Does your cat have a sore on its neck or head and no fur? Treating your pet

Preparing for treatment

Thus, now the reader knows where the cat’s withers are.
How to find it if you need to use medicine is a simple question. However, when using the drops themselves, several important rules should be followed. Firstly, the cat should not be bathed for 2-3 days before using the medicine and for 2-3 days after that. Secondly, before using the drops, the animal’s withers must be carefully examined. If there are large lesions and wounds on it, it is better not to use the medicine. If the circumstances are unfortunate, the insecticide may enter the animal's bloodstream, which will lead to poisoning. When performing the procedure for applying the drug, the cat should be gently held behind its back with your left hand. You should not administer medicine to an animal that is worried about something, has become playful or is angry. The cat may jerk during the procedure to escape, and the drops will fall too low on the body. As a result, the animal will subsequently be able to reach them. Wait until your pet calms down.

Vaccination options for cats

Vaccine for cats
Responsible cat owners expect to travel with their pets by car, plane, train, participate in expert exhibitions, and export their pets abroad. In this case, they visit the clinic.

The veterinarian conducts a clinical examination, asks the owner when the pet was dewormed, at what time the fleas were expelled and what medications were used. They check the age of the cat, whether it has been vaccinated before and what biological products were used. They make a note in the passport, certify it with a seal, put down the date and name of the veterinarian who performed the vaccination.

Amateurs who do not intend to exhibit, try to save money, purchase a biological product and inject it themselves. In both the first and second cases, there is no absolute guarantee that swelling will not occur after vaccination.

But if in a professional veterinary institution the cat owner can count on help, then when he pierces the vaccine himself, he solves the problem on his own or for an additional fee.

Drops on the withers - what is important to know?

All veterinarians regularly remind us of the importance of preventing parasites in pets. According to the rules for keeping pets, treatment for fleas and worms must be carried out at least once every three months. This period was not chosen by chance.

This period was not chosen by chance.

Worms live in the body of domestic animals constantly, but a period of three months gives them the opportunity to multiply to a critical number. When a cat has fleas, its discomfort is obvious - the pet itches, chews out its fur, and wounds appear on its body.

Worms are hidden from our eyes, but they cause very serious harm to a cat's health. The fact is that they feed on blood, lymph and tissue cells. The waste products of worms are toxic to the cat's body. The immune system is constantly in an excited state, trying to eliminate foreign proteins from the body. If this situation drags on, the immune defense is depleted, and the cat becomes vulnerable to most infectious and viral diseases.

Before vaccination, the cat must be treated for parasites at least two weeks before the vaccine is administered.

To prevent worms, broad-spectrum tablets are often used. The effectiveness of such drugs has been proven, but when using broad-spectrum tablets, the risk of cat infection with rare helminths that parasitize the blood and organs is not taken into account. Deworming tablets act on worms that live in the intestines, and these are the most common types of parasites.

Recently, universal preparations in the form of drops have become very popular, which eliminate both skin and internal parasites. There are no publicly available statistics on the use of such drugs yet, but feedback from owners and veterinarians is very encouraging.

When using tablets, the effectiveness of prevention depends directly on the active substance. If you don’t go into details, you can divide all the tablets into two types: some paralyze worms, others kill them. Both types of drugs are powerless against worms that parasitize the liver, blood, and heart. If preventive measures are carried out regularly, all active ingredients of the anthelmintic in the form of tablets are eliminated from the body within 6-8 hours.

Preventative agents in the form of drops also differ in the active substance and mechanism of action on parasites. If we talk about anthelmintics in the form of drops, they can be divided into two large groups.

  • The first group acts in the subcutaneous layer and accumulates in the cells of the dermis. While the products are not eliminated from the body, they are slowly absorbed into the bloodstream and constantly protect the pet’s body from parasites. Most anthelmintic drops of this type are effective for 3 weeks.
  • The second type of drops is absorbed through the skin of the withers into the blood. The principle of action is not very different from tablets; the active substances enter the intestines through the bloodstream and eliminate parasites.

Another advantage of drops as a preventative against worms is the convenience of the owner. Naturally, it is much easier to use drops than to force your cat to eat tablets, most of which have a bitter taste.

Not a single tablet has a prolonged effect, unlike drops that accumulate in the skin. By using the product only once, you can be sure that your cat is protected from parasites for 2-3 weeks. Manufacturers of such drops claim that their products are not toxic to animals.

Fleas are also carriers of parasitic larvae, in particular cestodes. By using universal type drops, you protect your pet from a wide range of parasites without introducing various toxins into his body.

