How to take measurements from cats - basic and additional measurements

How to measure a cat correctly and choose a model according to the measurements.

You have decided to dress your cat. Of course, the pet store is full of stuff. But it is mainly for dogs, and is not very suitable for cats due to the difference in anatomy. I am helping to solve this problem by making clothes tailored specifically to the needs of cats. In my store you can choose from ready-made models or order custom-made clothes, in both cases you will need to measure the animal. I’ll tell you and me about how to do this correctly, and how to place an order so that everything is as quickly and convenient as possible.

  1. Let's measure!

In order for the measurements to be correct, it is necessary for the cat to stand on all 4 paws during the measurement process, and not to huddle, shrunken, with its paws pulled under its belly! So, it’s convenient to measure together with an assistant after catching the cat in a good mood. If a cat is afraid of a centimeter (and this happens!), you can measure it with any string and then transfer the measure to a centimeter and write down its value. For most things you don't need a lot of measurements.

Length of the cat (1) and its chest circumference just behind the front paws (2)

J are also found . Then you will need the volume of the belly at the widest point. (For cats with a decent belly, everything is sewn individually ONLY! Ready-made models are mostly based on standard cats!) If the cat has a very thick neck, it’s worth trying it on too! At the base where the collar cutout will be.

To avoid mistakes, it is advisable to repeat the measurement 2 times.

Selecting the right size from a ready-made one.

To choose from ready-made ones according to these standards, look at the dimensions written under the finished model.

The volume behind the front legs is measurement 2 ! If the cat is an adult - We look at a model that is not the same volume as you have measured (it will completely fit on the cat) and a model for a couple - three centimeters wider (but NOT more, otherwise the cat will fall out of it and it will not be comfortable for her!).

How to determine the size of a cat's clothing correctly

To correctly determine the size of clothing, the cat is measured. You will need a tailor's measuring tape. If this is not available, use a piece of non-stretchable twine. Due to its short length and inflexible material, a ruler is not suitable.

The measuring tape may show incorrect results when the markings are not applied correctly (a common defect in measuring tools purchased from the Chinese marketplace). Or the tape has stretched or shrunk during use.

Before taking measurements, you need to check the accuracy by comparing the measurement with a school ruler (preferably a Soviet model - at that time all measuring instruments were checked for measurement accuracy).

Actions with a cat

Measurements for a cat are taken according to the same principle as for a dog. However, these freedom-loving animals are not used to standing in one place for a long time, so measurements may require the joint work of three people. One of their assistants needs to hold the cat so that its back is straight and its chin is pointing up. A second person must quickly take the necessary measurements, and a third person must record the results. Measurements you will need:

  • neck girth;
  • chest girth;
  • back length.

Correctly taken measurements will help you choose and purchase clothes in which your pet will be able to move easily. This will make him feel comfortable and cozy.

How to take measurements from a dog. Full version on the channel "Household Affairs".

How to take measurements

When a cat sits or lies, the spine changes length due to deflection or twisting. Clothing for a cat is designed for movement, so measurements are taken after placing the animal.

It is better to measure together. The owner calls the cat, holding a treat in his palm. The palm of the other hand gently supports the stomach, preventing the animal from sitting down.

At this time, the assistant measures:

  • the length of the back from the withers to the beginning of the tail (not the end of the body);
  • neck circumference (the tape is placed in the middle);
  • chest volume (widest point);
  • volume of the abdomen (when the cat is expecting kittens, or the pet is well-fed).

Common clothing models are blouses with an elongated back or blankets with a hole for paws without sleeves. When you plan to purchase items with sleeves and legs, the circumference (volume) of the paws is measured.

  1. The cat stands on four legs, head slightly raised (standard stance).
  2. The tape wraps around the front legs at chest level just behind the limbs.
  3. To measure the hind legs, the tape is run parallel to the floor from the level of the groin towards the tail.
  4. If trousers are purchased, measure the length of the leg from the root of the tail to the desired length (usually the hock).

Clothes for kittens are purchased for growth. It is better to check the measurement table for this breed, which records growth by month. Or purchase clothes by adding up to 4 cm for movement.


