Under what conditions can you get a second cat and how to choose a new pet

The question of getting a second cat in the house can arise for many reasons, but the most common is that the pet gets bored when it is often left at home alone. The decision must be made intelligently, taking into account the availability of space, the character and age of the animal. Let's figure out whether a second feline is needed in the house and how to make the right selection.

Having sufficient territory is important

Ideally, you should take care of two cats at once. This way, there will be a greater chance that they will become friends while exploring a new home together and sharing “spheres of influence.” Moreover, this situation is true for both kittens and adult animals. If the decision to add a second pet arose later, you should find out whether this would be appropriate.

The main question relates not to financial costs and the need to devote twice as much time to pets, but to free space. Cats need their own space, and if the owner lives in a very cramped one-room apartment, then the pets will fight for the best place. The result is constant fights and marking of territory.

For greater comfort for the mustachioed, you will have to add new shelves, cat trees and other places where animals like to lie, relax or play. It is also mandatory to provide each pet with a separate tray and bowl of food. It would be a good idea to have a spare “toilet”, which will save the owner from unplanned cleaning if the cat smells the smell of the second pet in his litter box.

Should you get a second cat?

Getting a second pet is only possible if the owner has excess time. Simply put, you can fully care for one pet and still have time for another. Why is it important? If you don’t have free time, you simply won’t have the opportunity to make friends with your pets, believe me, your participation will be needed. The only time cats will build a relationship on their own is if you take two kittens at once and they grow up together.

The issue of the financial side is no less important. Can you fully support two animals? What if one of them gets sick and additional expenses are required? You shouldn’t be guided by the “we’ll feed you somehow” principle. You cannot be sure that your cat will not develop an allergy or other chronic disorder. Cats cannot be fed from the table; they will have to buy meat or food.

If the above two conditions bother you, give up the prospect of having a second pet. Refuse, even if you think your cat is bored. The second ward is not a toy, but a full-fledged member of the family like the first.

It is worth understanding that cats are not animals that need to have a pack. In nature, not many species of cats live in prides, and this fact is explained not by the desires of the animals, but by the principle of survival. Domestic cats need the company of their owner; they rarely accept other animals with delight and open arms. In addition, domestic cats are jealous and territorial, and are annoyed when there is another pet with a different smell in the home. Bottom line: If you can communicate with your cat enough, don't get a second pet for the sake of entertaining the first.

Last thing. You shouldn't get a second cat if you think it's normal to give the animal to other people or to a shelter. Yes, situations are different, sometimes pets have to be handed over to relatives or even strangers, but counting on this option in advance... “if it doesn’t work out, I’ll just give it away, throw it away, put it in a shelter” is very, very wrong!

Factors influencing the behavior of cats

There are many factors that influence the coexistence of two felines. This includes the age of weaning from the mother, experience of being in the family and in the company of other cats, patience and correct behavior of the owners, hereditary traits, and character.

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If the kitten was separated from its mother before the age of 3 months, then the cat did not have time to teach it how to behave with other animals and people. In this case, you will have to rely only on the instincts of the animal. As a result, the pet can be calm and get along well with other cats, or vice versa, behave aggressively and be afraid of other animals.

It is also important whether the cat was in a human family and whether it saw other representatives of its species. A mustachioed person, familiar only with his bowl, sofa and the inhabitants of the apartment, will be wary of the new guest, perhaps afraid of him.

If you have experience communicating with your relatives, your pet will be able to understand what to expect from this. Here the positive or negative experience of a previous acquaintance plays a role. If a cat had to fight with other cats, he will show restraint and be wary. If the meeting was more pleasant, then the behavior will be appropriate.

It is important that the owner does not punish pets for fighting. You need to be patient, separate the animals with a spray bottle and simply take the fighter to another room. Direct punishment will only turn cats against each other.

An equally important role is played by heredity, the character of the mustachioed and his breed. Knowing the character and habits of a local cat, you can to some extent predict its reaction to a new resident. But with regard to the guest, you will have to make inquiries or rely on chance and determine the reaction already in the process.