Since ancient times, people have noticed that cats have the ability to heal. But when the cat itself gets sick, it becomes the owner’s duty to help the pet. If a veterinarian prescribes injections into the withers, the question may arise as to where this area is located in the cat.

Skin infections

Scratched cat sores on the neck and head in some cases occur due to infectious diseases. Cats with access to the outdoors are especially susceptible to them. When a bacterial infection of the skin occurs, one of two forms develops:

  1. Dry. Dry crusts, dandruff and scabs form on your cat's neck.
  2. Wet. It is characterized by the appearance of blisters and ulcers with liquid contents inside.

Animals with sensitive skin are predisposed to eczema. It develops through prolonged contact with flea collars, harnesses, after insect bites and skin parasites.

Important! Diabetes mellitus, neuropathy and hormonal changes contribute to the appearance of eczema.

A rash and blisters appear on the pet's body. Severe itching leads to the cat scratching its neck until it bleeds, and sores appear that do not go away for a long time. To eliminate eczema, antibacterial therapy, various ointments and powders are prescribed.

Viral dermatoses

Cat scratching on the skin is also characteristic of viral dermatoses. The herpes virus affects the eyes and respiratory tract of the animal, often manifesting itself as skin lesions. They are often localized in the area of ​​the nose and eyes, less often on the paws and stomach.

Feline herpes is characterized by:

  • bloody stains;
  • small rash;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • small scabs on the neck, sores on the head.

Skin changes appear 1.5 weeks after the disappearance of conjunctivitis and other characteristic symptoms.

Cowpox or poxvirus is a rare disease. It can enter the cat's body through the bites of small rodents. It manifests itself as skin lesions in the form of nodules and small ulcers. With good immunity, it goes away on its own. In weakened animals there is a risk of developing a severe form.

Autoimmune dermatoses

Autoimmune diseases are characterized by an abnormal reaction of the immune system to its own tissues and cells. Skin manifestations on the body of cats are characteristic of several diseases:

  1. Common pemphigus. It is characterized by the development of ulcers in cats around the mouth and in its cavity itself. Involves long and difficult treatment. It often ends critically for animals.
  2. Erythematous pemphigus. Crusts, ulcers, blisters, sores and other lesions are concentrated in the area of ​​the animal’s nose and bridge of the nose. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by a change in skin color.
  3. Pemphigus foliaceus. The main symptom is the appearance of large pustules on the skin near the mouth and ears. Associated signs in cats include elevated body temperature, refusal to eat, and apathy.
  4. Systemic lupus erythematosus. It affects all systems and organs of the animal. Wounds on the scalp manifest themselves through depigmentation of the skin, the development of a rash and the subsequent formation of ulcers.

How to influence a naughty pet using his own scruff?

Reflexes associated with the withers persist in cats throughout their lives. You cannot lift pets weighing 3–5 kg or more by the scruff of the neck, but you can use their natural instincts for educational purposes and in the training process.

The effect on the withers receptors allows you to control the behavior of even the most wayward and obstinate animals that show aggression towards humans.

By properly grabbing the scruff of the neck, you can prevent fights between cats, and also stop your pet from crapping in the wrong places or sharpening its claws on upholstered furniture. Experts consider such actions more effective than punishment. To re-educate your pet, you need to apply the following algorithm:

Firmly but gently grab the cat by the fold of skin on its neck

It is important to control your grip strength. The animal should not feel pain

We need to make him understand that he is not the strongest and the person in this house is the main one. Holding the scruff of the neck will force the pet to obey. Press the aggressor to the floor, continuing to hold him by the scruff of the neck. Say the prohibition word: “no”, “impossible”. You must speak clearly, firmly, but calmly, without raising your voice. Screaming in this case is unacceptable. It’s better to copy the behavior of a disgruntled cat and hiss at your pet. This signal has been familiar to him since childhood. This is how the mother made it clear to the baby that she did not like his behavior. Hold the cat until he relaxes. You can speak to him in a calm tone to help him calm down. Typically, pets need no more than 5 minutes to realize their guilt. Release after complete relaxation, praise, caress, removing your hand from the withers. For obedience, you can treat the obedient animal with a treat.

For some animals, one educational act is not enough to improve. In this case, the actions must be repeated if a similar situation arises. As a result of several repetitions, the pet will understand what the owner does not like.

