Egyptian names for cats: selection rules with examples

In Ancient Egypt, the cat was a symbol of fertility and the sun and was revered by the people. If you also consider your pet to be a divine being, look through the Egyptian names for cats and cats and choose the one that suits you.

List of names:

  • for boy
  • for girl

The best names for cats of the Sphynx breed. An ordinary domestic cat can also be given an elegant name that comes from ancient civilization. But boys and girls cannot be called the same - Egyptian male and female names differ significantly from each other.

Popular names

Without worrying too much, you can easily choose one of the most popular names. This nickname is good for both a boy and a girl pet.

  • Atum
  • Jafari
  • Shenti
  • Aloli
  • Akana
  • Monifa
  • Sanera
  • Khalid
  • Pharaoh
  • Mekal
  • Sphinx
  • Lapis
  • Sekhmet
  • Shani
  • Jafari
  • Karim
  • Odion
  • Skylar
  • Thutmose
  • Aziza
  • Delilah
  • Camila
  • Salama
  • Heboni
  • Menkaur
  • City
  • Apis
  • Hagar
  • Oklara
  • Zalika
  • Baruti
  • Layla
  • Minka
  • Nebibi
  • Pami
  • Chickpeas
  • Tabit
  • Tahira
  • Phinejas
  • Shukera
  • Ash
  • Ebo

Royal Egyptian cat names

Everyone knows that cats were part of royal families, so choosing a cat name based on an Egyptian pharaoh or other rulers will work. Let's take a look at some of these famous Egyptian rulers:

  • Amenhotep (Egyptian pharaoh)
  • Cleopatra (Egyptian queen)
  • Hatshepsut (second historically confirmed female pharaoh)
  • Menes (ancient Egyptian pharaoh; founder of the First Dynasty)
  • Merneith (consort and regent of Ancient Egypt; possibly ruler)
  • Nefertiti (Egyptian queen)
  • Pharaoh (Egyptian word to describe a ruler or king)
  • Ramesses (Egyptian pharaoh; considered the most famous and powerful pharaoh of the New Kingdom)
  • Sobekneferu (female pharaoh)
  • Thutmose (third pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Egypt; Sphinx stele installed)
  • Tutankhamun (famous Egyptian pharaoh known as King Tutankhamun)
  • Tworet (last pharaoh of the 19th dynasty of Egypt)

"Colored" nicknames

If your pet's color is dominated by one color, then it is quite possible to give the name of the color as a nickname.

Burtukaliy the cat against the backdrop of the famous pyramids

  • Abyad – white
  • Ramadiy – gray
  • Asfar – yellow
  • Burtukaliy – orange
  • Bunniy – brown
  • Azraq – blue
  • Aswad – black
  • Daghabi - golden
  • Fiddy – silver
  • Vardi – pink
  • Warrak – bright
  • Gaamik – dark
  • Mulavvan - motley
  • Ahmar - red

Choosing a name by color

Sometimes the association with the color of an animal’s skin becomes its name.
The idea is not original, but it is viable. The motley, varied colors of the Canadian Sphynxes can become a “runway” for the owner’s imagination. The owner’s imagination is able to draw any association with the color of the pet. The main thing is not to forget to “try” it on. If your pet responds happily, you may like the name. It is worth observing his behavior. The options are presented in the table:

ColorNames for Sphynx boysNames for Sphynx girls
WhiteWeiss, Sugar, Santa, Zucker, Marshmallow, Lotus, Doctor, Pearl, Snow leopard, Snowdrop, Carat, Ice cream, Coconut.Ariel, Vivienne, Bird Cherry, Janine, Snowflake, Blondie, Winter, Bride, Jolie.
Orange or creamAvatar, Fire, Phoenix, Tiger, Archie, Zhurzhik, Simba, Cupcake, Lexus, Nicky, Dessert, Disco.Amber, Persimmon, Goldie, Cherry, Freckle, Ruby, Gold, Orange, Sparkle, Lyalka, Pumpkin, Cinnamon, Kashtanka.
Blue SphynxIvanhoe, Elf, Bert, Sheikh, Henri, Gray, Euclid, Smokey, Ash, Smoke, Darling, Mouse, Jean-Paul, NikeWendy, Shusha, Gracie, Ashley, Zola, Sheila, Tuchka, Misty, Zara, Serka, Lizzie
Black or chocolateAlgeria, Beast, Marcus, Africa, Garfield, Ember, Black, Devil, Barack Obama, Space, Vulcan, MulattoAgatha, Chara, Ursula, Bagheera, Utah, Cherry, ika, Nochka, Galaxy, Cloud, Olivia, Nutella

Beautiful English nicknames

Since Egypt was previously a British protectorate, a beautiful English name would be appropriate.

Variegated cat Caroline next to Egyptian hieroglyphs

  • Allana
  • Antita
  • Jill
  • Beryl
  • Betty
  • Margie
  • Brandy
  • Mandy
  • Melissa
  • Monica
  • Chantal
  • Caroline
  • Cheryl
  • Paris
  • Peggy
  • Crystal
  • Ellen
  • Rose
  • Susan
  • Tammy
  • Heather
  • Janice
  • Yvonne
  • Blaise
  • Brian
  • Hamlet
  • Jonathan
  • Dylan
  • Zachary
  • Connor
  • Cameron
  • Lucas
  • Mason
  • Matthew
  • Owen
  • Patrick
  • Ronald
  • Sebastian
  • Rupert
  • Tyler
  • Winslow
  • Harrison
  • Elijah
  • Anthony

Have you found a name for your furry one?

There's a whole world of places to get cat names. How can you narrow down your questions and find the perfect name for your kitten? One way is to find out what the name means. Mythology is a great place to look for significant names, offering everything from gods and goddesses to nymphs and titans to choose from.

Greek mythology comes from ancient Greece, known as the cradle of Western civilization. Mythology refers to a pantheon of gods led by Zeus, the sky god, and stories of adventure and battle.

Nicknames in honor of queens and pharaohs

Or maybe your pet behaves like royalty? Or does it really have “Egyptian” origins? A name in honor of the famous queens and pharaohs of antiquity will emphasize the aristocracy of the pet.

The incredible Sneferu never leaves her tiara for a moment

Noble nicknames for pets in the Egyptian style:

  • Shendet
  • Itiesh
  • Narmer
  • Semerkhet
  • Nebra
  • Hujefa
  • Sneferu
  • Mikerin
  • Tamftis
  • Cleopatra
  • Nefertiti
  • Menkara
  • Nehesi
  • Apopi
  • Bebiankh
  • Rahotep
  • Iniotef

The beautiful Abyssinian cat Bastet is the face of the pet store:

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Posted by Abyssinian cat | Bastet (@aby_bastet)

  • Kamos
  • Ahmose
  • Thutmose
  • Amenhotep
  • Hatshepsut
  • Akhenaten
  • Tutankhamun
  • Hey
  • Horemheb
  • Ramses
  • Networks
  • Saptah
  • Tausert
  • Siamon
  • Osorkon
  • Shoshenq
  • Pami
  • Alara
  • Taharqa
  • Tanuataten
  • Apry
  • Cambyses
  • Darius
  • Xerxes
  • Neferite
  • Achoris
  • Tachos
  • Hababash
  • Isis
  • Satya
  • Tiaa
  • Nefertiti
  • Thay
  • Hensa

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Egyptian nicknames for cats

Cats are independent and laid-back animals. Unlike cats, they have a firmer and more straightforward temperament, just like the wise gods and rulers of Egypt.

Egyptian names for boys cats in honor of the gods:

  • Aikhi – god of music;
  • Aker – god of the underworld;
  • Amon is the patron of the sun;
  • Anti – god of the desert;
  • Anubis – god of the kingdom of the dead;
  • Apis – god of fertility;
  • Horus is the sun god;
  • Ihi – god of music;
  • Montu - god of war;
  • Nepri – god of grain;
  • Nefertum – god of vegetation;
  • Nun is the father of all gods;
  • Onuris – god of hunting and war;
  • Osiris – god of rebirth;
  • Ptah is the creator;
  • Set - god of thunderstorms and desert;
  • Thoth is the god of wisdom;
  • Shesemu is the patron saint of winemaking;
  • Shu - god of air;
  • Shai is the patron saint of man;
  • Yah is the god of the moon.

Egyptian nicknames for cats in honor of pharaohs of various dynasties:

  • Ajeeb;
  • Amenemhet;
  • Jer;
  • Djehuti;
  • Djoser;
  • Den;
  • Menkaura;
  • Menkauhor;
  • Ramses;
  • Sebek;
  • Tutankhamun;
  • Thutmose;
  • Waji;
  • Unis;
  • Hub;
  • Henger;
  • Khufu;
  • Akhenaten;
  • Ahmose.

Choose a nickname for the kitten based on color:

  • grey;
  • black;
  • white;
  • ginger.

The Egyptian name is perfect for a purebred purr:

  • Abyssinian;
  • Bengal;
  • To the Sphinx.

