At what month did your Scottish kitten start sitting on his butt?

What do fold cats, cats and kittens love?

Each cat has its own preferences. In addition to playing, sleeping and eating, many Scottish cats love communication and affection. However, there are also phlegmatic introverts who adore solitude.

In addition, the Scots love to sit on the window and watch what is happening there. And if a fly flies in, the cat will definitely go after it.

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The Scots also love cardboard boxes in which they can hide.

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Why does a cat lie on a person and why does it need it?

A cat next to its owner is always calm, but at the same time, some individuals believe that this way the person is under their complete control. Another version says that cats sleep either on people or on their things in order to absorb all the negativity and save the person from the disease.

Studies have shown that a cat is really able to determine a vulnerable spot on the human body, so it will lie down exactly where there is pain or body temperature is higher than normal.

Cats and people

Although they say about cats that they are animals that walk on their own, purrs love to feel like family members and take part, as far as possible for tailed cats, in everything that happens.

When a cat lies in the owner’s place, on his things, or jumps into his lap, he is sure that all events revolve around him, just as they do around other household members. In addition, these animals have a special sense of smell, thanks to which additional information is available to them.

But they don't like hands

At the same time, if you stop somewhere, the Scot will not jump into your arms, but will sit next to you, like a faithful dog. The Scots generally do not like to be picked up, sat on laps and squeezed, and sometimes they do not even like to be stroked. These are quite freedom-loving cats.

However, many Scottish cats are much softer in this sense. Some of them love to sit in your arms and come on their own, while others can be taken like a plush toy and squeezed, squeezed, squeezed... And he won’t leave. Such Scots are becoming more common now, because breeders are trying to include affectionate animals in their breeding.

The cat rides on its butt because the anal glands are clogged

If a cat rides on his butt, don't scold him, he doesn't do it out of spite

This is the most common reason for this behavior.

The anal glands in cats are located inside the anus. They secrete a very smelly liquid secretion.

Usually this secretion is released on its own and little by little when the cat goes to the toilet. Nature intended this to mark the territory.

But sometimes it happens that the secretion becomes viscous, thick and clogs the gland. The animal feels discomfort and even pain.

To release secretions and cleanse the glands, the cat may begin to ride on its butt. Often these attempts are unsuccessful, and you will have to clean the glands yourself or take your cat to the vet.

Possible pathological disorders

Unfortunately, diarrhea and dirty fur are not the only factors that cause a cat to ride on its butt. There are also more serious factors that lead to this behavior, for example:

  • mental health disorder;
  • post-traumatic stress disorder;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • paraanal inflammation.

Each of the diseases deserves attention and requires consultation with a veterinarian. In addition, they are accompanied by other symptoms, in addition to “travels on the fifth point”.

Signs of mental disorder

With mental disorders caused by stress, the pet's behavior changes noticeably and becomes strange. The cat can:

  • show aggression;
  • avoid communication, including with the owner;
  • lose appetite.

The owner may notice that the pet begins to crawl on the floor, regardless of toilet procedures. In this case, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist who will identify the pathology and prescribe appropriate therapy.

Phantom pain syndrome

After an injury to the hind legs or a fracture of the hip joint, the pet begins to look for a way to eliminate phantom soreness. He rolls on the floor, trying to get rid of the pain that is lingering in his brain. In such a situation, veterinarians prescribe medications that have a mild sedative effect to the animal. They help him cope with excruciating post-traumatic discomfort.

Parasite infestation

Most often, pets get pinworms and tapeworms, which live in the large intestine. To reproduce, many of them have to crawl to the entrance to the anus to lay eggs. This process is accompanied by a feeling of severe itching, which the pet tries to get rid of by crawling on the floor.

When infected with tapeworms, a feeling of bloating occurs in the intestines. The cat strives to get rid of feces, stimulating the anus while riding on the floor and causing defecation. To save your pet from such difficulties, you should regularly deworm it, using anthelmintic drugs for preventive purposes. These can be tablets for oral administration, drops on the withers area or other means.

Blockage of the anal glands

Mustachioed striped animals have anal glands, which are muscular sacs located in close proximity to the anus. They constantly produce secretions that are released through the ducts during bowel movements. It gives feces and urine a specific odor, allowing cats to leave “fragrant” marks on their territory.

