Year of the Rabbit (Year of the Cat or Year of the Hare) - Year of the Rabbit characteristics, compatibility

New Year 2023 – Year of the Black Water Rabbit. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, the years of the rabbit are still 1999,1987,2011,1963,1975,1951,1939. Below you can find the answers: What is the difference between the year of the Rabbit and the year of the Cat? What kind of “Rabbit” are you? Year of the Rabbit Characteristics, compatibility with other signs and horoscope year of the tiger 2022 for the rabbit.

Year of the Rabbit (Cat) 2023-Black Water Rabbit

New Year 2023 – Year of the Black Water Rabbit . In Eastern culture, the color black represents strength, power, secret. The Year of the Rabbit (Cat) 2023 will begin on January 22, 2023 (Chinese calendar) and will last until February 9, 2024.

Rabbits are serious in everything they do and need the same attitude towards themselves. In Chinese culture, rabbits symbolize the moon. According to one version, this is due to the fact that the shadow of the moon is very similar to a rabbit, and according to another, the reason lies in the purity of the nature of the rabbit itself.

Earth branch Year of the Rabbit : Mao;

Five elements of the year of the Rabbit : Mu (Wood);

Symbolism of Yin-Yang year of the Rabbit : Yin

Long ears and sharp claws

The rabbit symbolizes the female hypostasis of “yin” and is in the power of the element “Water”. The Rabbit is characterized by generosity and altruism, overprotection and peacemaking. Behind all his delicacy lies a real fighter: he is brave and decisive. Therefore, the Year of the Rabbit promises to be calm and soft, but with a readiness to make serious decisions.

The rabbit is a wonderful family man: prolific and caring.

Therefore, you need to devote a lot of time to your family and focus on your family. Creating a new unit of society will be a good decision, and the owner of the year will make every effort to ensure that the marriage is strong and lasts a lifetime. Those who have not decided on heirs can safely submit applications to the heavenly office. In 2023, the Rabbit is working hard for everyone who applies, because he loves it so much when the house is full of children.

Water (one of the components of this year) is mobile and has power.

Misunderstandings and conflicts will be resolved at the negotiating table. Rabbit is a diplomat. Therefore, “military action” is not expected: everything will be resolved calmly and gently, as if by itself. But don’t forget about the Cat’s sharp claws. Sometimes they can be used too. But just to show, it’s unlikely to be used.

The rabbit is hardworking. He is always on the move, always working.

Therefore, the year promises to be busy in terms of work. Career growth should not be expected. Still, the rabbit is more of a performer than an innovator. But there is no need to relax either. Know how to not only listen, but also hear. It’s not for nothing that the owner of the year has such big ears. It is necessary to catch the necessary information in time, be able to process it, and long rabbit legs will quickly bring you to the right place at the right time. We can say that 2023 is the starting platform for major changes in professional activities. Therefore, it is very important to prepare everything, create a powerful base, and lay a strong foundation for further actions.

The rabbit is an avid traveler. This year is perfect for a vacation away from family, and the trip will be smooth and pleasant.

Year of the Rabbit what years? When was/will be the year of the Rabbit?

What year is after Rabbit? The Rabbit comes fourth in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac horoscope. Last year of the Rabbit fell on 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011. The next year of the Rabbit is 2023, 2035, 2047. Before the Year of the Rabbit comes the Year of the Tiger. After the Year of the Snake comes the Year of the Dragon. The next year of the Rabbit is 2023.

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How to celebrate Chinese New Year 2022:

Professional activities and financial status

Rabbit is a professional. That is why career growth in 2023 will be quite rapid for many people. Delicacy and non-conflict will be the starting point for obtaining promotions or leadership positions. If you plan to change your activity, you shouldn’t be upset: the Rabbit will help you change your lawn without serious consequences.

A particularly successful year for the following professions: lawyers, teachers, medical workers, psychologists. In general, representatives of professions that work with people.

Year of the Cat or Rabbit? What is the difference between the year of the Rabbit and the year of the Cat?

