Tiger - Description, habitat, food, subspecies, enemies, photos and videos. Types of tigers. Where do tigers live and what do they eat?

The tiger is a species of predatory mammal from the cat family, belongs to the genus Panther, a subfamily of big cats. These are the largest representatives of wild cats, and the Amur and Bengal tigers are second in size only to the polar and brown bear. All tigers are characterized by a strong, elongated body with a more developed front part, a long tail, and the ability to retract their claws. They have acute vision, including night vision, and good hearing. Tigers of all subspecies have large fangs.


Tigers belong to the panther genus along with the lion, leopard and jaguar. The worldwide population numbers up to 6,500 individuals. It includes several subspecies of the tiger. In general, this is one of the largest predators living on land, but each subspecies has its own characteristics.

Cat family


Among the subspecies, mainland and island representatives are distinguished. Continental ones are larger and more massive. These include Bengal and Amur tigers. The body length of males is 2.3-2.5 m, sometimes the size reaches 2.9 m excluding the tail.

The height at the withers of an adult male is up to 1.15 m. Females of all subspecies are smaller in length and height.

Tiger growth


Features of the body structure are one of the main advantages of the tiger. It looks large and massive, but at the same time, elongated and flexible. In the shoulder region the animal is higher than in the sacrum. At the same time, the front part is more developed compared to the back.

The long tail is characterized by evenly distributed hair. The front paws have 5 toes, the hind paws have 4. The claws of tigers are strong and retractable, like those of all cats. Males leave tracks 15-16 cm long and 13-14 cm wide. The tracks of females are 1-2 centimeters shorter and narrower.

Tiger retractable claws

The head is round in shape with a massive skull. The forehead is convex, the facial part prominently protrudes, on which the cheekbones are widely located. The ears are small and rounded.

Tiger head close up

A tiger's whiskers, called vibrissae, are arranged in several rows. Most often they are white, dense, and about 16 cm long. Vibrissae, like those of other mammals, perform a tactile function.

The vision of predators is well developed, including the ability to see in the dark. Tigers also see certain colors. An adult has 30 teeth. The fangs can reach 8 cm in length. They are well developed, as they help the predator hunt. The tiger's tongue has special tubercles that facilitate hygiene and food processing.

Eyes of a tiger
Interesting fact : the eyes of tigers can be yellow or blue. This depends on the color of the species, since one gene is responsible for eye and coat color. For example, white tigers have blue eyes, Bengal tigers have yellow eyes.


The type of coat also depends on the subspecies of the tiger. Inhabitants of northern latitudes have tall, fluffy fur. The southern subspecies are distinguished by their short, sparse, but dense coat.

All tigers are striped, but their characteristics are determined by the subspecies. The fur of most animals is colored in shades of orange, rusty red, and brown. Light hair predominates on the belly, chest, inside of the paws, tail, neck and area around the eyes. The tip of the tail is always black.

Classic tiger color

Dark brown or black stripes are a characteristic feature of a tiger. They can be located at any distance from each other. In this case, the stripes have a certain shape - pointed at the end. As a rule, the stripes are less frequent in the upper part of the body, and denser in the lower part.

Otherwise, the stripes are unique to each individual. Experts often use this feature of animals to identify a particular individual. The original color is necessary for tigers to camouflage while hunting.

Interesting fact : tigers not only have striped fur, but also their skin itself. If you completely remove the hair, you can see an identical striped pattern. When the fur grows back, he will recover.

Tiger skin

Unusual color variations

In addition to the typical color, there are also more unusual options. Each of them is a specific mutation. These include white, golden tigers, as well as officially unconfirmed individuals with black and bluish-gray fur.

White tiger without stripes

White Bengal tigers are more common in captivity than in the wild. Approximately one in 10,000 tiger cubs may be born with this mutation. The white tiger has dark stripes and blue eyes.

White Bengal tigers

Golden tigers are considered rarer. About 30 of these individuals are kept in captivity. Scientists believe that such an unusual color appeared as a result of long-term reproduction of predators within one family group.

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Golden Tiger

Tiger: brief description

Tigers are the largest species in the big cat family. Depending on the variety, these beautiful and formidable predators reach a height of 1.5 to 2.5 m, and their weight ranges from 90 to 300 kg.