Dermatophytosis (lichen)

Dermatophytosis is a disease of fungal origin, its characteristic symptoms are:

  • the cat's hair falls out in clumps on one area of ​​fur;
  • the edges of the hairless area have smooth outlines (as they were cut);
  • periodically itching appears in the place where the hair has fallen out and subsequently sores form (if the cat licks the affected area);
  • Without treatment, the hair continues to fall out in clumps as the bald area increases in size.


Ringworm is determined in three ways:

  1. Under a Voodoo lamp, where the affected areas of the body will glow.
  2. Examination of affected hairs under a microscope.
  3. Sowing skin flakes from bald patches onto a nutrient medium, which will most accurately determine the type of fungus.

Treatment for excessive hair loss in cats

Treatment of trichophytosis consists of the following stages:

  1. Local application of antifungal ointment or spray (for example, Fungin or Clotrimazole ointment) if the lesion is small or isolated.
  2. Bathing the cat in antifungal shampoos and products (Ketoconazole, Imaverol) if large areas are affected.
  3. The use of tablets with antifungal action, if previous methods do not help.
  4. Vaccination against lichen in cats that are in contact with a sick animal.
  5. Using feed with vitamin supplements to improve wool quality.

Withers in cats and kittens: where is it located | photo

The withers, the scruff of the neck, or, as the common people call it, “the scruff of the neck” is the place on the cat’s body where the lower part of the neck meets the beginning of the back

When treating various diseases, this particular place is used for various types of medical manipulations, so it is important for the owner to know where the withers are located

How to determine

A cat's withers are located on the back side of the spine. Its central part is a point in front of the shoulder blades, which can be easily felt with your fingers by placing them above the pet’s front paws.

If after the photo you still haven’t figured out where the cat’s withers are, you can use another method. To do this, you need to grab the base of the front paws with one hand and hold it up, squeezing until a thick fold of skin is clamped in your fist. After this, you need to press your hand with a fold of skin to the body, where the hard bones of the shoulder blades will be felt - this will be the scruff.

Despite the reduced sensitivity of the skin, this place on the animal’s body is quite problematic because it is located next to the neck. Any serious injury to this area can cause health problems for your pet. Such damage most often occurs during mating, since the cat holds the cat's scruff with its paws during the process.

It doesn’t always result in wounds, but sometimes this happens, so it is important to pay attention to this point and, if necessary, take appropriate measures

Why do you need to know the location of the withers?

The withers are the most suitable place for various types of medical procedures:

  • applying antiparasitic drugs (for example, drops against fleas, helminths), since this area of ​​the body is not accessible to the cat for licking the fur with his tongue, so he will not be poisoned by a toxic agent if applied correctly;
  • administration of subcutaneous injections, since the skin here is thick with a minimum number of nerve endings, which reduces pain for the animal to almost zero during the injection (provided that it is done correctly). This explains the fact that most veterinary drugs are intended for subcutaneous administration, which is less painful compared to intramuscular injections.

Interesting Facts

Mother cats carry their kittens by the withers. Neuroscientists have been able to establish that in the cat’s cerebellum there is a zone that ensures balance and body position in space. When a cat takes a kitten by the withers, an impulse is sent to the cerebellum about the need to relax and not move. As a result, this method of transfer not only does not cause pain to the kitten, but also makes it calm down and hang in the characteristic “fetal position”, so the cat can transfer it to the desired place, even if it needs to run or jump.

Scientists believe that this reaction was the result of evolution. After all, a cat never transfers its offspring unless absolutely necessary, but only in case of any danger.

And a screaming kitten will most likely attract attention in nature, which significantly reduces its chances of survival

In most cats and kittens, this reflex persists throughout their lives. But it is not recommended to carry adult pets in this way, since it will be painful for them due to their relatively large weight (compared to the weight of the kitten). The only possible option when this can be done is if necessary, to pick up an angry pet, because in this position it will not be able to scratch or bite. But cats can be stroked on the withers unlimitedly; they love such affection very much.

Contraindications to the use of drops

Modern drugs are not toxic to animals. Despite this, in some cases they can cause health problems. In this regard, there are several contraindications to the use of such drugs:

  • Age up to 10 weeks;
  • Weakened condition of the animal, a serious degree of exhaustion. In this case, complex treatment will be required. Be sure to consult your veterinarian;
  • Pregnant and lactating females. In exceptional cases, we use specialized medications, the instructions for which indicate the possibility of use during this period of life. An example of such drops is “Frontline Spot On”;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the product.

If there are such contraindications, the use of drops can seriously aggravate the situation. We will have to look for other ways to combat parasites.

