Rating of wet food for kittens from premium to holistic class

Update date: 11/23/2021 10:02:04 3444 Share:

Author of the article: Astafieva Ekaterina Alekseevna

*Review of the best according to the editors of simplerule.ru. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Veterinarians advise alternating dry and wet food in the diet of a domestic cat. They need to be given one by one. It is also recommended to use products from the same manufacturer. Let's find out how to choose the right liquid food for your beloved pet, and get acquainted with the best products on the modern market.

How to choose wet food for a cat

You need to select wet food for your cat based on the following criteria:

  1. Number of years and months.

    Separate types of food are produced for kittens, adult mammals and elderly pets. Each of them takes into account the needs of the body.

  2. Health problems

    . On the market you can find special medicinal food that veterinarians prescribe for cats. It eliminates the causes of unpleasant symptoms and helps cope with the consequences of diseases. Castrated and sterilized animals need certain food to normalize the functioning of their organs.

  3. Package

    . Wet food is produced in metal cans and spider bags. It is better to buy small portions so that your four-legged friend eats the product in one day. For animals with a good appetite, wet food in a can is suitable. The opened pack is stored in the refrigerator.

  4. Compound

    . At the top of the list of components are the products that are in the most abundance in the food. You should not purchase products with a high content of flour, bran, ground corn, vegetables and grains. You should be wary of products labeled flavor. This word refers to the presence of artificial additives that imitate natural products. Dyes, preservatives and flavors in the composition lead to various ailments. It is important to study the composition of the food and make sure that it contains no allergens. For a quality product, all ingredients are listed in detail, indicating the weight content.

  5. Balance of BJU.

    The food must have an optimal combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is better for a cat who has given birth to buy more fatty and high-calorie foods. Those who are overweight need dietary nutrition.

  6. Aroma, color and consistency

    . Good wet food with a uniform consistency and a pleasant smell. There should be no bones or cartilage in it.

Thus, the best product meets the following conditions:

  1. appetizing aroma;
  2. delicate consistency;
  3. Nice colour;
  4. meat comes first in the composition (at least 40%);
  5. minimal or no grains;
  6. all components of the feed are described;
  7. sealed convenient packaging;
  8. the price corresponds to the quality;
  9. well absorbed;
  10. does not cause allergies or digestive problems;
  11. proven reputation of the manufacturer.

When selecting participants in the rating, we took into account the above parameters, as well as customer reviews and the opinions of veterinarians.

Features of canned food

Wet food and canned food must meet the same composition criteria as dry food. Only proteins of meat origin should be used as protein. The carbohydrate composition does not imply the inclusion of wheat. The use of synthetic preservatives, stabilizers and dyes (even those allowed in food) is excluded.

They are gradually transferred to denser and thicker canned food, then a dry analogue is included.

Canned food can also be used to feed adults. However, it should be understood that cats are carnivores, and eating exclusively soft food has a negative impact on their jaw system.

Rating of the best wet food for cats

Best Inexpensive Wet Cat Foods1BRIT PREMIUM59 ₽
2Nature's Table39 ₽
3Royal Canin54 ₽
4Gourmet Mont Petit19 ₽
5Sheba21 ₽
The best wet cat food in the premium segment1Hill's82 ₽
2Bozita187 ₽
3Happy Cat69 ₽
4Animonda126 ₽
5Purina PRO PLAN90 ₽
The best super-premium and holistic wet cat foods1Leonardo127 ₽
2Applaws124 ₽
3Grandorf250 ₽
4Almo Nature133 ₽
51st Choice335 ₽
6Solid Natura Holistic85 ₽

Canned food

This is an expensive pleasure; rather, this type of food can be defined as high-quality bait for a kitten. Canned food is the most expensive type of food on the market. This is explained by their composition. Often, they include from 90 to 60% natural meat - animal origin or fish.

Pros of canned food:

  • High calorie content. It is enough for a baby to eat 100 g of such food to satisfy hunger for a long time.
  • High quality raw materials used in production.
  • Disposable packaging.
  • Well-thought-out composition - if vegetables and meat are included, then they complement each other as much as possible.