The tiger is one of the largest and most dangerous predators on earth

Huge tabby cats are unusually strong and powerful animals, but they are also very dexterous and agile, and this combination makes them one of the most dangerous predators on the planet. Tigers have excellent hearing and sense of smell, and night vision allows them to navigate perfectly in the dark, thanks to which they can hunt at any time of the day.

But the main distinguishing feature of these animals is, of course, their spectacular striped color. The color of the upper part of the body is fiery red or sandy yellow, and black or dark brown stripes descend along the back, sides and outer parts of the paws, which, intertwined, create bizarre patterns.

By the way, tigers not only have striped fur, but also skin, the striped pattern on which exactly repeats the pattern on the predator’s fur coat. Also, each tiger has its own unique pattern on its body, and there are simply no two identical cats in nature.

Each tiger has a unique, original pattern on its body
. Despite their size, tigers can run fast, reaching speeds of up to 40-50 km per hour. But they are not capable of covering long distances at this pace, so they will not pursue fast prey for a long time and switch to a more accessible prey.


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Question to the expert

Is it true that in China there is a death penalty for killing a tiger?

Yes, in China there really is a law according to which the culprit is sentenced to death for killing a tiger. Although, even such a severe punishment does not stop poachers, because in Chinese medicine the internal organs of tigers are highly valued, which they consider a panacea for infertility and impotence.

How long do tigers live?

Among tigers there are real long-livers - the average life expectancy depends on the subspecies. In general, there is a general pattern: in captivity, animals can live approximately 5 years longer.

Amur predators live about 15 years in the wild and 20 years in captivity. Bengal tigers have the same average age, but in artificially created conditions they can live up to 50 years.

In the wild, Chinese, Indochinese and Sumatran tigers live up to about 18 years of age. The record holder among these felines is considered to be the Malayan tigers, which in the wild live up to almost 50 years, and in an artificial environment - 5 years longer.

Long-lived Malayan subspecies

The lifespan of tigers depends on many factors. In captivity, it is important to create the most suitable living conditions.

Color variety of large tigers

The color of a tiger is considered unique, since its unique stripes are drawn by nature on the skin itself. The general population of these predators is orange with black stripes; There are white islands of fur on the chest, paws and muzzle, but each species has its own characteristics in color.

It should be noted that the largest tiger in the world is a white predator. For example, the white Amur tiger in the Far East is distinguished by powerful muscles and a characteristic layer of fat on the abdomen, which significantly adds to its weight. It is more hardy than its relatives living in warm climates. But it also has a worthy competitor - the white Bengal species.

Representatives of this genus reproduce well and live in captivity. If you cross a white male with an orange female, the likelihood of producing white kittens is low. But if a tiger and a tigress both have the white gene, then the offspring will have exactly this color. The tiger skull of this subspecies is powerful and very large; it is distinguished by its dimensions and considerable body weight. The average weight of this mammal is 300-350 kg. The skeleton of a tiger is quite impressive in size, its large bones provide it with these dimensions, and only some species of bear can compare with the animal.

It is a mistaken belief that this species is an albino: a big misconception, since its white coat has light brown stripes. Eye color is usually blue or gray.

When it comes to what tigers eat, experts say unequivocally that for this type of predator the main food is deer. But tigers also hunt other cattle, as well as wild pigs.

The lifespan of a white tiger is slightly shorter than that of an orange one, and it is quite difficult to meet them in captivity today. The average lifespan of these mammals is 10 years.

The offspring of different subspecies may produce a black tiger cub. In fact, this is a rather rare color variation of the brindle color, which still occurs in nature. Most often, such individuals are found among Bengal breeds. The black stripes on its skin are located so close to each other that the orange background is practically invisible, and due to this it seems that the tiger is completely black. Such a wild cat is called a melanist. The number of these individuals is very small, and there are only a few of them in captivity. This tiger feeds on the same things as its relatives: cattle, fish and wild boars. Hunting for this predator is his whole life.

How much does a tiger weigh?

Like its size, the weight of a tiger depends on its belonging to a particular subspecies. Amur males weigh 170-250 kg. Sometimes there are real giants - about 300 kg. Females weigh almost half as much - 100-167 kg.

