How much does a cat weigh: table of cat weight by age, norm and reasons for deviation from it

Why do you need to measure your cat's height?

Even if your cat leads a purely indoor lifestyle, she will need clothing in cold weather. This applies, first of all, to smooth-haired pets, who are especially cold on autumn days, when the central heating has not yet been turned on in the apartment.

You can sew a cat costume yourself or buy a finished product at a pet store. In both cases, so that the new thing does not turn out to be too small or large, you first need to take measurements from the animal.

In addition, height is measured in purebred animals that participate in exhibitions. Its value serves as the basis for calculating the index of elongation, massiveness, long-leggedness and other parameters of the animal. By comparing these values, a panel of judges determines whether a given specimen meets the required breed standards.

Very low weight

Very low weight cats require immediate attention. It is rare to see a cat in this condition unless it is a stray or someone is neglecting it. Very low weight cats will have visible ribs that can be seen from the sides and top. The bones around the tail will not be covered in fat and will be more prominent than normal. The tummy tuck will be extreme and they will usually have little energy for grooming, hunting or playing. If it is a stray, it will lose its fear of people and will approach you in search of food.

What types of body structure do cats have?

Compared to dogs, domestic cats differ little from each other in shape and size. However, the existing differences distinguish three main types of these animals:

  • Undersized . Short-legged cat breeds, the most famous of which is the Munchkin. The paws of these animals are 2-3 times shorter than usual, which is due to the dwarfism gene. Height - up to 20 cm.
  • Medium height . Cats with well-developed muscles, slightly rounded heads and medium-sized legs. Height – from 23 to 30 cm.
  • Tall . The most famous breeds are Savannah and Maine Coon. Slender, long-legged animals with a narrow chest and wedge-shaped head. Height – up to 45-60 cm.

Slide captions:

Research article on the topic: “Measurement of the physical parameters of a cat” Completed by: Rogozhnikova Svetlana, 7th grade Supervisor: Osolikhin Yu. V., higher physics teacher. sq. cat. Branch of MKOU "Shamarskaya Secondary School No. 26" - "Gornaya Secondary School"

Study of light perception by the cat's eye Experiment No. Distance from source to device, cm Illumination, lux Pupil width, mm 1 5 250 6 2 10 120 9 3 15 70 11 4 20 30 13

Recommend: Wheelchairs for cats

Physical devices. Measuring tape, measurement limit 100 cm, division 1 mm.

Medical thermometer, measurement limit 43°C, division value 0.1°C.

Household spring scales, measurement limit 10 kg, division value 0.1 kg.

School ruler, measurement limit 20 cm, division 1 mm.

Flashlight on your phone, Sound Level Meter app on your phone.

Luxmeter 25 -100-500 lx with separate photocell F102, measurement range 25, 100, 500 lux, division value 0.5, 2, 10 lux.

Dosimeter “Master 1-Horizon B5656”, units. measurements μSv/h.

Height or length?

Our smaller brothers walk on four legs, which creates some confusion when taking measurements. What is the difference between a pet's height and its body length?

A cat's height is measured vertically. The withers are taken as the starting point - the border between the cervical and dorsal spine, the highest part of the back. The center of the withers is located at the point between the shoulder blades of the front legs; this place is covered by a particularly dense fold of skin. The cat holds the cat by the withers (in common parlance, by the scruff of the neck) during mating, and the cat drags the newborn kittens.

As for body length, its value is measured in the horizontal direction.

Let's start taking measurements

Measuring the height of a cat is more difficult than measuring the height of a dog. A standard cat will not stand in one place for even a couple of minutes, so to take measurements you will need an assistant to hold the fidget.

The rest is a matter of technique. Place the cat close to the door frame or wall, level with the height of the withers, leave a mark with chalk, and then measure the distance from the floor to the mark made.

