How to catch a cat - independent fishing and when you can’t do without a specialist?

Situations arise when animals end up on the street due to their excessive curiosity or instincts. Then the owner begins to think about how to catch the cat. Often there is a need to return a lost animal to its owner or catch a stray cat in order to take it to a shelter. You need to know how to properly catch a stray cat so as not to harm either her or yourself.

Hide the trigger plate

The cat may have learned to recognize the plate covering the hatch and learn how to avoid it. To prevent her from tiptoeing on and around the dish, try covering it and some of the bottom of the trap in front and behind it with newspaper or cloth.

Or cut a piece of cardboard slightly narrower than the width of your trap and a couple of inches longer than the trigger plate. Tape the cardboard to the middle of the plate and loosely to the bottom of the trap. Cats won't be able to step over the trigger so easily!

Domestication of the cat family

It all comes down to the fact that the cat comes from the wild. There is still debate about the domestication of these animals and a clear answer has not yet been found. There is an opinion that these animals were domesticated during the development of agriculture, when the need arose to catch rodents. Some scientists believe that predators themselves came to people when they began to urgently need food. Be that as it may, for a person who is trying to find a way to catch a street cat, its origin is not so important. However, it would also be wrong to reject the real nature of animals for the simple reason that we still have to come into contact with them.

To understand the essence of furry creatures, you can compare their behavioral characteristics with the skills of dogs. We have all observed how cats sometimes take advantage of their owner's affection as long as it benefits them. Their seemingly genuine curiosity at first glance is often based on a tasty morsel of their favorite food. Dogs, unlike these cunning creatures, are known for their noble devotion. As they got used to the human race, they completely changed their behavior pattern, which was characteristic of their ancestors - wild wolves. Cats imitate their forest relatives in many ways. Therefore, if you are faced with the task of how to catch a wild cat, then be patient.

Use a drip eliminator

If a standard box trap just won't do it, try using a drip trap. It's a large mesh box that you prop up and launch manually using a rope. Be sure to place the drip trap on a level surface and have a partner, as the size of the traps makes them difficult to handle alone. Prop the trap with a wooden stick or a full bottle tied with rope, leaving enough rope so that you can hide a few meters away and hold the end of it.

Bait the trap with plenty of food in case cats you don't want to catch wander in before your target. Don't trigger the trap until your target cat is inside; if she sees other cats trapped, she will stay away! Once you have set the trap and caught the desired cat, immediately cover it with a sheet and prepare a trap box. Move the cat into a trap box to make it easier to contain and transport.

How to catch a stray cat?

Having set out to help a street animal, a person inevitably faces the need to catch it. Everything is easy and simple if the cat reaches out to you when it meets you, demonstrating exceptional friendliness. Such animals are waiting for human help, and picking them up from the street is not difficult.

However, the situation is completely different with timid and cautious cats, who do not really trust humans and prefer to keep their distance. In addition, it is important to distinguish a potentially aggressive animal from one that is simply fearful. Volunteers of the Murkosha shelter talked about how to do this and what behavioral tactics to choose in the article “How to distinguish a wild cat from a shy one?”

Important! When interacting with stray animals on the street, use disposable medical gloves. As a rule, novice volunteers have a vague idea of ​​the capture process, so next we decided to answer the most frequently asked questions to help you figure it out.

Read more: Safety rules when communicating with stray animals.

Read more: How to distinguish a wild cat from a shy one?

Read more: Treating a stray cat for parasites.

Can all cats be caught and which ones do not need to be caught? To improve the situation with homeless animals, the catch, sterilization, vaccination and release (TSRV) program works well. There is quite good evidence of this practice even without a subsequent device, which, of course, is still preferable. The more street animals pass through the WWTP through volunteers and charitable organizations, the higher the effectiveness of our joint work. But there are still a few exceptions that a novice volunteer should take into account. 1) It is obvious that cats on their own, although they are exposed to great danger, are still domestic. Since not all such pets have collars, it is better to check with your neighbors in the yard if the cat belongs to one of the local residents and make sure that it is ownerless before grabbing the cat catcher. 2) A cat with signs of rabies (aggressiveness, drooling, convulsions, paralysis, etc.) must be taken from the street, BUT not you. Contact the service for catching stray animals, reporting the symptoms, external signs of the animal and the exact address. 3) Some cats have adapted to life on the street so much that they behave in the urban jungle like their wild relatives. They are very careful, hide well and run away at the slightest sign of danger. Of course, such animals are worth catching in order to be sterilized, vaccinated and released back, but this is really very difficult to do.