Advantage of drops

Until recently, fleas could only be removed from a cat using various types of shampoos. Today, pet stores sell all kinds of sprays against parasites, as well as drops in capsules. When using the latter, the medicine is usually applied precisely to the withers of the animal. This method guarantees that the cat will not lick the drug, get it with its paw and get poisoned. It’s clear where the cat’s withers are. Essentially, this is the highest point of the back. Therefore, after application, the medicine is distributed relatively evenly by gravity over the animal’s back and sides, which ensures the best effect. Of course, for the drug to be as effective as possible, it must be used correctly.

Why do you need to measure your cat's height?

Even if your cat leads a purely indoor lifestyle, she will need clothing in cold weather. This applies, first of all, to smooth-haired pets, who are especially cold on autumn days, when the central heating has not yet been turned on in the apartment.

You can sew a cat costume yourself or buy a finished product at a pet store. In both cases, so that the new thing does not turn out to be too small or large, you first need to take measurements from the animal.

In addition, height is measured in purebred animals that participate in exhibitions. Its value serves as the basis for calculating the index of elongation, massiveness, long-leggedness and other parameters of the animal. By comparing these values, a panel of judges determines whether a given specimen meets the required breed standards.


Vitaly I train according to your recommendations: stand, sit, front. Alexey I do not agree with the opinion that modern pets are stupid animals to which only the most basic version of training can be applied. Kysa is fully aware of what the withers are, how it affects her, and has a personal opinion on various facts and stimuli. For example, cats that have experienced serious trauma and were treated by a veterinarian are treated much better

Perhaps the most important thing is consistency, completeness and extremely equal treatment - as much as you think possible. Believe me, the majority of people are not much superior to the thinking capabilities of cats - they just don’t have a developed language or writing, so their brain is developed “in the other direction” - for example, they understand non-verbal signals an order of magnitude better than people

Natalya Delnaya become. She herself used the withers of her cats for the purpose of raising them. At one time, when I adopted my first cat, in order to understand its character, I stocked up on books on animal psychology. And from there I learned that in order to be able to become an authority for a cat, you need to become the eldest cat in the pride

This is very important, then the cat will respect and trust the owner. That's how I built relationships

But then I came across a seasoned street cat who somehow survived the injury. The cat was already at least a year old, he had ear mites and established street habits, and he was also a real big fighting cat. I suffered with him for almost a year. Our wars were serious, he did dirty tricks and at the same time he brazenly looked into my eyes. This is where the withers came in handy. It was thanks to the fact that I began to grab him by the withers and press him to the floor that I did not receive scratches from his huge claws, and I made it clear who was boss in the house. And the cat obeyed. We have been living in perfect harmony for 8 years now.

Diseases, injuries and treatment

The pet can injure the withers at the time of mating. In such a situation, you need to treat it with brilliant green or peroxide, then trim the hair around the damage and apply a bandage. The fold is a significant area of ​​the body; if it is inflamed, swollen, or red, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. You should not inject antibiotics yourself; only the doctor knows which ones and how hard the syringe is injected under the skin. Next to the scruff is the neck. You can injure the back of the head if you lift or drag the cat by the withers, as children do. Damage to the cervical spine can lead to serious health problems for the animal and even death

Take care by the fold


To identify the cause of the seal, it is recommended to contact your veterinarian, who will prescribe the following diagnostic tests:

  • general clinical analysis of urine and blood, blood biochemistry;
  • puncture of fluid from the cone;
  • Ultrasound of the abdomen on the left or right side, where the tumor is located;
  • palpation on the right and left of the neck to determine the symmetry of the tissues and the presence of compactions;
  • X-ray of the neck.

For your information! When a puncture is performed, the liquid is sent for laboratory analysis. Can detect bacteria, viruses, fungi, and various toxins. For this purpose, PCR, ELISA, bacteriological culture, and microscopy are used.

Sometimes the doctor only needs one palpation to make an accurate diagnosis.

An ultrasound scan reveals the presence of liquid or solid contents of the lump. X-rays can show tissue damage and the presence of a tumor. Using palpation, the doctor determines the density of the formation. It can be connected to the capsule or be separate from it, moving like a ball.

Withers in cats: why is it needed, where is it located, how is it arranged, features

In common parlance, the withers of a cat or cat are called the “scruff”. To determine the location of the withers, you need to feel the place between the neck and back. It has long been noticed that when carrying kittens, the cat takes them by this place. The cat bites the cat's withers at the moment of mating. This is no coincidence; this zone in a cat has its own structural features.

A cat's withers are located on the neck between the back of the head and the shoulder blades.

