Can a kitten have cottage cheese - how to give a fermented milk product with benefits for the baby’s health

Causes of diarrhea

Many owners do not consider diarrhea a dangerous symptom.
But in vain. After all, it can indicate dangerous diseases, and diarrhea itself in small kittens can lead to serious dehydration in just a day. To protect your pet, it is necessary to promptly determine the cause of diarrhea. Bacterial infection. It has a very high temperature. In this case, diarrhea has an unpleasant odor, the stool is liquid or even becomes watery, and often turns green. The pet feels unwell, refuses to eat, and is apathetic.

Viral infection. Such severe inflammation does not develop as with microbial infection. The temperature is also increased, but not so much. Although the pet is less mobile, it is active and does not refuse food. Feces are often yellow and mushy.

Worms. The kitten is quickly losing weight, feels unwell, the tummy is swollen and tense, and when palpated, lumps may be detected. There is a lot of mucus in stool, which is why it becomes gray in color and has a strong unpleasant odor. Often there is blood in the stool or it turns black. Sometimes the animal vomits, the vomit can be in the form of white foam, sometimes it contains live worms.

Allergy to food. In an allergic reaction, diarrhea occurs immediately after eating. An important distinguishing feature is a new product in the diet. Allergy stool is yellow and mushy. At the same time, other signs of allergies appear: dermatitis, hair loss, swelling, spot redness.

Food poisoning. It occurs among careless owners who do not know what to feed the kitten. When giving spoiled or unsuitable food to kittens, diarrhea is observed immediately after feeding, 2-3 hours later. The stool is mushy, yellow, defecation is observed 2-3 times in a row, but after cleansing the intestines everything stops. In case of serious poisoning, diarrhea does not stop on its own, the animal feels unwell, and may even vomit.

Stress. When buying a kitten, the new owner must understand that the pet is changing its place of residence and parting with its mother. All this is a powerful stress for the kitten. Therefore, diarrhea is a common occurrence. The difference between psychological diarrhea is the behavior of the pet. He often meows, calls his mother, hides in dark corners, and can behave aggressively.

Feeding disorder. Improper feeding may include a diet unbalanced in vitamins, proteins and microelements, violation of the feeding regime, overfeeding or underfeeding, and a rapid transition to adult food. The feces are yellow and mushy, the kitten feels well, plays, and has a healthy appetite.


The opposite situation also happens. Sometimes pets feel sick. They eat the shrimp with pleasure, but then suffer from vomiting. Therefore, some veterinarians do not recommend including shrimp in the purr's diet. For example, if an animal is prone to allergies, a reaction may occur to chemical components or antibiotics that are often used to treat crustaceans. They are sometimes seen as the cause of the development of pancreatitis and urolithiasis. Therefore, only boiled and as a “delicacy”. Remember - such nutrition must be under strict control. You cannot follow a lead and give without measure everything that the animal requires. It does not give an account of the possible consequences. We are responsible for his health and longevity.

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How to give cottage cheese to your pet correctly

In order for the product to bring only benefits to the animal’s body, it is enough to follow a number of simple rules:

  1. You should purchase only fresh, non-acidic cottage cheese. And if the owner is not sure about the quality of a store-bought product, it is better to make it at home.
  2. Do not confuse natural cottage cheese with a cottage cheese product or sweet cottage cheese. This type of food is harmful to cats because it contains various artificial ingredients and sugar. And sweetness is poison for pets.
  3. It is not recommended to feed low-fat cottage cheese to your pets, since it is devoid of most beneficial properties. It is advisable to choose a product with 7-9% fat content.
  4. To reduce the risk of allergies, cottage cheese is introduced into the cat’s diet gradually in small doses. And after feeding, it is advisable to observe the reaction of the animal’s body. If his condition worsens and diarrhea appears, then food is immediately excluded from the menu.
  5. The frequency of feeding cottage cheese depends on the age of the pet. It is given to kittens 3-4 times a week, to adult cats no more than 2 times.
  6. It is worth remembering that no fermented milk product, and cottage cheese is no exception, is suitable for daily feeding of a cat.
  7. It is not recommended to give it along with meat or offal. Cottage cheese is an independent dish; it also goes well with cereals and vegetables.

