Do cats fart: the main reasons and is it normal?

Although gas is a normal physical occurrence for a pet, excessive amounts of gas can be caused by an underlying cause such as poor diet or illness. If gas is an ongoing problem in your cat, it may be time to find out the exact cause.

Flatulence, or what is commonly called “gas,” is a natural process of digestion. This occurs when the stomach or intestines expand with air or gas, and then these accumulations are expelled from the body. Although it can sometimes be accompanied by a foul odor, gas is something your pet should be exposed to on a regular basis.

Do cats fart?

Increased gas formation occurs as a result of fermentation of food residues in the body. The deviation is caused by the formation of large gas bubbles, difficulties with moving the food bolus, intestinal colic, and an unpleasant odor when cleaning the intestines. Cats fart because the food they eat goes through a complete processing process in the gastrointestinal tract.

Confused cat who got rid of accumulated gases

How to tell if a cat is farting

With flatulence, the animal experiences rumbling sounds in the abdomen; palpation examination shows an increase in the intestinal volume, moderate pain when touched. The pet can sleep peacefully, but when the accumulated gases escape, it suddenly wakes up, jumps on its paws, and meows.

The pathology provokes the development of diarrhea and constant anxiety in the furry pet. If a cat farts, then the problem is related to the inability to fully process the food it eats. Flatulence indicates an incorrect diet or the formation of gastrointestinal diseases.

Good and bad food

The anatomical structure does not provide for increased gas formation due to the short digestive tract. This feature helps the body quickly absorb nutrients and remove metabolic products. Improper care of your pet leads to cats periodically farting.

For your information! According to statistics, young and older animals are susceptible to similar anomalies. Middle-aged cats suffer from flatulence due to the fault of their owners.

Flatulence in cats

Active formation of gases may be associated with air entering the stomach during rapid absorption of food, or with diseases of the digestive tract. The accumulation of fermentation products causes flatulence and belching, causing even a small kitten to fart.

Deformation of the intestinal walls under the influence of gases provokes attacks of vomiting, diarrhea, and cramps. The manifestations are dangerous for pets, but the situation worsens with repeated meals. Stopping the normal processes of processing the food bolus leads to its accumulation in the gastrointestinal tract and rotting. A large amount of unprocessed residues causes general intoxication of the body and a putrid odor.

What is flatulence

Flatulence occurs when the intestines are distended due to distension with gases or air, which is swallowed along with food and water.
In this case, gases exit through the anus. Even healthy cats fart from time to time. This is a natural process of releasing accumulated gases. Normally this is at least 1.5 liters. Moreover, more than 90 percent is odorless methane. If an unpleasant “aroma” appears when farting, this indicates a disease or the cause is poor nutrition. The liver of animals is designed in such a way that it is not able to quickly process toxic substances. Therefore, pets should be given only certain food; “human” food can cause poisoning.

Some fruits, vegetables, and root vegetables cause gas accumulation. Therefore, they are excluded from the cat’s diet or given only in small quantities. Increased gas formation is also caused by overeating and unusual foods.

When eating delicacies, your pet's body needs time to produce the necessary enzymes to digest the new food. Gas formation occurs due to food allergies or intolerance to certain foods. Sometimes there is an aversion to only some components of dry food.

If the accumulated gases have nowhere to go, which happens with intestinal obstruction, then they collect in loops. The organ swells and the cat begins to feel pain. Flatulence can push stool back into the stomach or esophagus. Then the pet vomits feces. Any foods that cause gas formation can lead to intestinal obstruction.

Main causes of gas

Why do cats sleep a lot: the main reasons and is it normal?

Cats fart for a reason; the problem is caused by improper feeding, accumulation of hair in the gastrointestinal tract, helminths and other sources. When a pathology appears, the owner needs to check why the cat is experiencing flatulence.

Dangerous foods for pets

Poor nutrition

Most often, a cat repeatedly spoils the air due to an incorrectly selected diet containing large amounts of carbohydrates. Food enriched with them lingers in the intestinal tract and begins to rot, causing poisoning. Feeding from a common table leads to the fact that animals begin to fart constantly.

Important! Many careless owners sincerely believe that spoiled food does not harm the cat’s body. Rotten feed irritates the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, causing intoxication, vomiting, diarrhea and flatulence.

Cats love milk, but the effects on their stomach after drinking it are not very pleasant.

Veterinarians have compiled a list of reasons why cats fart.