Bengal tigers have some differences in weight even within their subspecies. For example, the average weight of males living in India is about 221 kg, and in Nepal - 235 kg. Only some individuals reach 300 kg or more. Females weigh on average 140 kg, but not more than 193.

Interesting fact : the absolute record holder among Bengal tigers and the entire species is a male weighing 388.7 kg.

Indochinese tigers are less massive. Males weigh 150-195 kg, females - 100-130 kg. As with other subspecies, there are also larger individuals.

Comparison of cat species

Malayan tigers are one of the smallest of all subspecies, along with Sumatran tigers. The weight of males is about 120 kg, and females - no more than 100. Scientists believe that these tigers are smaller than their relatives, as they are adapted to life in dense tropical forests.

The Chinese subspecies is also distinguished by its relatively small dimensions. Males weigh 127-177 kg, and females - from 100 kg to 118. It is noteworthy that these are probably the fastest tigers, as in a short distance they can accelerate to 56 km/h.

Bengal tiger breed

The habitat of tigers of this breed is India, Pakistan, Iran, Nepal and Myanmar. The habitat of these predators determines their secondary division into subspecies: Malayan, Indochinese, South Chinese and Sumatran. This predator is considered not only the largest among its representatives, but also the most numerous among other species: there are about 2.5 thousand units. Experts say that the place where tigers live plays a big role in the formation of muscles and, accordingly, overall dimensions. For example, it is generally accepted that the largest individuals live in Nepal: the largest tiger that was seen in this area weighed 320 kg, while the average weight of other individuals is about 100 kg less.

Experts talk about tigers as the fastest and merciless hunters; there have been cases when this wild cat entered into battle with lions and quite large bears, and often victory remained on its side. This predator is capable of sitting in ambush for a long time and waiting for its prey. It attacks with lightning speed, delivering decisive blows with powerful paws and claws, the length of which is 10 cm. The maximum speed of a tiger while pursuing its prey is 80 km/h; few animals have such speed, therefore, as a rule, the predator always catches up with its prey . But he cannot run for too long, as he gets tired quickly and that is why he tries to sneak up as close to his prey as possible.

What does it eat?

Tigers are predatory animals, but this does not prevent them from eating plant products (fruits, nuts, etc.) from time to time. The diet of a species depends on the conditions in which it lives.

In the wild, tigers actively hunt mainly ungulates. Amur - for deer, roe deer, wild boars; Bengal - on Indian sambars, nilgai; Sumatran - for tapirs, sambars. In other words, prey depends on habitat.

Sometimes the diet includes large herbivores (buffalo, elk, gaur), fish, reptiles and animals uncharacteristic of tigers: hares, pheasants, etc. Predators try to avoid larger animals, for example, elephants and rhinoceroses. Although there are known cases of successful hunting.

Tiger on the hunt

An adult predator needs about 60 ungulates per year to fully satisfy its food needs. At one time, an animal can eat no more than 40 kg of meat, but if the tiger has been starving for a long time, then all 50 kg. Having overtaken large prey, it, as a rule, feeds on it for several days.

Interesting fact : tigers can go without food for some time. Their body is provided with subcutaneous fatty tissue, through which energy and valuable substances are replenished. For example, in the Amur subspecies the thickness of the fiber layer is about 5 cm.

Range – where does the tiger live?

Tigers are Asian animals. The historical range was considered to be the territories of Iran, the eastern part of the Russian Federation, China, Afghanistan, India, and the countries of Southeast Asia. But various factors (mostly human activity, deliberate extermination of tigers, poaching) have significantly reduced the population and distribution of the species.

Tiger range

Full list of 16 countries where tigers are found:

  • India;
  • China;
  • Bangladesh;
  • Thailand;
  • Russia;
  • Malaysia;
  • Nepal;
  • Pakistan;
  • Laos;
  • Vietnam;
  • Butane;
  • Cambodia;
  • Iran;
  • Myanmar;
  • Indonesia;
  • DPRK (data not officially confirmed).

The largest tiger populations are in India and the Indochina Peninsula. In our country, a small number of the species has remained in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories.

Tigers do not have specific preferences in terms of natural conditions and landscapes. They can live in tropical forests, mangrove swamps, and bamboo thickets with high humidity. Animals can also often be found in arid zones: savannas, semi-deserts, taiga zones. Tigers also feel comfortable at an altitude of up to 3 km.