How to train. If your pet does not show interest in the new product, you can mix it with egg yolk. For many cats, this dish is a desired treat. But protein is not at all suitable for these purposes. You can also treat your pet to cottage cheese with sour cream, but this is a rather fatty dish and it is advisable to reduce the portion.

Treatment of cats and kittens for diarrhea at home

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First of all, don't panic. You should especially not start worrying if the animal is vaccinated and has not come into contact with dubious feline personalities. We remember that the main thing is to assess the condition and find out the causes of diarrhea in the cat.

You should be aware that home treatment with proper nutrition may not be effective in serious cases. Such severe ailments require medical intervention. However, there are a number of medications that are effective in treating the symptoms of bowel disorders, some of which are used in human treatment.

Medicines and dosage for diarrhea in cats

Despite the extensive list of drugs that can help a meowing sufferer with an intestinal disorder, not all of them are recommended by specialists. Any medicine is not a panacea, and in difficult cases, eliminating symptoms is simply dangerous for the cat’s life.

Here is an approximate list of effective remedies for diarrhea in cats:

Enterofuril is an effective broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug. The medication does not disturb the intestinal flora, so the rapid effect of enterofuril does not carry with it any side effects for the intestines. The medicine is excellent in treating feline diarrhea if the cause is bacterial infections, but viral stool disorders can also be treated. The price for enterofuril varies from 270 to 350 rubles; The dosage of the suspension for adult cats is 100 milligrams. For kittens 5 times less; Give 2-3 times a day, 12 or 8 hours apart; If over the last 10-12 hours the signs of diarrhea disappear, then the drug is stopped;

Diarcan is a medicine that is dissolved in water and offered to the pet to drink or added to the food. If the situation does not improve within 5 days, the drug is discontinued, since the diarrhea is not due to infection. The dosage is strictly observed, half a cube for cats up to 5 kg and a cube over. There is an 8-hour break between doses. The drug costs about 500 rubles; Furazolidone is an antimicrobial drug that is effective due to the fact that bacteria develop resistance to it poorly. Treatment of loose stools with this remedy should be prescribed by a doctor who will select the correct dosage regimen. Typically, the daily dose is divided into three parts, each third mixed with food. Furazolidone can be bought for an average of 100 rubles; Bifidumbacterin is a probiotic that normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The product is sold in the form of tablets, powder and suppositories. Bifidumbacterin is indicated for long-term viral diseases of the cat and during a course of treatment with antibiotics. The cost of the probiotic depends on the dosage, but for cats the price will be approximately 100-200 rubles; Smecta and activated carbon are enterosorbents that remove toxins from the gastrointestinal tract. If the bowel disorder does not last long, then the cat can be given smecta to drink. The price for smecta enterosorbent is 130-150 rubles; Enterosgel - the drug actively cleanses the cat’s body of toxins, helps with poisoning, intestinal infections and after antiparasitic treatment

It would be better if a specialist prescribes such a remedy for your pet, because it is important not only to relieve the symptoms of the disease, but also to find the cause. Phthalazole is an antimicrobial medicine. Do they even retreat from such a medication?

What diseases can be treated?

The medicinal plant contains large quantities of complex nitrogen-free organic compounds called saponins, resin, vitamin K, tannins, and phytosterol. Therefore, pink immortelle has an excellent effect on the circulatory system, promoting faster clotting. Experts recommend using the plant for uterine or hemorrhoidal bleeding and hemoptysis. However, it is prohibited to determine the dosage yourself. This should only be done by a doctor.

The plant will help:

  • very quickly and very effectively stop the flow of blood;
  • use in gynecology implies the ability to normalize menstrual bleeding;
  • remove stones formed in the bladder;
  • cure the inflammatory process;
  • improve visual ability;
  • reduce the size of a malignant neoplasm;
  • dilate blood vessels;
  • relieve pain caused by gout;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • put the nervous system in order.