Two cats in one house: how to avoid conflict?


Should you get a second cat?

You can get a second cat only when the owners lack one animal in the house. If you have free time and enough finances, then why not? But getting a second cat just because the first cat is bored alone is hardly reasonable. Cats are not pack animals, they do not need company (human attention is a separate issue; cats need it no less than dogs). But if the owners have very little free time, the house is empty all day, then you can get a second cat so that the first one does not get bored without communication.


sometimes, despite the competent behavior of the owner, cats cannot be reconciled with each other. Animals, being in constant stress, begin to get sick (both physically and mentally). In this situation, one of the animals will need to be placed in good hands - the family must be mentally prepared for such a development of events.

Preparing for a second cat

Before a second cat appears in the house, you need to prepare the space by dividing it into several zones. Two cats in the house will get along much faster if they do not collide with each other in the resting, feeding and toilet areas.


The “new” cat should sleep separately from the “old” one, and preferably in a different room. The place where an old-timer relaxes is taboo for a newcomer. Be sure to prepare a comfortable mattress or house that will be located at some distance from your cat’s “bedroom”. It is advisable that there be a door between the seating areas that will need to be closed at night (at least for the first time).


Two cats that don’t know each other well and have not yet established contact will most likely be most aggressive near food bowls. Therefore, the new cat needs to be fed from a separate dish, preferably not in the room where the “old” cat is used to eating. Over time, if the cats get along, the bowls can be moved. Cats need to be fed at the same time so that each is busy with its own bowl and does not try to take food from its rival.


Be sure to buy a separate litter box for the “new” cat. The filler in the old tray should be dirty by the time the new one arrives. So the likelihood that the “new” cat will go into a clean litter box is higher (if the second cat soils the litter box first, a conflict may arise; the first cat may compromise cleanliness and start dirtying the corners). Over time, if the cats become friends, you can leave one tray.

The second cat should be placed so as not to disturb the old-timer. For your first cat, everything should remain the same. In no case should she feel violated in her rights due to the appearance of another animal in the house.

Introducing cats to each other

One of the important factors influencing the development of relationships between cats is the moment of acquaintance. Many owners, not knowing how to make two cats friends, make a number of serious mistakes: they push the cats nose to nose, lock them in one room, or immediately separate them into different rooms, without giving the animals the opportunity to communicate. In the first case, a fight will most likely occur. In the second case, a fight is inevitable and, probably, it will be a serious battle with bloodshed, since the animals do not have the opportunity to retreat. In the third case, gradually increasing tension and anxiety, as a rule, again ends in a fight.

So, first, we give both cats a manicure - trim their claws short and file the sharp edges. A new homeowner can have a manicure done at the breeder's house or even at the entrance (if the kitten was brought from the street).


It’s great if it’s possible to mix the smells of two animals before the “new” cat arrives in the house. This is easy to do: iron each cat alternately with a dry terry towel. Pay special attention to the genitals, paws and cheeks.

You need to bring your cat into the house in a carrier or in a closed box with holes cut out for viewing. Open all the doors in the apartment so that one of the cats can escape from the attacker if a fight breaks out. But the windows need to be closed. Place the carrier in the hallway and do not take the cat out for a while - let the old-timer sniff the box, get used to the smell, and come to her senses after the first shock.

After a while, open the carrier, but do not take the cat out of it - let her decide when to go out. Some cats immediately go to explore the territory, others may not stick their nose out of the “shelter” for hours - be patient.

When the cat comes out, the old-timer will most likely begin to demonstrate its dominance and defend its territory. The cat will hiss, stare intently at the uninvited guest, fluff up its fur, and “growl” threateningly. The new resident will most likely adopt a “I don’t care” pose and look, averting his eyes and trying not to look at the aggressor. With this behavior, the cat shows that it does not want conflict. Owners should take on the role of observers during this time and not intervene until a serious fight breaks out. Single lunges, paw strikes, pounces are the norm. You shouldn’t get between cats, as you will only delay the moment of sorting out the relationship. And the faster the cats decide who is boss in the house, the faster peace and friendship will come to your family.