The years 1963,1987,1999,2011 in the eastern calendar are designated as the year of the Rabbit/Hare and Cat at the same time. Why do these two different animals occupy the same cell? What is the difference between the year of the Rabbit and the year of the Cat? In fact, there is no difference, the year of the Rabbit/Hare and the year of the Cat are one year. In China there is only the year of the Rabbit (you can call it the year of the Hare), but there is no year of the Cat in China. And in the Vietnamese zodiac, instead of the Rabbit, the sign of the Cat actually appears. But you need to understand that although a cat and a rabbit are different animals, the interpretations of these signs will be the same.

Good helper

But who can hope for the support of the Cat is his distant relative - the Tiger. Take a breath, improve your health, relax, consolidate your positions - everything is fully available to the “big brother”. The cat will help ensure that relatives are not disadvantaged in any way! Naturally, prosperity and prosperity await the Purring Rabbits themselves. Fish and cabbage - whoever needs what - will have them in abundance all year, so they can stock up on supplies for the future. There are practically no problems, pleasant surprises and gifts - as if from a cornucopia. What more could you want? Indeed, it is during the years of the Cat that representatives of this sign will have ideal opportunities to enjoy life, make friends, find love, build a career and generally be at the peak of fame. Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey - the darling Cat clearly favors them all. Peace of mind, tranquility, “things are going well”, success in various areas of life or long-awaited rest - each sign will find and receive in the “cat’s reign” what it needs and is therefore so pleasant. The year of the Red Cat is always especially generous with gifts.

Were you born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat)? What kind of “Rabbit” are you?—Character of the sign by elements

People born in the year of the Rabbit can be divided into five categories according to the elements of the traditional theory of the Five Elements.

Type Year of birth according to the Eastern calendar Year of birth according to the international calendar Character traits
Wooden Rabbit 1915, 1975 February 14, 1915 - February 2, 1916, February 11, 1975 - January 30, 1976 Simple and energetic on the outside, insightful and calculating on the inside.
Fire Rabbit 1927, 1987 February 2, 1927 - January 22, 1928, January 29, 1987 - February 16, 1988 He is distinguished by his broad outlook and special insight.
Earth Rabbit 1939, 1999 February 19, 1939 - February 7, 1940, February 16, 1999 - February 4, 2000 Aimed at a great future, craves wealth and success.
Metal Rabbit 1951, 2011 February 6, 1951 - January 26, 1952, February 3, 2011 - January 22, 2012 Good-natured, knows how to build good relationships with others.
Water Rabbit 1963, 2023 January 25, 1963 - February 12, 1964, January 22, 2023 - February 9, 2024 Soft and flexible, easily adaptable, but also easily influenced by others.

Favorite toys

This year will be the most productive for people in creative professions. But not for singers or dancers, but for those who are engaged in applied labor: designers, cabinetmakers, sculptors, artists, seamstresses, knitters. In general, those who are engaged in applied arts will be under the powerful protection of the furry owner of the year.

Antique lovers can count on replenishing their collection with new exhibits that they have been hunting for for a long time, and folklore collectors will discover a real treasure in the form of old legends and manuscripts.

Year of the Rabbit (Cat) Characteristics of men and women

To outsiders, the Rabbit's kindness may seem lethargic and weak. But in reality, Rabbits' quiet nature hides their confidence and strength. They firmly move towards their goals, despite the negative influence of others. They have an excellent ability to reason logically and are attentive to detail, making them excellent scientists. Rabbits know how to communicate and attract people, however, they find it difficult to open up to strangers and often choose escapism. Ordinary, nondescript life is not their style. Despite their conservatism and habit of thinking through all their actions, Rabbits constantly need surprises to add some sparkle.

Characteristics of a male Rabbit (Cat)

Men born in the year of the Rabbit are unusually polite and non-conflicting. They control themselves well and are sometimes very conservative. It seems that such men only know how to say “yes,” but they know the line that cannot be crossed. Rabbit men love to organize and decorate and often help their wives with household chores. But this does not mean that they really like to be in charge of household responsibilities. Rabbits are great friends, but don't like to get too close to people.

Characteristics of the Rabbit Woman (Cat)

Women born in the year of the Rabbit love communication. They are caring and polite to everyone. Such women care about their reputation in society and hate cruelty and controversy. They are ready to go to extremes in love, they know exactly who they like and who they don’t, and rarely cross this line. If a Rabbit woman falls in love with someone, she will go completely into this relationship, although the deeper she plunges into it, the more pain she may experience. Such women are the most vulnerable among all zodiac signs and constantly need support.