Disadvantages of canned food:

  • High cost.
  • Small list of components. Often the packaging may consist of 1 or 2 components. Such nutrition can hardly be called completely balanced.

Many veterinarians consider canned food to be a delicacy for animals. The top best canned food for kittens looks like this:

  • Almo Necher Alternative.
  • Leonardo.
  • Applous.
  • Evanges Signeisha Series.
  • Petite Couisin.

Almo Nature Alternativ
There is no, and cannot be, economy class food in this category. This is an expensive meal that a very wealthy person can afford.

Best Inexpensive Wet Cat Foods

Low-cost wet food is made mainly from by-products. Experts do not recommend making them the main diet.


Rating: 4.6

The first inexpensive food in the rating was the BRIT PREMIUM product, which is widely available in specialized stores. The brand is not as popular as, for example, Royal Canin, but it deserves the attention of consumers for several reasons. Wet food is made in the form of pieces of meat in sauce. Only natural products are used in its production.

Cats are delighted with fish and a combination of animal proteins. It also contains plant components. I'm pleased with the decent range of flavors (chicken, salmon, beef, trout, tuna).

The BRIT PREMIUM line includes food for pets after sterilization, overweight cats and babies. Universal food is available for sale. The smell of the product is very pleasant. The price of one pouch is about 50 rubles.


  1. ideal combination of proteins and fats;
  2. natural ingredients;
  3. best price;
  4. good selection of flavors;
  5. easy to find on sale;
  6. no pungent odor;
  7. wide range;
  8. cats like it.


  1. No.

Nature's Table

Rating: 4.5

The second participant in our rating is in great demand among cat owners. It includes both animal and plant components with by-products. The product line is intended for adult cats. There are different tastes: fish, meat, combined.

Pet owners note the decent quality of wet food and its good tolerance by their pets. The cat's condition is improving, she remains active and cheerful.

In our opinion, salt in the composition is unacceptable. Four-legged friends have no greater need for it. This substance is completely contraindicated for cats after surgery to remove reproductive organs, otherwise problems with the genitourinary system may arise. Comments about food on the Internet are predominantly positive. The average cost of a serving is 40 rubles.


  1. contains vegetables;
  2. the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is normal;
  3. good composition;
  4. lots of positive feedback.


  1. adding salt to wet food.

Royal Canin

Rating: 4.4

The price of the next participant in the rating is not the lowest, but it is quite affordable for most consumers. Royal Canin produces food in the form of pates and pieces in sauce. The products differ in taste and dosage. There are products for purebred animals, calm and active creatures, kittens and adult cats. No dyes or sugar.

The basis is meat and grains. The food includes plant components, milk and minerals. Preservatives are used for long-term storage of the product. In general, the composition is balanced and suitable for most tailed animals. You can give Royal Canin to your cat every day. Wet food is available at any pet store. Judging by the reviews, it does not cause allergies. The pouch costs 60-80 rubles.


  1. huge selection of flavors;
  2. Well tolerated by cats;
  3. availability in stores;
  4. no dyes;
  5. balanced formula;
  6. suitable for constant nutrition;
  7. good brand reputation.


  1. presence of preservatives in the composition.

Gourmet Mont Petit

Rating: 4.3

The next participant in the rating is known for advertising with popular stars in show business. Gourmet Mont Petit contains natural meat and fish, vegetable protein. Minerals, yeast and sugar are added for balance. The ratio of BJU is optimal.

The bags contain 50 grams of food. This corresponds to a single serving for small animals. Thus, there is no need to dose and store the pouch. Wet food is sold in almost any store, not even a specialized one.

Buyers note that the meat smells delicious even by human standards. After regular use of the product, your pet's fur is noticeably transformed for the better. The average price is 30-40 rubles. Products are often sold on promotions with discounts.


  1. iron, iodine, fiber, manganese and zinc in the composition;
  2. has a good effect on the appearance of the coat;
  3. cats eat with pleasure;
  4. delicious smell.


  1. not enough meat and too much gravy.