Features of the structure of the withers

In the structure of a cat, at the place of the nape there is an arched bulge - this is the withers. It takes this shape because the first five to six vertebrae located in this area are covered with a layer of fat under the skin.

The skin above the withers is different from the skin on other parts of the body. It is characterized by elasticity and elasticity. There are practically no nerve endings at the withers.

This is the reason why the kitten does not experience pain when it is carried by the mother cat.

There is another important characteristic of the structure of the withers. This is where the neck connects to the body. Muscles and tendons act as connective tissue. This allows the animal to be flexible, and also to make very long and most incredible jumps, fleeing, for example, from a dog.

The withers are a very flexible part of the cat's body due to the fact that the neck is connected to the body using muscles and tendons.

Nature has provided another distinctive feature - the impact on the withers allows you to immobilize the animal. The explanation is quite simple. Specific receptors are located in the withers area. If they are irritated, the impulse is transmitted to the brain, which contributes to short-term paralysis of the cat.

Such a natural idea is needed to freeze in a certain period of time. For example, a cat carries away a kitten in a moment of danger. It is impossible for the baby to resist or scream. Otherwise, mother and cub may be in danger of death.

I had to use this natural mechanism once. My cat ran out the door and disappeared. After two days of searching, I found her quite far from home. She was very scared. Although she recognized me and approached my gentle voice, she did not give in to my hands.

The situation was almost hopeless, because the place was littered with branches, where the cat hid at the slightest movement towards her

Finally, I managed to lure her with a piece of raw meat (apparently, hunger overcame caution). I only had one chance to grab my pet, and I didn’t miss it: I quickly grabbed her by the withers and put her in a carrier.

At home, the cat came to her senses and immediately turned into the affectionate, tame creature she always was.

Impact on the withers during training and education

Any cat owner should know how pressure on the withers affects their pet.

If possible, this knowledge can be used for training or raising a pet, as well as suppressing aggression. As an example, we can take the development of the necessary reflexes.

If the pet has performed some unnecessary action (sharpening its claws on the sofa or making a puddle in the wrong place), the following algorithm is used:

  1. Carefully, quite firmly, take the cat by the withers. With this gesture, the owner makes it clear that he is a strong leader. This must be done for the animal to show obedience.
  2. Lightly press the animal to the floor. At this time, firmly and clearly, without raising your voice, pronounce the word “impossible” or “bad.” Many owners begin to hiss instead of words, following the example of angry cats. By this, the owner brings his pet to the understanding that he is dissatisfied with his behavior or trick.
  3. Keep the cat in this position until the animal’s muscles begin to relax. As soon as the pet becomes soft and pliable, it can be released.
  4. Next, you need to praise your pet or treat it with a treat.

Do not forget that the educational moment should not cause pain in the animal (holding the withers itself does not bring discomfort).

The same method of education can be used if the cat shows aggression. From the outside it looks strange, but the method really helps. It only takes 3-5 minutes to hold the cat by the withers, and after the second or third time the animal begins to understand why its owner is dissatisfied.

Even for training purposes, you should not grab a cat by the scruff of the neck and lift it high, much less shake it in this position. This can cause injury to the animal, which will result in significant health problems.

Application of medications

A striking example of the use of the withers for medicinal purposes is such a moment as ridding an animal of fleas. For this, special drops are used. The place where they are applied to the withers is determined by the fact that the cat cannot reach here with its tongue or paw, which means it will also not be able to lick off the medicine.

What is the withers and where is it located?

The withers are the part of a cat's body where the cervical spine connects to the dorsal spine. The center of the withers is in front of the shoulder blades. In everyday life this place is called the scruff of the neck or the scruff of the neck. In this part of the body, the skin will easily separate from the muscles. Finding the withers is not difficult, you just need to press your fingers to the upper part of the forelimbs and move upward until a thick and elastic fold of skin forms in your hand. You can see what it looks like in the photo.

Males hold females by this fold during the mating process, and mother cats carry the kittens to a safe place. Perhaps it is for this reason that in the process of evolution there are few nerve endings left here, and the skin has become less sensitive to pain. Cubs do not experience pain when their mother grabs them by the fold of skin on the back of the neck.

The part of the neck in this place is the most flexible, which is explained by the peculiarity of its structure. The neck and torso are connected by tendons and muscle fibers. Thanks to this structure, cats make high jumps and land without damaging the spine.

Another amazing property of the withers, which few people know about, is its connection with the cerebellum. The scruff of the neck contains special receptors that, when compressed, send signals to the cerebellum. In response to these impulses, the brain causes the animal to relax. This is how a reflexive immobilization of cats occurs when the withers are applied. For this reason, the cub freezes in the fetal position and does not resist when the mother squeezes the skin on the back of his neck with her teeth.

