A cat eats flies: consequences, reasons for increased interest

There is a long list of studies and documented evidence according to which flies are considered one of the most dangerous insects.

Flies are known to carry many diseases. For example, typhoid fever, salmonellosis, dysentery, cholera, gastroenteritis, trachoma, helminths, etc. Therefore, medical experts discourage contact between humans and flies.

Because of all this, we try to stay away from flies. If you have a cat, you might be wondering if these infections also apply to them.

One of the most common questions veterinarians get asked is “my cat keeps eating flies, can she get sick?”

Technically, cats can eat flies just like other insects. Problems may arise if the fly is currently carrying an infection or has been poisoned by a pest control agent.

So is it safe for cats to eat flies?

Check out this article to find out what could go wrong if cats eat these insects?

Why do cats hunt insects?

Cats love to chase insects.
This is due to the fact that pets exhibit an innate hunter instinct. Even if an animal lives a domestic life and eats well, it does not miss the chance to have a race with insects. It is impossible to call your pet while hunting. He does not respond to his favorite toys or screaming. This applies to even the laziest cats.

Important: if a cat catches a fly, it will definitely eat it. Thus, the pet demonstrates its strength, agility and hunting skills.

Many pet owners get scared when their pet eats a pest. Before you run to the vet, you need to understand what the danger is and whether the problem can be eliminated on your own.

The fun process of catching rodents

This cute, fluffy, affectionate creature is a natural enemy of field mice, house mice, and rats. Pests cannot even stand the smell of cats; they avoid their property and fear for their lives.

In cats, the huntress instinct is genetically embedded. Even when well-fed, she will not miss the moment to chase a mouse that suddenly appears. The process itself gives pleasure - to catch, not to miss. But whether to kill, eat or not depends on other factors.

A study was conducted in the USA. They crossed purebred cats and yard cats with one cat. The kittens were swapped after they were born. Purebred cats were raised by yard cats. As a result, it turned out that everyone had developed hunting skills. Mothers regularly brought small rodents to their kittens. But further actions were different. The yard worker killed in cold blood, showed how it should be done to the kittens, and gave them to them to eat. The thoroughbred was limited to playing. The conclusion followed was that in order for kittens to start catching mice and eating them, an example is needed. Instinct alone is not enough; skills are also required.

The dangers of your pet eating flies

A cat that swallows a fly may suffer from:

  1. Insect bite. This applies primarily to horseflies and gadflies. The insect can sting a pet in the tongue or larynx.
  2. Helminth infections. Flies are carriers of germs and worms. Once in a favorable environment, they begin to actively develop, thereby causing harm to health.

Important: in case of a bite, swelling of the larynx is possible. Without timely assistance, the pet will suffocate.

A housefly is not capable of biting a cat when he is hunting for it, but a gadfly or a live fly can do this.

There are also indirect dangers associated with the process of hunting insects, namely:

  • the cat is capable of falling out of a window or balcony;
  • an animal may break a vase and then injure itself on the fragments.

To avoid problems, it is best to remove breakable items and close windows.



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General clinical picture

Unfortunately, as such, the overall clinical picture is either absent or very blurred. This is due to the incredible variety of potential toxins and poisons, the clinical manifestations of poisoning with which also vary significantly. Since many toxins enter the animal’s body through food, responses from the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting and diarrhea) are typical. The problem is that the first signs of neurological pathologies often develop (tremor, wooden gait, seizures, excitability, depression or coma). All of them are characteristic of many viral and parasitic diseases, and therefore it can be extremely difficult to suspect poisoning in time.

Possible manifestations of damage to the respiratory system (coughing, sneezing, difficulty breathing). When toxins penetrate through the skin, a response develops in the form of inflammation and swelling of the skin. They can easily be confused with symptoms of allergic reactions. The development of liver failure (jaundice, severe vomiting) and/or kidney failure (sharp increase in thirst, lack of appetite and weight loss) is very typical. Considering that the effect of many toxins is complex, all the symptoms described above can be combined and very blurred, which makes diagnosis extremely difficult.

It is important to remember that even stopping all signs of acute intoxication by administering an antidote (if it exists at all) does not guarantee a complete recovery of the affected animal. Moreover, in some poisonings, the liver and kidneys are irreversibly damaged (for example, due to improper treatment with antibiotics), which dooms the animal to constant treatment throughout its entire life. Let us also note that if the nervous system is damaged (which also happens quite often), the cat will almost inevitably develop various neurological disorders in the future, including seizures (reminiscent of epileptic attacks).