Norm and deviations. In its normal state, the secretion is a thick, odorous substance. If the glands are not completely emptied, then corresponding disorders arise:

  • the tissues of the muscle sacs are “overstretched”;
  • irritation occurs in the glandular ducts;
  • dermatological problems arise - small inflamed seals and bald spots form in the neck and along the spine;
  • the paraanal glands swell greatly and become visible under the animal’s tail.

Consequences. If the owner does not pay attention to the blockage in time, then the disruption of circulation ends with the formation of a fistula and the penetration of the contents of the glands into the peritoneum.

The cat rides on his butt: the reason is that he attracts attention

Butt riding can be purely a behavioral problem. If this is not the first time your cat has done this and once upon a time he really had objective problems, and you ran around his butt as if stung, then perhaps in this way the cat is now attracting attention to himself. This means that the cat really needs communication, which you are not giving it. In this case, pet the cat and talk to him. Do this regularly. If after that he stopped driving in fifth place, then the reason was most likely a lack of attention.

Scots love to play with people

Scottish cats' favorite games are playing with people. Interactive toys are also suitable, but if a person comes into play, then the Scot is always much more interested in him. These cats especially love tag.

But sometimes you can hear complaints that the Scottish cat does not like to play. This happens both with very mature individuals and with kittens. In the case of an adult cat or cat, this is normal, but a non-playful kitten may be like this due to some disease. This is not necessary, but it is worth checking his health. One of the author’s kittens was very weak and thin at first, until he was switched from food to raw meat and injected with a special drug that gives impetus to the development of weak mammals. After that, he turned from a passive sloth into a playful child, as he should be.

The cat rides on his butt: the reason is that he swallowed something

If your cat rides on his butt, this is in any case a reason to look under his tail. Perhaps he is trying to get rid of something that just can't come out. For example, from thread, rain or polyethylene. If this is the case and the foreign object is sticking out of the butt, very carefully remove it. But if it's Christmas tree rain, it can damage the intestines like a blade. Therefore, the rain cannot be delayed, you can only cut it off and wait until the next portion comes out on its own.

After removing the foreign object, monitor the cat's stool: if there is blood in it, this is a reason to contact the veterinarian, because blood may indicate internal bleeding.

Ambassador: One morning my fat man started riding on his butt. (I have short hair, and the undertail is kind of neat, it doesn’t get dirty.) I’m shocked. Well, I think it's fucked up. Worms. Then the cat stood up, and there was something long sticking out of his ass!!!!! I'm totally panicking!! I take a glove, well, I think I’ll pull out the asshole worm. Not so. The cat screamed and ran away... Then he comes back happy. I look: there is nothing. I go out into the kitchen and see “IT” on the floor. I approach carefully, look... and this is an ordinary thread!!!!!! My friend ate the curtains and ate the thread.

Problem details

Blocked anal glands should be treated at a veterinary clinic. This manipulation is done up to 2-3 times a month if the cat is a long-haired breed. A specialist must clean the ducts and, if they become inflamed, prescribe a therapeutic course (diet, suppositories and antibiotics).

To prevent this from happening, you will need to clean your sinuses at home. The procedure involves squeezing out the secretion. An unpleasant odor makes it necessary to wear protective clothing, rubber gloves, and also have a supply of wet or gauze wipes before manipulation. Before the procedure, the cat must be swaddled, leaving the tail free. Next, it should be placed on the back, freeing access to the paraanal glands.

The napkin is used to compress the skin on both sides below the anus. The secret will leave a mark on the napkin. Manipulation is carried out until the napkin remains clean. If the secretion has a dough-like structure, it is removed in another way that is not at all pleasant for the cat. The index finger is inserted into the anus. Using the fingers (thumb on the outside and index on the inside), the anal sacs are squeezed one at a time, and the secretion is squeezed out until it is completely released. The discharge of thick discharge can be facilitated by lubricating the animal's anus with an anti-inflammatory agent. Rectal suppositories are also suitable.

In case of loose stools, strange movement is also possible. Diarrhea causes irritation of the anus and surrounding skin, especially in short-haired breeds. A special structure prevents the animal from reaching this place with its paw. Severe itching forces him to sit on his tail and move his paws at high speed, relieving the discomfort.

Diarrhea or constipation is a consequence of poor nutrition. This should be corrected with a suitable diet and sufficient amounts of clean drinking water. If your pet is a long-haired feline, he should trim the hair under his tail. Diarrhea must be treated with rectal suppositories with an anti-inflammatory effect.

