Gagging without vomiting: reasons for how to help your cat at home

We have already repeatedly examined all sorts of habits, instincts and subtleties of behavior of such domestic animals as cats. Today, almost most people have such pets at home, and therefore we are all interested in their habits from time to time. And below we will talk about why a cat sticks out its tongue.

Why does a cat breathe with his tongue hanging out?

If you've read the article on our website about why dogs stick out their tongues when they breathe, you probably remember the explanation we gave. It is noteworthy that the answer to the question of why a cat opens its mouth and sticks out its tongue is similar.

The fact is that these animals do not have as many sweat glands as humans, and therefore it is quite difficult for them to maintain a comfortable level of body temperature in any conditions. The entire body of cats is covered with fur, which is why when the animal runs and jumps, its body temperature rises. And in order to keep the temperature at normal levels, the cat uses its tongue as a kind of thermostat. It is by protruding its tongue from its mouth that the animal can regulate its temperature so that its condition does not change.

Scientists have explained why cats have seizures from rustling sounds

In the series of short cartoons “Tom and Jerry,” popular all over the world, Tom the cat, one of the main characters, reacts very nervously to any sound stimuli (especially those made by a harmful mouse). That is why veterinarians and journalists dubbed the disease of old cats, who have seizures due to the rustling of a package or a doorbell, “Tom and Jerry syndrome.”

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The story began in 2013: then several people published videos on YouTube of their pets having epileptic seizures.

This is how old cats (all of them were over 15 years old) reacted to various sound stimuli.

The British charity International Cat Care, which has been helping cat shelters for more than 50 years and encouraging research into the health and genetics of cats, became interested in the amazing disease. Clara Bessant, the charity's chief executive, contacted leading veterinary clinic Davies Veterinary Specialists and University College London's school of pharmacy and agreed that International Cat Care would sponsor research into Tom and Jerry Syndrome.

In a study, the text of which can be found on the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery

, 96 “elderly” cats took part, who were observed to have seizures from various sounds. During the survey, scientists found that 82 test pets began to have seizures due to the sounds of rustling foil, 79 due to the sound of a metal spoon clinking on a ceramic bowl, and 72 due to the clinking and knocking of glasses.

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Seventy-one cats experienced seizures while listening to the rustling of paper and plastic bags, and 61 cats experienced seizures while using a keyboard or computer mouse. 59 pets reacted nervously to the jingling of keys and coins, 38 to a hammer driving nails, 24 to the clicking of their tongues. Less commonly, aging animals suffered from seizures due to the sound of a telephone ringing, running water from a tap, a screaming child, scratching dogs, the sound of boiling eggs hitting the bottom of a pan and walking barefoot on a wooden floor, as well as the sound of Velcro fasteners. The animals were irritated by the chopping of wood, the sound of wooden cubes, and the sound of walking barefoot on a wooden floor.

All furry pets reacted differently to high-frequency sound stimuli:

some began to twitch their limbs, as if during an epileptic seizure, others lost consciousness and did not react to anything.

The severity of the seizure depended on how long the sound waves lasted. It is curious that most of the “experimental” animals were partially or completely deaf and did not hear sounds in the range in which humans hear them.

In some cats, seizures were accompanied by hunger, thirst, anxiety and a desire to be close to their owner.

Pets of all breeds took part in the study: domestic short-haired, domestic long-haired, and Bengal cats (an intergeneric hybrid of a domestic cat and the Bengal cat itself). Scientists have found that both purebred and mongrel pets are susceptible to seizures. At particular risk are Burmese cats (also known as “sacred Burmese”), which are the result of crossing Siamese and Persian cats.

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Officially, “Tom and Jerry syndrome” was called FARS - feline audiogenic reflex seizure. According to experts, the disease is not incurable: for example, it can be combated by adding levetiracetam to cat food -

an antiepileptic drug for humans, which is included in the list of vital and essential drugs.

However, during the experiment, the drug did not relieve all pets from seizures - and now scientists are working on creating a medicine that would help all aging cats. Researchers are also trying to understand the genetic makeup of Tom and Jerry syndrome.

Experts participating in the study believe that due to the need to hunt rodents, cats have evolved to better sense high-frequency sounds. However, as pets get older, their perception of sound deteriorates and they begin to have seizures.

“It’s wonderful that we were able to help pet owners - our team not only found out why cats have seizures, but also understood how to fight this disease,” summarizes Clara Bessant.

Why does the code sit with its tongue hanging out?

If your pet has another “hobby” and you are wondering why he sits and sticks out the tip of his tongue, being in this position for a long time, then we are not talking about maintaining the temperature regime.

The reason for this behavior may be, for example, a tongue burn. Accordingly, in this way the cat tries to cool or ventilate the organ. In addition, all kinds of tumors and even cancers can lead to similar consequences. Therefore, if you suddenly notice such behavior in your pet, it is recommended to contact a veterinarian.

What to do if your cat vomits after eating? How to stop a cat from vomiting?

