What to do if a cat is bitten by a wasp on the paw, neck or head?
The consequences of a wasp sting for kittens and allergy-prone pets can be sad - even
How to choose the right kitten
How to choose a kitten in a nursery or from a breeder: recommendations for future owners
A new family member is a big responsibility. Even before worries regarding maintenance and care, the future
Vitamin deficiency in cats: how to determine the lack of a specific substance and how to compensate
Vitamin deficiency is a disease caused by a lack of certain vitamins in an animal's diet. It may manifest itself
Why do cats itch and lick themselves? - Good to know!
11/13/2021 92 465 Diseases and treatment of cats Author: Olga When a cat itches or
Snow leopard on the hunt
Irbis - description, range, photos and videos of the snow leopard
Description The body length of an adult is 1000-1300 mm, the tail length is about 800-1000 mm and
How to help your cat quickly adapt to its new owner
9193Administration 1 How to accustom a cat to a new home is of interest to those owners who are getting an adult
Is it possible to give raw meat to a cat: rules for feeding kittens and neutered cats
A natural diet is preferable for cats than dry or wet ready-made food. But to this
how to keep cats away from your property
How to keep cats away from your property? How to discourage cats from pooping on your property?
As special studies among gardeners show, cats rank second among garden pests, second only to
What to do if your cat often walks in small circles: causes, diagnosis, treatment of frequent urination
Veronika Igorevna Sharipova veterinarian Petstory Almost every day owners go to veterinary clinics
Why are kittens and puppies born blind and deaf?
Excellent eyesight for a cat is a real weapon that helps in hunting. Many cats, especially indoor cats,
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