Another option is to use a measuring tape. To do this, apply the tape measure itself to the withers, and lower the end of the measuring tape to the floor surface. The resulting value is the height of the animal. If the cat is long-haired, spread the fur to the cat before measuring.

What to do if your pet desperately does not want to stand still for at least a minute, and there is no assistant nearby? Then you can use a trick and measure the animal’s height from a lying position.

If the apartment windows face the sunny side, place a sheet of Whatman paper on the windowsill and let the cat lie down in a place warmed by the sun. When your pet falls asleep, straighten his paws vertically in relation to his body and place marks on the paper. However, when choosing this method, the measurement error increases noticeably.

What about the length?

Along with the height of the animal at the withers, the breed standards must indicate the length of its body. So in our story it would be unfair to ignore this parameter.

Sometimes it is believed that the length of a pet’s body is measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. However, in fact, the length of a cat with a tail does not say anything about its size, so measurements are taken without taking into account the tail. Even more precisely, the length of the animal’s body is measured from the base of the neck, level with the shoulder joints, to the base of the tail. The measuring tool is the same measuring tape.

Interestingly, data on body length allows us to determine the approximate age of the animal. Here are some approximate indicators for a medium-sized animal:

  • newborn kitten – 12 cm;
  • kitten aged 2 months – up to 24 cm;
  • kitten aged 5-6 months – up to 35 cm;
  • adult cat – up to 35 cm;
  • adult cat – up to 37 cm.

Stages of growing up cats

Each period of formation is characterized by features of development and growth. If you miss one of the necessary procedures in childhood, it will be impossible to catch up with it in the future.

AgeFeatures of development
InfancyThe first month of a cat’s life can influence its entire subsequent fate. At this time, you need to ensure that the kitten is not left without mother's milk.
(from birth to six months)
Large babies should not be allowed to push smaller ones away from the nipples. The same applies to the period when self-feeding begins - the weak should not give up their portion to the strong.
It is important to treat for blood-sucking and worms. They don't just bother kittens, but affect their overall physical development (including height and weight).
Owners have different attitudes towards vaccinations (after 9 weeks), but it is still better to undergo mandatory vaccination. It will additionally protect kittens during the growth period and increase natural resistance to disease.
In the second month of life, you need to start socializing. During childhood, cats easily get used to human society. It has been observed that the ability to get along with people directly affects life expectancy.
YouthThis is a period of intensive entry into puberty. In cats it occurs from 12 to 15 months, and male cats are usually delayed in growth.
(from 6 months to 2 years)
Depending on the breed, cats grow to the age of one and a half to three years. You should not rush with the first offspring, even if the animal’s body is already ready for reproduction - physically they are not yet strong enough to give part of their strength to kittens. This is especially true for girls. Life expectancy is directly correlated with the time of first mating.
During adolescence, proper nutrition is important for cats. To grow, their body needs a maximum diet of nutrients. At this age, cats are very active, play a lot and rarely sit still.
YouthThe period of blossoming and final formation. Now cats use all the health accumulated in childhood, and growth does not take away extra calories from them.
(from 2 to 6 years)
This is also the time of entry into the reproductive phase, the birth of offspring and the consolidation of psychological stability.
MaturityNow the life expectancy of a cat is affected only by nutrition, veterinary care and the good attitude of the owner.
(from 7 to 10 years)

It has been noticed that at an advanced age, the character of most cats changes in a positive direction. They no longer try to dominate and insist on their own, but seem to recognize the owner as their equal.

Petstory app – a service for cat owners

When a pet shows symptoms of deteriorating health, loving owners rush to look for information on the Internet. However, the information that can be gleaned from there often contradicts each other. It is much more convenient to consult with a qualified veterinarian at the first warning signs and get competent advice on what to do next.

To take advantage of this opportunity, install the Petstory mobile application on your smartphone. The service allows you to consult online with experienced veterinarians, and you choose a specific specialist yourself.