The most fashionable nicknames

Egyptian fashion houses amaze with combinations of modern trends and traditional outfits. Vivid and memorable images leave an impression for a long time. And if you like to dress up your pet in new clothes, then you should definitely choose a name in honor of a fashion designer or a famous Egyptian model!

Beauty Zeina is ready to go out

  • Ezra
  • Amal Al Raizi
  • Lama Juni
  • Zuhair Murad
  • Basil Soda
  • Elie Saab
  • Abi Nader
  • George Hobeika
  • George Chakra
  • Abed Mahfouz
  • Rabia
  • Hana Sadiq
  • Lina Taru
  • Urwa Guda
  • Zeina
  • Mara Mad
  • Meriam George
  • Haifa Wahbi
  • Sarah Shaheen
  • Donia Hamed
  • Salma Abu Deif
  • Nourin Farah

Pharaonic names for cats

The kings and/or pharaohs of ancient Egypt had names designed to impose a presence on everything else. In fact, they were considered to be representations of the gods on earth. So if your cat has a strong personality or just wants to give her a name that represents strength, take a look at this list of cat names. Egyptian pharaohs for cats :

  • Menes
  • Jet
  • Ninecher
  • Djoser
  • Huni
  • Sneferu
  • Userkara
  • Sahura
  • Menkauhor Kaiu
  • Aunts
  • Pepi
  • Kheti
  • Khety
  • Intef
  • Herihor
  • Nehesi
  • Apophis
  • Kamos
  • Amenhotep
  • Thutmose
  • Tutankhamun
  • Ramses
  • Seti
  • Smendes
  • Amenemope
  • Osorkona
  • Takelota
  • Psamtik
  • Cambyses
  • Xerxes
  • Achoris
  • Nectanebo
  • Artaxerxes
  • Ptolemy


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Cool and funny nicknames

What could be better than a pet's name to lift your spirits? Probably nothing. You will always say his nickname with a smile! And some foreign words sound very funny. Any of them can be adapted as a nickname.

Little Makhtarin looks really sweet

  • Keyif
  • Masa
  • Shukran
  • Gambari
  • Bilyadina
  • Usrat
  • Shisha
  • Halas
  • Karak
  • Diwali
  • Athos
  • Bream
  • Batata
  • Mish-mish
  • Maslyuk
  • Lyaban
  • Kirsh
  • Makhtarin
  • Yokhrok
  • Bults
  • Faraulya
  • Mafrusha
  • Bunduk
  • Nagar
  • Balad
  • Huwat
  • Sul
  • Sunedik
  • Aww
  • Ebarak
  • Hafla
  • Tarash
  • Morra
  • Lyagha
  • Booze
  • Baddalya
  • Naesoba
  • Shiel
  • Kohli

Nicknames based on medicinal herbs

Fans of alternative medicine or simply connoisseurs of delicious teas infused with aromatic herbs may consider giving their pet a nickname after the name of one of the medicinal plants. And cats themselves are known to have healing effects, so such a name will be interesting and meaningful.

Healing girls:

  • Belladonna;
  • Vaida;
  • Radish;
  • Agave;
  • Calendula;
  • Watch;
  • Tansy;
  • Licorice;
  • Beans;
  • Zamanikha;
  • Burdock;
  • Mistletoe;
  • Panzeria;
  • Hatma;
  • Lungwort;
  • Cheremsha;
  • Oregano;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Violet;
  • Galenia;
  • Yasnotka;
  • Chaga;
  • Nettle;
  • Cowberry;
  • Honeysuckle;
  • Aralia;
  • China.

Healing boys:

  • Badan;
  • Rhubarb;
  • Chicory;
  • Celery;
  • Vitex;
  • Gorechnik;
  • Chistets;
  • Hop;
  • Thermoplice;
  • Convolvulus;
  • Nightshade;
  • Celandine;
  • Fennel;
  • Zyuznik;
  • Orchis;
  • Fireweed;
  • Bloodroot;
  • Thyme;
  • Mordovnik;
  • Comfrey;
  • Prince;
  • Plaun;
  • Datura;
  • Barberry;
  • Avran;
  • Ginseng;
  • Adonis.

Healing Aralia.

"Divine" names

You can’t talk about Egypt and ignore its rich mythology. In addition, as a rule, people treat their pets like little gods. This means that a name in honor of an Egyptian god or goddess will come in handy.

Green-eyed Ishtar in full regalia

  • Osiris
  • Ra
  • Ptah
  • Choir
  • That
  • Maat
  • Amentet
  • Anubis
  • Bastet
  • Geb
  • Gore
  • Imhotep
  • Isdes
  • Kauket
  • Madfet
  • Mnevis
  • Montu
  • Nun
  • Serket
  • Seshat
  • Taurt
  • Tefnut
  • Hapi
  • Hathor
  • Hesat
  • Ishtar
  • Reshef
  • Khorur

Features of choosing a nickname

When choosing an Egyptian nickname for your furry pet, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. You should not give your cat any name that is associated with Egypt just because you like the sound of it. The fact is that each Egyptian nickname has a certain meaning, and also carries very powerful energy, so you need to be sure to familiarize yourself with the meaning of the chosen word.
  2. Egyptian names for cats and tomcats are very different. It is necessary to clearly find out which nicknames are considered male and which are considered female, so as not to make a mistake in the choice.
  3. It is advisable that the pet's name contain hissing sounds. This will allow the cat to remember its name faster.
  4. When giving preference to one nickname or another, you need to remember that it will be impossible to rename the cat once it has become accustomed to its name.

The “hottest” and “southern” nicknames

It is no secret that Egypt is famous for its hot and hot climate. You can even “add some heat” to your nickname.

Handsome Hotty enjoys a holiday at the sea

  • South
  • Yuzhka
  • Sunny
  • Heat
  • Inferno
  • Zharok
  • South
  • Hotty
  • Barkhan
  • Dune
  • Besva
  • Fervor
  • Spark
  • Hestia
  • Sahara
  • Arabia
  • Peklik
  • Helios

Do cats come from Egypt???

Although Egyptians generally adored all animals, they were known to be especially fond of cats. Both adopted them as animal companions and even passed on many of their characteristics to several of their deities. Cats were so loving and integrated into their family core that when they died, they were buried and their people had to go through a mourning process. Even mummified cat finds have been found. These studies helped to understand the evolution of human-cat relationships over the years.

After research was done on these Egyptian finds, it could be confirmed that the Egyptians called all cats ¨Miu¨ . The two most common "miu" of Ancient Egypt are known as:

  • Felis Chaus (Swamp Cat)
  • Felice Silvestris Libica ( African wildcat )

This is not yet known for sure, but it seems that these two types of cats were the ancestors of the Egyptian domestic cats we know today as he; Egyptian Mau, Abyssinian or Chosi. Additionally, evidence has been found to suggest that the European common cat originated in Africa and Asia, including Egypt. On the other hand, some hypotheses [1], based on studies of the genome of various cat species, claim that all cat breeds originated from Felis Silvestris Libitz. Therefore, it is difficult to confirm that all cats originated from Egypt .

Famous Egyptians

Countless figures contributed to the development and establishment of Egyptian culture. A “famous” nickname is suitable as an “official” name for the pet’s documents.

Maine Coon Gamil Ratib gives an interview at a cat show

  • Gamal Abdel Nasser
  • Omar Sharif
  • Ahmed Ramzi
  • Youssef Shaheen
  • Shukri Sarhan
  • Mariam Eddin
  • Amr Waked
  • Gamil Ratib
  • Mido Hamada
  • Ramez Amir
  • Hussein Kamal
  • Bassem Samra
  • Menna Shalaby
  • Hind Rostom
  • Amir Karara
  • Faten Hamama
  • Zizi Mustafa
  • Azza Megahead
  • Mona Abdel Ghani

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Shamanic names

For lovers of original nicknames, we offer special shamanic names from the mythology of the northern peoples. You won’t find such nicknames anywhere, and your cats with sonorous names will become Instagram heroines.

Real shaman Cat Numis:

A few more mysterious names:

  • Adanti;
  • Alma;
  • Anzhin;
  • Arenk;
  • Ayaksha;
  • Bakshi;
  • Boo;
  • Vitashna;
  • Wiyaya;
  • Gade;
  • Zaarin;
  • Iiska;
  • Itako;
  • Karamakati;
  • Canty;
  • Cathery;
  • Mimitech;
  • Menera;
  • Nittoosyu;
  • Nady;
  • Manang;
  • Munin;
  • Noida;
  • One;
  • Rent;
  • Pan-su;
  • Seer;
  • Senin;
  • Saming;
  • Tadebey;
  • Fukara;
  • Hugin.
  • I'm with.

Cool nicknames like Marvel's magical cat:

Geographic nicknames

Do you want to remember your amazing trip to Egypt forever? Give your pet a “geographical” nickname!

