How many times a day and for how long does a cat feed her kittens milk?

Features of digestion depending on age

Cats belong to the order of carnivores, the class of mammals.
Immediately after birth, the baby needs mother's milk. With it, he receives micronutrients, proteins, vitamins, fats and, most importantly, immunoglobulins, which form the immune system of the future predator. The mother feeds the offspring until they are three months old. The enzyme lactase is produced in the small intestine of kittens. It is responsible for the digestion of milk sugar (lactose).

Mother's milk

From a month on, the cubs gradually begin to taste meat. The amount of breast milk consumed decreases, but it still takes up a significant part of the diet. As the kitten grows up, serious changes occur in its body. Lactase production decreases. The digestive system produces more and more proteases necessary for the breakdown of proteins.

Three months is the age when a kitten becomes an adult and stops receiving milk from its mother. By this point, the body has already adjusted to a meat diet, and lactase practically ceases to be produced. There is not enough enzyme to process lactose, so milk causes unpleasant symptoms (pain, diarrhea) in most adults.

About the transition to solid food

It can be introduced gradually to the offspring after reaching 4 weeks of age. After all, animals are already beginning to lack the components of mother’s milk for healthy physical development. Babies grow at an intensive rate, begin to crawl, explore everything around and at the same time spend a lot of energy. The kittens are gradually introduced into the diet with chicken, beef, cottage cheese minced in a meat grinder, and given yogurt, fermented baked milk, and diluted cow's milk. From the age of one month, 2-3 meals a day with breast milk is optimal. By the time the mother stops breastfeeding, she should be able to eat solid food on her own.



Basic Rules

We present the basic rules, following which you can figure out how to raise and feed a 1-month-old kitten without a cat at home:

1. Food for a one-month-old kitten should have a liquid consistency. Solid inclusions and pieces should be avoided. The kitten will hardly be able to digest such food. 2. When feeding a small kitten for up to a month, use various feeding devices. Bottles with rubber nipples can serve as such devices. 3. Each new product is introduced into the diet gradually and in small portions. 4. Do not overfeed your baby. Control the amount of food in the bowl. 5. Introduce new foods into the kitten’s diet not immediately, but gradually. Give each new product every 3-4 days.

IMPORTANT: Provide the kitten with clean drinking water in the required quantity.

How to train a one-month-old kitten to eat on its own

The kitten begins to show interest in adult food at the age of 3 weeks.

He watches with interest how other animals eat. Complementary feeding should begin with dairy products. Pour milk into a saucer, dip your finger in it and let the kitten lick it. The baby will understand that it’s delicious and will reach for the cup himself.

Then you can poke the kitten's muzzle into the milk, but be careful not to choke. In any case, give the kitten freedom of movement and freedom of choice. He himself will reach for a cup of milk and start lapping it up. Don't think that you will succeed the first time. Be patient and repeat the procedure again. It is normal for the kitten to snort and sneeze.

A baby kitten can get its paws right into the bowl. To wean your kitten from such a bad habit, wipe its wet paws every time.

Hold him by the neck so he doesn't go all the way into the bowl. Be patient with your little pet and after a few days the kitten will learn to eat on its own. The owner of a kitten is always conflicted about whether it is better to feed the kitten dry food or natural food.

Cat breeders debate the benefits all the time. Ready-made cat food is a balanced product. The manufacturer adds everything you need to it: vitamins, healthy additives and microelements. From the point of view of veterinarians, dry food is worthy food for an animal.


But with any approach, you need to recall important features:

  1. If you start feeding your kitten natural products, do not add dry food to its food. The fact is that the process of digesting dry food and natural food is different. Therefore, if you do not want your animals to encounter problems such as gastroenteritis and gastrointestinal colic, then do not feed natural food and dry food at the same time.
  2. You should not feed your kitten with industrial food of different brands at the same time, this will either lead to an excess of some vitamins or to vitamin deficiency. Digestive problems are also possible.
  3. Don’t skimp on your pet’s health, buy proper and high-quality food. The kitten should be fed with a product of the “Premium” and “Superpremium” classes.

If you decide to feed your kitten natural food, then adhere to the following rules:

  1. Diet variety. If from an early age an animal gets used to one type of food, then in the course of its life it will hardly be possible to accustom it to another. Offer your kitten a variety of foods.
  2. You should not feed your kitten food from your table. Human food contains salt and spices that are harmful to cats.

