DIY cat beds: simple and original options

Cats sleep most of their lives, 2/3 of them in fact. That is why a loving owner must provide a comfortable place for his pet to sleep. Moreover, it is very simple to make a homemade lounger, even from scrap materials.

You can make a comfortable bed out of old things without spending more than an hour, and most importantly, saving money, because we all know how expensive accessories for pets are in stores.

Cat sofa gathered with ribbon bows

To sew a cat bed with your own hands, you need to take:

  • fabric in two colors, used can be used;
  • ribbons to match the main colors - ready-made or made independently from fabric;
  • padding polyester;
  • sewing tool.

Master class: how to sew a cat bed

The pattern must be made keeping the proportions suggested below. Decide on the size of the sleeping area for animals yourself, depending on the dimensions.

On the cut out parts, mark the places for threading the ribbons.

Sew around the perimeter of the sofa, leaving 12 cm open areas on each side for filling.

Turn the product inside out.

Fill all areas with filler, paying special attention to the side walls, since maintaining the shape of the sofa depends on their stability.

Sew along the perimeter of the bottom pillow, sew up the remaining open areas with a hand-blind stitch.

Tuck the side walls and tie the ribbons, securing the connection. The bed is ready!

Built into furniture

If your cat does not like noise and increased attention, then his house should be protected. A dwelling disguised as an interior will fully meet this goal. It will please both the pet and the owner.

A good option would be to arrange a house in the bottom drawer of a closet or chest of drawers. It is freed up for the pet, bedding and several of the cat's favorite toys are placed in it. A hole is made on the front surface for the door.

If you wish, you can make a cozy corner for the animal in a flower stand, in a coffee table or in an armchair with a drawer for linen. It is important that your pet can get in and out freely. A soft pouf is also perfect for creating a house.

DIY soft sofa-bed for a cat

To make a cat bed you will need:

  • fabric for covers of main parts;
  • a small piece of dense fabric for the bottom;
  • filler;
  • threads, sewing tools.

How to sew a bed

The pattern of such a cat bed is very simple. Two rectangular parts of the pillow are cut out in sizes sufficient for the size of your pet. The bottom part has similar dimensions. The two side panels and the back wall consist of two identical rectangular parts. The front side, also consisting of two identical parts, has a recess in the center for entry. The height of the sides of the sun lounger can be made to any height.

Next, we’ll take a step-by-step look at how to sew a rectangular cat bed with your own hands.

We sew the details of the sides around the entire perimeter, leaving an open area for turning and laying the filler. We fill the details tightly, sew up the edge with a hidden seam.

Sew the side walls together.

We sew the bottom by hand, tucking the edges inside.

We assemble rectangular blanks for the pillow, folding them with the wrong sides, leaving a hole for stuffing. Turn the product inside out and fill it with filler. We sew the left hole by hand.

We place the pillow in the finished sofa for the cat.

Original furniture for cats

In order for the cat to fully develop, play and relax in the house, it is worth thinking through everything down to the smallest detail. There is a variety of furniture and accessories for animals that can not only diversify the leisure time of mustachioed animals, but also fit into the overall interior in an original way.

Let's look at a few unusual options:

  • bookshelves. These products will perfectly complement a library or children's room;
  • table with grass. In this design, there is a glass container with soil at the bottom. You can put the seeds of your cat's favorite grass in it;
  • functional rocking chair for you and your pet. It will allow you to combine relaxation with your mustachioed friend.

You can also make a sofa with a cat tunnel. This unusual designer piece of furniture can fit perfectly into any interior style.

Round cat bed

To sew a cat bed with your own hands, you need to prepare:

  • textile;
  • sheet foam rubber for the bottom;
  • filler;
  • threads, sewing tools.

How to make a cat bed

We mark on the fabric and cut out the details of the outer and inner cover of the cat bed. Their size is equal to the size of the cat plus 20 cm on the sides. When cutting, it is convenient to immediately fold the fabric into two layers and cut out both parts at once.

From a sheet of foam rubber, cut out a circle with a diameter equal to the cover minus the sides.

We place a circle of foam rubber on the wrong side of the outer cover in the center, and cover it with a piece of the inner cover on top. We chop off the parts, fixing the position.

