Dry food for kittens Orijen Cat/Kitten grain-free


Champion Petfoods, which manufactures and sells the Orijen line of food, was established more than 30 years ago. The founders set their goal to develop and promote to the masses an international guideline for pet nutrition that would be as close as possible to their natural needs and would not contradict the rules and regulations in nutrition that had been in effect for many years.

Orijen products are manufactured in compliance with all the principles of carnivore nutrition (and cats are carnivores, which some manufacturers seem to forget): meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, vegetables, spices and plants. All components are purchased from local farmers and undergo strict pre-selection.

Champion Petfoods produces another holistic food - Acana.

Advantages and disadvantages

The first and main advantage of Orijen brand food is its composition. The basis of dry food is high-quality animal proteins: turkey meat, chicken meat, fish of “noble varieties”. The manufacturer indicates the exact composition of the ingredients and confirms that the raw materials for the feed were used without prior freezing or chemical treatment.

The second feature of the brand is the presence of a line of freeze-dried products for animals, Freeze-Dried Treats. Freeze-dried treats for cats are an innovative product. Sublimation technology does not involve heat treatment of products, which allows you to preserve all the nutrients and taste of fresh ingredients.

The disadvantages of Orijen include:

  • limited assortment;
  • There is no medicinal food in the assortment;
  • the company does not produce wet cat food or canned food.

Feed class

Orijen food belongs to the group of holistic foods. Holistics are characterized as follows:

  • Fresh meat and fish are used as sources of protein: both fillets and offal.
  • Sources of carbohydrates include lentils, rice, peas, and sweet potatoes.
  • Animals get their fiber from added and processed fruits, berries and herbs.
  • Ingredients that can harm the cat's health are not used: wheat, corn, onions, sugar, salt, etc.
  • preservatives - only safe ones: for example, a mixture of tocopherols.
  • the percentage of vitamins and minerals is several times higher than that of premium food, and even more so economical.
  • feed with such a composition cannot be cheap, so the price tag is quite high.

Expert opinion

Dusheba Vera Ivanovna

In 2010, she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin with honors, specializing in veterinary medicine. I regularly attend veterinary conferences, congresses, and webinars.

Whatever food you choose, remember: such food requires constant availability of water in the drinking bowl. You should not allow your cat to be thirsty: after all, dry biscuits very often make you want to drink, and there is not enough water in wet canned food. Give water at a comfortable temperature, purified with a filter or settled.

Conclusions about food

The Orijen line, presented in four types of food, makes a favorable impression. Despite the high price, the food is in demand and popular.

Balanced dry food helps keep cats healthy throughout their lives.

Orijen foods differ from each other only in composition. One of the types is universal for cats, cats and kittens of all breeds, the second consists only of fish (suitable for animals with chicken allergies), the third allows you to diversify the menu by including deer, wild boar, goat meat, the fourth is low-calorie and allows provide the animal with dietary nutrition.


The Orijen assortment includes universal cat food that best meets the needs of a living organism, regardless of breed and size.

Dry food:

Orijen Cat and kitten - this option is created for animals both adults and small ones. It contains a lot of turkey meat, sardines, fruits and vegetables.

Orijen Fit and trim - it is useful to give to plump pets - and they will not remain hungry, and they will lose those extra pounds in one or two seconds. The meat inside is dietary (turkey, chicken), there are eggs.

Orijen Six fish is based on fish. These are flounder, pike perch, hake, herring and sardines. Suitable for cats with healthy kidneys.

Orijen Tundra is an option for adults. It contains both fish and meat (goat, wild boar), duck fillet.

Orijen Regional red is not sold in Russia.

Available in packs of 340 g, 1800, 5400 and 17 kg.

In 2022, the line was updated and significantly improved, in particular, the percentage of fresh meat increased.

The delicacies are made from pure meat using a gentle sublimation method, thanks to which the food retains not only taste and aroma, but also nutrients. Packed 35 g in individual bags.