This reflex does not disappear with age, but cats cannot be lifted by the skin on the neck, since the weight of an adult animal is many times greater than that of a small pet. It is better to stroke cats on the scruff and neck, because such stroking is not only pleasant for them, it calms them down and helps them relax.

General information

Generally speaking, the withers is the place where the neck ends and the back begins. That is, it is located in the area between the shoulder blades. This is what is colloquially called “scratch.” By the way, cats drag their kittens by the withers. In addition, cats use it to hold their partner with their teeth during mating.

The anatomical structure of the withers has its own characteristics. Under the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue are the spinous processes of the first five thoracic vertebrae. It is they, slightly protruding from under the skin, that give this part of the body a recognizable, arched shape. By the way, it is associated with different heights of the vertebrae.

The second feature is that the skin in this place is characterized by reduced thickness and increased elasticity. There are very few nerve endings in the thickness of the skin of the withers. When you pick up your pet by the scruff of the neck, or when a mother cat drags her kittens, the animals do not experience any unpleasant sensations.

Under the skin in the withers area there is a significant amount of fatty tissue, forming a kind of “pillow”. Underneath it is a layer of muscle tissue. The withers are an important part of the animal’s body, as it is what ensures the amazing flexibility and gracefulness of cats: this happens because the only “stiff” area in this area is the spinal column. The shoulder blades, between which the withers are located, are attached to the body only by muscles. Nothing interferes with the cat’s movements, thanks to which the pets have impressive plasticity and mobility.

Considering the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the front shoulder girdle and the withers itself, it is extremely undesirable to lift cats by their front legs, as this can lead to severe injuries. If you have small children in the house, warn them in advance about the undesirability of such games. When the cat twitches in this position, he may well damage his front paws. In addition, it is also extremely undesirable to lift a cat by the withers itself: it is much more correct to support the pet by the chest at this time.

What is the withers used for?

The owner can use the features of the withers when raising and caring for his pet.

Impact on the withers during training and education

Any cat owner should know how pressure on the withers affects their pet. If possible, this knowledge can be used for training or raising a pet, as well as suppressing aggression. As an example, we can take the development of the necessary reflexes. If the pet has performed some unnecessary action (sharpening its claws on the sofa or making a puddle in the wrong place), the following algorithm is used:

  1. Carefully, quite firmly, take the cat by the withers. With this gesture, the owner makes it clear that he is a strong leader. This must be done for the animal to show obedience.
  2. Lightly press the animal to the floor. At this time, firmly and clearly, without raising your voice, pronounce the word “impossible” or “bad.” Many owners begin to hiss instead of words, following the example of angry cats. By this, the owner brings his pet to the understanding that he is dissatisfied with his behavior or trick.
  3. Keep the cat in this position until the animal’s muscles begin to relax. As soon as the pet becomes soft and pliable, it can be released.
  4. Next, you need to praise your pet or treat it with a treat.

Do not forget that the educational moment should not cause pain in the animal (holding the withers itself does not bring discomfort).

The same method of education can be used if the cat shows aggression. From the outside it looks strange, but the method really helps. It only takes 3-5 minutes to hold the cat by the withers, and after the second or third time the animal begins to understand why its owner is dissatisfied.

Even for training purposes, you should not grab a cat by the scruff of the neck and lift it high, much less shake it in this position. This can cause injury to the animal, which will result in significant health problems.

Application of medications

A striking example of the use of the withers for medicinal purposes is such a moment as ridding an animal of fleas. For this, special drops are used. The place where they are applied to the withers is determined by the fact that the cat cannot reach here with its tongue or paw, which means it will also not be able to lick off the medicine.

Some medications are applied to the cat's withers, because from here she will not be able to lick them off


The withers are used for subcutaneous injections. These could be medications for a sick animal or vitamins. The choice of location is determined by the following circumstances:

  • An injection under the skin at the withers does not cause pain, since this is an area of ​​low sensitivity.
  • The drug injected into the withers penetrates the bloodstream faster, since subcutaneous fat has a loose structure and high absorbency.

If possible, the injection into the withers should be carried out with an assistant who will hold the animal.

The withers are used as a site for subcutaneous injections

At the moment of injection, the needle should not go deeper than a third. This rule must be observed, since violation can harm the cat. If the owner is not confident in his ability to give injections, then you can use an insulin syringe, which has a small and thin needle. If this option is not suitable, then it would be useful to contact a specialist. You should not experiment with your pet's health.

