Raisins are more harmful to cats' health than grapes
The cat ate the raisins. Should I be worried?
For people, raisins are a delicious treat. Is it the same for cats? Although these
Toilet for Maine Coon. What should you consider when choosing and using a tray?
Maine Coons are large, active cats with a playful character. Therefore, a “potty” for a pet of this breed
Cats and newborn babies: how to introduce a cat to a child
If you've brought home a new baby, you may feel nervous about how to introduce
Sphynx pregnancy: features of the course, gestation period, childbirth
The extraordinary appearance of sphinxes sometimes raises suspicions that even the simplest physiological processes in this breed
Domestic cats: Likoi breed
Lykoi - werewolf cats: description of the cat breed, character, photo and price
Modern cat lovers are increasingly turning their attention not only to traditional
Washing a Maine Coon in the sink
How to choose the right purebred and healthy Maine Coon kitten
Everyone knows how difficult it is to bathe cats, especially large cats like Maine Coons. Nevertheless
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Help for the expectant mother and how long does a pregnant Maine Coon cat walk?
Pregnancy in Maine Coons is longer than in other breeds
A cat with the habits of a fox: a new species of mammal discovered in Corsica
History of the origin of the breed Many of the stories indicate that the first representatives appeared around
Cat Breeds Best at Catching Mice: Maine Coon
How to interpret a dream about rats and cats - 50 meanings
Cats infected with toxoplasmosis often show no symptoms. In rare cases, cats develop
Don Sphynx - a good-natured and lazy hairless cat
The Don Sphynx is a fairly young breed of hairless cats, the appearance of which was the result of a spontaneous mutation,
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