If both cats take a threatening pose, growl, and look intently into each other’s eyes, be on the lookout! This means, but neither animal wants to give in, and both are ready to fight. This condition can last for a very long time, even several hours. If it is not possible to observe, separate the cats into different rooms. It is the new resident who needs to be isolated, otherwise the old resident will feel that he has lost part of the territory, and this will anger him even more. By the way, so that your cat doesn’t get lost if it runs away, don’t forget to buy a pet tag.

What to do when cats fight?

If cats rush at each other and immediately jump back, hit each other with their paws, but obviously do not cause wounds (warning blows - a series of short waves of the paw), or chase each other around the apartment - do not interfere, just watch. But when a serious fight breaks out, the cats grapple and roll head over heels on the floor, or one of the cats falls on its back, defending itself from the aggressor with its claws, you need to separate the animals.

Under no circumstances should you separate cats with your hands! In the heat of battle, even the sweetest domestic cat can cling so fiercely to the face of its beloved owner that it is impossible to tear it away (redirected aggression). The most effective way is to pour water on the cats. It is advisable to hit the head. Don't be afraid, even if water gets into your ears, nothing bad will happen. If this does not help, throw a heavy, dense cloth (blanket or sheepskin coat) over the fighters. The sudden darkness will frighten the animals - the cats will press themselves to the floor in surprise. After a few seconds, you can remove the blanket, pick up one of the cats (which will seem less aggressive) and take it to another room. If surprise does not help, and the cats are fighting, not paying attention to the darkness, force will help - take a long stick (for example, a mop) and crucify the cats in the corners. You need to act assertively, but carefully! Cats cannot be hit, they only need to be pushed away from each other.

Fighting cats are temporarily placed in different rooms (for a couple of days), and then the attempt at acquaintance is repeated. And so on until the aggression dries up and the animals begin to treat each other more calmly.


Be sure to contact a veterinary clinic or call a veterinarian at home if one of the cats was seriously injured in a fight. Treat minor scratches with any antiseptic.

How to make friends with cats?

Two cats in the house is not a bad option. Cats do not often defend their territory unless one of them is currently pregnant or nursing kittens. In nature, cats occupy a small area of ​​land (compared to cats) and react more calmly to the presence of strangers. The situation becomes more complicated if one of the cats has already reached adulthood (about 7 years old) or has been the only pet all its life.

Most often, one of the cats occupies a dominant position, and the other tacitly agrees to the “second role.” A dangerous moment arises when one of the cats goes through the heat period.

Sometimes cats seem to get along well with each other, and then one suddenly kills the newborn kittens of a competitor. By cat standards, this is quite normal behavior. When raising kittens, only their mother can be allowed to see the babies, and the other cat must be isolated. However, if the “not mother” has accepted the kittens, you see that she gently licks them and cleans up their feces, and the mother cat calmly reacts to the presence of the “not mother” in the nest, you don’t have to worry about the kittens.

But how to make friends with adult cats if none of them wants to give up their place as the head of the family? This happens infrequently, but this scenario is the most unfavorable. Cats fight desperately, to the last. In such a situation, it would be wise to sterilize both pets, since it is almost impossible to reconcile cats that hate each other. After sterilization, cats will lose aggression associated with sexual instincts - the chance for normal, calm relationships increases.

cat and cat

Two mature cats in one house are a constant headache, because... These animals very rarely treat each other calmly. In nature, the territory of cats is much larger than the territory of cats, overlapping several habitats of females. The more such areas a cat enters his territory, the more females he fertilizes. Therefore, cats have much stronger territorial claims than cats, because we are no longer just talking about hunting, but about procreation.

