Thai star: a huge cat with a backpack on his back!

This cat is not just a cute purr, but an incredibly charming creature with fluffy fur and a huge muzzle. He certainly attracts attention when he appears among people, and he appears quite often because he does not like to be bored at home!

Let me introduce you to a big and restless “little boy” named Bon-Bon!

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Fluffy cat with a Bon-Bon backpack

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Cat, cat, kitty... no, rather, an incredibly healthy and fluffy cat, whose cuteness is off the charts in all respects. The celebrity of the cat world has conquered the Internet, forcing literally everyone to be moved by the numerous photographs of His Catness.

The pot-bellied Bon-Bon cat comes from a breed of Thai cats and Japanese bobtails. He took only the best from each line: fluffy, beautiful, strong, smart. The combination of genes produced a wonderful pet.

A Thai celebrity named Bone-Bone, thanks to her loving owner, has acquired solid plumpness. Just look at those cute cheeks and big round eyes! At first, some people mistook dilated pupils for fear or stress. But this is not so: the character of the well-fed handsome man is inquisitive and responsive to attention and affection.

A cheerful, big guy with a backpack travels in the arms of his mistress and does not refuse to pose in front of the camera lenses. The number of subscribers on Instagram has already reached more than 54 thousand people and continues to grow! Aren't you jealous? The most popular photo, where a massive body with a funny backpack sits in the arms of a thin girl, quickly spread across social networks. As it turns out, the curious cat wears the funny name Bon-Bon with the same charm as his designer backpack.

The photographs show the owner’s love for the cheeky cat with thick fur: she takes him as an accompanying person literally everywhere. He doesn’t mind walking next to her on a harness - after all, the secret of this walking Charisma is natural charm and awareness of his superiority in the cat world. He enjoys posing and is not afraid of cameras. A real model for Instagram!

Even while taking a bath, Bon-Bon remains radiant with charm and demonstrates a special fluffy grace.

He looks at passers-by trying to talk to him with curiosity and it seems that a satisfied smile spreads across his face - it is obvious that the attention flatters his person and does not frighten him at all.

Wherever the face of Bon-Bon the cat appears, there are always people who want to pay their respects and at the same time take a photo next to the Thai celebrity of the cat world.

Advantages and disadvantages

Most backpacks with a porthole are made of plastic. They are much more durable than lightweight mesh models, so they are more suitable for frequent, long trips. When you are in crowded places, you don’t have to be afraid that someone will fall on the bag and damage it, or worry that the animal will be uncomfortable in it. When using plastic backpacks, there is much less risk that the cat will tear the carrier. If the owner and his pet are attacked by dogs, they will not be able to harm the animal thanks to the durable body of the product.

When transporting a cat in a bag of this type, the owner’s hands remain free. This is convenient, especially if the pet owner has taken a lot of other things with him. Carrying a bag with a cat on your back is easier and less harmful than in your hands - the load is distributed evenly without curving the spine. Despite the fact that carrying backpacks with a porthole weigh more than other types of transport bags, they are more convenient to use.

The handles of the bags described are made of high quality and fit comfortably in the palm of your hand. The straps are soft and wide. The bottom is solid, does not wrinkle, does not bend. The back is made with a rigid layer to reduce the load on the spine.

Thanks to the soft upholstery, your pet is comfortable in the backpack. Using the clamps, you can adjust the width to which the backpack opens. An elastic band with a carabiner will not allow even the most active pet to escape.

An important advantage of backpacks is that the cat, being able to see through the porthole, will behave calmer. He will not have to sit in a dark and cramped space that instills fear. Since pet carriers are small in size, the owner can place them on his lap and observe the behavior of the pet.

The bag with a porthole has a hard bottom and a special lining. The factory version of the seal can be replaced with a self-made hard board. Disadvantages of backpacks with a porthole:

  1. High price. A carrier for dogs and cats with a porthole costs $40-50. Fabric models can be sold at a lower price.
  2. The cat may be shaking, causing it to become nervous. For this reason, the animal may get motion sickness.
  3. Not suitable for pets weighing more than 7 kg.
  4. In summer, the animal may overheat. Ventilation holes do not cool the bag well enough, so the temperature inside the carrier rises.
  5. There is no waterproofing insert.

