The kitten is sneezing: reasons, what to do at home

Why does a cat get a cold?

A cold occurs in a cat as a result of hypothermia. During contact with cold, due to drafts, the pet’s immune system malfunctions. This creates the most favorable environment for the attack of viruses and microbes. In addition to hypothermia, there are other factors that contribute to the occurrence of colds, the most common among them:

  • Weakening of the immune system due to previous diseases.
  • Walking in the rain and wind.
  • Finding an animal in drafts.
  • Change of usual food.
  • Unvaccinated animals with chronic diseases suffer from colds more often.

Treating a cat for sneezing

Only a veterinary specialist at the clinic can prescribe the correct treatment for a cat with symptoms of sneezing. If, during a clinical examination of your cat, a veterinarian determines that your cat is clinically healthy, he will recommend that you wet clean your apartment and use a special humidifier.

If the cause of sneezing is allergic in nature, then recommendations will be given to eliminate the allergen present in the apartment or to ensure that household chemicals are inaccessible to your cat. In order to alleviate the condition, a veterinarian will prescribe one or another antihistamine to your animal.

Diagnosis of eye discharge in cats

After we have understood the dangers of self-diagnosis and self-medication, it’s time to figure out how diagnostics are carried out by specialists from veterinary clinics, who should be contacted in case of an animal’s illness. But increased lacrimation is a symptom of one of the diseases of the eyes or even the whole body. But even an experienced veterinarian is not so easy to understand the causes of discharge from an animal’s eyes without the help of the cat owner. The owner is the first to notice suspicious discharge from the cat’s eyes. And how quickly and accurately the diagnosis will be made largely depends on his attentiveness. After all, the animal is unable to talk about its grief and feelings. In addition, communication with a veterinarian represents a certain mental trauma for him, so the animal’s behavior will in no way contribute to facilitating the diagnosis. The first thing a veterinarian will want to know when examining an animal is how long ago the discharge appeared, what preceded it, what character and color the “tears” were initially, and whether the animal’s behavior changed after the discharge appeared. Also, the doctor will definitely want to clarify how the animal eats and what food is present in its diet, whether its appetite is good and whether it has changed recently. Further, if various pathologies are suspected, the following may follow: examination of the cat’s organ of vision using a head-mounted microscope, tests and smears for bacterial culture (if an infection is suspected), ultrasound diagnostics (if an infection is suspected, oncological pathologies, eye damage, cataracts), radiography of the eye (if a foreign body is suspected in the eye or lacrimal canal, eye trauma, tumor processes), measurement of intraocular pressure (if glaucoma is suspected), a test for the patency of the lacrimal canaliculi with fluorescein, and other studies. Which tests and studies will be prescribed for the animal is decided a doctor who carries out diagnostic measures. It all depends on the expected diagnosis and the equipment of the veterinary clinic. [7], [8], [9]

Possible consequences of a cold

It can be difficult for cat owners to understand that the disease is not typical for a small predator, and the complications, if left untreated, are extremely dangerous. A cat's illness rarely poses a danger to the human body, but can be transmitted to other four-legged and feathered inhabitants of the apartment.

If you ignore the primary symptoms and do not start treatment in time, the disease progresses to a serious stage.

Typical complications:

  • bronchitis,
  • pneumonia,
  • joint damage,
  • genitourinary infections.

Also, the immune system weakened by the disease is a poor “protector” for the animal. Viruses brought by the owner on street clothes and shoes can easily infect a sick body.

How does a cold manifest in cats?

Colds in cats. The symptoms of viral diseases in cats are similar, however, successful treatment is only possible with the correct diagnosis. Therefore, when your pet shows signs of a cold, you should urgently consult a specialist. Tests may be needed to determine the virus that causes the illness. Colds are more common in kittens due to their rather weak immunity. The main symptoms include:

  • increased body temperature (nose becomes dry and hot)
  • lack of appetite
  • runny nose and sneezing
  • heavy breathing, cough
  • tearfulness
  • apathy, etc.

Common causes of watery eyes in cats

Pets, like people, have risks of developing diseases of the eyes and mucous membranes of the nose. Some of them are harmless and can be treated at home, while others require the help of a veterinarian.