Little Tanta is packing her things for her next trip

  • Cairo
  • Giza
  • Alexandria
  • Port Said
  • Suez
  • Tanta
  • Luxor
  • Asyut
  • Faiyum
  • Aswan
  • Kena
  • Sohag

Interesting fact: in Ancient Egypt, cats were considered sacred animals. Even their unintentional killing was punishable by death.

  • Benha
  • El Arish
  • Girga
  • Zifta
  • Bilkas
  • Talha
  • Abnaya
  • Freecourt
  • Dishna
  • Tamiya
  • Safaga
  • Es Santa
  • Kafr Saqr
  • Mutubis
  • Coutur
  • Shalatin

Which cats have Egyptian names?

The nickname of Egyptian origin is perfect for a cat. After all, these creatures have a proud, independent and noble character - these qualities were inherent in the ancient Egyptian gods and pharaohs.

The Egyptians have always loved and revered representatives of the cat family. For example, in Ancient Egypt there was a goddess Bastet. She symbolized female happiness and looked like a woman with a cat's head.

Interesting! An unusual case is described in the history of Egypt - the soldiers of this country once had to surrender to their enemies only because they tied defenseless cats to their shields. The Egyptians had to lay down their weapons so as not to injure the animals during the fight.

There are cat breeds for which an Egyptian name would be most appropriate. Among them:

  • sphinx;
  • Bengal cat;
  • Somalia;
  • Abyssinian cat.

However, an original name of Egyptian origin can be chosen for a pet of any other breed, taking into account its appearance, character and habits.

"Delicious" nicknames

The exotic cuisine of Egypt is unusual and vibrant. And if your pet loves to eat, then a “delicious” name will be just right.

Fluffy handsome Fetir loves to eat

  • Kuskuseya
  • Fattet Lyakhma
  • Dagag mekhamar
  • Jacket Mashuya
  • Full Medammes
  • Koshari
  • Molokhia
  • Kebda
  • Feter Mechaltet
  • Mahshi
  • Baba ganoush
  • Sayadia Fish
  • Gebna
  • Bateek
  • Dukkah
  • Shorba
  • Mulukia
  • Falafel
  • Fetir
  • Tarbes
  • Halva
  • Kunafa
  • Basbousa
  • Kakat
  • Hegazeya
  • Fesik
  • Hibiscus

For girls (female nicknames)

Nicknames starting with the letter A

Assol Angela Alta (tall) Adele (noble birth) Adeline Arabella Amurka Asya Aratama (jewel) Abina Akela Asura Amaliel (protector of the weak) Asta Arabella Amanda Areta Aveira ("sin in Hebrew) Aelita Arabeska Assol Agbet Adria Akilli ("smart in Turkish) Avery (bear-like) Aurelia Irene Ada, Addie (noble) Abrasha Arika Aura Ambrosia Antonina (Tonya) Arkasha Adelinda (noble snake) Adelinda (noble snake) Atari (my luck) Akira Aisha Allergies

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Armor Betsy Bonka Bezhana Blixa Belissa Beatrice Barcelona Beatrice Bratislava Begonia Babu Budika (winner in battles) Britney Bagheera Bugsy Bailey Bengla Bagheera Bris (spotted) Baltika Bonduka (victory, winner) Brantly Benya Benya Blaine (yellow-skinned) Hedwig Benu (symbol of resurrection) Blanca Bastinda Betsy Biotrissa Brunel Blackkitty Belladonna (poisonous plant that blooms purple) Betsy Berlinda Bonanza Mullet Biagira

Nicknames starting with the letter B

Vasyatka Vivi Vatrusha Wei (possessing irrepressible energy) Waffle Vedana Wilma Blizzard Vitoria Violena Verochka Vera Fang Wilhelmina Basilisk Vida Verbina Cherry Vladilena Vasileus Valerie Verbina Vitoria Wilma Vikki Wichtsl Vitalina Vilana Varya Wilhelmina Volta Vitalina Verona Vitalina Vasyatka Vanida (young, young) Vasileus Venta Vi Ol Victoria Wuffy

Nicknames starting with the letter G

Geisha Gri Gilla Gokana (luxurious) Glasha Garji Gabrita Helia Gella Gabriela (power from God) Gorinka Gothic Dream Gabriella Gulnara Glam Gunhilda Greta, Gretchen (pearl) Gretel Nut Hemera Geranium Gothic Gerberga Gothic Gamma Duchess Galinka Grenka Gulnara Galaxy Glasha Hansa (the most desired happiness ) Gzhelka Gratta Godiva Gladislava Gretchen Gargi Gorpina

Nicknames starting with the letter D

Julia Dzega (lunar) Dose of Goodness Damia Georgina Jisa Melon Dirol Jilly Dinya Doris Deirdre Dziuba Dika Dora Dzhelika Daneliya Duska Dzhulya Dzyuba Dimetra Diva Denzel Gippy Jennifer Janet Haze Drema Daniella Donata (blessed gift) Dosya Jedda Donella Dakota Della Gitta (majestic) Slice Darby Georgina

Nicknames starting with the letter E

Ezhka Erika Efseya Enil Elma Blackberry Ermogena Ejina Emochka Yesenya Yomma Eurosha Eva la Moore The only Elika Emili Blackberry Egypt Yomma Yomma Elka Yoshka Emili Evgeniya Erika Edviga Elna Eurasia Enka Yegera Erofey Yozhka Evlampiya Evrika Efima Eniya Elizaveta Yomma Ermogena Evangelina

Nicknames starting with the letter Z

Jasminka Heat Zhanet Zhuka Zhesika Zhelana Juliette Jacqueline Zhannette Zhunya Zheima Zhemanti Zhanna Zhucha Gilles Jessie Jasminka Zhina (silver) Zhuchka Zhuka Zhuzhanna Zhesy Zhanna Zhiza Zherika Joanna Geneva Honeysuckle Zhuly Zhmurka Zhuka Zhuzia Joanna Juliette Genevieve Jolly Jella Zhuzia Zhuka

Nicknames for the letter 3

Zateika Winter Zateya Zita Zarella Zyamba Zainab Zeya Zula Ziggy Zaura Zabela Zabava Zula Zota Zloba Zigza Zenzen Zarella Zateika Zolda Zeus Zateya Zetta Zora Zabela Zolotinka Goldilocks Zlatka Zlatka Zoe Zigza Zamba Zilarra (in Albanian) Zabela Zyama Zimka Zateya Zakura Zolada

Nicknames starting with the letter I

Ingrid Irida Alien Iolanta Iskrinka Ikki Isabella Iza Juneka Ista Imogena Iyulka Isis Indira Iron Ilyusha Ivetta Illusion of Ingeborg Iveta Ivita Ivea Iliya Spark Iness Idelisa Iness Ila Ivona, Ivetta (yew tree) Iola Irida Igrulya Ima Alien Morning glory Isabella Illyana Spark Irid and Ida

Nicknames starting with the letter K

Kofa Kerry-Ker Kadrusha Kitty Boone (famous, illustrious) Beauty Catalina Cobra Klyau-Som Kotya Xan Katana Kerasinda (affectionate, gentle) Klusha Cressida Karma Kuraga Pretty Woman Krista Kesha Kagami (role model) Blob Princess Button Kerry-Ker Camila (guardian) Kisulya Kansya (gratitude) Kartel Kraisi (lion) Kuta (great world) Kartel Klava Kitty Poppins Scythe Kaya (mistress) Kira Claudette Kzhela Kannika (blooming) Droplet

Nicknames starting with the letter L

Lire Louise Lauren Lyuska Lika Lesta Lana Liquorice Lanei Lucindra Laila Lorena Liquorice Leska Fox Lyuska Fierce Liska Letitia Letitia Lapka Swan Lanessa Legend Lucha Lilu Lumi (“snow in Finnish) Lionel Laura Lanei Lady Bug Legra Laza Lucien Loya Linea Lyuska Paw Locatelli Luque

Nicknames starting with the letter M

Mitchell Murzik Monkey Melissa Malva Mriya Melissa Malvina Muska Mary Musaka Mitava Meow Cyrus Matrix Meowth Miranda Masya Mrs. Nori Dream Mouse Mystic Dream Murzilka Methodius Masya Morozyaka Fly Mint Mazepa Monica Meta Moriko (forest child) Meredita Mystery Manuella Moriko (forest child) Musalina Matteu Mathe ( right hand) Meghan Markle Mlada

Nicknames starting with the letter N

Nafanya Nita Nicolet (glorious winner) Novia Found Novia Niagara Night Nerpa Nyusya Norra Nymph Neva Nuncha Nyusha Nina Nella Nate Novia Neftyanochka Found Nadezhda Nelly Noira Neva Nata Nuncha Noyabrina Neya Numa Nekhbet Novella Nafanya Neya Numa New Nelma Yumka Nerissa Naisi