What do I need to catch it myself? 1. Kotolovka. A special trap for cats with a tightly slamming door. Perfect option. You can ask about rentals at animal protection organizations, shelters, or among experienced volunteers. If not found, use the next option. 2. Carrying. For your purposes, you need a durable plastic carrier with a removable lid and a metal door. Firstly, the presence of a door allows it to be used as a trap, secondly, such material is easy to disinfect, and thirdly, a removable lid will allow the veterinarian in the clinic to most carefully remove a cat from the carrier in a state of severe stress. 3. A fragrant and tasty treat. Used as bait and positive reinforcement. 4. Plastic bowl. Wet food suitable as a treat should not be placed directly on the ground. 5. Time and patience. In addition to the direct process of catching, feel free to spend several days taming a timid animal. Yes, with a competent approach, it may take some time, exceeding one free day, but the likelihood of a successful outcome of the operation increases. And it's better for the animal. Be prepared in advance for the fact that catching and all subsequent mandatory activities will take you the whole day.

Important! Blankets, rugs, sheets and similar items are not suitable for catching a cat. You risk missing, since a person’s reaction is inferior to a cat’s, and after such an attack the cat will no longer come within a cannon shot of you. In addition, you can overdo it and harm the animal, or it itself will rush to attack, defending itself.

How to catch a cat on the street? Earn her trust and offer favorable conditions. The simplest thing is to feed the animal in the morning and/or evening. At first, you leave food (choose one type and do not change in the process) near the cat’s shelter and move away at a respectful distance. With each feeding, reduce the distance a little. When the cat stops being afraid of you and begins to let you approach, offer her food inside the carrier. This stage is also carried out in several passes: at first the food is almost on the threshold, with each feeding move the bowl deeper. As soon as you realize that you can quickly close the door without missing the nimble cat, it’s time to act. Please note that a mistake will cost you lost trust and you will have to start all over again, so there is no need to rush.

This method of capture is much preferable, since harsh methods for cats with weak psyches are a strong psychological trauma, the consequences of which you will have to deal with for a long time. Accordingly, by speeding up the process at the beginning of the journey, you will not achieve anything good and will not gain time.

When should you contact professional trappers? This option may be relevant for you in the following cases: the cat is aggressive, does not make contact at all and is clearly ready to attack; the cat hid in some hard-to-reach place and essentially found itself in a trap; emergency situation (threat of immuring cats in the basement, bullying, demolition of their habitat, etc.) – the choice between stress and death is obvious.

Important! Based on the experience of working with cats at the Murkosha shelter, harsh catching is extremely stressful for cats, greatly undermining their previously weak trust in people . The socialization of such animals subsequently takes a lot of time. Therefore, do not resort to aggressive methods unless necessary. And, of course, choose a specialist based on the recommendations of experienced volunteers.

What should you do next when the cat is caught? Take him to the veterinary clinic, having previously arranged an appointment (highly advisable), so as not to spend half a day in the waiting room with a frightened animal.

Lure your cat into a more confined space

It's easier to catch a trap when you don't have to do it outdoors! Place food in a smaller space that you can get close to, such as a garage or shed. Hide and wait for the cat to come in, then close the door behind it. Before you lure your kitten in, prepare the room.

Clear the space of any possible hiding places, then lean one large board against the wall. Set up a trap box and hide it behind the board. When a cat is confined to a smaller space, it will immediately try to find the nearest hiding place. Since you only left her with one option, she will rush behind the board and possibly straight into a trap.

Earn your kitten's trust

It is possible that you will not have to lure or catch the kitten. The expert recommends that with enough time and patience, you can become so friendly with the animal that it will come to you. To gain your kitten's trust, feed him regularly and do it at the same time for several days. Be calm in his presence. After enough time has passed, the kitten may gradually come closer and closer to you without feeling afraid. This is the perfect time to catch him.

Now you know how to catch a scared kitten on the street.

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Use the cat's kittens to catch her

Kittens are a powerful lure for avoidant cats. If you manage to catch her kittens first, place them in a carrier or other box trap and place its door on the back of the trap you plan to use to catch the mother.

Place a dark sheet or towel over everything except the entrance to the mom trap. Mom will think she can see her kittens through a dark tunnel and will walk into a trap to get to them. If it's cold outside, keep the kittens warm by lining their carriers or the floor with the trap with a towel and placing a couple of hot water bottles under them.

Correct assessment of the situation

This is the first thing the expert recommends doing. You should find out if there is a mother cat nearby. Perhaps she left her baby for a while to get some food. However, you cannot ask the kitten about this directly, so you will have to wait a while. You should position yourself close to the abandoned kitten, but do it in such a way as to remain unnoticed and not scare it away.

Be patient if you really want to help a lonely kitten and not take it away from its mother who may have been gone for a while. Animals usually go in search of food in the daytime. If the kitten is left alone in the morning or evening, this indicates that it has indeed been abandoned. However, it is still better to wait for the cat to return to be sure.

