A cat has died - what to do, the animal’s behavior before death

Cats and cats have always been endowed with special qualities. It is believed that they can protect their owners from dark magic and are a symbol of well-being. But protection is not given just like that - the owner must ensure a comfortable life for the cat and not offend his pet. When cats die, it always looks suspicious. Should we expect troubles and misfortunes?

Sudden death

You can understand what a sign means by the cause of death. By answering the question why the cat died, you can find out an event in the near future.

  1. A cat that died due to the cruelty of a family member or the owner himself is a sign of theft. Thieves will break into a person's house. Due to the fact that representatives of the official investigation authorities will not be able to find the criminals in a short time, the pet owner will lose a large sum. The situation will also affect the person’s morale; he will begin to think too much about self-preservation.
  2. If a cat dies because it got stuck on a balcony or in a window, the sign foretells a divorce. The person will understand that his partner is far from perfect. Excessive demands and constant comments about each other’s shortcomings will cause conflicts in the family. As a result of such relationships, life together will finally lose all its charms and cease.
  3. If a cat dies while playing with household appliances, then the sign promises the owner professional problems. He will not be able to understand what exactly the boss requires of him, which is why he will have to explain himself to his superiors several times. Misunderstandings will continue, resulting in you having to give up your job responsibilities or a specific project.
  4. The sudden death of a cat due to food or an inedible object stuck in its throat portends quarrels with friends. Friends will have different opinions about the same phenomena. They will try to convince each other that they are right, which is why conflicts await them. A compromise will not suit them, so such disputes will continue.
  5. If a cat dies at home due to poisoning from low-quality food, then the sign advises the person to be wary of meeting new people. Strangers will bring problems not only to the pet owner, but also to his family members. Troubles continue because they can only be dealt with with the help of those who have power or connections.
  6. The sudden death of a pet due to a fight with another animal is a harbinger of an unsuccessful relationship. A person will flirt with a person who thinks that everything is serious. Due to misunderstanding, a quarrel will occur that will put you in an awkward position. Those around you will be on the side of the victim of flirting, so you will have to bear the consequences.


If you want to bury your pet, you can do so at home or at a pet cemetery.

At home, burying a pet's body is often used by their grieving owners. In this case, the owner has the opportunity to visit the pet’s burial place. However, the method is not without drawbacks. When moving, the remains will remain at the same place of residence. Finally, this method is prohibited by some states. Owners who bury a cat at home risk being fined.

There are pet cemeteries in every country. You can ask your veterinarian for help. Before burial, ensure that the area will always be used for burial of pets.

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Natural care

A sign about why pets die naturally can be both good and bad. To understand what portends the death of a cat, you need to remember the gender of the animal and its age.

  • The death of a kitten is a sign indicating misfortune. A person will have to deal with a lot of problems related to his personal life and relationships with friends. Due to overload and constant busyness, the pet owner will be angry, gloomy and rude, which will cause discontent among others. However, changing your behavior or the way you communicate will not work for a long time.
  • The death of an adult cat is a harbinger of emotional overload. Many unpleasant and joyful events will happen soon. It will take several days to comprehend what happened, however, due to busyness, this time will not be available. Constant changes will lead to the fact that a person will not be able to adequately respond to what is happening and perceive events.
  • If an old cat dies in the house, the person will have to explain several times what exactly he is going to do. His plans will be incomprehensible to his acquaintances. Their anxiety about the future will irritate them, since a well-thought-out system takes into account many possibilities, however, they will not be able to stop explaining or ignore the concern.
  • The death of a cat is a bad sign. A sign warns a person of trouble. While communicating with one of his old friends, a person will not notice the threat, which is why a dangerous conversation awaits him. Only by thinking through a way to stop communication can the pet owner be able to change the current situation. To get out of the situation you will have to make the maximum amount of effort and forget about other activities for a while.
  • When a cat dies, a person faces large financial costs. Unplanned purchases and urgent investments will force you to resort to deferred funds. However, it will not be possible to quickly restore cash reserves, since further everyday spending will force a person not to save the funds received.

