Composition, benefits and harms of Kitekat dry and wet food

The well-known Kitekat brand offers economy class food for adult cats. It is produced in the form of dry granules or canned food in jars and pouch bags. It comes in a variety of flavors: rabbit, beef, chicken and fish. It is made (according to the manufacturer) from high-quality and natural products, the same ones that are used at home when preparing food for humans: meat ingredients, vegetables, vegetable oil and cereals.

Food for energetic cats

The manufacturer claims that Kitekat food contains in the required proportions all the beneficial substances, microelements and vitamins that are required for the normal functioning of cats. The composition includes: a complex for strengthening claws and teeth, Omega 6 for healthy skin and coat, Taurine, which improves the functioning of the heart muscle and visual acuity.


Kitekat dry food is available in several types. This:

  • delicious veal,
  • chicken,
  • fish and cold cuts.

These feeds contain:

  • meat,
  • offal,
  • cereals,
  • vitamins and minerals.

If your cat weighs 2 kg, she can be given about 40 g of dry food per day (with dry feeding). With mixed - half as much.

Kitekat wet food comes in sauce and jelly. In the sauce:

  • with Chiken,
  • beef,
  • rabbit,
  • fish and lamb.

The compositions with jelly are almost identical, but duck is added instead of fish.

The manufacturer emphasizes that each piece of meat contains 70% meat ingredients, but there is no soy.

Types of feed Kitekat

Kiteket has a range of dry and wet food. On the shelves of even small supermarkets you can find bags of different weights with granules and small bags of wet food. Cats love variety in food, so it is recommended to alternate different tastes in your pet’s menu. The dry diet is presented in flavors:

  • Meat feast;
  • Set with chicken and turkey;
  • The chicken is delicious;
  • Fish catch;
  • The veal is delicious.

The wet diet in 85 g bags consists of juicy pieces of different flavors in sauce and jelly. The packages are conveniently packaged in a box of 28 pieces and are presented in 10 different versions:

  • With beef and carrots in jelly;
  • With fish in sauce;
  • With beef in sauce;
  • With beef in jelly;
  • With chicken in jelly;
  • Simple and tasty with chicken;
  • Simple and tasty with beef;
  • Homemade lunch with rabbit;
  • Homemade lunch with fish;
  • Homemade beef dinner.

During the day, pets eat 2-3 times, and pregnant and lactating women eat 3-5 times. You should pour the entire daily amount of food into the bowl at the same time; the animals themselves will choose the time when it is time for them to eat.

Important! Make sure there is always a bowl of fresh, clean water next to your food.

It is permissible to give cats only dry Kiteket or to practice a mixed type of feeding, when wet and dry diets are mixed.


  1. Meat and fish ingredients, animal products.
  2. Vegetables and their processed products.
  3. Animal fat, protein plant extracts.
  4. Vitamins and other substances (methionine, choline chloride, taurine, etc.).

Benefits and harms for the animal

The benefit is that the cat receives a balanced diet, which does not cost its owners too much. For example, in animal shelters, inexpensive commercial food is a lifesaver for many homeless cats. The main disadvantage of economy class feed is the not very good quality of the raw materials and many artificial additives. You can find a large number of negative reviews from owners and veterinarians about Kiteket dry and wet food. The pet's reaction to it can be instantaneous, expressed in complete rejection and unwillingness to eat. Or have a cumulative negative effect extended over time, when side effects from the additives contained in the food result in some kind of chronic disease of the animal.

By buying economy class food for little money, you risk spending money on treating your pet in the future. Since cheap food can cause allergies, diseases of internal organs and urolithiasis in animals. Choose food based on the characteristics of the cat’s breed, first consult with your veterinarian.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Kitekat food is sold in almost all grocery stores (even small ones).
  • Low cost: even a person with a small income can buy food at such an affordable price.
  • You can choose from several flavors: fish or meat.
  • There is practically no real meat: most of the protein is of plant origin.
  • The general formulation of the ingredients does not allow you to be sure of the quality and proportions.
  • It is noted that the granules contain allergens (for example, brewer's yeast).
  • There are no medicinal foods for babies either.
  • The vitamin and mineral supplement is very poor.

Get to know interesting cat breeds with the help of our encyclopedia:

  • Ural rex;
  • Ragamuffin;
  • Neva Masquerade;
  • Siamese;
  • Canadian Sphynx.

Wet diet

Small bags of a convenient format, measuring 140 x 95 mm, contain a portion of wet food sufficient for a single meal for an adult cat. The composition of the food is balanced in terms of the content of essential nutrients and complies with accepted standards for a cat’s diet.

Wet diet

The main advantage of canned food is that this food is more nutritious and high in calories, is easier to digest than dry food, and cats get more moisture with it.

The composition includes: meat and offal (at least 4%), cereals, taurine, vitamins and minerals necessary for the animal’s body. It is recommended to give cats weighing up to 4 kg – 400 g (4-5 pcs. bags) per day, pregnant and lactating women – 600-800 g (7-9 pcs.)

Features of the feed composition

The manufacturer guarantees that Kitekat food formulas are ideal, because they have been produced for a long time by specialists - veterinarians and nutritionists and are optimally balanced. As for the composition, it includes:

  • animal proteins - they are necessary for energy and healthy muscle tone of the animal;
  • microelements and minerals – help normalize the functioning of the internal organs of cats, and also strengthen bones and teeth;
  • Omega fatty acids are essential for maintaining healthy skin and coat.

Kitiket food contains such a very important microelement as taurine, which is simply indispensable for the stable functioning of the animal’s heart and vision. This component is found in the body of rodents, which, by definition, are eaten by cats, but it is extremely difficult for them to do this at home. Therefore, owners have to give it separately in food supplements; thanks to the fact that it is in Kitekat food, they no longer need to monitor this.