  • Bakery products. Feeding pieces of a bun or cake leads to fermentation processes in the intestinal tract. Yeast and carbohydrates are harmful to pets; constant feeding with sweet buns over time provokes inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Milk products. The usefulness of milk, sour cream and kefir for adult animals is questionable. The body of a mature individual does not produce special enzymes that help digest these products. Active feeding with dairy and fermented milk products becomes a source of lactose intolerance. One saucer of milk sometimes leads to prolonged, two-month therapy for the affected animal.
  • Fish products. The second common misconception is the recommendation to constantly feed fish. The carnivorous nature of cats requires meat, and fish products are allowed on the menu no more than once a week. An excess can lead to the formation of kidney stones, especially in males, digestive disorders, and increased gas formation.
  • Spices. Spices, garlic and onions are among the enemies of the gastrointestinal tract of furry pets. They cause gastritis, colitis and other inflammatory phenomena of the gastrointestinal mucosa. The misconception about the benefits of spicy vegetables in the fight against worms and colds comes from rural areas, where these pathologies predominate among the population.
  • Fat and meat trimmings. Attempts to feed the animal with cartilage, fat and fascia are successful. The predominance of these “delicacies” causes indigestion, problems with liver function, flatulence, and diarrhea. Constant feeding of junk food will result in chronic diseases of the digestive system.
  • Cereals. The omnivorous nature of cats is one of the common myths. The unfortunate hungry animal is forced to eat the soy, wheat and corn products offered. They are a source of increased gas formation and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

Do domestic cats fart on expired food? Spoiled food and meat with a characteristic odor initially cause flatulence. The consequences of such a diet include intoxication, serious diseases, and helminths.

Balls of wool

Ignoring the need for constant care for pets, especially long-haired breeds, leads to the accumulation of hairballs in the intestinal tract. They interfere with the digestive processes, leading to stagnation of the food bolus, its rotting and fermentation. Not all individuals have a well-developed gag reflex, which allows them to regurgitate trichobezoars - dense balls of compressed hair that stretch the intestines, causing diarrhea, vomiting, and flatulence.

Vomiting in a cat is a sign of many ailments

Intestinal parasites

If your cat farts repeatedly, the problem may be intestinal parasites. Worms are localized in the small intestine and cause irritation of its mucous membranes and allergic reactions. A large accumulation of helminths leads to blockage of the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract and bile ducts. With parasites, a cat experiences not only increased gas formation, but also constipation.

But there are other sources of flatulence.

  • Allergic reactions. Individual intolerance to certain foods causes allergy outbreaks. Pathology is associated with a variety of products, but more often it occurs due to milk sugars, gluten, and artificial components in finished feeds. Cheap varieties contain ingredients that make the animal want to eat them constantly. As a result, it suffers from gas, colic, and pain in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Viruses. Infection occurs through constant visiting of the street. Domestic animals are less likely to become ill with parvovirus compared to free-roaming animals. Average statistical data indicate that every second cat suffers from it due to contact with the outside world.
  • Inflammation. The development of pathology is determined by diarrhea, bouts of vomiting, and bad breath. Severe gas formation during the inflammatory process is a secondary symptom. A sick pet requires a visit to the veterinarian and antibiotic treatment.
  • Dysbacteriosis. Disturbance of the balance of normal microflora is associated with antibiotic therapy, poor nutrition and subsequent intoxication. The disease provokes disruption of the immune system and flatulence. Do small kittens fart when they have dysbacteriosis? In young animals, the disease is caused by transferring to roughage after mother's milk, from wet to dry food.
  • Constipation. A prolonged delay in defecation provokes increased gas formation. An overfilled gastrointestinal tract irritates the pet, and constant discomfort leads to loin riding on the floor and meowing plaintively.
  • Impaired functionality of the intestinal system. Pathological inability to process food normally is more common in cats with congenital abnormalities. Other causes of dysfunction include injuries and previous gastrointestinal diseases. Only a veterinarian can determine the source of the disorder after a full diagnostic examination.
  • Air entering the stomach. Eager consumption of food leads to belching and gas formation. Increasing the frequency of feeding and reducing the size of portions quickly solves the problem.

Important! If the pet spoils the air regularly, the owner should consult a veterinarian. In some pathologies, ignoring the symptoms can cost him not only his health, but also his life.


Once you notice a difference in your cat's natural flatulence, the next important step is to see your veterinarian. Initially, your veterinarian will want to obtain a complete medical history. Diet patterns and specific foods can help identify the immediate cause of your cat's gas. Therefore, it is important to record exactly what your cat eats, when she eats, and how much. Additionally, your veterinarian may order a hypoallergenic food trial to determine if a food allergy is to blame.

If the problem is caused by a more serious complication, such as a medical condition, your veterinarian will recommend further diagnostic tests. For example, if parasites are suspected to be the culprit, your veterinarian will order stool samples as they are very useful in identifying any worms. If your vet suspects IBD, he will order a gastric biopsy, a procedure that can be done either through abdominal surgery or an endoscope. An endoscope is much less invasive, but both procedures have certain risks that your veterinarian should consider.