Preventive actions

Attentive attitude towards animals, timely examination of the skin and veterinary measures will help prevent the development of myiasis.

Timely treatment of wound surfaces with iodoform and aerosol foul-smelling substances will not allow insects to lay their larvae in the wound.

Regular control of insects - laying out poisonous baits, hanging Velcro, keeping places where people and animals live clean - will significantly reduce the spread and reproduction of dipterans.

Insects accompany humans and animals everywhere, however, humankind can control their numbers. Modern agrochemistry has created an incredible number of means to combat flies, mosquitoes, and ticks; you just need to use them in time.

As a rule, a dog that is in a very neglected state becomes a victim of maggots - with festering wounds, untreated injuries, and also not treated for fleas in a timely manner. What to do in this case? How to remove maggots from a dog

, you will learn more from our article.

Where can you spot maggots, how to remove maggots from a dog

Maggots on a dog multiply at warp speed

, since it is in dog hair and feces that they have all the conditions for comfortable living:

  • warm;
  • a constant source of food;
  • the ability to move around on a dog without expending your own strength;
  • an excellent place to lay larvae.

How can we conclude that feces

open purulent wounds
- are
a favorite place for maggots
. They very actively absorb dead skin and meat that has begun to decompose.

What danger awaits

A cat hunts a fly In itself, the fact that a cat catches and eats flies is completely safe. There is nothing in the body of insects that the body of a cat cannot digest. Even the dirt carried by the flies is not dangerous.

But this kitten’s hobby cannot be left without due attention. During the chase, the cat may be so carried away that he will not notice how the fly flies out through an open window or balcony. This is quite normal for a flying insect, but a pet can be seriously injured. This is especially true for residents of the upper floors. To prevent this from happening, there should always be reliable mosquito nets on the windows. They will save you from flies and prevent the animal from flying away.


Flies are carriers of helminth eggs. And if the cat swallows them, then there is a chance of infection. Therefore, veterinarians advise all owners of domestic cats to take preventive measures to combat worms. This should be done even by those who do not walk around and live in an apartment permanently. The difference between street and indoor cats is the frequency of worming. For domestic cats, it is enough to give an anthelmintic drug once every six months, for street cats every 2-3 months.

During the hunt, cats become simply uncontrollable, so they can easily break their favorite vase or scratch expensive furniture. Very often curtains or drapes suffer.

It will be unpleasant if the cat decides to catch a wasp, bee or bumblebee. It can sting an animal, and the consequences depend on the degree of endurance of the body. Some pets cope with swelling of the bite site, while others begin vomiting, diarrhea, and may foam at the mouth. The most dangerous bite is to the palate or larynx. It will cause swelling and the animal may well suffocate. If a dog or cat is bitten by a bee, immediate help will be required in the form of antihistamines.

Thus, a cat eating flies is a completely normal and natural phenomenon. The animal is just having fun. The pet owner’s task is to ensure the safety of his pet, and in the event of a fly or stinging insect bite, to monitor the body’s reaction.

Cats, regardless of their age, are playful. They try to catch everything that moves. Flies were no exception. Seeing a low-flying or crawling insect, pets attack it. In most cases, they eat the pest. The question arises, how harmful is this and what to do if a similar situation occurs? We will try to get answers within the framework of this article.

This evil bee...

A wasp and especially a bee sting - but this is serious! The venom of these insects contains vasoactive substances that cause allergic and toxic reactions in the body of animals. Depending on the location of the bite and the sensitivity of the cat, the consequences may vary. Swelling is always guaranteed. And if the cat turns out to be sensitive to the poison, then an allergy or poisoning will follow.

Unfortunately, there is no test that predicts the possibility of an allergic reaction in a cat after an insect bite. But if your pet has previously had an allergy, you must be vigilant, since all subsequent reactions are more severe. And you must be able to quickly provide first aid, always having the necessary medications at hand.

Most often, cats are bitten on the face or on the extremities where the skin is thinner. Bites in the mouth or nose (!) are especially dangerous when an unwise hunter catches striped prey with his mouth.

What to do?

If you are bitten in the mouth or nose, you should immediately (!) contact a veterinarian, as swelling can block the airways. In this case, it is better to immediately administer an injectable decongestant and antiallergic agent - dexamethasone or prednisolone

The drug should be used on its own with caution, only in case of an acute reaction (for an average cat - 0.2-0.5 ml (0.06 ml/kg), intramuscularly), it is better to consult a doctor first, at least by telephone. Unfortunately, I personally witnessed a fatal outcome from a bee sting on a cat’s nose.