Two adult cats can remain neutral for some time, periodically starting violent fights. In such a fight, cats find out which of them is more important and try to remove a competitor from their territory. Passions run high when there is a mating cat nearby. Fights during this period result in serious injuries and sometimes the death of one of the animals. Often cats begin to mark their territory, constantly overlapping each other’s marks - the smell in such an apartment is overwhelming. Therefore, when you decide to get a second cat, immediately prepare for castration of both animals. And it’s better to do this a couple of months before you meet (which, unfortunately, is not always possible).

How to make friends between a cat and a cat?

Animals of different sexes, as a rule, easily get along with each other. In many cases, neutrality develops into friendship and affectionate relationships. However, at first, most likely, the cat will often “educate” the cat - warning blows, hissing, expulsion from the rest area. It is especially important to feed such animals separately - the cat often leaves nothing for the cat, eating all the food simply to prove its leading position. As a result, the cat receives extra calories, and the cat remains hungry.

If we are not talking about breeding producers, one of the animals must be castrated. Cats are quite fertile, the period of “hunting” is not accompanied by discharge (as in dogs), and the cat is very inventive in its desire to get to the female who is in “hunt”. Therefore, simply separating the animals for a time in order to prevent fertilization is unlikely to succeed (either the owner will miss the deadline, or the cat will still get to the female). But even if you put a cat in a cage, the problem is only partially solved - crazy screams and constant marks can unsettle the most patient owner. In addition, the neighbors are unlikely to tolerate round-the-clock yelling, and they will be right. And for animals, it is very difficult to endure such stress - the consequences will certainly affect the health of both pets. We don’t even have to talk about constant pregnancy and childbirth - not a single cat can withstand such stress.

How to make friends between a cat and a kitten?

A cat and a kitten are the best option (unless you take into account the situation when two small kittens grow up together). The cat either immediately accepts the kitten, taking on the role of its mother and teacher, or remains neutral. Cats rarely show open aggression towards kittens. Yes, they can quite rudely confront an annoying fidget, but they don’t carry out serious beatings. However, it is important to consider that a kitten is a baby aged 2-3 months. A six-month-old animal looks like a kitten only to people - for a cat it is already a teenager who can pose a danger, which means that you already need to protect yourself from it with all four paws.

As the baby grows up, the relationship between cat and kitten will reach a new level. The animals will either become very friendly, or one of the cats will take a dominant position (the details are described above: cat and cat, cat and cat, cat and cat).

Cat and kitten

Males are more wary of kittens than cats. In nature, males do not care for their offspring and can even kill other people's kittens. Therefore, the domestic cat will most likely simply ignore the new resident, avoiding contact with him for some time. Then the cat will understand that the kitten does not pose a danger to him and, most likely, friendly relations will arise between the animals.

But open aggression is also possible - this is where you need to be on guard. The cat may rush at the baby and try to strangle him. Therefore, owners, especially at first, should not leave the cat and kitten alone.

After the kitten reaches puberty, animal relationships will develop depending on the gender of the pets.

To figure out how to make friends with cats, the owner must study the psychology of these animals. The better a person understands the motivation for a particular act of a cat, the more effective his actions will be aimed at maintaining neutrality and developing friendly relations between pets. But do not forget that each cat has individual traits and a unique character. It is important to understand your cat, to realize why she acts this way and not otherwise. Cats can be stubborn and self-willed, aggressive and pugnacious - such an animal is very difficult to make friends with a new resident. Other cats have a soft, unquarrelsome character - in this case, even two cats get along well together. And don’t forget that a cat is a proud and independent creature. Do not try to force and punish your pet into becoming a hospitable “hostess” - this approach will lead to the development of even greater aggression towards the “newcomer”. Be persistent but gentle, adamant but affectionate. You should not play the role of a leader - a cat will never recognize a person as the head. Remain a protection, support and loving friend for your tailed stubborn ones.