If you don’t have the opportunity to see a specialist, try to alleviate your pet’s suffering. First of all, remove the food. Even a small piece of food can cause your pet to vomit. Unsolder the animal. Then the diet should be gentle and consist of easily digestible foods.

If you suspect that your pet has been poisoned, the animal needs to urgently give Enterosgel to the cat if it is vomiting . The drug used to treat cats acts in the same way as in the human body. Once in the cat's gastrointestinal tract, the drug absorbs endogenous and exogenous toxins of various natures, poisons, radionuclides, heavy metal salts, bacteria and bacterial toxins. Twelve hours after administration, the drug will remove toxins from the body naturally.

It has proven itself well and quite often the drug phosphalugel is prescribed to cats when they are vomiting. “Phosphalugel” is effective for any intestinal or gastric disorders caused by intoxication or chemicals entering the cat’s body. It envelops the walls of the stomach, preventing the absorption of irritating and toxic substances into the mucous membranes. In addition, the drug adsorbs harmful compounds. The product does not cause alkalization of gastric juice, maintaining the acidity of the animal’s gastric contents at a physiological level. If a cat is vomiting, the dosage of the drug “phosphalugel” will depend, first of all, on the weight of the animal and the nature of the disease.

You can avoid cases of vomiting of undigested food in a cat, as well as any other types of vomiting, if you properly monitor your pet and take the necessary preventive measures. These include:

  • Proper cat nutrition. And this is high-quality ready-made food for the animal or balanced natural food. If you feed your animal bad or expired food, you will not be able to avoid watching the cat vomit from dry food . If a cat eats food from the table, it may develop problems with the liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines.
  • Annual cat vaccination against infectious diseases.
  • Carry out antiparasitic therapy twice a year.
  • Brush the animal regularly. Periodically give your cat special food or paste to remove hair.
  • Be very careful! Make sure that the animal does not have access to indoor plants, trash cans, threads and needles, New Year's tinsel, garden and household chemicals. Buy only high-quality toys that do not contain toxic materials. Watch their condition. They must be strong and solid.
  • Once a year, be sure to give your pet a preventive examination at a veterinary clinic. If you have a kitten under one year old or an animal over 10 years old, a preventive examination must be done at least once every six months.

Possible reasons

The most basic cause of a cough may be a cat inhaling house dust. In this case, the problem can be easily dealt with by washing his face.

More complex are:

  1. Colds.
  2. Inhalation of harsh chemicals.
  3. Choking due to foreign object entering the upper respiratory tract.
  4. Problems with the cardiovascular system.
  5. Helminthiasis.
  6. Respiratory respiratory infections.
  7. Allergy.
  8. Oncology of abdominal organs.

You can tell that an animal is sick by its changed behavior - the cat stops playing, becomes lethargic, she tries to hide in a secluded place where no one will bother her.

Classification of combs and scratchers for cats

There are quite a few classifications of combs and scratchers for cats. You need to choose a device that is suitable for your pet.

By tooth size

According to the size of the teeth, combs and combs are divided into three types:

  • Small - from 1 to 2.5 cm. Such devices are intended for short-haired cats.
  • Medium - from 3 to 4.5 cm. Designed for combing cats with medium length hair.
  • Long - from 5 to 6 cm. Combs and scratchers with teeth of this length are intended for long-haired cats.

According to the frequency of placement of teeth

Based on the frequency of placement of the teeth, devices are divided into three types:

  • frequent placement - such devices are perfect for caring for short hair;
  • medium - a device with medium teeth is suitable for wool of any length;
  • rare - such teeth are suitable for any coat, except for very short ones.

There are also double-sided combs, which may have teeth placed sparsely on one side and frequently placed on the other.

Photo gallery: types of combs by tooth frequency

A comb with fine teeth is suitable for grooming short-haired cats A comb with medium teeth will comb out hair of any length well A comb with wide teeth is suitable for all cats except short-haired cats A double-sided comb can be used for several cats with different hair lengths

According to the shape of the teeth

According to the shape of the teeth, combs and combs can be divided into two types:

  • with rotating teeth - such teeth make it easier to comb tangles and lush, thin undercoat;
  • with teeth of different lengths - such devices are best used for long hair with a thick undercoat.

Photo gallery: types of combs by tooth shape

A comb with rotating teeth will make it easier to comb both the coat and the undercoat. A comb with teeth of different lengths will perfectly comb out thick undercoat. A comb with sparse teeth of different lengths is best used for long hair and thick undercoat.

According to the material of the teeth

Teeth are made from many different materials, for example:

  • metal - these teeth are perfect for regular combing;
  • bristles: natural - a comb with teeth made of this material is perfect for accustoming kittens to the combing procedure;
  • artificial - provides both hair care and skin massage;
  • rubber - designed to massage and improve the appearance of fur and skin, but this type does not replace the full combing of fallen hairs.
  • Photo gallery: combs and scratchers made of different materials

    A comb with metal teeth is ideal for daily combing.

    A comb made of natural bristles is suitable for accustoming small kittens to the procedure of combing. A comb made of artificial bristles provides both hair care and skin massage. A comb with rubber teeth is intended for massage, and not for full combing.

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