Is it possible to kiss cats? Scientific and folk explanation in favor of giving up this habit

Doctors, veterinarians, and animal husbandry and breeding experts are unanimous in their opinion that cats should not be kissed. But what is the reason for this ban? Basically, the argument is made that through kissing a pet (and especially a stray one) you can get an unpleasant disease. But even if the animal is 100% clean of any microbes, fungi and worms, you still shouldn’t touch it with your lips: cats are uncomfortable with such a human act of showing love and they can easily “go on the attack”, trying to protect themselves.

What do cats think when people kiss them?

How do cats kiss each other? Obviously, completely different from you and me. And animals put a completely different meaning into their “cat caresses.” If the cat wants to express his approval, he can do one of the following actions:

  • Blinks both eyes (this is a sign of cat consent).
  • It will rub its muzzle and the base of its tail (this is how a cat leaves pheromones on an object that it considers its own).
  • He will begin to lick, bite lightly, press with his paws, periodically releasing his claws (these are also all ways to leave his “marks”).

Well-mannered cats will tolerate kisses from their owners, but arrogant animals may bite or scratch

Human kisses are not considered affectionate in the eyes of cats. Just imagine how we look from the animal’s perspective: a large head rapidly reaching towards the cat, for some reason pressing its lips into its muzzle and making a hissing and smacking sound. An animal that lives for a long time surrounded by people will eventually understand that such an action does not threaten it (although it does cause discomfort). Most likely, the pet will tolerate such a manifestation of love, and especially cunning cats will even use it for their own purposes (if they understand that afterward they will receive the owner’s favor or a treat). But out of ignorance or because of its fearful and distrustful disposition, a cat can see human kisses as a threat, which means it can begin to defend itself.

During a fight, animals not only hiss and scream gutturally, but also smack their lips, which is very similar to the sound made by people when kissing - that’s why our “smacks” for cats are tantamount to an offensive curse

Cats, even among themselves, try not to overdo it with affection. Excessive attention overstrains animals. They can still tolerate a person’s advances for a couple of seconds, but from an excessive number of hugs and kisses they will try to run away - they will begin to hide, shy away from outstretched hands and even scratch and bite, showing that they do not want to be touched.

A light touch of a cat’s nose can be called a kind of kiss, since the animal does this only in relation to “its own”, but the meaning of this gesture is to check what the person smells like - whether he ate something tasty and whether he needs it mark with your pheramones

My cat has it written right on her face when I kiss her: “Okay, I understand, you need this, you can’t live without it, without these kisses. For now, I hang for a little without moving and with my eyes closed.” And she hangs, endures, waits for the end of my manifestations of love)) But she herself occasionally comes to kiss, most often this happens at 5 in the morning, when she has already slept and it would be nice to eat.


Video: cats don't like human kisses

Why you shouldn't kiss cats

There are no absolutely clean cats, even those that live only at home and don’t stick their noses outside. The fact is that they walk with their paws, sit and lie on the floor, where there may be dirt brought in by a person on shoes and clothes. Then the pets lick themselves with their tongues (including under the tail), which means their mouths and faces are a potential source of infections. In addition, cats can easily feast on flies that have flown into the house, look into the trash can or drink water from the toilet - the owners simply may not even know about such tricks of their pet.

Having learned what cats do when left unattended, many owners will immediately give up the habit of kissing their faces.

Table: what kind of infection can you get through kissing cats?

What can you get from kissing cats?Short descriptionHow a domestic cat could become a carrier of infection
MycosisDiseases caused by parasitic fungi (ringworm, sporotrichosis, candidiasis, Malassezia, etc.). Microorganisms can infect the skin, fur, or penetrate internal organs (including the brain).
  • Through insects (fleas, flies, etc.).
  • Through dirty food.
  • Through dirt brought by the owners with shoes or clothes.
  • Through other infected animals.
Bacterial infectionThe most common is infection with staphylococcus (after all, this bacterium is found on the skin and fur of 90% of animals). It can provoke many diseases, ranging from mild skin infections (impetigo, cellulitis, staphylococcal burn-like syndrome) to dangerous damage to internal organs (prostatitis, pneumonia, meningitis, osteomyelitis, sepsis, etc.).
  • Through mother's milk.
  • Through contact with infected animals (especially when using a common tray, bowl and bedding).
  • Through the dirt brought in by the owners from the street.
HelminthiasisInfection with worms. Microscopic eggs can be found in any part of the cat's body, including on the fur of the face. Most often, cat owners become infected with pinworms and roundworms when kissing their pets.
  • Through dirty food.
  • Through dirty water.
  • Through insects, fleas, ticks.
  • Upon contact with infected animals.
  • Through dirt brought by people from the street (the cat will pick it up on its paws, which it will then lick along with the worm eggs).