Rating: 4.2

The last food from the budget category of the rating is widely advertised on TV. Like Gourmet, Sheba's product is widely available in stores and supermarkets. We were impressed by the flavor range of the product. Pieces with rabbit, salmon, veal, chicken, and lamb are available for sale. The sauce of the product is the most delicate. The composition also contains plant components and mineral supplements. There are no separate options for obese cats in the line.

According to customer reviews, even the most picky gourmets like Sheba food. Cats eat it with great pleasure. On store shelves you can find spiders weighing 50 and 80 g. The cost per package is 25-30 rubles.


  1. 2 packaging formats;
  2. the basis of wet food is meat ingredients;
  3. picky cats like it;
  4. Available in many grocery stores.


  1. there are no special varieties for sterilized and elderly pets;
  2. unclear wording of some components.

The best wet cat food in the premium segment

Premium foods contain real meat and are more expensive. They include additional elements that help normalize the body's condition.


Rating: 4.9

The first place in the premium segment belongs to Hill's wet food. This is the best choice for cats with sensitive stomachs and weak immune systems. The product is suitable for pets without sexual instinct and small kittens. The unique composition helps meet the body's needs. The balanced formula includes meat and fish products with the percentage indicated. Contains vegetable proteins and oils. If an animal has kidney problems, it should buy Hill's food with special acidifying additives.

The product of the American brand is chosen by many experienced breeders. They say that the animals accept the manufacturer's food well. The cat's health and appearance improve. This product is recommended by many veterinarians. Wet food is available in the form of spiders and cans. Price – 80 rubles.


  1. natural ingredients;
  2. does not cause a negative reaction;
  3. balanced formula;
  4. Recommended by breeders and veterinarians;
  5. Suitable for pets with physiological problems.


  1. No.


Rating: 4.8

Bozita wet food differs from other participants in the rating in its packaging. Instead of standard spiders, the product is produced in a multi-layer cardboard box, which is easy to transport and store. The manufacturer's line includes food for young and adult cats. The assortment includes food with flavors of lamb, poultry, beef and pork, as well as a unique product with real Swiss seafood - salmon and shrimp. The formula includes vitamins, fatty acids and an immunomodulator. Some types contain vegetables and herbs.

Pieces of the main component are filled with delicious jelly with a pleasant aroma. The cost of the feed is justified by the highest quality. A box measuring 370 g costs 180-200 rubles. In terms of one serving, the price is quite reasonable.


  1. lightweight cardboard packaging;
  2. wide selection of flavors;
  3. the price corresponds to the quality;
  4. food is enriched with vitamins;
  5. fragrant and appetizing.


  1. not defined.

Happy Cat

Rating: 4.7

We gave second place in the rating to Happy Cat premium wet food. The product is created specifically to maintain the animal’s good mood and meet the needs of its body. It contains real meat and fish ingredients. Vegetables are used as vegetable protein, minerals and carbohydrates. The formula contains useful inulin.

The manufacturer did not add preservatives to extend the shelf life of the feed. The company compensated for this with a special preparation technology and sealed packaging.

Cat owners note that Happy Cat is accepted by animals without whims. Even pets who are picky eaters eat every last bite. Wet food is recommended by many leading veterinarians for feeding kittens and older cats. The average cost is 60 rubles.


  1. no preservatives;
  2. different tastes;
  3. natural;
  4. the food is recommended by many veterinarians;
  5. All cats like it.


  1. There is no separate type for cats that have undergone sterilization surgery.


Rating: 4.6

The rating continues with wet food from a German manufacturer with a variety of flavors in the line. On sale is food for cats with certain body characteristics and age. The range includes cans, pouches, pieces in sauce and pates. You can choose from chicken, pork, turkey, beef and fish.

Buyers choose Animonda for its safe composition, appetizing appearance and pleasant smell. There are no cartilages or bones in the diet. When creating a menu, we advise you to take into account the fact that most types of products do not contain plant components. It's frustrating that the food contents are poorly laid out by ingredients. Price – from 70 rubles per pack.


  1. lots of protein and minerals;
  2. excellent quality;
  3. homogeneous consistency;
  4. variety of tastes;
  5. natural smell;
  6. no preservatives;
  7. several packaging formats to choose from.


