Royal Canin for spayed and neutered cats

Royal Canin Sterilized 37 dry food for sterilized cats has been successfully sold in pet stores for a long time. Its composition has already changed several times, and not for the better. Unfortunately, some veterinarians boldly recommend this product to cats after spaying and neutering, without even looking at the list of ingredients. They are probably guided by brand recognition, the description of the food on its official website and the name of the formula itself.

We decided to find out what the recipe for this popular product actually consists of, and how justified such popularity is. We will try to highlight all the pros and cons of the composition of Royal Canin 37 - if the review of the diet seems too superficial to you, and the evaluation and rating of the food is too low, you can additionally read about each of its ingredients by clicking on the name in the list.

Where is Royal Canin made?

The main enterprises are located in France, one of the subsidiary plants is in the Moscow region (Russia). Russian biscuits and canned food from Royal Canin for sterilized cats are considered to be of lower quality, since the requirements for their production in the country are lower than in the European Union, so owners prefer to feed their pets with French canned food.

Royal Canin is the most popular brand on the market

For your information! The remaining enterprises are located in different countries, but their products are not imported to the Russian Federation. The products are manufactured by Brazilian, Argentine, Canadian, American, South African and British factories.

Detailed characteristics of Royal Canin food for castrated and sterilized cats and female cats

Proplan for sterilized cats and neutered cats

The products are intended for animals that have undergone surgery. Feeds differ in caloric content and content of individual minerals.

The manufacturer suggests trying several options:

  • Kitten Sterilized is recommended for kittens from 6 to 12 months of age. Regular consumption ensures normal growth and development; the food contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements;
  • Sterilized 37 is produced for sexually mature individuals from one year to 7 years. It contains a reduced amount of fat, so you can control your pet's weight. A balanced mixture prevents diseases of the genitourinary system, maintains muscle mass, and normalizes metabolism;
  • Sterilized 7+ is a complete food for animals after seven years of age. With its help, weight is controlled, the activity of aging cats, and the condition of the genitourinary system are maintained. The required amount of phosphorus helps prevent kidney disease, and the components included in the mixture improve the condition of bone and joint tissue. Used to prevent diseases of internal organs;
  • Sterilized 12+. Sterilized food is intended for pets over 12 years of age, as it is enriched with antioxidants. Dry granules are suitable for daily use, developed taking into account the age characteristics of the animal’s body, and prevent the development of kidney and genitourinary diseases, obesity.

Sterilized 12+ is intended for adult aging pets

Castration is a common cause of uncontrollable appetite in animals. The Sterilized Appetite Control line is suitable for weight regulation. With these products, cats get enough to eat and rarely feel hungry. The structure contains a special type of fiber; the croquettes have a medium firmness. The line of food is produced for pets from 12 months to 7 years. For older cats, the company produces Sterilized Appetite Control 7+, which not only eliminates the constant feeling of hunger, but also contains substances that help prolong the youth of the body.

Canned food is represented in the Sterilized line in the following varieties:

  • pieces in sauce and jelly for mature individuals and kittens;
  • pates.


Important! Canned food marked Kitten is made for young cats from 6 to 12 months, the rest - after 1 year.

Royal Canin makes another option for sterilized animals - Neutered. This line helps pets maintain optimal weight and prevents diseases of the urinary system. The group includes:

  • Neutered Young Female is intended for cats from the moment of surgery until the age of seven. In packages from 0.4 to 10 kg of croquettes, which help prevent the formation of oxalate and struvite stones, regardless of age;
  • Neutered Young Male is used for four-legged dogs after surgery and up to the age of seven, produced in packages from 0.4 to 10 kg. The croquettes have a moderate starch content, which prevents rapid weight gain in the operated animal. Dietary food with optimal protein content allows you to maintain normal muscle mass;
  • Neutered Adult Maintenance - wet pieces in 100 g packs. They help maintain optimal weight; the included complex of antioxidants stops the effects of oxidants. Manufactured for cats and kittens, can be used immediately after surgery and up to 7 years of age;
  • Neutered Weight Balance is recommended for individuals prone to obesity. 100 g packets replenish energy reserves, prevent the formation of urolithiasis, and reduce the risk of rapid weight gain.

Neutered Weight Balance vs ICD

Note ! Castration is one of the factors leading to obesity. The problem is associated with hormonal imbalance and persistent hunger in animals. To solve it, it is necessary to select a dietary menu with a full range of nutrients and a minimum number of elements that encourage the development of obesity.


The Royal Canin line for neutered cats is made from the following components:

  • flavorings in the form of hydrolyzed animal fats;
  • proteins of plant origin;
  • dehydrated poultry protein;
  • yeast and products of their fermentation;
  • grain flour;
  • minerals;
  • wheat;
  • vegetable fiber;
  • rice;
  • fish oil;
  • soybean oil;
  • FOS;
  • ammonium chloride.