The most common causes of swelling and watery eyes include viruses, infections and mechanical damage.

  1. One of the reasons is colds
    . Cats can also become hypothermic and get a runny nose. When cats have a cold, their body temperature rises and discharge appears from the eyes, the animal is lethargic, drowsy, and does not eat well.
  2. An infection of the mucous membrane of the eye - conjunctivitis
    - is caused by pathogenic microorganisms or viruses. With conjunctivitis in cats, one or both eyes become watery, photophobia is severe, and the pet hides from bright light under the sofa or bed.
  3. Parasites
    also cause watery eyes. Not only the intestines suffer - cats have worms that live in the organs of vision. They cause inflammation, suppuration and severe lacrimation. Treatment with anthelmintic drugs is effective.
  4. A common cause of severe watery eyes and swelling of the eyelids in cats is an allergic reaction
    . Allergies occur to new food, household chemicals, dust, tobacco smoke, poplar fluff and pollen. Frequent sneezing, red eyes, itching and watery eyes are the most obvious signs of an allergy. Treatment begins by eliminating contact with a possible allergen, prescribing antihistamines and hormonal agents, if necessary.
  5. It happens that chemicals get on the face and in the eyes of a curious cat
    . In such cases, it is necessary to rinse the affected areas with running water as quickly as possible.
  6. A foreign body entering
    a cat's eye causes redness, swelling and severe tearing. To remove debris or hair, rinse your eyes with water and wipe with an antibacterial solution. In difficult cases, surgical intervention is required.

Tearing also increases when the eye is injured, for example, when the cornea is damaged by a branch or during a fight with other animals. Entropion of the eyelid is considered one of the common eye problems in hairless cats. Treatment for this is only surgical; in addition, doctors prescribe antibiotics. The prognosis is favorable, and after surgery, vision is normalized.

Trichiasis, on the other hand, is a rare pathology that occurs in cats with abnormal eyelash growth. They grow inside the eyelid, the tear ducts become inflamed from irritation and the risk of infection increases. Treatment of trichiasis is only surgical; there are no other options.

The cat has a cold and is sneezing: what to do?

If your pet is sneezing, coughing, the nose is dry and hot, the eyes are watery, there is no appetite, breathing is difficult, you should give the cat first aid.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Carry out a visual inspection, analyze whether the disease is the result of a viral infection.
  2. Place the sick person in a comfortable, warm place, making sure there are no drafts.
  3. Put a heating pad on if the animal is cold.
  4. Give plenty of warm water and milk. Cold drinks are prohibited.
  5. Massage your body to increase blood circulation.
  6. Offer nutritious food.

If after two or three days the pet’s condition remains unchanged, you must visit a veterinary clinic, where the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis.

Traditional methods

If a cat is sneezing and his eyes are watery, then the owner may need folk remedies for his recovery. It is advisable that these measures be agreed upon with a veterinarian.

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The following folk methods can be used to treat the fact that a cat is sneezing and his visual organs are watering:

  • Warming up. Place heated salt, collected in a bag, on the cat’s nose.
  • Washing. Prepare a solution of salt or soda, fill a syringe with it and gradually spray it into the nostrils.
  • Burial. Beetroot juice is good for this.

It is important to remember that treatment at home is a long-term process, but not complicated.


A cold is not dangerous for an animal with normal immunity, but the disease causes discomfort to the cat and is quite difficult to treat. It is much easier to prevent infection. The following measures help with this:

  1. Proper care of animals. For the first few weeks of life, kittens should be kept in a warm, draft-free room. Trays and sleeping places for adult animals should also not be in rooms with cold air.
  2. Gradual adaptation to the street. You need to start this procedure in the warm season. The cat is allowed outside for several hours. In this case, you need to ensure that the animal does not become hypothermic. In rainy and windy weather, walks are avoided.
  3. Proper bathing. The cat needs to be bathed with warm water. After the procedure, the fur is thoroughly dried with a towel, while the pet should be in a warm room.
  4. Proper nutrition. The diet should include balanced food and sufficient fluids. Do not give your cat cold food or water.