With single bites, if the cat is not allergic to hymenoptera venom, everything is usually limited to swelling, redness and pain in the bite area. In this case, you should remove the sting by grasping it with tweezers as close to the skin as possible, wash the bite site with a soda solution (10 mg of soda (dessert spoon) per half liter of water) and apply a cold compress. This will help relieve swelling. To avoid an allergic reaction, you can give your cat ¼ tablet of Tavegil or Suprastin twice a day. If your condition worsens, of course, go straight to the clinic!

If a cat is sensitive to the venom of stinging insects, an allergic reaction may begin with swelling of the face, eyelids, ears and larynx, up to Quincke's edema with breathing problems, which will require urgent medical intervention. Allergies can also manifest themselves in the form of hives (usually in the abdominal area). Treatment is carried out using antihistamines (suprastin, tavegil), glucocorticoids (dexamethasone, prednisolone) in combination with intravenous infusion therapy (drip).

With multiple bites, a toxic reaction is possible - general poisoning of the body with toxic products that enter the body in critical quantities. At the same time, the cat’s body temperature rises, weakness, apathy, a drop in blood pressure (shock) and even death are observed. With complications in the lungs, respiratory distress (shortness of breath) may increase. Neurological signs of this include facial paresis, paralysis or seizures. Due to the effects of the poison, blood will appear in the stool and urine, and hemorrhages on the skin. All this will also require urgent treatment in a veterinary clinic with the introduction of intravenous drips and the use of appropriate medications (including glucocorticoids). In case of respiratory distress, inhaled oxygen is necessary.

So, to paraphrase a well-known expression, let it be “cats - separately, flies - separately.”

Can cats eat flies and what are the benefits?

Cat and fly If a cat eats flies, then, first of all, he trains his hunting skills. This is a call of nature and a kind of training. In addition, a live target causes much more excitement in a cat than bells or rubber mice purchased in specialized stores.

For cats, movement is a necessary and vital element of life. Only a brave and trained predator can survive in the wild. Pets have no choice but to hone their skills on flies, flies and other insects.

In nature, a cat is a representative of the most advanced predators. At home, caring owners surround their pets with excessive love, feed them with special food and suppress their natural skills. Regular exercise helps cats stay in good shape.

On a note!

It is also important to remember that flies are a valuable source of protein and chitin, which your pet needs for the health and growth of claws, teeth and fur. And chitinous components serve as the basis of the top cover. The cat will not be able to completely meet its daily requirement by eating flies, but a small part will still be absorbed.

Reasons for increased interest

If your cat often eats and tracks insects, then veterinarians recommend buying a ball or an artificial mouse at a pet store. Perhaps he suffers from lack of attention.

Representatives of the cat family, despite the fact that they have been domesticated for a long time, have retained hunting instincts, and therefore react aggressively to fast-moving midges. Cats are genetically ingrained with the habits of a predator, even if the pet is constantly indoors and not outdoors. Observations by felinologists have shown that cats that live in apartments react more aggressively to flies than street animals. This is due to the fact that with a sedentary lifestyle indoors, the pet has a lot of unspent energy. Hunting for insects - flies, mosquitoes, moths or butterflies - is a kind of training. Instincts also dictate to eat the prey to show dominance. In rare cases, a kitten is afraid of large midges, but this goes away with age and increasing size.

The cat swallowed a fly: danger and first aid

Cats, regardless of their age, are playful. They try to catch everything that moves. Flies were no exception. Seeing a low-flying or crawling insect, pets attack it. In most cases, they eat the pest. The question arises, how harmful is this and what to do if a similar situation occurs? We will try to get answers within the framework of this article.

Cats love to chase insects. This is due to the fact that pets exhibit an innate hunter instinct. Even if an animal lives a domestic life and eats well, it does not miss the chance to have a race with insects.

It is impossible to call your pet while hunting. He does not respond to his favorite toys or screaming. This applies to even the laziest cats.

Many pet owners get scared when their pet eats a pest. Before you run to the vet, you need to understand what the danger is and whether the problem can be eliminated on your own.

A cat that swallows a fly may suffer from:

  1. Insect bite. This applies primarily to horseflies and gadflies. The insect can sting a pet in the tongue or larynx.
  2. Helminth infections. Flies are carriers of germs and worms. Once in a favorable environment, they begin to actively develop, thereby causing harm to health.