Why you can't kiss cats and kittens

Among superstitious people who believe in mysticism, there is a widespread view that cats should not be kissed for the reason that this drains a person’s vital energy, which cannot always be fully replenished. However, the seriousness of the situation does not lie at all in some subtle matters. If something unwanted passes to the owner when it comes into contact with fur or saliva on the cat’s face, then these are cat microorganisms, not all of which are harmless. The point is not that not all cats are highly clean, unlike most representatives of their kind. Wool itself is an excellent “nursery” for various kinds of microorganisms, which means that when kissing, contact with them is inevitable.

Cat fur contains microorganisms, not all of which are harmless.

Is it possible to kiss domestic cats?

There is only one conclusion: kisses and close hugs are undesirable for either the pet or the cat’s owners.

Another source of concern is fleas, which can bite and even carry some diseases. Yes, if the cat is an indoor cat and does not go outside, then it most likely does not have insects (although the animal’s “homebody” does not give a 100% guarantee). But in addition to fleas, dust mites live in animal fur, invisible to the eye and causing severe allergies in many people. This is the very notorious “cat allergy”, which, according to the latest scientific research, does not exist. Or rather, it exists, but the cat has nothing to do with it, it’s not the animal at all, but the dust mites. Therefore, those prone to allergies should refrain not only from kissing, but even from bringing animal fur close to their face - this applies to those who like to tinker and sleep with cats as if they were soft toys.

Life cycle of a cat flea

Another source of trouble is cat saliva. Even with absolute confidence that the pet has been treated for parasites. The saliva of mammals contains a certain set of proteins characteristic of each species. When you kiss on the face, some amount of saliva necessarily enters the person’s oral cavity. And here questions may arise: where did the inflammatory processes come from, since the cat doesn’t go for walks, its owners regularly take it to the veterinarian to get rid of parasites? The fact is that the human immune system clearly perceives a foreign protein as hostile and immediately tries to neutralize it. As a result, immunity decreases for some time, but the risk of infection with all sorts of unpleasant ailments increases, the most harmless of which are gingivitis and stomatitis. This is why you can’t even kiss your pet pussies on the faces.

It is also better to simply stroke the sides and back, without kissing - the fur contains microorganisms that are “native” to the cat, but are completely alien to people and the immune system begins to reject them.

Video - Reasons why you shouldn't kiss cats

Causes of a cold in a cat

Make sure your cat doesn't catch a cold from an open window.

ARVI in a cat can be caused not only by infection from other animals, but also by the following factors:

  • Hypothermia. Very often, wide open windows play a cruel joke on animals: they catch a cold and are sick for a long time. The same situation occurs in winter, when the owners leave and leave the pet in a low-heated room. Such conditions often cause pneumonia in cats, the aggravating factor of which is its gradual nature. Owners do not immediately understand the seriousness of this disease.
  • Poor quality food. Animals may suffer from a lack of vitamins; this often happens when the cat’s diet is monotonous.
  • Excessive humidity and cold. After bathing, the animal must thoroughly wipe its fur, otherwise it may catch a cold.
  • Other diseases. Hidden diseases, the symptoms of which are very difficult to identify, are especially dangerous. A significant part of the immune system may come from them; for this reason, even a common cold is not easy to cure.

How to protect your cat from colds?

Feed your pet only fresh and healthy foods.

What should the owner do to minimize the risk of catching a cold for the cat?