Positive trends

Let's talk in more detail about what is distinctive about the Year of the Cat. The characteristics of an animal are often projected onto the period of its reign. Cats are considered in the East to be aesthetically very sensitive and developed. They understand and perceive beauty well in all its manifestations. Therefore, special sophistication, even a certain refinement, will be inherent in society at this time. And children born in the year of the Cat (the characteristics are quite the same) will definitely be talented, a little ambitious - just enough not to bury their abilities, to break through and realize all those inclinations that fate has awarded them. They usually say about such people: “the darling of fate.” People nearby always greet the “Kittens”, and they pay in return with kindness and gratitude. In general, both a rabbit and a cat are gentle, affectionate animals. The same can be said about everyone born under their sign. There are no friends more devoted than them, and there are no other lovers whose feelings could survive many trials either. Sincere, peaceful and friendly, they do not hide their sympathies, are always open and go through life with a smile on their lips.

Year of the Rabbit (Cat) compatibility with other signs

Best compatibility with Rabbit in Dog, Pig and Sheep

Both the Dog and the Rabbit strive for a calm, peaceful life, so they are ready to strive for this together and enjoy the fruits together. The Rabbit and the Pig are attracted to each other because of their similar personalities. Sheep need someone to rely on and Rabbits love to take care of others, so these two are a great match.

The Rooster, Dragon and Rat have the worst compatibility with the Rabbit

The Rabbit and the Rooster have strong conflicts and are least suitable for each other. Even the weather can make them quarrel. The dragons share the goals and interests of the Rabbit, but clash in their personalities. Relationships with Rats are very unpredictable, because the differences between them do not appear immediately, and it becomes impossible for them to get along with each other.

A view from the East and the West: Aries cats

How does Aries behave in the year of the Cat? I would like to note that the combination is extremely interesting and successful. Aries are purposeful, stubborn, energetic, strong-willed, expressive individuals. The wisdom and caution of the cat family plays into the hands of the fire sign. Its representatives become thoughtful, calm, and attentive. The tact and caution of the Cat balances the explosive nature of Aries. Among the representatives of this sign, many lovers of truth and fighters for human rights are born in these years. And also people with an extraordinary type of thinking, chess. Their distinctive feature is the ability to look at a problem from different angles and evaluate possible solutions. The advantage of Aries-Cats is their cheerfulness, optimism, love of nature and fresh air. Well, about the minuses. The feline complaisance, alas, sometimes develops in these people into spinelessness, the inability to say a decisive “No!” in cases where something alien and unpleasant is imposed on them. On the other hand, they are ready for self-sacrifice! The Aries man is especially indicative in this regard. The Year of the Cat often provides him with opportunities to do something heroic. Especially on the personal front!

Year of the Tiger 2022 for the Rabbit

In 2022, the rabbit's horoscope was average. Overall, the rabbit's horoscope in the year of the tiger 2022 will be LUCKY. Especially in the first half of the year there will be more luck.

This year it is recommended to change jobs: if there is a good chance, even changing jobs to another city is a good choice. For a rabbit, you need to find a good job before the age of 35, 2022 will bring you good luck in your career.

The love horoscope for the rabbit is good in the year of the tiger: the single rabbit will meet the ideal couple of this year, and is likely to enter the wedding palace in the second half of this year.


In 2022, all people who were born during the reign of the Rabbit should pay attention to their own health. If you didn’t get around to taking care of yourself before, now will be the most suitable period. It is important to undergo a full examination of the body, engage in cleansing practices, take a course of high-quality vitamins, and devote time to your diet. In the coming period, you should be more careful about your own well-being, because your future life depends on the state of your health.

If you haven't visited the gym for a long time, now is the time to buy a membership and start exercising. For those who don’t see themselves in the gym with dumbbells and exercise machines, there is an alternative - spend time outdoors every day, develop the habit of walking before bed. Perhaps it’s time to get a four-legged friend, so that no matter the weather you won’t be lazy and go outside for a walk, and a pet will definitely not hurt your soul.

Based on a good strategy

Those born in the year of the Water Rabbit are gentle and emotional creatures who love to meditate. They cannot stand conflicts and gossip. This is all because Water Rabbits are very sensitive and can feel when others are in pain or bad.