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Like very low weight cats, obese cats require immediate attention. These cats have several health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease and more, which shorten their lives. The extra weight will also take a toll on the joints, making it difficult for your cat to climb and jump as usual. The added fat can also make it difficult for your lungs to expand and breathe normally. You may also notice your cat snoring more often. In a fat cat, it will be difficult to feel the ribs and you will see clear fat deposits in the lower back, face and limbs. There will be no visible waist, a very noticeable round belly area with thick fat padding, and the backside will bulge out when viewed from above.

size table

Manufacturers conventionally divide all cat breeds into large, medium and small (L, M, S), and then make a breakdown in increments of 3-5 cm, referring to the control measurement of neck girth. Before purchasing, it is worth checking whether the table includes allowances for loose fitting - after all, the cat does not need tight-fitting clothes.

A couple of cm are added to the measured home values ​​for freedom of movement of the animal, then the size is determined from the table.

Important: the choice of size also depends on the type of fabric. If the control measurements with an increase were obtained on the border of two sizes, choose the smaller one when the fabric stretches well (for example, knitted fabric, lycra, jeans with elastane).

If the table determines the size of the cat, and the planned purchase is a jumpsuit worn on four paws, additionally measure their girth.

Before paying for clothes in a pet store, ask the seller about the elasticity of the materials, if necessary, add a couple of centimeters for movement.

Petstory app – a service for cat owners

When a pet shows symptoms of deteriorating health, loving owners rush to look for information on the Internet. However, the information that can be gleaned from there often contradicts each other. It is much more convenient to consult with a qualified veterinarian at the first warning signs and get competent advice on what to do next.

To take advantage of this opportunity, install the Petstory mobile application on your smartphone. The service allows you to consult online with experienced veterinarians, and you choose a specific specialist yourself.

In addition, using the application, you can make an appointment at any time at your nearest veterinary clinic. Another useful feature is an interactive map with the location of pet stores, where you can purchase everything you need for your four-legged family member.

Download the specialized application for pet owners Petstory on the IOS and Android platforms using the link –

Shoe size

To find out which shoes are suitable for a cat, you need to take standard measurements of the length and width of the “feet”. The easiest way is to put your pet on a piece of paper and trace the front and back tracks. Afterwards, in a calm environment, without torturing the animal, you can determine the size of the shoes.

Important: paws, in most cases, differ in size from each other, so you should not rely on single readings.

Clothing for a cat is not a whim of the owner, but a necessity: hairless breeds are cold, short-haired ones need warmth when they are acclimatizing or sick. To prevent the fur from becoming electrified, when choosing clothes for a cat, preference is given to natural fabrics with a small synthetic content.

Why take measurements from cats?

To sew additional insulation for your pet, you need to calculate its parameters. To do this, it is worth determining the main indicators of the body: girth of the neck, torso and head. It is necessary to take into account the breed, age of the pet and time of year. The measurements will allow you to sew clothes as comfortably as possible and without errors in size. If the sewn model was made without measurements, wearing things will be uncomfortable: the pet may be too tight or loose in clothes, and he may look comical. By following simple recommendations before sewing clothes for cats, your pet will be warm and look original.

The ancient Egyptians first began dressing cats in 955 BC. e. Through ritual clothing and jewelry they worshiped the cat goddess, Bastet.

We knit clothes for the sphinx with our own hands in a step-by-step tutorial

When choosing yarn, we monitor the composition of the threads; they should consist of natural substances and should not be electrified. Before work, measure the circumference of the cat’s neck and the approximate length of the product.

Necessary materials:

  • Wool threads or half with acrylic 100 grams
  • Knitting needles No. 3.5
  • Circular knitting needles No. 3.5
  • Sewing needle

As you knit, let the photo pattern below guide you, substituting your measurements as needed. Please note that the product should not be tightly pulled together and interfere with movement, while not giving way and interfering with the movement of its owner.

Operating procedure.

Knit density 16 p. X 20 rows of 10 x 10 cm

We start the process in front of the neckline and follow the pattern; if the knitting density is different, we adjust the number of loops to maintain the size.

