. Firms that have the necessary equipment provide services to other brands for the production of turnkey products.

Mealfeel comes out of the assembly line in various countries. Dry cat food is produced at United Perfood, which is located in Belgium.

The line of wet food is produced on the production lines of La Normandise, which is located in France.

Both companies have been working on the development, creation and production of pet products for more than twenty years, so they have accumulated enough experience to allow themselves to take on such orders. The production lines are equipped with modern equipment. Products coming off the assembly line are of high quality, which has been repeatedly confirmed by voluntary certification.

What food to replace "Milfil"

A cat owner may have difficulty purchasing Mealfeel. For example, financial difficulties may occur, or the food may not be available in the usual store. In this case, you can replace this product with a different brand of food:

  • premium class (Royal Canin, Iams, Wellkiss, etc.);
  • super premium class (Pronature Original, Bozita, 1st Choice, Profine, etc.);
  • holistic (Farmina, Grandorf, Eagle Pack, Nutram, etc.).

Table: replacement feed

ClassTypeNameFlavorsGuaranteed performanceEnergy valueRelease formKitten foodPrice
PremiumDry and wetIams ("Yams")Chicken (and salmon), turkey, ocean fish, lamb, beef, rabbit, assorted.
  • protein - 33%;
  • fat - 16%;
  • ash - 7.2%;
  • fiber - 1.9%;
  • humidity - 8%.
Not specifiedPackages from 300 g to 10 kg, pouches of 100 gKitten&JuniorFrom 240 rubles (300 g)
Wellkiss (“Wellkiss”)Duck, fish, turkey, chicken, lamb, trout with salmon, beef with lamb or chicken.
  • protein - 28.0%;
  • fat - 20.0%;
  • raw ash - 7%;
  • fiber - 6.5%.
Up to 3856 kcal/kgPouches of 400 g and 1.5 kg, pouches of 100 g, cans of 410 g"For kittens"From 200 rubles (400 g)
SuperpremiumDry1st Choice (“First Choice”)Chicken, salmon, duck.
  • protein - up to 30%;
  • fat - up to 20%;
  • fiber - 6%;
  • moisture -10%;
  • ash - 8.5%.
Up to 3770 kcal/kgPackages from 340 g to 11.3 kg"Healthy start"From 680 rubles (907 g)
Dry and wetProfineChicken, fish or turkey with rice, chicken with vegetables, fish with herbs, seafood.
  • protein - up to 37%;
  • fat - 19%;
  • fiber - 5.5%;
  • humidity - 10%;
  • raw ash - 6%.
Up to 3900 kcal/kgPackages of 300 g, 1.5 kg, 2 and 3 kg, cans of 70 gKittenFrom 220 rubles (300 g)
HolisticDryEagle PackChicken and salmon
  • protein - up to 43%;
  • fat - up to 21%;
  • fiber - 3%;
  • ash - 9.9%;
  • humidity - 7%.
Not specifiedPackages of 400 g, 2, 4 and 10 kgKitten formula 34/22From 460 rubles (400 g)
Nutram (“Nutram”)Turkey with chicken, salmon and trout.
  • protein - from 32%;
  • fat - 15%;
  • fiber - 5%;
  • ash - 10%;
  • humidity - 7.5%.
Up to 3700 kcal/kgPackages of 400 g, 1.82 kg, 6.8 kgNutram S1From 260 rubles (400 g)

Photo gallery: food to replace Mealfeel

Wellkiss is a relatively young brand of cat food that is produced in the same factories as Mealfeel

Iams is an American food with many preventive and therapeutic options.

Among the 1st Choice foods there are preventive foods for sterilized, capricious cats, to maintain the beauty of the coat and control weight

Eagle Pack is a brand of the American company WellPet, which has been producing food for cats and dogs for more than 30 years.

Profine brand food is not very popular in Russia, so you can get it at low prices (although they don’t sell it in a regular pet store)

Nutram cat food is manufactured in Canada by Nutram Pet Products

Menu for spayed and neutered animals

The letter S is purple in color on the package of this Mealfeel food. Food for a sterilized cat, according to veterinarians, should contain a large amount of L-carnitine. The substance is necessary for enhanced fat burning and prevents the animal from gaining extra pounds. The brand line meets the specified parameter, so it does not raise any complaints among experts. The composition can contain lamb, salmon or chicken in an amount of at least 15%. Rice, corn and peas are also included.