Important: in case of a bite, swelling of the larynx is possible. Without timely assistance, the pet will suffocate.

A housefly is not capable of biting a cat when he is hunting for it, but a gadfly or a live fly can do this.

There are also indirect dangers associated with the process of hunting insects, namely:

  • the cat is capable of falling out of a window or balcony;
  • an animal may break a vase and then injure itself on the fragments.

To avoid problems, it is best to remove breakable items and close windows.

If a pet has swallowed an insect, it is necessary to immediately examine it, as there is a possibility of a bite. Otherwise, the animal may die.

The inspection must be done carefully. If a bite mark is noticed in the oral cavity, it is recommended to immediately go to the veterinarian. To alleviate your pet's condition, administer antiallergic medications:

  • Prednisolone;
  • Dexamethasone.

Important: Call your veterinarian before administering the drug. A specialist will help you calculate the dosage.

Most often, 0.06 ml of medication is administered per kilogram of live weight.

If the bite was made near the muzzle, that is, not in the oral cavity, it is necessary to treat the wound. This is done with a soda solution. Add 10 mg of soda to half a liter of water. To avoid an allergic reaction, feed your pet ¼ Tavegil tablet.

When the danger of edema has been eliminated, it is better to deworm the cat. This is only done if the procedure has not been performed before.

It is impossible to prevent a cat from catching flies, so it is best to prevent their appearance and spread in the house. This can be done using:

  1. Sticky tapes. Such “traps” will reduce the number of insects in the apartment, thereby preventing the pet from catching them.
  2. Fumigators. The device repels pests, preventing them from entering the room.
  3. Folk methods. It is best to place basil or cloves throughout the rooms. Thanks to the aroma of plants, flies will leave the apartment.

To avoid the appearance of helminths, pets need to be vaccinated 2 times a year. You should also periodically show the animal to the veterinarian, even if it is healthy.

Strange as it may sound, catching and eating flies brings some benefits to the cat. First of all, the pet trains its hunting skills. It is more interesting to play with a living “target” than with soft toys.

Exercise keeps cats in good shape. This affects their health and mood. At home, some owners feed their pets, thereby inhibiting their natural skills.

Important: to prevent cats from eating insects, in addition to food, give them vitamins.

What to do if the cat ate...

The cat is considered one of the most careful animals that does not eat anything that can harm it. However, every owner should know what to do if a cat is poisoned, because there are different situations in life.

Often the person himself helps with this, trying for his pet, not suspecting that he can harm the animal in this way. As an example, we can take those situations when the owner of a cat tries to choose the most powerful flea remedies.

And when a cat is poisoned by flea drops, what to do in this situation worries every loving owner. The thing is that these animals are incredibly clean and try to immediately wash off harmful substances from themselves, even if they were applied in order to get rid of parasites.

When it comes to food, cats are very careful. Many consider them to be picky, but in reality they simply do not eat anything that does not benefit their body. But cats love birds and mice, as they are an excellent source of calcium and other nutrients.

But mice, and even more so rats, can be very dangerous to the health of a four-legged hunter. If they were poisoned, the cat could suffer severe damage, even death.

A cat can become poisoned by licking harmful substances off itself.

The hardest thing is for kittens, as they are particularly curious and can test on themselves some products that are undesirable to put into their stomachs. For example, a small kitten can steal an old slice of cheese or stale sausage from a trash can. An adult animal can also take such a desperate step only if it is very hungry.

Those cats that live in apartments often suffer from boredom and loneliness. Of course, a cat can meditate for a long time, looking at the wall, or simply enjoy the view outside the window, lying on the windowsill, but attacks of excessive activity also occur. During such periods, the animal may begin to play in the bathroom, where it scatters washing powders and cleaning liquids.

All this can get on its paws, and the result will be that the cat will simply lick off the harmful substances and become poisoned. Animal owners often turn to veterinary services with just such a problem. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully hide from your pet all substances and objects harmful to it.

Correct actions at the stage of first aid will save the cat’s life

Separately, it is necessary to say about those cats that live in private houses and have free access to the street. It will be especially difficult for them if they are poisoned. The thing is that when animals are very sick they try to get away from home.

Cats that have this opportunity will not die at home. Therefore, when the animal feels unwell, it will leave and the owner will not be able to help it.

It’s easier with pets, since here a person can quickly react and help his pet.