  • Regional Red (mutton, beef, pork, wild boar and lamb).
  • Wild Boar (wild boar fillet).
  • Romney Lamb (lamb).
  • Six Fish (6 types of fish).
  • Tundra (boar, deer, goat, fish).
  • Original (flounder, turkey, chicken).

Orijen cat food

According to the information presented on the official website of Orijen (English website - orijen.ca, website of the supplier in Russia - acana.ru), cat food is an industrial dry diet that is physiological for a predatory animal. Up to 85% of the feed consists of a variety of fish and meat components, which are added to the feed in raw, fresh, and also dehydrated form. In order for the composition of Orijen food to closely match the contents of natural cat food, by-products and cartilage were also included in the formula. In the food of this brand, however, you can also find additives in the form of legumes and vegetables with a low glycemic index, as well as fruits, but their mass fraction is no more than 15%.

Until 2022, the percentage of animal ingredients was 80%. After updating the feed recipes, the manufacturer increased the amount of meat products and increased the overall content of fresh and raw animal components.


  • Meat and offal (fresh chicken, fresh turkey fillet, fresh whole eggs, liver, chicken necks and hearts, deer and wild boar hearts, etc.);
  • Herring fat, chicken fat;
  • Fish (fresh flounder, fresh herring, sardines, mackerel);
  • Mixed tocopherols as preservatives;
  • Cereals, vegetables, fruits and plants (rose hips, marshmallow root, lavender flowers, burdock root, turmeric, milk thistle, chicory root, serviceberry berries, brown algae, turnip greens, beet leaves, spinach, kale, apples, carrots, navy beans, green peas, chickpeas, red and green lentils, beans, juniper berries, sarsaparilla root, blueberries, etc.);
  • Minerals and vitamins.


Orijen is a cat food whose composition is close to natural. The high quality of the ingredients used in its production is beyond doubt.

The production technology, aimed at maximizing the preservation of all nutrients, is worthy of the highest ratings. But do not forget that each animal is individual. Even the highest quality food may not suit him. Consult your veterinarian and carefully monitor your pet's condition when you start giving him a new food.

We recommend the food for purchase.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Corn and wheat are not added to Orijen food, since such food has a detrimental effect on the well-being of cats and causes a number of dangerous ailments (obesity, diabetes, heart problems).
  • Only fresh, boneless chicken is used. It is not frozen. Meat and meat components are sufficient for the development of the animal.
  • Sweet potatoes have been added as sources of carbohydrates (they practically do not cause allergies and are well tolerated), as well as brown unrefined whole rice (increasing the energy value of the feed), chickpeas, and lentils.
  • Preservatives are exclusively natural.
  • Orijen food is difficult to find in a regular pet store, and they don’t carry it in large hypermarkets. You'll have to order online.
  • No canned food.
  • Its price is high and not every cat owner can afford to buy such food.

Get acquainted with interesting cat breeds with the help of our encyclopedia: Cohona, Pixie Bob, Skif Tai Dong.

Reviews of Orijen cat food - owners and veterinarians

Albina: “My Bengali beauty loves meat. She is ready to eat only him. I spent a long time looking for suitable dry food to satisfy her appetite until I found ORIJEN Regional Red. It contains only red meat. Excellent food. One thing that upsets me is that you can only buy it in some online stores. You can’t find it in pet stores in our city.”

Andrey Petrovich, veterinarian : “I recommend Orijen food to all owners. Don't look at the fact that this brand doesn't have a very wide range - cats don't need a lot of variety. If my clients are confused by the high price, I always say that holistic foods are very economical. Cats fed Orijen have excellent digestion and no intestinal irritation. One note - the food is not suitable for neutered cats.”

Valentina, veterinarian : “Some of my patients complain about Orijen food, they say that it is not suitable for sterilized cats. This is understandable. Orijen food is high in protein, so sterilized animals may gain excess weight on it. In such cases, I recommend choosing dietary ORIJEN Fit & Trim or selecting high-quality super-premium food.