  1. The composition is poorly described by components.


Rating: 4.6

At the end of the second category of the rating, it is worth mentioning Purina PRO PLAN wet food. The line from a well-known brand offers premium products and is recommended by veterinarians. The formula includes fish, meat products, animal and vegetable fats, minerals, vitamins. It's a pity that there is no percentage designation on the packaging.

Having studied the composition of pouch with salmon, we were puzzled by the fact that the food is made on the basis of meat, with only 4% added. Other types of meat products contain less than a quarter of the total nutrition. Despite these disadvantages, cat owners note the excellent tolerability of Purina PRO PLAN and the improvement in the animal’s well-being. The line includes products for babies, seniors, and sterilized cats. The average cost is 60 rubles.


  1. well absorbed;
  2. cats like the taste;
  3. trusted manufacturer;
  4. balanced formula;
  5. variety of line;
  6. approved by experts.


  1. little natural meat.

About bonuses and penalties

We award food additional points (bonuses) not because of special sympathy for the manufacturer, brand recognition, cost of products or our own subjective experience, but for a certain volume and quality of raw meat. These criteria are strictly regulated and absolutely transparent.

As for fines, their use when evaluating feed also seems quite reasonable to us, although this term should not be taken within the framework of legislative sanctions. The decrease in points is due to objective shortcomings in the feed formula - their list is fixed and quite understandable. Both bonuses and penalties can be awarded to the same product simultaneously or separately.

We have developed this system to make our rating more objective and accurate. You can read all the details about what exactly food can be given a fine or reward points for in the section “System of fines and bonuses”.

We would like to emphasize: the checkpoint assigns bonuses and fines not to brands as a whole, but to individual feeds!

If you have any questions about brand reviews, evaluation parameters, or the operation of the “Feed Your Pet Correctly” portal, write to us and we will try to clarify everything! You can leave your messages, questions and suggestions at the bottom of the page - they will appear here after moderation (to avoid spam). We regularly sort out your letters at the post office, but the fastest way to send a message is to use the “Contact Us” form.

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The best super-premium and holistic wet cat foods

Super-premium and holistic products are made from natural elements. They fully satisfy the cat's need for a balanced and varied diet. The last category of food is designed specifically for pets that participate in various exhibitions.


Rating: 4.9

Leonardo wet food is the undoubted leader in any rating. It is excellent for the daily nutrition of the tailed. It is based on meat, broth, proteins and offal. Kitten food contains added eggs and fats. It is worth noting the ideal energy indicators. Protein – 10%, fat – 5%.

Buyers note the delicate and uniform consistency of the product. The pieces look very appetizing and are generously covered with sauce. Food is purchased for animals with allergies, gastrointestinal disorders and a negative reaction to gluten. The line includes a diet for cats whose reproductive organs have been removed. Tailed animals eat wet food with pleasure. Their stomach condition is normalizing. The food is available in bags and cans of 200 and 400 g. Price – from 110 rubles.


  1. food is prescribed as a diet;
  2. a huge selection of flavors and types;
  3. 100% natural ingredients;
  4. convenient release forms;
  5. Suitable for pets with food allergies.


  1. There are no serious disadvantages.


Rating: 4.8

All experienced breeders and veterinarians know about the next participant in the rating. Applaws food contains selected meat, seafood and fish fillets. Herbal ingredients are presented in small quantities. Cereals are replaced with potatoes, and greens are present. There are no preservatives.

The assortment includes the following flavors: tuna and sea bass, chicken with lamb, sardines with mackerel, ocean fish. The food with duck and chicken is especially praised. Pros: economical consumption, pleasant appearance of the pieces and natural smell of the product. Before purchasing, it is worth considering that the cat may refuse food. This is exactly what happened to some pets. The only serious disadvantage is that the food is difficult to find on sale. Price – 90 rubles.


  1. enriched with microelements and vitamins;
  2. without allergens and preservatives;
  3. meets quality standards;
  4. large selection of flavors;
  5. no dyes;
  6. selected meat pieces;
  7. Suitable for cats of all ages.


  1. not sold in all markets;
  2. Not all cats like it.