Nutrition for mature animals

If an elderly cat lives in the house, it needs special nutrition. For this purpose, the Milfil line includes packages with the capital letter S in blue. The basis of the diet is turkey and chicken. The following are declared as additional substances:

  • dried potatoes;
  • rice;
  • peas.

An elderly cat's body requires additional substances to maintain health. For this purpose, the following components are included in the food:

  • glucosamine;
  • chondroitin;
  • complex of vitamins and minerals.

Veterinarians have special nutritional requirements for mature animals. The amount of fat and protein should be reduced. In the presented line, the ratio of these substances is at the level of 13 and 29%, which corresponds to the norm.

Diet for sick animals

Mealfeel is a cat food that doesn’t have many reviews, but all of them prove its quality characteristics. Among the packs on sale, you can find packaging with the capital letter D, which means Digest Sensitive.

This menu is intended for pets who have problems with the absorption of certain nutrients and digestion in general. Includes salmon and turkey. Rice and peas complete the menu. At the same time, judging by reviews from veterinarians, fat and protein levels are at the optimal level for sick animals.

Practical advice on feeding domestic cats

Cats always love to drink, so to do this, place a vessel with drinking water in the feeding area, which is changed once a day. The use of new food in a cat's diet requires careful study of the composition and instructions on the packaging . Cats are usually fed in the morning and evening. There is nothing wrong with accustoming your pet to three meals a day, as long as someone is present at home and this regime is regular.

Select the ideal food by substituting and choosing from several options. At the same time, they do not give two new types of food together in order to know exactly which of them harms the animal and which is beneficial. Having chosen food, you should not experiment further, since with a constant diet, the animal’s stomach can easily cope with the usual composition of the food. Having chosen Hills wet food for nutrition, do not give your pet complementary foods in the form of natural products, meat or milk , since such a variety often gives rise to troubles with the digestive system.

Wet food diet

The Milfil brand also produces canned products for cats. Reviews from experts indicate a balanced composition and complete content of all necessary minerals and vitamins. The line is divided into wet diet in pouches and canned food in cans.

Depending on the needs of the animal, its age and other individual characteristics, it is necessary to choose the appropriate menu. The taste presented by the manufacturer in pouches is standard:

  • beef;
  • lamb;
  • chicken with fillet pieces;
  • Domestic bird;
  • chicken fillet and lamb;
  • turkey.

Canned food comes in the following flavors:

  • white fish;
  • turkey with carrots;
  • Domestic bird;
  • beef and liver.

Product range

The Milfil brand offers products for cats of almost all ages. The product line also includes food for spayed and neutered animals, for cats with digestive problems, for pets over 7 years old, as well as food for a beautiful coat, healthy skin and for dietary diversity. The choice is large, the food is all of excellent quality, meeting international standards. The kitten food category is intended for feeding pets from 1 to 12 months.

  • Dry food for kittens.

The food contains more than 40% meat ingredients in the form of fresh chicken and turkey meat. Meat products are processed in a special way for better absorption by the kitten’s body. The grain content in the food is low, which reduces the risk of allergies; the food contains taurine, which is important for strengthening the pet’s immune and nervous systems, the visual system, and protecting the lungs. The food contains vitamins A, E, D3, micro- and macroelements, L-carnitine, Omega-3, Omega-6.

  • Wet food for kittens.

The food is specially designed for kittens. The product contains 40% meat components, of which 14% is poultry. Thanks to its rich composition, the presence of taurine, vitamins E, D3, the food promotes the proper development and growth of the pet. Food should be served at room temperature.

  • Veal meat mousse.

The composition is quite rich, it includes meat and meat by-products (60%), mineral supplements, dextrose, vitamins A, E, D3, taurine, copper sulfate.

  • Chicken meat mousse.

The composition is identical to that of canned veal, but the main ingredient is chicken.

  • Canned food (lamister) for cats (Beef and liver).

This type of product is intended for feeding cats from 1 year to 7 years. The composition includes meat and meat by-products 55% (beef 14%, liver 4%), minerals, sugar. The composition is enriched with micro- and macroelements, vitamins B1, E, D3, taurine. The company offers canned food in a lamister with an identical composition, where the main components are: turkey and carrots, poultry, white fish.

  • Dry food for adult domestic cats (Chicken with Turkey).

The food is intended for feeding adult cats living indoors. The composition of the product includes 50% meat components, of which 15% is chicken meat. The percentage of cereal ingredients is quite low, which helps prevent the development of allergies. The presence of natural antioxidants in the composition activates the digestive process. The unique formula of the food helps remove hair and prevent the development of urolithiasis. The food has a composition rich in vitamins and microelements.

