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Why does a cat breathe like a dog?

In general, such breathing is unusual for cats. They usually breathe through their nose. They are less likely than dogs to have moments when they breathe intermittently with their mouths open. However, there are reasons why a cat can breathe with its mouth open, and they are not always a sign of pathology.

In most cases, these are physiological reasons characteristic of dogs. When should you not worry? It is necessary to discard anxiety if such breathing is caused by physiological reasons.

Why does a cat breathe like a dog?

  • The female is preparing to become a mother. Before giving birth, the animal can indeed open its mouth wide and stick out its tongue.
  • Increased room temperature. That is, during the heat, the animal can also inhale with its mouth wide open and intermittently. In this case, bring the animal home from the street, or, conversely, take it for a walk. Take care to cool the cat's area. Remember that animals, like people, can suffer from heatstroke. Therefore, an increase in temperature for a long period of time can harm the animal.
  • Active games. If your animal frolicked, had fun, ran, rode on curtains, then such breathing is not surprising. The animal has expended a lot of energy, so a lot of oxygen is required to restore the body’s functioning. Therefore, the animal inhales by opening its mouth and sticking out its tongue.
  • Stress. If the animal is frightened or uninvited guests come to your house, then such breathing is quite understandable. Try to calm the animal, pet it, pick it up. Let him jump onto a high sideboard and hide there.

Cute cat

The main sense of cats is their sense of smell.

While most people's primary sense is sight, cats' primary sense is smell, including that of humans. In fact, most cats identify their owners by smell, so it makes sense that most cats enjoy sniffing their owner's mouths since the owner's mouth will emit a strong, unique scent that their cat will associate with them.

Cats are believed to sniff their owner's mouths when they are comforted by the unique scent of their breath. So if you come home from work and find your cat climbing onto your lap and trying to smell your mouth and saliva, you should be flattered as your cat has obviously missed you and wants to feel comfortable being in your presence.

The cat opens its mouth and breathes like a dog: reasons

There are also pathological reasons that require doctor's intervention.

The cat opens its mouth and breathes like a dog, reasons:

  • If you notice that your cat's rapid breathing with an open mouth and protruding tongue is in no way associated with stress or increased ambient temperature, observe how long this happens.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. These may include vomiting, nausea, loss of coordination, and wheezing. In most cases, cats inhale this way when foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract.
  • It could be wool or food debris. This often happens if a pet eats very quickly and tries to get enough quickly.



In fact, tartar is the same plaque, which is a colony of microorganisms that has only undergone calcification. It is quite strong and hard, has a brownish tint and is capable of growing.


  • Finding dark yellow or brown growths on your cat's teeth.
  • The appearance of bad breath.
  • Bleeding and inflammation of the gums.
  • Soreness may appear, the cat may begin to eat poorly, or even lose its appetite.


1. Grinding of teeth with a special paste. Used at the initial stage of the disease.

2. Tartar removal: mechanical or ultrasonic.


Why does a cat stick out its tongue and breathe frequently?

Frequent breathing with an open mouth can be caused by hair getting into the respiratory tract.

Why does a cat stick out its tongue and breathe quickly?

  • Cats can lick and preen themselves for a long period of time, so the hairs get into the respiratory tract.
  • In this case, the animal may begin to cough and vomit.
  • In most cases, nature provides that the pet simply gets rid of some of the fur from the respiratory tract and intestines by vomiting.


Why does a cat chew and lick wool sweaters?

What is the reason for strange cat behavior?
This actually happens periodically. Some owners suggest that the cat simply lacks some nutrients that it finds on the surface of the owner's sweater. However, scientists say that most likely the reason for such actions lies in something else. Some cats just have an impulsive urge to chew, suck, or lick things. In most cases, these are woolen items, however, some individuals prefer human hair, shoe laces, cardboard or plastic bags. And if your cat eats a high-quality diet, if she exhibits high energy levels, and if she has a shiny coat and healthy skin, then it is very unlikely that the behavior is due to nutritional deficiencies. However, certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or anemia, can cause this behavior. Therefore, if your cat begins to lick or chew sweaters, it would be a good idea to take her to a veterinarian, who could give an accurate answer to the question about the suspected health problems.

Why does a cat breathe through its mouth like a dog?

Your pet may have a brain disorder. There is indeed a center in the brain that is responsible for the breathing of the animal.

Why does a cat breathe through its mouth like a dog?

  • Therefore, when it is damaged, breathing may be impaired. This usually occurs as a result of benign or malignant tumors in the head, or after strokes.
  • Therefore, if your pet recently jumped from a cabinet, fell, or hit its head, then it is quite possible that breathing problems were caused by a head injury. This requires doctor's consultation and treatment.
  • A cat may inhale with its mouth open due to infestation with worms. Some parasites live in the lungs, releasing large amounts of toxins and poisoning the animal's body. Therefore, the pet tries to cough up toxins.


The cat pulls out hair

Sometimes the cat just plays by pulling your hair, which can be quite painful. In this case, you must give a tough rebuff, because if you ignore it, the pet will get used to it and will continue to torment you. In this case, you need to shush the cat, hiss, tell him a forbidding word, or, ultimately, kick him out of bed.

You can do the following experiment: as soon as the cat starts making pretzel tricks with your head, he needs to forbid it with words, but if he doesn’t listen, kick him out of the bedroom. After a few times, he will develop a conditioned reflex that playing with his hair will be followed by being completely removed from your body. Then, perhaps, some time will pass and the cat will stop hurting you, understanding the consequences.