So what should you feed a one-month-old kitten, besides milk?

You can give complementary foods in the form of cottage cheese. Stir cottage cheese with milk until it reaches a consistency similar to sour cream. The next product that you will introduce into the diet of a month-old kitten is chicken yolk, but it should also be mixed with milk. Porridge with meat and milk broths, soups with broth without spices, and boiled vegetables are good for a kitten.

You can use different products, the main thing is that they are not greasy and are well chopped. Kittens should not be given meat from fatty animals, such as pork, goose, and duck. Add organ meats to your food. Meat should not be given to a kitten raw; it must be boiled first. Fish should not be given to cats often. Frequent consumption of fish leads to kidney disease. For castrated animals, fish is excluded from the diet altogether.

The food of a small kitten should be close to natural. Food should be warm and natural. Do not feed foods that are too hot or very cold. Make sure that the kitten always has clean water.

Feeding regimen or how many times should a kitten be fed 1 month old:

1. Kittens up to two weeks old are fed at least 7 times a day. All feedings are divided into equal time intervals. 2. Kittens aged from 2 weeks to 1 month are allowed to eat 6 times a day. 3. A kitten older than 1 month should receive food 6 times a day in small portions.

A single serving of food for a one-month-old kitten is 30 ml per 100 g of weight. A kitten over 1 month of age is given 50 ml per 100 g of food weight at a time.

How long to feed?

The duration of breastfeeding depends on many factors. On average, a healthy cat can nurse kittens for up to 1.5 months.

To prevent the milk from disappearing prematurely, it is necessary to monitor the quality of the cat’s diet: its diet should include useful minerals and substances that promote the continuation of lactation. There are special foods for nursing cats from Royal Canin and Pro Plan.

In addition, it is necessary to monitor the cat’s health: postpartum complications and parasites can negatively affect lactation.

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Can kittens have milk from a cow?

If, for a number of reasons, a kitten can no longer feed on mother’s milk, the owner is faced with the task of choosing the most suitable analogue. The first thing that comes to mind is cow's milk. This product is widely represented on the market, it is affordable and can be found in any store. But can you give it to a kitten? Unfortunately, there are many reasons why this choice should be abandoned.

Cow's milk is intended for newborn calves. Its composition is rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements, many of which are suitable for cat babies. But some substances are not needed by the kitten’s body and are even dangerous:

  • the protein contained in cow's milk can cause diarrhea or allergies;
  • estrogen is a female hormone present in the milk of a pregnant cow, which negatively affects the kitten’s hormonal levels;
  • antibiotics that cows receive on farms can cause dysbiosis;
  • Some of the pesticides contained in cow feed end up in the milk and can cause severe poisoning in a kitten;
  • pasteurized dairy products from the store are practically devoid of nutrients and beneficial substances.

Feeding with cow's milk

Feeding kittens: when to start

Beginning cat owners don't always know when to start giving their babies other foods. Feeding kittens begins when the kittens are 3-4 weeks old.

Used as additional food:

  • Dry food . The following products are suitable for babies aged 1 month: Royal Canin Baby Cat, ProPlan Optistart, Almo Nature Kitten, Safari Kitten. The food granules are first soaked in warm water and then made into a semi-liquid paste. This mixture is offered to kittens. By 1.5 months, babies are good at chewing unsoaked crackers.
  • Raw meat . Suitable for kittens: turkey, rabbit, veal, quail, chicken. The meat is cut into small cubes and offered to children.
  • Dairy products . The best option for first feeding is soft, low-fat cottage cheese. You can also offer your kids 10% cream and fermented baked milk.

REFERENCE! They begin to give any of the products to small pets in a minimal amount (half a teaspoon). Every day the amount of food is increased.

What to feed

Beginning owners are interested in what to feed kittens if they refuse meat or dairy. In this case, you can offer children canned food (the composition should not contain starch, soy and other additives) or special kitten pates.

Artificial feeding of kittens is a process that takes a lot of time and effort. To feed babies, it is necessary to use special formulas that completely replace mother's milk. Any questions should be directed to veterinarians or experienced breeders.

Features of goat milk

Goat's milk is better for kittens than cow's milk. Its composition is more acceptable to their body.