With such a carrier it is convenient to ride a bicycle, motorcycle, or roller skates.

What is the secret of the popularity of the Bon-Bon cat from Thailand?

The most famous cat in Thailand is a fluffy goofball named Bone Bone. He happily travels with his owner, calmly accepting the desire of others to hold him in their arms, capturing this moment in a photo. The star of the cat tribe is already being invited to participate in promotions.

The popularity of Bon-Bon the cat can be assessed by the number of people who want to photograph him.

The growth of the cat’s popularity was influenced by the spread of a photograph on the Internet, which attracts with the unusual seriousness of the look of this fluffy cat.

The photo shows how big the cat is compared to the fragile owner

The young owner of the furry miracle lovingly takes care of her pet. The cat not only looks healthy and well-fed, he wears an exclusive yellow backpack. This accessory adds individuality and uniqueness to your pet's image. Everyone already knows: a cat with a backpack is Bon-Bon.

The backpack is part of the Bon-Bon cat's image, as well as an original way to attach a leash

But at the same time, the owner does not give up trying to introduce something new into the image of her pet. The network contains home photographs of Bon-Bon trying on different clothing options. Choosing a costume for this cat is not so difficult, since its dimensions are comparable to the size of a child.

Photo gallery: elements of the Bon-Bon cat's wardrobe

The cat endures posing in a hat with steadfastness. The tailcoat emphasizes the seriousness of Bon-Bon. In home clothes, the cat looks impressive. If it’s cold, you can wear something warmer.

Bon-Bon's visits to a wide variety of places are accompanied by a photo session. There are photos of him both in the amusement park and against the backdrop of the sights of Thailand.

Photo gallery: Bon-Bon cat's leisure time

It’s unlikely that a cat will agree to slide down a children’s slide, but he can pose. Usually cats don’t want to walk along the beach, but Bon-Bon is ready to follow his owner everywhere. Thailand is famous for its Buddhist temples, Bon-Bon doesn’t refuse to be photographed in front of one of them. Well, ordinary cats joy the cat likes

Thanks to its charismatic appearance and phlegmatic character, the furry purr's popularity is increasing. And although he is not yet one of the ten most popular pets, the number of his followers on Instagram has exceeded 54 thousand users. And this is no coincidence, because it is impossible to look at this living soft toy without emotion.

The cat agrees to be a soft toy for its owner

And when he sleeps, he looks even more touching.

Such a luxurious belly you want to scratch

The cat survived after an hour of washing in the machine.

“. In the American city of Maplewood, Minnesota, a cat survived an hour-long wash in a washing machine. Fox News reports this.

Stephanie Carroll-Kirchoff decided to do some laundry. She started the washing machine, not noticing that her one-year-old cat named Felix had jumped into the drum. “I must have turned away for a few minutes while I was putting things away. I didn’t see how he got in there,” says the owner.

An hour later, the woman opened the car door and found Felix inside. According to her daughter Asha Carroll McCullough, her mother cried hysterically and called for help. Just a couple of minutes later, Carroll-Kirchoff and his father went to the veterinary clinic. There the pet's condition was assessed as critical.

Veterinarians emphasized that Felix miraculously survived. To recover, he was placed in an oxygen chamber. Doctors estimate that the recovery process will take several weeks. Thanks to the procedures, the cat has already started eating.

Carroll McCullough noted that the oxygen chamber costs them about a thousand dollars a day (almost 63 thousand rubles). To cover all expenses, the family launched a fundraiser on the crowdfunding platform GoFundMe. “

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What breed is the Bon-Bon cat?

Bon-Bon is a mongrel cat. There is information on the Internet that his pedigree includes Thai cats and Japanese bobtails. This may be true, but there are no characteristic features of these particular breeds in this pet. For reference:

  • Thai cats are medium-sized (weight up to 8 kg), with a good build, thick hair, color point color of different shades;
  • Japanese Bobtails are graceful pets of medium weight with a short tail; They are usually smooth-haired, but can have long hair of various colors.