To do this you need:

  • Feed your pet only fresh and healthy foods. We must not forget that each breed has its own nuances in the diet that should be taken into account. You need to add special vitamins and minerals to your food to help boost your immune defense and fight the disease.
  • Provide your cat with protection from drafts and cold. Do not open several windows at once.
  • Protect pets from dampness and fungi. They can even bring significant problems to people, which are very difficult to get rid of, let alone a small cat. To protect him from this, you need to keep the toilet and bathroom clean by cleaning there as often as possible.
  • Observe the temperature in the apartment. In summer, the housing where the pet lives should be +18...+20°, and in winter not lower than 22°. Under these conditions the animal will feel great. If for some reason the temperature in the house is below the required norm, you can take the cat with you to bed. Then the pet will not catch a cold, and the owner will have an excellent opportunity to listen to his lullabies.
  • Provide a warm bed for the cat, which is best placed in the kitchen and preferably higher from the floor. You can put a small blanket, towel or other warm fabric in it. The main thing is that the “cat bed” is comfortable and warms the pet on cold nights.

If your cat is sick, you need to contact a veterinarian, but you should not self-medicate!

But it’s not worth risking your health!

To summarize, we can say with confidence that a cold cannot be transmitted from a person to a cat, since their viruses are different. But symptoms can be caused as a result of rash actions of the owner

Therefore, all precautions must be taken so as not to harm the animal.

What can you get infected by kissing cats?

So, it's clear that a kiss is not the best way to express your love for your furry pet. Among the “surprises” may await:

  1. Protozoa bacteria (they do not pose a danger to a person with a strong immune system).
  2. Staphylococcus (some types pose a threat to humans).
  3. Salmonella (very rarely cats act as carriers).
  4. Toxoplasmosis (the pathogen hides in the animal’s feces and, when released into the external environment, becomes passive and develops only under favorable conditions. The risk of getting sick is low if you wash your hands after cleaning trays, but it is better for pregnant women not to do this).
  5. Fungal infections, for example, ringworm (not dangerous to human life, but it will take a long and unpleasant time to fight).
  6. Helminths (tapeworms, nematodes, echinococci, roundworms).

The process of infecting a cat with worms

If a four-legged family member walks on the street, then this is even more dangerous - he catches birds and rodents, carriers of various kinds of viruses, including those dangerous to people.

Who should avoid cat kisses?

I have been scratched hundreds of times without any infections or complications. However, I have read stories of people who became very ill from a simple cat scratch.

This may seem like a step too far for some, but certain groups of people are at high risk when interacting with an animal. I'm talking about:

  • People with weak immune systems because they have difficulty fighting off infections
  • Very young children with undeveloped immune systems
  • Pregnant women due to the chances of contracting toxoplasmosis.

Do not misunderstand me. It's a great idea to raise children with pets because it strengthens their immune system. Researchers have also shown that the more often you expose your child to pets, the less likely it is that your child will develop allergies later in life.

However, very young children have weak immune systems that will not be able to fight off some of the bacteria that your cat may carry.

Beautiful gray cat on female hands on sofa

Toxoplasmosis is also not life-threatening for adults, but dangerous for the unborn child. This can lead to miscarriage or the birth of a baby with serious complications such as vision problems and developmental delays. So avoid cat litter as much as possible.

Do cats like to be kissed?

A logical question arises: how does the cat herself feel from hugs and kisses from her owner? Surprisingly, very few murks perceive this as affection and would like to receive it again and again. On the contrary, they see this as some kind of act of aggression and try in every possible way to avoid such a manifestation of feelings - they worry, hiss, and sometimes use their claws. It's simple - cats and people are not brothers and their ways of expressing emotions are completely different. If a cat responds to kisses with bites or scratches, this does not mean that it is aggressive or ill-mannered - it means that it has encountered an alien type of communication and does not understand how to behave. Or, on the contrary, she has already understood and clearly makes it clear to the person: “Stop it.”

Kisses imitate the flight of the head

Cats who enjoy kisses may view them as a type of head pat. As mentioned above, this is one of the ways cats show their affection. Because they rub their cheeks against each other to show affection and impart their scents on each other, kissing may be perceived by your cat as you doing the same thing as them.

If you rub your cheek against your cat's cheek and then kiss her on the head, she will likely respond favorably because the cat perceives this as "butting."