Rating: 4.8

The next position in the ranking is occupied by wet food made from selected varieties of dietary meat. Applaws contains rabbit, turkey, lamb, salmon and cod. Ingredients include omega acids, protein, fiber and minerals. This is what your cat needs for healthy digestion. In some types you can find crab meat, mussels, squid and shrimp. Thanks to the delicate cooking method, all the beneficial properties are preserved in the food.

There is nothing unnecessary in the product. Appetizing pieces are drenched in broth or sauces. No flavorings, grains or thickeners. In our opinion, food is not complete and cannot be fed to your pet all the time. Best used 2-3 times a week as a treat. Wet food is produced in 70 g jars. The average cost is 100 rubles.


  1. nice smell;
  2. many useful substances;
  3. picky pets like it;
  4. natural composition without harmful substances.


  1. cannot be found everywhere;
  2. not suitable for regular diet.

Almo Nature

Rating: 4.8

Next in the ranking is premium wet food, which can be easily purchased online. Almo Nature brand products have a bright, recognizable design with colored cats painted on the packaging. The main food features include original flavors (tuna, shellfish, mango, pineapple, shrimp, squid, chicken with cheese, veal with vegetables), and exclusively natural ingredients. At least 50% of the composition is the main component.

Customers love the appearance of the kibble. The broth inside is jelly-like and transparent. The food smells delicious. Judging by the reviews, cats did not like all flavors of the product. Some pets refuse to eat products with cheese and fruit. For a jar of 70 g you need to pay 80-90 rubles.


  1. minerals and vitamins are present;
  2. original tastes;
  3. without synthetic components.


  1. Not all tastes appeal to cats;
  2. There are general names of ingredients without decoding.

1st Choice

Rating: 4.8

The rating continues with holistic-class wet food. This is a unique diet option for older four-legged animals, young animals, and adult animals. Along with the main components, it contains exotic fruits. The product includes seafood, vegetables and omega acids.

The food is completely balanced, but it should be administered very carefully. Not all tailed animals will like pineapples and papaya. We did not find any serious complaints from owners of four-legged animals, but there is still a risk of developing allergies. You don’t have to worry about the quality of the product itself.

You should not combine 1st Choice with natural food, since it already contains all the necessary components. They praise the convenient packaging of the product, the maximum disclosed composition, and the absence of harmful substances. The manufacturer produces wet food in portioned jars for 80-95 rubles.


  1. quality ingredients;
  2. maximum disclosed composition;
  3. absence of harmful substances;
  4. no wheat or soy.


  1. may cause allergies;
  2. contains salt.

Solid Natura Holistic

Rating: 4.8

The last place in the ranking belongs to the domestically produced wet food Solid Natura Holistic. There are no questionable components in the composition. The food smells appetizing. The product contains only one type of meat without flavorings or grains.

Buyers note that the product is quite greasy. It is not recommended for daily use, especially if the cat is obese. Of course, Solid Natura Holistic wet food is inferior in quality to foreign manufacturers. However, it is quite affordable and does not contain substances hazardous to your pet. The following flavors are available to choose from: veal, rabbit, turkey, quail, chicken, beef. A jar with a volume of 320 g costs 180-200 rubles.


  1. excellent to eat;
  2. many flavors in the line;
  3. monoprotein;
  4. easy to find on sale;
  5. There are separate types for kittens and pets with kidney failure;
  6. does not cause allergies.


Applaws canned food, included in our list of super-premium cat foods, can be found in three varieties: cans, pate and jelly. The composition of canned food is similar to products from other manufacturers: about 75% meat, and the rest is natural additives (broths, cereals, etc.).

The main ingredients to choose from may be fish (for kittens it is better to choose boneless) and several types of meat. There are also gourmet options with shrimp, cheese and other equally attractive ingredients. Judging by the reviews of experts, no synthetic additives were noticed in the canned food.

Benefits of the food:

  • only natural ingredients;
  • large selection of meat ingredients;
  • various flavors and types of canned food.


  • Suitable only for small kittens, for others - as an additive to the main diet.

The estimated cost is about 80 rubles for a jar weighing 70 g.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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