There is no information on the packaging about the percentage of ingredients. Poultry protein placed in first place gives the right to assume that it is the main component. Economy-class products usually use wheat or corn instead.

The packages, according to the manufacturer, contain the following nutrients:

  • proteins - 37%;
  • fats - 12%;
  • raw ash - 8%;
  • calcium - 1.11%;
  • vegetable fiber - 6.1%;
  • phosphorus - 1%.

The indicated percentage may vary depending on the subspecies.

Important! The diet for cats should be calculated taking into account the pet's body weight. If established standards are violated, one should expect an excess or shortage of nutrients.

Neutered Young Male is available in packs up to 10 kg

Video “Castration of cats”

Do you want to know about the changes that occur in cats after surgery? In this video you will find useful information.

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Indications and contraindications for use

Canned food and biscuits are recommended for use by animals that have undergone surgery to remove organs of the reproductive system: in males - the testes, in females - the uterus and ovaries.

Royal Canin for cats and kittens: review of the entire line

The manufacturer warns that the following varieties are not recommended for cats under 12 months of age:

  • Appetite Control 7+;
  • Appetite Control;
  • Royal Canin Sterilized 12+;
  • Royal Canin Sterilized 37;
  • Royal Canin Sterilized 7+.

They do not include the necessary amounts of vitamins and minerals necessary for growth and development.

Important! The Royal Canin Kitten Sterilized line is prohibited for feeding animals older than 1 year, as the maximum amount of useful components can cause the development of urolithiasis.

Is Royal Canin food suitable for all cats?

The compatibility of Royal Canin food depends on its variety. Medicinal products are only suitable for unhealthy animals. In the absence of diseases, food can provoke metabolic disorders and the development of pathologies. The daily diet is suitable for all healthy cats. Giving this food to sick pets is prohibited due to its poor composition.

Due to the wide range, everyone can choose a compatible product. However, it is not recommended to use Royal Canin preventive or daily ready-made diets for regular feeding due to the unsuitable balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for cats.

Recommended daily feeding allowance

Royal Canin Urinari for cats: medicinal food

The packages indicate the exact standards for canned food and biscuits intended for daily nutrition. The volume depends on the body weight of the animal:

Cat weight (in kg)3456
Normal47 g57 g67 g76 g
30 g + 1 pouch “Royal Canin Sterilized”41 g + 1 pouch “Royal Canin Sterilized”51 g + 1 pouch “Royal Canin Sterilized”60 g + 1 pouch “Royal Canin Sterilized”
Excess37 g46 g54 g61 g
21 g + 1 pouch “Royal Canin Sterilized”29 g + 1 pouch “Royal Canin Sterilized”37 g + 1 pouch “Royal Canin Sterilized”44 g + 1 pouch “Royal Canin Sterilized”

Important! When choosing a dietary menu for a pet after sterilization, you must follow the standards indicated on the packaging. Animals must have free access to drinking water around the clock.

Kitten Sterilized should not be given to spayed or neutered pets.

Feed cost and sales points

The cost of the product depends on its type (therapeutic, preventive or everyday), consistency (pouches, pates or dry food) and packaging size. You can purchase ready-made diets at most pet stores.

A few examples:

  1. A small package (400 g) of dry food for adult kittens up to 12 months costs 250–300 rubles. The price of a large bag (10 kg) is about 5000–6000 rubles.
  2. 400 g of dry food to prevent the formation of tartar costs 300–350 rubles. The price of a large package (8 kg) is 5000–5500 rubles.
  3. Pouch (100 g) for cats with digestive disorders costs 60–80 rubles.

Opinion of veterinarians and animal owners

There are various reviews about the company's products, and they are not always positive. The difference in opinion is related to the quality of the product, the structure and the attitude of pets to the proposed diet.

Some veterinarians claim that Royal Canin is more suitable for animals with health problems, and for absolutely healthy animals it lacks animal proteins.

Important! Incorrect use of the therapeutic line provokes disruption of the functionality of internal organs; before taking it, you should consult a veterinarian.

Makarov Andrey Yurievich, veterinarian, Samara:

“Good biscuits and canned food made from quality ingredients, but not all of them are suitable for cats. I consider the disadvantage to be the inclusion of plant proteins, which are poorly digestible, 30% worse than animal proteins. Biscuits and canned food are balanced, but due to soybean oil and cereals they are not very healthy or nutritious. The main advantage of Royal Canin is its line of medicinal products, which are produced for cats of different ages and breeds. The milk replacer for kittens is also of good quality; babies raised on it subsequently do not lag behind their peers.”

All veterinarians praise this brand of milk for kittens

Svetlana, 45 years old, Vologda:

“I buy Royal Canin all the time, my cat is completely satisfied with it. Fresh food is prohibited here. Marquise is completely fed and feels good, she has no digestive problems, and her coat is always thick and shiny. The advantages of using it include availability (can be bought at any large store), a large assortment for animals of any age, and good quality. The disadvantages are the high price and included flavors, preservatives, soy, grains, gluten and by-products.”

