How to determine the age of a kitten: basic methods and calculation options

Typically, the need to determine the age of a kitten arises if it is thrown or given as a gift. If with a “gift” things are much simpler, you can ask and get information from those who gave the gift, then with a foundling (or picked up on the street) everything is much more complicated. There is also no question if this baby is from the lambing of your own cat. A dropped or picked up kitten needs certain care, vaccination and feeding. Here, not only months, but even days are of great importance, because nutrition will have to be selected according to his age. How to determine the age of a kitten? There are a number of ways, which are described below.

Determine the age of a kitten by appearance

If the cat gave birth to kittens at home or they were taken directly from breeders, calculating the age category will not be problematic. In other situations, external signs should be used to determine this criterion.

Umbilical cord

You can determine the age of a kitten from the street by examining the umbilical cord. It is present in a newborn cat who is a maximum of 3 days old. Then the umbilical cord dries out and falls off on its own. This process can last 7-14 days. The navel area takes on a fresh pinkish tint. A longer presence of the umbilical cord is often a sign of inflammation.


This is one of the feline sense organs that perform a tactile function. Usually a 2-4 month old cat walks around with its whiskers bitten off. This is how the mother cat prevents the cub from trying to move too far. The whiskers of a 5-month-old animal acquire natural density, length, and color.

By the age of 7 years of life, depigmentation of the whiskers occurs, and in 9-year-old cats the whiskers become gray.


All kittens are born blind, their eyelids are closed, which is a natural protection against negative external factors. The eyes open slightly after 8-10 days. Next 2-3 weeks they remain narrow and have a blue or bluish-gray tint.

How to determine the age of a kitten, given the color of the iris? If the iris has completely acquired an “adult” shade, it means the cat is 2.5-3 months old. Some breeds remain blue-eyed for life.


From birth to 5-8 days of life, the pet's ear canals are closed, and the ears are pressed to the head. Accordingly, the animal will not respond to sounds. 2-3 weeks is the period when kittens begin to hear. The ears straighten, the kitten turns its head towards the source of the sounds.

Body size and weight

The maturation process of cats is accompanied by a change in the size of their bodies. To calculate the age of an animal, gender, breed, and health status are taken into account. Females mature faster than males by 14 days, while larger breeds take longer to develop their bodies.

We can highlight general features that will help determine the age category of cats:

  • for the first 15 days, a newborn kitten easily fits in the palm of an adult;
  • up to 3 weeks, the head is disproportionately large in relation to the rest of the body;
  • from one month the proportions become equal;
  • 60-180 days - the body gradually changes, acquiring the outlines of an adult cat.

One-year-old cats are considered adults, although muscle formation continues up to 2-2.5 years.

Below are the kitten growth norms by month, which take into account body length without tail (cm):

  • from birth to 3 weeks – 9-12;
  • 30 days – 13-15;
  • 6 weeks – 15-16;
  • 60 days – 16-18;
  • 3 months – 19-21;
  • 16 weeks – 21-23;
  • 5 months – 23-25;
  • six months – 25-27.

These data directly depend on the quality of nutrition, health status, number of kittens born, gender and breed.

You can determine the age of a kitten by weight (g):

  • newborns – 80-140;
  • 21 days – 250-350;
  • month – 450-500;
  • 60 days – 1000-1200;
  • 3 months – 1300-1600;
  • 16 weeks – 1600-1800;
  • 5 months – 1800-2000;
  • six months – more than 2000.

The weight and age of the kitten are also approximate values, due to the above factors.

How to understand that a cat is already an adult?

Finding out the age of a cat or an older cat is also easy. It is necessary to establish contact with the animal and... pet it!

You need to stroke your cat properly, take a closer look at the fur, examine his teeth, like a kitten’s, and pay attention to his eyes. The state of his body and behavior will also tell a lot.

If the cat is quite thin and muscular, active and playful, and stays awake a lot during the day, then these are signs that the cat is young. She is on average 2-3 years old. The coat at this time is quite thick, smooth and shiny. From about 2 years of age, a slight yellowing appears on a cat's teeth and increases with age. At 3 years old, the central and middle incisors may begin to wear down. Your pet's eyes at this age will be bright, transparent, and the iris will be uniform and clean.

In middle age, the cat becomes more rounded and plump. The coat may become coarser and its density may decrease. An adult cat becomes calmer, but at the same time more sociable. She likes to sleep during the day and begins to be more awake at night.

Read about the nocturnal activity of cats: The cat meows and rushes around at night

Find out the age of a kitten by its teeth

Kittens are born toothless. To calculate the age of a kitten by its teeth, you need to look at which of them are present at the moment. The first milk teeth form after 14-21 days (front incisors). When kittens develop teeth, called canines, they are about a month old. A two-month-old animal has premolars (small molars). The period for replacing baby teeth with permanent ones is 4-7 months.

Related questions

Below are brief answers to common questions from kitten owners.

When do eyes appear?

The first slits in the blind eyes of a newborn kitten appear by the end of the first week.