  • Wet food for sterilized and neutered cats (Beef in sauce).

The food is a functional food for spayed/neutered animals and is specially designed to prevent the onset of obesity. Due to its unique nutritional formula, the food promotes fat burning and supports the health of the genitourinary system. Contains more than 27% meat ingredients, of which 14% is beef. The composition also includes vitamins E, D3, taurine, micro- and macroelements.

  • Canned food for adult cats Duck with rabbit.

Meat pate. The product contains meat and meat by-products (60%), mineral additives, dextrose, vitamins, mineral components, fiber, moisture.

  • Canned food with a high meat content for adult cats.

Chicken's meat. Meat pieces with fillet. The product contains meat and meat by-products (60%, including chicken meat - 15%), mineral supplements, dextrose.

  • Wet food for adult cats with sensitive digestion (Poultry in sauce).

The food is a balanced diet for pets prone to food allergies and digestive problems. The composition contains easily digestible ingredients and substances that maintain the stability of the intestinal microflora. The formula is also designed for normal bowel cleansing. Important components of the product are vitamin B1, inulin, and clay. Meat products in the feed make up more than 40%, of which 4% is poultry.

  • Dry food for cats over 7 years old.

The diet contains more than 40% meat products, of which 15% is fresh salmon, which makes the taste of the food attractive to cats. The low content of cereal components in the feed reduces the risk of allergies. Natural antioxidants promote optimal digestion. The food has a preventive purpose, prevents diseases of the genitourinary system and joints, promotes hair removal, and controls weight. The composition of the food is very rich, including vitamins B6, B12, niacin, biotin, folic acid, vitamins A, E, D3, L-carnitine, DL-methionine, Omega-3, Omega-6, taurine, micro- and macroelements.

  • Wet food for cats over 7 years old (Poultry in sauce).

The food composition includes meat and meat products (about 37%, of which poultry 14%), fish and fish derivatives (2%), vegetable protein extract (1.4%), plant derivatives (1.3%), minerals , sucrose, vitamins E, D3, taurine.

  • Wet food for beautiful skin and coat (Turkey in sauce).

The food has excellent taste and will please even the most picky cat. Contains meat and meat derivatives (about 41%, of which turkey 4%), fish and fish derivatives (5%), plant derivatives (1.4%), minerals, oils and fats (0.32%: fish oil and sunflower oil), sucrose, vitamins B1, E, D3, taurine, micro- and macroelements.

Starting from 3 months, after consulting with a veterinarian, kittens can be given pouches (sauces with pieces of meat), canned food in lamister (pates) intended for feeding adult cats from 1 year to 7 years. This will diversify the menu and strengthen the baby’s immunity.

Mealfeel cat food: composition

According to the manufacturer, at least 40% of the total composition is meat products. Also, for the prevention of urolithiasis, the menu includes special additives. The composition of Mealfeel cat food (reviews from veterinarians confirm the information) is quite balanced and suitable for feeding animals with special health conditions.

To analyze the nutritional ingredients included in the menu, you can take the Digest Sensitive universal food as a sample. It is intended for pets over one year old with digestive problems:

  • proteins - 32%;
  • carbohydrates - 28%;
  • fats - 23%;
  • fiber is present in the amount of 3.5%;
  • as well as moisture in the amount of 6%.

Analyzing the results, we can conclude that the animal receives a large amount of complex carbohydrates along with this diet. But the percentage of fat here is reduced, so the diet does not contribute to weight gain. The animal receives its main calories from lipids, which is important for the normal well-being of cats.

Reviews about Milfil for kittens

Darina: “I decided to try a new food and bought my Sphynx Milfil for kittens. The smell of pouchies is no different from the smell of other foods sold in supermarkets. This food is not from the supermarket, but its composition is not very far from them. The only plus is that Mealfeel contains more meat ingredients. The price is too high for this quality.”

Cat food reviews

Lina: “I can’t say anything bad about Milfil food. It is sold only in the 4 Paws store, where I bought it. The advantages of the food include the absence of grains in the composition. It contains useful ingredients such as flax seed, which is responsible for proper digestion. I was pleased with the absence of artificial additives: flavor enhancers, preservatives and colorings. But for some reason my cats eat it without much enthusiasm.”