Production Features

An important difference between Orijen feeds (Canada) is that they do not use dry or powdery ingredients for their production. Such components are usually highly processed and are not always fresh. As a result, beneficial properties are lost.

To obtain a quality product, the meat and other ingredients are slowly steamed. The ingredients are processed at a temperature not exceeding 90°C. This helps seal vitamins, minerals and other beneficial elements inside. Taste qualities are preserved.

About the manufacturer

This product is produced by a Canadian company located in Edmonton. It has been operating since 75 of the last century. Its main motto is to produce safe dog and cat food and treats from natural, locally produced ingredients.

The main advantage of this enterprise is that it is engaged not only in the sale, but also in the direct production of feed. Thus, the owners of the company directly control the quality of the raw materials used and the goods produced. According to Champion Petfoods employees, only natural raw materials grown on the farms of this enterprise are used to operate the enterprise.

Composition, class and release forms

Orijen dry kibble is a high protein, low carbohydrate diet produced by the Canadian company Champion Petfoods. The food is certified and positioned as a holistic product. It contains more than 85% of products containing protein, of which fresh meat accounts for about 65%. The recipe also includes internal organs.

This does not mean that manufacturers, by diluting the composition with by-products, are trying to reduce its cost. In the wild, felines eat their prey whole. Giblets contain nutrients that are not found in pure meat. Therefore, their presence in food corresponds to the natural diet of cats.

Holistic class food

In total, there are more than 50 components in the food, and it is not possible to talk about each in detail. For example, here is a general overview of the structure of dry ranulas for Orijen Tundra Cat cats:

  1. A wide range of meat ingredients - goat, lamb, duck, deer and wild boar. Additionally, sea fish fillets (char, sardine, cod) and internal organs (kidneys, liver, heart) are included. The protein composition is quite diverse and is represented by both fresh and dehydrated products.
  2. Vegetables and greens. Lentils, peas, chickpeas, beans are sources of carbohydrates. Zucchini, carrots, various types of pumpkin, parsnips, and cabbage are rich in fiber. Beet tops improve metabolism, spinach removes toxins, and turnip leaves contain ascorbic acid and strengthen the immune system.
  3. Fruits and berries. Pears and apples are a source of vitamins and normalize the functioning of the digestive system. Cranberries reduce the risk of urinary tract diseases, blueberries improve vision, and juniper berries have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Brown algae. They reduce stomach acidity and have anthelmintic properties. They are rich in antioxidants and slow down the proliferation of cancer cells.
  5. Marshmallow root. Contains mucous components that have a calming effect on the intestinal lining.
  6. Duck fat. A source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, vitamins B, D, E, selenium, choline and betaine. Improves metabolism, normalizes glucose levels.

Cereals and potatoes, which are sources of fast carbohydrates, are completely excluded from Orijen cat food. Not only are they not beneficial, but they can also cause a number of diseases.

Important! The product does not contain synthetic additives, preservatives or flavors.

Main Ingredient

Food is available only in the form of dry granules, packaged in 1.8 and 5.4 kg. There is a small package weighing 340 g. A universal product for cats and kittens is also sold in 17 kg bags. The range of food is small, the line consists of only 4 items. The company also offers treats in the form of freeze-dried pieces of meat or fish. Sold in bags weighing 35 grams.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Today, orijen is not only one of the most expensive, but also the highest quality premium dog food.
  2. According to both experts and ordinary users, the cost of this food is very justified by the high quality of natural ingredients and optimally selected composition.
  3. By purchasing this product, the owner provides his dog with a complete diet, as close as possible to the diet of a dog in the wild.
  4. Proper nutrition is fundamental to the health and well-being of pets.

Feeding recommendations

The optimal dosage is calculated by the manufacturer and is indicated on the back of the package. According to these recommendations, the norms are as follows (g/day):

  • cat weighing 2 kg – 30-35;
  • 3 -5 kg ​​–40-65;
  • 6-8 kg – 80-100;
  • 10 kg – 105-115.