For cats of what age is Kitekat food intended?

The company's products are not classified according to age parameters. But the nutritional needs of cats differ at different ages. Regulating the diet remains the responsibility of the owners.

“Kitiket” is not intended for feeding kittens; it can only be used when the pet reaches the age of 12 months.

Animals from 1 to 7 years old can use the entire range of the company. As a rule, each cat chooses several favorite flavors. The food satisfies all age needs of an adult young pet. The serving size is determined depending on the cat’s appetite and energy expenditure. The needs of animals that regularly walk outside are higher than those that do not leave the house. It is also important to ensure that your pet does not gain weight: excess weight has a very bad effect on the animal’s life expectancy.

It is also important to monitor the condition of the coat. A healthy animal's skin is smooth and silky. If the condition of the coat deteriorates: it becomes faded or greasy, mats or dandruff appears, then this food is not suitable for the animal or an allergic reaction has occurred.

Cats over 7 years of age may develop chronic illnesses or digestive problems. This must be taken into account when creating a menu. If the animal is absolutely healthy, you can still feed it with Kitiket products.

Kitekat - customer reviews

Marina A.

Our cat eats homemade food well: soups, porridge with sour cream, meat. He drinks milk with pleasure. But due to circumstances, she began to remain alone for a long time. To prevent our pet from starving, we began to leave her “Kitiket” dry food. At first they were afraid that she would not want to eat it. But our concern was in vain. The food is sold in convenient packaging that prevents it from becoming damp. The crackers taste good, the cat really likes them. According to information from the manufacturer, the composition of the feed is balanced and fully covers the animal’s nutritional needs. We don't have to worry when planning our diet. It is enough to give her "Kitiket". And, indeed, our favorite feels great. She is healthy and active. Having gotten bored during the day, he plays with us with pleasure.

Anna R.

I have 2 cats at home. I buy Kitiket food for them. Recently I came across reviews about Kitekat on the Internet and was very surprised. What nasty things people write about him. They write that it contains preservatives. But they are in any ready-made food. Another complaint is that there is not enough meat. And this also applies to any prepared food for pets. Half of my animals’ diet consists of feed, the other half of meat, fish, chicken, which I prepare for them myself. We are completely satisfied with the food. It’s very convenient for me that I don’t have to worry when I go to work, my cats will be full thanks to dry food. And in the evening I can feed them a pouch treat.

Sergey B.

I picked up a cat that was thrown into the entrance. I live alone, I cook little, and the animal needs a balanced diet. And here Kitiket helps me out a lot. I don't have to worry about feeding my pet properly. Everything is taken into account in the food. The cat likes all flavors, but he prefers the taste with chicken as his main diet. And for a treat - soft pieces with lamb.

Nadezhda M.

The Kitekat did not suit my Musa. She eats it with pleasure, and even began to refuse other food. But after completely switching to this food, the cat began to have digestive problems. I had to cancel this food. Apparently he is not suitable for her. This reaction occurred on a dry diet. But soft meat pieces work well. There were no problems caused by them.


The advantages of this food include its price, availability and variety, but its composition and effect on the animal are completely negative. If you ask a question on the Internet and look at the reviews of veterinarians who have experience in saving cats that have become ill due to eating this food, you will see many negative suggestions.

And reviews of Kitekat cat food are generally negative: angry cat owners literally curse unscrupulous manufacturers. So learn how to wean your cat off cheap food.

It’s up to you to decide whether to feed Kitiket or not, but remember the majority of negative reviews, and if you yourself gave this food to a cat, then tell us about your experience...

Reviews of Kitiket cat food

Vladimir : “If there is a negative rating of food, then it is headed by Kitiket. A rare thing. It’s just a pity that you come to understand this through sad experience. Our cat ate kitite for three years. And then, at one point, urolithiasis appeared and he was gone in a few weeks, despite treatment, IVs, and expensive medications. Today I’m ready to stand with a banner near pet stores - PEOPLE, DON’T POISON YOUR PETS WITH THIS CRAP!”

Inga : “I’m ready to argue with those who pour buckets of dirt on Kitiket - people, you simply do not follow the rules of feeding ready-made food. Get your vaccinations on time, take care of worms and fleas, and don’t forget about easy and constant access to water and everything will be fine! We feed our cat kitite from birth and every six months we always take it to the veterinarian, where we take a blood test. The cat is 5 years old and everything is fine!”

Lyudmila : “My review is a warning. I would never believe that just food could cause rabies in a cat. No, this is not the classic rabies for which vaccinations are given, this is some kind of breakdown of the nervous system, when a cat really runs all over the furniture, walls, curtains and ceiling day and night without a break! As soon as you change the food, the cat becomes the same – playful, affectionate and calm. I don’t want this cruel circus to happen again!”

Let's talk about Kitekat: what kind of food is it?

Kitekat food is produced by the international corporation MARS. She made sure that the brand became recognizable and was on the shelves in all stores. Own developments, production facilities and many years of experience of the parent company in promoting its own products have allowed TM Kitekat to occupy the minds of our citizens.

The main character of the good videos created in support of the brand also played an important role in this. Boris the cat - charming, playful and bursting with health - could not help but provoke a response from the audience. He became the main symbol of the brand and gave it unprecedented popularity.

Despite the fact that opinions on the quality of food differ, it forms the basis of the diet of tens of thousands of seals in our country. And this is not surprising: Kitekat has occupied a place of honor on store shelves for many years in a row. The food is available and approved by the Association of Veterinary Practitioners, which means it contains everything you need to keep your pets healthy. Reviews from veterinarians and experienced owners on the Internet speak for themselves. And we will definitely address them as part of this review.

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