Of course, not all head bunting (or head butting) is gentle. Some types of head butting are aggressive and can hurt you or knock points off your face. If your cat is aggressive towards you, she will smell her scent on you to warn other cats to back off.

Cat Kiss: Are you really kissed by your cats and pussies?

Cat owners are well acquainted with such characteristics of their four-legged charges as head-butting on the owner’s arms and legs, rubbing, touching with their paws, and light biting. Many people regard this as actual kissing, so why don’t they kiss the pussy in return?

In fact, such a manifestation of emotions has nothing to do with kissing. If a cat rubs against furniture, objects, bags, clothes, or the owner’s hands, then in no case does it express its submission as some people think and does not kiss. She marks the territory in this way, saying: “This is all mine, and the person is also mine, I allow him to be on my territory.” When a cat rubs, it spreads its scent throughout its habitat and divides those present into friends and foes.

Cats often lick. But this does not mean that they are kissing: the owner probably found the pussy tasty, because the aroma from the food remained on his hand or cheek. The same thing happens if a pet smells a new, unfamiliar scent - for example, the owner bought himself a new perfume. They will definitely come and rub and “tag” you. A cat can also lick a person if he doesn’t seem clean enough to her. The roots of this behavior lie in the instinctive desire of the mother cat to protect her brood from danger and rid it of foreign odors.

What does the cat say?

Important! In the same way, the cat examines pieces of furniture, sniffing them and tasting them with its teeth. However, no one thinks that she is kissing, for example, the sofa. Meanwhile, she studies a person in the same way. This is nothing more than a cognitive process, testing the teeth, studying properties. It has nothing to do with a kiss. Sometimes, by biting, a cat is forced, on the contrary, to stop the flow of affection from the owner. If he doesn’t understand, the cat scratches, bites and hisses. Some attribute this to an aggressive character, although in fact it is not the cat who is the aggressor, but she sees the owner as such.

All this does not mean that cats cannot kiss. They know how and practice. But they do this not through tactile contact, but at a distance. They squint their eyes, look at the owner, purring, sometimes turning on their back and sticking out their belly, demonstrating a high degree of trust in the person. Therefore, if you really want to please a cat (not from a human point of view, but from the point of view of the cat and its preferences), then the best kiss is to look at it gently, then slowly look away.

How cats show their love

Do cats like to cuddle?

Some cats don't like to be hugged and cuddled, but there are also those who are ready to enjoy human affection for hours. These cats are easy to recognize: they constantly try to take a place on a person's arms or lap, and some try to lie on his neck or chest.

Some cats love to cuddle and play with children

My cat rubs against my hands every evening until I start cuddling her. When she gets her way, she begins to purr loudly and closes her eyes. She falls asleep only by burying her nose in my shoulder or burying her head in my hair.

But even if a cat really loves affection from a person, you should not always follow her lead.

The benefits of communicating with cats

Scientists have proven that the benefits of communicating with furry pets are undeniable: even the very presence of a cat has a beneficial effect on the owner’s psyche, especially tactile contact when he picks it up and strokes it. In addition to purely moral satisfaction, communication with a pet improves well-being due to:

  • activation of blood flow;
  • warming the body, which is especially important during inflammatory processes and radiculitis;
  • normalization of blood pressure and heart rate through activation of neurons from contact with cat fur.

In addition, it is noted:

  • faster and more productive socialization of children with Down syndrome - constant contact with a cat makes it easier to get into contact with society;
  • increasing stress resistance;
  • quick relaxation after a busy day for all people, this is especially important for those whose work involves stress;
  • getting rid of insomnia;
  • reduction of symptoms of “chronic fatigue syndrome”, rapid fatigue disappears.

Thus, the benefits of tactile communication with your pet are undeniable. However, it should be remembered that it is impossible to force a cat to sit with its owner and treat him. The cat will leave if at the moment he did not plan to sit with the owner and purr. There will be no benefit from this, even if you forcibly hold the animal on your knees. It is better to wait until the cat is ready to do this.

Positive and negative effects of cats on human health

In a word, you can and should kiss cats, but at a certain distance. This is optimal contact for both four-legged animals and humans. The cat will feel that the owner loves her and respects her personal space, and the person does not need to be afraid of contracting unpleasant microorganisms or infections.