Rules for selecting a partner

When you decide to get a second pet, you should follow the rules that will help the animals get along with each other:

  1. It will be difficult for an older cat to be near a kitten. The latter will irritate and exhaust an elderly pet.
  2. If there is a rather timid cat in the house that hides from guests, you should not add an active cat to it. It’s better to choose a calm person who doesn’t care.
  3. The opposite situation may also occur, when the cat is active and combative, and the new resident is modest and poorly adaptable. In this case, the “mistress” will beat him and will not allow him to adapt to the territory.
  4. The ideal option is when animals are of the same age with similar character traits.
  5. It is easy to add a kitten to a cat that has given birth. In most cases, she will accept him peacefully and will take care of him.
  6. It is safer to house sterile pets together. The option of a non-sterile cat and a neutered cat is better. If it’s the other way around, the cat will irritate the cat with constant pestering.
  7. Purebred pets must be selected based on the characteristics of the breed.

The process of establishing contact between two pets has its difficulties, but everything is not as bad as it might seem. By following the recommendations presented and paying attention to the character traits of the animals, you will be able to find a new companion for your pet and forever relieve him of boredom in the absence of his owners.

Pros and cons of having a second pet in the house

Having two cats in an apartment has its advantages (mainly psychological). Two tails give twice as much joy, comfort, and fun. Watching them while playing or even during sleep, when they snore peacefully on a cozy bed, is a pleasure. Stroking animals and their light purring can relieve stress and relieve insomnia.

IMPORTANT! When considering the pros and cons of living with two cats in an apartment, do not forget that these animals do not particularly take into account the habits of their owners; people will have to adapt to them.

With the advent of the second cat there will be more problems. In addition to the increased costs of food, treats, toys, and litter, you will have to put up with active nighttime games, torn wallpaper, furniture, and scraps of wool.

People who love animals have no questions about how to make two cats friends in the same apartment.
They almost always manage to reconcile their pet with their adopted child, despite all the problems. It requires patience, consistency and affection. The result will be double the joy of the presence of the cutest animals in the house, which will help you calm down after a hard day. Share with friends:

British shorthair cat

A striking representative of the domestic cat breed is the British Shorthair, the “favorite of housewives.” This cat breed was artificially formed in England in the 19th century as a result of a hybrid alliance of English domestic cats and the notorious Persians. In the process of developing a new breed, furry “ragamuffins” from the streets and city parks were more often used. If we look into the past, we will see that 12 years ago in our country we did not even imagine the existence of most of the now widely known and popular cat breeds. The beginning of the breeding period in Russia was marked by the arrival from countries once friendly to us in the socialist union of such a breed as Persian cats. Over the course of several years, Persians achieved euphoria and became frequent visitors and direct participants in exhibitions, with the exception of other cat breeds. During the period of the dawn of the Persians in the domestic arena of the country, breeders achieved that all the colors and shades of this breed were bred in Russia, and after that the cats were recognized by the international public.

However, after a bright explosion, each star fades, and so did people’s attention to the Persians. Shorthairs are becoming new favorites, even from a practical point of view, shorthairs are easier to care for, and the versatility of these cats will allow you to choose the most suitable representative of the shorthaired breeds.

At the moment, fashion has turned its gracious gaze to British cat breeds. The attractive resemblance to the plush toys beloved by all children instills in people faith in the best and calms them down after the hardships of life. They have a kind, gentle disposition and get along easily with people.

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The British Shorthair cat is truly a striking representative of the oldest breeds, officially recorded more than 100 years ago. However, then it was difficult


can a cat get along with a kitten

Cat and dog in the same house: how to make friends with pets

There are people who are incorrigible cat lovers, and there are equally incorrigible dog lovers. And between these two groups of animal lovers, disputes often arise about which of the pets is better to have, which of the two pets is kinder, smarter, more affectionate, etc. Such disputes can already be classified as eternal.

And there are people who do not participate in such discussions for the simple reason that they cannot classify themselves as either a dog person or a cat person: they belong to both.

Many have heard the phrase “The cat walks on its own”

I also diligently believed in this truth: my domestic cat is very affectionate, never rebels when trying to stroke or cuddle her, but she herself rarely seeks human attention, preferring to mind her own business. More precisely, she had this manner of behavior exactly until the moment when a second four-legged pet appeared in our house - the Pekingese.

