Shortness of breath, breathing with an open mouth or wheezing in a cat

You may be concerned when your cat first begins to mouth breathe. It's normal to be concerned about your cat's mouth breathing, but the first question you may want to ask yourself is whether she is mouth breathing or acting differently. So, can cats breathe through their mouths?

Cats can breathe through their mouths, but this is not normal behavior. Cats should breathe smoothly and for a long time through their nose. Blocked nasal passages or serious medical conditions can lead to mouth breathing.

Don't worry. This article will explain why your cat may be mouth breathing, what you can do to help, and why your cat may start mouth breathing. Of course, since mouth breathing can be caused by some pretty serious health problems, if you're ever concerned about your cat's mouth breathing, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

Why does a cat breathe through its mouth?

There are many reasons why your cat may start mouth breathing, although it is almost always a sign that something is wrong. Some problems are fairly easy to fix, such as your cat becoming overexerted while playing, while other problems may mean you need to see a veterinarian immediately.

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Here are some common (mild) reasons why your cat may start mouth breathing:

  1. Allergies (especially in spring or autumn)
  2. Intense exercise
  3. Asthma
  4. Old age (especially in combination with any other factor)
  5. Respiratory infections

With the exception of respiratory infections, all of these problems should be relatively easy to identify. If your cat has asthma, you must monitor her closely to prevent a mild attack from developing into a more serious problem.

If your cat has been playing too hard and is panting, you should stop playing and give her some time to relax and recover. See if your cat is interested in water or ice to help cool him down.

Allergies are more difficult to manage, but your cat can get better if you have an air filter. If your cat's allergies become more severe, you should take her to the vet to see what treatment options may be available.

If you don't think any of these options are the cause, you may be dealing with a more serious problem. There are many problems that can cause your cat to start mouth breathing, from a severe respiratory infection to a foreign body, throat or stomach damage, and a severe asthma attack.

The cause is less important than going to the vet for any of these problems. Your veterinarian will be able to diagnose and treat the problem much more effectively than you can.

Pathological causes

Rapid breathing with an open mouth and protruding tongue indicates a lack of air in the cat’s body - oxygen starvation. If the natural causes of this condition have been eliminated, and the cat continues to breathe too quickly, do not hesitate, you need to show the animal to a specialist.

The reason for this may be dangerous pathological conditions.

Pulmonary edema

When they talk about pulmonary edema, they mean excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the organ. This is not an independent disease, but a symptom. In cats, pulmonary edema can develop for two reasons: cardiogenic (edema is provoked by some kind of cardiac pathology) and non-cardiogenic - caused by external influences.

Non-cardiogenic causes:

  • hot air entering the respiratory tract;
  • reaction to medications, including anesthesia;
  • allergy;
  • consequences of pneumonia or asthma;
  • food poisoning or inhalation of toxic fumes;
  • renal failure;
  • head injury with damage to the brain and its membranes;
  • blood poisoning;
  • sun, heatstroke or electric shock.

Pulmonary edema develops very quickly, and if urgent rescue measures are not taken, the cat may die. This condition has pronounced symptoms and is easy to identify:

  • the cat suddenly loses strength and stops responding to external stimuli;
  • it is noticeable that the animal is having difficulty breathing;
  • the animal coughs, breathes with its mouth slightly open, sticks out its tongue;
  • mucous membranes rapidly turn pale, subsequently acquiring a bluish tint;
  • when coughing, pinkish sputum appears - the result of injury to the alveoli;
  • the initially rapid heartbeat weakens and becomes intermittent;
  • As a result of impaired peripheral circulation, the cat's paws become cold.

Accumulation of fluid or air in the chest cavity

In case of injuries that are accompanied by damage to the skin and muscle frame or rib fractures, air can enter the cat's chest cavity. It prevents the lungs from fully expanding when inhaling. This condition is called pneumothorax.

How to tell if your cat has breathing problems

Your cat's mouth breathing may be a sign that she is having trouble breathing, but this is not always the case. For example, if your cat breathes through her mouth after playing and then starts breathing normally a few minutes later, she doesn't have a breathing problem. They just needed some oxygen for a few minutes.

But if your cat is acting strange, laying down and doesn't want to move, or has glazed eyes when breathing through its mouth, it probably has trouble breathing.

You should also check their gums and tongue to make sure they haven't changed color. Both should be a healthy pink color, but may turn gray or blue if your cat is having trouble breathing. If you notice that your cat's gums or tongue have started to change color, you need to take them to the vet as soon as possible.

Why does a cat open his mouth?

Just because your cat's mouth is open does not mean she is mouth breathing. Make sure your cat's belly heaves when her mouth is open. They are probably mouth breathers anyway.