Nicknames starting with the letter 0

Osaka Orlana Oprah Oda the Huntress Oggy Mischievous Osinka Obolon Octave Odyssey Onafiel (moon angel) Oprah Whisker Orelette Orlette Oladushka Okkervil Hug Odessa Ozma Ormella Odarka Mistletoe Mischief Mistletoe Oldie Ocher Orphea Obi (snow-white) Ognevushka Ottawa Ognevushka Ormella Ormella Ozola Ornella Ole Xia Glutton Odile Oifa

Nicknames starting with the letter P

Papuan Leech Paunta Pashka Paulina Platonida Palmyra Panda Pamela Pyshechka Panther Pitti Panta Kidney Puma Prima Pumka Paunta Pumbaa Paula Persa Pulcheria Lvovna Panda Snowdrop Princess Di Panna Pavlusha Pennsylvania Plush Puffy Luna Fifteen Pontiel Luna Pepsi Petra Pelageya Pensy Dumpling Bullet

Nicknames starting with the letter R

Luxury Ruzha Rosalina (Franklin) Rosina Rada Radish Ryuyu (ardent dragon) Luxury Rigon Remina Rudya Remina Rebecca Rosalia Rune Ruzana Rolda Lynx Rafaela Rodana Rose, Rosie (rose, the most beautiful flower) Realia Raiska Ribby Riva (returning to life) Rebecca Riviera Ryuyu ( ardent dragon) Romuald Rosamurka Rysenka Radish Raya Rhea Rhonda Rayhon Razumka Chamomile Rulada Shell

Nicknames starting with the letter C

Slava Strelka September Sanka Cersei Lilac Baby Icicle Sandal Pretty Serushka Setanta Condensed milk Saifa Blue Sky Blue Siamese Silver Donna Snowball Sonnet Sonechka Serushka Sidra (daughter of the stars) Selma Selena or Mena (moon) Selena or Mena (moon) Cyril (ruler, landowner) Stella Mica Pretty Senya Silver Donna Cold Stephanie Lilac Cindy Sarina/Serena (calm) Simka Dragonfly Susie Sophie

Nicknames starting with the letter T

Tida (daughter) Teffi Tuscany Tomasina Tatra Darkness Timoha Tenza Tropicana Totoshka Tondra (loud like thunder) Sharpener Tessie Bungee Tessie Taira Teresa Tropicana Tondra (loud like thunder) Terry Taya Tiffany Toulouse Thames Tinga Toya Taska Tyrell (stubborn) Tusya Tonya Takara Taina Tagri Timber Tisha Tomasina Tatti Tusya Tessa Twilla (twilight)

Nicknames starting with the letter U

Umnyashka Hurricaneka Ushanka Ustina Urma Ustya Umka Ulma Uganda Unicol Luck Ustinya Whitey Uza Umbrella Umma Ulrike Welsey Rumbling Ushka Ulyana Usa Ulysses Ustina Utya Snail Delight Wes Ulma Ufa Uteha Ursula Ushka Uzya Abalone Oyster Uzya Uza Utya Uzya

Nicknames starting with the letter F

Feruza Fiona Flutor Thetis Fairy Feva Felica Foil Freidy Kat Francesca Fevronya (“radiant”) Meatball Phase Fazenda Felicia Flora Faith Freona Faya Ferrera Ferrero Frau Freesia Fila Pharaoh Felicite (happy, joyful) Fancy-Fancy Pistachio Fumka Fanya Florence Photo Foil Freona Fay Felona Bean Fima Phoebe Fairy

Nicknames starting with the letter X

Holly Hanga Khomka Hyuga Hayate (smooth) Helga Hassa Hasel Kharma Helma Huggy Heinrike (home ruler) Christiana Hisa Ham Mistress Honora (valor) Charitona Hime (kind) Juana Hvalenka Juanita Havroshechka Khromka Jacinta Havroshechka Hairo Helene/Hellen (moon) Bread Huffie (peaceful) giant) Hanna Khomka Henna Khrumka Khurma Holly Hasel Helya Khavroshka Helda

Nicknames starting with the letter C

Ceza Ceza Tsarina Sheba Tsarapa Tsilli Tsushima Tsunya Tsya Citra Tsunya Tsinna Tsesya Tsessa Cecilia Tsirano Tsoira Tsarapa Putyatishna Tsapka Tsypka Tsitrona Circus Tsilli Tsena Tsorna Tsilda Centa Scratchy Tsigan Tssy Tsunya Tsesi Tsilli Tsigan Tsepka Tsipka Tsitrona Circus Tsilli Tsena Tsorna Tsilda Centa Scratchy Tsigan Tsessi Tsunya Tsessi Tsilli Tsigan Tsepka Tsepka Tsitrona Circus Tsili Tsena Tsorna Tsilda Centa Scratchy Tsigan Tsessi Tsunya Tsessi Tsilli Tsigan Tsedra Tsepka Tsera Circe Tsephe I'm Cigueira

Nicknames starting with the letter H

Chicholina Chanel Roan Blueberry Roan Chaira Chili Ink Chandra Chiara (in the language of the Aymara tribe) Nonsense Chekushka Chessy China Chunya Chiquita Chinzana Chelsea Chiara (in the language of the Aymara tribe) Chicoletta Blueberry Chiquita Chita Chinara Chipsa Chili Pepper Chirka **__** Chilli China Cherquiza Chicholina Chunga -Changa Chuchundra Chairi Chara Cheppy Charunya Chikki Blueberry

Nicknames starting with the letter Sh

Shawarma Shabby Sugar Charlotte Shagane Overcoat Bobbin Charlotte Bobbin Shady Shaggy Schnaps Shahinya Chantal Scheherazade Sheikha Suga Overcoat Shannon Shonna Sharmanka Sheila Checker Shady Sheetsy Shunya Sharmel Shura Chanel Barrel Sharmanka Shawarma Shakira Shane Shannon Shagane Shuga Charlize Minx Shaina Shika

Nicknames starting with the letter Ш

Bristle Tickle Bristle Chirp Bristle Chirp Tickle Tickle Bristle Bristle Tickle Bristle Bristle Tickle Bristle Chirp Chirp Tickle Tickle Bristle Tickle Tickle Tickle Bristle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle Chip

Nicknames starting with the letter E

Eza Elsie Amy Eleanor Elite Epiphany Eza Edith Amy, Emiko (beautiful blessing) Amy, Emiko (beautiful blessing) Abby Elsinore Elite Edith Esta Eskimo Etoile Elletra (diamond) Elf Edina Esthersita Esther Era Eliza Elba Ero (happy, joyful) Erns Era Esperanta ( the embodiment of hope, faith) Edra Eme Ash, Ashley (dark, ashy, coal) Eliza Elf Esme (dear to the heart, adored) Edwina Elianna Ethiopian Eskimo Esta

Nicknames starting with the letter Y

Yure Yulia Yugoslavna Yusina Judit Yuma Yuni Yumba Yunessa Yuma Yulya Yulota Judith Yukimura Yunessa Yulia Yulia Yurga Yukimura Yulya Yusya Yurkaya Yukka Justina Yurate Yurate Yure Yutina Yutana Yunkai Yunessa Yula Yuzara Yumi Yunika Yuppi Yujina Yuno Yunnel

Nicknames starting with the letter I

Yalya Yana Yaga Yappi Yaromura Yarvi Yalvina Yaroslava Yanda Yagoza Java Lizard Yakuta Yamira Yarvi Fury Yagul Yantarina Yamaha Yakki Yapa Yanika Yanessa Berry Yakira Yanda Yagoza Yaga Yalya Ya Pkha (young) Yaska Yarysya Yanessa Yantarinka Yanina Yaska Yakutka Yanga Yakutka Yalta

The coolest and the best

Aimi (very beloved) Anubis Zorky Bo (my wealth) Gadget Calhoun Bimbo Keel Prince Dolka Zerona Arsik Isabel Bimbo Lothar Vida Zerona Ksyusha Orange Egor Lunokhod Danny Bart Queen Katarina (pure) Barsik Egor Gilbert Apollo Clark Laddie (boy, boy) Baz (little ) Caligula Dell Bosco Bart Kaymay (both night and day) Yeshka Justify Leviathan

Simple and easy

Duke Angel Jock Anta Baksa Tapo Poko Lel Nui Bonbon Russia Andi Ride Juice Esta Bonbon Riggs Mi (beautiful) Tyutya Paul Bimo Yuk Knife Ritz Print Mushu Besh (protector) Benu (symbol of resurrection) Levushka Day Stif Reda Pif Latte Iya Aliya (exalted) Day Bastet Zarya Fars


Violena Azazel Damphis Astraea (star) Clove Kandi Aquamarine Lupine Alfredo Alistair Dzedama (pretty, beautiful) Augustine Cardinal Zimushka Gokana (luxurious) Jacques Armada Zhuzha Valora (precious) Lizun Vakari (understanding) Adelaide, Adeline, Adelais (noble) Darklight Alezan Bellatrix Ivanko Carlson Mana Aries Carlson Anneli (usefulness, grace) Carlson Jabba Mutt Fierce Arletta (little eagle) Altair Vanida (young, young) Ermia Biotrissa California