We sew in a circle. Then we mark the seam lines for stitching. When sewing a bed of this size, four lines at 45 degrees will be enough. We perform these lines across the entire diameter of the covers, forming sections for stuffing.

We fill the sections of the sides with filler.

We compact the filled cells.

We connect the edges of the outer and inner covers, sew them together, and gather them together.

The result is a soft basket for a cat.

To process the cuts, we cut out the facing. We process the edge using a machine or with a hand seam.

The soft cat basket is ready!

Bed for battery

It’s no secret that cats are constantly looking for shelter in the warmth, and especially in winter, when they settle down under or on the radiator. To make your pet more comfortable, softer and warmer, you can make a small hanging bed. For example, from a piece of PVC pipe of sufficiently large diameter, and from several hooks for hanging.

To make the lounger beautiful on the outside and comfortable on the inside, cover the plastic with soft fabric and a thin layer of foam rubber or other filler. Keep in mind that the pipe is smooth and slippery, so it is better to secure the edges inconspicuously inside with construction glue. Make sure that the filler does not bunch up, otherwise it will be uncomfortable for the cat.

If you want to remove and wash the upholstery, secure it with Velcro. You don’t have to buy fabric specially: old towels, bathrobes, an unnecessary blanket—anything will do. Hooks and rings can be of any shape and configuration - study the assortment of your nearest hardware store and choose something that fits the size of your battery.



Cat bed made from denim scraps

For such a creative bed you need to take:

  • patches of jeans in two shades;
  • padding polyester for the bottom;
  • filler for sides;
  • soft fabric for the bottom, for example, fleece (you can use an old terry towel);
  • sewing tool.

How to sew a cat bed with your own hands

First, let's sew a side for the bed.

Its size is 24 by 157 cm. Let's prepare 12 rectangular parts of the same size - six of each color.

We sew them together from the wrong side, alternating stripes by color.

Iron the seam allowances in different directions and sew a zigzag stitch along the front side.

We sew the strip into a ring.

For the bottom, cut out a circle with a diameter of 48 cm. Decorate it with applique. We cut out a fragment and attach it with contrasting threads along the perimeter using a zigzag stitch.

We lay the bottom elements in layers - an outer cover, padding polyester, a bedding made of old soft fabric, an outer cover. We cut off a “sandwich” and sew around the circumference. If desired, you can quilt the bottom to prevent the padding polyester from moving when washed.

We sew the edges of the sides with a zigzag or process them with bias tape. We machine sew the edge along the circumference of the bottom, leaving open areas for filling.

We fill the side with padding polyester, compacting it well. We sew up the remaining holes by hand.

The bed is ready and approved!

Choosing material

Your cat will thank you for a bed made from natural materials. Natural cotton or wool are considered ideal for making cat beds. But you can also use synthetic materials.

Suede fabric for furniture is an artificial material that has a velvety pile on the front side.

There are several criteria that should be taken into account when choosing fabric for a bed:

  • It is better if the color of the fabric matches (or almost matches) the color of your pet. In this case, the fallen hair will not be very noticeable, and the bed will always look decent.
  • Try not to use metal fittings to eliminate the possibility of static electricity.
  • The material should not have a strong odor. Cats have a wonderful sense of smell, and if the cat doesn’t like the smell of the bed, you won’t be able to force her to sleep in that place. Therefore, to prevent your efforts from being in vain, carefully consider the choice of fabric for the bed.
  • It is not always worth purchasing new canvases. Many people successfully use old clothes made of natural wool, felt or foam rubber - both economically and practically.
  • Finally, the material should be easy to wash, not accumulate dust, please your pet and be safe for him.

Microfiber is a pleasant fabric.
In addition to the above aspects, there is one more condition - the bed must complement the interior of the room in which it will be located. This applies to both color and style.

Bed with frill

This bed will appeal not only to adult felines. Both a kitten and a small dog will enjoy relaxing in it.

For sewing you will need to take:

  • old jeans in two colors;
  • cotton lace;
  • fabric for inner covers;
  • filling – synthetic fluff or holofiber.