During childbirth (especially for the first time), a cat can also behave strangely. Floor riding is caused by a kitten stuck in the birth canal. The cat will try to release it; experienced animals help themselves by massaging their tongue in the abdomen. Primiparous cats may require veterinary care.

There is also a reason that causes booty riding - it is a foreign object (thread, a piece of cellophane or another similar thing) that is stuck in the intestines. Blockage occurs within the next 8 hours after ingestion of a foreign body. The release of an object on its own is classified as a lucky event. The deteriorating condition of the pet should force the owner to take him to the veterinarian, there are no other options for help!

Attracting the owner's attention can also be associated with riding his butt on the floor. The cessation of such strange behavior is associated with stroking and other manifestations of care from the person. The nature of this psychological state of thirst for attention is stress, trauma or fracture. Veterinarians note the rarity of these cases.

What living conditions do Scottish Fold cats require?

Representatives of this breed will be quite comfortable within the walls of an ordinary apartment. The main thing is to give them their own secluded place where the cat can spend time alone with itself. In this case, the bed should be located away from drafts that are dangerous for Scottish Folds.

Protect your pet from drafts /

For the safety of the animal, it is advisable to install special protective nets on the windows. If they are not there, the cat may fall out of the window when trying to catch a bird or a falling leaf.

It’s worth taking care of your cat’s leisure time. In addition to a sleeping place and a tray, a Scotsman definitely needs a scratching post. With its help, he will be able to put his paws in order and will not encroach on your furniture.

Diversify your pet's leisure time. belchonock /

Balls, mice and other toys will help diversify the life of the Scottish Fold cat. You can also install an entire play center, which will also provide additional physical activity for the cats and maintain their physical fitness.

Scots can be called homebody cats. However, if your cat feels calm and comfortable in the fresh air, take him on short promenades or let him out into his own garden. At the same time, walking Scottish Folds should not be left unattended for a long time.

Poor diet and low mobility

Common factors leading to butt riding include:

  • physical inactivity;
  • excess body weight;
  • high-calorie foods.

Unfortunately, even among cats there are often lazy people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. With obesity and low activity, changes occur in the animal’s body and the place of muscles is replaced by a fat layer. The tissues are compressed and the circulation of the anal ducts is disrupted.

Excess calories affect the functions of internal organs, which leads to the development of diarrhea. With frequent bowel movements, the odorous secretion does not mix with feces, remaining on the skin, causing irritation and itching. And in this case, the pet will ride on the floor, trying to reduce discomfort.

Metabolic disorder

Failures in metabolic processes lead to various disturbances in the functioning of the animal’s body. As a result, the consistency of secretory secretions often changes; they can become too thick and clog the ducts. Sometimes the glands begin to secrete more secretions than usual. In both cases, the skin becomes irritated, inflammation, swelling and itching occur. If the pet is not helped, then the risks of developing complications are high:

  1. The animal begins to actively move along the floor, which causes damage to the skin near the anus.
  2. The wounds become infected and an inflammatory process develops. The most dangerous thing is infection of ulceration by pathogenic bacteria.
  3. If left untreated, the inflammatory process spreads to the peritoneum.

Such violations lead to the pet becoming too restless. He can't find a place for himself and drives furiously at the fifth point.

If an animal has a weakened immune system, then there is a risk of developing infectious blood poisoning.

Also watch the video why a pet rides on its butt:

How to feed Scottish Fold cats

The easiest way is to stick to ready-made wet and dry food. It is better to choose from lines of proven brands, because only high-quality complete food provides the animal with all the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements and vitamins. In addition, you can sometimes give healthy treats that not only help diversify the menu, but also, for example, help clean the animal’s teeth.

Select a ready-made diet taking into account the characteristics of the animal - age, health status and the presence of chronic diseases, sterilization, pregnancy and lactation.

Another option is natural products such as meat and offal, cereals. But ordinary food from the human table is prohibited for the Scots. It simply will not provide the cat’s body with everything it needs, and sometimes it can even pose a danger to their life.

The food on our table is not suitable for cats.

When deciding what to feed your Scottish Fold, consider what kind of food he was accustomed to while he lived with the breeder. A sudden change will not benefit the animal, and the kitten may simply refuse unusual food. Even if you decide to change your diet, you need to do it gradually.

Representatives of this breed are often prone to obesity. This must be taken into account when planning your diet. You should not overfeed your pet, as obesity can lead to a number of health problems.


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