For your information! If you wish, you can choose between French and Russian Royal Canin products. Both plants operate according to the same standards, but the habit of considering foreign plants to be the best among Russians is difficult to eradicate.

Review of Royal Canin food

was founded in 1967 in France. Currently, production is carried out in several countries, including Russia. In 2002, the company was purchased by Mars Corporation and joined the Masterfoods division.

The Mars company also produces economy-class products: Whiskas, Kitekat, Chappie and others. The corporation specializes in the production of inexpensive food up to super-premium class.

Most of the food from the daily line is premium. Such products are not used for regular nutrition due to the low content of animal proteins. Cats are predators, so an excess of grains can cause them allergies, deterioration in the quality of their coat, metabolic disorders and a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.

A distinctive logo appears on Royal Canin dry and wet food packaging

Medicinal feeds mainly belong to the super-premium class. They can be included in the diet on an ongoing basis, but this should be done with caution and only after consulting a veterinarian. The balance of nutrients and additional ingredients are selected taking into account the characteristics and needs of unhealthy animals, so in a pet without pathologies, the product may cause a deficiency or excess of certain compounds. This will lead to the development of diseases. Often medicinal feeds are used in courses due to the characteristics of the composition and course of pathologies.

The key advantages of Royal Canin products are a wide range and an individual approach. The company produces many types of food for representatives of various breeds and age categories. When choosing ingredients and their proportions, the pets’ lifestyle is taken into account, which helps to avoid exhaustion or obesity. Depending on the breed, the company may include additives to improve the condition of the coat, improve joint health, prevent allergic reactions, etc.

A visual comparison of Royal Canin with other foods for spayed and neutered animals

Cat owners note that Royal Canin allows their pets to feel good, but its component structure leaves much to be desired. The price and quality indicators of the product do not correspond to each other; for the same money you can find cheaper and higher quality options.

Statements are not always confirmed by practice; some advertised types are no better than Royal Canin products. For comparison, you can consider several well-known brands produced for castrated and sterilized animals:

NamePriceWhat does it consist of?Opinion
Royal Canin Sterilized 37600 rub.
  • from dehydrated proteins of animal origin (poultry);
  • vegetable protein isolate;
  • wheat;
  • grain flour;
  • vegetable fats;
  • fiber.
Not ideal, but not the worst option either. The cost is inflated due to advertising and popularity.
Whiskas with chicken200 rub.
  • from wheat flour;
  • animal flour (including chicken, up to 4% in brown granules);
  • protein plant extracts;
  • rice;
  • animal fats;
  • vegetable oil;
  • dried pork and chicken liver;
  • vitamins and minerals.
The first place is occupied by wheat flour, which is unacceptable for carnivores. The type of most ingredients is not specified by the manufacturer; the share of meat products is minimal.
Josera Leger450 rub.
  • from flour based on turkey and duck meat;
  • beef flour;
  • hydrolyzed chicken protein;
  • dried turkey liver;
  • duck fat;
  • rice and corn flour;
  • corn gluten;
  • vegetable fiber;
  • beet pulp;
  • potassium chloride.
Good nutrition due to the use of several types of meat - the first 5 positions are allocated to components of animal origin. The overall impression is spoiled by hydrolyzed protein, but it is compensated by the cost ratio and quality indicators.
Grandorf Adult Sterilized 4 Meat & Brown Rice Living Probiotics750 rub.
  • from dehydrated turkey, duck, lamb and rabbit meat;
  • whole brown rice;
  • fresh turkey meat and fat;
  • Flaxseed;
  • dried chicory - a natural source of inulin and FOS;
  • dried Antarctic krill.
It is well balanced and contains special preventive additives. Of all the options listed, its composition is closer to the natural diet of cats. Brown rice spoils the impression, despite the use of a specific variety and whole grains.

It cannot be said that Royal Canin products are as dangerous for animals as competing companies say. It is safe, since a product with questionable quality characteristics is not allowed on the market; it undergoes mandatory tests before release. The company's opponents forget to compare the cost of fresh meat and ready-made canned goods and biscuits. Veterinarians advise paying attention to the cat’s condition and behavior; only by these signs can one determine whether food from a particular manufacturer’s line is suitable for it.

*Prices in the article are indicated for October 2022.

Wheat and other grains

Ingredient number 3 - wheat. Note that this is the most undesirable grain for cats of all grains, and it is a shame that it was included in the food, especially in the first five ingredients. Ingredient No. 4 is grain flour, another nebulous component that can be obtained from a mixture of absolutely any waste from flour milling.

By the way, in addition to these two cereal components, we also found rice in the composition, but we assume that it is quite small, since in the list of ingredients it is closer to additives. Finally, ingredient No. 5 is plant fiber, a food “ballast” of unknown origin that cats do not need at all.

Based on the first five, it is clear that the food does not contain a single, let alone fresh, or even raw meat or fish ingredient, but there are a lot of grains.

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