When do the eyes open?

The baby's eyes open between 10 and 14 days.

When do eyes change?

By the end of the third week, the eyes begin to change color.

How long does a one-month-old kitten sleep?

A one-month-old kitten sleeps for at least 18 hours a day.

How to distinguish a cat from a cat?

How to distinguish a cat from a female cat
Noticeable gender differences are formed in kittens by 12 weeks; before that, it is quite difficult to distinguish a female cat from a female cat. In males, the distance from the anus to the genitals is greater than in females. The male's testicles can already be seen and felt.

Find out the age of a kitten by behavior

If you carefully observe the degree of activity, you can almost accurately determine the age category of your pet:

  • the newborn only crawls, eats, sleeps a lot;
  • 2-3 weeks – tries to walk, movements are clumsy;
  • a one-month-old cat moves confidently, lands on her paws;
  • 5-week-old kittens flirt with each other and run quickly.

2-3 month old cats are interested in what is happening around them, are distinguished by bold behavior, and are constantly looking for new places to play. They hear perfectly, react quickly, and accurately determine the location of food, scratching posts, and trays.

Who can confirm our assumptions?

If you are not an expert, or at least have not had cats in your home before, it is very important to verify your assumptions about the age of your pet.

There are two ways out:

  • Contact the breeder

The former owner or breeder has been watching your new friend since his birth.

Therefore, the first owner will probably advise you accurately at the age of the kitten.

However, what to do if your pet is found on the street?

  • Let's go to the veterinarian

Of course, it is an experienced specialist, and especially a specialist in small animals, who can easily but accurately tell you the age period of a young four-legged pet.

In addition, even if you have dealt with cats before, the help of a veterinarian can never be superfluous.

Sexual characteristics appear in cats from birth.

Definition of puberty

Puberty of pets makes adjustments to their habits. This is typical for 5-7 month old individuals. The cat makes loud noises, attracting females, asks to go for a walk, marks its territory, and sniffs cats. His urine takes on a strong, unpleasant odor. Can tear wallpaper and furniture. Excessive playfulness disappears. Some males show interest in the opposite sex when they are a year and a half old.

Signs of hormonal changes in a cat:

  • intensely shows a desire to be caressed;
  • rubs against legs, against interior items;
  • a small amount of mucus is released from the genitals (estrus);
  • meows invitingly, rolling on the floor;
  • lifts tail, demonstrating desire to mate.

Under the influence of hormones, cats can behave aggressively (biting, scratching). It is worth accepting this behavior patiently in order to calmly wait out the hormonal surge. Pedigree cats mature later than outbred cats, which is confirmed by the behavior of their pets.

Signs of an Older Cat

Yellowing of all teeth, the presence of tartar, severe wear and simply the absence of some of them will tell you that the cat is already of old age, that is, over 12 years old. The coat may lose its smoothness and density, and gray hair may appear. Regardless of the season, hair loss is possible. The bones of the shoulder girdle begin to stand out in the body. Vision and hearing are reduced. Sociability decreases, anxiety may appear, and the cat sleeps more.

Sometimes cats between 12 and 15 years of age can stay awake all night and sleep all day. The iris of the eyes becomes thinner, and lines and pigment spots begin to appear on it.

At this age, older cats may have trouble using the litter box. This often occurs due to health problems or a deterioration in the ability to cope with stress.

Read more about litter box refusal: The cat does not go to the litter box: reasons and solution

If your cat has lost all of her incisors, she is most likely over 15 years old. At the same time, the pet's skin becomes flabby.

The most accurate way

You can approximately determine the age of a kitten yourself. The height and weight of specific individuals may differ significantly from the statistical average in the table. The timing of teething and changing teeth, puberty also varies, nutrition, heredity, and diseases suffered at an early age play a role. If you pick up a kitten on the street or adopt a kitten from a shelter whose age is a mystery to you, it is better to immediately contact a veterinarian. He focuses on a combination of signs - the condition of teeth, fur, claws, the size of the lenses of the eyes, body features, and therefore can determine age as accurately as possible. At the same time, he will assess the pet’s health, carry out antiparasitic treatment, determine the optimal timing of vaccination, and give recommendations regarding nutrition.

Caring for an elderly pet

Don't forget that signs of aging can be mixed with signs of disease. Cats over 10 years old definitely need a routine examination by a veterinarian at least 2 times a year. This will help to notice diseases in the early stages and fight them more effectively, delaying the depletion of the body’s resources. And we are talking about a routine inspection. If there are signs of illness, excessive apathy (or, conversely, aggression) or refusal to eat, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Read more: How many years do cats live?

As we found out, it is not so difficult to find out the age of a cat. At any age, these creatures are interesting in their own way, each age has its own advantages, and even older cats can become excellent pets. When coming to adoption, many people choose adult pets for their calmness, confidence and sociability. And with proper care and care, they can live happily for a long time and delight their owner - after all, domestic cats can live up to 20 years and even more!

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