It is also necessary to take into account that in many cats the signs of poisoning can be very similar to the manifestations of rabies. This is both strange behavior and foaming at the mouth.

Therefore, the owner needs to be careful when it comes to an animal without vaccinations and with free access to the street.

Sometimes it can be difficult to find a veterinary hospital to examine an injured pet, so the owner must act independently. In any case, a person has the opportunity to help a cat. Correct actions at the stage of first aid will save the animal’s life. For mild to moderate poisoning, this may be sufficient.

In case of poisoning, you should contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.

If an animal has been poisoned by a drug or anti-flea product, it will have a characteristic state of overexcitation or excessive drowsiness.

After about a couple of hours, profuse salivation will begin, the pupils will be greatly dilated, and the gait will be uneven. It is possible that the animal will begin to vomit.

Some cats begin to act as if they have a bone stuck in their throat.

As for what to do if a cat is poisoned, there should be one action - the urgent administration of an absorbent. It is difficult to give an animal a pill when saliva flows continuously from its mouth and its swallowing reflex is impaired.

Here you can take activated carbon in the amount of 1 tablet per 1 kg of animal weight, crush it into powder and mix with a piece of your favorite food, for example, pate. Despite the fact that an animal will feel unwell if it is poisoned with medicine, the cat is unlikely to refuse its favorite treat.

In case of poisoning, you should take Polysorb, dilute it with water and give it to your pet.

It should be noted that a cat can exhibit similar behavior when poisoned with dichlorvos. If the house is being treated for insects, the animal must not be allowed to appear there. If a cat is poisoned by dichlorvos, what to do becomes the question that worries the owner. In this case, it is necessary to give the cat an absorbent.

Acids and alkalis

This will affect the fact that the cat, even if it really wants to, will simply not be able to drink water or eat. Additionally, there will be increased salivation and shortness of breath will be noticeable.

Here, as for what to do if a cat is poisoned, it is necessary to cleanse the animal’s larynx and stomach of acid, which alkali helps with. That is, you need to try to pour a soda solution into the animal’s mouth. This must be done very carefully so as not to induce vomiting.

If we talk about what to do if a cat is poisoned by alkali, which is present in large quantities in detergents, on the contrary, you should immediately try to induce vomiting in order to cleanse the stomach. Poisoning manifests itself as difficulty breathing, bloody stool and convulsions. Here you will need to balance the acidity of the stomach with acid, preferably lemon juice.

First of all, these are plants. Cats love to nibble on grass and mostly choose healthy options that saturate their bodies with the necessary substances, vitamins and microelements. But cats also make mistakes, so it is possible that the animal will simply eat grass that is poisonous to it.

This type of poisoning is always accompanied by increased heartbeat with signs of arrhythmia. The pulse becomes rapid, the pupils become very constricted or dilated, diarrhea and trembling in the limbs occur. This requires urgent rinsing. Enterosgel helps well for this, but a regular solution of potassium permanganate will do.

A cat can be poisoned by poisonous grass

This can be done by injecting a saline solution or a small amount of hydrogen peroxide.

If a cat often goes outside to hunt, then it is possible that one day he will attack a mouse or rat that has been poisoned with one of the special poisons.

If this drug immediately causes death in a rodent, then a larger animal, for example, a cat, may get away with poisoning.

But in fact, a lot depends on how a person will act in such a situation, as well as on the animal’s immunity.

A cat can attack a mouse that has been poisoned with one of the special poisons

If a cat inadvertently eats such a mouse, the poison will begin to act in his body. But, given that cats are not the smallest animals, their symptoms will develop slowly.

Zookoumarins can manifest themselves in a cat’s body for up to 10 days. Moreover, one of the most dangerous signs of such poisoning is hemorrhage.

It may be internal and not show itself, that is, the cat will slowly die, and the person will not even understand what is happening to him.

If a cat is poisoned by rat poison, the temperature rises

As for what to do if a cat is poisoned by rat poison, a person in this case can only provide first aid, that is, give the animal an absorbent and try to rinse the stomach.

It is especially dangerous when poisoning occurs in pregnant cats and small kittens; for them, even a slight ingestion of harmful substances into the body can cause death.

Therefore, if a small kitten appears in the house, or a domestic cat is waiting for a new addition, you must try to create all the conditions for them in order to avoid poisoning and tragedy in the house.

