Automatic cat feeder: review of the best models + recommendations for making a feeder yourself

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Thanks to an automatic feeder, your cat will always have enough food. This is especially necessary if you plan to be away from home longer than usual. An automatic feeder will ensure that your cat is well-fed. But where can you get such a miracle device? Option one is to buy. The cost of such feeders depends on the configuration, manufacturer, type and ranges from 900-12,700 rubles.

Option two is to make an automatic cat feeder with your own hands from available materials. This method will help you not only save your family budget, but also show your creativity.

What is an automatic feeder

An automatic feeder is a device that will automatically pour food into your cat's bowl. The most important part of the design is the tank, where a lot of feed must be poured in advance. There is a pipe attached to this tank. The food will flow through the pipe directly into the bowl.

Automatic feeder allows your cat to eat at any time

Some industrial models have a built-in timer: you can set the feeding time on it, and then the food will go into the bowl at the right time. This is useful for those pets who are recommended to feed by the hour.

Types of automatic feeders:

  • simple mechanical;
  • electronic;
  • "puzzle";
  • with several compartments for dry and wet food, for water;
  • with dispenser;
  • with timer;
  • with remote control;

A DIY cat feeder is a great gift for your beloved pet.

Thanks to the dispenser, the cat will not overeat

Which one to choose: popular models

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the models that are most popular among dog owners.

  • Feed-ex. The feeder has 4 sectors. Designed for 4 feedings per day, it has a built-in timer, the minimum interval of which is 1 hour, the maximum is 24 hours. One sector is designed for 300 grams of dry food. This model has a drawback - it is not suitable if you are going to leave the house for a long time.

  • Fees-ex with water or ice container. It has the same characteristics as the previous model, plus a tray for water or ice, so the animal can always refresh itself and drink.

  • Feed-ex with voice recording function. It has a fairly large capacity - 7 kg, you can choose the serving size from 60 to 360 grams, you can record your voice, which will be played at a set interval and encourage the dog to eat.

  • SITITEK Pets Uni. The model combines an automatic feeder, an automatic drinking bowl and a water fountain.

  • SITITEK Pets Mini. The device has 4 compartments and holds up to 2 kg of feed. It has a compact size (32 cm by 12.5 cm).

  • SITITEK Pets Maxi. Unlike the model described above, it has 6 food trays, but their volume is 50 g less. There is also the ability to record a voice message, which is repeated three times before each feeding.

Advantages of automatic cat feeders

The feeder (automatic feeder) has many advantages. Many owners strive to make such a feeder themselves or purchase it in a store.

Automatic cat feeder with timer


  • Suitable for cats who are prescribed a diet, such as split meals.
  • Dust, dirt, and excess moisture do not get into the food.
  • The food won't dry out.
  • The design with 2-3 compartments allows you not only to pour food in advance, but also to pour drinking water.
  • You can put a lot of food in the feeder so that the cat can eat it for 2-5 days.
  • There are feeders that allow you to pour a large amount of food, which will last for 90 days.

Automatic feeders with a large supply of food will help when the owner needs to leave for several days. In such cases, you need to choose a model with a built-in drinking bowl so that your pet always has fresh water.

Important! An automatic feeder is convenient if the owner does not like to get up early to feed the cat.

Such a device will be useful in a house where several cats live: all pets will be able to eat whenever they want, and there will be enough food for everyone.

Feeder "Puzzle"

Types of feeding products

Today, manufacturers of feeding devices produce many types of devices:

  • single elements - such bowls have a simple design;
  • double accessories – less popular, but more practical;
  • sippy cups - original devices that allow you to store water in a bowl;
  • travel bowls – easy to use on long trips;
  • automatic feeders.

The most popular devices are single containers. These dishes are very easy to wash and are quite cheap. Another advantage of such products is ease of use. Feeding itself is characterized by convenience for humans and comfort for dogs. Such dishes are often installed in an enclosure.