All parts of the plant located above the ground, including the stem, leaves and cap, have healing properties.

The medicinal plant contains large quantities of complex nitrogen-free organic compounds called saponins, resin, vitamin K, tannins, and phytosterol.

Is it possible to give sour cream to kittens?

Kittens love dairy products, especially sour cream, as it has a soft texture and tastes similar to mother's milk. Little furry cats also like sour cream because cats are big gourmets and are partial to everything tasty.

Cat owners often have a question: how to feed their pet correctly in order to provide it with a balanced diet that promotes the development and growth of the animal.

You need to include sour cream in your cat’s diet with caution, choosing a product with low fat content (9%). Regular consumption of fatty sour cream negatively affects the functioning of the cat's pancreas and liver. Considering that artificially bred cat breeds have an extremely sensitive digestive tract, it is better not to give them sour cream. It is forbidden to give sour cream to adult cats in which the breakdown of lactose is slowed down due to a decrease in the percentage of special enzymes involved in this metabolic process.

For an adult cat, the amount of sour cream consumed is 0.5 teaspoon twice a week. Feeding sour cream is allowed to cats whose diet is natural. You can successfully and without harm to your pet’s health combine sour cream with soups and cereals.

Eating sour cream can cause tartar formation and problems with the chewing apparatus in kittens. The fact is that sour cream does not require chewing, and the lack of load on the animal’s jaws can lead to refusal of hard food due to laziness.

Replacing cat food with sour cream can lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, since special foods have a balanced composition and do not require additions, which can cause an excess of certain substances, which can lead to the development of pathologies of the digestive or excretory system.

Interesting video: 10 foods that should not be given to cats

Fermented milk products are allowed to be included in a pet’s diet, subject to certain rules and portions. Sour cream contains a large amount of amino acids and vitamins, saturates the pet’s body with calcium, which is especially important for small kittens. However, it should be remembered that it is not advisable to feed a cat sour cream if it eats food with a specially developed formula.

The fermented milk product gives shine to the coat and improves immunity due to the beneficial lactobacilli in the composition. It has the property of a sedative: by licking sour cream from the bowl, which tastes similar to mother’s milk, the kitten returns to the times when its mother was nearby.

The serving for kittens should not exceed 20g per day. If an adult cat eats a natural diet, that is, does not consume dry balanced food, she can be given 50-100g of sour cream per day. From time to time you can replace sour cream with fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt or whey.

You need to carefully monitor your pet’s digestion, mood and general condition. If intolerance to fermented milk products occurs, it is necessary to exclude sour cream from the animal’s diet and switch to expensive cat food.

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Features of choice

Pay attention to color and shape. The tail of a boiled-frozen shrimp is bent. This fact suggests that she was boiled alive. Shrimp heads should not be black. Dark color indicates late processing. Fresh catch is good for 4 hours. Therefore, it is subjected to chemical treatment. This increases shelf life and preserves its presentation. Animals' bodies are sensitive to chemicals. And it is unclear what consequences and after what time may appear.

As for sizes, small representatives are preferable. If you only accept king prawns, then they need to be chopped before serving. The animal simply cannot cope with the impressive crustaceans. Pets are unable to clean their food on their own. Give it in ready-to-use form. Some owners, with good intentions, offer "waste". Supposedly the product is expensive, but at least it gives you some pampering. This is absolutely impossible to do. The shell and heads of shrimp are prohibited; they are not absorbed by the body and can injure the mucous membranes of the mouth. Moreover, they are unlikely to be assimilated.

Can a kitten have cottage cheese - how to give a fermented milk product with benefits for the baby’s health

Not all dairy products are suitable for feeding cats. For example, kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream and cottage cheese are healthy foods for cats. Whole and pasteurized milk, on the contrary, is contraindicated for pets. This is due to the high lactose content in it. Milk can only be fed to a suckling kitten that grows without a mother. It is acceptable to give cottage cheese to small fluffy cats and adult cats, but it is important to introduce milk into the diet gradually and carefully.