What to do?

If the owner notices that the animal is behaving unusually: it wants to leave the house, meows loudly - it is better not to hold it and let it go. The cat either wants to die outside the home, or to throw off the negativity and return filled with new strength.

If a dead animal is discovered suddenly, for example after coming home from work, then the pet needs to be buried. It is better to wrap it in cloth and put it in a box.

A new cat should not be adopted until three months old.

Death can come to pets from old age. Then there is no need to carry out any rituals or actions to cleanse the house. With a sudden death, it can be assumed that the entire family has been exposed to negative energy. It might be worth going to church.

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How to eliminate negativity

You can neutralize superstition by following the algorithm of actions.

  • If the cat died at the hands of the owner or due to the actions of family members, then you need to put the cat in a box on its right side and bury it. At the same time, it is worth saying the words: “Kitty, forgive me, they didn’t save you. Don’t hold a grudge against us, let go of your anger. When leaving for the afterlife, remember how you lived with us. Keep that goodness and run in peace across the rainbow.” Then you should visit the grave in which the pet is buried. You definitely need to put some dry or wet food on it; you cannot neglect the sign.
  • The accidental death of a cat requires burial in a box with a branch of lilac or bird cherry. If the time of year does not allow you to pick a fresh plant, you can purchase dead flowers. You can neutralize the belief that the cat accidentally died using the following words. When burying you, you need to say: “My cat, they didn’t see you, they couldn’t save you. But I hope you will not forget to forgive us in heaven. Don’t hold a grudge against us, take a twig as a souvenir.”
  • If the cat died due to old age, then it should be buried as far from home as possible. The grave should be decorated with flowers or rowan berries. During the burial you need to whisper: “We had a good time together, if only you could live longer. But it can’t be returned, I hope you were happy. Don’t forget about me, rest in your grave.” When you leave, don't forget to say, "Rest in peace."

Does it take all the trouble out of your home when you “go to the rainbow”?

Most often, cats leave home to die. Beliefs say that in this way they take away with them all the negativity and troubles of their owners. It is believed that cats have nine lives - they can give one at the time of death to one of the members of their beloved family. For example, if the owner is in serious danger or a fatal disease, then the pet can deliberately throw itself under a car, giving its life in return.

If someone tries to influence the house where the cat lived with the help of dark forces, then the animal can die suddenly, protecting the home and its inhabitants.

Don't be afraid to have pets. Cats can serve as a “manifestation” of negativity in the house, and their sudden death can serve as a warning. It’s worth thinking about whether all your loved ones wish only good things and come to visit in peace. Caring for a pet will always return double benefits to their owners.

What to do after death and how to come to terms with loss

The cat can be buried in a special cemetery for animals or in the backyard (for example, in the country)

To survive a loss, you need to maintain some consistency. First you need to say goodbye to your pet's body. After the funeral, you can mourn the cat. Mourning an animal is useful, it makes it easier for a person to let go of a pet. After this, you need to remove objects that remind you of the cat: toys, bowl, tray, etc. However, all this is just a dry instruction; the person himself must realize that life goes on, and that it is time to let his friend go. Of course, the memories will still remain. But let these be bright and pleasant memories. After a couple of years, love and light sadness should remain in the memory, and not heavy depressing grief.

Often, to forget about the loss, people get a new kitten. This is a good way to shift attention, but it is not suitable for everyone. In each case, the death of a pet is experienced differently, so there cannot be a single recommendation. To survive this sad event, a person must go through all the stages of grief himself. The main thing is that there is no feeling of guilt. Everything else will be corrected by time, because it heals.