Cool and funny

Basilio Barash Bubblegum Icing Vernon Darby Bagel Audi Toothless Bubbly Gaga Veleryanych Aggressor Viscount Ganzhubas Huntsman Valeryanich Ganzhubas Armani Beeline Everywhere Gel Jumpa Bayun Dubois Dumpling Sandwich Giant Darg Waflik Jesy Gromozeka Galkin Bonus Davi (the most favorite) Jensin Gromozeka Villi Jesy Dyl yes


Instar Romey Dulya Taisen Romey Dude Ingur Hayk Dragonfly Keenan (detached) Unique Bambi Good guy Pharisee Noris Nathan Che Guevara Stasya Ikeru (energetic, lively) Agate Peppercorn Laurenta Camilla Ferdinand Madeli Shabbat Sejin Persiona Down Jacket Precious Paradigm Bobik Trotsky Fox Hrumstick Mrs. Nori Snow Maiden Tomos Sejin Catstello

Unusual, interesting and original

Darnell (secretive) Jayln (quiet-voiced, stopping) Avenin Valdi Aksena Bolivar Bolto Beckham Arturo Anfiska Battina Vazil (Bulgarian) Agari (obstacle, rise) Beata Vilet Airan Berserg Amato Varga Abo-Anse Brando Bob Myaurli Vilda Bel Amida (name of Buddha) Vardi Alexius Badan Blanche Adis Ambassador Amayo (rainy night) Arlina Aivar Azura Amandine (attractive) Amiur Bellinda Al Pacino Amura


Georgina Zemelya Imp Bacon Little Fox Vandal Petunia Gunya Vaksa Obelisk Bogdan Efima Zemelya Burulka Vasily Gardzhi Bogdan Dou Dino Dimal Essi Petka


Saurus Beyonce Zoe Renold Jumper Aidan Aladji Walker Brian Zyuzya Yeya Zabel Beyonce Guinness Erosh Harold Abadon Bubbles Iron Driver Berndt (“brave and strong like a bear”) Alain


Pretzel Dukan Gerrick (Old German) Bruegel Calico (Calico cat, English) Enkan Kaise (approximate victory) Daisuke (best assistant) Sandman Bismarck Helmut Huber Jingo Jingo Dolores Zippy Zhivchik Gretta Weiss Dukan


Queen (royal blood) Irene Stardust Zaya Lucia Delphine Garson Kudu (thimble) Antoinette Jasmine Cat Karl Clepsydra Hoffmann Nabby Gobi Kenol Kasparaitis Mami (a real beauty) Bijou Gaston Dart Jacques-Claude Gospard


Zack Siegrif Vansai Akio (handsome) Akaru (cheerful, joyful) Zack Siegrif Hedgehog Akira Jali Akiro Jisa Heather Erofea Eurosha Delvin Hedgehog Aang Erofea Akio (handsome) Erofea Justin Amora ("bringing love into the world") Shaiko Aang

For furry

Wind (wind) Devlin Vasyutka Vezdepooh Jason Geray Gerald Jamalis Vezdepooh Freckle Gatsby Velvet Velvet Gerey Jamie Denis June Jamie Jacka Darika West Hobbes Wind (wind) Dantes Wind (wind) Dark Gatsby Velvet West June Devin Hobbes Devin Danya Gilles Dara, Tao (asterisk) Jamie Devi Dark Wind (wind)

For black

Diva Raven Venya Vermouth Vivaldi Werner (“protecting”) Werner (“protecting”) Jamal (“unearthly beauty in Arabic) Verdi Dar Gina Dzedama (pretty, beautiful) Viol Vermouth Degri Dayton Dustin Gagata (coal-black stone, which was used in amulets, amulets and in witchcraft) Jem Daya Versace Dark Jungle Raven Grigori (fallen angel) Griffon Demyan Jem Voronika Darge Asia (gloomy) Bagheera Darst Jesse Jem Demyan Gapit Desdemona Granita Dustin

For white

Jackie Eternity White White Fang Albino Dundee Vatan Josh Bello Dundee Daria Dundee Damian Blondie Whitey Blondie Wiggle Gavin (hawk) Snow White Weissy Jamal Arctic Velor Wiggle Dater**__** White Blonde Gabby Dandy Albern (white) Dundie Blondie Blonde Black Velvet White Fang Twig Arctic Jackie Josh Vector

For the redhead

Aka (red, ginger) Vaynerful Jaffa Vern Jessica Vera Jaffa Debian Gregg (vigilant and cautious) Vaynerful Vaynerful Versailles Gypsy Scarlet Jannet (mercy of God) Delko Vern Delma Jannette (mercy of God) Jannette (mercy of God) Vern Wellas Vera Aiden (Celtic fire) ) Vern Jessica Jessica Weinerful Danuta Jannet (God's Grace) Gazelle Ardon (bronze) Jibo Debian Gazelle Adamina (red) Delma Debian Gypsy Jitterri

For gray

Weyhouse Gray Jeanette (queen) Grace Gauk Bethana/Betka (concrete color) Jeanette (queen) Dolan Dessert Darth Vader Dior Dose Jow Dimly George Darsik Darth Vader Grayson George Werunczyk George Dior Azelstan (a noble stone, so you can call a gray cat) George Werunczyk Bethana/Betka (concrete color) Bethana/Betka (concrete color) Gray Vizier Deshawn Jeanette (queen) Deepak Jack Meower Grice Dimli Dior Darth Vader Gray Don Julus

Nicknames with beautiful meanings

If you want your nickname to have a hidden, beautiful meaning, you should pay attention to the following list.

Harer decided to present his mistress with a beautiful flower

  • Monifa - lucky
  • Sajira - small
  • Salama - peaceful
  • Saliha - pleasant
  • Naima - friendly
  • Tabia - talented
  • Femi – love
  • Harer – flower
  • Nubit - the golden lady
  • Nafr – perfection
  • Mandisa - sweet
  • Metit – fair
  • Razia – nice
  • Adjo is a treasure
  • Kakhotep – peaceful
  • Sadiki - faithful
  • Sudi – lucky
  • Sutekh - blinding
  • Tabit – strong
  • Unica - shining
  • Baraka - blessed
  • Nizam – disciplined
  • Jumoke - everyone's favorite
  • Donkor - modest
  • Sacher - flower
  • Rashidi - wise
  • Ashei - abundant
  • Biukhu is the best
  • Canty is a leader
  • Nakhti – powerful
  • Tumeini - hope
  • Yerby - princess
  • Quibilla - peaceful
  • Nazifa - pure
  • Neila - successful
  • Omoroz - beautiful
  • Khazina is good

Egyptian Queen names for cats

Here we have compiled a list of Egyptian Queens for cats that have character, a strong personality, but are also brave and affectionate:

  • Yahhotep
  • Ahmose
  • Ankhesenpepi
  • Arsinoe
  • Ima-Ib
  • Berenice
  • Cleopatra
  • Duetentopet
  • Eurydice
  • Hatshepsut-Meritre
  • Henutmira
  • Henatsen
  • Herneit
  • Hetepheres
  • Ayaret
  • Ineni
  • Karomama
  • Khentap
  • Kiya
  • Meritamn
  • Merneith
  • Mutemuya
  • Nefertiti
  • Nate
  • Nitocris
  • Penebui
  • Sitamon
  • Aunts
  • Tetisheri
  • TIAA
  • Taiti
  • Ujebten

Shirazi - Egyptian cat breed

In Egypt, you can see many Shirazi cats roaming the streets. If you believe the myths and ancient legends, then this breed of cats was formed when Egypt was part of the Persian Empire. The breed is not registered, but in their homeland they are common.

Shirazi is a cross between the Egyptian Mau and the Persian. They have the same colors and markings as the Egyptian Mau. They are calmer than Mau. They combine the best features of both parent breeds.


Quote from the message Cat Girl_Bastet

Read in full In your quotation book or community!
Cult of the cat in Ancient Egypt. Goddess Bastet.

"O wonderful cat, granted forever."
Inscription on the obelisk in Nebra, Ancient Egypt. Throughout the history of their existence, the Egyptians treated animals with reverence, revering some of them as shrines. Cats in ancient Egypt occupied first places in the hierarchy of such shrines.

Nowhere is the cat more revered than in Egypt. The complex metaphorical meaning that world mythology endowed with the image of this beautiful, intelligent animal was reduced by the Egyptians to positive, pleasant concepts for human consciousness - such as goodness, home, fun, love, motherhood, fertility, protective forces.

In Ancient Egypt, there was a very significant cult of the cat goddess Bastet (Bast), who was also considered the personification of sunlight and moonlight. The goddess was depicted as a maiden with a cat's head or as a lioness. Bastet was considered the daughter of Osiris and Isis.

Prayers were dedicated to this goddess: “She can give life and strength, all the health and joy of the heart” or “I am a cat, the mother of life.” In her honor, cats were worshiped, they were mummified, and a mouse was placed nearby so that the cats would have something to entertain and eat in the afterlife.

