Go away, you disgusting one! How does a cat affect your sex life?

The positive impact of pets on human daily activities cannot be overestimated. Pets give their owners many positive moments: they share joy with them, console them in moments of despair, save them from boredom, and even help them recover faster. But regarding personal life, not everything is so clear: American researchers have come to the conclusion that a person who has a pet may experience certain difficulties in relationships.

Features of sexual hunting

From 8 months the cat is considered sexually mature. If the male does not live in a closed room (apartment) and has free access to the street, during this period he begins to disappear from the house for a long time in search of a sexual object. The owners will immediately understand that their pet has grown up - during the onset of puberty, he begins to meow frequently at night.

The behavior and character of the cat changes, it may become more aggressive. Sexual activity among representatives of the cat world is well expressed. If a pet does not have access to the street, it can imitate sexual intercourse using soft toys and wool clothing. Every time the cat will react violently if a sexually mature female is next to him. If a pet lives in a private home, the owners need to try very hard to keep it from escaping.

For the first sexual intercourse, a sexually mature cat will always choose an experienced female who has already given birth.

If mating occurs in a cat without sexual experience, the owners of the animals should bring them to mating no more than once a month. When they become more experienced and learn to behave appropriately, mating can be carried out 2 times a week.

What does a cat's March look like?

Surprisingly, many people have never seen mating in cats..

Some people, seeing their pet screaming and rolling around, run to the veterinarian, thinking that the animal is in severe pain. Estrus is a physiological process that means animals are ready to reproduce. The need to procreate is so strong that the cat becomes simply mad and, without stopping, screams, calling for the cat. As a rule, domestic kitties roam at any time, but most intensely in February - March and at the end of summer.

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  • genitals swell
  • the cat licks itself more often
  • eats poorly or refuses to eat.
  • becomes more affectionate or aggressive
  • constantly rubbing against everything
  • squirms and rolls on the floor.
  • trying to run away from home
  • purrs or makes high-pitched, drawn-out sounds
  • moves with half-bent hind legs
  • moves the tail to the side.


A sexually mature healthy male is ready to mate at least eight times a year, almost always. If a cat is not allowed outside, then this period is very difficult for its owners, the pet becomes aggressive, tries to rape soft toys, screams and howls loudly all the time, scratches everything, leaves smelly marks all over the house.

Cats that can walk on their own usually disappear for a week or more, mate intensely, fight, and return hungry and injured after fights with other cats.

How does a cat behave during its first sexual experience?

If cats mature for procreation at the age of 8 months, and their sexual maturity is pronounced, then in cats everything is a little different. They mature by 9 months and, unlike cats, do not show aggression, but, on the contrary, become overly gentle towards their owners.

A cat that has started walking is strikingly different in its manners - it will walk in circles around the male, fawn over him, and its poses will be quite specific. A cat may mark its territory in the house with urine.

Sexual activity among representatives of the cat world varies and depends on the breed. Cats living at home have a shorter period of sexual activity than indoor cats. The estrus period also depends on the time of year. In winter it lasts no more than 5 days, in summer – several weeks.

During the first intercourse, the cat will behave passively. Some individuals may not allow the cat to approach them at all for the first time, showing increased aggression. Mostly Sphynx and Scottish cats behave this way. The possibility of childbearing remains in females up to 8 years.

Briefly about puberty

It is an open secret that the onset of puberty in a cat occurs earlier than the onset of physiological maturity. Puberty means the female’s readiness to bear offspring, and the male’s readiness to fertilize the cat’s egg. As for females, they become sexually mature after about six months from birth. This does not mean that after six months it would be worth looking for a cat and getting a couple together. Early pregnancy may have some not very pleasant consequences:

  • slowdown in cat development;
  • a weak offspring may be born;
  • the vlomyak cat will endure the pregnancy period;
  • this may be the only pregnancy.

From time to time the female will “flow”, the best option would be to start looking for a suitable sire. And it’s a matter of stopping at two or three males, from which over time you can choose one.

Males are allowed to talk about puberty when they are eight months old. At this time, castration is allowed, but it is too early to think about mating the cat. Males can also have negative consequences due to early mating, including:

  • rallentando of the growth process;
  • deterioration in appearance;
  • risk of impotence.