Video: what awaits animals after death

Those who do not adhere to religious beliefs may imagine another option for life after death. On forums about saying goodbye to your beloved cats, you can find phrases such as “walk your furry paws on the rainbow”, “meet me on the bridge”, etc. According to one of the myths, the soul of a pet goes to a better world (cat paradise), which is located over the rainbow. When the time comes, the cat will climb onto the rainbow bridge to meet its owner there.

Diagnostic features

The diagnosis is made, as always, only comprehensively. To do this, anamnesis is taken into account (whether there were any problems with the kidneys before, whether the animal has diabetes mellitus or other health problems), clinical signs and laboratory test results. It is imperative to examine the sediment and the urine itself (general analysis and biochemistry).

A condition in which there are disturbances in the functioning of the excretory system is rarely determined by external signs - the symptoms can suggest or suspect the disease. This is also explained by the fact that the symptoms are “masked” as other diseases, which are excluded only with the help of additional research methods.

An accurate diagnosis of renal failure is made only based on the results of a comprehensive examination with the obligatory implementation of:

  • examination and collection of a detailed medical history (medical history and lifestyle);
  • laboratory tests of urine and blood;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and abdominal organs;
  • fluoroscopy of the kidneys.

When analyzing urine it is noted:

  • increased protein levels (proteinuria);
  • the presence of leukocytes and erythrocytes;
  • presence of sediment;
  • decrease in its density (isosthenuria);
  • pH shift to the acidic side.

Blood chemistry:

  • increased urea;
  • increase in creatinine level;
  • fluctuations in the amount of protein in either direction;
  • decreased potassium levels;
  • increase in the level of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus (with chronic renal failure);
  • increased sodium levels.

General blood analysis:

  • decrease in hematocrit values;
  • decreased hemoglobin levels;
  • increase in the number of leukocytes;
  • drop in platelet and lymphocyte levels.

Differentiation of acute renal failure and chronic renal failure:

  • in case of acute renal failure, anemia does not have time to develop due to the transience of movement, in case of chronic renal failure it is clearly expressed;
  • CRF begins smoothly and lasts a long time; at the time of diagnosis, the prognosis is most often unfavorable; AKI manifests suddenly with a lightning-fast course, the prognosis is favorable with timely diagnosis and proper treatment;
  • when palpating the kidneys in chronic renal failure, they are almost always painless, while in acute renal failure the pain syndrome is clearly expressed;
  • in case of acute renal failure the clinic is bright, in case of chronic renal failure it is not or is very blurred.

Where do cats go after they die?

Many people believe in an afterlife. A good person goes to heaven, and a bad person goes to hell. There is a separate place for animals - the Rainbow Bridge, which, according to legend, is located between heaven and earth. There are hills and meadows, lots of delicious food, sunshine and water. Animals feel warm and comfortable, nothing hurts.

The old and sick become young and healthy again. They all frolic together, run and play. But one day there comes a moment when the pet’s gaze rushes beyond the horizon. He leaves his brothers and runs through the green grass to the long-awaited meeting. The man and the cat meet again, hug tightly and never part again.

Whether to believe in the Rainbow Bridge or not is up to everyone. But you definitely shouldn’t blame yourself for the death of a cat. Try to console yourself that you warmed and caressed your pet as best you could. Mentally thank him for the happiness he brought into your life.

Renata, Moscow


As with humans, age is a determining factor. Yes, you can die at age 20, but the probability of death at age 80 is thousands of times higher. It's exactly the same with cats. As a rule, this happens around the age of 16-17. There are unique cases when cats lived to be 25 years or more, but this happens extremely rarely.

If your pet has been with you for more than 13-14 years, it is not difficult to determine the possible outcome. And this is natural, since the laws of biology are common to everyone. In addition, translated into our “language”, a cat’s fifteenth birthday corresponds to the human age of 74 years. An animal, like a person, becomes weak, life no longer gives the former joy: the cat will no longer play and frolic like a kitten. In this case, there is no need to worry: your pet has lived a long and rich life.

Simply put, death from old age is the most common death in this world. This is natural, although very sad.

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