Tools and materials

DIY play complex for cats

To make an automatic cat feeder with your own hands, you will need the following tools and available materials:

  • plastic bottles;
  • food containers;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • office supplies: knife, paper clips, eraser, clips, scissors;
  • scotch;
  • electronics (for a feeder with a dispenser).

Bottle device

A simple automatic feeder made from plastic bottles

Drinking bowl for cats: do-it-yourself automatic fountain

The simplest model can be made from ordinary plastic bottles.


  • plastic eggplants (bottles) with a volume of 5 liters - 2 pcs.;
  • stationery knife;
  • awl;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • lace or rope.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut off the bottom of one of the bottles.
  2. Cut a spatula or scoop from the bottom.
  3. Cut 2 holes in the second jar. Their size should be equal to the height of the bowl spatula.
  4. Insert the spatula into the hole inside the bottle.
  5. Secure the structure with glue or rope.
  6. Add dry food.

This design is only suitable for feeding dry food.

Feeder with dispenser saves time

There is an easier way. Tools:

  • food container;
  • plastic bottle;
  • stationery clip and paper clips;
  • ball or small toy;
  • scissors;
  • rubber;
  • stationery knife;

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Trim the bottle so that its length is equal to the height of the container.
  2. Make a hole at the bottom of the container to insert the neck of the bottle.
  3. Make 2 small holes in the lid.
  4. Connect all the parts.
  5. Tie a rubber band to the ball or toy, pull it through the bottle and secure it to the holes in the lid.

Pour in food and secure the structure at a low height. Place a bowl below. The cat will touch the ball or toy, then the neck will open and the food will pour into the bowl.

Important! The kitten will love this feeder.

With a do-it-yourself dispenser

Homemade production

At the present stage, a wide variety of drinking bowls for chickens are being produced. Numerous photos serve as proof of this. However, not all devices are suitable for a large number of chicks. For this reason, it is better to make them at home with your own hands from scrap materials.

Use of plastic

Using a plastic bottle you can make a good device for chickens. And numerous photos and videos serve as excellent proof of this. Creating such a drinking bowl will not be difficult. Among the tools with materials, you will need to use a plastic container, a screwdriver, screws, and cutting devices. You also need to take two bottles.

To build a water device for chickens with your own hands, you will need to follow some steps:

  1. The top part of the bottle should be cut off, moving 5 cm away from the neck. You should get a kind of cup.
  2. The plastic container must be attached with screws to the resulting container from the inside, creating a kind of lid within the lid.
  3. Stepping back 5 cm from the neck of the smaller bottle, it is recommended to make small holes. Their height should not exceed the depth of the large bowl.
  4. The structure must be inserted into a pre-made frame or screwed to the wall with screws. Can be filled with water.

Nipple design

Even if the household is not large in size, there may be a need for automation. It will help simplify the care process. If you plan to breed broilers, you will need to feed them well. And in such a situation, nipple drinkers would be the best option. For broilers, making such a device from scrap materials will not be difficult.

You can build a drinking bowl with your own hands using a pipe, an outlet, a plug, a drip eliminator or nipple, a water tank and a liquid level regulator.

To get a homemade drinking bowl, you need to perform a few fairly simple steps:

  1. Mark the places on the pipe where you need to drill holes for the drip eliminator. There must be at least 20 cm between them. The diameter of the holes is 9 mm.
  2. It is recommended to screw nipples into the holes.
  3. Install a plug on one side of the pipe.
  4. He recommends cutting a hole for the hose at the bottom, inserting a thread into it and screwing the hose itself in directly.

The homemade drinking bowl is completely ready for use. You can find out what nipple devices are by watching the video.

Creating an automatic device

For broilers and other breeds of chickens, an automatic homemade drinker may be required. It’s not difficult to make it yourself. To do this, you will need to use a shallow container, a 1.5 liter bottle, and clamps for fastening.

In order to obtain a homemade design for broilers, you will need to perform some simple steps:

  1. Attach the clips to your chosen container.
  2. Fill the vessel with water and insert the fasteners so that they are 0.5 cm from the bottom.