  1. We cast on the knitting needles 25 m and knit with an elastic band of 1 x 1 3 cm (1 knit. X 1 waist.).
  2. We continue to knit in stockinette stitch for 10 cm.
  3. On both sides, 13 cm from the edge, we cast on 18 pieces and knit 61 pieces for another 10 cm.
  4. To make a cut, we close 21 loops in the center, in the next row we cast on 28 loops instead.
  5. Another 10 cm in satin stitch in front and bind off the outermost 18 stitches on both sides.
  6. The last 10 cm with the main motif and another 3 cm with the same elastic band. We close the loops.
  7. Sew side seams and sleeves.
  8. We grind the buttonholes with circular knitting needles from the neck and knit with a 2x2 elastic band (2 faces x 2 waist), the collar is optionally short or with a turn to make the cat comfortable.

Here is the simplest option, of course, the main model can be changed at your discretion, you can combine the colors and shape of the product, in general, everything is in your hands.

Where and how to buy overalls for the Sphynx and other cat clothes

Modern retail chains offer a variety of outfits not only for people, but also for their pets. The range of clothing for cats will please you, but will also make you think about the quality and comfort of your pet. What's on sale?

The range of prices for clothing and accessories starts from one and a half hundred and reaches one and a half thousand. Costumes for visiting exhibitions are even more expensive.

I recommend: Haircut, grooming and trimming of cats

The size of the clothing is of great importance, since a costume that is too large will slide down, and a small one will feel cramped for your pet. But stores offer a wide selection, so choosing an outfit for a kitten and an adult animal will not be a problem.

You can determine the comfort of the suit by running the inside of the product across your cheek. If the sensations are pleasant, then the item will suit the cat.

Satin or flux outfits are especially convenient, from which overalls for tailed pets are often sewn. If you are purchasing a sweater, the best option is

angora or rabbit fur. These products are very soft and warm.

The fewer seams and fasteners on clothing, the better, as they can rub your pet’s skin.

What to measure in an animal?

The number of measurements required depends on the style of the clothing chosen. Before you start taking measurements, you should decide on the desired item. If it is a collar or harness, then you need to take measurements of the neck, find out the volume of the chest and withers. In the case of a T-shirt, it is important to measure the girth of the torso and neck, the length of the entire body from the beginning of the spine to the tail. All indicators are measured in centimeters using tape. To correctly take measurements of a cat, you need to try not to squeeze the animal during the calculation - there should be free space between the tape and the pet’s body. Each model has its own measurements, but there are basic measurements:

How to sew an outfit yourself

The advantage of cat costumes is that you will only need one universal pattern. When you already have the basic measurements, it will not be difficult to make adjustments to the template and sew any clothes.

Fold the fabric from which the product will be made in half, lay out the pattern pieces on it and attach them with pins. First you need to place the large parts, and then the small ones. Carefully trace each one with chalk and cut it out, leaving seam allowances.

The width of the armhole depends on the model. In summer T-shirts it is wide, but in winter jackets and overalls it is much narrower.

Once the pieces are sewn, start finishing the edges. You need to sew a braid with an elastic band to the bottom of the product, armholes and neckline, stretching it a little.

You can decorate your cat's clothing with whatever you want, but make sure your pet doesn't tear off or bite off the decorations.

If you don't care too much about beauty, there is a very easy way to dress up your purr. Cut a trouser leg from an old pair of trousers or jeans and cut an “exit” for the paws in it. All that remains is to sew the edges, and the clothes are ready.

Sewing blankets from improvised materials

Below we will tell you how and from what you can make a blanket if you don’t have suitable materials and patterns at hand. No special cutting and sewing skills are required.

Cat costume

Pantyhose blanket

The simplest option, requiring virtually no resources. There is only one rule - you must use clean tights, since the animal needs sterility after surgery and sterilization. It is recommended to use tight-fitting tights that fit well on the cat's body.

Important! The blanket is made as follows: a piece of trouser leg 20 cm long is cut off and stretched over the cat's stomach. You can also make holes for the legs.

New Year's costume for the British

Sock blankets without ties

The product is made from socks or stockings in a similar way. Find the perfect sock and cut off the front to create a fabric tube. The cat's body presses into her, staring at her stomach.

For your information! The most remarkable thing is that even if there are no sizes suitable for your home, you can always buy clean and new socks at any clothing store for several tens of rubles.