In addition, using the application, you can make an appointment at any time at your nearest veterinary clinic. Another useful feature is an interactive map with the location of pet stores, where you can purchase everything you need for your four-legged family member.

Unlike dogs, domestic cats are largely the same when it comes to body size and shape. But there are three main types.

  • A type of short cat. Their body structure is dense, their legs are thick, their chest and rump are wide, and their head is round.
  • Cats with a developed muscular system: they have medium-sized legs, a medium-sized chest and rump, and a slightly rounded head.
  • Cats with a long body: slender, with long legs, narrow chest and rump, long wedge-shaped head.

On average, an adult cat is 30 centimeters high at the shoulders and about 46 centimeters long from the tip of the nose to the tail, while the tail is approximately 30.5 centimeters.

A domestic cat typically weighs about four to five kilograms. It happens, however, that heavyweight cats exceed this weight; record holders reach 30 kilograms or more.

The smallest cats rarely exceed one and a half kilograms.

In most cases, these animals manage (unlike dogs) to stay fit without spending time doing gymnastics or jogging. It is believed that by stretching (and all cats love this activity), they provide themselves with all the necessary exercises to maintain their stature and mobility.

People often ask: why are the body sizes and shapes of cats so different from those of dogs? The domestic cat has a less diverse genotype than dogs; It was bred through selective breeding only a little over a hundred years ago, while the genetic structure of dogs developed over several millennia. When real cats separated from the common line of development with dogs, they developed an almost ideal body structure for sneaking and jumping. The dogs, those hardy runners, remained tied to the ground. An agile cat, on the contrary, can jump to grab a flying bird or climb a tall tree.

Like any hunter, a cat must be fast, agile and silent in its movements. Therefore, the structure of its skeleton, muscles and limbs must meet these goals.

The cat walks using a minimum of energy. Its gait pattern is mostly diagonal, with a front paw stride alternating with a hind paw positioned diagonally. The gait pattern thus looks like this: left hind leg, right front leg, right hind leg, left front leg. The cat's center of gravity is located closer to the head than to the tail, so its forelimbs support the body, and the hind limbs provide it with forward movement.

What affects the growth of an animal

The main reasons influencing the growth and development of Siberian cats are, first of all, heredity, complete and balanced food, and proper care. Therefore, for those who want to have a “Siberian” as a friend, who inspires respect for its size, it would be a good idea to ask the breeder about the pedigree of the kitten being purchased, look at the previous litter of both one and the other parent (from a photo or through Internet resources), and see them matured children.

The probability of getting offspring that will reach large sizes and weight from parents who do not have such qualities and have not given such offspring before is too small. Of course, we are not talking about a Siberian cat reaching a super-giant weight or size as a result of overeating due to excessive overfeeding . Such “achievements” will not bring any good to the animal, but you will not end up with health problems: from the cardiovascular system to the short life expectancy of the “fluffy”.

But correct and balanced food, especially in the first years of life of Siberian cats, when their main vital body systems are formed, requires the inclusion of 70% protein in the food, which gives a start to the proper functioning of all organs in the future. And this rule should be observed until the pet reaches the final phase of its development, which, as is known, can take up to 5 years.

Important! Proper care, which includes taking care of the health of the Siberian cat, providing sufficient walking for the full development of muscle mass, is a direct factor influencing the development of representatives of this breed and their size and weight indicators.

After all, it is known that an individual infected with worms, other parasites, or in an unhealthy state loses weight, condition indicators, and in any case loses to a healthy animal in all exterior indicators. And most importantly, of course, she will not be able to bring the joy to the owner that she could give with her appearance alone, not to mention the lost time for life-affirming communication.

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How to determine the size of a cat's clothing correctly

To correctly determine the size of clothing, the cat is measured. You will need a tailor's measuring tape. If this is not available, use a piece of non-stretchable twine. Due to its short length and inflexible material, a ruler is not suitable.