Semyon: “I adopted a cat from the street as an adult; he had digestive problems. The pet store recommended a new food, Milfil, for cats with sensitive digestion. Yes, the composition of Mealfeel is superior to that of economy-class feed, and European production cannot but rejoice. But I have not yet noticed any noticeable improvement in my Barsik. Most likely, the food is not very dietary.”

Reviews from veterinarians about the food

Stepan Petrovsky, veterinarian: “Ordinary nutritious food with good energy value and high satiety. Balanced, contains all necessary minerals and vitamins in quantities that satisfy the biological needs of the animal. Easy to digest, well absorbed. Suitable for everyday feeding of cats leading a domestic lifestyle. Special natural additives significantly reduce the smell of cat excrement. Taurine has a beneficial effect on cats' vision and their coat. Shedding takes place in a timely manner, hair falls out within normal limits. Among the shortcomings is the over-positioning of the food, the desire of manufacturers to present it better than it really is.”

Key feed ingredients

The Mealfeel diet is nutritious, balanced and healthy for your pet. Dry cat food has not accumulated many reviews from breeders and veterinarians, but all of them indicate a high-quality formulation. The basis of any brand nutrition is:

  • dehydrated turkey;
  • fresh salmon;
  • chicken fat;
  • split peas;
  • pea protein;
  • rice;
  • dehydrated salmon.

The following are declared as additional ingredients that do not have a significant effect on the main formula:

  • dried egg products;
  • cranberry;
  • flax-seed;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • plant extracts and cellulose.

Table: visual comparison of Mealfeel dry food with analogues

BrandFirst 10 ingredientsCost 1 kgConclusion
  • fresh chicken (15%);
  • dehydrated turkey (15%);
  • dehydrated chicken (15%);
  • peas;
  • White rice;
  • brown rice;
  • animal fats (6%);
  • flax-seed;
  • dried egg products;
  • Brewer's yeast.
750 rub.Good food, but overpriced.
  • fresh chicken (18%);
  • fresh turkey meat (7%);
  • fresh whole eggs (5%);
  • fresh chicken liver (5%);
  • fresh whole flounder (4%);
  • fresh whole herring (4%);
  • fresh turkey liver (4%);
  • fresh chicken heart (4%);
  • fresh turkey heart (4%);
  • fresh chicken necks (4%).
800 rub.The manufacturer also includes herbal ingredients in the composition, but they occupy the middle of the list. In general, the food is more balanced and contains more meat, and the price is almost the same.
  • cod fillet, dehydrated;
  • cod fillet;
  • whole dried eggs;
  • peas;
  • tapioca;
  • lentils;
  • chickpeas;
  • rapeseed oil (preserved with mixed tocopherols);
  • coconut oil (preserved with mixed tocopherols);
  • natural flavor.
550–600 rub.The manufacturer does not indicate the percentage of ingredients, but uses only the declared type of meat, and dehydrated cod takes first place. The content of animal protein sources is about the same, there are no grains, and the price is much lower.

Experts' opinions

Mealfeel cat food does not have as many reviews from veterinarians as we would like. However, experts still assessed the composition and drew their conclusions.

They noticed salmon was on the ingredient list. This means that whole parts of the fish were used to produce food. Seafood is recognized by experts as a source of protein and is also a supplier of essential fatty acids.

However, veterinarians have noticed that fish always contains a large amount of water. But after heat treatment it is lost and in dry food it makes up only 9%. Therefore, it is so important to provide the animal with access to clean water and not limit its consumption.

Veterinarians also believe that the turkey included in the food is most likely high quality, because the ingredient is listed in second place. This means that fresh meat is used, but possibly with bones, skin and sinew. Turkey is a complete source of protein. At the same time, beneficial properties are not lost even during heat treatment.

The presence of chicken fat adds linoleic acid to the menu. The substance is essential for maintaining the health of your pet.

Peas are in fourth place. A similar component is increasingly found in menus for cats. This component does not provoke allergic reactions, unlike common wheat or corn. Veterinarians consider the inclusion of peas in the diet to be a plus. However, you need to consider that it adds nutritional value.

Contains Mealfeel rice. Cat food has mixed reviews from experts. Cereals are classified as complex carbohydrates. It is easily digestible, so it does not require much energy to digest it. However, it has virtually no nutritional value.

Finally, it is worth noting the presence of dehydrated salmon in the feed. Veterinarians believe that these are dried and powdered parts of fish. The components are a high-quality component of any cat’s diet. The ingredient contains a large amount of protein, which is important for the complete saturation of the animal.