At this point, the homemade drinker for broilers and chickens of other breeds is completely ready for use. In order to understand how such devices are created, you can look at numerous photos and videos.

How to make a cat feeder from plastic pipes with your own hands

An excellent feeder with a large supply of food can be made from fan or plastic pipes.


  • straight plastic or fan pipe 1 meter long;
  • board 1 m long;
  • fastening - 2 pcs.;
  • corner 90° - 1 pc.;
  • corner 45° - 2 pcs.;
  • cover - 1 pc.


  1. Assemble the 45° and 90° angles and attach them to the lower end of the pipe.
  2. Attach a second 45° angle to the top end of the pipe and cover it with a lid.
  3. Attach the fasteners to the wooden board and insert the pipe into them.
  4. Sand the edges of the bottom 45° corner with sandpaper until they are smooth, otherwise the cat may get hurt.
  5. The pipe is attached to the wall. It is necessary that the pipe be covered by a canopy.
  6. Cat food is poured through the top hole in the pipe.

The pipes make a very convenient device

Sloppy pets

If your dog is messy when eating food, or is large in size, it is better to choose a sippy cup. In such a container, water will be retained even if it is accidentally touched. Water enters the dishes from a large container through a membrane.

The sippy cup is used even when the animal has long ears or a beard. Such dishes have one important advantage - they can be used during a road trip.

Special travel bowls have a special design. Outwardly they look like a bottle. They have a special device through which the animal drinks water. On long trips, such a capacity comes in handy.

Automatic watch feeder

An original feeding structure can be made from an old watch.

What you will need:

  • quartz wall clock;
  • bowl with compartments - 1 compartment in the middle and 4 along the edges;
  • wide iron or plastic jar;
  • board or block of wood;
  • thin sheet of plastic or plywood;
  • clay (environmentally friendly);
  • rubber suction cups;
  • scotch;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • pliers;
  • nails - 2–3 pcs.;
  • file;
  • small battery in working order;
  • flexible copper wire;
  • lighter;
  • felt-tip pen.

All starting materials must be environmentally friendly, without harmful substances.

How to do:

  1. Remove the mechanism from the watch.
  2. Cut the bottom from a wide metal or plastic can. The height of the sides should be about 3-4 cm. First you need to mark the line with a felt-tip pen, and then cut the metal with scissors or wire cutters.
  3. Using a file, polish the sharp edges of the cut bottom so that it is impossible to get hurt on them. If the jar is plastic, the edges can be made smooth by melting them with a lighter.
  4. Cut a small cube out of wood and insert it into the clock. This cube should be positioned so that the clock hands rise above the jar.

Now you need to prepare the feeder itself. To do this you will need a bowl with compartments. It can be made from clay, then wait until it hardens, and then bake it in an oven for 2-3 hours at 200 °C.

Important! The bowl should fit in the jar.

DIY watch feeder

How to connect all the parts to make a feeder:

  1. Fold the hour hand in half and secure it to the mechanism located inside the wooden cube using tape.
  2. Insert the battery into the mechanism. And use wire to attach its mechanism in the central compartment of the bowl.
  3. Cut a circle out of plywood or plastic. This is the lid of the feeder. Make several holes in the center of the circle for the screw that holds the arrows. On one side of the circle, cut a hole equal in size to one compartment of the bowl.
  4. Hammer 2 nails into the lid. The distance between them should be equal to the length of the arrow bent in half. Cut off the sharp ends of the nails.
  5. Cut another cover from plywood. Remove the fastening that holds the second hand from the clock and attach it to the underside of the plywood cover. Insert the second hand into this mount, cut it evenly and seal it with tape.
  6. Connect the feeder and the lid. Attach rubber suction cups to the bottom so that the structure does not slip on the floor.

You can decorate the feeder. Pour food into it and offer it to the cat.

Automatic feeder with servo motor

A do-it-yourself cat feeder with a dispenser will allow you to measure out precise portions of food and serve it at the appointed time. You can make such a device yourself using a servo motor.