But sometimes a cat opens its mouth randomly, and sometimes leaves it open for a while before closing it.

Typically, when a cat leaves its mouth open, it is because it smells something interesting and is trying to get more of that smell in order to identify it. Your cat has important scent glands in her mouth, so opening her mouth helps carry scents to her most sensitive organs.

If you've ever seen a cat react to wings, where they open their mouth wide and make strange facial expressions, this is a more exaggerated form of smelling the air with these important scent glands.

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Treatment and prognosis

Treatment is prescribed after examination and diagnosis. Depending on the reasons that caused the breathing disorder, appropriate medical procedures will be carried out with the cat.

The doctor’s first task will be to eliminate hypoxia. For this purpose, if necessary, the cat will be connected to an artificial lung ventilation device (ALV). The animal is also given drugs intravenously that enrich the blood with oxygen.

Next, after the necessary hardware tests, the cause of suffocation is eliminated. Often it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.

The prognosis for the pet’s recovery depends on the owner’s responsibility and effective actions. The faster the cat receives effective help, the more favorable the prospects for his recovery. It all depends on the severity of the animal’s condition at the time of treatment at the clinic.

When cats breathe with their mouths open too often without a “good reason,” this should alert the owner and prompt them to consult a professional. Even a congenital disease can be taken under control and exacerbations prevented. This way you can extend the life of your family pet and make it more enjoyable.

Why does a cat sound like he can't breathe?

There are many reasons why your cat may sound like he can't breathe. For example, if your cat is sleeping, she may simply be snoring. Allergies and mild sinus infections can also cause the nose to become partially blocked, making a whistling sound when breathing.

If your cat isn't showing signs of distress or looking like she's choking or choking, she's probably breathing. You should still check your gums to make sure they are breathing well.

If you're concerned about the sound your cat is making, even if her gums are still pink, it's a good idea to call your veterinarian. They will have a better understanding of what may be causing your cat anxiety and can use your description of the sound to decide whether you should bring your cat in for an examination.

Symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Signs of gastrointestinal diseases depend on the type of disease and the cause of its occurrence. One of the main symptoms that most clearly signals the presence of gastrointestinal diseases is pain.

The location of the pain may indicate the following problems2:

  • heaviness after eating or abdominal discomfort may be associated with a lack of digestive enzymes in the intestines;
  • pain in the upper third of the abdomen can be associated with inflammation of the walls of the stomach, intestines and lower esophagus or appear with ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum. Additional symptoms of these diseases are nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium often signals inflammation of the gallbladder - cholecystitis;
  • pain in the left hypochondrium may be a sign of gastritis and other inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If the pain is severe and girdling in nature, then during the examination the doctor pays special attention to the condition of the pancreas;
  • pain in the lower abdomen can be a sign of appendicitis and intestinal infections.

Most gastrointestinal diseases are not limited to abdominal pain. A person may also be bothered by 2: Diarrhea. In chronic form, it may indicate hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and colitis; Constipation. Gastroenterologists call constipation bowel movements less than 3 times a week. This symptom often accompanies dysbiosis, irritable bowel syndrome; Flatulence. Excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines and stomach can be associated with colitis, pancreatitis and dysbiosis; Nausea and vomiting; Frequent attacks of heartburn, which are caused by gastroesophageal reflux or gastritis with high acidity.

How to treat shortness of breath in cats

Feline panting is simply the technical name for difficulty breathing in cats. It is usually not a disease in itself; instead, panting in cats is a symptom of other problems. The best treatment is to address the root cause of the problem.

Sometimes, such as with asthma, this may not be suitable for you or your cat. Instead, manage their symptoms with hydration support, air filters, and restrictive toys that force them to exercise too much.

Other cats may benefit from a combination of hydration support, limited scents, and a good diet. But if your cat is struggling to breathe or has even mild breathing problems for more than 10 to 15 minutes, you should contact your veterinarian for more specialized treatment.

When to sound the alarm

When the above reasons for unstable breathing are absent, and the cat feels unwell, you need to pay attention to other symptoms. The presence of these deviations indicates that it is time to contact a veterinarian:

  • Cough;
  • Heat;
  • Wheezing;
  • Convulsions;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Vomit;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Redness of mucous membranes;
  • Nervousness or apathy.

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How can I help my cat breathe better?

Sometimes there is little you can do to help your cat breathe better. For example, if your cat has a mild form of asthma, she will likely have trouble breathing from time to time, and unless you have a prescription for medication, there is little you can do.

However, there are a few simple things you can do to help any cat breathe better, although these solutions won't always help a cat who is already having difficulty breathing.

  • Avoid using diffusers, scented candles, and other products with an airy scent.
  • Buy an air filter
  • Make sure they have plenty of water
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