Goat milk has a number of undoubted advantages over cow milk:

  • in terms of fat content it is closer to cat fat;
  • fats and proteins are easily digestible;
  • low-allergenic;
  • contains less lactose;
  • contains a lot of lacto- and bifidobacteria, which have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and the digestive process;
  • a significantly higher percentage of vitamins and mineral compounds.

If there are no contraindications, kittens can be given goat's milk. To reduce the fat content, it must first be diluted with water.

It is very important to buy the product from trusted farmers, making sure in advance that the goats are healthy, well-nourished and kept in decent conditions.

Milk during feeding

A kitten, left without a mother from the first days, needs adequate nutrition for normal development. The owner's first step is to try to get cat milk for the little pet. To do this, you need to find a nursing cat and give her another baby. If this method fails, it's time to think about an alternative.

Many pet food manufacturers produce special complementary foods that will become the baby’s main diet until he is one month old. These are mixtures that include milk powder, cream, yeast, eggs, as well as all the elements necessary for growth.

The preparation process is simple - pour liquid into the powder and mix thoroughly. Usually a daily supply is prepared immediately, which is kept in the refrigerator to preserve its benefits and freshness. Before feeding, the required amount of the mixture is heated to 38 ⁰C.

Veterinarians recommend adding a little more liquid to the powder than indicated on the package. This will help avoid constipation.

Various feeding mixtures

When making a choice in favor of one or another product that replaces mother's milk for kittens, you need to consider several points:

  • the manufacturer and brand must be well-known and have positive reviews from specialists and breeders;
  • The breed of the pet largely determines the required calorie content of the mixture;
  • fat content – ​​for children the limit value is 9%.

Meat puree can be gradually introduced into the menu of a bottle-fed kitten from the age of one month.

Features of feeding kittens

In cats, colostrum appears immediately after lambing. It is a milk-like liquid with beneficial components. Colostrum is valuable for its antibodies - they provide kittens with immunity from the first days of their birth. Colostrum turns into milk and becomes the main food that provides babies with proteins, fats, vitamins, and carbohydrates. Kittens are born blind, but with a good sense of smell. This is what allows you to quickly and accurately find the mother’s nipples.

In the first 6-7 days of life, babies are applied to the mother's mammary glands 10-12 times a day. Already in the second week, the number of feedings is reduced to 8. The interval between feedings increases. In the fourth week of life, kittens eat 6 times.

As for the duration of the period of feeding kittens by their mother, this is influenced by many factors:

  1. Number of cubs born. If the baby is alone, then the mother can feed him for up to 4 months, and sometimes even longer if solid foods are introduced. But when there are 5-6 babies in a litter, the duration of feeding is significantly reduced. It could be a month or a month and a half.
  2. Individual characteristics of a cat. Many of them feed their young for a long time, allowing even older and stronger ones to come to them. Sometimes this lasts up to six months. Others do not feed their offspring for more than a month, stop allowing them to drink juices, hiss, and run away. There are also mothers who refuse to feed their offspring altogether. But this is rather an exception rather than a rule.
  3. Quality of mother's diet. A complete cat diet is the key to long-term feeding of offspring. It is especially important that taurine and calcium enter the mother’s body during this period.
  4. Mom's health. A weakened, old cat cannot feed her offspring for a long time. Diseases of the internal organs, the presence of helminths, and postpartum complications reduce the milk supply of the pet and reduce the period of admission of kittens to the breast. A healthy domestic cat nurses its young for at least a month. During this period, mother's milk is both liquid and food for kittens.

About the lack of milk in a cat

An attentive cat owner will understand that not everything is in order with feeding by the behavior of the kittens. They will sleep little, squeak, look for their mother's nipples, and worry if they don't have enough milk. And it will be visually noticeable that they are gaining little weight. Lack of milk in a mother cat occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Poor nutrition.
  2. Numerous litters.
  3. Low milk production due to genetics.
  4. Stress.
  5. Hormonal imbalances.
  6. Undeveloped maternal instinct.

