British black cat: description, characteristics, features and reviews

The appearance of this cat immediately attracts attention - the “fatal” color combined with unusual honey-amber eyes. At first glance, this cute animal with a funny round face and plush fur seems affectionate and calm. In fact, they are active, inquisitive and friendly.

Let's find out how the black fold cat differs from representatives of other breeds and whether there are any peculiarities in its maintenance.

History of the breed

The British Fold breed is one of the oldest. In the form in which we currently know, it was bred back in the 19th century, when a Persian was crossed with an English domestic cat. The roots of this breed go deep into antiquity, to the period of the reign of Emperor Claudius.

Together with the legionnaires, cats went to Britain on ships, which successfully went ashore and began to explore new places. It was these representatives, descendants of the Roman breed, who became the progenitors of the British Fold cat.

For a long time this breed was widely known in Europe, but was brought to Russia relatively recently. The black color of British cats appeared due to the fact that the British believe that it is this color of a pet that brings happiness and good luck to the home.

Features of color

Ancient cats had several color options. Felinologists associate this phenomenon with the natural need to camouflage during hunting. Later, when animals became domesticated and began to live next to humans, the number of color combinations increased due to interbreeding.

Eumelanin, a high-molecular pigment with a complex chemical formula and irregular structure, is responsible for the formation of the charcoal shade. As part of cat hair, it is represented by spherical granules that absorb the color spectrum as much as possible. They are evenly located along the entire length of the hair and color it from the root bulb to the very tip.

It is very difficult to get a beautiful black color in fold-eared cats. The color is traditionally “capricious” and often takes on extraneous shades. This is especially true for animals with thick undercoat. It becomes covered with reddish “rust” or piebald gray hair, which noticeably detracts from the spectacular appearance of the black coat.

Another problem in obtaining a pure black color in fold-eared cats is the presence of additional derivatives of the eumelanin pigment: brown and cinnamon (cinnamon). If the selection of partners for mating is incorrect, these shades affect the process of color formation.

In natural breeds, brown color is extremely rare, but Scots do not belong to the group of aboriginal cats and therefore have a very high risk of such a transformation.

But in its pure form, black eumelanin provides some benefits for a cat's appearance:

  • The wool gains mechanical strength - the pigment strengthens the hair.
  • Chemical treatment does not affect eumelanin; it is resistant to aggressive environmental influences and is not dissolved by organic compounds.

This is interesting! In England, black cats are not viewed with suspicion. They are believed to bring good luck to the home and even help women in love.

Genetics of black color

If, on the part of pigments, only one element (eumelanin) affects the color of black Scottish fold cats, then several components take part in genetic engineering.

  • The main dominant gene for black color is B. In various combinations of alleles, it can turn into bb (chocolate color) or b1b1 (cinnamon color).
  • The agouti gene in the dominant state A forms the pattern on the coat, and in the recessive state aa gives a solid color. For a black or black and white fold cat, this item usually takes the recessive form aa. Although the pattern is not visible on the main color, the white areas are characterized by a complete absence of pigment and also do not react to agouti. But for brown and cinnamon animals, gene A is very important.
  • Tabby (T) is a pattern on the coat; it can take the form of stripes, spots, and ripples. Totally depends on the agouti.
  • Gene D. In the dominant state, the color remains unchanged, and in the recessive state, dd lightens it by several tones. For example, in a Scottish fold black and white cat, the main color will be replaced by blue.
  • The genetic formula for the ideal solid black color in the Scots is expressed as follows -aaB-D- (no agouti/black/no bleaching).

    Additional genetic “components” take part in the formation of bicolors (a combination of the main color and white).

  • Option Ss – bicolor. Under normal conditions, the proportion of colors is approximately 30:70.
  • Sisi combination – white spots (buttons, medallions).
  • Van color – Sw. In this black and white version, the Scottish Fold cat is colored dark on the tail and in the ear area, while the rest of the coat remains light.

Eye color

The influence of coat color genes on eye color has not yet been established. Scientists believe that so-called polygenes complicate matters here. They give instructions simultaneously to several hereditary characteristics, both hidden and obvious. Eye color in cats falls precisely into this section.

The animal does not have any separate genetic instructions from the parental set of chromosomes, but from generation to generation it duplicates the same characteristics.

Black Scottish Fold cats traditionally have copper or honey-amber irises. Green color is also allowed in native breeds, but Scots do not belong to this group.

Important! The color of the nose and paw pads depends on the shade of the coat. For black Scottish Folds, they should be the main color.


The head of a British cat or cat should be wide and round, of the correct shape. The ears are set wide apart, medium in size, slightly drooping. The tips are rounded, and the outer part is densely covered with hair. The nose of these animals is small, short and wide. British cats are black in color and have large, round, golden eyes. On the muzzle they are placed quite far from the nose, which gives the head an even more impressive appearance.

The body of British cats and cats is strong, muscular, with well-developed wide bones. The legs are short and strong, the tail is thick, of medium length and tapers towards the end. Full maturation and final formation of the body occur at 4-5 years of age, despite the fact that kittens grow and get stronger very quickly. Their weight at this age reaches 6-8 kg in males, 1.5-2 kg less in females.


The British black cat should have an even coat color. No inclusions, transitions or shades are allowed. The undercoat should also match the color and not differ from the main color. There are about 30 color varieties in the breed.

The coat can be long, in which case it is thick and requires much more attention and care from the owners. Special shampoos and combing brushes are used. A black British Shorthair cat or an animal of any other color is also a pure breed.