Attention! A cat and a person belong to different species, which means they have different languages ​​and preferences, and you should not try to force animals to love you by forcibly hugging and kissing them.

You can watch a video on the dangers of kissing cats here:

Video - What happens if you kiss a cat

It's a rare cat owner who can resist kissing his pet at least once. These cute, soft, fluffy creatures evoke so many positive emotions that it is simply impossible to resist petting them.

Is close communication with furry pets really dangerous? Why can't you kiss cats and what consequences can this lead to? Detailed information can be read in this article.

Hidden threat

Even if the animal does not leave the apartment, undergoes routine deworming, is vaccinated and eats heat-treated food, the owner should think about the hygiene of cat caresses:

  1. Deceptive clean. At first glance, cats seem to be perhaps the cleanest animals on the planet, having inherited the instinct of wild ancestors, hunting from ambush and licking themselves to hide their scent. Murki spend more than half of their waking hours washing themselves, leisurely licking and sorting the fur with their teeth, cleaning their claws and paw pads. A rough tongue, like a brush, absorbs dead hair, skin particles, dirt and skin secretions. Cats are especially meticulous in washing their faces and intimate areas, thus collecting all bodily fluids, as well as external and internal parasites, with their tongue. The owner involuntarily tastes all this, accepting the tenderness of the furry pet.
  2. The mouth of a predator. Kissing cats is also not acceptable because the animal’s oral cavity is a container for millions of bacteria. Cats do not brush their teeth, so leftover food rots, causing rapid growth of microflora on the mucous membranes of the gums, cheeks and tongue. As a result, animals may experience tartar deposits, caries, stomatitis and gingivitis. Together with saliva, bacteria can migrate to a person if the owner allows the cat to lick his face, and especially his lips.
  3. Possibility of allergic manifestations. A pathological reaction of the immune system of some people, known as “cat allergy,” develops upon contact with a specific protein compound contained in skin secretions, dead epidermal cells, natural waste, and especially the saliva of the animal. When licking the cat's fur, saliva spreads throughout the cat's body, getting on the owner's skin not only when kissing the face, but also when stroking and grooming the pet.

You can suspect an allergy to cats if the owner is diagnosed with:

  • sneezing and clear nasal discharge without an increase in general body temperature (allergic rhinitis);
  • persistent dry cough (allergic bronchitis);
  • swelling and redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, watery eyes and itching (allergic conjunctivitis);
  • rash on the face and body (allergic dermatitis);
  • severe inflammation and itching at the site of a skin scratch or cat bite.

Also watch the video of what happens if you kiss cats:

The benefits of communicating with cats

Every cat owner knows how many positive emotions this cute animal can bring. Cats lift your spirits and can keep you company on long winter evenings. Owners of cats claim that animals help them normalize blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, relieve headaches and much more.

It has been proven that single people who have a cat as a companion live longer. They are happier, calmer and more confident. Children who have been in contact with cats since birth have much less allergic reactions. This is probably due to the fact that the body is forced from the very beginning to form protection against various bacteria and viruses.

The reasons are mystical

It is believed that cats are guides to the other world. The Egyptians believed that the animal could ward off evil spirits, and they worshiped cats as a deity. In Europe, for a long time, cats were considered assistants to witches, so they were often burned at the stake along with their mistresses.

One of the reasons why you shouldn't kiss cats on the face is the danger of becoming its slave. It is believed that the owner who kissed the cat will serve her until death. He will fulfill all her whims and stop noticing other household members.

According to another belief, a person who kisses a cat gives her all his vitality. The more often kisses fall on the pussy, the weaker and more painful its owner becomes.

Another superstition is that cats allegedly lose their sense of smell when kissed. This is another argument why cats should not be kissed. In practice, this situation has never been confirmed by any veterinarian. Most often, the pussy loses its sense of smell due to a common runny nose (this also happens in cats). Another reason may be the age of the animal.

Psychological reasons

Among the reasons why you should not kiss cats are several psychological factors. Pussies have become such a part of our lives that we can no longer imagine existing without them. But they were never able to learn human language. This means that all expressions of love must be expressed in their language.

