How to raise an affectionate kitten: principles and rules.

Raising a cat's docile character should begin from the moment it enters the home. Unfortunately, at first, few people care about this aspect - the owners focus on litter training, grooming, bathing and other procedures, completely losing sight of the need to properly build a relationship with the animal.

The easiest way to train kittens to be tame is when they are up to six months old. But even if an adult, already formed animal with its own principles and character appears in the house, there are still several options for how to make a cat affectionate.

How to quickly calm a cat?

You should not beat or intimidate an animal: cats are vengeful and do not lend themselves to such training. To quickly calm an angry pet, pick him up, press him to your feet and hold him until he stops showing aggression. There are many ways to help tame a stubborn cat.

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Education from the first days

It is important to know that kittens learn the basic rules of behavior up to 3 months.

  • If the cat is older, nothing critical, it’s just that science comes to him much faster in infancy.
  • However, it is wrong to tolerate bad behavior from an animal at any age.
  • In order to instill good manners in your baby, it is important to keep an eye on him all the time.
  • This will not take too much time, but at first you should not lose sight of the baby.

Don’t want your cat to tear the curtains and climb up your robe onto your shoulder, painfully scratching you with its claws? Stop such attempts immediately. Don't you like it when your upholstered furniture is turned into a scratching post? Are your plants increasingly leaving their places of residence and lying dug up on the floor? Don't like décor with torn wallpaper?

  • This needs to be stopped immediately, and not when it’s ten o’clock, you come home from work and see cat innovations.
  • The cat simply will not understand why the owner was so angry. And if he doesn’t understand, then he will simply classify you as inadequate and unpredictable.
  • He won't know what to expect from you and then fear will set in. He will be afraid of you.
  • And fear will turn a gentle, mischievous cat child into a downtrodden, nervous, aggressive creature.

By the way, if you told your little pet that you can’t tear up the sofa, but he touches this furniture again and again, it doesn’t mean that the cat is stubborn and trying to adjust you to it.

The fact is that the baby’s memory is not yet very developed, he forgets. How to behave correctly. And he needs to repeat this constantly. The kitten, like an ordinary baby, started playing and forgot.

You need to be patient for a long time.


Regular grooming is one of the ways to build a friendly relationship with your cat. Combing the fur with soft, gentle, rhythmic movements, accompanied by a quiet conversation in a gentle tone, calms the animal and helps it relieve stress.

But if your pet gets tired during the procedure and begins to twitch, the session should be stopped immediately.

What not to do

Do not protect your cat from everything in the house, taking into account your comfort zone, of course. He needs to explore different surfaces, even learn how to fall off the refrigerator and wrestle with a bag.

Never yell at a kitten and never hit it! This way he won’t understand what he did wrong, but he will begin to be afraid of you. It is better to show the animal in a playful and encouraging way how to behave. In severe cases, you can clap your hands, use a whistle (but not your voice!) and even drive away with a light object like a rolled up newspaper. Some people recommend a spray bottle of water.

The kitten simply will not understand your screams

Until 6 months, try not to expose your pet to unnecessary stress in the form of noisy parties, trips to the country, etc. This will strengthen his psyche. However, after that you can smoothly prepare it for possible changes in the situation - repairs or even new family members. With proper upbringing, the animal will accept the changes while being calm.

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Regular displays of affection

We should not forget that a cat is a living creature with its own personality traits. Rarely is an animal so patient as to wait until the owner has free time to communicate with his pet.

Cats and cats are very freedom-loving.

Only those cats that have been treated kindly by their owners are affectionate. Therefore, take time for hugs, conversations with her, relaxation together, and other things. And, if there is a lot of work, try to set aside at least ten minutes for joint caresses, and the rest of the world will wait a little longer. Remember that even a once affectionate animal, if no one communicates with it, can go wild.

You can’t get a kitten when you have little time left to communicate with it.

However, you shouldn’t impose yourself either. The cat may also be in an inappropriate mood. Therefore, if the cat is in the mood for privacy, just pet it behind the ear when you pass by, and do not insist. If she purrs in response, it means she is ready to communicate. And if not, then you should wait for a more favorable moment.

If the cat realizes that it is not in charge, it leaves the territory.