If you are overweight, the amount of feed is reduced by 15-25 grams. Due to the slowdown in metabolic processes in the body, older pets require lower standards. A cat weighing 2-4 kg needs about 30-40 g/day. An animal weighing 5-6 kg needs 65 g, and an animal weighing 8-10 kg needs 85 g/day. The optimal feeding regimen is 2 times a day.

Orijen brand food is suitable for both adult cats and kittens, which is confirmed by reviews from veterinarians. The only thing that experts advise is to choose the right dosage necessary for feeding babies. The following option is optimal:

  • age 5-20 weeks – 60 g/1 kg of weight;
  • 20-52 weeks – 30g/1kg;
  • starting from 52 weeks, they switch to feeding standards for adult animals.

Important! A container with clean water should always be in a place accessible to your pet.

The above standards are advisory in nature. Each cat is individual, so it is necessary to monitor the pet’s well-being and, if necessary, adjust the dosage taking into account the characteristics of the animal.

By age category

All Orijen brand products are universal and suitable for animals of any age group. However, it is best to use Orijen Catand Kitten food as a daily diet for kittens. It is based on the following meat components (%):

  • chicken – 18;
  • turkey – 7;
  • flounder – 4;
  • herring – 4.

Also added are chicken and turkey by-products, eggs, dehydrated fish fillets, and animal fats. There is a wide range of vegetables, fruits, berries and medicinal herbs. The food is completely balanced and can be used as a daily menu for pregnant and lactating cats.

Herbal product ingredients

The composition of the legumes has remained virtually unchanged - we just note that the new formula does not contain sun-dried alfalfa, but does include pinto beans and whole navy beans. As for the isolated fiber, in the updated product it is obtained from lentils, and not from peas.

In the new Orijen Cat & Kitten food, the description of fruits, vegetables and berries (sources of fiber) has become more complete - it is now clearly indicated that they are added to the product fresh, and the list of herbal ingredients and spices has also changed. In addition to whole blueberries and cranberries, the new formula includes whole serviceberry berries, but dried apricots are no longer there. But beet greens, turnips, zucchini and some other fresh vegetables appeared.

However, we are skeptical about berries, herbs and spices in feed compositions: their share is extremely small. We believe that the characteristics of Orijen Cat & Kitten food are made up of the main components, and it is very good that the ratio between quality sources of animal protein and plant components in this case is in favor of the former.

For restricted feeding

For overweight animals, a special formulation of Orijen Fitand Trim has been developed. The food contains a lot of protein and is low in calories. The source of protein is chicken, turkey, sea fish, eggs and internal organs of poultry. The fat content of the product is 15%, which allows you to maintain optimal body weight.

The composition includes a small percentage of slow carbohydrates, which help maintain a feeling of fullness for a long period. Reviews from owners confirm that a daily diet based on this Orijen cat food helps to lose excess weight and increases the pet’s activity.

For plump pets

Characteristics of Orijen Cat & Kitten food additives

Turkey and chicken liver, prepared by freeze-drying, have been added to the new formula as flavoring ingredients that complement the large mass of meat and fish components.

Also, the package now indicates that copper and zinc are added to the product in the form of chelates, the most easily absorbed compounds - this is an obvious plus.

During the formation of the new label in Russian, they missed information about natural preservatives - extracts rich in tocopherol (Tocopherol rich extract of natural origin). We have added this component to the composition list.

There are also some changes in the sources of glucosamine and chondroitin. If previously the feed contained only 3% chicken cartilage, now the composition contains 4% fresh chicken necks, which contain cartilage tissue, plus 1% of the same chicken cartilage (it is indicated that they are dehydrated). Note that in the new composition the proportions of glucosamine and chondroitin are not exactly indicated on the label, but the presence of the probiotic supplement enterococcus is emphasized.

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