With an excellent memory and the ability to convey their ideas and thoughts without talking too much, many people will be attracted to them. It can be surprising to see how many fans they have who defend them.

Possessing strong emotions, Water Rabbits will rule more with their hearts than with their heads. Water Rabbits want only peace and harmony, so they spend most of their time alone.

When they are only with themselves, they are the strongest. And when making plans from the comfort of their own home, Water Rabbits turn into these invincible creatures that no one can mess with.

Their plans are more likely to be successful because they are good strategists. Others can influence these Rabbits to cause the Water Rabbits to change their mood and become suspicious or very inspired to take action.

But this may also mean that Water Rabbits will not be able to make decisions for themselves because they will be too influenced by what others say and do. It would be great for them if they formed strong bonds with their friends, no matter how much times changed.

Water Rabbits are very smart and capable of innovating. Because they are friendly and kind, many are willing to support them and their ideas. If they invested their energy in constructive activities and did not allow themselves to be controlled only by emotions, it would become easier for them to make important decisions.

When faced with disappointment, they should not allow it to take over their lives because it is the only way to escape.

Rabbit element Metal

  • Rabbit is a very pleasant person, many will agree with this. Of course, this does not necessarily mean that he is always easy to understand or that it is always easy to communicate with him about deeply personal topics.
  • However, in the case of the Metal Rabbit, this task will be a little easier, since this type of Rabbit knows its own complexes better than others and can manage them.
  • The Rabbit of the Metal element is kind, sincere, good-natured and very affectionate. Most Rabbits are destined for happy home lives and stable relationships, and this is never more true than the Metal Bunny.
  • He has an innate ability to understand others, so he will always be able to understand all your problems and offer support that others would not even think about.
  • The Metal Rabbit is also able to combine a fairly stable emotional nature with the ability to earn a living, which makes your potential partner quite an enviable match.
  • All Rabbits are good lovers, but their nature is deep and they need to feel confident. The emotional fur of these creatures requires constant cleaning, and the Metal Rabbit is, of course, no exception.
  • There is probably only one aspect of life with him that requires your full attention: if he is firmly on the path of life, he will not turn away from it.
  • Since the Metal Rabbit was born with the desire to find his other half, the bulk of the effort will be done by him. You should never forget about attention and a kind word.
  • The Metal Rabbit is a bottomless pit, and you can pour your love into it from now until the end of eternity without ever reaching the bottom.

Finance horoscope for Rabbit

What is the financial horoscope for the Rabbit for 2022? Order, budgeting, accounting in the financial sector will help you live a prosperous year. There will be no losses, as well as suddenly falling wealth, but there is a chance to earn more in the same position, get a promotion or find a profitable part-time job. The innate softness, delicacy and generosity of the Rabbit will help with this.

Despite the dislike of change and the inability to achieve goals long and persistently, the Rabbit will have to work hard throughout 2022. Everyday practicality, intuition and the ability to adapt to the situation will help you find the most favorable working conditions, negotiate with your superiors and strengthen your finances. It is common for a Rabbit (Cat) to land on four paws, says Veniamin Streltsov, author of the book “Find out your destiny. Horoscopes of the world." So it will withstand any challenges of the year.

It will be difficult to cope with financial tasks alone. Cooperate with your marriage and relationship partner, let everyone contribute. In return, give love, care and attention.

In 2022, Rabbits will experience financial stability. Do not make impulsive purchases on credit, then the risk of running aground is reduced to zero. The phrase “Life is affordable, but with taste” should become the main formula of happiness for the Rabbit in the coming year. Don’t give up the comforts of everyday life, but carousing and squandering in an attempt to look better in the eyes of others are unacceptable.

Move major financial transactions to the second half of the year. Anyone who is used to trusting people needs to be more careful. Innate sincerity can attract scammers and people who are accustomed to living at the expense of others. Double-check payment details, identification documents of people, save receipts and contracts for goods and services. Be vigilant and careful.

Save receipts and payment agreements: Pixabay

Good luck/bad luck for the Rabbit


  • Lucky number: 3, 4, 6 and numbers that contain them (for example, 34 and 46).
  • Lucky days: twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh and twenty-ninth of each Chinese lunar month.
  • Lucky colors: red, pink, purple, blue.
  • Lucky flowers: banana lily and jasmine.
  • Good direction: east, south and northwest
  • Lucky months: 1st, 4th, 8th and 10th Chinese lunar months.