Diagnostic measures take place in several stages:

  1. The first step in making a diagnosis is collecting an anamnesis (conversation with the cat owner about the symptoms, timing of the disease, conditions of the animal).
  2. Examination of a cat includes: determining the nature of snot, examining the eyes and ears, and measuring body temperature. It is important to determine whether she has mucus coming from both nostrils. If snot flows only on one side, we can assume the presence of a foreign body or neoplasm in the respiratory tract.
  3. If a tumor is suspected, an x-ray of the nasal cavity is prescribed and material is taken for histological examination.
  4. The doctor takes swabs from the cat's eyes and nose to test for the presence of the herpes virus and calicivirus.
  5. To differentiate a bacterial infection, material will be taken in order to prescribe the appropriate antibiotic. This is important - the drug must be aimed at combating a specific pathogen. Otherwise, the treatment will not be effective.

Don’t think that ordinary cat snot is something frivolous. Rhinitis and lacrimation are an alarm signal for the owner and a compelling reason to contact a specialist.


Before making a final diagnosis, your veterinarian must rule out other feline infections.

  1. Deterioration of general condition. The animal is weak, but at the same time it can move and leave the bed. A complete lack of activity in a cat signals a more serious pathological process in the body.
  2. Nasal discharge. The multiplication of viruses in the respiratory tract causes inflammatory processes. Nasal discharge is a protective reaction and allows the animal to get rid of the virus. When you have a cold, the discharge is clear, without any admixture of pus or blood. Changes in the nature of nasal discharge indicate that this is not a cold, but a more serious disease that requires immediate treatment under the supervision of a specialist. In the case when nasal breathing is preserved, we can talk about treating colds in cats; if the discharge does not allow breathing through the nose at all, then this signals another disease.
  3. Sneezing and coughing. This is another way to clear mucus from the airways.
  4. Discharge from the eyes. The symptom is quite rare, with severe irritation of the mucous membranes. From the outside it looks like the cat's eyes are watering.
  5. Decreased appetite. When an animal has a cold, it does not completely refuse food, but the amount of food consumed is significantly reduced. This is due to the weakness of the pet.
  6. Fever.

My nose can't breathe, what should I do?

Individuals of the cat family, due to their species characteristics, are not susceptible to common colds, and the presence of a runny nose and nasal congestion is a consequence of more serious pathologies . Moreover, these diseases may have nothing to do with respiratory origin. The presence of green nasal discharge, accompanied by profuse lacrimation, may mean that the cat has developed feline herpes - rhinotracheitis .

Rhinotracheitis is an infectious disease.

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  • About the expert:

Irina Vladimirovna Shorokhova

I am a veterinarian in one of the clinics in the city of Gomel (Belarus). I myself am an experienced cat lover, I have two Don Sphynxes. I love these animals very much and they love me back. These are charming cats - Marfa and Petrovna.

Ways of transmission of the disease

The disease cannot be ignored, since herpes can be a harbinger of more severe consequences - calcivirus, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, immunodeficiency virus, leukemia.

The causative agent of feline herpes is the FHV-1 virus , which subsequently causes severe pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. It also provokes the development of conjunctivitis and ulcerative manifestations in the cornea.

The disease is caused by the FHV-1 virus.

Cats become infected with the virus through direct contact with infected secretions - nasal secretions, saliva, tears. Also, if there is more than one pet in the house, and they share a tray, bowl, or they often lick each other. There is also intrauterine infection. If the mother is sick, then with a high degree of probability the disease is transmitted to the kittens.

Features of rhinotracheitis

In some cases, rhinotracheitis occurs without visible symptoms, but the sick animal still poses a danger to others because it releases saliva, tears, nasal discharge, and excrement into the external environment, which ends up on the grass, soil, and puddles.

A sick cat can infect another animal through nasal discharge.

Cat flu: symptoms

Cat flu, the symptoms and treatment of which raise many questions, has an incubation period of 2-10 days. The virus can be transmitted from a sick animal, for example, in a nursery, or from a carrier through airborne droplets. The principle of virus penetration into the body is the same as in humans - through the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and through the conjunctiva of the eyes. The contact variant is less common - through products, sleeping accessories, cups, etc.

Article on the topic Medical battalion at home. How to organize treatment for a pet

A clear sign of cat flu is a runny nose. Also among the symptoms indicating pathology are:

  • sneezing;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • febrile conditions.