Application of medications

An example of the use of cat scruff for veterinary purposes is the application of drops against skin parasites such as fleas or ticks. For this purpose, medicinal products are used that affect pests. Experts choose this particular area because the animal is not able to reach it with its tongue or paw. It will not be able to lick off the drug before it is absorbed.

The scruff of the neck is the first place on a cat’s body where medications are injected.

The scruff is also used when administering subcutaneous injections, which include medications or various vitamins to improve the pet's immunity. The choice of this area is explained by several factors:

  • the scruff of the neck has the smallest number of nerve endings, so injections are completely painless;
  • The fat layer present at the withers is distinguished by its loose structure and ability to quickly absorb medications, distributing them throughout the animal’s body.

Important! When injecting at home, it is advisable to select an insulin syringe, since it has a fairly short needle that is not able to penetrate more than 1/3, thereby without injuring the cat.

Why does a cat need withers?

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It is a pity that people do not have such a multifunctional and useful place as the withers. A person’s entire skin is tightly adjacent to muscles or fat, and that is why he needs to endure, sometimes even painfully, injections in particularly sensitive places. In addition, only a specialist can use drugs in this way for people, unlike animals. And all because primates did not have the habit of carrying their offspring in their teeth.

For your information! Due to the fact that the skin on the withers of cats tends to stretch, cats can easily hold it in their teeth, and the kitten does not feel pain at all, since this area is insensitive.

Cats carry their kittens from place to place only by the withers

Experts involved in neurobiology have discovered a rather interesting fact. A cat has a specific area in the cerebellum that is responsible for the position of its body. If you take your pet by the withers, an automatic signal is sent to the cerebellum, which orders the cat to calm down and relax. That is why the animal does not feel pain and becomes more docile and obedient. Thanks to the immobility of the body, the cat can calmly carry its cubs to a safe place, while running and even jumping.

Veterinary meaning of the scruff

Domestic cat: what is it, description, taxonomy

Veterinary specialists have also found their importance in the withers, since a large number of anti-parasite drops are applied specifically to this area of ​​the cat’s body. And all because the skin tissue between the shoulder blades is quite difficult to reach, which is an important factor. Medicines that combat the occurrence of parasites are quite toxic due to their chemical composition, and if a cat licks the medicine, it can simply get a parasite.

The animal becomes practically paralyzed if certain areas of the scruff of the neck are affected.

The animal's scruff also has another useful meaning. Since the withers are the most insensitive place, veterinarians in most cases give preference to it for painful and painless injections. In this case, the cat practically does not feel the needle, since there are practically no nerve endings in this area.

Note! The scruff constantly moves, and this promotes better absorption of the drug into the animal’s body. This is useful for subsequent recovery and rehabilitation.

Structural features

The withers have a bone base, which is formed by the first five thoracic vertebrae. Each vertebra has a spinous process, which differ from each other in height. That’s why the withers have such a special, curved shape.

Important! The skin in this area of ​​pets is very thin and elastic. That is why it doesn’t hurt kittens when the mother cat grabs them by the withers with her teeth and carries them

Under the skin there is a layer of fatty tissue. And underneath it are “hidden” different muscle groups - trapezius, rhomboids and others. There are no joints at the withers - they are located directly in the animal’s spine.

Interesting! The withers are “surrounded” by the neck and shoulder blades. They are attached to the individual’s body only by muscles and tendons. Therefore, this entire part of the body - the neck, withers and shoulder blade area - is incredibly flexible and mobile. This allows the cat to arch its back, jump to greater heights, and perform other maneuvers.

Another unique feature

In the withers area, cats have many nerve endings and receptors. Exposure to some of them leads to...temporary paralysis of the animal. When the receptors are irritated, a signal enters the brain, after which movement is paralyzed.

This feature is inherent in nature - cats are often forced to move their kittens to safe places without attracting the attention of others to them or themselves. Therefore, kittens should behave as quietly as possible and not resist. Of course, they won’t understand mom’s “explanations.” But when a cat bites a kitten’s withers, it causes temporary immobilization, and you can tolerate it without the risk of being noticed.

An injection in the withers - what is important to know!

Subcutaneous injection is one of the most common manipulations in the treatment of almost all ailments. Giving an injection in the withers of a cat is not so difficult, but you need to follow a number of important rules. The first and most important thing is to understand where exactly and how to insert the needle. The injection is subcutaneous, that is, the medicine should get under the layer of skin, but not into the muscle. When injecting into the withers, the needle is inserted parallel to the spine or at a slight angle.