Some animals are simply irritated by their owner's excessive kissing. They do not understand that we are expressing our affection for them in this way, and may perceive such actions as a threat or restriction of personal freedom. These animals do not like either the first or the second. Some of them begin to take revenge on their owners: shitting in shoes, tearing curtains, scratching wallpaper, digging up soil from flower pots, and so on. If your pet has never sinned with such behavior before, and then suddenly it “comes over” – think about it. It is quite possible that you have overdone the display of love and affection, and have recently been “squeezing” the animal too much.

It's better to show your love for your fluffy in other ways. You can treat the animal with a treat, scratch it behind the ear, stroke it, or play.

Rules for safe communication

Do cats understand when they are kissed? They are unfamiliar with human habits! Out of surprise, cats can scratch if you get close to their face. And this is what kids love to do! Adults should not prohibit children from communicating with animals. But elders are obliged to teach children the rules of behavior in order to protect themselves from the possibility of catching an infection. Teach your baby:

  • Do not approach cats that have just given birth to kittens; the mother cat behaves aggressively.
  • If your child wants to touch or stroke an animal, you should ask adults for permission.
  • Do not approach fighting cats, much less try to separate them.
  • Do not tease the animal, do not shout at it, swing your legs or stomp your feet.
  • Do not poke cats in the eyes, do not pull their tails or touch their faces.
  • If an animal behaves strangely, do not approach it!
  • Do not touch animals when they are sleeping or eating.
  • Do not touch the cat's bowl or litter box.

Clean up cat litter promptly (protect your hands with rubber gloves). Choose your food carefully - do not spoil your cat with raw meat! Buy her only proven food from pet stores. When returning home, wipe your shoes and the hallway to destroy any infection that may have accidentally entered. Carry out general cleaning regularly using disinfectants.

Follow these simple precautions, and then communicating with your furry pet will be a joy. And don't kiss purring happiness! Affection and love can be expressed in other ways!.

Health to you and your cat!

Doctors' concerns

Reasonable explanations for why you should not kiss cats on the nose, paws and other parts of the body are also put forward by doctors.

There are a huge number of diseases that a tailed friend can transmit to a person:

  • staphylococci, salmonella, bacteria, other microorganisms;
  • lichens, fungal infections;
  • bartonellosis;
  • toxoplasmosis and various types of fever.

Of course, if you see that the pet is clearly sick, then most likely common sense will prevail and you will refrain from kissing. But the problem is that many diseases simply cannot be determined without special tests. In addition, the animal may not be sick, but simply be a carrier of the infection.

It is especially important to handle animals carefully for people who have weakened immune systems:

If a healthy person can kiss a cat without visible consequences for his body, then how a reduced immune system will react to a possible “infection” is not clear.

Common diseases

Here are some of the most common diseases that can pass from cats to humans. Agree, this is a pretty good reason why you shouldn’t kiss cats.

  • Toxoplasmosis. This disease affects the liver, spleen, eyes, nervous system, heart and other organs. It is especially dangerous for girls “in an interesting position.” Toxoplasmosis can cause irreversible intrauterine damage to the fetus and affect its development.
  • "Scratchies." This disease is quite common, although it is not very common to talk about it. The scratched areas can become very inflamed. A rash may appear, an allergic reaction, intoxication, and inflammation of the lymph nodes may occur.
  • Worms. The disease is caused by parasites that live in the bodies of cats and humans. It's very easy to get infected. Don’t think that if your pet doesn’t go outside, then it’s “clean.” If a cat eats raw meat or fish, then it definitely has worms.
  • Rabies. A fairly well-known disease that can be fatal. It is transmitted by bites along with the saliva of a sick animal. Of course, domestic pussies rarely go wild, but it still happens.
  • Plague. This is a very dangerous disease. It is generally accepted that it is carried by rats, but cats can also be sources of infection. In humans, the plague causes severe fever, sepsis and attacks the lungs.
  • Felinosis. It manifests itself in humans in the form of a rash, pustular inflammation, fever and other unpleasant symptoms. It is transmitted mainly from cats through mucous membranes and saliva.
  • Lichen. A very unpleasant and common disease. Fungal infection causes hair loss, severe itching, sores and redness. It takes quite a long time to heal.