Also, a sick cat will be tired and weak; it will eat less or refuse to eat at all. If the cat's flu is caused by a calcivirus, it is milder. The situation becomes much more complicated if a bacterial infection is added. Then the cat may develop:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • chronic rhinitis.

This situation may occur if there is an outbreak in the cat population.

The hamster has infected! What diseases are transmitted from animals to people? More details

What is the danger of the pathological condition

Don't take a runny nose lightly. This ailment can lead to tragic consequences - the cat can die from hunger and dehydration.

The fact is that excessive snot secretion blocks the cells that are responsible for the animal’s sense of smell. For a cat to lose this important function is a real tragedy. If she does not smell, she will refuse to eat.

A nose clogged with snot will not allow the animal to drink water normally. In addition, the itching of irritated eyes forces the cat to scratch them - there is a risk of corneal damage and blindness.

You need to pay special attention to children. If your kitten's eyes are watery and snot is flowing, you need to find out the cause of the discomfort:

  • weakness of the body and instability of the immune system, and, as a result, a viral infection or cold;
  • irritation of the respiratory tract from too dry, cold or hot air;
  • allergic reaction.

If, after eliminating the suspected causes, your cat’s snot does not go away, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. If you ignore the first signs, you can hopelessly progress the disease and lose your pet or significantly increase the recovery period.

Dangerous causes requiring special attention

  1. Viral, infectious and fungal diseases . Leukemia, immunodeficiency, rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and other dangerous diseases include sneezing in the list of symptoms. These diseases are fatal without timely diagnosis and treatment. At risk are kittens, pregnant and elderly animals, as well as animals picked up from the street or taken from shelters. It is important to understand that vaccination also does not provide 100% protection against infection and these diseases cannot be ruled out even in vaccinated pets!
  2. Tumors and polyps . If you notice that your pet has constant nasal congestion, sneezing and a runny nose, then one of the reasons may be a new growth in the nasal passage. To diagnose such a problem, you need to go to the clinic for an examination. Most likely, a rhinoscopy (using an endoscope) will be required to remove this tumor.
  3. Asthma . If, in addition to sneezing, your pet experiences wheezing, shortness of breath, or coughing, this may be a manifestation of asthma. In this case, you should contact the clinic for a more accurate diagnosis and prescription of medications.
  4. Dental problems . Often sneezing occurs due to dental problems. At the same time, the pet rubs its mouth and nose with its paws, and it often has difficulty eating. Examine your cat's oral cavity: if you notice plaque on the teeth, redness of the gums, an unpleasant odor, or drooling, you should consult a dentist.
  5. Worms . Infection can manifest itself in different ways, including a runny nose with wheezing. If you notice abnormal bowel movements, weight loss, dull hair, or a rounded belly, you need to get tested and treat parasites with medications recommended by your doctor.

In these cases, it is dangerous to self-medicate a runny nose; you need to go to the clinic as soon as possible.

You need to go to the vet urgently if:

  • the cat sniffles, breathes with its mouth open;
  • in addition to mucus, blood or pus is discharged from the nose;
  • there is an increase in temperature - the pet has a hot nose and paw pads;
  • there is redness of the eyes, lacrimation, and formation of pus;
  • lethargy, anxiety, refusal of food and water, weight loss are manifested.

The most common reasons

Has your cat started sneezing frequently, has snot and tears flowing from her eyes and are you seriously worried? But this can happen for understandable reasons, for example, if the cat has swallowed dust. Remember the consequences after you try to pepper the soup, or tickle your nose with a feather, then you walk around and sneeze all day. Believe me, not all cats enjoy this.

Kittens and cats sneeze if:

  • If you caught a cold - a standard case that causes sneezing, a constant companion in the form of a runny nose is provided;
  • They suffer from allergic reactions to various drugs, products and chemicals. In this case, sneezing is a completely understandable reaction of the cat’s body trying to get rid of the allergen;
  • There are viral infections in the form of rhinitis, herpes or adenovirus;
  • Breathing is complicated by the presence of growths or polyps in the nasopharynx;
  • The presence of chronic asthma is another reason for sneezing in a cat;
  • The presence of a malignant tumor or formations that make breathing difficult in the nasal cavity;
  • The animal suffers from chronic diseases of the teeth or gums;
  • Parasites operating in the animal’s body disrupt the natural processes of respiration.