This will create a film on the walls of the stomach, which will prevent the poison from quickly being absorbed into the blood. With the right approach and timely human actions, an animal has a chance to survive even if poisoned by a strong toxic substance.

If a pregnant cat is poisoned, Enterosgel will help

You should not give your cat special medications at home. Only a veterinarian should administer special medications.

Probably, many cat owners have experienced how in the summer a cat, which just recently was dozing peacefully on the windowsill, suddenly suddenly shudders and begins to catch someone. And almost always this prey that deprives the cat of peace is a fly.

Of course, sometimes cats hunt on windows and for moths (but this usually happens in the evening), bees and wasps. A meeting with the latter, by the way, is very undesirable, since it is impossible to predict what the cat’s reaction to bee or wasp venom will be, unless the cat’s owner has carried out special preliminary tests or has already encountered a bee attack on his pet.

Why do cats catch flies?

But even if your cat's reaction to bee stings is normal, a bee sting can still be dangerous. Its danger lies not so much in it as in the cat's hunting instincts, which force it to take prey into its mouth. If a bee stings a cat on the roof of the mouth or throat, the animal's larynx may swell so much that the cat suffocates. In this case, the cat should be taken to the veterinarian as quickly as possible. Actually, this should be done immediately after the bite is noticed, without waiting for the cat to have difficulty breathing.

As for flies, which cats usually hunt for on windows, in most cases the cat behaves in a standard way - it immediately rushes to catch the fly. At the same time, the animal can perform the most unimaginable somersaults and jumps, crashing into furniture and knocking down flower pots during the chase - after all, the hunt that began on the window often ends in a completely different place, “moving” from the window to the entire space of the home. There are practically no cats that would be indifferent to flies. But why do they catch them?

Catching flies is a manifestation of the hunting instinct.

The answer to this question is quite simple. It is based on the results of evolution, which over several million years have made their cats almost the most perfect predator that nature has ever known. However, the highest status of the cat as a predator can be disputed, but no one will dispute the fact that representatives of the cat family are perhaps the most effective predators among all land mammals. Just think: domestic cats have been living with people for several thousand years. It would seem like a lot. But what does a few thousand years of domestic life mean next to millions of years? And these millennia cannot be called entirely domestic. After all, cats have relatively recently become sofa favorites, which are fed with various foods and dust particles are blown away from them.

If your pet is a couch potato, this does not mean that it has lost its hunting abilities and instincts.

For most of this “domestic” lifestyle, they were engaged in catching various rodents in barns and storage facilities, that is, they led the same hunting lifestyle, only in the territory developed by man. If we add to this the fact that during this period the blood of domestic cats was regularly mixed with the blood of wild cats, which inhabited the forests of Europe and Asia in abundance, then it becomes clear that domestic cats, despite all their “domestication” to this day remain pronounced predators. And no matter how much you feed these predators, they still won’t miss the chance to chase birds, mice or insects, and indeed anything that moves and that a furry hunter can catch. For the same reason, even a very well-fed cat loves playing with various balls or bows on a string - this is how cats realize their hunting instincts.

The cat watches the fly.

In addition, at home there are very few entertainments that could provide a cat with the physical activity it needs, so missing out on a fly is simply a sin for a cat - after all, this is a real cat attraction! This, by the way, is an important factor. Domestic cats, unlike humans, have fairly developed instincts that push the animal to, so to speak, a healthy lifestyle. In any case, the cat’s instincts in this regard, although they misfire, generally work better than those of humans, with the exception of rare representatives of both species. And these instincts tell the cat that it simply needs to move, even if there is no need for it. Therefore, if a cat living in its natural habitat can still ignore the flight of an insect due to a sufficient amount of movement, then a domestic cat most likely will not miss this opportunity.

In conditions of insufficient implementation of the hunting instinct at home, the cat’s reaction to a moving object can become aggravated. This is one of the characteristic features of hunting behavior. Unfortunately, for a fly that is trying to escape, its movement only aggravates the situation and adds excitement to the cat.

Catching flies and chasing them is excitement for a cat.

It should be noted that if a cat living in natural conditions does not have any decent prey, then it can “kill its appetite” by eating insects. Due to this instinct, a domestic cat that catches a fly will definitely eat it. The composition of insects is mainly quinine and protein. In view of this, there is no need to worry about the cat - both of these substances are very useful for fur and claws.