For those who like to play, pet and cuddle their pet, the British breed is unlikely to be suitable. These cats are famous for their love to show off, but do not like to be touched. They quickly get used to a new environment and will be affectionate and playful with those who love and care for them. At the same time, if possible, they will hide from guests and new people and avoid contact in every possible way.

A British black cat will never be bored alone. They are self-sufficient and have a great time with themselves. Therefore, this particular breed is well suited for busy people and businessmen who spend a minimum of time at home.

Name for a British Fold cat

An important moment in the life of a kitten and its owner is the very first time in the house. We need to get used to each other, take a closer look at the new territory and remember everything. And the most important thing is to get a name. How to name a British kitten so that the name is simple and at the same time emphasizes the nobility of the breed. First of all, one’s own sympathies come here; the name should please the owner of the cat and be suitable for the most British fold cat or male cat. After all, you will need to communicate with this name every day, pronounce it, and at a minimum it should not evoke negative emotions.

For a boy, names such as Arnie, Blue are suitable - which will be very symbolic of the color of the coat. Blake or Becks, Barney or Martin. For tough-looking boys, appropriate names are suitable - Norton, Chester.

For girls, you can also go through a variety of names and choose the most suitable one. It could be Jasmine or Darlie, Molly or Patty, Flossie or Cherry, Yasmina or Chanel.


The British black cat is one of the most unpretentious breeds among this species. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the wool. Special brushes and trimmers are purchased to comb out the undercoat. The process is carried out weekly, if necessary 2-3 times in 7-10 days. Especially during the molting period.

Also, during the period of annual renewal of fur, cats actively lick themselves, and clumps of hairs collect in their stomach. To prevent intestinal obstruction from occurring, it is necessary to give special pastes, tablets or food that naturally dissolve hair in the pet’s body.

The sharp and long claws of a British cat can cause the most damage to furniture. To protect household utensils, it is necessary to install several “scratch guards” in the house. These can be special posts with a thick rope wound, which can be purchased at a pet store, or beautiful logs from felled trees. It is also necessary to regularly trim the claws and treat them with preventative agents, as this breed is susceptible to fungal diseases.


The British Fold cat (black or any other color) inherited good health and immunity from its ancestors. But there are several diseases that can occur in this breed. First of all, professional breeders and specialists recommend monitoring the heart condition of your pet.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy manifests itself in adults and cannot be treated, therefore, in order to prevent such a disease, it is necessary to regularly, at least once a year, perform an ultrasound of the heart. This procedure begins from an early age of the cat.

The British black cat is also susceptible to dental diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the oral cavity. If periodontal disease is not noticed in time, your pet may subsequently lose up to 30-35% of its teeth. Regular cleanings, stone removal and veterinary checks will help prevent this.

In order for the British to always feel good, it is necessary to properly care for them, select a special diet and regularly visit specialized clinics for examination. It is preferable that the cat be monitored throughout its life by one doctor who will be aware of all the ailments and characteristics of your pet.


British cats are not picky when it comes to nutrition and will eat almost anything that is offered to them. Therefore, it is necessary to create the right diet and feed your pet natural and high-quality food in order for him to be healthy, beautiful and active. Many people mistakenly believe that there is nothing better for cats than fish. Such a diet will not bring the necessary nutrients and vitamins to the animal’s body.

Pet stores offer a large number of types of food, both dry and wet. Some companies develop a special balanced diet intended only for this breed. Preference should be given to more expensive products; they contain more natural meat, fresh vegetables and nutrients.

If you are a supporter of natural products, you need to prepare daily portions yourself. Your cat should receive the necessary proteins from meat, natural fiber from vegetables and herbs, and you can sometimes add eggs and dairy products. From time to time, your pet needs to buy vitamins, which a veterinarian can recommend after an examination. Also, fresh water should always be freely available in the house.

Relationships with other household members

Representatives of this breed adapt well to new conditions. They do well in large families with children or other animals. They are extremely loyal to children and forgive them many pranks. Scottish Fold cats are not inclined to show aggression towards people.

If a pet has more Scottish admixture, its character will be more active and cunning. An inherent feature of such individuals is spontaneous activity. A cat can sit quietly and suddenly suddenly attack a moving object in the apartment. Also, lop-eared dogs will not suck up to the owner or purr at him. This is dictated by self-esteem.

How to choose the right kitten

Ash, black, black and white British cats or any other color stand out for their attractive appearance. To purchase a healthy kitten, you must first make sure of the good qualities of the parents. This is verified using a passport and pedigree. Experts recommend taking babies only from trusted nurseries.

First of all, in addition to the passport and pedigree, the kitten must have all the characteristics of the breed. Next, you need to pay attention to the baby’s activity and playfulness. If lethargy appears, then there is a possibility of infection or disease. The condition of the ears and eyes should also be normal.

Consequences of mating a Briton and a Fold

As a result of crossing, both the British and Scottish cats were losers:

  • The British began to have an elongated body, a smaller muzzle, and lost the beauty of their coat. Such mating gave the British absolutely nothing.
  • The Scots “earned” problems with the skeletal system. After all, the powerful bones acquired from the British did not combine well with the gene for lop ears. The ears were also damaged. The British-Scottish descendants did not have perfectly formed, small ears. When mated to Britons who do not have the lop ear gene, the kittens' ears are often loose and have a wider base. And over time, such ears can stand up.
  • Straight cats turned out to be completely different in type. Some were massive, squat, almost matching the British standard. The second ones are elongated, with long legs and a tail.
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