Unfortunately, among the owners, along with the inattentive, there are also those who constantly cuddle and carry their pet in their arms, and then wonder why he is not inclined to contact.

Toys or games?

Manufacturers of pet products regularly replenish the range of toys with a variety of options for “prey” for domestic predators: wind-up mice, on a string, on a spring, glowing balls, fragrant fish and fishing rods... But to raise a cat to be affectionate and sociable, it is not enough to spend a certain amount on new items from the store . Games must be joint, regular, within the family circle. By playing together, a person and a cat learn to understand each other, trust each other and, ultimately, certainly become closer.

Never use your hands or feet to try to get your cat's attention. Don't tease her by scratching your fingers along the upholstery of the sofa. Human legs and arms are an absolute taboo. Explain to everyone at home that scratched skin and torn clothes are not your dream. If a kitten attacks in the heat of play, grabbing the skin with its teeth or claws, do not pull your hand away. Freeze, look closely at the bully and hiss threateningly - he will let you go...

Recommendations for raising cats

  1. Eye contact.
    The cat family has a negative attitude towards staring and the manner of looking eye to eye. Pets regard such behavior as a challenge and preparation for an attack. Regardless of your cat's age, do not supervise it closely. Observe your pet with peripheral vision without giving yourself away. If you are looking at a cat directly, blink smoothly and frequently, and do not keep your eyes open all the time. After time, your pet will appreciate the changes in your behavior and will want more attention.
  2. Proper care.
    A cat will grow up affectionate and loving only if it receives the necessary care from its owner. By nature, four-legged friends take care of each other. Your pet expects the same from you. The cat will appreciate the actions associated with slowly stroking its fur and scratching its neck area. Buy a comb, take care of the animal’s fur, while at the same time saying affectionate words in a quiet voice. If you notice a twitching of the tail, this means that the cat is tired of being handled. Reschedule procedures for another time. Purring and stretching will tell you that the pet is happy.

Raising a cat and a male cat

Many people ask: how to raise a kitten for a girl. Or, on the contrary, how to raise a boy kitten. There is no big difference in upbringing. Kittens of different sexes are accustomed to the tray, to hands, and to visits from guests in the same way.

  • True, cats often show their “I”. In order to force a cat to do something, you need to gain his respect and firmly stand by your demand.
  • Cats are serious guys. If you demand the same thing all the time, they give up. “Ah, so that’s what you wanted! Well, I understand! "
  • Cats are much more cunning. They quickly understand what is required of them, but this does not mean that they will immediately rush to do it.
  • The “girls” are smart enough to do everything to avoid commands. They will watch your attempts with naive eyes and stubbornly do their own thing.

With girls, when training or accustoming them to the rules of the hostel, you often need to resort to play. Only then will the beauty fulfill everything you demand.

How to train to the tray

If the example of litter box training was given above, then it is worth understanding this issue in more detail. Moreover, visiting the toilet is one of the basic rules for a cat living with a person.

  1. If a kitten is taken from a conscientious breeder, then the baby, as a rule, has already learned to wear a diaper.
  2. If the kitten did not have a breeder, it is not difficult to train it yourself.
  3. To do this, disposable diapers are laid out throughout the room.
  4. Throughout the room so that the baby does not have to search for a long time or run to the right place when he needs it.
  5. And then you need to observe. Before making a puddle, the baby begins to worry - look for something, spin around himself.
  6. At this time, you need to quickly put him on a diaper (or immediately in the tray), and hold him there and stroke him.
  7. After the baby has done his business, he needs to be praised, you can even give him a treat.

It is important to remember not to grab the kitten when you see him looking for a place. And you can’t scream with delight after a successful visit to the tray either. Don't scare the child. Movements should not be panicky, but calm.

Everyone understands this, but, more often than not, it turns out the other way around - they grab the baby, drag him somewhere running, and as a result, the little kitten gets scared and is not going to do anything at all. Tolerates. It seems to him that making a puddle is something terrible, scary and he needs to postpone it.

  • Endure until the last. That is why the picture is often observed - the owner definitely saw that the kitten was settling in, but in the tray he immediately lost all desire. And it’s not the baby himself who is to blame, but the owner.
  • If the kitten has learned to wear a diaper, you need to gradually reduce the number of diapers laid out and move them to the place where the tray is located.