Blanket for a cat from a baby bodysuit

Blanket from old children's clothes

Old children's clothes in the form of overalls and T-shirts are also suitable. You should choose something that fits comfortably and securely on your body. If you don’t have anything like this on hand, you can make a blanket from an ordinary sleeve of a children’s sweater that stretches well.

Fashionable outfit with a hood

Towel blankets

The most common option is to use a simple cotton towel. An incision of the required length is made and holes for the legs are drilled, based on the anatomical characteristics of the cat. Holes are made for the neck, legs and sometimes the tail. The final step is to create a cylinder by sewing on the ends of the towel or sewing on threads.

If the cat needs to be sterilized, then you need to buy a blanket

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Dog clothes

Make sure your dog is standing straight. Measure body length from neck to tail. If your body length is between sizes, it is better to choose a larger size.

Measure the widest part of your pet's chest. Please note that the garment may be tight or loose based on design, fabric or your taste.

Size"A" Body Length (cm)"B" Chest circumference (cm)Weight (kg)Recommended breeds
XXS18-2225-29up to 1Puppies of other small breeds
XS23-2628-321.5-2.5Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Miniature Pinscher, Toy Terrier, Other small breed puppies
XS226-2832-382-3Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Miniature Pinscher, Toy Terrier, Other small breed puppies
S27-3037-442.5-3.5Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Miniature Pinscher, Spitz, Maltese
S228-3350-578-11Pug, French bulldog
S.M.27-3144-524-6Pinscher, Bichon Frize
M33-3641-483-6Yorkshire Terrier, Maltese, Shih Tzu, Toy Poodle, Miniature Poodle (medium breed dogs), Bichon Frize
M232-3555-6510-14Pug, French bulldog
L37-4047-566-13Schnauzer, Chinese Crested, Shih Tzu, Toy Poodle, Poodle Schnauzer, Japanese Chin
XL40-4355-6510-16Schnauzer, Cocker Spaniel, Fox Terrier, Scottish Terrier, Miniature Schnauzer

Height or length?

Our smaller brothers walk on four legs, which creates some confusion when taking measurements. What is the difference between a pet's height and its body length?

A cat's height is measured vertically. The withers are taken as the starting point - the border between the cervical and dorsal spine, the highest part of the back. The center of the withers is located at the point between the shoulder blades of the front legs; this place is covered by a particularly dense fold of skin. The cat holds the cat by the withers (in common parlance, by the scruff of the neck) during mating, and the cat drags the newborn kittens.

As for body length, its value is measured in the horizontal direction.

Types of suits

Clothes for cats come in different varieties and are divided according to their appearance and purpose. Therefore, when choosing suits, it is recommended to take into account the purpose of use and some features.

For many cats, clothing is a way to protect themselves from the cold.



Demi-season clothing is used in autumn and spring. At this time of year there is quite often rain and slush, so you should pay attention to the quality of the fabric. It should not allow moisture to pass through, but at the same time breathe well.

Important! Demi-season suits should be easy to clean.




Dresses for exhibitions are always distinguished by an abundance of decorative elements


Items from this group are great for protecting pets from harmful insects and ticks. They also need to be treated with special products, but wearing such clothes for a cat significantly reduces the risk of bites from fleas, ticks and other pests.


Important! Before buying cat clothes, you need to decide on the purpose of its use, and then consider the options.

You can also decorate a cat for a holiday

What else can you make for your pet?

In addition to blankets for cats, decorative and insulating items are often sewn - tuxedos, skirts, light items for the summer and thick items for the winter. Each requires the use of specific materials and entry-level sewing skills.

Skirt for cats

The tuxedo

A fashionable accessory that will highlight the elegance of a slender and long cat. This jacket is made using a simple pattern, but it looks very beautiful and, most importantly, does not hinder the movement of the animal. To make it you will need:

  • white fabric (old shirt);
  • black fabric (any cut);
  • red fabric;
  • Velcro for fixation;
  • tailor's tools in the form of scissors, chalk, sewing machine or hand sewing accessories.