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Representatives of the cat family cannot be classified as nocturnal or diurnal animals - they can be active at any time of the day. But tigers still prefer to hunt in the morning, evening or night, and rest during the day.

Usually animals move in large steps, but they can also develop greater speed, especially in the process of chasing prey. Tigers love water and have proven themselves to be excellent swimmers, but they do not climb trees. A small exception is tiger cubs under 2 years old and weighing up to 60 kg.

Tiger in the water

For subspecies living in hot countries, swimming is a necessary activity that allows them to cool down. At the same time, predators are not afraid of low temperatures. They molt in spring and autumn.

Tigers rarely make any sounds except during the breeding season, during hunting, or in case of aggression. The animal has developed a habit of tracking down prey, moving along their tracks and trails.

It is extremely important for a tiger to mark its territory and protect it from strangers. Predators mark territories with an individual scent and this is the main method of communication between individuals.

Males occupy large territories - about 60-100 km2, and females occupy smaller territories - about 20 km2. Otherwise, the occupied area is determined by the habitat, the amount of food and the number of females (relative to males). Male tigers allow females (up to 4) into their territory, where each of them occupies its own area.

Animals move within their zone regularly along the same route, simultaneously marking the territory. They also provide several places for rest - a kind of den.

If another male violates the occupied territory, you can expect a serious fight, since this issue is extremely serious for tigers. Even walking through the designated area is unacceptable. Tigresses are not aggressive in this regard and often share their prey with other females.

Tiger fight

Felines do not hunt together. They single-handedly ambush prey in the winter or quietly sneak up on it (in the summer). When the distance between the predator and its target is reduced as much as possible, the tiger attacks sharply. He is able to jump 10 m in length and 5 m in height.

If the animal managed to escape, pursuit is possible, but not further than 150 m at high speed. The tiger can carry caught prey weighing up to 100 kg in its teeth. It will drag a larger animal along the ground.

Interesting fact : tigers do not know how to hunt from birth. In order for the predator to survive and provide itself with food, the mother tigress must teach her offspring hunting techniques.

Interesting facts about tigers

  • There are about 100 dark transverse stripes on the body and tail of an adult tiger. Their location is unique in each animal. The pattern of stripes is also noticeable on the skin of the animal. If all of a tiger's fur is shaved off, new fur will grow back so that the location and number of stripes are completely preserved.
  • The largest tiger in the world weighed 388 kg. The male with the record weight belonged to the Bengal tiger subspecies.
  • The tiger is one of the central characters of many myths and legends. However, the predator was described and depicted not only in the territories where it lived. So, for example, Japanese painters, who had never seen a living animal, when creating their engravings were often guided not only by the paintings of Chinese masters, but also by their imagination, giving the animal a truly fantastic look.
  • The maximum speed of a tiger is 65 km/h.
  • The predator has extraordinary strength: it is capable of throwing prey weighing about 100 kg on its back and running with it to its lair, as well as dragging the carcasses of killed animals whose weight exceeds its own several times.
  • One of the reasons for the extermination of tigers was the extraction of organs and tissues for their further use in alternative oriental medicine. Currently, hunting tigers is prohibited throughout their habitat, but illegal trafficking still persists.
  • Tigers don't climb trees. Only cubs under 2 years of age and weighing less than 50 kg can climb trunks.


Tigers are polygamous. Females become reproductively capable at the age of 3-4 years. Mating occurs in winter, but fertilization is possible only a few days a year.

Tigresses give birth every couple of years. Gestation lasts an average of 103 days. Females prefer to set up a den in closed, hard-to-reach places and not leave it for several years in a row.

Newborn tiger cubs

The birth of tiger cubs occurs in the spring. The brood most often consists of 2-4 individuals. One tiger cub or more than 4 do happen, but very rarely. Babies are born fully formed, but cannot take care of themselves.

Grown up tiger cub

The tigress fully provides them with everything they need for up to 18 months: she feeds them with milk, then takes them out of the den, and teaches them to hunt. Males do not participate in this process. Often, tiger cubs stay with their mother for up to 2-3 years or longer. Then they leave the habitat. The females remain nearby, while the males seek their own territory.