Bon-Bon the cat, of course, has a charming appearance. But the secret of its popularity is that the owner loves her pet very much and wants to share this feeling with the whole world.

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How to use it correctly

For owners whose cats have never traveled in carriers before, it is better to try to place the pet there in advance, without leaving everything until the last minute. You should start a few days before the scheduled date. If the animal resists, do not use force. It is better to place the bag in a visible place, try to lure the pet to it with a treat, or just calmly call. You can place the food around a cat carrier with a porthole or put it directly inside. After that, step back and observe from a distance. If the animal gets inside, do not lock it abruptly - it is better to praise it and wait until it gets used to it.

The fewer negative associations a cat has with the bag, the better it will tolerate transportation.

Another good way to lure your pet inside is to put the bedding there that he is used to lying on. To enhance the effect, it is better to place the carrier where the sun falls. Lying on its favorite bedding and warm, the cat will no longer perceive the backpack as something unusual, uncomfortable, and even more frightening.

The pet can only be in the backpack in a sitting position. It is likely that such transportation cannot continue for a long time: the animal will get tired and begin to get irritated. You can avoid panic if you put his favorite toy in his backpack. To prevent him from getting sick on the road, he should not be given food later than 3-4 hours before transportation.

In winter, you need to insulate the carrier so that the pet does not freeze (for example, with felt). At the same time, it is advisable to do everything so that the cat does not feel cramped inside.

Popular models

The most popular models are made by SpacePets, U-Pet and Cosmopet. It is their backpacks that occupy high ratings and receive good reviews. The manufacturer SpacePets produces various variations of backpacks with a porthole. Plastic models are covered with a film that protects from scratches and abrasions. The assortment includes many colors, including mother-of-pearl. Standard options cost about 3,300 rubles, have a regular design, and have fewer air holes than more expensive products.

Available to order options cost from 5,000 rubles and have an interesting design. In the SpacePets catalog you can find products with the image of the British flag, bathyscaphe backpacks with a futuristic and memorable appearance. The portholes of the latter are directed vertically upward, reminiscent of a device for immersion in water. The windows have several additional holes, and at the bottom of the backrests there is a large mesh surface. All this improves ventilation and makes it easier to transport the cat in hot weather.

The weight of SpacePets backpacks is approximately 1.5 kg. Judging by the reviews, they are quite roomy and spacious. The kit includes a bedding and an additional mesh that can be attached instead of a porthole. It will create additional ventilation, but the backpack will no longer look so original.

The number of air supply holes depends on the model. If in ordinary plastic ones there are from 3 to 6, then in leather ones there are at least 15.

One of the disadvantages of SpacePets backpacks is that the smell is not very pleasant. It wears off over time, but can be irritating at first. A more significant disadvantage is that the walls in plastic models are not hard enough, which is why they sometimes wrinkle and interfere with ventilation.

Backpacks sold under the CosmoPet brand are almost no different from SpacePets products. Manufacturers' websites are identical in terms of product range and design. The price of some is indicated in hryvnias, while others are in rubles. CosmoPet does not have cheaper, standard models than SpacePets. Prices vary between 2000-2400 hryvnia (4900-5800 rubles). The manufacturer does not have products available only on order. Otherwise, everything is the same: there are pearlescent, metallic plastic backpacks, leather shuttles, and nice bathyscaphes.

The manufacturer U-Pet uses polycarbonate and artificial leather to make carriers. The back of the backpacks is hard but breathable, and there is also a soft lining. The products weigh 1.8 kg. They have 9 holes each (this gives them a big advantage over their competitors in terms of ventilation): 3 are on the front of the bags, 6 on the sides. The porthole window can be replaced with a mesh or removed altogether. To prevent the cat from escaping, there is a carabiner inside the backpacks to which a collar is attached. There are modifications on wheels. On the official website, backpacks from U-pet are sold for $135.

Pet carriers with a porthole are not for everyone. If the budget is not very limited, and the pet will be transported in not very hot weather conditions, then this option will be excellent. To prevent the product from gathering dust without use, it can be left at home for permanent use by the animal as a house or bed.

U-Pet baby carrier


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