The cult of the cat appeared in the most ancient period of Egyptian history (the second dynasty) and lasted until the 1st century BC. The religious center of worship was the city of Bubastis, where, according to the Greek historian Herodotus, the most beautiful temple in Egypt, dedicated to Bastet, was located. In the main sanctuary there was a huge statue of the goddess.

Statue of the goddess Bastet (Bast) in the Temple of Bubastis

The great historians of antiquity Herodotus and Diodorus wrote in their works how every year, seven times a year, one hundred thousand priests gathered in the temple in Bubastis for the great commemoration of the divine cat. During the annual spring festivals, the statue was taken out of the temple and solemnly transported on a boat along the banks of the Nile. These sacred animals were bred there and it was there that a large number of cat mummies were preserved.

Bast (Bastet)

Cat Goddess. Goddess of the sun, joy and fun. She personified warmth. She was considered all-seeing and took the place of guard under the sun god Ra. She embodied feminine and maternal qualities: grace, beauty and affection...

Often the goddess was depicted as a woman with the head of a cat, in her right hand she had a musical instrument - a sistrum, and in her left hand - a mirror, and four kittens were located at her feet.

This is how the goddess of fertility was personified by the Egyptians.

Bastet (Bast), as a rule, in the images was dressed in a green robe. Traditionally associated with the sun, fertility and successful childbirth for women. The Egyptians elevated the goddess of fertility to the rank of a national deity.

Bast was the goddess of fire, the Moon, childbirth, fertility, pleasure, benevolence, fun, sexual rites, music, dance, protection from disease and evil spirits, intuition, healing, marriage and all animals (especially cats).

Bast has two incarnations - a woman with a cat's head (kind essence) and a lion's head (aggressive).

According to other sources in Egypt, the cat was associated with both Bast and Pasht (Moon). Pasht was the dark aspect of Bast, the Lady of the East, the mother of all cats, the wife of the god Ptah. Although she was considered the embodiment of the life-giving energy and gentle warmth of the Sun, through her sacred cats she was also connected with the Moon.

Bast was also the patroness of children and the guardian of the harvest. Her figurines were kept in houses to ward off evil spirits.

cult - the Second Dynasty. Worshiped until the 1st century. AD


Daughter and wife of the sun god Ra, wife of Ptah, mother of Mahes and Khensu.


She was depicted as a woman with the head of a cat.


: Musical instrument sist.

Sacred animal

- a cat that reflected the agility and strength of the goddess.

Bast's own sacred cats were black cats; Egyptian doctors placed an image of a black cat on their houses as a symbol of their profession. The image of a cat adorned the sistrum and, sometimes, the mirror of Hathor. This animal represented the Moon.

This cat personified divinity, inaccessible to mere mortals. Even the supreme sun god Ra was called the “great cat.” The influence of lighting on the size of a cat's pupil was associated by the ancient Egyptians with the movement of the solar god in a chariot along celestial rivers. And the cat's eyes, burning in the dark, according to the beliefs of the Egyptians, emit daylight - the light of a fiery chariot.

The first hieroglyphs that were used to represent the words "cat" and "cat" date back to the fifth and sixth dynasties of the Egyptian pharaohs (circa 2300 BC). Today they are transcribed as "mint" and "miu". Transcription of the hieroglyphs “miw” for the masculine gender and “miwt” for the feminine (in Russian there is a similar onomatopoeia in the verb “meow”).

Numerous drawings and figurines depicting cats have reached us. The rising sun was personified by the scarab beetle, which was always present on the chest of animals.

In the Heliopolis sanctuary, the symbol of the supreme god was a statue of a cat of gigantic size, the pupils of which changed depending on the direction of the sun's rays. The statue, which released a stream of water every hour, also served to tell the time. According to legend, the cat statue depicted an animal that died in a fight with the evil snake Apep.

Presumably, the domestication of cats occurred in Egypt during the 3rd millennium BC. e. Before becoming a pet, valued for its gentleness, gracefulness and carefree nature, the cat was first and foremost a protective animal. Hunting for small rodents, they protected the barns where the Egyptians stored their provisions (primarily wheat), which was vital for this agricultural people.

By hunting rats, cats eliminated the source of serious diseases (such as plague). Finally, by hunting snakes (usually horned vipers), they made the surrounding area safer.

At the beginning of the historical period called the Middle Kingdom, Egypt grew into a powerful power. The basis of this power were grain storage facilities. As long as they were filled, the country could calmly survive a possible flood of the Nile. This was the cat’s finest hour – the rodent exterminator.

The practical importance of the cat in Ancient Egypt was so great that it was during this period that the cat began to be considered a sacred animal. The Egyptians deified cats, seeing them as creatures capable of embodying the images of specific gods. The great sun god Ra, who defeated Apophis, the serpent of darkness, took the form of a huge cat. Ra was sometimes called the Great Cat. Artists depicted his duel with the snake of darkness as follows: with one paw the cat presses the head of the snake, and in the other holds a knife.

But the real goddess of cats was the lion-headed Bastet. The Egyptians considered the cat to be the sacred animal of the goddess Bastet, personifying joy, fun, health and love of life. Here is what the famous philosopher H. P. Blavatsky (1831-1891) writes about the attitude of the Egyptians to the cult of the cat in the book “The Evolution of Symbolism”: “They noticed the simple fact that a cat sees in the dark and that its pupils become completely round and especially luminous at night.

The moon was the voyeur in the night skies, and the cat was her equivalent on earth…. And from here it followed that the sun, looking down into the underworld during the night, could also be called a cat, as it was, for it also saw in the darkness. The cat was called in Egyptian “mau”, which means sighted, from the verb mau - to see…. The moon, like a cat, was the eye of the sun, because it reflects the light of the sun and because the eye reflects an image in its mirror.”

The cult of the cat reached its peak during the 12th and 13th dynasties of the Egyptian pharaohs (circa 1800 BC). The temple of the goddess Bastet in the eastern part of the Nile Delta has become a place of pilgrimage. The main center of the Egyptians became a huge necropolis near the temple. Here they buried embalmed dead cats, placing them in decorated sarcophagi along with toys and food (such as mummified mice) for the long journey to the afterlife. Not far from Beni Hassan, 180 thousand cat mummies were discovered. As a sign of mourning, people mourning cats shaved their eyebrows.

Egyptians from all parts of the kingdom brought symbols of devotion to the goddess in the form of small cat figurines made of ceramics and bronze. Bronze cat figurines are distinguished by the finest surface modeling.

Soft contours emphasize the plasticity of the body and graceful silhouette. The naturalness and grace of the animal are masterfully conveyed...

Made with love, these figurines are exquisite and at the same time they are discreetly aloof, even strict... as if reminding everyone that Bastet is the merciful hypostasis of the formidable lion-headed goddess Sokhmet, daughter of the sun god Ra, who supports Maat - universal harmony - and punishes those who who violates it.

Cat figurines were usually richly decorated by the Egyptians. The figurines from the Hermitage have necklaces on the neck, scarabs on the crown and eyes inlaid with gold.

A study of mummies from cat tombs in Bubastit, Siut and Beni Hassan showed that the cats of the Middle Kingdom were subjected to selection (artificial selection): the skeleton, teeth and coat pigmentation were already significantly different from those of the original steppe cat.

Egyptian cats were deified. Luxurious temples were built for them, their bodies were mummified, and thousands of pilgrims flocked to them from all over the country.

From time immemorial, Egyptian cats have been surrounded by a mystical aura. Their eyes were considered windows to another world, and, thanks to their changeability, animals were often compared to the Sun.

Egyptian priests found many analogies between the nature of the cat and the sun. First of all, these are the eyes of the Cat.

The sun rises, the pupils of the cat's eyes become smaller. The sun is setting in the evening, the cat's eyes widen.

When the Sun has disappeared, the cat looks at the world with wide pupils, round and luminous. The cat's eyes are two smaller suns. A cat's eyes are magical windows into other worlds in which you can see a lot.

Cats are guests of the world of the dead in our manifested world.

It is believed that a vampire or other dark entity will never set foot in a house where cats live. The fact is that cats see them...

You can often notice “oddities” in a cat’s behavior when it suddenly freezes and stares intently at some point. This is how she communicates with the world invisible to us.

At Bubastis, the main center of the Bast cult in Lower Egypt, sacred cats lived in the temple courtyard. Caring for them was considered a special honor; this right was passed from son to father.

In order to take care of the welfare of the cats living in the temple, a caste of priests was organized. Bastet's servants occupied the highest government positions. A priest accused of inappropriate treatment of sacred cats was severely punished.

The priests carefully watched the cats, trying not to miss the slightest sign given by them... a message from the goddess Bast, in order to then interpret this message.

A believer seeking the help of the goddess or wishing to make a vow shaved part of his child's head and took the haircut to the temple. The hair was placed on a scale and balanced with silver. Then the believer gave this silver to the caretaker of the sacred cats, who cut off an appropriate portion from the fish that served as food for them and gave it to the cats.