The measuring tape may show incorrect results when the markings are not applied correctly (a common defect in measuring tools purchased from the Chinese marketplace). Or the tape has stretched or shrunk during use.

Before taking measurements, you need to check the accuracy by comparing the measurement with a school ruler (preferably a Soviet model - at that time all measuring instruments were checked for measurement accuracy).

6-12 months

After 6 months, the weight gain is about 100-200 g, so by the age of one year the kitten can weigh 4-5 kg. This indicator is average, since cats weigh less and males weigh more. In addition, kittens of large breeds continue to gain weight, while miniature specimens are already fully formed.

The following factors influence the weight of a one-year-old pet:

  • mobility. The more active the baby, the lower his weight, but at the same time he is more suitable to the standard. Passive couch potatoes gain excess weight, and this threatens health problems;
  • nutrition. A properly composed menu allows you to avoid problems with excess weight. The kitten should not be overfed, otherwise it will gradually turn into a fat belly with a “bouquet” of chronic diseases;
  • dream. Cats sleep much more than people. If an animal does not get enough sleep because of small children in the owner’s family, weight problems may appear;
  • Stressful situations - moving, visiting the veterinarian, the arrival of guests - contribute to worsening appetite and weight loss.

Approximate kitten weight:

Weight of kittens 3-12 months
Months Male Female
84,03 2,71
94,13 2,82
104,28 2,87
114,35 3,05
124,4 3,15

These data are averaged, since large purebred cats, of course, weigh more, and miniature cats, accordingly, have less. Each owner must take into account not only the age, but also the breed of his pet, while trying, if possible, to avoid factors that provoke underweight or overweight.

How to take measurements

When a cat sits or lies, the spine changes length due to deflection or twisting. Clothing for a cat is designed for movement, so measurements are taken after placing the animal.

It is better to measure together. The owner calls the cat, holding a treat in his palm. The palm of the other hand gently supports the stomach, preventing the animal from sitting down.

At this time, the assistant measures:

  • the length of the back from the withers to the beginning of the tail (not the end of the body);
  • neck circumference (the tape is placed in the middle);
  • chest volume (widest point);
  • volume of the abdomen (when the cat is expecting kittens, or the pet is well-fed).

Common clothing models are blouses with an elongated back or blankets with a hole for paws without sleeves. When you plan to purchase items with sleeves and legs, the circumference (volume) of the paws is measured.

  1. The cat stands on four legs, head slightly raised (standard stance).
  2. The tape wraps around the front legs at chest level just behind the limbs.
  3. To measure the hind legs, the tape is run parallel to the floor from the level of the groin towards the tail.
  4. If trousers are purchased, measure the length of the leg from the root of the tail to the desired length (usually the hock).

Clothes for kittens are purchased for growth. It is better to check the measurement table for this breed, which records growth by month. Or purchase clothes by adding up to 4 cm for movement.

Signs of normality and deviations in weight up or down

In order to determine without weighing an animal whether its body weight is within the normal range, or whether it is obese or, conversely, exhausted, you need to take a close look at the animal and examine its body.

Signs of being underweight:

  • the bones of the ribs and pelvis are clearly visible, protruding excessively through the skin;
  • visible insufficiency of muscle fibers;
  • When palpating the chest, a layer of subcutaneous fat is not felt.

Maximum low limit of permissible low weight:

  • the bones of the ribs and pelvis are clearly distinguished;
  • the waist is visible;
  • in the chest area you can feel the subcutaneous fat layer, which is absent on the abdomen.

The norm indicator, which is considered ideal for an animal of any breed:

  • all body proportions are perfectly observed;
  • the bones of the ribs and pelvis are poorly visible, but they can be felt;
  • the waist varies;
  • the presence of subcutaneous fat in the chest area;
  • There is a small, thin accumulation of subcutaneous fat on the abdomen.