Your veterinarian may recommend a few more tests. Some of these include urinalysis, complete blood count (CBC), biochemical profile and abdominal x-ray.

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Changing your diet

Skinny cat: signs and main causes of exhaustion

Improper feeding is one of the main sources of indigestion and gas in a cat. A lack or excess amount of food, an incorrectly selected diet, and eating waste from the master’s table provoke gastrointestinal dysfunction. Mature pets are in a subgroup at increased risk for the disease, and their weakened bodies require a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals.

Note! Good expensive food has a high price, but does not harm animals. They are categorized by age, activity level and body weight. They cannot overfeed or underfeed your furry pet.

Why are cheap options not suitable? They have added foreign components - legumes, soybeans, corn. For a carnivorous predator, they are foreign and are poorly digested in the gastrointestinal tract. Artificial flavor enhancers and other flavorings become a favorable source of proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

You cannot buy food according to your pet’s taste preferences. If earlier he avoided foods that were dangerous to health, now manufacturers manage to lull his vigilance with third-party additives. Inexpensive food is made from components that attract attention and interest the animal. The result of saving is a storm in the stomach due to active fermentation.

Manufacturers of branded mixtures indicate on the packaging the constituent ingredients: proteins, a mixture of poultry, beef, rabbit and other animals, vegetable fats. They do not contain soy, corn and other components that increase the weight of the feed.

Does my cat pass gas after feeding? They can be caused by disruption of the feeding schedule. Three meals a day are allowed; the best option is morning breakfast and evening dinner. If an animal has access to food all day, overeating results in flatulence and other unpleasant symptoms.

Important! A hungry pet is not able to patiently wait for the time when a careless owner remembers his responsibilities. He starts looking for food in trash cans, on the table, and tries to escape into the street. This behavior is not the result of curiosity, but a problem that leads to serious illness.

Hungry cats often look in the trash

Signs of bloating

Symptoms in the digestive system

Flatulence disrupts the functioning of the entire digestive system. Gases accumulated in the intestines prevent the normal movement of food, which causes heartburn, belching, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. In addition, gases during bloating lead to an increase in the lumen of the intestine, to which it reacts with stabbing or aching pain, often occurring in the form of contractions. The release of gases relieves discomfort for a while, but only until their next “portion” accumulates and causes another cycle. This condition may be accompanied by bowel dysfunction (constipation or diarrhea), nausea and decreased or complete absence of appetite.

Manifestations in children

In newborns and infants, flatulence manifests itself quite clearly. The child becomes irritable and capricious and often wakes up. Appetite worsens, bloating increases after eating. During feeding, the baby may greedily grab the nipple or breast, but immediately release it. Frequent regurgitation of both milk or formula and air may occur.

to come back to the beginning

Physical exercise

The health of not only humans, but also their pets depends on physical activity. Veterinarians recommend visiting a pet store and purchasing special devices that help cats diversify their dull pastime indoors.

The climbing structure is safe; individual models can be rebuilt according to the principle of a children's construction set. It will keep your pet occupied for many hours, will increase its agility, strength, and relieve excess weight.

Toys - mice, balls, bags of catnip - will allow the animal to realize its hunting instincts. Chasing the elusive ball will arouse interest and improve the functioning of internal organs. You should not purchase toys from dubious places; toys made from toxic substances or poorly processed with sharp seams can cause serious damage to health.

Every cat should have its own toys

Important! In the absence of free material resources, you can use tennis balls, golf balls, and ping pong balls as a simulator. The owner must be able to determine the appropriate size devices: the cat can swallow toys that are too small, or they will accidentally fall into the windpipe.

When to go to the vet

If your cat farts frequently and there is an unpleasant odor from the gases, then this is a good reason to visit the veterinary clinic. Self-medication in this case will do more harm than good. Without diagnostics and tests, it is difficult to determine the source of dysfunction and select medications.

Veterinarians advise not to ignore flatulence in pets: it is better to be safe than to carry out long-term therapy for a sick pet. If a cat farts once, then this is a normal reaction of her body; with prolonged gas formation, professional help is needed.

How to deal with bloating?

Eliminating flatulence is a complex process. Treatment is developed and applied after identifying the causes of bloating and may include the following measures to eliminate the source of the problem and alleviate the symptoms of this condition.

Lifestyle correction

Bloating after eating is often caused by poor food hygiene. A calm environment during breakfast and lunch, leisurely chewing of food, exclusion of carbonated drinks and chewing gum from the diet, quitting smoking - these measures will help prevent air from entering the stomach.

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