Later, all the parts of the diaper with the smell just need to be laid out in the tray. If the owner does not make mistakes, the kitten will quickly understand what is required of him.

High relationship

Think about how to raise an affectionate cat if your pet constantly feels tension, stress and anxiety? Of course not. A contact trusting cat is a cat that feels safe. What do small cats do when threatened? Of course, they climb the nearest tree. It just so happens that in nature cats have almost no enemies capable of catching up with the agile steeplejack. Therefore, it is extremely important that the cat has a lot of shelters at height: playing complexes in the ceiling, “trees” for climbing, hanging houses, shelves and ladders.

How to raise a polite and affectionate kitten?

As you learned above, in order to raise a kitten to be affectionate and gentle, you need to treat him like a real child, with warmth and care. But in order for you to live comfortably with him, sometimes you need to show perseverance and guide your baby in the right direction, so he will respect your space and at the same time feel comfortable.

Let us repeat that you need to feed your pet fully and in moderation, spend time playing with it and petting it, and do not force it to do anything and do not rudely scold it. Just treat him with love and understanding, your heart will tell you everything.

The most important skills

Felines, like people, are all special in their own right. Even within the same breed there are opposite characters. Of course, this also depends on upbringing. The most important thing is to find an approach to your pet, to bring its expression into harmony with your expectations. This is all easy to understand and put into practice with both boys and girls.

For example, if you want the cat to come to sleep at your feet or go to the bath with you, etc., this is quite possible. Just start repeating these actions with the kitten, and he will remember them as the norm in no time.

Why does a cat not like to be held?

  • Some cats are afraid of heights.
  • Perhaps the cat does not like the smell coming from the owner or from his hands. Cats have a very sensitive sense of smell and many of the aromas we are familiar with (perfume, household chemicals, orange and others) are unpleasant for them.
  • You may be holding your cat incorrectly, causing him pain or discomfort, so he tries to escape.
  • Cats born and raised on the street, without the company of people, do not understand why they need to sit in their arms. Having been deprived of affection in childhood, it is difficult for them to adapt to it in adulthood.
  • If the kitten lived on the street or with bad owners, it could have been abused and now it is wary of all people.
  • There are breeds of cats that enjoy being alone. They don’t like unnecessary attention and the most they are willing to do is sit next to their owner, and you can’t lure them into your arms with any gingerbread.

How to raise a “good guy”

The toilet issue is not the only thing you should pay attention to. It is important for everyone to know how to raise a calm kitten. After all, you don’t want a monster to live inside your furry cutie. Plus, cat claws should not be underestimated.

In order for the pet to be calm and balanced, the owner himself needs to behave calmly, peacefully, and friendly.

How to raise a kitten to be tame? You cannot encourage or ignore moments when a kitten behaves incorrectly.

An example: A teacher retired and got herself a beautiful Russian Blue kitten. These kittens are incredibly cute. You really want to cuddle them, take them in your arms, caress them. And then the schoolchildren came to the teacher.

  • Seeing the kitten, they began to stroke it, pick it up, scratch it behind the ear, and pass it from hand to hand.
  • The kid, who had never seen such a crowd of people before, got scared and screamed heart-rendingly.
  • The teacher immediately grabbed the baby, hugged him and calmed him down.
  • And then she began to examine him to see if the children had broken his fragile bones. But everything worked out.
  • With bones. But the kitten firmly understood that if you don’t like something, you need to scream with all your might.
  • To this day, the big cat screams whenever he wants.
  • And all because one day, by shouting, he achieved what he wanted. But it was necessary to simply rid the baby of a large crowd of people.

But how to raise an affectionate kitten? You need to make sure that he enjoys communicating with the person. To do this, from the first days you need to take the kitten in your arms, stroke it, scratch it behind the ear. But all a person’s movements should not be frightening, nervous, speech should not be loud and aggressive.

And then the baby will be drawn to the person, his touch will be pleasant to him. This is the answer to the question - how to raise an affectionate kitten.

Young children cannot always control the strength of their movements. Therefore, it is better for young children not to pick up kittens. You can have a great time playing with your cat, rolling balls, running around with a bow on a string, or come up with a new game that is safe for the animal.

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