Now let's talk more about allergies in cats. After all, it is often she who becomes the reason for the frequent pronunciation of the phrase: “be healthy, Murzik.”

So, the list of allergens.

  • Household chemicals - detergents, cleaning agents, disinfectants, powders, sprays and other products for cleaning the house and outside.
  • Cigarettes, or rather smoke, poisoning everything around and making it difficult for your pet to breathe.
  • All types of fungi on tiled surfaces. In a word, a paradise for the proliferation of all kinds of bacteria and lack of hygiene in one bottle. Cats don't like this at all.
  • If you use perfume or eau de toilette, or hairspray, remember to do this in a ventilated room. Another reason for the development of allergies in cats.
  • Spray products that we use to kill mosquitoes, flies and other insects in the summer will also not add health to your cat.
  • And the reason that completes this hit parade is pollen and flowering plants, which cannot be avoided in the spring and summer.

All of the above, as a rule, leads to the development of allergies in a cat , as it irritates the mucous membrane and causes a flurry of snot and makes the cat constantly sneeze, causing inconvenience to you and the animal.

Colds in cats: treatment and symptoms

Animals are very sensitive to drafts. They can become hypothermic, which is how colds develop in cats.

Symptoms of cold development in cats

The disease occurs with well-known symptoms:

  • nose is hot,
  • sneezing,
  • apathy,
  • coughing,
  • weakness,
  • The big cat's eyes are watering,
  • it happens that they are partially closed when the third eyelid is inflamed.

Features of the development of colds in kittens and cats

1. It must be remembered that if a cat with cold symptoms does not have a vaccination and it sneezes, it is not an infectious disease. You need to know that viral calicevirosis or rhinotracheitis in cats always begins with the appearance of a runny nose and you can lose the animal within up to 10 days, these viruses are especially dangerous for young animals, and moreover, they are deadly.

One of the main symptoms of the disease is a runny nose, which may be one of the signs of bronchial asthma or be of allergic origin. It is necessary to carry out an accurate differential diagnosis, because the treatment is fundamentally different: corticosteroids, antihistamines.

2. All cats tolerate colds differently: in some it manifests itself in mild malaise, while in others the disease can be very severe. You should not self-medicate, relying on available home remedies.

3. If the first symptoms of a cold appear in cats, the temperature rises, you need to consult a veterinarian. The disease is treated with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and immunomodulators. Don't give cats a cold, it can turn into pneumonia. And also, against the background of a runny nose in cats, it is quite possible that secondary bacterial infections will develop and the maxillary sinuses will become inflamed.

Principles of treating colds in cats

In the event that veterinary care is not available, it is necessary to know the sequence of treatment for colds in cats and the medications used. Here is an approximate procedure:

  • inject the cat intramuscularly with Gentamicin, it is administered twice,
  • Ascorbic acid tablets twice,
  • Norsulfazole three times, this is the daily dose of medication
  • and also Immunofan, subcutaneous injections once every two days, twice in total.

When keeping several cats, it is necessary to isolate the sick cat from the rest until the cause of the disease is finally determined.

Great attention should be paid to the prevention of colds, to prevent hypothermia of the animal, as well as to eliminate drafts, and do not forget about them when ventilating the room.

Why is rhinitis dangerous for cats?

A runny nose in cats is a common disease, but it is not at all as harmless as some owners believe. A cat's nose is an unusually sensitive instrument, a kind of odor indicator. For this reason, animals can easily figure out where the desired object is, even when it is located at a great distance. Cats' nasal passages are narrow, and swelling caused by inflammation can completely block the nose. A runny nose in a cat is an unpredictable disease. Blocked nasal passages do not cope with their functions of cleaning and warming the air. The animal can only breathe through the mouth; cold air easily penetrates into the lungs. This can provoke hypothermia and an inflammatory process. A cat experiencing oxygen starvation becomes lethargic and lifeless, which leads to exhaustion and dehydration. If you do not treat rhinitis in a cat, it will become chronic, and the life of your pet will turn into sheer agony.

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