How to sew a cat bed

The side of the bed consists of seven parts. We cut out 7 parts 12 x 22 cm from fabric of one color, 7 parts 10 x 22 cm from fabric of the second color. The combined part from two multi-colored flaps will be square.

We sew the flaps into a common strip, inserting gathered lace into the seam.

In this case, it is important to control the coincidence of the seam lines when sewing different strips.

Fold the finished side in half, orienting the placement of the lace frill in the center of its outer side. We pin the fabric with pins, fixing the fold line.

According to the size of the sections of the side, we sew small pads of fabric for the inner covers. We fill them with filler.

For the bottom, cut out two circles with a diameter of 45 cm.

We sew a fabric bottom for the inner cover and fill it with filler. We sew the outer bottom cover from denim on the top side and cuffs from thin material on the inside. It is convenient to do it with an elastic band - see photo.

We attach the inner side of the side to the circumference of the bottom. We insert the pillows filled with filler into the sections.

We manually sew the edge of the outer side of the side, tucking the edges inward.

Bed on the windowsill

To do this, you will need a sheet of plywood, a regular decorative pillow or foam rubber with a piece of fabric, and corner supports for wall shelves. Place the frame in a pillow or cover it with foam rubber and soft fabric or fur, and place the entire structure on one side on the windowsill. And from below - screw or glue the supporting corners. You can even make a folding bed - according to the same principle that folding tables are made on balconies or small kitchens.



Do-it-yourself cat house bed without a pattern

To make a cat house you need to take:

  • fleece - with a width of 1.5 m you need 1.5 m;
  • padding polyester - with a width of 1.5 m you need 1.5 m;
  • thick flexible cord to give the roof its shape.
  • threads, sewing tools.

How to make a bed

For the roof, fold the fabric in half and cut a strip of 30 cm by 1 m.

We cut out a strip from padding polyester to insulate the roof. Its width should be slightly less than the width of the fabric strip.

We sew up the edges of the roof, leaving one of them open. Insert the padding polyester and straighten it out. Sew up the remaining edge using a hand blind stitch.

We quilt the roof part by making transverse and longitudinal stitches at equal intervals.

As a result, we will increase the rigidity of this part.

To cut the back wall, bend the roof along the line you have chosen and place it on the fabric folded in half.

We outline the outline of half the part, using the roof as a template.

We remove the roof part, fold the fabric in half and cut out the entire back wall part along the marked line.

Using the cut out part as a pattern, we mark the contours on the padding polyester. The insulation pad should be smaller than the outer fabric.

We make seams around the perimeter. We insert the padding polyester and quilt it, repeating the profile of the part with lines. We sew the remaining seam by hand.

We chop off the roof and back wall. We sew the parts together with a hand blind stitch.

For the side we cut out a strip. The finished dimensions of the part are 15 by 60 cm. If necessary, adjust the dimensions according to the actual measurements of your product.

Sew along the edges of the border, leaving a gap for filling. We place the filling, quilt, and sew up the edge of the part by hand.

For the bottom, you can use the same fabric as for the rest of the parts, or you can replace it with a combination of faux leather and knitted velvet. We cut out the details.

We line the bottom with padding polyester so that the bottom mat is soft and warm. Immediately cut out the cat pillow according to the size of the bottom.

Quilt the bottom.

Let's start assembling. First we sew the side to the roof. Then we grind the bottom with this design.

We sew a cord along the inside of the roof that will hold the shape of the part.

If desired, the cord can be decorated with fabric or, before stitching, inserted into a narrow case and sewn on.

Sofa for a cat: video master class

Plywood booths

If you want to make a tall house in which your cat will be protected, then you should pay attention to plywood options. They are made simply, and the end result is a spacious and comfortable home for a beloved friend who can relax in it. If necessary, it can be taken outside or installed on a balcony or window sill.

To begin, you should prepare:

  • sheets of plywood material (willow or oak are suitable);
  • profile with an angular shape;
  • screws;
  • carpet

Step-by-step instructions for making a cat cottage:

  1. We fasten the main parts of the cat’s future home using a profile. We drill holes.
  2. We cover all sides of the finished product with carpet on the outside. But for the inside you can use foam rubber.
  3. If the walls are placed in a continuous row, then you need to make a hole for the entrance.