Rabbit element Water

  • Although he is undoubtedly the most pleasant and friendly of all Rabbits, he is not always the easiest to understand.
  • The emotional nature of all Rabbits is very deep, but none can surpass in this characteristic the Water Rabbit, which is practically incomprehensible.
  • Therefore, it will sometimes be difficult for you to understand what you mean to him, it is difficult to find a common language with someone whom you cannot comprehend.
  • In practical everyday life, the Water Rabbit is kind and considerate, crazy about his family and wants to enjoy a calm and happy family life.
  • The Water Rabbit is a good worker and usually chooses a career that involves serving the community. Water Rabbits love animals, sometimes even more than people, and yet their humanitarian mindset is always evident.
  • In love, the Rabbit of the Water element will not yield the palm to anyone; he is gentle and attentive, active and varied.
  • It is generally believed that the Water Rabbit is at its best in the physical side of love due to its innate sensitivity, especially pronounced on a sexual level.
  • Consistency can be a challenge for him, especially if the Water Rabbit is unhappy in his life. In any case, this sign of the Chinese horoscope is more prone to cheating than others, but in the presence of an element such as Water, this tendency only intensifies.
  • However, love and understanding usually make him happy, and this is a sure sign of a long and successful union. The Water Rabbit needs to make sure that life doesn't become too boring or too difficult. It's too destructive to his character.

How to decorate your house for the New Year

It is advisable to decorate the house with live flowering plants, as they symbolize rebirth and growth. The best flowers to use are oxalis, azalea, peony, water lily or daffodil. They symbolize wealth and high position in career.

It is considered very lucky if the plant blooms on New Year's Eve. This means that the coming year will be full of prosperity. The absence of flowers, according to Chinese philosophy, can have a bad impact on productivity throughout the year - there will be few achievements, lucrative offers and effective actions.

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Horoscope by month

The Year of the Water Tiger will begin on February 1st. The first months of the year will be the most successful for Rabbits - at this time, most of them will feel a surge of vitality and energy, and new plans will appear for the next 12 months. Many will feel like they are ready to move mountains on the way to their goal. However, this approach to business will not continue and already in the middle of the year an all-consuming routine will set in, which will last until the end of 2022.

Monthly horoscope for 2022:

  1. There is a lot of strength and energy in January.
  2. In February, Rabbits will feel confident and inspired by new ideas. Large-scale plans will appear, the implementation of which will require a maximum amount of effort.
  3. In March, large cash receipts and success in hired work and business are likely.
  4. In April there will be a lull - the energy and enthusiasm will pass, and routine and gray everyday life will take their place.
  5. In May, a turning point will come - Rabbits will be immersed in solving mass problems, rush jobs will begin, and their emotional state will be unstable.
  6. In June, Rabbits will have to participate in (or visit) social movements and organizations more often than usual.
  7. In July, it will seem that everything in life has improved and you can finally exhale.
  8. In August, work problems will again fall on the Rabbits' heads, and quarrels will begin in the family.
  9. In September, many Rabbits will try to focus on finances and make money on new hobbies.
  10. In October, routine and gray everyday life will begin again: a lot of work, solving bureaucratic problems, paperwork.
  11. In November, Rabbits will work tirelessly with all their strength, which is why by the end of the month they will begin to experience emotional burnout.
  12. In December, Rabbits will want to relax, relax and go somewhere, but work and business responsibilities will not allow their dream to come true.
  13. In January 2023 (the month still falls under the rule of the Water Tiger) everything will be very quiet and calm - finally, the Rabbits will be able to truly exhale and forget about problems at least for a few weeks.

From the point of view of the Chinese horoscope, 2022 will not be the most pleasant and problem-free year for Rabbits: they will have to solve many small everyday problems, which will take a lot of nerves. The year will pass as a “three”: in general there will be no serious disasters or unpleasant incidents, but there will be practically no pleasant events either.

What do you expect from 2022? Are there any big plans for it? Have the advice of the starry sky come true before? Share your experience in the comments and send the link to your Rabbit friends. Save the article, and at the end of the year, check to what extent the forecast coincided with real events.

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