Tiger breeding

Tigers do not have a specific mating season. When the female is ready for fertilization, the male spends several days with her. After mating, he leaves his girlfriend and sets out in search of new partners, while the tigress looks for a secluded place for a den. Pregnancy lasts from 93 to 117 days. In a well-protected cave or in dense thickets of bushes, the female usually gives birth to 2-3 cubs, sometimes their number can reach up to 6. Helpless newborns, already dressed in striped coats in the manner of their parents, weigh about 1 kilogram. They open their eyes on the tenth day. The tigress raises her children alone, the male does not bear any paternal responsibilities and lives on his own.

The tigress is a very caring mother, she diligently licks her babies with her rough tongue, like that of all cats, jealously guards them and is ready to kill anyone who dares to be near her lair. Panthers, jackals, bears, pythons - all these animals pose a threat to little tiger cubs. She leaves the den only during the hunt.

For the first eight weeks of their lives, tiger cubs feed only on their mother's milk. Then the tigress begins to bring them small prey, so the babies gradually get used to their future daily food - meat. True, up to six months, and sometimes longer, the mother continues to feed the younger generation with milk. At two months, tiger cubs first emerge from their shelter into the world. They begin to master the wisdom of hunting at the age of 6 months, which takes about a year. Games with brothers and sisters, chasing and catching up prepare the animals for independent life. Young predators switch completely to their own bread only at the age of 1.5 years, but sometimes even up to the age of three they stay with their mother, and only when they have finally matured do they go in search of an individual plot. Tigers reach sexual maturity at 5-6 years of age.


The tiger is at the top of the food chain in its range, so it has few natural enemies. These include representatives of the canine family, other cats, brown, Himalayan and Malayan bears, and crocodiles. The main reason for hostility between predators is the fight for food. In addition, tigers sometimes deliberately hunt these animals.

Bears are the main enemies of tigers

Facts 1-5

1. Tigers' eyes have round pupils, unlike domestic cats, whose pupils are like slits. This is due to the fact that domestic cats are nocturnal, while tigers are crepuscular; they hunt mainly in the morning and evening hours.

2. Even though tiger vision is not very well adapted to seeing in the dark, tigers can see about six times better than humans.

3. Most tigers have yellow eyes, but white tigers also have blue eyes due to the fact that the blue eye gene is linked to the white fur gene. The gene responsible for strabismus is also linked to the gene for white fur, which is why many white tigers suffer from strabismus.

4. Tigers scratch trees and use their urine to mark their territory. Tiger urine smells very strongly of corn oil.

5. Tigers clearly determine the age, sex and reproductive abilities of other tigers, focusing on the subtleties of the smell of urine.

Subspecies of tigers

There are currently 6 subspecies of tiger:

  • Amur;
  • Bengal;
  • Indo-Chinese;
  • Chinese;
  • Malay;
  • Sumatran.

The Bali, Transcaucasian and Javan tigers are considered extinct.

Transcaucasian (Turanian tiger)

The Amur or Ussuri tiger is found primarily in Russia, but is also found in China and North Korea. Population – from 450 to 540 individuals. The largest subspecies, as well as a representative of felines in general. It is distinguished by fluffy, long, dense wool of a duller color compared to other subspecies and fewer stripes on the body.

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Amur tiger

The Bengal tiger is found in India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan, Myanmar and Bangladesh. Unpretentious to natural living conditions. Population – from 1300 to 2000 individuals. Often suffers from poaching. The most well-known mutation is white with or without dark stripes.

Bengal tiger

Interesting fact : the roar that the Bengal tiger makes is so loud that it can be heard at a distance of about 3 km.

The Indochinese subspecies is distributed in Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia (the largest population) and southern China. Another name is Corbet's tiger.

Indochinese tiger

Number - from 600 to 1200 individuals. Differs in smaller dimensions than previous subspecies and darker wool. It behaves secretly in the wild, so its lifestyle has been little studied.

Chinese or South Chinese is the rarest subspecies. It will probably no longer be found in the wild. Number - from 20 to 30 individuals. These are the fastest tigers, reaching speeds of more than 50 km/h over short distances. Previously they lived in the mountainous forested areas of China. The subspecies is in danger of extinction in the near future.