Costume for a British kitten

Airy skirt

If a tuxedo is more suitable for warming up, then a skirt is more suitable for going out. Typically, such dresses are made for show animals, who appear before the audience and judges in original clothes. Skirts as clothing have become increasingly popular in recent years. More importantly, you'll need some general crafting materials and tools:

  • a piece of tulle;
  • satin ribbon;
  • scissors, needle and thread.

Important! This kit is enough to make a beautiful skirt for a cat, like a tutu, without a pattern or pattern.

Pattern of a dress for a cat

Emergency heating

It happens that clothes for a pet are needed with particular urgency, and there is not enough time to create patterns, transfer them to fabric and sew them. To quickly warm up, you can use a regular sock. To make it you will need:

  • warm sock;
  • scissors;
  • pastel.

The point is to make a vest from a sock. It is very similar to a blanket, but does not require sterility. A tube is made from a sock with holes for the feet. It is then placed on the cat.

Warm sock

Summer minimalism

Warm clothes are not needed for the warm season, so clothes for the summer are aimed at decorating the cat in a certain style. Such accessories can include ties, bow ties, hats and much more. So, to sew a bow tie you will need:

  • collar;
  • needle, thread and scissors;
  • fabric for the butterfly.

What affects the sizes

The size of a Maine Coon kitten does not always correspond to the norm. The fact is that the growth of any pet very much depends on several factors that can significantly change the initial parameters. Therefore, any table of Maine Coon lengths by month will not be accurate. There are the following reasons for deviations from the development norm:

  • genetics;
  • environment;
  • stress;
  • mother's pregnancy period.

Speaking about genetics, there are several main points. First of all, there are certain characteristics of the breed itself. This applies to both Maine Coon cats and any other animals. In addition, the gender of the pet plays a significant role. In males, by the age of six months, the size often increases significantly compared to females. Strongly influence the growth and parameters of the parents.

Especially the size of the future cat depends on the length of the mother. The larger it is, the faster the baby will grow.

In addition to the size of the Maine Coon parents themselves, the combination of their genes also influences. After all, 2 DNAs always create a completely new organism that is unlike anyone else. The newborn develops its own skeletal and muscle tissue characteristics. Therefore, even kittens from the same litter can grow at different rates and reach different lengths and weights.

Read also: What does purple go with?

The size of an adult Maine Coon cat can be affected by taking any hormonal drugs or medications. Even if the course was short, the period of development of the kitten itself can either be delayed or accelerated. It is difficult to predict exactly how treatment will affect the development of the cat.

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Much depends on the living conditions of the animal. The size of a Maine Coon cat may change due to changes in sanitary conditions. Poor performance can harm the normal development of the Maine Coon breed, especially in the early stages.

Therefore, you should pay special attention to your pet’s hygiene and living conditions. You need to take care not only of the fur, but also, for example, of the cat’s face, especially the ears, eyes and nose.

Stress is also related to the previous point. Sharp sounds, temperature fluctuations and other irritating indicators can negatively affect the growth of a Maine Coon baby. Such a negative effect on the kitten’s body, especially on the endocrine system, can significantly change its final length and weight.

Particular attention should be paid to the cat's pregnancy period. She needs to be provided with the necessary care and given a complete diet with all vitamins and minerals. Then newborn representatives of the Maine Coon breed will gain weight well. In addition, this will affect their immunity.

Types of pet clothing

Decorative clothing Clothing for our pets comes in two types: decorative and functional. The type of decorative clothing includes clothing that does not carry a practical load, but serves primarily aesthetic purposes. These are all kinds of clothes, hairpins, T-shirts, trousers, T-shirts - everything that is close in assortment to a human wardrobe. These clothes can be worn on your pet in the summer. Cheerful and cheerful dogs or cats in costume touch and lift your spirits. Functional clothing includes: warm jackets, knitted wool sweaters, shoes, hats - everything that will help the animal warm up and regulate body temperature in cold weather.

Material selection

Costumes made from fabrics purchased for this look great on sphinxes. But dresses made from the owners’ old sweaters are no less attractive. To avoid damaging your pets' skin, choose fabrics that do not accumulate static electricity when rubbed.

To understand whether the capricious Sphynx will like the fabric, you need to wash it with an odorless detergent, dry it and put it on the cat’s bed. If there is no excess, then you can sew clothes from it.

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