Is it possible to give?

If the fluffy eats such a product, then he will not have problems with his teeth.
When creating a diet for both a kitten and an adult cat, it is important to include fermented milk products. The trace elements and nutrients they contain will ensure the normal growth and development of your pet. Thanks to the large amount of proteins, calcium and fluoride, the condition of the pet’s skeletal system will be fine. If you constantly give your kitten cottage cheese, muscle tissue will develop faster, and its teeth and claws will grow strong. As a rule, cats fed dairy products have thick, shiny fur and no problems with bowel movements.

Cottage cheese for kittens is the healthiest of fermented milk products, so it can not only be given, but also necessary.

What kind of fermented baked milk can you give to a cat?

Ryazhenka, like any product, must be fresh. You should not give fermented baked milk to a cat after it has been left in an open package for more than 48 hours. Eating stale fermented baked milk can have a detrimental effect on your pet’s health and even lead to poisoning. As you know, fermented baked milk has a pale pink color, so it will be strange to see a different color on store shelves - it is better to avoid such an innovation and buy it in glass or transparent packaging, where you can see the color.

Choose one percent fermented baked milk, but even this may turn out to be fatty for a cat. Therefore, listening to the veterinarian’s advice about taking it no more than 4 times a month will come in handy. If you don’t find 1% fermented baked milk, take 2.5%, but when feeding, dilute it with boiled cold water 1:3.


  1. Allergy to milk protein.
  2. Kidney disease.
  3. Obesity.

The many faces of fermented baked milk: what can happen with long-term use of fermented baked milk as a cat's food

Along with the fact that fermented baked milk contains a large amount of beneficial substances for the cat’s body, it can cause harm with prolonged and frequent use:

  • When preparing fermented baked milk, glycotoxins are formed in its composition. Their percentage is quite small, but if taken frequently it can affect the cat's health. They can injure the functioning of blood vessels and kidneys.
  • Ryazhenka is contraindicated for cats suffering from obesity. The cream included in fermented baked milk (like sourdough) makes it fatty and high in calories. It can also cause appetite.

The cat has yellow diarrhea

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Yellow diarrhea in a cat without signs of orange is considered normal, since bilirubin in bile is processed into brown stercobilin, and with loose stools, bilirubin may not be completely processed. But bright yellow or yellow-orange stools indicate jaundice or poor absorption of foods. Having analyzed the cat’s menu of the last few days, and noticing that there was a lot of milk, raw seafood, liver, and fatty meat, they urgently change the pet’s diet. If a half-starvation diet does not produce results, the cat is shown to a specialist.

How to treat

If the cause of yellow diarrhea in a cat is overfeeding or a reaction to new food, then you can do home treatment. But this can only be done if the cat’s condition does not cause concern. Home treatment consists of supervision - the cat’s condition must be kept under control, and the younger the pet, the more dangerous loose stools are. Dehydration can kill a kitten very quickly. Access to clean boiled water is required.

Since bilirubin is an aggressive substance, after each bowel movement you need to wash the dirty area around the anus with warm water and soap.

If yellow diarrhea is the result of overfeeding, then the cat is offered a tablespoon of pumpkin puree 2-3 times a day. You can use ready-made baby puree.

Is it possible at all?

Dairy products are a very valuable source of calcium for all mammals; they help bones grow and become stronger. Fermented milk also perfectly regulates the digestive system and strengthens the immune system.

Allowed dairy products:

  • Kefir.
  • Low-fat and unsweetened yogurt without additives.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Curdled milk.
  • Ryazhenka.
  • Cream 10%.
  • Sour cream 10 or 15%.
  • Unsalted cheese.

Kittens usually digest whole milk very poorly, but fermented milk is excellent. So you can give them every day, 20 grams, alternating and making your pet happy.

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