In the families of ordinary Egyptians, cats were also considered sacred and were surrounded with care and attention.

The Egyptians loved their domestic cats, which were depicted lying on their owner's lap or under their seat. Plutarch describes how the Egyptians carefully bred cats, selecting pairs that were suitable for their character.

The sacred cats were fed milk and bread, and fish that had no scales were specially bred in tanks for them. Those who attempted to take the lives of cats were severely punished. The cat was protected by law and anyone who dared to raise a hand against it faced the death penalty.

Cats were called “good spirits of the home.” People everywhere gave way to these graceful animals. Cats in Egypt were the first to be taken out of houses during fires, and their owners saved them, often risking their own lives.

If a cat died, then its funeral was held with great honor.

After death, cats were buried in a ritual reminiscent of human burial: the cat's owners and their relatives shaved their eyebrows as a sign of mourning, and the cat's body was embalmed. The Egyptians believed that the soul of the mistress of the house after death moved into a cat.

The body of the deceased cat was wrapped in linen cloth, anointed with herbs and mummified using balm. To prevent cats from starving in the afterlife, mummified mice and shrews were placed in the sarcophagus with them. The cats of the rich were wrapped in colored linen with intricate patterns. A mask with ears made from the stems of palm leaves was placed on her face. The mummy was placed in a wooden or straw wicker box, sometimes decorated with gold, crystal or obsidian. Even kittens were buried in small bronze coffins.

The most revered cats were those that lived in temples. Their funerals were sometimes so pompous and expensive that special taxes were levied on the population to pay for them.

The sarcophagus with the mummy was placed in one of the countless necropolises specially designed for cats and built along the banks of the Nile. The mourning lasted seventy days - the time of all mummification. Sometimes a cat accompanies its owner to the afterlife in the guise of a figurine (or a carved design on coffins). Images of cats can also be found on numerous vases, jewelry and dishes, as well as in drawings (under the place of a woman, as a protective symbol).

During excavations in the city of Beni Hasana, archaeologists discovered an entire cat cemetery in which one hundred and eighty thousand cats were laid to rest.

However, the large number of cat mummies discovered may also be due to their small size (it is easier to bury a cat than a bull).

The veneration of the cat did not end at the family level. It was nationwide. State laws protected cats as best they could.

For example, it was strictly forbidden to take cats outside the country.:) Probably, the Egyptians wanted to be a monopoly in the field of cat breeding. However, the forbidden fruit is always sweet. And the stricter the laws, the more hunters there were to take the cat out of Egypt. For the Phoenicians it even became a matter of honor. Thanks to their desire to piss off the Egyptians, cats soon spread throughout the Mediterranean.

The Egyptians believed that one cat could give them 28 kittens in 7 years. Even without mentioning its “holiness,” the fertile cat had high material value. She was a symbol of the prosperity of the Egyptian.

This love for cats once turned against the Egyptians. Knowing that no Egyptian could kill a cat, the insidious Persians used this in their war with Egypt. They covered themselves with cats as shields, thanks to which they won.

Some scientists argue that even before the heyday of the culture of Ancient Egypt, there was a civilization whose scientific and technological achievements surpassed even the modern level.

However, after natural disasters wiped out a great civilization from the face of the earth, only legends, myths and superstitions remained from it... Perhaps many, like me, are interested in the question of the origin of cats. Where did they come from? Where is their homeland? The answer to this question may lie here in our memories of the past...

...945 BC. A small boat sails along the calm Nile...

In the boat, two figures in white are visible, they stand next to each other: a mature man, tall, fit. With one hand he holds on to the high bow of the boat, placing the other hand on the shoulder of his son, just a boy. They slowly approach the magnificent city.

“Father, tell me about this city and why we and thousands of other people are sailing here?” - "My son! We are sailing to the beautiful city of Bubastis - our capital, for the annual festival of the cat goddess Bast... The kind-hearted Bast is known for her healing miracles. She is revered as the cheerful goddess of healing, music, happiness and joy. Thousands of pilgrims rush to the Bubasis festival. A huge temple was erected in her honor, there is a water canal next to the temple, all the streets intersect at this holy place. I will teach you a prayer: “Oh, Bast, moon-faced, powerful healer, beloved by millions. Clear one in your temple, open your doors before me, illuminate my soul with your light, penetrate deep into my spirit, heal all my ailments...” Well, here we are, let’s hurry to the temple.”

The boy was deeply shocked by the extraordinary sight that greeted him. The magnificent temple sparkles in the sun, everyone admires its snow-white columns and beautiful details. Laughter and joyful exclamations are heard throughout the area. Singing and clapping, the pilgrims ascend to the temple, shaking their rattles - a symbol of fertility.

The husband of the goddess in Bubastis was considered Atum, the son was the formidable Mahes - the god of storms and rage, revered in the guise, again, of a lion. The goddess was revered in other significant cities of Lower Egypt - primarily in Memphis, where she was identified with Sekhmet, and in Iunu, where she was the daughter of Atum, the solar creator. It is known that the festival of the cat goddess took place not only in Lower Egypt, but also in the south - in Thebes and Esna.

At the main entrance is a statue of the cat goddess, a goddess who had the power of the Sun and Moon to bring mental health. Bast is depicted as a woman with a cat's head, with kittens at her feet...

Cat figurines are sold all around, and the temple is home to many cats. In order to take care of their well-being, an almost militarized caste of priests is organized. Bast's servants occupy government positions.

The duties of the priests include healing, worship, and mummification of dead cats. Priests could be both men and women.

One of the main points of attraction is the colossal necropolis near the temple. Here, embalmed deceased beloved cats were buried, placed in decorated sarcophagi along with toys and food, which, according to the ancient Egyptians, was necessary in the other world.

The pharaoh himself attended the ceremonies in honor of the cat goddess. Ancient Greek historian Herodotus in the 5th century. BC. visited the temple at Bubastis, about which he wrote: “There is no temple so pleasing to the eye as this one at Bubastis.”

We find the very first mentions of cats in the hieroglyphic writing of the ancient Egyptians. Lions and cats already had their own symbols with the designation “miu” or “mau”. About 2.5 thousand years BC. in the inscriptions of the pyramids of the V and VI dynasties of the pharaohs there are symbols denoting cats - this was the heyday of their cult.

The cult of cats was so great that it continued for more than 2 thousand years and was only abolished in 390 AD. Each city of Ancient Egypt had its own totem, i.e. guardian deity.

The cat had several cities where she was revered above other gods. May dog ​​lovers forgive me, but although the dog was one of the favorite animals of the Egyptians, it was never considered a deity.

And the Egyptian god Anubis - the guide of the souls of the dead - upon detailed study, still had the head of a jackal. As for the cat, it was and is the real protector of man from invisible forces.

The ancient Egyptians, Tibetans, Tahitians and other peoples of the past, who possessed wisdom and knowledge, were well aware of this fact.

Anyone who wants to look into the history of Ancient Egypt will immediately notice the special attention to animals from the cat family.

An ancient legend says: “The shining Ra (the rising Sun) sailed on his solar canoe across the heavens from east to west, making sure to avoid meeting the serpent Apep (the darkness of ignorance), who was subsequently defeated by Ra’s daughter, the cat goddess Bast.” From all of the above it follows that in the thinking of the Egyptians, the cat gods, and, in particular, Bast, had a very special meaning.

The Egyptians looked at the cat not only as a beloved creature, but as a representative of the deity. And therefore they treated her with respect and respect...

God Anubis

...then what they received from her had a different quality, carried more purity and light, she became for them a transmitter of divine energies.


At the same time, these goddesses were considered as guardians of the area and property, and the carved figurines had a deep symbolic meaning. The Greeks called these sculptures "sphinxes". This is the name given to the immortal cat that appeared in 1966 in Ontario, Canada, for its resemblance to ancient Egyptian figurines and those cats that in those distant times “guarded” the pyramids and pharaohs.

The cat, associated with femininity and mystery, became a favorite inhabitant of temples and homes for the Egyptians.

The cat was so popular among the Egyptians that theophoric names were widespread among the populations of the Nile coast, which included the name of the goddess Bastet, for example Padibast - “The one whom Bastet gave”, Tashenubast - “Daughter of Bastet”, Nakhtbastetru - “Strong is Bastet against them ", Ankhbastet - "Long live Bastet."

The oldest images of cats in a religious context (amulets made of bone or faience) were found in the Badari necropolis and date back to the end of the Old Kingdom. Wearing them on the body provided constant protection from any dangers...

Later cats appear on the so-called. magic wands of the Middle Kingdom era, which were made from hippopotamus bone and were intended to protect the premises and, especially, the pregnant mistress of the house. On their surface there are preserved images of strange demonic creatures, spirits and animals, among which a cat sometimes appears - the destroyer of evil, personified in the form of snakes. In its front paws the cat often holds a knife designed to cut off the heads of enemies, just like the great sun cat of Iunu.