Chinese tiger

The Malayan subspecies is found only on the Malacca Peninsula, which is part of three countries at the same time: Malaysia, Thailand and Myanmar. Tigers are common in the southern Malaysian part of the peninsula. Population from 600 to 650 individuals. This is one of the smallest representatives of the species, which is similar in appearance to the Indochinese.

Interesting fact : the Malayan tiger is the national symbol of Malaysia, depicted on the country's coat of arms and various emblems.

Malayan tiger

The Sumatran tiger is found on the island of Sumatra (Indonesia). Population of 400 to 500 individuals. The smallest subspecies, particularly aggressive. It is capable of making even long runs in pursuit of prey thanks to its powerful paws and light weight.

Sumatran tiger

Types of tigers

Scientists believe that there were 9 species of tigers. There are currently about 6,500 individuals living on Earth. Three species have become extinct. Names of tigers living today:

  1. Bengal
  2. Malay
  3. Indochinese
  4. Amursky
  5. Sumatran
  6. Chinese

The largest species is Bengal. Lives in India, found in Nepal, Bangladesh.

Small in body length, up to 230 cm, tiger from the Malacca Peninsula.

The skin of Indochinese individuals is painted in dark, blurry colors. A tiger's weight is close to 200 kg.

The Amur tiger has many other names. This subspecies is large in size and has long red fur.

A tiger from the island of Sumatra weighs more than 100 kg.

The Chinese weighs almost 180 kg and is genetically diverse.

Extinct species include the Balinese, Transcaucasian, and Javan tigers:

  • The Balinese subspecies lived on the island of Bali. All individuals were exterminated by frequent hunting.
  • The Transcaucasian tiger lived in southern Russia. The last wild specimen was killed while hunting in the Ararat Valley.
  • The Javanese subspecies was distributed on the island of the same name. It was forced out of its natural habitat and disappeared.

Tiger menace

Tigers are included in the International Red Book - hunting them has been prohibited since 1947. Also, some subspecies are included in national and regional CCs, including the Amur tiger, which is included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Three subspecies are considered extinct, the rest are endangered. For example, there are only a few dozen South Chinese tigers left in the world.

Types of the Ussuri Nature Reserve (Primorsky Territory)

The main reason for the decline in animal populations is hunting and human economic activity. Currently, the problem of poaching is pressing.

However, in order to preserve the species, protected areas are created. In an artificial environment, specialists are working to renew the population - new offspring are released into nature within nature reserves.

Tigers and people

The relationship between people and tigers is not easy. There are quite a lot of people who want to save this species, people who are working to restore the tiger population. At the same time, predators pose a serious danger. This is especially true for some countries and certain territories.

Very rarely, tigers attack people specifically for the purpose of obtaining prey. In most cases, they confuse a person with an animal. Or the female rushes to protect her offspring.

Tiger in the Indian Sundarbans

It happens that tigers, weakened, wounded, expelled from their territory, also begin to attack people, as well as livestock, because they cannot get other food for themselves. It is known that in the Sundarbans Nature Reserve (India) there are frequent cases of tiger attacks, since the predators there are accustomed to people and are not afraid of them.

Origin of brindle color

Tabby cats have existed since ancient times. Since ancient times, it was believed that these animals attract good luck, so they enjoyed great success and respect. Tiger cats are natives of the New World and belong to the subfamily of small cats. They are characterized by large eyes, a large body and grayish or yellowish striped fur with black streaks. Experts distinguish 3 types of tiger cats:

  • southern tiger;
  • northern brindle;
  • leopard spotted.

All of them are considered wild and differ from each other in the length and color of their coat.

Who is stronger: a lion or a tiger?

There is no official scientific answer to this question, since in nature lions and tigers rarely engage in fights. Also, the clenching force of the jaws of predators is approximately the same. In terms of endurance, they also remain equal - they are able to cover long distances at high speed.

But some facts speak in favor of tigers. They are heavier than lions (the average weight of a lion is about 180 kg), therefore they are capable of delivering more powerful blows with their paws and the whole body. Felines hunt in the same way. But lifestyle plays a big role here.

Lion and tiger

If lions are used to living in a large flock, then tigers are loners, especially when it comes to hunting. Lions rely on each other, but the tiger relies only on its own strength, so it is better adapted to survival.

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