The owner will not be able to independently determine the cause of the lack of milk in the mother cat. He will need the help of a qualified veterinarian for this. Kittens should be supplemented immediately after a milk deficiency is detected. To compensate, you need to use diluted cow's milk. Its store-bought counterparts are not suitable for feeding kittens. It is better to use specialized mixtures sold in veterinary pharmacies. They are perfectly absorbed by the cubs. Another option for eliminating milk deficiency in a cat is to use goat milk. Some owners also use adapted formulas for infants, diluting them with water in a 2:1 ratio. Whatever type of supplementary feeding the owner chooses, it must be remembered that the food must be warm. The mixture must be heated to 36-38 degrees Celsius. When supplementary feeding, it is important to keep the nipples and bottles clean to prevent intestinal infections in kittens.

General recommendations

  1. When babies are one month old, teach them to have short but regular separations from their mother. Let the four-legged little one spend a couple of hours a day in his own “house” with dishes, a bed and a toilet.
  2. If the kitten does not yet know how to eat from a bowl, it is placed on its tummy and fed from a syringe. First remove the needle and gradually squeeze out the liquid contents drop by drop into the mouth so that food does not get into the windpipe. A more convenient feeding device is a bottle purchased at a pet store with a set of nipples.
  3. Do not deprive a mother cat of all her babies at once. Otherwise, the nurse’s mammary glands will become overcrowded and will hurt. Together with the stress experienced, this will lead to health problems.
  4. Introduce kittens to the smells of the new home and its inhabitants, including fauna. Periodically sniffing the personal belongings of the owners (T-shirt, T-shirt) and the pet (sheets, toys) will help you get used to the “aura” of your future habitat.
  5. When parting with the mustache, give the new owner the bedding on which the baby slept in the “father’s house.” Native smells will help the tailed “new resident” feel more confident in an unusual environment.


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Can adult cats?

Nutritionists call for completely eliminating milk from the animal’s diet for six months. It is at this age that the production of lactase in the cat’s body reaches a minimum, which means that milk sugar will practically not be broken down. This may result in diarrhea and vomiting.

Some cats drink milk into old age without negative consequences. That is, their body continues to produce the necessary enzyme in sufficient doses. But this is rather an exception to the general rule and is associated with the individual characteristics of a particular pet.

Almost all animals like the taste of milk, but the product does not benefit an adult cat. On the contrary, in most cases, consuming the product can lead to poor health:

  • the high calorie content of whole milk can disrupt metabolism and cause obesity;
  • the high content of lactose and casein interferes with normal absorption, disrupting the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • development of an allergic reaction;
  • Lactose intolerance leads to deterioration of digestive functions, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, and dehydration.

- It was delicious!..

At what age is the best time to start transitioning kittens to solid food?

It is necessary to start introducing complementary foods no earlier than the kittens open their eyes, gain strength and, with the help of mother's milk, train their immunity. 3-4 weeks of age is the optimal time to start transitioning babies to solid foods. Usually by this point they themselves begin to show interest in the contents of the mother cat's bowl.

It is necessary to start feeding small pets on time, because when they reach a month, the components of milk are no longer enough for the full development of a rapidly growing organism and the enzyme responsible for the absorption of lactose is produced less and less.

Lactose intolerance

Milk is the first food for cats, like other mammals. The baby's body secretes enough enzyme to process milk sugars. Gradually, the animal switches to solid food, and lactase production decreases.

Once milk is removed from the diet, the body permanently stops producing the enzyme. This means the animal loses the ability to normally digest dairy products. This explains why adult cats should not drink milk. Their body can no longer process this product.

In animals that are fed milk from childhood, lactase continues to be produced. They can consume the product in small quantities to avoid consequences.

What can you feed a 1 month old kitten?

you can add to his diet

include other products, including boiled meat well ground in a blender - the same as in the case of ready-made food, adding liquid to the meat and gradually making the consistency of the food thicker and the pieces larger.

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Feeding procedure

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, lay a bedding on your knees - a towel, a diaper;
  2. The kitten needs to be placed in the same position as when sucking milk from a cat - standing, lying on its stomach with an elevated position;
  3. Squeeze out a little product so that the kitten feels the smell, takes the pacifier in its mouth, if this does not happen, carefully insert it into the mouth, then instinct will react;
  4. You need to feed a newborn with a pipette; you should not squeeze out the contents. It is necessary for him to develop a sucking instinct; he does it himself;
  5. After about 7 days, you need to switch to a syringe, but squeeze out the milk slowly so as not to choke.
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