Manufacturing options for various models can be found on the Internet.

Bed in the form of a slipper

This type of bed is the realization of an eternal cat’s dream: to sleep on the owner’s slippers.

To make it you need to take:

  • dense fabric, preferably of natural composition - two pieces 38 by 54 cm and two pieces 42 by 52 cm;
  • insulation;
  • sewing tool, thread.

How to make a cat bed with your own hands

The pattern of a cat bed in the form of a slipper is shown in the figure below.

We sew the blanks in pairs, leaving gaps for filling.

Turn it inside out and stuff it with sealant. We sew up the areas left open by hand using blind stitches. We quilt by completing the line as described in the previous master class.

We sew the top of the sneaker to the sole using a decorative overlock stitch.

Tools and materials for finishing

Both a novice craftswoman and an inexperienced person who barely knows how to work with a needle can make a bed.

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For work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Main fabric for covering. This could be specially purchased fabric or old items such as jeans or a sweater.
  • Filler.
  • Chalk or pencil for creating a pattern.
  • Scissors, needle, thread, awl.

Advice! Bouclé fabric is not suitable for making sunbeds. Cats will cling to it with their claws and it will quickly take on an unkempt appearance.

More wool: pot and basket

Natural six as a material for a cat bed is good not only because it smells like the owners for a very long time. Wool in products perfectly removes static electricity from cat fur. A domestic cat, which does not get wet in the rain or roll around in the dust, is sometimes annoyed by injections of static micro-discharges no less than mosquitoes are to us. The best option for a woolen bed for a cat, incl. with kittens - a bed-pot made of natural felt, see picture. Once upon a time in village huts, cats and kittens were kept in worn-out peasant summer hats, and from the cat’s point of view, this is a luxury-elite bed.

Felt potty bed for a cat

Forming (drawing) felt is a rather labor-intensive process that requires certain skills. You need a solid block (in this case, a glass lampshade from a table lamp will do) and 70% alcohol. A piece of felt is gradually covered over the blockhead, starting from its top. During the covering process, the felt is also gradually moistened with alcohol starting from the middle of the piece.

Wood also retains the human scent for a very long time, so even more often than from old hats, beds for village cats were made from baskets that had become unusable. How to weave a basket from a wicker is another topic, but that’s not the point here: the wood is saturated with the smell of a person for a very long time, and before that cats don’t like it. That is, for a wooden basket to be suitable for a cat, it must be used for a long time. However, there is an option that will acquire the sweet scent of the hostess even during the manufacturing process: a basket made of merino wool yarn intended for bulky knitting. A blanket like this will cost about $200, so it’s better to make it the cheaper way. But there’s nothing for a cat basket, and it’s not difficult to knit it, see next. plot.

Video: knitted basket for a cat

House for a cat from a pipe

For a cat, cat or kitten, a home made from an ordinary pipe will be comfortable. To make it, cut off the middle piece of plastic pipe (70-80 cm will be enough). Additionally, at the bottom, so that the dwelling can stand, we attach a base - it can be made from a longitudinal cut of material.

We paint the surface with acrylic paint. Inside we place a soft cloth, carpet or a piece of foam rubber on which the pet can sleep peacefully. Additionally, you can put a small pillow inside.


A separate sleeping structure for pets is a protective space where they will sleep peacefully and no one will disturb them. Organizing it for your pet will reduce the amount of hair on the furniture. There will be less hair on the owners’ clothes, and the apartment will be easier to clean. A cat bed solves many household problems.

In its cozy place, the pet will play and sharpen its claws, which will save the wallpaper and furniture upholstery that they so love to spoil. If the bed has sides, then the mother cat has the opportunity to rest there with her kittens.

It couldn't be simpler

Cats are not as sensitive and picky about smells as cats: they themselves do not need to take such careful care, and they are not particularly concerned about the fate of their offspring. But cats, more than cats, need heating when it’s cool, so that less internal reserves are spent on maintaining muscle tone. This is why cats are such excellent couch potatoes. Wild cats love to lie on thick, sunlit branches at any time of the year: the tree does not overheat and releases the accumulated heat for a long time. An adult cat, the rightful ruler of his territory, no less needs a good overview of the surrounding area (see above).