This is where a fierce struggle for the attention of all family members began: a competition called “Who can run to the door faster and meet the owners”; if they stroked or picked up one person, aggression on the part of the other immediately began. Sometimes the situation can take sharper turns: the cat, seeing that the dog is being taken for a walk, with its desperate meowing will urgently demand that it be taken with them too

Sometimes the situation can take more drastic turns: the cat, seeing that the dog is being taken for a walk, with its desperate meows will urgently demand that it be taken with them too.

Those who are planning to have a cat and a dog in the same house should remember how jealous animals are - almost like little children of the same age. Promise yourself to try to give the same amount of attention to both pets - this will prevent hostility between them.

Speaking about the cohabitation of animals such as a ferret and a cat, let's say right away that wild ferrets do not live in domestic conditions. They are easy for this


First meeting

What to expect from the first meeting of two unfamiliar cats? There are a lot of options; animals can react calmly, or they can get into a fight. Remember that the first meeting will set the tone of the relationship, so you need to do your best to prevent conflict.

The first recommendation is to avoid making common mistakes:

  • Don't push potential rivals together - most likely there will be a fight.
  • Do not give a kitten to an adult cat, she will not share your affection - most likely, the older cat will set herself the goal of getting rid of her competitor.
  • Do not isolate animals without the possibility of contact, cats have a very keen sense of smell, they will sense each other - the animals will accumulate stress, worry and will still meet. The likely outcome is a fight until the last breath.
  • Do not punish the first cat for a strong reaction, and if it does occur, separate the animals so that they can calm down. If you pinch the first cat, you will personally put her into a state of stress.

Some preparatory activities can be done in advance. If you are buying a kitten, you need to visit the breeder; if you brought the baby from the street, we carry out the manipulations to the doorstep. So, both cats need to trim their claws, not short, the main thing is to dull them and sharpen them with a nail file.

Prepare in advance:

  • A large, heavy blanket that can be used to cover one of the cats if a fight breaks out.
  • Spray bottle with water.
  • First aid kit.

Next, take a towel, a piece of terry cloth or flannel. We take the first cat, wrap our hand in cloth and stroke the pet’s fur. Without pressure, but with special care, we apply it along the cheeks, around the ears, paws and between the fingers and in the intimate area. We rub the second cat with the same odorous cut. Next, we return the magic rag to the house and place it on the threshold so that the first cat can sniff it well.

Do not rush your pet and bring the second pet into the home only after the first cat has lost interest in the source of the new smell. By the way, it is better not to put this cloth away anywhere, but to place it at the junction of the territories of the first and second cat. If you decide to place your pets in different rooms, it is better to place a scented cloth on the threshold, “from the side” of the first cat, or stretch it through the crack under the door.

Getting ready for the reception

Acquaintance goes smoother if it is planned and you can prepare for it. In any case, you cannot immediately push animals together.

Calming for purring

To prevent conflict, both animals can be given a sedative before the first meeting. In this case, “Feliway”, “Cat Bayun”, “Stopstress” are used. In order not to harm your pets, you should first consult with a veterinarian who will calculate the dosage.

Preparing the Carry

Place a towel or blanket with the smell of a new home in the carrier. A beginner should have time to get used to the carrier as if it were his own house. Having brought an animal into the apartment, you should not immediately release the new pet; it is better to give the cats time to look at each other through the bars.


After the first meeting, you should not leave the animals together or bring them near each other. The new pet should be shown a designated place to rest. Every day you need to change their toys among themselves and pay a lot of attention to the animals. If the new pet hides, for example, under furniture, there is no need to get it out by force - let it get used to it.

First meeting and adaptation period

Before the first full meeting, the animals will already know about each other’s existence and will get used to it. The first stress will pass, but conflict is possible. During contact, you need to take your time, let the cats sniff each other, and come as close to each other as they want. It is recommended to pet both of them so that everyone feels the love of their owner equally.

There is no need to try to reconcile pets as quickly as possible. They should have time to get used to each other. Ultimately, cats always remain animals that walk on their own.