  • simple servo motor;
  • continuous servo motor;
  • Arduino controller;
  • encoder KY-040;
  • power supply 12 V, 1 A;
  • auger 10 cm high;
  • PVC tee with a diameter of 15 mm;
  • alphanumeric LCD display based on HD44780 controller;
  • button;
  • hot glue;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • food box (plastic, with high sides);
  • mounting box made of MDF 9 mm thick.

With dispenser

Master Class:

  1. Take a ready-made auger or use an auger from an old meat grinder. Attach the continuous servo motor to the base of the auger.
  2. Test the mechanism inside the tee. If it works well and without interruption, secure it in the tee with glue.
  3. Cut 2 square holes in the MDF box (for the servomotor and for the control panel display), as well as 3 round ones (for the auger).
  4. Find a suitable panel on which the feed button, LCD display and encoder will be installed. Attach the structure to the box.
  5. Attach a small spoon to the servomotor bar for stirring food.
  6. Attach a food box to the body.
  7. Assemble electronic components using the Arduino system. Solder all components with a soldering iron.

To set a timer, you must first press the encoder, set the time, turn the encoder and press it again, confirming the action.

Making a cat feeder with a dispenser with your own hands will require skill from the owner and some material costs, but it will pay off well.

For your information! In stores, such feeders cost about 12 thousand rubles and even more.*

Automatic feeders of industrial production

You can find a variety of models of automatic animal feeders on sale. Many devices are equipped with a dispenser, timer, dispenser and even a sound signal. The best are considered:

  • Catit Senses;
  • Smart HD Pet Feeder PF03;
  • Stefanplast Break Reserve;
  • Feed-Ex PF100;
  • Petwant PF-102 White;
  • SITITEK Pets Ice Mini;
  • 4SITITEK Pets Pro Plus;
  • SITITEK Pets Tower-5;
  • Ferplast Cometa Bowl;
  • Petwant PF-105;
  • Beeztees Cat Mate C3000;
  • Triol;
  • Cat Mate C50;
  • Trixie.

Criterias of choice

The automatic feeder is selected based on the needs of the animal. In this case, the following criteria must be taken into account:

  • Size and weight of the animal: the larger it is, the more food it needs.
  • Find out in advance how many feedings the feeder is designed for.
  • For a pet with an excessive appetite, feeders with a timer, dispenser and dispenser are suitable.
  • If the cat eats enough food and does not overeat, you can make it a regular feeder.
  • The structure must be strong and stable.
  • The device must be made of environmentally friendly materials - metal or food-grade plastic.

Two bottles make a simple but convenient feeder.

The cat must quickly find a new “miracle of technology” on its own, so the automatic feeder is placed in the pet’s usual feeding place.

Important! Before leaving, the owner must carefully check the condition of the device. It needs to work perfectly.

Double bowl

Compared to the previous product, double bowls are less popular. However, such designs are quite convenient for feeding pets. These dishes provide cost savings for the dog owner. In this case, you do not have to wash 2 devices. After finishing feeding your pet, you only need to wash one dish.

However, such designs are less comfortable for the animal. During feeding, a situation may arise that some of the food from one cup ends up in another. The result of such an incident may be a change in the taste of food. It is better to use such dishes in cases where the owner has several dogs at home. The structures are often installed in an enclosure.

How to care for an automatic feeder

Regular cups are easy to wash immediately after feeding. Caring for an automatic feeder is a little more difficult. About once a week they need to be taken apart and washed thoroughly. Once a month, disinfect all its parts with a baking soda solution.

Important! It is always necessary to ensure that pieces of food do not clog the passage in the feeder, otherwise the cat will not be able to eat, and the food will begin to rot inside the device.

There should always be a cup of water next to the feeder. If there are several cats in a family, then each will need a separate automatic feeder. However, some cats can take turns eating. In this case, you need to give them more food.

A DIY cat feeder will be a great gift for a pet and will make life easier for overly busy owners: their pets will always be fed to their fullest.

*Prices are as of February 2022.

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