Therefore, a seasoned nerd needs a bed next to a heating radiator or on a windowsill above the radiator, see below. But a young cat, who has not yet bred with a cat and (in nature) has not withstood a mortal battle for his property, needs to save less energy. And he most likely won’t climb up on his own: there is a diocese of “cool real people” there. And the young man needs to lie to his heart's content in a safe shelter until he grows up.

At home, the best place for this is a hammock for a cat. If the hostess guesses that he is needed. And making a cat hammock is as easy as shelling pears: a couple of clothes hangers and a small piece of fabric. The hammock is hung on a heating or water pipe (on the left in the figure), or on a clothes dryer rod above the radiator, in the center. In this case, the cat will sooner get used to the idea that it is already possible for him to move to the lounger by the radiator.

Hammocks for cats

Note: cat hammocks are very popular abroad, suspended from the legs of armchairs or chairs (on the right in the figure) - excellent visibility, a roof over your head, and people cannot see the cat until they bend low.

Hammocks for cat breeds

A hammock for a pet is made of fabric, which is attached at the corners to the base. The structure should not reach the floor; you can place it in your pet’s favorite place. It’s better to make it with an adjustable height and see which one is suitable for the cat.

For a hammock, you should initially choose a fabric fabric on which the cat liked to sleep. The hammock is attached to various supports, you can use an inverted stool, the pet will happily sleep on its favorite cloth.

The hammock is attached to the radiator in winter to keep your pet warm. To do this, a frame with hooks is made from strong wire, with the help of which the structure can be easily attached to the battery. The dimensions of the frame must correspond to the size of the animal.

A bed in the form of a cover with a clasp is sewn according to the size of the frame. You can also place a worn knitted half-over with folded sleeves and neckline on the wire outline.

Basket and house made of newspaper tubes

A home made from newspaper tubes will look unusual and beautiful. It is made easily and from scrap materials that everyone has at home. Prepare the following:

  • old newspapers and magazines;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • long knitting needle or hook;
  • paper glue;
  • PVA glue.

First we make newspaper tubes:

  1. It is recommended to cut a newspaper sheet into strips of 8-10 cm. A knitting needle is placed on the edge of the newspaper strip at an angle of 45-60 degrees.
  2. The strip is tightly wound on a knitting needle, and its edge is fixed with glue. Then carefully remove the knitting needle. The thickness may differ from different sides, but this is necessary so that the tubes can be inserted into each other.

Next, let's start making the home:

  1. We cut out the bottom of the future structure from thick cardboard; it needs to be created in two copies.
  2. We glue a wicker circle of tubes to the inside of one part of the bottom; they should radiate in different directions.

At the end, we glue the second bottom piece on top - it will cover the ends of the tubes.

Suspended structure

A DIY hanging bed for a cat will also please him. It is hung with a hook from vertical objects, as well as from the ceiling, and gives the interior of the room a special flavor.

First of all, you need to determine how many tiers are needed for this design. Based on this, you need to sew several small mattresses of the same or different sizes. The pads are connected using wide strips of fabric tied at the top for hanging.

Her or him?

Let's start with the latter, because they need to be taken into account first. Cats climb trees as well as cats, but in general they are terrestrial animals. After all, they need to find a safe place for a defenseless brood and feed it without being seen. Therefore, the cat bed should be located lower; perhaps on the floor itself. Or on the sofa, but there must be reliable support under it (the lounger). A roof over your head, but not blocking your view to the sides, is also highly desirable. There is also a soft, body-caressing lining on which you can safely leave tiny, gentle kittens.

The cat is another matter. Among wild cats, the most likely ancestors of domestic cats, the male is the ruler of the area. It is small, smaller than some decorative breeds (Siberian, American tiger), but unusually strong and ferocious. Neither a wolf, nor a bear, nor a goshawk will attack a wild cat themselves. When resting, such a dictator sits higher, but in such a way that at any moment he can jump down and join the fight. Or, during the mating season, take the next lady of your heart. Therefore, the cat bed should be located higher and be sufficiently hard and stable in itself to provide solid support for the paws for jumping. But the quality of the pavement does not matter much: wild cats set up their guard posts on the branches of trees.

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