Due to this, when breeding animals after they reach puberty, you only need to wait a little.

Behavior of a cat during estrus

Unlike dogs, in which estrus is signaled by bloody vaginal discharge, cats do not have this symptom. But the behavior of cats changes so dramatically and becomes specific that the owner can easily determine that the pet has entered the active sexual phase:

  1. Becomes more affectionate, following on the heels of the owner. If the owner is a man, he begs for attention and tenderness from him.
  2. Spends most of its time in motion, rubbing against furniture and the legs of its owners.
  3. Takes a specific pose - raises its tail, leans on its hind legs, lifting its pelvis up as much as possible. In this position he can move around the room, backing away.
  4. Either he stops eating anything altogether, or his appetite decreases significantly.
  5. He asks to use the litter box more often, as the urge to urinate becomes more frequent.
  6. It meows more and more often, gradually the usual meowing is replaced by extremely unpleasant, heart-rending screams, which are very difficult for the owners to endure.

Estrus lasts for 5-6 days and repeats every 15-20 days. The presence of the above-described signs is the standard course of estrus in cats, but it also happens that the stage of sexual activity occurs without pronounced signs, this is the so-called latent estrus. The owners will only be glad that their pet lacks open sexual activity, but for breeders this feature of the female can be a real problem.

Prepare the cat

Make sure your cat is healthy. Adding additional stress to an unhealthy cat will only make the situation worse. Take your cat to the vet to make sure she is healthy and her vaccinations are up to date.

Respiratory illnesses are common in kittens, so you want your adult cat's immune system to be ready to handle whatever comes along.

While some cats accept a kitten right away, others usually need a little time to adjust to the changes. Sometimes cats never fully accept a new kitten, but simply coexist while staying away from it.

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Mating cats - features and stages

It is impossible to predict in advance how the first acquaintance between a female and a male will go. Animals may immediately like each other, or they may show unmotivated aggression.

In order for pets to become friends faster, mating should be carried out in a separate, closed room.

Moreover, in a prepared area there is a greater chance that they will find a common language.

First, a container with a cat is brought into the room; she needs to be left alone for some time so that she becomes familiar with the new conditions. Only after the cat has studied everything and calmed down can the male be brought into the room. An indicator that mating will take place with the expected result is normal, typical behavior of animals. If a cat immediately began to show aggression towards each other, it is unlikely that their acquaintance will lead to anything.

If the cat likes the male, a short period of flirting begins. The animals exchange greetings, after which the cat, after petting the cat several times, allows him to come closer to her. If the female does not like the partner chosen by the owners, she will begin to behave aggressively: she will hiss and growl, and may even bite a cat who tries to come closer to her. Owners must monitor how animals behave. If aggressive behavior occurs, pets should be immediately separated and isolated.

Act of intimacy

As soon as the seals have gotten used to each other, got acquainted and exchanged greetings, after a short sexual foreplay, the female allows the male to approach her, making it clear that she is ready for sexual intercourse by standing in a specific position - with an emphasis on her hind legs, raising her pelvis and tail high . The cat approaches the female from behind, digs her teeth into her nape, and hugs her from the sides with her front paws.

The actual process of intercourse lasts very quickly, with instant ejaculation. At the same time, the cat will purr, and the female will scream heart-rendingly (this scream has its own good reasons). After sexual intercourse, the cats separate in a rather specific manner - the cat with a sharp movement jumps away from the female, who in turn hits him with her paw.

After sexual intercourse, the cat’s behavior changes dramatically – it behaves specifically and aggressively. Aggression is explained by the fact that the cat’s penis is rough, and the female experiences unpleasant, painful sensations during intercourse due to the fact that the vaginal mucosa is highly irritated.

Severe pain during sexual intercourse in a cat is also caused by the fact that the scales on the penis dig into the uterus, which is why the cat screams heart-rendingly after the act. But this irritation is necessary in order to stimulate ovulation in the cat, which begins within 24 hours after mating.

If a cat mates for the first time, there is a high chance that ovulation will not occur immediately. After the first sexual intercourse, several more intercourses must occur for the cat to become pregnant, so the animal must be left with the male for several days. Animals can experience up to 10 acts per day.