Advantages and disadvantages

The food is suitable for pets with allergies, since no grains are added to it. Among the advantages, breeders and veterinarians highlight the following:

  • No grains in the composition, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions.
  • High percentage of animal protein.
  • Contains natural preservatives.
  • A rich assortment that meets the needs of pets of different ages.

The owners see the disadvantages of Milfil food in the high cost of the product, as well as difficult accessibility, since it is sold only in specialized stores. Among the disadvantages is also the content of peas, since legumes often provoke bloating in a cat. If you have digestive problems, it is not advisable to replace Mealfeel with a cheaper food, for example, Timely, which may be difficult to digest.

Value of additional components

Mealfeel cat food has a balanced composition. What class of animal products always depends on its main and secondary components. In the first place, it is not by-products that are listed, but natural meat and fish. Therefore, the product is deservedly classified as premium. But it is important to study additional ingredients.

Veterinarians note the presence of flaxseed. It is a supplier of omega-3. In addition, the seeds enrich the food with fiber, which is so important for the animal’s normal digestion.

Salmon oil is a valuable source of fatty acids. Experts know that not every ingredient can boast of high bioavailability. But this particular product is distinguished by the presence of this characteristic. Therefore, it is a worthy ingredient.

Chicory root is a supplier of inulin. It is a natural prebiotic, promotes the proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the cat's intestines and improves digestion.

Cellulose is used to enrich feed with fiber. The substance is obtained by processing various vegetables. However, as reviews from veterinarians show, the source of the substance is not indicated. Therefore, this component is controversial.

According to the above, Milfil food can be considered premium. Its composition fully meets all medical requirements with some shortcomings.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this product are:

  • contains only natural ingredients that are beneficial to the cat’s health;
  • a varied assortment that gives you the opportunity to choose the right food for your pet;
  • functional, complete, balanced composition;
  • functions of normalizing digestion and stabilizing intestinal microflora.

Another advantage is that the products do not contain cereal components, which significantly reduces the risk of allergies and provides safe nutrition for the cat.

Milfil brand products are super premium class and the only disadvantage of these feeds is that they can only be bought in a specialized store and only in the Russian Federation.

Experts' conclusions

Mealfeel food receives positive reviews from veterinarians. Despite some shortcomings, it fully corresponds to the premium class category. If we consider the disadvantages, experts highlight an excessive amount of vegetable proteins, represented by legumes and rice. Such a diet does not meet the needs of a healthy animal’s body and may not be accepted by the stomach of a sick pet.

However, the menu of this brand has good quality characteristics. Here you can note:

  • a large amount of animal protein;
  • optimal ratio of vitamins and minerals;
  • variety of assortment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Now let's talk about the advantages, there are more of them:

  1. European production is a guarantee of quality.
  2. The line contains dry and wet food for different ages and conditions of cats.
  3. The food does not contain artificial preservatives, colors or flavor enhancers.
  4. The line includes spiders and canned goods.
  5. The food is enriched with vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
  6. Meat ingredients are used as the main source of protein.

Despite the undeniable advantages, the composition of the food corresponds only to the “premium” class; it does not reach the characteristics of the “super-premium” and “holistic” classes.

General impression of the breeders

Pet breeders like that the Milfil food in question meets all European standards. The brand has repeatedly received various certificates confirming the quality of its products. The composition contains only natural ingredients. At the same time, the nutritional formula is developed taking into account the needs of both healthy pets and animals experiencing health problems.

The manufacturer does not forget about older cats or small kittens. In addition, the components included in the composition contribute to the excellent appearance of the coat and the general well-being of cats.

According to experts, the main components of the menu of this brand are only meat products, and not processed offal. The included peas successfully replace wheat, but do not contribute to allergies in cats. Judging by reviews from breeders, legumes prevent problems after castration, promote the harmonious growth of the cat and at the same time do not provoke excess weight gain.

Price and where to buy?

The price of Mealfeel food depends on the type and taste of the food.

Pouches 100g have a price of about 70 rubles, canned food in 100g lamisters costs 70 rubles, dry food in a 0.4 kg package costs approximately 310 rubles, 1.5 kg - 1000 rubles, 8 kg - 3900 rubles.

You can buy Milfil brand food only in Russia, in online stores and also in pet stores.

Milfil food is one of the most popular and useful among super-premium products. Thanks to its natural composition and carefully developed formula, the food of this brand is recognized as an excellent product that meets the requirements of the four-legged body.

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