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To make sure it really is a stray kitten, the expert recommends talking to your neighbors. It is possible that this is a missing pet that the owners have been looking for for a long time. Talk to people who live near you to get information. You can also post flyers around the area to make sure no one is looking for your missing kitten.

Traps are an excellent mechanism for catching

If you are not constantly involved in volunteer activities, then there is no need to buy a special device for catching animals. You can borrow it from a shelter, rent it, or make it yourself. In some cities there are organizations that are interested in catching and sterilizing animals. They can readily rent out a cage for free.

How to catch a cat in a trap? First of all, put on gloves. There is a special device in the center of the trap; attach food to it, and then place the cage in the most suitable place. As soon as the animal enters it and touches the trigger, it will work and the door of the device will slam shut.

It is important to understand that after catching an animal, it must be immediately taken to a veterinarian. The doctor will check the cat’s condition, give the necessary recommendations, vaccinate, and, if necessary, perform castration or sterilization. It is advisable to make an appointment with the veterinarian before you catch the animal. The specialist needs to tell all the details from your observations of the cat.

How to lure a cat with food

In some situations, grabbing a cat is relatively easy. In fact, many outdoor cats are hungry, and hunger is often greater than fear and mistrust. To lure your cat with food, such as a can of wet food, simply insert it into the carrier, leaving the zipper or door open. It is important that the food we use is consumed locally, otherwise the cat may grab it and run away to eat it in a secluded area.

Therefore, it is about the cat entering the carrier and then you close the door. You will need to be close enough to the box to be able to close it immediately before he can jump out, and be prepared to hold it tightly while the animal tries to escape. Always wear gloves to avoid scratches; cats can even cause serious bites and abrasions when they panic and want to escape. It is necessary to use special gloves that will not allow the cat to pierce them with its teeth. Obviously, any wound caused by a cat must be disinfected, and if it is deep, medical attention will be required.

If you can't let the cat in right away, you can take the time, often the cats after a few minutes of us being around them, the cats will relax and lower their guard a little to allow entry into the carrier. Conversely, we can bring them food several times so that they trust us.

How to tame a wild cat or kitten into your hands

When taming an animal, not only desire and perseverance are important, but also knowledge of small tricks that will help the pet quickly get used to its new owner. This process should take place in a calm environment, without sudden movements or loud sounds. To pick up a kitten, you need to act slowly and not hold the animal against its will. Gradually, the kitten will learn to trust and go to the owner himself. To tame an adult animal, a different approach is needed.

It is easier to tame a kitten from early childhood. The first need for communication arises in him already at two weeks of age. From this moment on, the owner should take the pet in his arms as often as possible so that he gets used to and learns to trust the person. This must be done carefully and the baby must be released at his first request. Under no circumstances should you hold a kitten, otherwise it can become a traumatic experience for him and will remain in his memory for a long time . It is very difficult to restore the animal's trust later.

Sometimes kittens do not want to sit in your arms for no apparent reason. In this case, the owner should be patient and remind himself that the animals are extremely curious, the world around them seems endlessly interesting to them. In addition, like human children, kittens are restless and get bored staying in one place for a long time.

It is worth making sure that the pet is comfortable being in human hands. By abruptly lifting or holding the kitten incorrectly, causing him discomfort, the owner can unknowingly scare away the baby.

How to accustom a kitten to being held?

The classic idea of ​​a domestic cat is a warm furry ball curled up in your arms, purring in different tones. But some pets are too independent, not very affectionate and do not strive for intimacy with humans. And then the owner is faced with the question of how to accustom the cat to handling.

There are several methods to help overcome fear or reluctance to handle.

  • After a hearty meal, the pet is relaxed and sleepy. You can pick up a dozing kitten and gently cuddle it to keep it warm and cozy. After a short time, the baby will begin to climb up to the owner on his own.
  • Treats will help lure the kitten onto the person's lap. While he is eating, you need to gently stroke him and scratch him behind the ear. Gradually, the pet will understand that sitting in your arms is pleasant.
  • While playing, you need to pull the toy onto your lap from time to time. When the kitten jumps after you, you need to pet him. Over time, he will get used to close contact with a person and will strive for it himself.

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  • Perhaps the cat is simply afraid of heights due to the fact that he was picked up incorrectly. In order for the baby to feel comfortable, one hand is placed under his front paws, and the other is placed under his hind paws. You shouldn't hold the kitten up; it's better to lightly hold it close to you.

When using one method or another, you need to carefully monitor your pet, and the right path to training will definitely be found.

Materials needed to catch a cat

Some stray cats on the street are in such bad condition that they are very easy to catch. In these cases, it is enough to have a carrier and a cloth or blanket to wrap the animal and handle it with more care and safety. Even small kittens do not pose a problem.