The cat is breathing with its tongue hanging out - what to do?

Heavy breathing with a protruding tongue is often observed if the cat has broken ribs. Perhaps this happened during an active walk, or pampering. Cats, despite their plasticity, can also fall and break ribs.

The cat is breathing with its tongue hanging out, what to do:

  • In this case, take a closer look at the deformation of the chest and the presence of other injuries. However, there may be more serious symptoms, which are indicated by heavy breathing with an open mouth.
  • If your pet has a cold, mucous may accumulate in his nose. That is why breathing through the nasal passages is impossible, so the cat inhales through the mouth.
  • It is necessary to treat a cold in an animal. The infection can spread from the upper respiratory tract to the lower. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of bronchitis or pneumonia.

The kitten is tired

What odors trigger the Flehmen reaction?

You may have noticed that your cat doesn’t show a strange “facial expression” after every sniff. The fact is that not all objects and parts of the house are subject to additional examination. The function of Jacobson's organ is to recognize pheromones - chemical substances secreted by animals to communicate with relatives. Secretion is carried out through glands located on the face, paws and anus. With the help of pheromones, cats declare their territorial rights, leaving marks for neighbors and strangers.

Flemen's smile usually appears after sniffing the urine and excrement of other animals, because... they contain pheromones. Also, these substances can remain on furniture and even on people. Additional sniffing allows males to identify a cat that is ready to mate, and mother cats to track the path of the cubs.

Furry members of the household often rub their faces against household items to leave their pheromones on it. For a cat, these substances are indicators of calm and awareness; In this way, the animal reminds itself and tells its relatives that this place is safe. For the same purposes, pets can scratch things.

Why does a cat breathe frequently during heat?

Often the cause of an open mouth can be estrus, or sexual heat. At this time, hormones are raging in females and males, a huge amount of them is released into the blood, which can increase blood pressure and increase breathing. So don't be surprised if your cat is in heat and breathes through her mouth with her tongue hanging out.

Why does a cat breathe frequently during heat:

  • But there can also be very serious reasons for a cat breathing through its mouth. Among them are oncological diseases. There may be a cough with mucous, purulent and bloody discharge. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.
  • Scientists have proven that obese cats can also breathe with their mouths open. Just as fat people experience shortness of breath and heavy breathing due to obesity, the same thing happens in cats. It is difficult for them to perform even the simplest physical activities, which in turn leads to heavy breathing, the cat is forced to open its mouth and stick out its tongue.
  • With some diseases of the liver, kidneys, and excretory system, there may be breathing with an open mouth. This is usually observed with pyelonephritis, or severe liver dysfunction.

If you notice that your pet is breathing with its mouth open, but there are no other symptoms, and heavy breathing is associated with physical activity, there is no reason to worry. However, if the animal breathes for several hours or even days with its mouth open and tongue hanging out, this is a reason to urgently contact a veterinarian. Perhaps, if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, you will be able to save your pet from imminent death.

Animal Treatment Options

In most cases, the best option would be to urgently hospitalize your furry. There is no need to try to cure a tailed cat at home. By trying to help the poor cat on their own, the owners are only stalling for time and making the situation worse.

After giving birth, a cat often breathes with its mouth open

Contacting a veterinarian

When contacting a veterinary clinic with complaints of unnatural breathing of a pet, the doctor will prescribe the following tests:

  • ECG of the heart;
  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • blood test (general, biochemistry, for infections: herpes, rhinotracheitis, etc.);
  • fluoroscopy;
  • consultation with veterinarians: oncologist, dentist and surgeon;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • rhinoscopy.

The list of studies is impressive, but despite this, loving and responsible owners will do everything necessary to ensure that the four-legged disease is diagnosed on time. This will increase the chances of a speedy recovery for your pet and its return to its former carefree cat life. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of illness in your tailed friend, you must call a doctor at home or take the cat to the hospital.

Note! An exception is if a foreign body enters the nasopharynx. In this case, you need to save your pet very quickly. If you know the sequence of actions, even a person without a medical diploma can help an animal.

If a foreign object is stuck in your pet's nose, to provide first aid you need to open the cat's mouth wide, then pull his tongue and try to stick the object out with tweezers. If he ends up in the trachea, you need to follow these steps: turn the cat over, then lift him by the hind legs and gently press his stomach in the diaphragm area. After such manipulations, the foreign object should jump out. But if this does not happen, the cat must be urgently transported to the veterinary clinic.

Flehman's reaction to other animal species

Unless you are a zookeeper or regular visitor to a sanctuary, your cat's first reaction to the smell of fleas will likely be quite surprising. However, domestic cats are not the only species that can curl their lips when a certain smell piques their interest. Other species that have this ability are also known:

  • Horses
  • Buffaloes
  • Giraffes
  • Hedgehogs
  • Pandas
  • Tigers
  • Rhinoceroses
  • Hippos
  • Llamas

In the animal world, this flea reaction would not exist if it were not for scent communication. All of the above animal species send chemical messages (pheromone deposits) when they urinate in an open space. This “marking” behavior allows animals to signal that they are ready to mate or claim a certain territory. The emerging flehmen is a way to “read” the signal.

Despite this common reflex and the ability to communicate through smell, scientists have yet to determine whether the flemen response is cross-species. That is, can a cat, for example, dissect and understand the pheromones of a panda (or a tiger and a rhinoceros). Although this skill has no evolutionary purpose, it would be interesting.

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