Friendly cats need friends

Before you decide to get a second cat, you need to determine how friendly your first pet is. And here we are not talking about the cat’s attitude towards you, that is, whether he sits on your lap, whether he allows himself to be picked up, and so on. It's about how he reacts to other cats.

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Does he hiss when he sees his fellow dog on the street? Or maybe he wants to meet you right away? Or does it not react at all?

Can two cats live together?

It is quite possible to accustom cats living together to each other, although it often takes a lot of effort. It is impossible to know exactly how they will react to their roommate, but certain criteria of behavior will help suggest what kind of friendship is worth waiting for, and most importantly, how to improve it.

If you decide to adopt two kittens at the same time or with a small age difference, you will avoid difficulties. Young cats without gender and territorial attachment and aggression, treat their fellow cats quite well, and will be easy to make friends with.

Such friendship, in some cases, reaches the point that a cat and a cat who grew up together, having reached puberty, do not mate. They are looking for someone on the side, perceiving their roommate as brother and sister.

However, cases are relative and unique, so breeders, in order to avoid unplanned offspring, carry out sterilization. This will help you make friends with cats with minimal participation on your part.

Planning support

Thus, one can easily understand that cats are social animals, although this has been questioned for quite some time. Lions hunting in prides were considered an exception, but recently scientists have begun to discover interesting facts. It turns out that even outdoor cats gather in packs not only because more food can be found in one particular place. They have a full-fledged matriarchal community, within which females can even help raise the kittens of other females. Moreover, within communities, cats often pair up and spend most of their time with their best friend. Yes, cats can be best friends and you should take that into consideration!

A chance to do a good deed

Are you still thinking? Then look at the situation from a different point of view, namely from the point of view of the cat who is now sitting in a nursery behind bars. Every year, three and a half million cats end up in catteries around the world, and one and a half million of them end up getting an injection and falling asleep forever. More animals die in nurseries than are taken to new families. Saving one animal won't change the world, but it will change the world of this cat.

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Is it worth getting a second cat?

Unfortunately, there is no concrete answer to this question. You will have to spend a lot of time thinking, it is also worth trying an experiment to determine how sociable your first cat is and whether he needs a life partner. Cats are not toys, and if your pet does not want company, and you may think that you are doing a good deed and helping him become more cheerful, then in fact you will be dooming him to constant stress. Moreover, the second cat may not really like it either. Overall, there are a lot of things to consider, but if you think you can cope with two animals, and also think that both cats will be happy together, then you should definitely get a second cat.

Are they fighting or grinding?

Don't confuse fighting with building a hierarchy. Accept that one of your cats will be alpha. The older member of the pack can growl at the younger one, hit him with his paw, demonstrate his superiority in every possible way, and this is not a conflict, but a form of communication.

Don't get involved in cat fights unless they are threatening. When a kitten appears in the house, the older cat accepts it almost immediately. You may not know this because the alpha will act very strict and distant. The kitten will pester the cat, bother her and eventually receive a well-deserved slap with her paw. In most cases, an older cat will not even use her claws because she needs a reason to use force.

If you see that there is going to be a fight, you can do the following:

  • Stomp or clap loudly - fear changes priorities.
  • Throwing a towel towards the cats is a sudden switch of attention.
  • Throw a blanket over both cats - when a cat suddenly finds itself in the dark, it instinctively presses itself to the floor.
  • Throwing water at cats is a distraction factor.

There is another method that owners do not use due to ignorance. Seeing that cats are going into conflict, freeze, stare at the aggressor and start hissing. Make sounds that are as close as possible to the hissing of your pets, usually a combination of “kh” and low “y” sounds, do not hesitate, growl and even scream like a cat.

What will you achieve? First, you will show who the main “cat” is in this house, and this is important. Secondly, even if the demonstration of your feline importance seems unconvincing to your pets, they will definitely be surprised by the screams. Take advantage of the surprise and stupor to isolate the new cat. This method should not be used on hybrid breeds, since the cat may become confused and attack you.

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