This is not a complete list of what your furry pet can “reward” you with.

Cats as carriers of dangerous diseases

There is a widespread belief among cat lovers that pets are very clean, healthy and, in principle, incapable of carrying dangerous pathogenic bacteria. Yes, cats are indeed one of the cleanest animals; they most often do not require bathing or human assistance, they cope perfectly well on their own. But this fact does not mean that furry pets cannot be sources of various diseases. Moreover, an absolutely healthy cat may well be a carrier of bacteria dangerous to humans.

So why are domestic cats a danger to human health?

The fact is that an ordinary pet can carry 100 different diseases that are dangerous to humans. The most common of them is a banal intestinal infection, which most often occurs in a mild form, but for people with weakened immune systems it can result in a more severe illness. If you kiss a cat that carries pathogenic bacteria, a person may be exposed to the following diseases:

  1. Plague is an extremely dangerous disease, most often caused by rodents, but cats can also carry the disease. In humans, plague affects the lungs and can cause sepsis and severe fever.
  2. Ringworm is a fungal disease that most often comes to humans from cats. Although the disease does not cause severe discomfort (compared to others), it causes severe itching, redness, sometimes small ulcers and, most unpleasantly, hair loss.
  3. Rabies is a disease known to everyone. Of course, the likelihood that it will be transmitted from a domestic cat to a person is extremely small, but such cases still happen. The disease is transmitted through animal bites; if treatment is not started in time, it will most likely end in death. Rabies affects the central nervous system (CNS) and is curable only immediately after an animal bite.
  4. Helminthiasis is a disease caused by parasitic organisms (worms, etc.). It is easily transmitted from a cat to a person, and a pet can easily become infected with it at home (for example, if it eats unprocessed, raw foods: meat, fish). Parasites can be of a wide variety of types, some of them affect the intestines (and this is the most harmless thing that can happen), others the liver, stomach, etc.
  5. Felinosis is a disease transmitted in most cases from cats. Transmitted through saliva or mucous membrane, it causes fever, rash, purulent inflammation and other unpleasant symptoms in humans.

Thus, even a healthy and vaccinated domestic cat poses a danger, which most often the owners who love their pet are not aware of. To reduce the risk of infection with dangerous pathogenic bacteria, it is necessary to vaccinate the animal on time and take preventive measures for the animal, but most often even such measures are not enough to completely eliminate the possibility of infection.

Precautionary measures

According to many avid cat lovers, all of the above reasons apply to street cats. Why can’t you kiss domestic cats, those that don’t go outside the apartment? The arguments are the same. Of course, for an absolutely domestic pet, the chance of contracting any disease is not that great, but it is there. We ourselves bring many fungi and bacteria home on our outdoor shoes and clothes. This means that everything said above remains relevant.

If not kissing a pet is beyond your strength, then try to at least minimize all risks:

  • give your pussy all the necessary vaccinations;
  • treat the fur with anti-flea drugs even if you are sure that there are no “guests”;
  • never feed your animal raw fish or meat;
  • Clean the cat litter box as often and diligently as possible;
  • Give yourself and your pet regular preventive maintenance against worms;
  • Get regular check-ups with your veterinarian.

Prevention measures

In order not to “catch” dangerous zooanthropotic diseases from your own cat, it is enough to follow simple preventive measures:

  • Your pet should be regularly dewormed, treated for external parasites, and vaccinated against all known viral infections, including rabies.
  • Closely monitor the health of the animal; at the first signs of illness or inappropriate behavior, immediately contact a veterinary clinic.
  • Never touch newborn kittens or the female if she is behaving aggressively. Keep children away from them.
  • Do not separate fighting cats; you should not approach them at all - at this moment a person can be seriously injured.
  • Never tease a cat, play with your bare hands, or throw your pet out of balance.
  • You should not touch animals when they sleep, eat, or wash themselves.
  • You should never kiss cats - neither domestic pets, nor, especially, strangers or street ones.

In addition, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene and clean and disinfect the cat's litter box every day, wash water and food bowls.

Wet cleaning of the house, if a pet lives in it, should also be carried out every day, and regular general cleaning - with the use of disinfectants and the use of a steam generator.

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