True, there is still some danger in eating flies. Not the same, of course, as if a cat swallows a bee, but still there. This danger is helminths, and in order to protect the cat from these parasites, it simply needs to be wormed periodically. Another danger is the cat's overindulgence in pursuit. In the heat of the moment, it can easily fall out of the window, which should be equipped with nets, or even better, bars ahead of time. You should also be aware that in pursuit of a fly, the cat may jump onto the stove when it is on.

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According to felinologists, a cat eats flies because this is justified by its hunting instincts. Pet owners should not worry, because midges contain nutrients that are beneficial for the cat’s diet. However, there is a minimal risk of contracting parasites, so your pet needs to be regularly vaccinated and dewormed for preventive purposes.

What could be the consequences?

Eating flies in itself is not harmful to cats. Moreover, the animal is not able to eat a large number of insects in order to fill its stomach with chitin. But the danger still exists and it lies not in the flies themselves, but in the process of catching insects.

Cats are unusually concentrated during a hunt and do not notice dangers. Thus, cats living in apartments and catching flies while sitting on the balcony run the risk of falling out onto the street and getting seriously injured. Additionally, your cat may not be able to tell the difference between a fly and another flying insect, such as a bee or wasp.

During the hunt, a pet may be bitten by a stinging insect and the consequences can be very different. If a bee bites a cat before it enters the oral cavity, the animal may end up with a slight swelling in the area of ​​the injury. If a poisonous insect stings a cat on the palate or tongue, an allergic reaction called anaphylactic shock may occur, leading to the death of the pet.

The owner’s task is to closely monitor his pet, trying to protect the home as much as possible from the penetration of various insects. Thereby protecting your pet from possible falls from balconies, injuries or bites of poisonous insects.

Cat owners whose pets persistently continue to hunt for flying animals are advised to purchase mosquito nets for their windows. Thereby preventing flies or other flying insects from entering the living space.

Is it possible to stop eating mice?

Modern cats (with the exception of those who sit on pasture) have stopped eating caught mice: they are brought to their owners as proof of their dexterity and diligence, often in gratitude for human care. In addition, a cat will not eat a mouse if it has had enough to eat. If you don’t want your pet to eat rodents, watch the energy value of its usual food.

There is an option - to put on a collar with tiny bells: this way the cat will not only not eat, but, above all, will not catch the mouse. A side effect is the annoying rattling of the bell, which not everyone can withstand. If your cat starts chasing mice at your dacha, build her an enclosure where she can frolic until the evening: in this case, all the day’s prey will remain in the enclosure, and you will take the cat into the house in the evening. This method is also not flawless - most personal plots are not designed for unplanned structures.

This is interesting! The most ingenious development is considered to be the development of one meticulous programmer, who came up with a compact automatic door for his cat named Squirrel. The guy got tired of bumping into cat trophies (strangled mice/birds in different corners of the apartment) and he designed a door that opened in front of the “empty” cat and did not open if he was holding something in his teeth.

The programmer taught the camera standing at the entrance to analyze the image (which was simultaneously broadcast to the web server), comparing it with a template, and make a decision about allowing the object into the house.

It will also be interesting:

  • Mycoplasmosis in cats
  • Dysbacteriosis in cats
  • Cystitis in a cat
  • Distemper in a cat

Those who are far from the world of computer technology can cope with the problem in a radical, albeit not entirely humane way, by once and for all banning their cat from going out into the yard.

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Veterinary Directory of Animal Diseases For animal owners

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  • Cat breeds
  • Sterilization of cats
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  • Cat at home
  • Cat vaccination
  • Treatment of cats for fleas, worms and ticks
  • Feeding the cat
  • Kittens
  • Cat health diagnostic service

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Both houseflies and black soldier flies contain small amounts of iron, which helps prevent iron deficiency in cats. Iron is needed for:

  • creating healthy red blood cells
  • transporting oxygen throughout the body
  • removal of carbon dioxide

Cats get all the iron they need through their diet, but without high-quality food sources they can quickly become deficient. Therefore, periodic consumption of flies can increase the iron levels in the cat's body.


Housefly larvae food is a good source of calcium, according to Plos One. Calcium is an essential nutrient for cats and should make up about 0.6% of a cat's total nutritional requirement.

Calcium along with phosphorus keep cats healthy. According to the National Animal Supplement Council, cats should have 1.2 parts calcium for every 1 part phosphorus. Calcium also falls into the category of electrolytes. It is required for:

  • regulating the concentration of fluid in the cat's cells to conduct energy impulses inside the body
  • muscle contractions, including the heart
  • send and receive neurotransmitters
  • blood clotting
  • Strong bone and tooth structure.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency include:

  • Muscle twitching
  • Anxiety
  • Stiffness
  • Lethargy
  • Dyspnea
  • Convulsions
  • Lameness
  • Increased morbidity

As a result, cats receive a small dose of calcium every time they catch and eat a housefly.