The owner should not be far from his pets during the mating period. As a result of the rather aggressive and specific behavior of the female, unforeseen situations may arise, so the presence of a person is necessary to come to the rescue in time.

Preparing pets for a meeting

Each cat has its own character. You will not be able to predict the exact behavior of animals when you meet them. However, there are a number of rules that will help brighten up the appearance of a newcomer in the apartment.

Prepare the carrier

It is best to bring your new family member home in a carrier. This way, the cat will not run away during transportation and will not scratch you in a stressful situation.

When you bring your pet home, do not rush to open the container. Place it on the floor and give the cat time to get acquainted with the new environment and neighbor.

The first meeting should be short, 10-15 minutes. If the animals are in a peaceful mood, then the door of the carrier can be opened slightly so that the cats can sniff each other. Have you noticed notes of aggression in the behavior of one of your pets? Stop dating. Enough for today.

Rules for choosing a partner and preparing animals

The choice of a female for a male must be approached with great responsibility, since the quality and quantity of kittens, genetic features, and the successful outcome of the mating itself will depend on the correct choice of partners. If the cat has already had sexual experience, it is worth looking at what the offspring from his previous matings were like.

The best choice would be a prepotent animal, since such a partner will be able to pass on the best genetic set to the kittens. To achieve the best litter from mating a cat with a cat, it is recommended to consult a specialist when choosing a partner.

Before mating, animals need to trim their claws so that they do not injure each other. It is not recommended to perform hygiene procedures on pets, much less bathe them using scented hygiene products. Individuals should exude a natural scent, this increases the likelihood that they will be able to make friends, and the mating will take place with the desired result.

It is recommended to carry out mating in the territory of the male.

In order for the female to feel comfortable in new conditions, you need to bring her litter tray, bowls for food and water, as well as food if it becomes known that the cat eats a different type of industrial diet.

The container with the cat is placed in the middle of the room and left with the door open. Forcibly pulling a cat out of such a shelter is strictly prohibited. The female must calm down on her own and begin exploring the territory. If you force a cat out, it may become very frightened and then refuse to leave the container at all.

When mating purebred cats, you need to take into account a number of nuances. So, for example, a fold-eared cat can only happen to a cat whose ears are straight, otherwise genetic abnormalities cannot be avoided in the resulting litter.

Breeding cats outdoors

A barn cat, when she begins her period of heat and is ready to mate, secretes a special hormonal secretion, and it is its smell that attracts many males. They find the female, surround her and begin to fight for primacy, engaging in battle with each other. A barn cat has a large choice and chooses the male she likes the most. But, as a rule, the cat that won the fight with other male contenders will participate in mating.

The tactics of a cat are interesting, who at all costs wants to emerge victorious from the battle - by entering into skirmishes with other males, with each victory he becomes closer to his goal. But as soon as the cat glances at him, he feigns complete indifference. When a male conquers a female, he approaches her as close as possible and begins to scream heart-rendingly in her ear. If there was no negative reaction from the cat, she did not run away, but continued to lie in the appropriate position, sexual intercourse begins.

Behind the bedroom doors

Often the cat herself begins to flirt, but when the cat tries to mate, she grins and hits with her paw. The cat has to accept her rules, he moves away and pretends that he doesn’t care. This can go on for hours, but as soon as the lady loses her vigilance, the cat bites her by the scruff of the neck and penetrates her. The mating itself is short-lived, about a minute, then the cat, as a rule, screams and throws the gentleman off her, rolls over on her back and rolls on the floor, and the winner moves aside and puts herself in order.

Pussies are capable of having sex for up to three days, it is not without reason that they say that when walking like a cat, a cat is capable of re-copulating with a cat almost every hour . Usually it is immediately clear that everything went well, the newlyweds no longer quarrel, they are affectionate, lie next to each other, lick each other. When one of the meeting participants loses interest in the process, it all ends. A cat usually gives birth on the 55-60th day after mating. If the cat goes into next heat, it means that pregnancy has not occurred; to avoid this, it is better to arrange a second meeting in advance.

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