Throughout the history of Pharaonic Egypt, the cat never exhausted its symbolic image of a protector, sometimes also associated with healing...

The cat in these cases is depicted with some lion-like features, which clearly indicates its formidable role and the fact that, as a peaceful inhabitant of the house and everyone’s favorite, she got along in the guise of the goddess Bastet with the fierce lion-headed patroness of the king, whose name was first mentioned on a stone vessel from Saqqara, which retained the name of the king of the II dynasty Hetepsekhmui. The symbolic connection between the cat and its formidable brother, the lion, is present, centuries later, on the false doors in the Theban tombs of the nobles of the 18th dynasty Kenamon and Amenemhet Surer, who are guarded by cats symmetrically depicted above the doorway to the other world, guardians of the boundary of two spaces. This role in Egyptian art was most often occupied by lions or hybrid creatures with a lion's body - sphinxes.

The consonance between the verbal designation of a cat (miit) and the name of Maat, the goddess of truth, may have led to the fact that in a number of later bronze figurines of sacred cats, the image of the goddess becomes part of the animal’s necklace, and her sacred feather becomes a symbol, the shape of which is used to stylize the fine fur inside cat ears. Images of cats are often found on ritual objects associated with various hypostases of Hathor, in particular on the sistras, where she appears as the incarnation of the Heliopolitan goddess Nebethetepet, associated with the sexual energy of the creator god, transformed into a goddess. In this context, the cat clearly appears as a symbol of fertility, sexuality and attractiveness.

The connection between the cat and the lioness - two aspects of the formidable and predictable nature of the female deity - was strongly emphasized.

Thus, one of the figurines depicts the lion-headed Sekhmet sitting on a throne and placing her feet on the outstretched figures of captive foreigners, while the cat Bastet sat on their feet. The reproductive functions of Bastet, often surrounded by kittens, and her sexual power were the keys through which the goddess became the peaceful and affectionate mother of the king, the protector of those lost in the night and, in general, the “other” side of Sekhmet, echoing the words of the famous “Teaching of Ankhsheshonq”: “ When a man smells of myrrh, his wife is like a cat in front of him. When a man is in suffering, his wife is like a lioness in front of him.” The same Ankhsheshonk, probably hinting that the character of the cat is unpredictable and its transformation into Sekhmet is very fast, reminds: “Don’t laugh at the cat.”

The cult of cats that existed in Egypt also affected other countries. Thus, traces of his influence can be found in Gaul, in particular in Toulouse, where amulets, figurines, musical instruments - sistrum - with images of cats were found (local archaeological finds date back most likely to the 1st century BC), and in the UK: in Badbury, Gasse, All Saints and Danbury, archaeologists excavated mass graves of cats.

Egyptian artists depicted hundreds of cats on tomb slabs and papyrus. They sculpted them from bronze, gold, stone and wood, made them from clay, and carved them from ivory. Young Egyptian women wore amulets with images of cats, which were called “uchat” and were a symbol of fertility. The girls prayed to the gods to fulfill their desire to have as many children as the kittens depicted on their amulet.

A cat is an amazing creature. There is no animal with a more complex character and such a controversial and rich history. At first she was worshiped as a deity, then she was seen as a servant of the devil, and now she is again an idol.

In terms of numbers, the cat will soon become the most popular pet on Earth. Even the laziest domestic cat is a natural hunter. “I am a cat that walks by itself.” With these words, Kipling immortalized the cat's inherent spirit of independence. Let her live in our house, accept our way of life, but she allowed herself to be tamed only on her own terms. And was the domestic cat truly domesticated?

The Egyptian Mau (Mao) is considered to be the oldest natural breed in nature. She has every right to be considered a direct descendant of the first domesticated cats of ancient Egypt.

In Egypt, humans and cats share a long-standing bond. She was revered as a goddess even before she was domesticated. For more than a millennium she was the national deity. The worship of cats goes back even further than the time of the sphinxes with their human head and lion's body.

PS: Since I simply adore cats and I really like everything connected with the culture of Ancient Egypt, as one of the most mysterious countries of the Ancient World, I decided that in my diary there would be a lot of cats, varied, for every taste and a lot of Egyptian themes. So don’t blame me for some monotony of topics... But that’s for now... since my interests are not limited to cats and Egypt. But, unfortunately, there is not enough time for everything you want yet...

Series of messages “The History of the Cat”:
Part 1 - The history of the birth of a small miracle Part 2 - The cult of the cat in Ancient Egypt. Goddess Bastet. Part 3 - Divine cats in ancient culture and their mistresses Part 4 - The cult of the cat in Mesopotamia Part 5 - The history of cats in Great Britain: success - tragedy - worship... Part 6 - The history of cats in the East: can't it be more ancient?

Series of messages “Cult of the Cat”:
Part 1 - Cult of the Cat in Ancient Egypt. Goddess Bastet. Part 2 - Divine cats in ancient culture and their mistresses Part 3 - The cult of the cat in Mesopotamia Part 4 - The history of cats in Great Britain: success - tragedy - worship... Part 5 - The history of cats in the East: it doesn’t get older?

Beautiful and popular nicknames

Not all Sphynx cats are completely hairless cats. Many of them are covered with delicate fluff, like peaches. Their skin is soft and silky to the touch, and in some areas of the body it can even be wrinkled. Based on these simple characteristics, you can choose interesting nicknames:

  • Chiffon - Chiffon.
  • Cotton - Cotton, Cotton.
  • Cozy - Cozy, cozy.
  • Crinkly - Crinkly, wrinkled.
  • Crumples - Crumples, crumpled.
  • Downy - Downy, fluffy.
  • Fleecy - Fleecy, fleecy.
  • Furrow - Farrow, with grooves.
  • Pleats - Pleats, with pleats.
  • Prunes - Prunes, prunes.
  • Pucker - Packer.
  • Rumple - Rumple.
  • Satin - Satin, Atlas.
  • Scrunchy - Scrunchy, hair tie.
  • Silk, Silky - Silk, Silk, Silk.
  • Sleek - Slick, smooth.
  • Slick - Slick.
  • Softy - Softy, soft.
  • Velvet, Velvety - Velvet, Velveteen, velvety, velvety.
  • Wooly - Wooly, woolen.
  • Wrinkly or Wrinkles - Wrinkly, Wrinkles, wrinkled.

This is Cozy:

The birthplace of the Canadian Sphynx is Toronto. Therefore, many owners associate the names of their pets with this country, with its geography and culture. Let's look at the wonderful names that are given to Canadian Sphynx cats:

  • Breton is an island in Nova Scotia.
  • Gretzy is named after Wayne Gretzy, a hockey star.
  • Ellesmere is an island in Nunavut.
  • Halifax is the capital of Nova Scotia.
  • Harper - in honor of Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
  • The Hudson is a famous river.
  • Jasper is a national park and city in Alberta.
  • Layton - after the politician Jack Layton.
  • The Mackenzie is Canada's largest river.
  • Stanley - Stanley Cup, hockey trophy.
  • Tim Hortons is a brand of a popular coffee chain.
  • Trudeau is a dynasty, with several prime ministers coming from.
  • Winnipeg is the capital of Manitoba.

They named him Hudson:

Nile cat

There is some controversy surrounding the Nile cat. This is essentially a wild cat breed discovered in Egypt. Some consider them to be Egyptian Mau, although the International Cat Association has recognized them as a separate experimental breed. These are street cats that no one takes care of in Egypt.

An American rescue group is relocating these cats to America. This breed can be identified by the mantle on its back and sides, which is distinct from the rest of its body. These cats come in a variety of colors and patterns, with long and short hair.

Names of famous cats

Sphynxes are chosen as pets by celebrities:

  • Chucha is a cat owned by Bari Alibasov.
  • Piaf, Nietzsche, Poe are the sphinxes of Kat Von D.

Chuchi's namesake:

You can also name your Sphynx after a mythical creature, movie, cartoon or literary character:

  • Balin - The Hobbit.
  • Bilbo - The Lord of the Rings.
  • Brownie.
  • Eitri - Marvel Comics.
  • Elf.
  • Fili - The Hobbit.
  • Frodo - The Lord of the Rings.
  • Gimli - The Lord of the Rings.
  • Goblin.
  • Gremlin.
  • The Hobbit.
  • Demon.
  • Jared - movie "Labyrinth".
  • Joga is a mythical creature from Iroquois folklore.
  • Kelpie.
  • Keeley - The Hobbit.
  • Kreacher is another house elf from Harry Potter.
  • Leprechaun.
  • Mogwai is a Chinese fairy creature.
  • Nisse is a gnome-like character from Nordic mythology.
  • Peri is a Malaysian fairy creature.
  • Pixie.
  • Satyr.
  • Sméagol - The Lord of the Rings.
  • Smurf.
  • Sprite.
  • Thorin - The Hobbit.
  • Zyne is a Romanian fairy-tale creature.

Just Joga:

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