But some cats that are used to living without human contact, or cats that have been abused and are afraid, are not at all easy to approach and catch. So, here is a list of things that can be useful in the task of catching a cat:

  • Carrying
  • Can of wet cat food
  • Gloves for handling animals
  • Net
  • Sedative tablets
  • Cage trap

Please note that in addition to preparing various capture plans, it is important that several people are involved in the operation. We should not make noise, we should speak to the animal calmly and quietly and move without making sudden movements.

I can't find my cat!

Some cats disappear for a long time, as if they are falling through the ground. It’s okay: almost every purr has its own “hidden place” for sleeping. A domestic cat usually knows every nook and cranny in a house or apartment. Every secluded place is necessarily marked by her as a potential shelter. Very convenient: calm and no one bothers you. In addition, some pets fall asleep very soundly. Even the sound of opening a bag of food cannot revive them, not to mention the sounds of their own name. Therefore, patience and more patience.

What to do with all this?

Give your cat a chance to be a cat. Although it is an animal, it also has the right to privacy. If curiosity still overpowers you, try to find such secret places. My cat, for example, masterfully hides behind the curtain and camouflages himself under the folds. If there are potentially dangerous places in the house (for example, washing machines or dishwashers), be sure to prevent the possibility of getting inside: after all, you can inadvertently wash or wash your unlucky furry. Make it a habit to check all dryers, washers and washers before turning them on. A good solution is to look for a special “cave” shelter at the pet store. Usually cats like them and are happy to choose such “grottoes” for sleep.

What problems do cats living in the basement create for humans?

In addition to harm to health, stray animals cause other problems for residents of apartment buildings.

It can be:

  • Unpleasant smell. Cats constantly mark the territory where they live, and their feces have a pungent, easily absorbed and difficult to remove odor. In this case, there will be musty, unpleasant air in the apartments on the first floor and the entire entrance of the building.
  • Night noise. Such cute animals can make him very annoying, especially at night, when everyone should be resting, which significantly affects the quality of life, especially during their “binge” in March.
  • Theft of products. This problem is fully relevant for residents of the first floors. Leaving food on the table and forgetting to close the window, the owner of such an apartment may be left without it. Cats are cunning and intelligent animals, they are able to wait for the right moment and then steal what is unattended, which is especially characteristic of street animals, forced to fight by any means for their existence. Most residents on the first floors install special protective nets on their windows with their own hands.

Watching a homeless animal

When catching animals, several goals are pursued: to provide medical assistance, to take them home. Some people treat animals first and then find a safe home for them. Novice volunteers are interested in the question: how to catch a wild cat for sterilization? All such intentions are noble. The main thing is not to catch a pet that the owners let out for a walk.

The first thing to do is to determine the reason why the cat is avoiding humans. It is important to understand the difference between fearfulness and aggression in an animal. If it is embittered, it poses a great danger to people. You cannot allow such an animal to bite you.

There are a number of diseases that are transmitted through the saliva of a predator, for example, rabies. Observe your cat's habits to assess his condition. If he has heavy breathing or poor coordination of movements, then you can tell your veterinarian about these signs so that he can diagnose the animal.

If the cat is drooling or walking around as if sleepy, then it is better to call a special service that deals with catching stray animals. They have special equipment and will do it professionally, and thus you will protect your health. Under such circumstances, do not even try to think about how to catch a stray cat.

How to tame a wild kitten

Future owners are worried: how to tame a kitten, what if the situation gets out of control and an unaffectionate cat will grow out of a cute creature. The baby quickly gets used to it and begins to understand:

  • Where is the toilet.
  • Where is the bowl of food?
  • Who lives in the family, from whom you need to hide.

To tame a cat you will have to wait ten days (maximum). Usually this much time is spent on re-educating a street dweller.

It’s worth learning from the very beginning: a kitten’s squeak means “I feel bad,” while purring is a sign of goodwill and contentment.

There is no need to push a squeaking lump into a bathtub of water or allow children to cause pain. The kitten should feel safe and loved. It’s easy to accustom a kitten to handling and rules of behavior (both in the house and at an exhibition): affection, play and treats will do.

Once the baby is in the house, you need to give him time to calm down. You can leave him in an unlocked cage or put him in a low cat basket. Don't forget to place a bowl of water nearby.

In a calm environment, the kitten will soon crawl out of its shelter and go to inspect the territory of the house. Don't pick him up just yet. It is enough to gently stroke him and say a few words in a calm tone. Then transfer to a bowl and praise. In this case, the kitten in your hands will not perceive the action as danger.

Within 24 hours, the cat will begin to trust its owner and may jump onto its lap. The kitten will learn to sit quietly in your arms if you support it by its back. The warmth of the hand is soothing, and any possible fear of heights disappears.

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