Signs indicating that an animal has problems with excess weight:

  • it is extremely difficult to palpate the bones of the pelvis, ribs and spinal column;
  • it is almost impossible to determine the waist;
  • the layer of subcutaneous fat can be easily felt in the chest and abdomen.

Symptoms of obesity:

  • due to the thick layer of fat, it is almost impossible to feel the bones of the pelvis and hips and the spinal column with your hands;
  • the fat layer under the skin on the chest and abdomen is thick;
  • the abdomen is enlarged.

With a lack or excess of weight, the animal’s behavior also changes. The cat becomes apathetic and prefers to spend most of its time lying down. With obesity and underweight, it is difficult for an animal to move.

size table

Manufacturers conventionally divide all cat breeds into large, medium and small (L, M, S), and then make a breakdown in increments of 3-5 cm, referring to the control measurement of neck girth. Before purchasing, it is worth checking whether the table includes allowances for loose fitting - after all, the cat does not need tight-fitting clothes.

A couple of cm are added to the measured home values ​​for freedom of movement of the animal, then the size is determined from the table.

Important: the choice of size also depends on the type of fabric. If the control measurements with an increase were obtained on the border of two sizes, choose the smaller one when the fabric stretches well (for example, knitted fabric, lycra, jeans with elastane).

If the table determines the size of the cat, and the planned purchase is a jumpsuit worn on four paws, additionally measure their girth.

Before paying for clothes in a pet store, ask the seller about the elasticity of the materials, if necessary, add a couple of centimeters for movement.

Weight table by age

newborn60-130 gr.
1 Week250 gr.
2 weeks370 gr.
3 weeks500 gr.
4 weeks (approximately 1 month)540-700 gr.
8 weeks (approximately 2 months)1-1.4 kg
12 weeks (approximately 3 months)1.5-2.5 kg.
24 weeks (approximately 6 months)3-5 kg.
48 weeks (approximately 1 year)4.5-7 kg.

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Shoe size

To find out which shoes are suitable for a cat, you need to take standard measurements of the length and width of the “feet”. The easiest way is to put your pet on a piece of paper and trace the front and back tracks. Afterwards, in a calm environment, without torturing the animal, you can determine the size of the shoes.

Important: paws, in most cases, differ in size from each other, so you should not rely on single readings.

Clothing for a cat is not a whim of the owner, but a necessity: hairless breeds are cold, short-haired ones need warmth when they are acclimatizing or sick. To prevent the fur from becoming electrified, when choosing clothes for a cat, preference is given to natural fabrics with a small synthetic content.

Possible reasons why a kitten’s weight does not correspond to age standards

The main reasons for a kitten’s weight not meeting age standards are:

  • Lack of nutrition. The first months of life, kittens may suffer from a lack of milk. This may be due to an unbalanced diet of the cat or a large number of brothers and sisters of the baby.
  • Unbalanced regime and diet of the kitten. In particularly advanced cases, the baby’s development stops.
  • Deviations associated with genetics or heredity. This applies to a greater extent to purebred kittens. It is necessary to find out what diseases can be passed on to the baby from mom and dad. If a kitten is suffering from underweight, you should check with the breeder what parameters its parents had at the same age.
  • Infectious diseases and viruses. Diseases can affect the kitten’s gastrointestinal tract, which affects the absorption of food. The absorption of beneficial elements deteriorates, so the baby may not gain weight.
  • Worms. At any age, helminthic infestations are dangerous for an animal, and even more so during the formation of a young organism. If a kitten is infected with worms, it will not grow well.

In the last three cases, the owner must immediately contact a veterinarian to prevent possible death of the animal or the development of diseases and transition to chronic forms.

In order for the kitten to develop normally, it is necessary to consult a specialist and follow feeding recommendations. In addition, if some deviations in the baby’s development are noticed, immediate action must be taken. The delicate body of a kitten does not yet have the immunity of an adult animal, and many infections can seriously harm it.

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