If cats become dehydrated, they are given subcutaneous drips. In this case, the needle is inserted into a fold of skin at the withers and secured with an adhesive plaster.

In order to give a cat an injection, many owners prefer to use an insulin syringe and this idea cannot be called a bad one. The syringe needle is very thin and almost does not injure the pet’s skin. However, there is a possibility that the insulin needle will become bent on the thick skin of an adult cat.

Before a subcutaneous injection, the puncture site does not need to be prepared, shaved or treated with alcohol

It is important to follow the basic rules of septic tanks: the syringe must be new, the needle must not be touched with hands

As mentioned above, the skin on a cat’s withers is thicker and rougher than on its body. When choosing a syringe, focus on the dose of medication to be administered. Sometimes it is necessary to inject a fairly large volume, for example, during dehydration. In this case, you can take a five or ten cc syringe, but use a needle from a two cc syringe.

To give an injection, you need to grab a fold of skin with your hand and pull it up. The needle is inserted into the fold with fairly strong pressure. When the tip of the needle pierces the skin, the syringe suddenly gives in to pressure, and the needle seems to fall through

It is important here to restrain your inertia so as not to pierce the fold of skin right through. If this happens, carefully return the needle to the fold and begin injecting the medicine.

A common mistake during subcutaneous injection is the wrong angle of insertion of the needle into the skin fold. It would seem logical to insert the needle from top to bottom, but this leads to injury to muscle tissue and severe pain.

Many owners, fearing to put pressure on the needle, do not penetrate the skin, but inject the medicine into the interskin layers. In this case, most of the medicine will spill out and the fur will become wet. Do not be afraid of inserting the needle too deeply; be guided by the fact that it should plunge into the skin fold by about 1/3 of its entire length.

If you are not confident in your abilities and have never given subcutaneous injections or seen how it is done, contact your veterinarian who will teach you the basic rules.

When carrying out medical procedures at home, owners are faced with fierce resistance from their pet. The cat screams loudly and twists, bites and scratches. Injecting an animal that resists is complicated by the fact that the needle can come off at any time and injure muscle tissue. If your pet has a violent temperament and loses his temper at the sight of a syringe, you should resort to a trick.

One of the methods of administering injections to a temperamental cat is a sudden change of environment. Alternatively, you can put your pet in a carrier and take it into the entrance or outside. However, think about safety measures: put a harness and leash on your ward. It is better to tie the leash to the carrier, as it will be awkward for you to hold it.

Basic recommendations

Flea drops for cats are an effective and safe remedy that will quickly get rid of parasites. Today, such drugs are manufactured by various companies. When choosing, you should focus on the age and weight of your pet. Not all products are suitable for kittens and pregnant females. When using such drugs, the following recommendations must be observed:

Before applying the product, carefully read the instructions. It tells you how many drops you will need and where it is best to drop them. Most often, it is enough to apply a couple of drops to the withers. Some products are recommended to be dripped at three points along the spine; Cat drops may not be effective if your cat gets wet after using them. Therefore, for several days after treatment, do not bathe the animal or let it go outside in rainy weather; Drops can also be used for preventive purposes.

This is especially important if the cat is walking outside. In this case, it is sufficient to carry out the treatment once every six months; The product can only be applied to dry skin; Before using such products, it is better to consult a veterinarian, as they have some contraindications.

Following these recommendations will make the use of drops safe. The main thing is to start treatment as early as possible. Remember that a cat suffers greatly from a flea bite.

Precautionary measures

Flea drops, like other specialized medications, are not toxic to your pet

Despite this, when using them, precautions must be taken so as not to harm the animal. These include:

  • Before using the drops, inspect the skin where they are applied. If there are open wounds, scratches or other damage on it, then the drug cannot be applied;
  • It is forbidden to handle kittens that feed on their mother's milk. The cat constantly licks her babies. At the same time, she will definitely lick off the drops applied to them. This may provoke negative consequences for her health;
  • The kitten is allowed to use only specialized medications. Products for adults are not recommended for use;
  • The drops used should not get on the cat's nose, eyes or mouth. If this happens, they should be washed off immediately with plenty of running water. After this, it is best to show the animal to a veterinarian;
  • In some cases, drugs can cause an allergic reaction. If this happens, consult your veterinarian;
  • Be careful not to lick the product off, especially if it is applied in multiple places along the spine. If this happens, observe your pet's behavior. At the first symptoms of poisoning, seek help from a specialist.

Compliance with such precautions will allow you not to worry about the health of the animal during treatment. Don't neglect them

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