Magnesium is essential for hormone secretion, enzyme function, and healthy teeth and bones. It also allows cats to absorb vitamins C and E, potassium, calcium and sodium. Although magnesium deficiency is rare, cats are unable to properly absorb these vitamins and minerals, which ultimately leads to other health problems.

How to protect an animal

It is impossible to prevent a cat from catching flies, so it is best to prevent their appearance and spread in the house. This can be done using:

  1. Sticky tapes. Such “traps” will reduce the number of insects in the apartment, thereby preventing the pet from catching them.
  2. Fumigators. The device repels pests, preventing them from entering the room.
  3. Folk methods. It is best to place basil or cloves throughout the rooms. Thanks to the aroma of plants, flies will leave the apartment.

To avoid the appearance of helminths, pets need to be vaccinated 2 times a year. You should also periodically show the animal to the veterinarian, even if it is healthy.


  • https://zelenplaneta.ru/muhi/kot-proglotil-muhu-opasnost-i-pervaya-pomoshh.html
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  • https://vh-dv.ru/muhi/pochemu-koty-edyat-muh.html
  • https://ivethelp.ru/koshki/koshka-est-mux/


Recommendations from experts

It will not be possible to stop a cat from catching flies, so it is necessary to prevent the appearance of insects in the house. You can do this as follows:

  1. Basil and cloves are good at repelling flies. To ensure that insects leave the house, it is enough to place aromatic herbs in all rooms.
  2. Fumigators will help protect your premises from pests.
  3. You can reduce the number of flies indoors using sticky tapes.

If a cat catches an insect and swallows it, it must be carefully examined for a bite. For an external wound, its surface is treated with a soda solution. For 0.5 liters of water you will need a dessert spoon of soda. Tavegil tablet – ¼ will help prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction. If you are bitten in the mouth, it is recommended to immediately contact a veterinary clinic after giving your pet antiallergic medications. It could be:

  1. Prednisolone.
  2. Dexamethasone.

Typically, 0.06 ml of medication is used per 1 kg of live weight. To correctly calculate the dosage, before administering the drug, you must call the veterinary clinic and consult with your doctor. If the pet did not take anthelmintic drugs before the bite, they should be taken immediately after the swelling is eliminated.

Kittens are another matter

Kittens are at risk of getting sick from eating flies due to their incomplete and developing digestive system and because their immune system is not yet fully developed.

After a kitten eats a fly, the kitten's digestive system may completely reject it, causing the kitten to vomit and experience stomach discomfort. If a kitten does digest a fly, its organs are not yet able to do anything with the material, meaning it will cause problems wherever it goes until it has completely passed through the kitten's system.

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A kitten's system is very different from an adult cat's. Some things that an adult can eat with no problem can end up killing a young, enterprising kitten.

For example, different contents in human food, in particular spices, come to mind. If eaten by an adult cat, it may not cause problems, but serious problems (even death) may occur if eaten by a kitten.

Fighting uninvited guests

A large fly buzzing under the ear can not only cause a relative inconvenience, but is also a carrier of a dangerous disease. They can infect both food and introduce infection directly into the human blood. Tuberculosis and cholera are a few of the diseases that flies can infect humans.

The main principle of dealing with them is maintaining cleanliness. After all, as already mentioned, flies perfectly smell food and fly towards it. Empty the trash can regularly, clean up after pets, do not leave food exposed, equip windows with protective nets - these are simple ways that can greatly make a person’s life easier.

After all, despite being ordinary, it is capable of causing us many problems even in its short life. Even if it does not carry the disease, it can be very annoying because it does not have enough insight to understand that it is not welcome here and look for a quieter place. No matter how many times you chase her away, she will come back again and again.

In addition, as she flies around the room, she marks everything with her secretions. Scientists have calculated that one fly can “check in” in at least fifty different places per day. And each of them is a real breeding ground for microbes. So in the fight against flies, the rule that “cleanliness is the key to health” works more than ever.

By the way, not only blowflies, but also small midges that bother you outdoors can also be the causative agent of serious diseases. It causes various conjunctivitis and is the cause of many intestinal diseases.

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